Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 1 Mar 1907, p. 4

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.____.__._.-â€"â€"â€". ._ . ._â€"_.-. ...__.'_â€"_ ~W- ...__..._. _. ._...__.._________.___â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"'â€"‘â€"_' RUNAWAY.â€"Last Friday afternoon a thing on the market. 'i‘n .. .hLmn. Jilin .nlncd‘liimdliml’iiu § in I. DEAMOND RINGS, F'sncv svone nines PEARL BRGGCHES mounted in connection with the iashionahlc stones such as ame- tlu‘sts, topaz, aquamarines, etc. % of all varieties. Foot of Kent St. rices really are. see displayed, 60011011137. MANUFAUI‘U RERS 0F. ‘ STORM SA SH AN D5 STORM? DOORS. STOUR NOW. lj‘ rerun-r rnus mane- uiu. l I Ready-made Clothing of the best makes, bough before .the advance in woollens, going at less than the wholesale price before the rise. better than that? A complete assortment at astonl ingly low figures. Come in and see the goods. What could you want sh- All other lines in our store as low in price as any- cFarland. :32“??qu TWINE: MWJEWEWWE'IWR’ WC 'lll‘ "ex «renew urrnmururama*‘rwacwnmrwrww g n“ 'Elrlll‘ffiflf‘llfiafi 'lllfig‘llfil’fi'lli CHAINS. Men’s and Ladies’. GOLD STONE FESTOON NECKLETS. An elegant novelty. Fancy Stone and Pearl SGABF PINS. isitors Alwvays W elcome. LINDSAY. g eairrou sees. as I‘ve flfr‘imficmflaafliuflh: tiller.ailiurnflhmd'hmdlhc:nflf'lnmdlimdhrsimhn id'hmnfiucml'diumd'fiumdlhmim:flnrflmflkflk sun: .5 , e 15 Our stock of Fall Millinery the most complete it has ever been our pleasure to show. Every lady should see it before buying a winter hat. MISS M. WASHBURN. W WWW WWW W‘WWWWW W “it WE WANT WEIR BUSINESS. . t, . . Just let us show you what good serv1ce and rlght r. p r . Come in and look around. You will be under no obligation to buy, although our stock is full of things you need. If there is anything you want and do not ASK FEB T. IF WE HAVEN’T IT WE WILL GET IT. Let us prove to you that dealing with us is practical Weawish all our friends and customers a happy and prosperous New Year. Friday, March 1st, 1907. Board of Trade Meeting. The annual meeting of the Board of Trade was held in the council chamber on Tucsdey night, and a fair reprscnta- tivc was present. In the absence of the vice«presidcnt, (Dr. Wilson,) Mr. R. M. Hamilton occupied the chair, and the following executive was elected : President, Dr. Wilson ; Vicc~1’rcsidcnt, J. L. Arnold; Secretary, Dr. Sims. The above, with the f(.)llowing gentle- men, will constitute the council for the ensuing year : J. H. Brandon, R. M. Ham- ilton, Dr. Gould, Dr. Mason, W. H. Robâ€" son,, Thos. Graham, Thos. Robson, M. H. McCallum, .T. H. Stanton, 13‘. McDougall, Wm. Campbell and W. T. Junkin. Messrs. Hamilton and McCallum were appointed auditors. The secretary was instructed to correspond with the G. ’1‘. R. authori- ties with regard to better railway sor- vico, and with the owner of the steamer Kathleen re giving C. 1’. R. connection. On Tuesday night, March 5th, a joint meeting of the village council and the Board of Trade will be held in Twomcy’s hall, when the boat people will be asked to place their proposition before the meeting. __.__â€"â€"â€"--o-â€"â€"-â€"-‘ Fatal Railway Accident Near Lindsay. About 7.30 on the evening of Friday last, the ‘2."an inst., the cutter in which Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Primeau, of Lind- say, were driving towards home, was struck by the regular C. P. R. train at a crossing about two miles south of the her neck being broken, Mr. Primcau sus- tained a bad cut on his head and a com- pound fracture of his left leg, the horse was killed and the cutter smashed into small pieces. At the inquest held by Coroner Blanchard is was proved that the train hands were not in any way res- ponsible for the accident. As there was bright moonlight, the cutter was seen at a conniderablc distance from the crossing, and every effort was made to avoid a collision, the whistle being re- peatedly blown, the bell rung and the brakes applied. We are told that Mr. train, but thought he would have time to cross the track. The accident cast quite a gloom over Lindsay, as the cou- ple are old residents of the town and much liked and respected. Mrs. Pri- meau, who was 51 years old, leaves a family of eight children, some of them, of course, quite young. Mr. Primcau, who is doing well in the Ross Hospital rance, up to Wednesday, of his wife’s death, and possibly has not yet been told of it. Fenelon Council. Cambray, Feb. 18th, 1907. Council met at call of rcevc, and the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The following motions were assented to : Websterâ€"Palmer,â€"-That the resqu- tions giving reasons for the Roscdalo bridge and McLaren's creek bridge to be assumed by the county be signed and sealed. Moynesâ€"Wobster,-â€"That by-laws be now introduced appointing path-mas- ters, fence-viewers and pound-keepers ; also one providing a new scale for road- work assessment. The by-laws were passed in the usual manner and signed and scaled. Palmer-«Moynes,â€"That Wesley Web- ster be paid $15 for stoning road on the quarter line between lots 25 and 26 on con. 6. Palmer~Moynes,â€"~--That this council grant leave to the Dunsford Telephone, Light & Power Co. to erect its poles on the highways of this township. Moynesâ€"Palmer,â€"That abatements to the amount of $19.41 be allowed the col- lector. Websterâ€"â€"Pa1mer,â€"â€"That this council instruct its solicitor to urge the Domin- ion Government to make a further grant for dredging on the short road from Cameron to Lindsay. Palmerâ€"-Webster,â€"-’1‘hat the reeve Laren's creek bridge and tho tannery bridges. Websterâ€"Moynes,â€"-That this council instruct the reeve to be present when the matter of placing Rosedale and Mc- Laren’s bridges under county control comes before the Judge. Craggâ€"Moynes,â€"That Messrs. Palm- or and Webster secure the timber for Cundy’s bridge. Websterâ€"Cragg,â€"That J; T. Palmer procure stone to repair washout at lot 20, con. 3. 5Palmerâ€"Webstor,»â€"That the rceve and M. Moynes oversee the rebuilding of the bridge at lot 15', con. 1. Webster -â€"l\onnos,~â€"'l‘hat the clerk be paid $35 011 salary. Palmerâ€"Moynos,â€"â€"That the auditors' report be accepted, and that they be paid $6 each. Wobster-â€"--Cleggyâ€"That the clerk Write to the asylum authorities in re- gard to T. H. Perryman. Pal:110r-â€"â€"l\on11es,â€"â€"T11at the treasurer receive an order for $942.03 loaned by him to the township. Council then adjourned, to meet at the call of the move. Somerville- Council. Council met at Burnt River on Feb. 23rd,. All the members present except Mr. Rumney. and the reeve occupied the chair. Minutes of last meetingrcad landoonflrmcd. i‘ Mr: J. J. Finnoy wantod'a bonus for town. Mrs. Primcau was instantly killed, , Primeau admitted that he heard the, and likely to recover, was kept in igno- _ .and Mr. Cragg procure timber for Mc-.. 330 rods of wire fence to beorected‘along ' The Fenelon Falls Gazette. a culvert on the east boundary. Moved by Messrs. Carew and Davis that Mr. Henderson's claim ($8.00) be paidâ€"Carried. » ‘Moved by Messrs, Maconachie and arrow. That Mr. Truax‘s account in con- nection with getting Arch. Campbell to the House of Refuge be paid, and that the clerk connnunicate with his son James asking him to refund the amount. â€"Carricd. Messrs. Carcw and Davis moved that the following accounts he paid: Craig &.Austin, account for lumber etc. sup- plied in 1904-07), $70.85; G. W. Bcall, stationery, $4.56; members of local Board of llcalth, fees, 82.50 each; and that this council grant $7) to the Nation- al Sanitarium Hospital for Consumptivcs. â€"â€"Carricd. Mr. M. Byrncs applied for a bonus for awxro fence, and Messrs. Maconachie and Davis were appointed to examine his fence and report at the next meeting of the council. The council adjourned to meet at the call of the roeve. Rosedale. (Correspondence of the Gazette ) On Sunday afternoon last the Church of England congregation held their in- itial service in the old Methodist church building, Rev. Mr. Choice, of Coboconk, ollleiating. There was a very good atâ€" tendance, and the members were much gratified at having the opportunity of enjoying the services of the Ancient Church once more. Mc. Chafee intends holding service every alternate Sunday, with an occasional service in between, in the same place until further notice. Too much credit cannot be given this gentleman for his devotion and selfâ€"sac- rilice in coming from Coboconk to give these services entirely free of cost to the congregation, the collections being applied to the building fund of the new church. The collectors of this fund are now canvassing for subscriptions of either money, time or material; and we bespeak from our readers a cordial re- ception for them; and if any of you should be inadvertently omitted, a post- al-card naming your subscription or re- questing a call, and mailed to the treasâ€" urer, Miss M. Reynolds, Rosedalc, or any of the other members, will receive prompt attention. Miss McFadan returned home on Sat- urday last from a three weeks’ visit to Toronto and Oakwood. Miss Laura Russell left on Tuesday on a visit to Toronto. While at the Falls last week, Mr. Sam I Smithson's team met with an accident which might have been very serious, but fortunately not much damage resulted. Better to be born lucky than rich, Sam. Miss Ruby Goodman and Miss Viola McIntosh are spending'a few days in Fenelon Falls, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Junkin. Puzzleâ€"Find the two Johns. Sr. J AMES’ Gunmenâ€"The Rev. W. H. A. French, of Uxbridge, has been appoint- ed Rector of St. James' church, Fonclon Falls, and St. Peter’s, Verulam. He will assume his duties in this parish on Sun- day, April 7th. NOTICE.â€"â€"Tilo Parish Workers of St. James’ church are requested to meet at the residence of Mrs. William Burgoyne on Tuesday afternoon, March 5th, at 2.30. A full attendance is requested, as this is the last meeting of the year, and consequently election of officers for the ensuing year will take place. ' FAx.â€"â€"Don't forget the Fax concert on Monday night, the 4th inst. Mr. Fax is the same clever, humorous vocalist that he was ten years ago, or, if anything, better, according to the Calgary Herald. He will be assisted by the best local talent. Doors open at 6.30, programme to commence at 8. Plan of hall at Rob- son‘s drug store. Tickets 25c., reserved seats 35c. BANK OF B. N. A.â€"â€"The Bank of British North America. announce that they now pay interest on deposits in their savings department at the current rate, com- pounded four times a year. Interest is now added to accounts March 3151;, June 30th, Sept. 30th and Dec. 3lst. They are also building a. large fire-proof vault in their ofiice, and extend to their custom- ers the privilege of storing valuable papers, ctc., without charge. CURLING.â€"Two rinks came over from Bobcaygeon on Wednesday afternoon and hada very close and interesting game with the locals, being three shots down at the finish. Following were the players: Boncnvoron. FENELON FALLS. D. Hcthorington, E. Novison, B. Walker, T. Cashorc, l-I. Mark, M. W. Reive, G. D. Watt skip 10_ E. G. Hand ship 11 W. Swartman, A. J. Gould, Rev. G. A. Smith, T. Graham, W. J. Read, R. M. Hamilton, 1. R. Stewart sit-11 J. H. Stanton 5k 13 21 24 HOCKEY.â€"The Omomee hockey team playedagamo with tho Fenclon Falls seven on the local rink on Wednesday evening. The visitors played a fast game, and within fifteen minutes of the finish hada lead of three goals. The Falls boys then let outalittle speed they had saved up, and scored five goals within about ten minutes, and then Ome- mee scored one just beforeitimo was favor of the home team. Following was. the 'line-up : Omemoe.â€"â€"Goal, Mitchell ; point, Brad- lay; cover, McPherson; rover, Shcrin ; centre, Parsons; right wing, Mitchell; left wing, McGee.- Fonclon Falls.â€"-â€"Goal. Main; point, grey team, owned by Mr. Sam Smithson, of Fcnelon. took fright at something while 5 9. id 11; in front of the stone mill and ran away. Crossing the swing bridge, they ran 11p Colborne street un- til they overtook Mr. W. L. Robson's delivery sleigh, into which one of them jumped, knocking out the driver, Leslie McKcndry, who 0fortunately escaped with a few bruises and a big scare. A GOOD CONCERT.â€"â€"A programme of I exquisite beauty was presented to those of the music lovers of Fenclon Falls who attended the concert given on Wednes- day evening in Twomey‘s ball by the London Trio Concert Co. Too much‘can- not be said, in approval of the class oi? music rendered by this company. The trio consists of MiSS Annie Reid, sop- , rano, Miss Alice M. Halls, contralto, and Mr. J. l’arncll Morris. tenor. The blend- ing of these three voices in their trio numbers was unusually perfect. The duct and solo numbers wer) each. a treat, and those who failed to attend the conâ€" cert missed. an opportunity not often afforded our citizens of hearing a reallv first-class musical programme. This company was assisted by Mrs. G. Perry, reader, and Miss Lillian Wilson, of Feuâ€" elon ll‘nlls, who acted; as accompanist, sustaining her reputation as: an accom- plished pianist. She also gave? two beau- tifully rendered piano solos. We might- » add that My. Morris is; well known in Tl’enelon Falls, and his many friends were pleased to see and hear him again. FROZEN TO DEATH. You will ‘not freeze to death if you have one 01 our heating stoves in your home. We are selling them at cost now, as we have no room to, store them. Only a few left. COOKE’S HARDWARE STORE. DIED. Wmonr.â€"â€"At Toronto, on Saturday. Fob- . ruary 23rd, 1907, Stella ’l‘ugman, wife of Mr. Frank J, Wright, artist. Deceased was sister of Mrs Thomas Shane, of Fenc- lon Falls. Swnnron â€"At Cookston, Minn, U. S, on Monday, February 25th, 1907, Frederick William, son of Mr and Mrs. Wm. Swan- ton, of Fenelon, aged 36 years,4 months and 6 days. ‘ humanâ€"In the township of Somervil‘le, on Tuesday, February 26th, 1907, Mary Elizabeth Fielder, aged 4.2 years, 3 months' and 10 days, FENELON FALLS MARKETS.‘ Fenelon Falls, Friday, March lst, 1907 Reported by me Non/z om'r Roller Mill Ct; \Vlieat.Scotch or Fife .... 6:3 to as; Wheat,fall, perbushcl.... 6:) 67¢ Wheat, spring .... .... 65 65 Barley, per bushel. ... . . .. A .. 43 45. Buckwheat“ .... .. . . 45 49 Cats, “ .... 3'1 33 Pause, “ .... ' 75 so Rye, ” . . . . . . . . 60 65. Potatoes, “ .... 45 m) Hutter,per 1b . . . . . . . . . . . . 19' 2o Eggs,per dozen...... 241 . 25- Hay,per Lon...... ...... . 7.00 800 Hides..... 800 800 Hogsdive‘; 45!) son 1 Hon.: (Dressed) 6 no 7.5a iBecf . . . . . . ............... 500 6.00 Sheepskins. . . . . . . 50 90' Wool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 25 Flour, Brandon’s Best . . . . . 2.35 2.55 Flour, Silver Leaf ...... .. 2.10 3-30‘ Flour, Victoria .... ...... 2.05 2.25 Flour, New Process . . . . . . 2.00 2.20 Flour, Family, Clipper.... 1.93 2.15 3m”, per lOO lbs .. . 1.05 1.15 Shorts, “ “ ..,,,,,,, 1.10 1.25- nlixed Chop “ .... ...,. 1.25 l 35 Shoflhorn Bull For Sale. Dark roan, 12 months old, of the low- down blocky type; a good one, and" bred from prize-winning stock. Apply to ALEX. McGEE, 2-3* Fenolon Falls, Ont. QMDUATES BE THE POPULAR : ELPIOTT i W TORONTO, ONT. readily get positions as Stenograph- ers, Book-keepers, Tnvoico Clerks. Commercial Teachers, Shorthand Teachers, etc., at good salaries. De- , mand fully twenty times our supply. v Such a demand does not seem pos- sible, but it is true. Our superior work is well-known. Enter now. Catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. CORNER YONGE AND ALEXANDER STSQ 9mm BRITISH hMERiEM‘ti ‘ BUSINESS COLLEGE”, Y. M. C. A. BUTLDING. YONG!) d: MCGILI‘u 8TB. TORONTO. Open the year round. Enter any time. The oldest and strongest business . school. All facilities are the best. ’ [students receive export instruction and personal attention. and are as- sisted to positions. Write for cat- " â€"_<«-<vv-.-_vmm:-&;â€". Ines... f 9the'side of the road on side line at lots iPea-1'0"i"3°"‘3“v Lang’leldi I'm/91" W' MO‘ “'10ng or this live’ “p‘tn'date HChOOI' ilt’. and 13, con. 8. Messrs. Carew and mougi‘u i centre"M°qau“m3 right Wing" T A s V‘ :Davis moved that a bonus be given. 313- Mcmugani 1°,“ “"33 Nichom" ' M‘ w T ON' PRINC'PAL' , 3 Mr. Robert Henderson wantedpay for. ‘ Releme’ A' J‘L‘O‘u‘l' ' - Â¥ called, the final score being -10 to 11 in, PBOPBIETO’BS‘. l,' Hymn & "rams -.

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