Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 25 Oct 1907, p. 7

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M 7‘. Alfred Plea”, an expert macfiz‘nl 35!, 173 St. yo/m SA, Quebzc C fly, Cam, writes a letler to the Fermi-a Drug Mfg Co... given below.- ' l . MR. ALFRED PLEAU. .Pilittlil SittilitiHEttS "Two years ago, an accident neecssb fated my confinement for several weeks. The good health I had enjoyed was sllp4 COULDN’T AFFORD IT. “Papa, 1 Will marry George!” “Never 1” The young girl’s eyes flashed, and the hot. passionate blood of her forefathers, to say nothing of her own, mantled her cheeks with an angry flush. The old man was excited, too. Parent and child confronted each other, and neither quailcd. “Do you refuse me that alone which will make me happy?” _ “Your happiness is very dear to me, my daughter.” The old man assumed a lugubrious tone and bowed his head sadly. But the girl, although she was just turned eigh- teen, had read a few books and divined t'n-e situation at. once or sooner. “Do not seek to deceive me, papa.” “Child, child, it is for your good that '. deny your request.” The beautiful woman shivcred. Iler lips curled scornfully or thereabouts. “What would-st have me do, sir?” With infinite grace he led her to a seat. He considered it a great. endorse- ment to have things come his way thus. “My child, you said marry.” She nodded. “I say elope.” She started. “Then I may marry George?" “Most assuredly. But no wedding at home, if you please.” ‘ He looked at his watch. “Bless you, my daughter. I am willing to pay for a very stylish clopemcnt, but a wedding at homoâ€"no, indccdl Tell George not to stint. himself on carriage hire and hotel bills. I will cheer-fully meet the expense. You may elope sumptuously and I’ll furnish the cash. _But I, can’t possibly afford a wedding at home.” Like the sensible girl that she was, she consented to the sacrifice after a good long cry. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€">l< LOST A COURSE. Sheâ€""It must have been provoking to you last night when you upset your 1.15.2: .‘ztâ€" L~~ Nurses’ 8: Mothers’ -â€"most reliable malicino for baby. 55 Used over 50' cast. Fm cm 213.: by Dr. P. E. 'caulz in l855. Makes Baby Strong Restore: the little organs to perfect health. Ci“: sound sloop. wnhout resort to opium or other in'urioua drugs. At WV. 25:. 6 a $1.25. Co. Ltd No GETTNG READY. “Bob, I promised you a bicycle if you passed your examinations, and. herd you have failed completely. What in the world have you been doing with all your time?” “I’ve been learning to ride a bicycle, fatherl” GREAT STRAIN. “What a marvellous strain that is!” said the musical genius. “Yes,” said the unappreciative one, "I, too, feel it!" INSPECTOR SCORED. Indignant School Teacher â€"â€" “You’ve got. to have a pull to get ahead.” Inspector l-t. â€"â€" “Yes? But you‘ve got to have a head to get a pull.” ._...--..â€". Some persons have periodical attacks of Canadian cholera, dysentery or diar rlioca, and have to use great precau- tlcns'to avoid the disease. Change (1 water, cooking, and. green fruit, is Sun to bring on the attacks. To such. per sons we would recommend Dr. J. I) Kellogg’s Dysentery Cordial as being the best medicine in the market for all summer complaints. If a few drops are taken in water when the symptoms are noticed no further trouble will be experienced. ‘ NATIONAL DEBT. Said the counsel who was. cross-ex- amining the Scotch peasant: “You state that you were just going home to a meal when this happened. Let us be quite clear on this point; tell me, sir, with as little prevarieation as possible, what meal it was that you were going home to.” The Scotchman turned, and facing his questioner, said: “Ye wad like tac know what meal it was?” “Yes, sir, I should," replied the coun- sel. sternly. ‘ “chI then, it was oatmeal." Pl IONETIC.’ “Miss,” said the polite conductor, “your fare.” “I beg your pardon, sir,” the damsel rejoined haughtily, freezing him 'with a look. "Brunettes is the fashion now.” A Clear Healthy Skinâ€"Eruptions ft the skin and the blotches whic‘h blem- ish beauty are the result of impure blood caused by unhealthy action of the liver and kidneys. In correcting this unhealthy action and restoring the organs to their normal condition, Par- melee’s Vegetable Pills will. at the same time cleanse the blood, and the blotches and eruptions will disappear without leaving any 'trace. MOMEN'J‘UM. Colonel Corn (as he saw for the first 'ime an automobile going at a lid-mile ‘lllpll “By gravy, but them horses must love gave that wagon a good start be- fore they broke loose.” lTCll, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch in human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- tcrd's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by .all druggists. ALL SENTENCE. BEER*.H_ELPS DIGESTION HAT little alcohol there is in Ontario-brewed beer greatly aids the stomach to digest its food,â€"â€"ask your own doctor if beer with meals wouldn’t be good for you. Beer increases the flow of gastric juices, and so helps much to cure dyspepsia. The right use of beer tones the whole di- gestive tract,â€"makes the system get all the good of food instead of but part of that good. $9332}: in a term which con" lxgor. nu, poflll’. and float; and. in tho pmctllo of Ontario bmwen. in:pr bovoruu lama under man I: glontc conditions. from Ontario barley (tho but in tho wor ) malt. hopl. and pure water. to: TIIE POINT OF VIE\V. Doctor: “I want to get the humor out of those boils.” Patient “Humor! Great Seott. doctor. I can’t see where thefun comes in l” One of the greatest blessings to par- ents is Mother Graves Worm Extermin- ator. It. effectually expels worms and gives health in a marvellous manner the little one. "â€"â€" T here are dcar wives and dearer wives; one kind is dear to a man’s heart, the other to his pocket book. to MAGHINERY F03 SALE. 300 ll hts, first-class order. Will be sold cheap and must be gotten out of the way owing to GOO-light machine taking its place. Frank Wilson, 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. ______._â€" _.._..~_J._ plate of soup in Mrs. de Smear‘s lap at dinner.” llc_â€"‘ch; and you know it’s bad form “That judge’s manner is rather dog- matic, isn‘t. it?” “Well, 1 would say it is inclined to be ._..a-.. A STRONG POSSIBILITY. ping away and there developed a com- plication of diseases. My physician said my. case was one of general debility. iHE Ettittti Sliiitt.\ \ g FAN BLOWER .. 1, . JV, as]. for a second plate of so,”th lle: “Darling, l have. won your, 1 goj'jLinious_" Buffalo make, number four, 9-inch vgr- vplggefin‘gag]: 233:1: lifigglisoygécargfi l x I would now have your father, to boot. ___,__ tical discharge, 24 inches high; perfect 'W'hich anm‘wed me‘ mmmemmy ‘ and She: “0h, Alfred, I’m afraid if it comes omy [hose who have had experience condition. superintendent, Truth Build- ' ‘ ' DIFFERENT VIEWPOINTS to booting. he'll have 3’01“, can tell the torture corns cause; Pain mg: 73 Ademlde St. West, Toronto. kept me awake whole nights. “I decided to give Peruna a trial and soon found it acting as a wonderful Ionic to my system. The catarrh grew Every homes is interested and should know ' with your boots on, pain with them offâ€"pain night. and day; but relief is sure to those who use llolloway’s Corn Care. Be There a Will \\‘isdom Points the Wayâ€"The sick man pines for relief, but he dislikes sending for the doctor. remarked the mere good as anotherâ€"if “One woman," man, “is just as not better." gent than you were at. his age.” Insulted Parent: “Naturally; he has a great deal brighter father.” less severe and shortly afterward disap- . 97 - . - - - . . , . , . , “And one man, rejomed the fair \Vl- wlnch means bottles of (hugs never con- .4 bontthewonamux fislgoflésas am also the muons Other (low, “is just as bad as anotherâ€"if not sun‘ped. l'tc thas nrpt thphresolution (110 EVOLUTIONARY IMPROVEMENT. :2 ,_ -_ , MRERVDEv$Â¥nMIng§EfZ ' ‘, ". . wrrse.” loac his somac wr compoun s - Be. statesmen. '.1 3”“me “13’ "mm!" "in" and which smell villainously and taste A land grandfather and father were ‘atantf ‘1‘“ ultimate cure entirely to the use of Pe- -â€"â€"-â€"-â€"rZ¢--'-v- worse. But if he hgve the win to deal admiring the new baby. d f ‘ “ma and gladly recommend it" himself with his ailment. wisdom will ,F‘Ondmfiimdfmmé anlldccmmz infill gtggégmfihffiiiniaélgii‘go - , - I U 1‘ I ' 1‘ Ice". Va :9. .l-Glmflh‘ 1‘ Is a grca ea more in e l- I ac. ‘_ W . di cct his attention to anc s g fifiggséfisggékm 65.3,,“ cm, 7” table Pills, which, as a specific for indi- gestion and disorders of the digestive organs, have no equal. (all particular: and. directions in- valunhte to Indian. ’ r' p ‘ SOIL SUPPLY C0.. Wlndsor. Ont. WIND General Agents for Canada. SENTENCE ' sannous. The petulant. are powerless. Little trials fit for large trusts. It takes more than sentiment to make a saint. “ A good hoe is a tagainst weeds. The religion you can live by will do to die by. The. man who stops for praises missâ€" es perfection. The double mind never comes from GIVES RECIPE FOR SIMPLE HOME- MADE KIDNEY CURE. When you face misfortune it is time to turn your back on discouragement. - -. \v. “1‘. . _.- k-” 0 » ’ Use Shiloh’s Cure Sior the worst cold, ‘ the sharpest cough Cure Cures IIE \NANTED THE SECRET. A very aggressive crusade in favor of intelnperance has recently been going? on in a Scottish city, and a young pllllttl‘l- thropist who had given large sums of money to help the cause, meeting a con- vert one afternOon, inquired how he was getting along. The man kept well back. “Ah, Robert, said the gentleman sad- firstâ€"class prayer Inexpensive Mixture of Vegetable ln- gredients Said to Overcome Kidney and Bladder Trouble. â€"-try it; on aguar- antee of your money back if it "° °"‘" 3" W" Hero is a simple home-made mixture hummus an excess of brain. as given by an eminent authority on 1V. f'l’m “fluid NOU'VP been (li‘tmilllfs’ doesn’t actually NEWHOUSE TRAP The largest gifts to God cannot cover Kidney diseases, who makes the state- tlgam- 1 03m 511W” it In .VOHI' bl‘etllh- CURE quicker a..i.....r..,..m........ma.....mu_ Wop-:17 manna opus“. «cutout, och-ml. a. Na wui. ~. O-nl mu wink how-ma nun anal-tumu- “ um um In an. ‘ ' "nu no“ pow“! “Ind an :m - Nnvluuu ., Tapâ€"u can. ' Illhhv cull-c. Ida * by anew/t communl'rv. uh. Munro mm. but. ' Why not give it up altogether? You never smell the odor of liquor in my breath.” “No, sir; I never did,” was Robert’s reply; then, in a most anxious tone of voice, he added: “What d‘ye dae for it ’3” meat in a Toronto daily newspaper, that it will relieve almost any case cf Kidney trouble, if taken before the stage of Bright’s disease. He states that such symptoms as lame back, pain in the side, frequent. desire to urinate, especi- ally at night; painful and discolored urination, are readily overcome. Here is the recipe; try it: than anything you ever tried. Safe to take,-â€"-nothing in it to hurt even a baby. 34 years of success commend Shiloh's Cureâ€" 25c.. 50c., 31. 315 the least robbery of man. It’s the little everyday helpfulnesses that make every day heavenly. The song in your own heart will sus- "tain you longer if you share it. It’s a poor plan to advertise the sweets of religion with a sour face. The handsomcst people are those who let happiness get into their faces. Coughs and fluids Better 21 word in season than an hour‘s lecture out of season. The devil can beat anv of us at the Film! E-‘ill‘flCI Dandelion. 07143-half lzrsiness of making flue sentiments. 01mm; Compound “argon. 0110 OUIICC; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Take a leaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime. A wellâ€"known physician author- ity that these ingredients are all ‘barmlcss and easily- mixed at home by shaking well in a bottle. This mix- ture has apeeuliar healing and sooth- ing effect upon the ,entire Kidney and Urinary structure, and often overcomes the worst. forms of Rheumatism in just a little while. This mixture is said to The flood is the only indorsoment of a ,‘00d sentiment recognized by hea- ven. Some folks never appear to enjoy T-life‘s roses until they sit down among its thorns. ’ Many a church is trying to make up for the putty in the pulpit by the starch in the pews. . You are wasting affection if you are pining for angels before you have learn- is Yet; cedar shingles cost you just about the 'ce of these guaranteed “Oshawa’ Shin lesâ€"ZS-g'uage tough- You can at on a roof that Will last; a. bun ed years and be the right kind of a roof every - .m.u.2 '.u.u.:' l: t :< ed to love folks. -. .. .. . d d l r . . - v . l d disorder. and cum the - 9119 “3911. 0‘1 e gallanlzedâ€" Get heaven into people and you Will gagghfufign? forcing 5m Kidneys to Inmate. Or you can put on a. ten-year 1‘09f for a_century, guaranteed in writing till 1932 3 not need to worry about getting people mm, and 51mm from the mood and j: that-will rebany leak after‘the first ram andâ€"wmd-and-wea‘ther- andlighmmgpmof- , into heaven. system all uric acid and foul, dPCJmDOSed hltS 11;, an keep leaki till it Is rotted away. GF‘fuwwgms‘ggg'aéh. 1 3 Square buys “Oshawa.” . It W1”, take more than the Small waste matter, which cause these atllic- _j I _ ither roof ‘Wifl cost I _8tgnan;zet b, te is r i change in your Sunday pocket. to work “mm Try it if you arena, weu- Save the r b t h . 68 in ee . ., any great change in this world. ,,.,..3,.,.i “on =" you a on t 6 same m compare £333 “nth the 3 Many a man who is writing guide 1' a ‘ p '__ ,1..â€" .â€"_â€" money at tbs Start pg”? p11?” 0% cedgr "' books to glory hasn’t enough religion Smootimcs a woman has a good time But the ' 03hay7a”~ gfi‘ficgz W 033 It i: .. “I” 5,100an a 1101‘“ 011 the “Swing Hea- crying because she isn‘t having a good g shmgled roof W111 be And you can ut on these i ‘19“ Cflr- tithe. ,2 FIRE~PROOFâ€"liter- “Oshawa” alvanized “a” auy- and Wind- roof... Steel Shingles yourself, v v ,z . l .. I ,Dav.-â€"l3ut ’ . . __ - . , . ; ms covvnvcmo MANNER. ( A Mm“) 1.“?er (00311111111011;an if he ‘ actually: and 118 tnmg- ea-Sfly’ «I‘Mfl‘ “9 10°15 b“ 9' claw-Hammer and me canllo .ldw 8 H y A I _ f__ .t. I T} t, .h h . f, snipe. simplest thing you knowâ€"can’t get. ’em on Mrs. Gn§“-Q]]_Evepy[h]ng at this {am has a pain til the back or a cold \vith proo SI 1V8 y. 121. ST. 8 unored-yearroo . wrong. And 1: lat “ Oshawa ”-shing.led roof will be weather-proof for a century. We’ll GUARAN- TEE in every way for a quarterâ€"century-from a racking cough. To be merry one must be well and free from aches and pains. Dr. Thomas' Ecteclric (lit will _ “051mm ” Shingles lock on all four sidesâ€"whole roof is practically ope_sheet of double-galvanized steel, that 3 never needs painting. era is first class. What’s the reason you’re grumbling about something all the time? LNN'lMlflfié’ I-‘I'IWI Itl‘avll. What would 'your mill-man say if you . , asked him?to guarantee cedar shingles for even aim ffigegles :r fige-Prggigr “tater-proof. rusfi . - oo ; e o u on; ten years . He certamly would ma eremarksl 81mm EED_ flaps the .. Oshawafi pm mgr?! And even the best cedar-shingled roof Will be Tell us the measurement of any. roof, and we’ll tell leakmg badly msjde of ten years, you exactly what: it will cost to roof Seven out of ten of them leak the 1t “nth 1°53 work and f°r less mom?- uing lunches.” II\\}e11?ll “And now I’ve got thundering pains.” When a man aims at nothing he set- dom misses his target. Ellison-“Whose pocket-hook is that you are advertising for?" .limsonâ€"‘ity own. of course.” “Get out! ‘Containing That’s the argument in a nutshellâ€"cost; the same Mr. Gaswrllâ€"Jf we don't. kick, Mi- relieve all pains, nuiscular or ot‘tier- - - _ A ‘ randy, everybody'll think we're pleased wise, and for the speedy treatment of gggvrttfléwfilneteen . .40.: -2»; M _‘ _. . .f‘ _ g p ’ donytdovgfififi’gfifflgga: here because we ain’t used to having CCldS “Nd COU‘s’hS it is a Splendid me- y' ' . . . '1 n _ .' anteed mwriting. o'ver the ,: fine things. dicine. 37 qugls‘anteed angltlng :- u 0 8 h a w a Gal va n] ze A steel _ seal of a compafiy with a 3 01' yearsâ€"3D; you i; ' ' " quarter-million ca ital â€" i "\Vlly, man. what’s the matter?” =_ event . That’s saying 1 every way 01' went!!- We ears nglfih, Wlthout: my ifs 2- “1 have just had one of those ligbt- . something,1sn’tit? * Ought to Last a Century ,, gigarsuts: for 25 long '7 {gums ..-:. ., ',,...-. ‘I'H-ui‘uaul.» "i-t‘ii‘VdiM t t a roll of bank-notes and a large uum- . firg’t tune It 1:8‘1ns‘ No wood- lety 0f fads that concern your l:er of cheques Finder can keep money Shlngled “mi 15 fire‘prQOf £0? a Nevin)“ come to 0“ RENHQOH as if he will return papers’ Get out! You minute, and the first 111 Wlnd . Quhisii, £0101": free 1‘: , ROOfinZ . don‘t sue a roll of bankâ€"notes or a ; that catches a loose B in 19'â€" as‘g on. p0“ card wxn do to whooshl oes half your shingle roof over into tie next township, '- ' ; , ., r: - The Pedlar checquc once a year.” “No; but Bertha tuition’s father takes the paper I ad- vertised in, and he'll see that adver- Why don’t you ask now? oplee. --_cg,-eu_; 104 a s c 1 4 tisemcnt.” “lltnnph! \\'herc did you *‘"‘"‘~"‘ - get the money to pay for that big ad.?" MONTREAL TORONTO OTTAWA LONDO 'INNIP UVE ” icrtha lent it to me, bless the darâ€" 3 321-3 Craig St. NY. 11 Colbome St. ‘23 Sussex 81‘. a 69 Dundu gt. N‘TnmbardEtgl. SE “ngr’ ~ 1- , .1 ~-., r r. ,» I - - n, - '- - -‘;-' i. " up. w: 4-22 .!.\'.+'*.-.',1 'v ;..v..-'~.;. our madam-5‘... L.:-:r.-'..- L:"'â€"‘ ‘ ” ""7 . ._ v.39.“ I .- r- . A

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