I . ..m pulp engendered a pestilence that, :1 lord. Ilavc ready some. wellrboilcd and couple of years ago, killed eleven out mashed turnipS, arrange “a border of of twentysevcn of the crew of one cf border of this around a dish, so as to the ï¬nest vessels in the American men form a \valltpour the ragout in the cantilc marine, and nearly caused her ceilti'e.HGarnisli the dish further, if you total loss olf 'l‘cneriffc. Last year, in like, with slices of hard-boiled egg. _ h one of the Liverpool docks, the cmana- 10 make Browns-hemmed. Ono pigD tions from a cargo of soap blew a ship head. two slumps lfmguts: t‘casp‘OUn- wellâ€"nigh to bits, and killed a. number lul of chopped saga... (SUI-ilta-rflllltly chop; ~ of men who were working in her hold. Dell Dill-“103'. rennet (lllllmodlt l0 laslt.‘ -â€"made right; , The Other (lax,- it bin-un put out [mm \‘.cll wash thclicad .lll‘mlll- and warm - - “ - . †. w ,- [ amnilp l) l‘Cll‘lOVC- the blood, run the head with .-pa1nt I‘lt‘fht . Cadiz. with a lmge blotk o h i I ‘ > I" i t n .1" P 1 -~ d on deck Hem» hm after much, common salt, and it.ch it for thee (tr) 5., "Cover ï¬ght 12?}? †,mmh some misumnagemom, adding a little frcsn salt every day. l‘ut "-100; right: gcit’:’mmn m hold. broke through he]; the head in a slcwpan, .just covcruit with “Wear right muom’ and) mnk’hm. more and mm, cold water, and let. it smuncr unlit quite â€"â€"ARE right; 'l‘hrcc have vans filled with furniture li‘llLlC'l'. ’l hen remove the bones lrom "V _ 3. / 0111'55 years experience in mixing paints is caused the Marie lloze to capsizc and mi?“- “lml'i Clll Ill) the meat into small the best: unrantco of the uclit of Rmsa ’6 , . i g q a‘ y y ' Finally, there is the extraordinarycase Owes CURE 10 ZAlll-BUltl Prominent Manager’s Telling Testimony. Mr. D. ll. Gout-lay, advertising mans agar for the, well-known piano firm of Gourlay, Winter & Leeming, Toronto and Winnipeg, is amongst the promin- ' cnt men and women who testify to Zam-Buk's- great curative power. He writes to the Company as follows: “Gentlcn'ien,â€"â€"l have pleasure in stat- ing (that upon the recommendation at a relative i purchased a box of your remedy (Zam-Buk), and by a few appli- cations entirely cured a very severe sprain of the back. While not given to V indiscriminate use of, or belief in, pat- ; enl medicines, I can conscientiously re- - . . feces and the toncue in slices and mi); v- .i ‘ 1'1. 'scdlcs harbor. p c ‘ “i f‘J‘mdel m M“ ‘ .u the chopped sage, parsley, pepper, and salt. Place all in a basin or tin, ’ I’aiuts. A‘s, . - . ~ - in M \ lost. last spran , . . \thcforoui Post Card Series “C†rhow- a; (if the Southern lath, . .. , , , _. , . . .. 1. . s _ - . _ ‘ F ‘ 1 ‘. M l " ,. l _ ,r, I .1. 1.1 up New “clandes- tind pout met it hall a pint of the sock wmlllwll lam Blll\-_ 111gliOVIaomeh0115Cb2.ft.T}ail1.~do betwt en a lll t In .t. , “.1 . H l.. 1 ..,. 1. . , . Sincer‘glv VON-r. . '1 ‘ _r M 1hr, wwck mm“ mug-“my .n .. um .10 ltd( “as Looted, using, a u . .ï¬. 1 w ,._. - “1C Nth“ ‘ ‘ little coloring to make. it a. dark brown. (Signed) 13- 11- GOlll‘liva‘J " ; . . . ~ “ f-"PV," mawimr . . . ,. .. . . . ,. , ldekambrd “5‘ ‘h'c 1" “1"“1‘ “5 ’3 ‘ ԠDripping (Jrustr-lho quantities for 'lllfll 15 Just When? Him-1311K l'l'ilVOS d. lis’ll‘isil‘tél. Still 63.. Fatal flickers, - ititllllï¬iltt. 47 ~> . 1 ,, . Esmb‘m‘c“ ‘34“: . lcordaQO-" this are. about six ounces of beef dripping: “5 Superiority! It is treated h)" lllell . ' . I l in one pound of flour, a pinch of salt, and women who have tried it, as allo- ’ ’3" and half a pint of cold water, while gather different to ordinary prey-ara- ;, » many like to add about half a lcaspoonâ€" lions- DOClOl‘S» 1105131131 llUI'SC‘S. ll‘tlln' ‘ HEALTH lN SPRING. in] at. baking,r powder, which, however, crs, malrons- of convalescent homes â€"- 7“ all give. Zam-Buk a good word; and bel- , tcr still, they use it. Zam-Buk is as ‘ good for muscular stiffness, sprains. " rheumatism and sciatica as it. is for skin troubles. Baseball players and athletes in general find it invaluable. l-‘or spring eruptions, pustules, scalp sores, itch, eczema, ulcers, boils, abscesses, blood poison, cuts, burns, bruises, and abra- sions, it is a speedy cure. Takes the soreness out of wounds almost. instant- ly, and kills all disease germs. prevent- ing festering and inflammation. All 3‘ druggists and stores sell at 500. a box, ' or post free from the Zamâ€"Buk (7.0., Toronto, for price. (3 boxes for $2.50 Send to stamp for trial box. should not be added till the last thing. Place the flour in a clean. dry bowl and add the. salt. llub the dripping in as described, make a. hole in the centre, and add the water gradually. Mix with the knife till all the flour gradually is incormra’lcdâ€"lhe howl should be quite clean and dryâ€"then llour your hands and lift. on to a clean, flowered pastry hoard. Knead till it looks. nice and smooth; then flour the rolling pin and roll out lightly to the required size. and shape. l‘scforc cutting pastry always put the knife in llour. .___â€". 5 Nature“ Needs Assistance in Making fl New Health-Giving Blood. Spring is the season when your sys- lcm needs toning up. in the spring you must have new blood just as the trees must have new sap. Nature demands H it Without new blood you will feel weak and languid; you may have twing- Ci of rheumatism or‘ncuralgia, occasiâ€" ' “ “" onal headaches, variable appetite, pim- ‘ pics or eruptions. of the skin, or a pale â€"“â€"" pasty complexion. 'l‘hcsc are sure 'sign . . ~ .. x. '1 Happy is the man that findcth wisdom the former. But for long it, has been gimgiï¬i" tar/1,11% and the man that gett-clh understand- thought that this choice flower of no- I‘m“; iiith pills are the ï¬st tun-,0 in ing.~â€"-l"rov. iii., 13. bility grew by chance; the culture of the a†{he “.011†TM), “mm; new rich Literally the text says that. he is liap- soul was :50 mysterious as never to be. bloat? you], ppm“, mm in Shim, P) Who dl'flWS lOI'lh undel'sumdmga brought Hilde? S‘Ziemllic law- They clear title ‘skin drive out disease who is educated through living. With The realm of character has been the and mat“. mm} awï¬csgod mm andwoi all our learning the greatest lesson 130- last to come under the reign of law. mm hymn. ,‘lclivg. mid‘ submn Mm fore us is this one of living right. 01' Now we recognize that. we must learn My,†333mm“ Douglastown’? Que, Imding our full heritage and filling our to live as truly 85 W0 mu“ 10m“ ‘0 .provcs the “real. value of Dr. Williams’ places as men and women in this world. may, and that the culture of the soul‘pmk pin ‘3}, bujh’ï¬nt'r up people who 1‘ 0‘11'53'39317‘5 0f MUMUOH mu [0 {men Il'lllS'l- pl’Olll by “10 \Vomll'O‘lS Strides have. been weakened orbit run down. She “5 how 10 11W they fail flll0g0l1101‘- that all educational science has made; says} 'um. Win-mm; 'pmk pins have The great need of our day is that we that all our efforts to produce charac- new 01' gm, heâ€, 10 um My Mom} shall thin the conscience to right mor- {or must be so wise†directed that we wnscweak and watery “m1 1 was badly (ll llldgmelll. that W0 Sllilll Educate all shall socure‘the lJeSl and mOSl Olldlll" rim down. But through the use of the for 1110 bU'SillOSS 0f llVillga and that we inc results. pills my health was lullv restored. l 51m“ 50 Camille “11 that “’0 5m“ “0’ On??- lll'ï¬â€˜SSili-EQ 00mm; from [he “p5 "I always recommend them “to my fricms only have a generation of bright, smart, every 56,31... [mm every page of history, why) may be “11mg... ioneymaking or famemakhig machines, “.15 that the man or the nation illo’ti‘ There are lraurflulcnt imitations of Dr. but? “ml we may have Cleans “plight, i: wise, Williams’ l’ink Pills, and to protect truth loving, sclf-revercncing, God fcar- , , . . u y. m. , . : , DUB IG L117}: yomscll sup that the full name. _l l. AI‘OMJ 11M) ’ EN m ’ Williams’ Pink Pills for Pain l‘ce'iblc" is HOW TO MAKE A Slllll'l‘\\’:\lS’I‘. The making of the. unlined shirtwaist- or blouse is very simple if the proper at- tention is given to the little details. it is. most important that the pallet-an laid according to the thread of the ma- terial, especially in was-h fabrics. Shirl-waists are usually unlined, al- though those of silk and flannel are sometimes made with a lining. lf the shirtwaist closes in the front, the. right edge is goi‘icrul’ty tii‘iished by a box plait stitched on each edge. But- lonholcs are worked through the centre of this piail, and buttons sewed to the hit side, which hemmed or linishcd by a lap. French seams are used, and the gallich are put iu at the waist line é’lCClefllllg to the perforations in the pat- lcrn. The bell, and plum that. is now M lining of criuoline about two inches wide should be placed in the lower edge. in sewing the sleeves in the armhole, hold the waist so that the sleeve is toward gum and bind with a bias strip of the lininâ€. USEFUL illNTS. Mix stove blackng with vinegar; this will make the blocking stick letter, and also gives a. better polish. To prevent. cheese from becoming mouldy or dry wrap it. in a cloih dain- pcncd with vinegar and keep it in a covered dish. Starch and iron wide lair-p-wicks and wicks for oil stoves. They will not then cause trouble in lilting them into the . \w-JX’IP‘ . .. , .... . . . i .W. . ‘t < 4,“..2... q,â€" .‘va'j-HM'V’J“â€"v-" ‘.â€"~_\,..«4â€" uh“: _ ing men and women. I . .- » - Theâ€, is “we 111,913,004 that Canada “‘10 5013 before commercial supremacy primal on me wmmm‘ mmmd mu“ list-:1 to mush lhe 19.29:; edge do (may I“ will fail for lack of abaility to do husi- 0,. pol-meal power or fume in 1mm. Em no no, m1“. any 0mm; swcuum “fit-‘7 any “lulcueswrl’ “illness llC-‘D‘W “l9 burners. “055- We have 131mm and “"0 have int; lh.n 9101‘): cf righteousness, the bcau- pink pills if your dealer has not. not “I'm-S." 1mg gtve a mm appearance and Rwy-V S‘lmci’mn that has hem “Sea l4 hmwn' Never “"15 “lel'ei 0“ “‘0 Whom ‘ly of infaclical holiness. 'l‘hcir wealth the gmn'ï¬w 5mm 1,, The Du ‘wmiaï¬isl Sltltw’l'h h"_f"'0r “‘0 “ms: , _ and finished with should be filled with ,I‘, “ Mamie" people “01' a mm mm†lies beyond corruption and their days Medicine (1.3. (Brnckville (int. and get .“ipiqulmg 5â€, “‘0 shim“; ’5 “sum’y Ci'lll will†ll lump 0‘ 50d“ 1â€â€ “‘10 “l l gent. 'l‘hc dang-er is that we shall fall know no end who are wise and rich in lhé pins m ‘mml' at 50 lmnls ta box or cranium-(d by .210 amateur as the most mm 50, m be†out. 5 at the point.of character; that we Shall We mmgs wi‘HmL. six boxes 10,. " ‘lllllltzllll'. l’fll'l' 0f “10- \\'t'-‘-??"l- l‘ll't-il the When an extinguisher is not, used in tail where failure is fatal to every other Th.‘ Wiles; gel'vinp we can render ' 5‘00""; llllllli.’ must be accurately cut and pulling mm, a candle, the best way is to E, 5 ‘ ' “' “ll-5'“th (‘lll'c 130mg lllliml “till ll“? €01" blow it- upwards. it will then neither “’X‘ responding iiititchcs: come logclher, and Smoke um. smouldcr, then tried on to see that the elbow is in '11., “mm the usual nut, taste peculiar g. i line right. position. "After the seams are i.) mun] water, pour it several times kind 0!. success. our day is by giving it the riches of THIS IS THE CRUCIAL POINT. worthy living, by setting before our- - selves the production of high character waéflkflï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬?mwugéï¬aépéqaflk‘iï¬gï¬iaw We do well to perfect. the plans- by , , ~ V2. . , . .. . - , , , which we. teach men the encyclopedia ungugl 51.1.21??? ebxxglfylglénï¬f); 1.2) stitched and pressed they should M31 from} 0m. jug m unnlhel.’ in. 01,101.. to m I.†_‘ : cf their bodies, their country, the world ink - 3w“ .S.-n%wd‘m {ellishmtqg and 3-: K bound with the scam binding. An intcr- (he an. my) “nough it. f and its history. But we cannot forget, “ 3†,‘ï¬of :- MC Qinn‘grlc.‘mceâ€5f 11,... PT“. : __....._ “man For iii-cit feet. put a. handful of con'l- -- and recent events have reminded us C2312? lfï¬ï¬aer " ‘ ‘ . h , y r , hâ€â€œ" “‘W" mon salt into a. quart of hot water, and 2, With a ten-me note or wmrnm'g’ that no C‘No wonder it sometimes scents to us a. Q (Q, in? 5" While n is a?) hm as can’lbe home plu'co ‘ (“m-mm 0f knowl‘edgg conmflum‘s any mil in 11cc 'fgyrroubn to crimes that ‘ ‘ " 3‘; ‘5’ the fact .2‘. it. Afterwards rub dry With sort, even the feeblest kind, of guaran- 3, Ҡ1‘ ,3 , ', ~13 mgtmqn “ R ' 35$ . a rough towel. i lee as to rcctilude of life. SJ‘ï¬if‘iyï¬iï¬? 1:12:10 lost Sight igggslaius may be removed [1.0T if you neglect the heart, the will, and ‘ ' ’ ’ . ' ' ‘ - .. ' ,' ’ .~ . , _ -â€"â€"â€"â€" moons, caused in using them with sot - l conscience, if you neglect the knowledge 05 "‘0 meaning 05,:1ap}?:n2;,s.‘1n}lgrt @Wg’g“3‘$Ҥ"’5"'5Ԥ"§5"‘5’â€$*$5“M§‘"§5W Quickly Removes Dandruff, Steps Fall- bkoiled eggs, by taking.r a'litllc common Ol alld ll‘llllllllg in Tight relations \Villl “(0 be .“EPP-y Rnfhs \E‘b 5,â€; 1h; mum-S "' QOME DMNTY Inqnqu ing Hair andvvllching Scalp, Changes sail lrclwccn the thumb and finger and 1119“: l‘CVel'CnCG and l‘lglll I'Clallmls l0 Whale 1.1V†m 11min?) “{ 101.13.â€? °k , u . " "" Gray or Faded Hair to its Natural briskly rubbing,r the. slain, which will ‘1' the most. high, your culture of the intel- “ml; “‘0 hmdm‘mn ‘1 ‘t'mf 0“]. f_ L Ginger Snaps.â€"-llub a quarter of a Color. Grows New Hair, 4,00,, disappear. ‘ . We must learn to mdcx ()tll ivcs, no mum! of mum. OI. dripping mm one . ______ The omcimcy of a “uhâ€, mm, “my be _ lcct is worse than waste; it is the per- . . , . - - r - e , - feeling of the poison of our social life; “5, “13mm†t“) befdtl‘lv?f‘ SH.:::RSEW?J& pound of flour, add hall a pound of it is the wheliing of the edge of a man’s ml“ at “1C [Oppo t It?“ I ‘11; ‘qrbiLlufll sugar, half a pound of warmed trcaclc, villinny amt grossness. its DUN 0f the 9°? “to,†O'c“‘8¥“/.w and one l'aspoonful of carimnalo of _‘ v . a; H 1,... £91m 0 world, as inhc.ilois o ring, ill 1. 3min dissolved in hot water. When all A ,0 c a tun,“ t n is t . ‘ . .1 1mmâ€: as maceme ,I , , -. u 1, y n,“ 1m,- tauu, a 1d hate. 9, SLbllmGa 11m 8‘ 1â€"» l “a ' is well Illl.‘l0tl pour on a buttered tin and 35 m men 5“ ' e I 1 ' v H l, i ride the mornmu stars - ’ lhO loll 1“ m‘ 4 I h ' ' bake in a steady oven. - TRY A FREE PACKAGE AT ONCE. icsliid by basing through it a solution of ., Viv. (Lindy-5 l-‘luid (ten drops in a pint of water); if it comes out of the filter with ' any pink color or any taste it is. a proof 1, that. the litter does "not. act at all, and t that- it camiot‘arrest the germs of ills- l lie that the’ shall love honor and truth , . 150, much 11310113 than fame, power, or ï¬lm; l?ge.1'her “3‘1 me bemny that palms Boiled Apple. Pudding. â€"» Chop ï¬nely cab-,3; if “I mums out, a yellow or brown if possessions that never for an instant “10 o‘enmg To ' half a pound of apples, half a pound of gym, 1, shows that [he mm, poisons me 1 Wm {hose weigh in the scale agumst HENRY F. COPE. beef suel, and mix with half a pound of water. . †WWWâ€...- ____..- â€"â€"â€"-â€"--- breadcrumbs, two ounces of ilour, a ,.,_,______ï¬ ;'- H H ,. . P a , pum- matter of a. lOtlild of in 'st sulzar, .wo . . ,. .. v. . . . . BABVS ,DOCIOR' MAP“ CALSLSPE buip‘wm‘ [flb' clggs, and, if deco-usury, a filer-y little lllllllk. RING S mrumN’ v own}, a box of Baby’s Own Tablets Sal-c Cargo†me Sometimes the MOS, ll‘lél‘l\:(:llvgli(;tlsdttillotlldlftlli King Edward’s. lijlcllCll.1iS willii‘shcd r; on. hand I feel just as salons. if I had Dangerous; 1 ell“ “1 l bmtl “10 M cun’lpl'ctc‘l) in black oak, \xluci validlth ,i a doctor in the house.†This is the ex- . i I “£2 “1 5““‘15- , k up by (leoige ill. at. a. cost. of stance. perience of Mrs. John Young, Auburn, Exhaustive experiments by the New blcw‘d chooser-italics four ounces oi There is also a confectionery room, ' Ont. Mrs. Young adds:â€"â€"“I have used South Wales UOVCI‘annt have now grated cllccsc. which has lit~c0l'l_le.l<)0 push-y room. and (1"lltlliC-l10l150, bcsuies mo Tm)le f0). teem-mg and 0mm. wow p1-0ved-.â€"\vhut has all along been Sn. hard and (by for table llSt‘. but this ill it the kitchen proper. H10 chef of the r0y.“ mos of Childhood and gave never known sgiectcdâ€"that wool will, under certain slcwlm'n Wllll our- glll of new milk, half kitchen receives $3,500 a year, while Um), to [any Hundreds of other mo- ceiidilions, ignite spontaneously, and all 911.1199 Ol blllli‘l'. 51ml slow the whole under him are four master cooks, who them are just as enthusiastic in their that consequently it. is a dangerous car- ll‘l ll- IS CllSSOlVCll. Wllcll ll Isllleiu'ly Gold in turnflhave a bevy oi scrvanls under praise. C0119, . indigestion, diarrhoea, go to can :1 add a built?“ Pill-L bill Ill 11 DlC-dlsl). and .lhei‘n. the strictest. economy is observed E, worms, constipation and other little ills l’l‘Oli=7lbll’-. lllCl‘CIOI‘O. it will be added mow.†m {.1le “Wâ€; .. _ ,, m the lung§ lx‘lltsllm}. “till What food 1‘0- :2 are speedily cured by this medicine. It to the list of con'miodities which the Illoxllt?ll$l\0 10111:; [01‘ tâ€"lal(0$-~11101'- mains unediisumed is given to the poor, is mysomgeiy sa[e_.alwnys (1005 good British Board of Trade decrees must be Put-£1115 llijut “10 WllllO Of an egg; add to who apply daily at the gates, wcannot possibly do harm, and you $l?\.Vl1}d' with1 exlr‘a thtI‘eâ€"COIlllll-Otlil10$ ll!fly:[gilt‘l‘lc‘glgggglllï¬yof‘ % , ' x r - '1 - r new . wuci men Sll‘il iv . "co; :1 l . l t - _ 3 t.‘ ham up“ WM]an Of a I‘m mmem KO L e] qr“ 15 as thicken it. Lay this on the cake and YOUR SUMMER GUTmn. l. If you are fond of'ï¬shing, mooning, _ analyst that the Tablets contain no opi- IllllllfllCS. Midst gilll'fldeol'. coal. Wheat . . . .. . . sn'loolh it With a, knife dipped into boil- me or poisonous soothing shill. Sold and timber. . .. _ . , 1“- medicine dealers or by mail at 25 This, however, will be but poor con- mg “may; 7501'. the mm,“ m “. C‘mpmn 05mg a box {mm The D1,. Williams. solution to the harassed S..,,_C,,_l.,mm‘ to dry. this icuig cuts cas‘ily \vllhout Medicine Co., llrcckville, Ont. since all these things have to be carried b""‘.â€â€˜.““l~3' , , ,. , Va“ anyhow, mnmhow' Besides, the dung“, '(Jltlddle t.tlli(‘.S.--ltll\'0 half a pound of W ("fluently lies not so much in sulï¬des line l‘ialmcal and add to it one teaspoon- " ' of :‘rilllji'lt' and the same of baking camping or the study of. wild animals look up the Algonquin National Park of Ontar- io for your summer outing. A fish and game preserve of 2,609,000 acres apcrsod wit-h 1,200 lakes and riv awaiting you, oat-ring all the attr that. Nature can bet-lbw. Jingiiiï¬acut 1ft; canoe trips. Altitude 2,089 feet. above on , '~ ‘ i â€"):‘.‘(: Ei‘T. . ‘ROXU‘ \ C \ known to be dangerous, as in those “1‘ . .. , . . . . , Farmer (with hand to his 0111‘): “Did supposcd m be safe powder, Willi tl. pitted of salt. Mix all level. Pure and czhilaratii‘iu atmosphere. l - ' ’ c ’ ' ' ' ' 1 l' " . . ' lhcce toocllicr then boat. into it enough Just the 171710“ 1.0“ a you“? “m†l") W“? “I ~ ’9 1 untwrstand you t- will )0“ W1“: 8‘ 00 \' Hills 0. ('tllgO Of glass bottles came f" " 1’, Z , ,_,. .‘ , his summer holidays. An interesting o,l:.~:'1,~~- ;; with,†an ace of wrecking the mum†skim nillk.01 buttci milk to mam: alight. we“,de illustrated descriptive pumicw z ‘* ‘ “" tatlc" and bake by spoonfuls spread on tion tolling you all about it 60% free on R, r†in’ for work ‘3†application to J. D. McDonald, Union Sta. ilobo‘. “Sum llllllg"\V1d d9 ilCCClll Oll slupdlamel off the Isle of Wight a, short . . _ x , v. T .l . ’de wuz.†while. ago; and a patent painli-dryimy 1m" “1mm†9’ “n “H†mum" s “‘0†m Lion, Toronto, Ont. , i) .. ,3. memmlilm mmcpd ,0 mm, to “m be: the oven. (.arc should be taken that ‘ . . H _ . v _- - t ‘ ' ~ ' i ‘ â€â€˜ either is; vcrv clean and slightly rreused. l\Olllmfl Quite 550 Nice as a Beautiful -â€" ~'~‘-â€"-'--‘~ ’ ‘ It’s a good deal easier to give a man tom of the btl‘llll-S of Magellan the Dot- q., ,0... <l ll ' l m it it) 1 Head ‘oi illqir . ., .. _ an,“ (who. If “in ,q money than to give him charity when crol and the 143 souls aboard of her. . "ff. l'.1,";‘.ln,l,cmf U DIPâ€""mm, ’ ‘ ' til-Way fflfli, 1333’ ,1 k†f“; iii his name is. at stake. Potatoes that decayed into a putrid 5m.“ ‘ “fluâ€? Q "‘“.""“= “"d PM“ Remember, Foso actually grows hair, wnl ye llll‘saddyr.†.ldbqy. to, Jusy. {Ivy-I , at...qu u... m... . . ___'_ onion slulimi.r m the cavity. Roll up the stops hair falling out, removes (hmdmn; very busy, iildadc. Cassidy '. "to dont ' ‘ "" W‘"“"'“",;:'é;â€"‘â€""“j’â€"‘f"“;'"‘f""g‘“â€"’â€â€â€˜;‘“‘"""5’m‘ meal. and make it into a firm roll. Slice insures ,1 new grmvlh of eyebrows and gel} mo l†t'Zascy: “Aye. Sltl'u‘lv’l‘y turnips, carrots, and cclcry,and place in eyelashes, and changes way 0,. faded time I‘m at laysurl: l hov scluclmn’ to ' . ‘5 _ ¢% a baking [in ‘with one pint. of stock. hall» to its natural color. Idon’t ask you dc.’ i. That hacking cougar continues @9 bill‘- 121d 111310] 1111mm (ml 11hr,l vogelgbl‘es. cook to take my Word for it. Fill out free cou- "inflmrï¬z’Srâ€"mtmâ€"u-uzb r £19†y l -101'0Ug l 3’ (0119-. 115ml; 1‘0' pon below and mail lo-da '. ' l." ‘ -‘ l ‘7 NTFDâ€"FOP FlRE- 5 , Because your system is cidiausted and eggs qu‘cnlly. Dredge the meat won with . fl 4 ~ 3 ,_ , Twp-m iflï¬ukï¬heut N,c,.,,,‘,,cc “n, 3, ° ~ ‘ .‘ r'l~ Mil ’ " , A m ., .f†‘. your powers of resistance: weakened. 4.311133 ifiiiihiitoliii-‘qlzliiekdo {will lmd "REE PACKAGE COUPON- necessary; over sou pt‘lslltolls open at the ' T k 5 '4 9 “ Z o m 5:11:38“ ll'rflolul‘ ‘ 'l‘tllt(%\‘(01|§lelï¬lll(l“tf§'OI ieliiiili‘s'igiihoilgtiliiw 61,3“?! alga??? 0“ “$th liznlc-i . prescll time; high wages; rapid promoâ€" .a ' 4 hr t ., -'â€" « K .. .x . l .. 5. l H: .. ' . 3" . . . t . . . ur‘f a e 695$ ‘5 flvnuz Jfgnu Egg: (‘0‘.(1 hboiled btcPl. two (flittinq, u (“mm . 1:10:43 Buildiï¬uz,Cincinnati. ('l‘éiioraa‘jndlsvrrcturr‘: alga)“; t'llglll‘ï¬lsfâ€˜ï¬ co‘l.lg:1:bligs'n:i:ï¬ i . _ . - j , ,. " 3 n , “ . ‘ “ mrL' youwi li‘eUOlVO'll'ellleit. t'roe ten-ant. trial I‘LL. lcr mom .1“ lll.‘ l'liCl .7. . ' i .. It up and strengthens 37933. eï¬ure system“ is : 'monml‘s‘lo'f Ville,ng dndt‘ ml†'fl'ipl‘m OI pwmgmmyme mat wm‘laughtyou' ymir' ll'uu'n'r- without interruption with . I ‘ g ' . . c» . gravy. .. ice to onions irs,a'nt i‘\' in » > - â€- V M, f, 4 I,†. . . - . , ,‘3 _ ,. . - -, . V x , ., - , . , ircscnt UCL'UPZILIUD ue {tarball each s.u- .1 ® It centaxng Cod Liver and Kâ€"Ewogghosphgtgg so eï¬ it} l.l.llt d‘irippmg, .uldd‘ighciioulgxï¬i 110111th . ..m._-~.._.._....._._.._ ......................... .............. {mm m SCI-“ring a'lmsmon; do!†delay; ‘ - . - - .llC‘.\'»‘-'}ll c rravy. ' cn 'l 13 '1 nice ‘ ' - . ‘. . . r. , - n . . 'v‘ 3% prepared that it: is easy to take and easy to dearest. (23:, hm.†Sm. 5,, .N “inpgmf m, ‘,.,.,,,.,. , write til-Hill to} lilo: Callahan-l.31?};3: 1 '- ‘ ' ‘v’ ‘ ' ‘ -‘ :‘ ' 'I .ai.'. llilJ ' @ Au. Dguccls'rs: soc. Am) sing (.91, .ili'itl had up. idace the shoes of meat in _ . ‘ h triplipglnrl'l‘lzlfgzgla £21102“ inc )osmrn I A to .~,_ (1 n '5’ this. llllll .‘lilillilt‘l‘ :enlly till li‘ilt’lf‘l'. lla- . a l \ ' I.- I c. ._. It , .,1 , . J . "'933‘3553 vor with a little kc‘tchup and made iu’us- :W" EGWWIU‘IMM?’ ml" pw‘lum’lam bloc“: Ml‘mcul’m‘51 Minn†U' h" A‘ ' J . * 1