VOL;XXXVL F. A. BICDIAlHllD. Allltlh‘l‘ER, SonIoI'I‘omEIc, FENE } lou Falls. llllice, Ct)ll)0|'n0 street opposite Post-ofï¬ce. Wiloucy to loan on real estate at lowest current rates. #:2- owwowwmwmw _ ‘ v. I T. imp: I I: g 'l‘ \t MI.lu\l-Glli.l_.\,ll. 1 I TU]! OI :- For. Style and Qua Ity I Al'tlllS'l‘EltS, SOLIICITORS AND NOT- FEE; ' - . _ :3 arics. (liticesi over Dominion li:In<, ,if- 'l‘iuds'ty. Branchol'ï¬â€˜ce opt-nutBolnraygcou every Monday. Money to 102m at lowest. . t 7.117 I‘PV rates of interest. - . ‘7. R. J MclIAUGIIIumK. C A. ll.- Fcl.ro.\',B. A. ' J.\s. A. Post. M G. ll.†llOl’KlNS. K. 0. ‘ )AthlSl‘ER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY 1) Public, kc. Solicitor for thediunk of Montreal} Money to loan at terms to sun borrower. Olliccs, 6 William street south, Lindsay, 0111. ' STEWART Sr O’CONNOR, V AltltIS'l‘EltS, NO'I‘Altli‘la‘, &c. MONEY B to loan at lowest curteut rates. Terms to suit borrowers, Ullicc on corner oi hunt and York streets, Lindsay. ’l‘. S'ruwaur. L. V. O’Conxou, B A .________________________..__â€"â€"â€" nooun JACKSON, lAitltlS'l‘lCltS, SOIIIUl’l‘ORS, &c. 09‘â€" l) llt'€,\Vllllitill slreet,Liudsay. A. Jacusox 1“. 1). Mount). AUSTION It‘lGIIlX A NOR'l'lll‘lY, PUBLIC A UC'l‘lONEER. Farm and other sales conducted in ï¬rst- cluss order. Secure dates below adver- tising. Address, Fcnelon Falls. ______________.___,____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- STEPHEN OLIVER, LINDSAY - ONT. Live Stock and general Auctioneer 'Write for dates before advertising. ______________’â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€" THOMAS CASl‘lOl’IE, AUCTIONEER â€" I F ENELON FALLS. . Sales of all kinds conducted in a ï¬rst- clnss manner.- ‘Sccurc dates before ad- vertising. __________.’__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€".: MEDICAL. Bit. [1. ll. GliAl'lA M. â€"M. 01., c. .11., III It. 0 s. Eng, :11. C. P. a 3., Oar, r. 'r. M. s.â€" )llYSlOlAN, SURGEONdz ACCOUCl-l- l cur. Otiice. Francis Street, Fcuelou l'itllS. 1 on. A. WILSON, â€"â€"III;B., ill. 0. r. .t 5., Ontario,â€" )llYSlGilAN,I SURGEON, & ACCOUCU 1 our. Ollice, Golbbrne Street, b‘cnelon Falls. You will want it in a hurry when Sprin opens up. So will a hundredgother people. Get your order 111 NOW before the big rush. cause you pain or head- ache or if your glasses re- quire changing or you need new glasses, go to Ourstock of goods is the big- BR' as! - . gest ever’and has ul‘gsysbeen "Eyaga‘gm 3 8833mm big. Make your choice While it 101w: Neill's shoc is at its best‘tha’tg noxiv. Jun say â€" . Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges mod- crate. _____...â€"_â€"â€" _________.._ DENTAL. “If or. s. J. suns, DENTIST, Fenclon Ib‘alls. Graduate ~of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons. "1‘ trim 3.11m: $7.1M: Jamar :IalllllnrotillliIIzniillliutinillliur military? ‘ orue. street ______.________a;- DIIS. IIIELIIIIIS 11111111111, ' Drisrlsrs, - LINDSAY. é? 4;; Natural teeth preserved. Crowu and bridge ivork a specialty. Splendid fits In artiï¬cial teeth. Painless extrucnon. (alas administered to over 9,000 persons With a. great success. You may have. \Ve promise to fit you, and guarantee the shoes. It’s this way: Our summer stock of Es l .. 11 g ’ -~ LADIES SHOES is so large we can suit every- body. \Ve have the shoes that make the feet show up stylishly. High Shoes, Low Shoes, Dress Shoes or \Valk- ing Shoes, we have them all. “‘ 00880.! a $021 '17»: Jilin; 1 115111: 11311: 5%: 11311:,sz performed according to the latest improved I 1 methods at moderate prices. r: (,7 OFFICE :â€"Over Burgoyuc’s store, 001- I h, L VOICE cunuiiI: 110151â€"100. a LILLIAN 6. WILSON, A. T. c. M. at? lionor Graduate (piano and vocal) of a Toronto Conservatory of Music. Gold Medalist of Whitby Ladies’ College. Voice ‘ g? and piano pupils accepted. Apply at. studio, Dr. Wilson‘s residence, or telephone l No. 20. sl-Gm asp-m m. WW .5... -. ' ~ ~ “3.0-... AL“. . I dissimilar 3.1115131123111011: :uil'liur. Mir idfliir :Ifll‘llvr. with: with: 30hr. 91101130 ES Eggâ€"31.5%,“. raw. | -W'Jlmnï¬ awn: myprulmxriumr Inï¬dsz 3114,, #111: Jump: Irma lllfliilllt 1115351: 111531111 Jaw: Jump: :wur Jamar 2111png '. II LlltE mflnmfln flu 11mm†9 l i i 1:: gas“ : ,4 i Q i Successors to' J. J. Townley Fenelon Fa iis. .- >111,Mr 11' it“ 11011:, 311.30; :ï¬nmdllim ‘ '13“ “a†IW'JWW mm: 11-3591}: ,. 3 - 0 on : on : 0000000†charity and temporary work. BANK 0F l mama, FEHELON FALLS. HEAD OFFICE - MONTREAL_ ESTABLISHED 1817. INCORPORATED BY ACT or PARLIAMENT. 334.400.000.00. $11.ooo,ooo.oo. UNDIVlDED PROFITS $922,418.31 0 i Q Q Q assays OVER $165,000,000. SAVENES BANK E DEPABIMENT. g i l l i INTEREST ADDED FOUR TIMES A YEAR. Deposits taken of $1 and upward. 0 Deposits can be Q withdrawn, on demand. Q R. M. HAMILTON, )3 6 MANAGER. Q 0 fl0©00<>0 000000000000 Q The rhnésophï¬r the Panic. The philosophy of the present panic is this: Eightyâ€"ï¬ve per cent. of the articles necessary for the world to use are now made by labor-saving machâ€" inery. And almost everyday some ge- nius is inventing more, making the deâ€" mand for wage workers less and less ; while, on the other hand, the army ‘of wage workers grows larger and larger, making the gulf between Divesand Lazarus wider, deeper and darker ev- ery day. The capitalist owning the machine- _ .ry can takregiiftsienper. centâ€"of this ar- my of wage workers and produce all the necessary articles that can be sold. . in thc‘markets of the world, thus-leav- ing the eighty-ï¬ve per cent. to find work in some other way, or remain idle to starve or steal or ï¬ght. The country would have landed in this maelstrom long ago had not capi- talists found other ï¬elds to cultivate in exploiting labor. They constructâ€" ed thousands of miles of railroads, built thousands of manufacturing plants, sank thousands of coal shafts and built many gorgeous palaces, thus l giving employment to thousands of this army of wage workers. But now they do at need them. The railroads, , coal shafts and manufacturing plants' are ï¬nished. The)’ have their traps set, their trust mills running, and all] they have to do now is to sit back and see their mills grind out millions of. dividends. There is no place nor work where they can employ their wage workers at a profit now; and, so far as the capitalist is concerned, they can starve to death. They wage system has gone to seed-.' This is why this panic struck the coun- try; and it must inevitably grow worse ands worse. Some think that if the government were to issue more money this would cure it ; but it would not, because under this wage system men ca li’t work unless they are hired. If more money were issued, our blind ll policy would be to hand it over to the. | banks and let them loan it out for; usury ; and the idle millions could not .borrow a dollar to keep them from. starving to death; and the capitalist is not going to hire them, because he; can’t make a proï¬t out of them. There we are. There will be an ofâ€" fort made to bridge over this gulf by 1836 One of the Oldest and ogest ~ I [\L': a} $ 1 _00 starts an time without notice. Fenelon Falls Branch, THE BAK 0F Soup kitchens and donations ; and some cit-~ ies will inaugurate public improve- ments. These things will only miti-' gate the condition of things for a time. This idle army will grow right on. They constitute no small part of the market for manufactured goods; but, .. getting no wages, they can buy noth- ing, and manufacturing will be curâ€" tailed and more men thrown into this idle army. This Wage system is'burm ing the candle at both ends. There is danger ahead. \thn this idle army reaches ï¬ve or six or ten millions somebody will get hurt.“ The. outlook is dark. \thn these millions of idle men hear their children crying for bread and see their mothers starvâ€" ing to death they will go out foraging, and then the government, under the control of the capitalists who have robbed these men, will call out the ara my and militia and police, and with their gatling guns will begin to shoot down the foragers.- Then the cyclone will come. Some labor leader will call a strike that will stop every railroad. from ocean to ocean. The cities will be shut up in darkness,'the water sup‘ ply cut off, every telegraph destroyed, and chaos will reign. I do not say those tl'Iings will'occur; I ’only say there is great danger of it. If the people were wise enough to adopt So- cialism it would never come to that end. Oh, if the voters could only see what is for their good 1 They have it in their power to avert a storm which, I fear, will convulse this country as never beforeâ€"Appeal to Reason. _9.. Masters of the Bread. The Peoria (111.) Star prints in full the Memorial Day address delivered by Thomas J. ThOmpson, Pekin, Ill. The Star reports that the‘sermon cre‘ ated a profound impression. It is not to be wondered at, when :you read the following extract : “ Soldiers, Of? Werublie, comrades. in arms for the preservation" of the ' Union, you preserved that Union. You. hastened the liberation of four million chattel slavesby at least two or three decades. But a far more sub- tlc and degrading form ofuslavery re» mains. The American laboring men, their wives and children, white, as well as black, are wvage slaves. At this very time 3,000,000 unemployed men in this republic you fought to preserve are seeking in vain formastcrs that they may have bread. Nearly 2,000,- 000 children under the age of 15 years are toiling in the factories,mills, elm} s and mines of the United States, de- prived of all the rights and privileges: of normal childhood. Thousands of women are toiling in the sweat-shops for a miserable pittance scarcely suf» ï¬cicnt to keep their souls in their torâ€" tured bodies. The great mass of the people of the United States are propâ€" crtylcss. One percent. of the families hold more property than the remaining ninetyâ€"nine per cent. Only those who owned the land and machinery of the south could own the slaves of the south. In, like manner those who own the land and the machinery own the wage slaves of toâ€"day. They are the masters of the bread.†â€"D+O It is not a question of what the So- cialists are going to do, Mr. .lVorking: man ; it ’s a question of what you are ; going to do yourself. So long as you believe the grafter who tells you that you are a miserable worm of the dust, that long will you go on your belly, and be ground under thcl'lccls of those who dare to walk up right. Brace up, and be somebody by asserting your right to what is yours. I908 __.. A SAVl NGS. A'rCCOUN'T'. cultivates the saving habit. ’l‘hesaving habit is the sure road to independence, If notwwcalth. account in this Bank, and even smaller regular deposits, with 5 interest added every three months, soon count up? Money may be Withdrawn at any “I. A. Bishop, Manager. .1.“ f:- 2, I ‘