Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 1 Nov 1907, p. 8

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.‘c 5.21% Ft?” .) v- .‘/"\"\"- “w‘ .- . am... A.-\‘,’_ .‘2‘ a 4-.1. .~.'â€"<;~,‘j :' any: « a if.» .1) z) 5 District Notes. Port Perry duck hunters are having -’ good sport on Lake Scugog. _> Power development. of the celebrated lieaiazy Falls and Jx’apids was commenced on \'\ educsdziy of last Week. . i 1y.- 1h. r.,‘ .2; ‘-' Sixteen pounds of butter were manu- factured at 55hr arcr cheese factory re- " cently from ~5,001) pounds of whey. On and after November lst the iner- ~chants of Norwood will pay one cent incl-(ilper pound for butter in prints than ' u re .s. s; , i... 3,. near ' Campbellford citizens have voted $30,- ‘IlOO to develop a municipal electric pow- “cr plant. The poll stood 206 for, and 11 ~ against. Many», making their fall l’ctcrboro' Review: Traces of graphâ€" ite in .I-laliburton county are being inâ€" vestigated by Mr. Eugene hl‘cchc-ney, president of the United States Graphite (3.0., Saginaw, Mich. It is said the de- posits are rich along the line of the l. li. & O. railway. Mr. T. Crowley has ‘v a very large deposit of. first class graph- ite 0n the Monck road. - Post :, On Wednesday evening, at the Presbyterian parsonage in Keene, the “ wedding of Miss Nellie McNeviu, Otona- "bee, and Mr. J. Jackson, Fenelou Falls, was quietly seleinnized, Rev. D. D. Mc- Donald officiating. Mr. and'Mrs. Jack- 4 son will reside in Fenelon Falls. During the early hours of the morning ‘ Oi" Wednesday of last week, a daring bur- iglary was committed by unknown per- sonages in Market Clerk Mellmoyle's ollice on the Market Square, Peterboro’. In the morning, when the clerk appeared "on the scene, he found money, pencils, chalk and several other articles missing, i and the door and window open. A cou- “ple of dollars of change was all the bur- glar secured. Post : On the morning of the 23rd the ' Chcmong stage horses took fright just as the ferry upon which they- were about to cross to Ennismore left the Indian Village landing. The horses backed off the ferry, taking the stageâ€"411 which a number of passengers were seatedâ€" with them. Fortunately the water was not dangerously deep at that point, and all were saved from drowning. There were several narrow escapes. Supplies are being brought into the village of I‘lavclock almost every day for itlie C. P. R. grain route which passes ithrough Havelock. The; are being stored away ill the C. P. R. yard there until they will be needed, and consist of steel rails, fish plates, and telegraph wire. Large quantities have rccr-ntly been ébrouglit in, and, alfhougli not oliicially announced, it is believed that the work will be begun soon on the grain line. l’nsi‘: Mr. J. H. McClellan, suprrin~ tendeut of the 'l.‘rent Canal, aner. C. (iordeu, overseer of the canal, were in town ’l‘ucsday evening, arranging with Mr. R. J. Inlcfmughlin for commencing (he couniletion of the road over McLar- en's creek. it was arranged that the dredge should cunniunice operations on .londay next, and the work will be. :pushed with vigor. It. is exp'ectcd that «the dredge will be able to work until Christmas. LET YOUR cHEAPEST GENERAL. STORE IN THE‘. COUNTY. tittittii ititi tilillt is printed every Friday at the office, corner May and Francis Streets. SUBSCRIPTION : $1.00 A YEAR, IH'ADVANGB or one cent per week will be added, as long as it remains unpaid. for use. Pest: Judgment was given by Police Magistrate F. .1). Moore in the case of Wm. l3. Fee against the linker & Bryans to, Ltd., for damages for injury to a i.” nee belonging to Fee, to which the Baker & l-h-yaus Co. had snubbed two heavy cribs of logs in August last. The case has been regarded as important, as bearing on the question of the made Band opposite the park lots in the town- =s 2p of Ops. and on the question of the 5o .vnership of the bed of the River Scuâ€" gog, which Mr. Fee asserts is private Jproperty. Advertising Rates. Professional or business cards, 50 cents per line perannum. Casual advertisements, 8 cents per line for the. first insertion, and 2 cents per line for every subsequent inscr- tiou. Contracts by the year, half year or less, upon reasonable terms. prepared paint. longer, and looks better. particularly true of SHE}? WIN- WIL LIAMS PAINT JOB PRINTIEG executed neatly, corâ€" ctly and at moderate prides. E. D. HAND, The road case, between Lee Brothers 'and the township of Smncrvillo, which has been attracting considerable atten- , tion in liforland for some time past, was ' The fall is a splendid time to paint. Proprietor filSpOSCd of on the 15th inst. by a inunieâ€" ", § ' ipal board of arbitrators, composed of ' hicssrs. M. Greer, Jr., J. Hodgins and J. Ruuiney. ,'l'he case hung, chiefly, upon """' the true location of tlieroad allowance in front of con. A., at lots 2 and 3. hl r. Smith, O. L. 8., of Lindsay. who was pres- -~ent at the requist ol' the board, exam- ined fourteen or fiftez'n v.‘it-ncsscs as to the government: movements, ctc., which resulted in convincing the board that. Lee Bros. owned only a strip of swamp Band, 18 feet wide at the. narrowest place. between the bay and the can. line. The board awarded Lee llros. for :riiV-‘icient. of the land to give the enun- cil's road allowance access to the lake; the council to lay in addition the costs --1=f the arbitiatioii, amounting to $90.--~- .l’os! correyw;12dc;zcc, JOSEEH , A complete stock of Furni- designs always on hand. Prices the lowest. fifim- eham‘lbm‘s Dealer in and manufacturer of all kinds ' ~ 'menls L. Emma. MtLEiltiiilltl‘l“:1? . Furniture and Undertaking. quote the closest Prices- . “'""' “ ‘ I have lately installed a pneumatic pol- Piflm'c framing a Spawn)" ’ ishing machine, and a pneumatic plant for Lettering and Tracing. We are able to do better and deeper work than heretofore. Call and. gel designs and prices. WORKS.â€"In the rear of the Murkethon Cambridge street, opposite the Packing . . . ,4 l. 33”?" ' House. 1”; «egg . efl‘ $5339 a. enumesns, mufid' fl 6!"? ‘3 ..m-. n - " gm 3w Piopiietor. [Q r“ N D. e . ' ' . . no 11%!“ . on t wait until youi nag «:71 go, A”; gun breaks down completely. _ _+,_ ‘| - A r I V A ' ‘1 " .‘ â€" . I n ' m soon as a weak spot is not $23,133,323 Lgafifigg 50 YEAR-,2; “u” i ‘ ‘3 x J. x ' ‘ . I Y "a . ‘-¢.:I’$ .. ‘ K IIâ€" I lt(,(],(.01.l(.. loin) shop and have $536, 3 gm. 23,3" g/E. PER-e. H it fixed or a new piece made. All work gua ‘aiitecd fii‘stwciass. Finesse Spectra-tits, Eyfigugfi‘ss TRADE MAI-ins , . . . i, L , g: , a'r .- a”, BE’IGHS done on my new, np-tOâ€"uaie .13" 5.5? EEO, c.553- EBestBs . l Gamma... ac. ‘ - l ‘ v - x ' ' . . . all g k t hind description may a plane ‘ and niiiteliei cannot fail ma,” M, q.fi&fign,$si$.l.ltl. 3.15. hind). free whetlicrhi: \"‘.' 3 his: ~39 invention is prohablypaicntable. C(Hlll’lllllllf'fl' timis strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent. free. Oldest. agency for securipu patents. Patents taken thromzh Munn .‘a C0. receive special notice, without. churne, in the fictitious urticaria. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest ctr. culatlon of any Scientific journal. Terms, $3 a your: four months, $1. Sold byall newsueulers. tutti-iii 8. Cassiaroadwa» tieiiiglgrll Branch omce. 6% F St“ Washington, . to give Satisfaction. in ., TY? - , , .. . f. 0. Ga ' liming. Eater’s hi'tig Stare, C1 LIEORNE ST. OPPOSITE HEARD'S ' FENELON Fame. FENELON » Farts. â€"~â€"â€"Z‘.’i? your. ear "sou. men of this community are selections from our stock, which is the newest and most upâ€"toâ€"date line of clothing which you will find to choose from. They pay us from $7.00 to $15.00 for them, and save from $3.00 to $5.00 on their 1 purchase. If this savingjgis considered worth Wlille , by them, how about you who are notsavmg this . on your fall and Winter outfit? .If you don’t be- lieve we can give you the style, pattern, color and fit you want at these prices, come in and we’ll ’ conviiice‘you with your own eyes. What Make of Shoe do You Wear? NEXT PAIR BE . m 9- SLAE ER 3 There’s a reasonâ€"Perfect satisfaction. \Ve are ‘ sole agents for Fenelon Falls. TERRlLL. BROE. FENELON FALLS. \ T;jTRUT IN A NUT SHELL When you paint your building there are two kinds of paint to select from: Istâ€"Good prepared paint ready 2ndâ€"Lead and oil mixed by hand. You should always choose the good It costs less, wears We can tell you why this is Come in and let us give you more thananutshell of truth i--‘»@§i7..h->‘>v * n , j‘ a h. f. C£sREFI3LLY .» 4w:- suit and orcrcoat l i - , .- r- r73“??? "5%?" :.' tamer-.249 ,x ' “A phage/,4 .....;...J «A ’ -â€"- K; n. “‘4?” “:54. u. \'f-30"_:V'é""lw~ - A» . ELCN L‘A‘hhfiuga of the best and Lining? initiation. Watches.) Glade, Jewelry. I have everything in these lines that should be in a well- ordered jewelry store. Don’t buy until you see them. Repairing done, as usual, in first-class style. JOHN SLATER, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES NFXT DOOR TO ros’râ€"oriuon. FEEELGEZ WALLS. .._.__._. hulfSES nail Leis Fur. cur. $1,500 will buy one double and one single house on Francis strcet. 700 will buy a10-roomhousc,withgood cellar Wcll, woodshcd, stable, drive house and li n house, on Murry slrcct. $300 will buy 5-1’00111 house and wood- shcd on Murry street, Apply to 'l‘IlOS. GRAHAM, Fcnelon Falls, or to McLAUGHLIN & PEEL, LindSay, A“? CANADIANORDiauorone" isows, ' 1 month in Orange hall. always welcome. ' . \. juâ€" Trcnl Valley Lodge No. 7‘...’ 1 .lli-et in their lodge room in the Cunningham block on the first and third‘Mondays in each month. A E 9 Home, N G. J' T. 'l‘iioiirsox JR, Sec. 1 O L.No 996. MEET IN THE ORANGE I. hall on Francis street west. on the second Tuesday in t vcry month. If S'rnoxu, W. M; H. Nansen, lee-Sec. INDEPENDENT ORDER of FORI‘ISTERS. Court Phoenfx No. 182. Meet on the last Monday of each moulh. D GOULD, C. R. ’1‘. AUSTIN, Scc. iANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTERS ' Feuelon Falls Lodge No 626. Mccis in the Oddl'cllows’ hall, Colbornc street on the first Thursday in each month. C. KELLY, C. R. p H LlTTLETON, Rec Sec. EMPIRE LOYAL TRUE b‘LUE LODGE ..J No.198. Mccls first Friday of each Visiting brct-hrcn W. B. Bannock, W. M. R. C. JUNKIN, R. S.‘ F. AND A. ilI., G. R. C. THE SPRY f . Lodge No. 406. Meets on the first Wednesday in each month on or before the full of‘lhe moon, in the lodge room in Mc- Arthur‘s block. 0. W. humerus, W. M. E FITZGERALD, Sec. .ANADIAN ORDER CHOSEN FliIEi'DS Fcuclon Falls Council No. 189A. Meets in Orange hall on second Monday or each month. Jenn ALDO'GS, C. C. R. J. MOORE, Recorder. RDER CANADlAN [lOME CIRCLES Fcuclon Falls Circle No. 127. Meets on the first Wednesday of each month. Mus. M. M. Gounn, Leader. Mus. I V. JEWELL, Sec. CHURCIIES. APTIST CHURCHâ€"COLBORNE ST. Rev. Albert cook, Minister. Preaching sci-vices cvcrySuuday at 10 3!) a. m. and 7 p. in. Bible Class and Sunday School at 2.30 p. m. Praise and prayer service 0'] Thursday at 8 p m. VSFETIIODIST Clâ€"lURClI-â€"-â€"-COLBORNE i Streetâ€"Rev W. J M. Crngg, Pastor. Sunday SCI‘VICC at 10.30 a m and 7 p. m. Sabbath School at. 2. 30 p. m. Epworth League of Christian Endeavor on Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock. Prayer meeting on Tuesday at 7.30. lT. ANDREW’S CUURClIâ€"COLBORNE Streetâ€"Rev. R C. II Sinclair, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10 3'.) a. in and 7 p m. Sunday School every Sunday at. ‘2. 30 p. m. Clirisiian Endeavor meeting every Tuesday at 8 p in. Prayer meeting every Thursday at 7 31; p m. ALVATION ARMYâ€"BARRACK-S ON Bond St. Westâ€"Licutcnants' Ruther- ford and Boynion. Service cvcry Wedncs‘ day, Thursday and Saturday evenings at. 8 o’clock, and on Sunday at 11 a m, 3 p. in and 7.30 p in. ST. ALOYSIUS R. C CHURCHâ€"LOUISA Streetâ€"Rev. Father O’Lcary, l‘astor. Services every alternate Sunday at; 10 30 a. in. Sunday School cvcxy Sunday after noon at 2 o’clock. (‘t'l‘ JAMES’ CHURCH, BOND ST. EAST. b Rev. W. H. A. French, Rx ctor. Sun- day services: inalias 10 30 a. in ; cvcnsong 7 p. in. Celebration of Holy Communion first Sunday of' every month at 10.30 a. in. Sunday School at 2.3a p. in. Bible Class every Thursday evening at 7.30. W Souls/rec in all churches. Everybody invited to allcml. Strangers cordially welcomed. MISCELLANEOUS. UBLIC LIBRARY-AIRS M. E. CALDER Librarian. Reading Room open daiiy, Sunday excepted, from 10 o’clock a in till 10 o’clock p. in Books exchanged on ’l‘uvs- days, Thursdays and Saturdays from 2p. ' in. to 4 p, and in the evening from 7 to 9. OST-UFF‘ICEâ€"F. J. KERR, POSTMAS- tcr. Open daily, Sundays excepted, from 7 30 a in. to 7 p. in. Mail going south closes at 7 p. m. Lclters for rcgislrotion must be posted lialfan hour previous to the , time for closing the mails. N EW’ SPAPER LAW. 1. A post-master is required to give no- tice by letter (returning the paper does not answer the law), when a subscriber does not. take his paper out, of the office, and state the reasons for its not being taken. Any neglect to do so makes the postmaster responsible to the publisher for payment. 2. If any person orders his paper discon- tinued he must pay all arrearges, or the publisher may continue to send it until payment is naadr. and collect the whole amount whether the paper is taken from the oflice or not. There can be no legal discontinuance until the payment is made. 3. Any person who takes a paper from the post-oliicc, whether directed to his name or another, or whether he has sub- scribed or not, is responsible for the pay. 4. If a subscriber(ii-191's his paper to he Stopped at a. certain time and the publisher continues to send it, the subscriber is bound to pay for if'hc takes it from the post-office. This proceeds upon the giound that a man must pay for what he uses 5. The courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers and periodicals from the post-office, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is primu/ucia evidwb of intentional fraud. ' . . m-v'fl4

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