- VICTORIA. _.h-.â€". Notice is hereby given that the Municipal. Council of the Corporation of the county of Vic- toria will meet in the Council Chamber, Court House, ' Lindsay, _..on_ Tuesday, January 23rd, A. D. 1906, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. J. R. MoNElLLIE, County Clerk. County Clerk’s Oilice, . Lindsay, January 8th, 1906. Frat rinses-i. Disease Prevalent New. but can he Quickly Cured With Hyomei. A great many people suffer more with catarrh during the fall months than at any 'other season of the year, the changes in weather seeming to have a had effect upon the disease. Some of the cures made by Hyomei seem marvellous when one remembers that the , patients had suffered from caturrh since 1: childhood and that for years they had been unable to get a good night’s sleep, on ac- count of the disagreeable tickling and drop- pingâ€"at the back of the throat caused by this offensive disrase. A fc\\"'(layst1'eat- ment broughtquick relief, and its continued use made a Complete and lasting cure. By breathing IIyomci through the pocket inhaler that comes with every outï¬t, all the air passages of the. lungs and throat are ï¬lled with air laden with nature’s own rem. edies for the cure of catarrh. All disease germs are killed, and the irritated mucous membrane is healed. The complete outï¬t costs but $1 00, extra bottles 50 cents Compare this'small ex- pense with the fees charged by specialists. If you cannot obtain I-Iyomei of your dealer, it will be forwarded by mail, postâ€" age paid, on receipt of price Write to-day for consultation blank that will entitle you to services of our medical department with- out charge. The R T. Booth Company, IIyomei Building, Ithaca, N. Y. SYNOPSIS 0F Sill NORTH-WEST HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. NY even numbered section of Dominion Lands in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, excepting 8 and 26, not reserved, may be homestoadrd by any person who is the sole bad of a family, or any male over 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter section of 160 acres, more or less. Entry may be made personally at the local land oflice for the district in which the land is situate, or, if the homesteader desires, he may, on application to the Min- ‘ ister of the Interior, Ottawa, the Commis- sioner of Immigration, Winnipeg, or the local agent, receive authority for some one to make entry for him. The homesteader is required to perform the conditions connected therewith under one of the following plans: (I) At least six months’ residence upon and cultivation of the land in each year for three years (2) If the father (or mother, if the father is deceased) of the homesteader resides upon-a farm in the vicinity of the land entered for, the requirements as to resi- dence may be satisï¬ed by such person re- siding with the father or mother. (3) If the settler has his permanent resi- dence upon farming land owned by him in the vicinity of his homestead, the. require- ments as to'resideucc may be satisï¬ed by residence upon the said land. Six n onths’ notice in writing should be given to the Commissioner of Dominion Lands at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent. - W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N. B.â€"Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid ter. 44. W A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. entered upon a New Year, and through the bong, twelve months to come people will want to deal at TEE STEEE Wilde‘iiI-E SLIM GEES FASTEEST. This is the Store wheres Highest Frices are Paid for Produce and where a full line oi the Choicest. Groceries are kept. Also the famous - ALBERT SHOE FGB MEN and the. VICTORIA SIIOE FOR WOMEN, and a first class line of Children’s Shoes. Come and give me a trial. If we suit you tell others. If not, tell us. Coleman’s Bread for Sale. Jae. Robertson. THE HON EST HOUSE, __.,«- _~.._. W¢.4.W~mmn flnufluï¬zrm‘ik Jrililuflinsri‘limlif'm nï¬uzn’hhpul’nrflnt idliitwl‘dnud‘imsdl‘mmdhuddlmfl'iuinflimflamillnuï¬ntn’lhtmmsflmï¬llk nil’auilllmmsï¬llu ï¬lkMuJflln: : Wool . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 24 2:3 Flour, Brandon’s Best . . . . . 2.50 > . . ' Flour, Silver Leaf . . 2.20 .‘ Bran, per 100 lbs .. . 9i) Shorts, “ “ 1-00 Christmas is past, and we have again _ inseam www.m«mustmm mWfl Wyn-mt: GIGANTIC SALE SNAP: FOB WINTER IN. Second Hand Stoves From $52 up, and new ones for the balance of the year at a small margin over cost. Also a good assort- ment of Cross-cut Saws,~Axes, Axe Handles, and Snow Shovels. BORROW attiuillma‘axï¬lln WWW OF ALL WINTER GOODS COMMENCES SATURDAY, JAN. 6. AND WILL CON- TINUE UNTIL THURSDAY. FEB. 1. CONT . A Snow Shovel when you can get one for a Silver collection at the door. A full assortment of Hardware and Tinware, Skates and Hockey Sticks, etc. > G. H. MCGEE. - TiIE EiiTldE SSW, Consisting of Men’s and Boys’ Clothing, Dry Goods, . Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc, has to be sacrificed at less than actual cost, as all WinterGoods must be sold .' before stock taking time. The greatest and best values , ' on earth now stare you in the face. S OPPOSITE PUST'OFFICE' The only question isâ€"can you, dare you. in justice to g yourself, overlook a chance like this to save at least half the price you will be obliged to pay the regular merchants for Fall and Winter merchandise. E; ESE GCQD COMMCH SEESE, with which nature has endowed you; come and see with your own eyes and be convinced. . , suit I is: nuns LEFT FOR THE HOLIDAY.’ ' SEASON IN A Clothing, Dry Goods, Bat earl Sine Sale llithtut a Parallel. It Will pay you to come a hundred miles to visit the sale. Saturday,_J an. 6th, commences one of the greatest sales ever held in Fenclon Falls. See handbills for a few of the many bargains that will be placed on sale. Watches, Rings, Bracelets, Chains, Lockets, Brooches and Silverware; II..I.illIIS, Ji’v'fziiifiii’ lililllii IIIIS. W, WWW. WWW W ' V o. "VESSEL ROS†THE CHEAPEST STORE IN THE COUNTY. ‘ii‘ir- patriotic»- WHEN IN NEED OF SCANTLENG, “TS†UILDING MATERIAL, OR INSIDE Call for our Prices before seeking sanle from outside sources. Sandiord Furniture & Woodenrare, Ltd, FENELOH FALLS. " KNEE! unw‘ntqprmmwgir:rmurzkmurzumr‘mwruugpprnawnrnulpr'amrmm: mwmmmmmwr ï¬lWFJWquK‘W W YOU'LL BE INTERESTED TO KNOW‘ That you can make from $100 to $400 per month. Any reliable person on the farm or in town. Experience unnecessary. Write now. Don’t deliy. Big proï¬ts. Box‘ 491, LINDSAY, ONT. and examine a copy of our catalogue if , you have any idea of taking a prepara- tory course for a 61-001) PAYING POSITION. We believe there is no school equal to , ours for methodic business training and Reported by the Norm Star Roller Mil/T Co " for producing good results. We solicit FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Fenelon Falls, Friday, Jan. 12th, 1906. SECOND DIVISEDN COURT" -â€"OF THEâ€" County of Victoria- New Years’ Greetings: FOR YOU. We thank all our customers investigation and comparison. Wheut.Scotch or Fife 73 to 75 No vacations. ‘ Wheat, t'all,perbushel.... 73 ~ 75 ullntcr any time. Wheat, spring . . .. .... 70 ‘ 70 (WA (I 1" J v I: I , ‘1; Barley, per bushel.... 43 40 Buckwheat“ . .. . . 50 52 Oats, “ 33 35 Pease, “ .... .... 72 75 be next sittings of the above Court wiif be held in Twomcy’s hall, Fenelon Falls ON MONDAY. JANUARY 8th, 1906, Rye: ' "' ' '" 62 65 _, for their patronage during the past commencing at 1 o’clock in the afternoon Eotptoeizr 1b . ... - .QM.’ our business shows ,1, steady Thursday, Dec’r 2811:,1will'be the last day' :11 er, * 7 and healthful growth, and we hope of service on defendants residing in this. eggs, per dozen - - - - - ~ um 20 2f E w. H. a to do an increased trade with you in. county.. Defendants- living in other coun-. HM.) per ton . . .. . 6.00 _ _ ‘m ' ' 1906, I, ties, must. be served: on. or before Satan-- Hides . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 7.00 00 _ day, December 23rd; Hogs (live) ...... .. 75 ‘5 HEADQUARTERS FOR 3%“ Office hours from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Hogs (Dressed) 50 - ‘ ._ , . . ELISHA 1 ' ‘ Beef ...... . . . . . . . . .. .. 4.00 517") CHOICE: Boys’ and Girls’ Sleighs, Doll liARéihm 1‘“ D'HAgllgik w ' {I1 5' ' ~ . M bhecrslmls ---------- - - -' ’ ’ , , Carrlages, BlackboardS.. T 0y. : Fenelon Falls, Oct. mm, 1905. Sets; also a full line of Fancy ' Rockers, Morris Chairs, Parlor Tables, Sideboards, Bedroom ‘ Suites from $12 up, Rug and. ‘4 Velour Parlor Suites. No trou- ‘ ble to show goods. Prices right- '- Goralina L. DEYMAN, Furniture and Undertaking. Picture; Framing a Specialty. Flour, Victoria 2.10 Flour, Family, Clipper.... 20'0 w @ w w S†nâ€"‘Hvâ€"‘NL‘jNLJ siixed Chop “ .... 1.15 ..._..____....- If you want choice Baltimore Oysters, go to Stinson’s for them. He keeps them always in stock. Also a choicesu-ck of the highest grade Confectioneryâ€"â€" CliilfliildlEStND BONBONS. They are immense. And don’t forget our Jumbo Peanuts, and try our line of ï¬ve and ten cent QIJDICSrJ-IRSAJ> THEY GIVE SOLID COMFORT. _ Cream 5 For. Chopped . Hands-4- 250. 1 Robson’s, Drug Store. FOR THE NEW YEAR. I thank my friends and patrons for success 1n the past year, and am sure that WANTED: I h d best L0 “‘80â€" 0 h (1 (1 ng men and S ‘L O m , no no re .more you . ft 131 ape. sho‘wn REE QREA% AND son‘s; women who are ambitious and enterpris- nlerl 18 Pa Ion 0 AS USUAL- ing. to qualify in the to me. I have received a full line The only up-toâ€"dato Restaurant in town. of goods for the new year. ï¬n, N, Prices right, and quality the , Penman Fails. best that I can buy in my ' _,____ line of watches, Clocks, Chains, Links and B ‘acelets. JOHN SLATER, The Old Reliable Watchmaker and Jeweller,- next door to the post-oflice, Fenelon Falls. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES ‘ ELLIOTT ,‘ MM? TORONTO. ON". for the many positions open to all those who are thoroughly prepared to accept them. A six months’ course in this. . college means for a young man‘of the i right kind‘ an educational equipment hotter than many trades or professions l in money earning powm‘. Students ad- mitted at any time. Circulars free. W'. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. CORNER YONGE AND ALEXANDER STE, . ,. ,_ w“ ‘....r in; JET-3" or I V'w'Kag-sJ-V‘VMV' .â€˜ï¬ _._- v '0 Why -M ., .d\V_-A.___._ ' LIW'V-wvw x .»-~â€"v'« r“.... ..)7,,._ ---..,. ,~,/\;'~:.â€"’\/.mv-. _â€"V-., \'I/,,V-vl- <_'~ ,N. bvtsxv N - _ fr- ~'¢---' .a _, L _ _ A. ~w _--“..v~..'» -â€" .. ,‘ vau “xxx-«â€" .7...‘ _.‘~.â€"'\.\‘-â€"\, - ~. I . v '1“..r o'Jâ€"‘n _‘-‘-;~..._ . “Vi-u ~~ -\ ~_, ~_-._,~v.