Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 1 Nov 1907, p. 7

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-. t i i H..- 4......”‘m P - H . . t ~. I ,nfother: I never catch anything when r a}? _ u ' a m.’ DISCOVERY IN \‘t‘IIEAT. iGrain Surpassing that of Manitoba rElrown by Cambridge Scientists. A discovery that may ultimately revo- 51uiicnize farming is announced by a group of Cambridge (England) scientists. iV’ery careful experiments have been made during the last. eight years in test- ing and crossing the qualities both of plants and animals. The immediate re.- sult. of the Cambridge experiments has been to create varieties of wheat and barley which will surpass the quality even of Manitoba hard grain by 10 per cent. or more. Professor Middleton, Professor Wood. antic-Mr. 'R. [-1. Biffcn during the last eigfrit years have been conducting the experiments at the Cambridge Univer~ sity experimental farm at lmpington. All the known varieties of wheat throughout the world were collected to- gether and grown on a small scale. As was only to be expected, the majority absolutely refused to be acclimatized, but a few showed a disposition to be kinder. Eventually a few hopeful varieties were selected for such characteristics as reâ€" sistance to the attacks of rust, good cropping capacity, fine milling quality, slit-f straw, and such like, and were crossed with British wheats with the idea of combining all these good qualities in one variety. By the careful applica- tion of the recently discovered Mendelian laws a number of new varieties have been produced and have been “fixed.” Pasing through various trials, they were eventually submitted to the tests of mill- ing and baking, with the most satisfac- tory results. ' The department is meeting with simi- lan success in an attempt to breed wheats which shall be resistant to the attacks of the deadly yellow rust, and harleys which shall be a great improve- ilrneicilt on those at present grown in Eng- an . - _,3-. Anna: T0 VICTIMS TELLS READERS IIOVV TO CURE RIIEUMATISM AT HOME. :Dircctions to Mix a Simple, Harmless Preparation and the Dose to Take â€" Overcomes Kidney Trouble. There is so much Rheumatism everywhere that the following ad- ,vice by an eminent authority, who writes for readers of a large East- ern daily paper, will be highly appreci- ated by those who suffer: Get from any good ‘pharmacy one- half ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kargon, three ounces of Compound Syrup Sarsapa- rilla. Shake these well in a bottle and take in teaspooniul doses after each meal and at bedtime; also drink (plenty -.f good water. lt is claimed that there are few vic~ Etims of this dread and torturous dis- ease who will fail to find rcadyyreliei in this simple home-made mixture, and in most cases a permanent cure is the result. This singde recipe is said to strength- =en and cleanse the eliminative tissues or the Kidneys so that they can filter iand st‘ain from the blood and system ithe poisons, acids and waste matter, ,which cause not only Rheumatism, but inumerous other diseases. Every man .‘Ol‘ woman here who feels that their kid- pieys are not healthy and active. or who isuffers from any urinary trouble what- Iever, should not hesitate to make up 1,this mixture, as it is certain to do fmuch good. and may save you from much misery and suffering after while. {:4â€" l At Greenock, on the 10th. ult.. David Smith got 12 months for breaking into the Free Church nianse, Kilmartin, with intent to steal. "FIGRROVIM” IS A GENTLE STIMULAN’I‘ to the stomach, thereby aiding digestion. As a tonic for patients recovering from fevers and all diseases lowering the vitality, it is without. a. rival. At all drug and gen- eral store: Mrs. Joinison (to her son): “Tommy, you mustn’t. go fishing with Peter West; h.- is just. getting over the measles." .’l‘onnny: “There won’t. be any danger, 2: I’m fishing. I~Iolloway's Corn Cure destroys all kinds of corns and warts, root and ,branch. Who. then \Vonld endure them with such a cheap and effectual I’Clllndy within reach? W TIIE BRIGHT SIDE. “Yes,” said Billings, “Mrs. Joyce is n1- ways sunny and looking on the bright ,side of things and all that, but. still, there’s such a. thing as overdoing that, “bright side’ business. The other night. 'I was 11p there, and Joyceâ€"you know how absent-minded he is '.-’â€"put the dighted end of his cigar in his mouth. :l-tc jumped three feet, and was. a little inoisy for a minute. Right in the midst of it all Mrs. Joyce smiled blandly, and said: “‘l-low fortunate you were, dear, to discover if. at once 1’" EUROPEAN OS'I‘RICII FARM. Some interesting facts have been pub- lished concerning the success of the ex- perimental ostrich farm started two years ago near Nice. There were ori- ginally thirty-two birdsâ€"turnty-five from (‘Ialifornia and seven from Abys- sinia. Their progeny. up to the prosenf, numbers fill. The cost of maintenance is said to average Sit per bird per an- num, while the average value. of a set. of plumes. is given as $200. and the average lii,‘ o'. m ave-.ich is estimated at. eighty )‘f’flt'i. t “FREE INFORMATION.” This is what one of the most promin- ent. physicians of to-day says: That one ounce of sweet spirits (I nitre, one ounce of compound vimosa, and four ounces of syrup of rhubarb mixed together and taken in dessert- stzoonful doses after meals and at bed- time in water will effect a permanent cure for the most sevore cases of kid- ney, liver, bladder, and urinary trou- bles. He claims that a few doses will positively cure the worst cases of back- ache and rheumatism arising from dis- ordered kidneys and impure bleed. These drugs are of purely vegetable nature and inexpensive, and can be obtained at any drug store and mixed together at home. ‘ ______.p_..____ Veteran: “When I was in Egypt in 1850 I was walkin’ in the desert. one evening, when all of a sudden I met a Polar bear.” Lady: “But. there aren’t. Polar bears in Egypt.” Veteran: “Ex- cuse me, mum. I’m talking about sixty years ago 1” One Fact Is Better than Ten Barneysâ€"- Ask Dr. Burgess, Supt. Hospitml for Insane. Mon- treal, for his opinion of ‘7 The D d; L" Menthol Plaster. Yard rolls $1, also 250. tins. UNLUCKY JAMES. “Did yez- hear that Jimmy McDugan lost a lar-rge sum av money over V th’ quoirry?” “Thot‘ll be bad f’r McDugan!” “Yisl lie was blowed up entoinely while blastin’. There wer no insurince." lTClI, Mange Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch on human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- ford’s Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by all druggists. qe.___....â€" TIIREVV A‘CVA‘Y MILLIONS. Financier, Once “’cll-known, Becomes - . M Ravmg Maniac. Louis A. Gourdain, of Chicago, who duped half a million people in twenty years, and whose operations netted him nearly $5,000,000, became a riving maniac in the Government prison at Atlanta, Georgia. He was removed yesterday to the Government asylum for the insane in Washington. Gourdain's last freak, which attract- ed wide interest. was his threat about a year ago to build a miniature prison outside the penitentiary at Joliet and become his own jailer unless he was permitted to serve the four and a half years’ sentence impoSed on him by Judge Landis for a lottery fraud. Gourdain became one of the greatest swindlers of the age, but his distorted fancy led him to threw away his mif- lions as fast as he made them. lie. did not drink. neither did he Smoke. None If the ordinary vices attracted him. He. Simply was “gold mad.” Ills money was spent to satisfy his whims and cravings for constant excitement. Sumptuous apartments, costly carri- egcs drawn by blooded pairs, which no rode behind dressed in silk and em- broidered bathrobes, and countless schemes for setfâ€"advertismnent. into which he tossed money with both hands, drained his well-stocked coffers. â€"â€"-â€">lt GIRLS’ FIRE BRIGADE. banter, England, will shortly possess a fire brigade composed entirely of girls. The City Corporation has purchased fire appliances for the girls’ hostel con- nected with the municipal college. The students are to be trained in the use of the apparatus, and periodical practices are to be undertaken. _.._.â€"n Do Not Delayâ€"When, through de- bilitated digestive organs, poison finds its way into the blood, the prime con- sideration is to get the poison out as rapidly and as thoroughly as possible. Delay may mean disaster. "at-melee’s Vegetable Pills will be found a most valuable and effective medicine to as sail the intruder with. They never fail. They go at once to the seat of the trouble and work a permanent cure. \VORSE. Client (impatiently to clerk)â€"â€"“f..ook here, We been sitting in this office for the last two hours!” , Clerkâ€"“Well, and I’ve been sitting here for the last twentyâ€"five years.” ..â€"_â€"-.\.. PLEASE HEAR IN MIND that what. is called a. skin disease may be but: a. symptom of bar: blood. In that, case, Weaver's Cerntc, externally. applied, should be supplemented with Weaver's Syrup, taken daily. IlE SilAVED NO MORE. Reginald: “How do you'like the idea of me growing a heard this fall?" Clarice: “Why, 1 should set my face against it.” 'I‘NU ISSUE NO. 44â€"07. lured soldiers lay for three days in a ravine. "the ground had been gone over many tunes by the ambulance service, and yet they had not been found. In instances like this the usefulness of dogs as scouts is unquestioned. It. is a wonder that EurOp-can armies have not awakened long before this last decade to the importance of dogs as practical helpers in war time, the au‘ thors think. On the battlefield the role of these canine assistants would be very much the same as that of the St. Ben nard dogsâ€"and they have been rescuing snowbound travellers for several centur- his LAGER is a mild appetising pro‘ w i t h meals duct of malt and hops, with less alcohol than _ and b e f O r e wcct cidcr,'which can- _ bedtime, increases . at ferment: in the stom- ‘ ach. Itisspeciaily suited ~ digestive p O W e r, to woman as 8 dinner . gets you more good drink. v out of the food you A L E S eatâ€"andisitselfa food. ubrcwedm Ontarioarc a Beer does not ,so rich in the food elc- . - ments of malt. that they contain enough al- ; cohol to react upon EER‘, 'used For Business Buildiné The only clonal . the only fire-proof oeilinc.-lhecetlinct at "yeah: but word in decorative beauty-the ceiling that shows no teamsâ€"that wi I PEDLAR outlaw! the bulidma “tell STEEL CEILI __ i . Cos! no more than the ' common tort, bullookihricc . SAVED OVER 25 LIVES. ' Milne. Over 2,000rlezigns,to Initlnyflore or structure. Side-wall: to match. 5;: our newest deal Iâ€"nothing _likc than in ‘ Canada. either in nuly or variety. Request the free bookhthai show: thewhoie : ' : ceiling story. Send for it 10-day. “5310 . ' The PEDLAR People tat: neutron-l Ottawa Winnipeg rank above milk as an item of diet, and are far 1 . purer than most milk is ‘ the System_ Just whencity-dwellcrs gent. enough to induce ’ the stomach to do P E R its work better. differs from ale i: . (L Beer is not an tthcmaitis roastc ie . . . , 1coffee) in the brewing intoxmant’lt 15 B- ' beverage with defi- ’ .praceas, and this makes ‘ If that . ‘portcrsonouns mg n1 t e v a1 u e f or almost every it is a real specific for grown person. At the Age of 23, Young Man Has Done Splendid Rescue \Vork. At the age of 23 Almorse Forgette, of Springfield, Mass, has saved the lives of more than twenty-five personsâ€"more 0m“ . 6 than one life for every year of his ex-' mm" km on istcnce. l’orgette's rescues have all been effected in the Oonnccticut River, and have been about equally divided between the sexes. So far this season he has prevented seven deaths by drowning. l . Amateurâ€""What do you think of the artist Albino, who painted a spider-web 17.3,.ng says, there is a “M” in en the. ceiling so naturally that a chain- running risks when a life is at stake. bemmld Spent ‘1 Whom, {"0me trying “What I object to is false alarms,” he ‘0 Sweep 1i away??? Criticâ€"“There may says. “Sometimes I have heard cries, "f many SUCh “fists. 1311i 1 d0 not be- and hastening to the source of them heve in the existence of such a cham- have been given the ‘lâ€"la, ha.’ After one bel‘mald" of these experiences 1 am tempted to ignore the next call until I am sure it is no! a fake. Once i saved the life of a man, who afterward admitted he had given a false alarm. lie felt pretty cheap, according to his own storyâ€"a good deal worse, in fact, than I did.” , prolonged by keeping the body. free â€"'â€"““’I' from disease. Dr. 'l‘homas’ Eclectric 7AM-BUK,S WONDERFUL SUCCESS Oil used internally Will cure coughs . an] olds. eradi 'l asthia ovircorne The f0110W1'1Fâ€"f remarkable cures are croupC and give :h'iccngfh flo1 the rtespira- convincing proof that Zam-Buk is the . for or ans. Give it a trial. most wonderful skin cure known. Zam- y g Buk succeeds when all. else fails, and “0 “mm is Complete Without it" The fellow who is stuck on himself is E(“ZEMA"JI‘W'ent'y‘five long years M“ stuck on an unsurmountable obstacle. T. M. Marsh, 101 Delorimier Ave., Mont- real, wore gloves day and nightâ€"his ‘ . bands were so bad with Eczema. Five an rte}: ah gigtonlgfi‘pggnlnhpfi - ' o'er w . ‘ i . - (Motors failed to cure mm’ but za'm'BUk keepiulgeor business managementl If_so, youl triumphed ASk him about “a should possess 'l'he Shareholders and Directors i ‘ ‘ < - l " ed fb' the Minister of Justicoi CHRONIC ULCERS'~FCrty years, SUI. milligzvlaiglnxvttorgey )Gcnerals' Send for (103-, farinn from Ulcers which covered her 'm me m hm, Price-$4.00, Cmmdgmuwa, n i P p p anaemia and run-down people, STOUT : s the richest and most trcngthcning of malt . ‘bocrs; it contains nearly for you and the x as much nourishment as ' , , adults of your eggs, and digests casxcr. ‘ 2 Thin people: will find if: houSehold. build: healthy flesh. *1!!!“ II A term which cavern lager. ales. porter, and stout; and. in tho practise of Ontario brewers. Implics box-eras“ Lmado under most. hygienic condition! from Ontario barley ,fthc best. in the world) malt. hops. and pure water. 1 - . a..- -._~>.‘;~ witfi“ . .- (LASk your own doctor whether it, wouldn't be good “By Medicine Life May be Prolonged.” â€"â€"So wrote Shakespeare nearly three hundred years ago. It is today. Me- dicine will prolong life, but be sure of the qualities of the medicine. Life is _.:-v.~,. h- ; \VOMAN’S KIT CHEN INVENTIONS. â€" 'l‘lirec Improved Articles \Vhich “’ill Lighten Kitchen \Vork. Mrs. Mary E. French of Clyde, Ohio, has invented and patented an egg- beatcr, a vegetable kettle and a potato masher. The egg heater is a fork with three prongs having serrated edges and holes through the prongs which- will aeratc the eggs as beaten. The vegetable kettle has a. corrugated interior, so that the. water will pass beneath the vegeâ€" tables that are being cooked, and so keep them from sticking to the bottom and hurtling. The potato masher is hollow and can be filled with hot water. This not only keeps the potatoes hot while being mashed, but by adding fresh hot water they may be kept warm and sweet for an indefinite length of time. Some time ago Mrs. French received two medals from the Inventors’ Academy of France for several electrical devices, among them the Thomas electric battery support. tody made Mrs. Jane Beers 0f L’Oi‘ig- Nowsfit'lompany, Union Station, Toronto. not (Ont), fear for death. A few weeks’ trial of Zam-Buk brought complete rev stcration. if you Suffered like Mrs. Beers and received such a wonderful 4 healing, you, too, would say as she i {2‘ did 2â€"â€" “The like of Zam-Buk has not been 1 "army M home. Swallow. seen since. the. Great Healer left the iggfiygggy’yggc‘rgunpm, “Micah,” gndpmoh Width" 50 cents a box Of 811 dr‘llfitfists on. smrn, Room 516, 2040 Knoxnlle Ave., and stores, or postpaid on receipt of EPeortg,Ill.________ e. ' 7." -B1 00., Toronto. 8 {536; fig? $1.23:1 1“ lAGHlitERtl ran SALE. â€"â€"â€". “Dynamo “What nonsense all this about men 3m lights, firshcmss Owen Win be 5015 gmmg 0“ their knees When “my 9173' {cheap and must be gotten out of the way pose,” said Mrs. Parslow to her dearlowing to 600ng machine taking its friend. “My husband didn’t do any such; lace. 5. Frank Wilson, 73 Adelaide absurd thing“ when he asked mcflfo ,chet west, Toronm marry hnn. 110 did when he propciscd to me,” «said the dear friend, without ’â€" thinking. Buifalo make, number four, 0-inch ver« ' - ‘ ' ' ~ ' ~ ‘ . r feet Prevent Disorder.â€"At the first. symi- “0111 01501181ng 2? mChLS high, p010 toms of internal disorder, l’armeicel's i 0011d1l1011~ SRDCFIFWIMICDI.'11‘uth‘l3luld' \"rgfahle Pills should be resorted to 19S: 73 Adelalde 5h we“: £01011“)- immediately. Two or three of these râ€"~--~â€"â€" - ‘â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" salutary pellets, taken before going to m, . bed, followed by doses of one or two I egg figggégfis pills for two or three nights in succes- \I, lslntegestgt‘lx‘andahgul? gnaw J, ‘ . 7 . v. , ' . _ - . a 01.1 ‘6 “Kill. er il sum, wdt some as a plOVClli-HC of at \\MAR,V,EmeflmgS my tucks of dyspepSia and all the discom- ‘ Tm, new new; “Hm, forts which follow in the train of. that 32353159353333; fell dlSi'll‘Llel‘. The means are Simple when the way is known. t â€"._.â€"â€"~___._â€"â€"-â€"â€" .4.-- Dr. J. D. Kellogg’s Dysentery Cordial is .a speedy cure for dysentery. diar- ri-(ca, cholera, summer complaint, sea sickness and complaints incidental to children toot-hing. It gives immediate relief to those suffering from the effects of indiseretion in eating unripe fruit, cucumbers. etc. It acts with wonderful rapidity and never fails to conquer the disease. No one need fear cholera if they have a bottle of this medicine con- venient. _.â€"_’_ PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE. “Well, now that. you’ve got. over the honeymoon stage and settled down, do you find married life such a bill-and- cooing affair ‘1” “Oh, there’s nothing the matter with the bill part. of it.” WI“. ARE ALL FAMILIAR with the deep, hoarse bark, grinin called "a. raveâ€"yard cough." 'l‘akc Al'm's Lung laisain, a. remedy for pulmonary trou- hie, highly i~~'ominen(le(| even In the earlier stages of Consumption. Am: your druggtst forth. I If he cannot supply the ____... MARVEL accept no other. but Bend. stain for Illustrated hookâ€"sea ed. It, given full particulars and directions in- SERMONIC. valuable to la cs. Tm many people 1050 their way on “‘0 WINDSOR silvers: 00.. Windsor. Ont. straight and narrow road because they Gcnel'nlAfientfl for Canada. keep watching the other people on the other highway. Be sure you get a round-trip ticket when you take a trip on a merry-go- round. â€"....-. Much distress and sickness in children as caused by worms. Motheir Gravcs’ Worm Exterminator gives relief by re- moving the cause. Give it a trial and be convinced. ._.._..____.£‘v DOGS ON THE BA'VI‘LEFIELD. Mr. Stayla’.eâ€"â€"“Graciousl.it’s nearly midnight! I sroufd be going pretty soon, i suppose.” Miss Patience Gonna â€"“Well. yes. You know the old say- ing. “Never .put off till to-n'iorrow, what you can do to-day.”’ French Army Urged to Use Them to Retrieve the Wounded. Since dogs have proved to be such able assistants to the Paris police corps why shouldth they be trained to rein- force the hospital and ambulance ser- vice of the French army? The advan- tages of this innovation have been set forth at some length by Dr, Bichelonne and Capt. 'i‘oiet in a volume which has inst. been published. lt entitled the “Dog as an Aid to the Sanitary Corps.” That dogs should be taught seek out the wounded on the battlefield is no new idea. The experiment was tried with success at the time. of the Boer war, and at the. Battle of (Iha-llo in the conflict in the Far East three dogs sent out by the German Alliance discovered twenty- Gives Perfect Light. The Most Economical High Grade Oil Ever Sold in Canada. Quick ease for the worst coughâ€"quick relief to the heaviest coldâ€"and SAFE to take even for a child. That is Shiloh's Cure. (3111383 Sold under a guarantee Coughs to Cure colds and coughs quicker than any other & COIdS medicineâ€"or your money back. 34 years of success commend Slnloh’s Cure. 25o, 50c.,$1. 316 FOR SALE Bv _.,,\ . . . f .. ..,. a; . . ' '~ . .;.,,,.».u...,, can... «or .J-"lnâ€"m “~11 la: ’ nuns three soldiers who had been given up for lost. , , , , _ , In .1390, by the Gram. of Um German _ Whether it 15 a fresh Bruise, Cat or Strain-â€"or an old Spavin, Splint, “m, Minister, two dogs were added to ngbone or Swellingâ€"yon can cure your horse with he sanitary corps of one of the ’crack 9 . regimentsp Since then clubs for the v~ K g I g training of (logs in war time have been e a S ifll'lllCd m Dl‘CSana (3019300: CQlJlll'Qa T1103. Castles, of Newark, N.]., bought a horseâ€"leafed with a Jack A1X_-1=i;ChtlilflllC 11ml NQUWICLIZ 5mm“? Spaviiiâ€"for $100. He cured every Sign of lameness with Kendall‘s SthlClii‘S llthC llL’i‘n Uri-“1msz m “Olmndt Spavin Cureâ€"won five races with the horseâ€"then sold the animal to his Slweden and Italy. In fact all of the former owner for $1 000.00. European countries have turned their ' attention to the subject at one time or other except France. Dr. Bichelonne and Capt. ’f‘olet urge the military authorities to repair this omission. There are many good breeds of dogs in France which would take J WELLXNGTON, N.Z.,' Nov. 2nd, ‘05. “I have found your Spavin Cure a very fine: remedy for all sorts of lameness in horses and I am never without it." E. J. WISDIZY. Get Kendall’s Spavin Cureâ€"~the remedy used by two nations for two generations. $1. a bottleâ€"6 for $5. Our bookâ€"“Treatise On The Horse” .9 5. iGav?-WéitrifiésllterQ-t . iafitirfidahrifiéfiu easily to the military irainin, . . lt is an undisputed fact, their". authors “Wm 5a"? you ma"? I" done“ If say, that after an engagement there are Caref‘lny 1?a‘1a‘1‘1 a?“ upon' many wounded and dying who are over- “ me why for a me COPY' locked by the nurses and litter carriers. DR. 8. J. KENDALL 60., 27 a, A case in point is quoted. At the battle ‘. Enoununc FALLS. - VERMONT.U.$-A. :3 of Resonville-Gravelotte in 1870 two inâ€" -' . . , we .. .. rears-rs; .: .....,~,-.»:,.,s_,.~.,.. '- ‘3‘“~â€";';.:4_,,3W,;‘.:-.; N... .5 . .._..â€"...........-... m r «a: 1%(.;-1W..Jk€vfi’r$:w'::1 .‘Lfi‘.’ KS. v 4 a v l A . x~AAAAAMA -/\,«_,

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