Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 12 Jan 1906, p. 3

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HE'S ONLY ONE OUT OF SCORES BUI' DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS MADE HIM A NEW MAN. .__â€" Bichard Quirk Doctored for a Dozen Years and Thought llis Case Incur- ableâ€"Dodd’s Kidney Pills Cured llim. Fortune Harbor, Nlld., Jan. 1.â€"- (Special).â€"Scores of people in this neighborhood are living proofs that Dodd's Kidney Pills cure all Kidney ailments from Backache to Bright‘s Disease. Among the most remark able cures is that of Mr. Richard Quirk, and he gives the story of it to the public as follows: “I suil‘ered for OVer twenty years from Lumbago and Kidney Disease, and at intervals was totally unable to Work. After ten or twelve years of doctor’s treatment, I had madeI up my mind that my complaint was incurable. Reading of cih'es by Dodd’s- Kidney Pills tempted me toI try them. I did so with little faith, but to my great; surprise I had not taken more than half a box before I felt relief, and after the use of seven or eight boxes, I was fully cured and a new man. "Yes, Dodd’ss Kidney Pills cured my Lumbag'o and Kidney Disease, and the best of it is 1 haVe stayed cur- ed.” ______+..___... “Doctor, i want. to thank you for your valuable medicine.” “It helped you, did it?" asked the doctor, very much pleased. “It helped me wonderfully." "How many bottles did you find it necessary to take?" “Oh, l didn't take any of it. My uncle~ took one bottle, and I am his sole heir." ._.___.+_.______ Scratching ls foolish: it only makes a hurl patter wurse._ Weaver's Cerate allay-i the pain, loans the skin of eruptions and other sores; y not buy a. bottle to-llzty 'l _.._.+_.._..._.. KOREAN IS A FOP. Dress is the Greatest Ambition of Ills Life. The Korean is above everything else ___________________...â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-~â€". '1.” UNUO injure the surface. oilcloths and linoleums. _ . Sunlight Soap washes clothes white without injury to the most for it contains nothing that can delicate fabrics, or to the hands, injure either clothes or hands. Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way (follow directions). Equally good with hard or soft water. 152 LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. Toronto p...“- Tcstcd by Timeâ€"In his justly-cem- brated Pills llr. Parmelec has given to the world one of the most unique medi- cincs ofi'ered to the public in late years. Prepared to meet. the want. for a. pill which could be taken without nausea. and that Would purge without pom it has met all requirements in that div rection, and it is in general use not only because of these twu qualities. but. because it is known to possess alters.- tive and curative powers which place it in the front. rank of medicines. l-llS LITTLE JEST. Mchggerâ€"“l wonder if Mars really is inhabited?" Thingumbobâ€"“Don’t know, but. if Sa- turn is I'll bet the politicians own it.” Mcliggerâ€"“Think so?" 'l‘hingumbobâ€"“Certainly; can’t you see a man of the drawing room and all his me rings?" instincts move along the leisurely ways of life. Anything like basic or “en pressement" is unknown to the eternal laws that govern him. This character- istic of his is evident in all his actions at all times and under all conceivable circumstances. Being a drawing room gentleman. dress is the great ambition of his life. to the topknol on the lop of his head he is ordered so as to be seen and ad- mired of men. His shoes during this year of mourn- ing musl. he spotlessly white. No atom of dust or fly speck shall mar them. His socks beautifully puffed. are stitched to perfection, his panlnloons, big enough for a Brobdingnag, are padded. quilted and-ironed until they come forth look- ing like some mysterious fabric of pol~ ished marble, his jacket likewise and his overcoat and wristlets. Not only has he a headband, a top- knot and a hat on his head, but. he buys RHEUMATlSifl AME) PARAlYSiS. Their complete home cure. Post free to readers of this paper. For limited period only. A handsome illustrated treatise, giv- Fl'Olll the shoes of his feet mg full rlescrmtion c: Jilicumntism and Paralysis, with instructions for a. com- pirate, home cure, describing the most successful treatment in the world, re- commended by the Ministry and endors- ed by medical men. 'lllns highly in- structive book was written by W. 1-1. \cnu, u. gentleman who has made a. study of these diseases. 'lhe preface is by a. graduate of the University or \Vurtzburg. Send postal to-day and you mix rllf‘nive the book free by re- turnâ€"«Address, The Veno Drug 00., 24 lung bL. West, Toronto Mrs. Hix: “Mrs. June strikes me as: being entirely too I woman." Mrs. Dix: “Yes, indeed.‘ \Vhy. every time she has an ache or pain she makes as much fuss about it a pair of spectacles and adds them to his as a man would." already overcharged headgear. and thus rigged, with a ring on his finger and u Week and Polo Women foolishly keep this fan in his hand. he goes forth l0 make way when by the use of “Fen-ovim," the best his way through this troubled world. .__...___+_..___._. FRIENDLY TIP. “Is this building fireproof?" asked the man with the sample case as he stepped into the elevator. “Not fer book agents an’ peddlers,’ replied the elevator boy. I. ..____+.____. MALARIA ? '2 ? _...._ Generally That is Not the Trouble. Persons with a. susceptibility to malarial influences should beware of coffee, which has a tendency to load up the liver with bile A lady writes from Denver that she nulls-rod for years from chills and fever which at last she learned were mainly produced by the coffee she drank. “I Was also grievously afflicted with headaches and indigestion,” she; says, “which I became satisfied were' likewise largely due to the coffee I drank. Six months ago I quit its use altogether and began to drink Postum Food Coffee, with the gratiâ€" fying result that my headaches have disappeared, my digestion has been restored and I have not had 9. recur- rence of than three months. I have no doubt that it was Postum that brought me this relief, for I have used no medi- cine while this improvement has been going on." (It was really relief l chills and fever for morel fixed my eyes all right."- tonic, they could very uickl recover thci l and strength. Try it. q y r 18mm Its Power Grows with Agc.â€" How many medicines loudly blazoned as pa.- naceas for all human ills have come and gone smce Dr. Thomas' l'lclectric Oil was first put upon the market? Yet i: remains, doing more good to humanity than many a preparation more highly valued and extendin its virtues wider and wider and in a urger circle every year. It is the medicine of the mass- es. SEEMED TO HAVE HIM CORNER- ED. Wash oilcloths‘ and linoleums with warm water and ti Sunlight Soap, rinse clean and wipe ‘ @A P 6’” and the surface unharmed. Common soaps fade the colors and Sunlight Soap cleans. freshens and preserves The colors will be preserved THE OTHER ONES . I “Come, now,’ had taken the children for a. see papa.” "Oh, no.” see these other monkey’s first." 20 Years of Vile Cotarrh.â€"- Chas. 0. Bl own, journalist of Duluth, Minn., writes: “I have been a sufferer from Throat and Nasal years, during which time my head has been stopped up and my condition truly miserable. Within 15 minutes after us- ing Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhal Powder l obtained relief. Three bottles have al- most, if not entirely, cured me.” 50c.-73 Winkle: “After all, the first year of married life is the most unhappy, don't you think?” Tod: “Oh, yes] It takes about that lime for a man to learn how to conceal things from his wife.” Much distress and sickness in children is caused by worms. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator gives relief by re- moving the cause. Give it a trial and be convinced. “Do you think that music is of any practical benefit in life?" “Well! answered Miss Cayenne, “judging from the photographs of eminent violinisls, it must keep the hair from falling out.” That Tormenting Cold that made you wretch- ged W1“ not come back if you take Allen's Lung Balsam when your throat; is raw and sore. This mflsmmne [or a 5; lmirable remedy is free from opium. Take it in. HBO. Lady Visitor: “That new girl of yours seems very nice and quiet.” Mistress of the House: “Yes, she‘s very quiet. She doesn‘t even disturb the dust when she’s cleaning the room.” .Holloway's Corn Cure destroys all kinds of corns and warts, root and branch. Who. then would endure them with such a. cheap and effectual remedy Within reach? “Gentlemen of the jury," queried the clerk of the court, “have you fullv agreed to disagree?” “We have," answered the foreman. “The lawyers have bungled the case up so that we gop’t know any more about it than they 0 H 6i: Specialists on the Caseâ€"In the or- dinary run. of medical practice a great- The te‘mh‘ér was discoursmg to “’6' er number than this have treated cases class on the wonders "Take the familiar illustration of; the sting of a wasp,” he said, “as' compared with the finest When examined through a microsâ€"l cope the sting is still sharp, smoothI and polished, while the needle ap- pears blunt and rough. “It is so with everything. The works of nature are infinitely super-I ior to those of art. 'l‘ry how we may, we cannot improve on nature." “It isn't so with my eyes, Leach- er,” said a little girl in the class. “Why, how is that, Nellie?" he asked. “’Cause nature made me cross- eyed," she said, “and the doctors UNANIMOUS. The late Lord Leighton, president from congestion of the liver causedx of the Royal &ca(lemy, once had a, by colllee. )’ which often lasted for a week at a. time. She is a brain Worker and excessive application together with, the headaches began to affect her? memory most seriously. She foundI l chance to learn something about him. “My daughter has been as great a; I coffee drinker as I, and for years was afflicted with terrible sick headaches.a self that perhaps he had not suspect- ed. His chance came to him at a. pictureâ€"gallery. where his painting, "Helen of Troy,” was on exhibition. He joined a group of ladies who were standing before it just in time to hear one of the number say: “It is a. horrid picture, simply hor- no help in medicines and the doctor rid." frankly advised and use Postum. "For more than four months she her to quit coffee “I’m sorry, but it's mine!” Lord Leighton exclaimed, involuntarily. “You don’t mean to say you’ve has not had a. headacheâ€"her mental bought the thing?" questioned the (aculties have grown more active andl same lady, rigorous and her memory has been restored. "No more tea, coffee or drugs for us. so long as we can get Postum.” Name given by Postum 00., Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason. Read the little book "The Road to Wellville” in okn's “NQ‘ Iâ€"painted numbly replied. The critical lady was momentarily abashed; then she said, easily: "Oh, you mustn’t mind what I say." "No, indeed, you mustn’t," anâ€" other began, earnestly. “She only said what everybOdy else is sayinl" it,’ ’ the artist 0f “Mum- 7 of chronic dyspepsia and have failed to H _ Von Stan’s Pineapple J m ' tablets (60 m a box at 35 cents cost) nce c.51mve made the cure. giving relief in one “specialists” have cureâ€"but Dr. day. These little proven their real meritâ€"72 "Is it true," asked the caller, “that your husband ordered Dr. Smoother out of the house?” “Yes. Poor Jack had been carrying the baby all night and every night for a week, and was run down to a thread. I called the doctor, and he told Jack that he must take more exercise.” Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is but when used in the Sunlight way. Bu: Sunlight loop and follow directions. ._..__â€" CAUSE FOR Tl-IANKFULNESS. l-leâ€"Do you believe that love is a dis- ease? Sheâ€"Yes; but thank goodness, it is one that we can have more than once. said momma, who walk through the Zoo, “let’s go home and protested Elsie, ' ‘let’s Cularrh for over 20 comes to the home FRESH and PURE as when it left the PLANTATION to be manufactured with SPECIAL pound and half p Only one best tea. in sheets 96 inches long. FIRE, WATER AND 071‘ AVA, ONT. Mourns“, 00!. 423 Sussex it. 167 Oral: Bt- THE OTHER ONES. “Come, now," said momma, who had taken the children for a walk through the Zoo, “let’s go home and see papa." “Oh, no," protested Elsie, “let’s see these other monkeys first.” SMART-TURNER MACHINE 00.. HAMILT ON, - "___________.____.â€"a For, years they had been the best of friends, but a moment’s absent-minded- ness made them deadly and irreconcil- able enemies. It was Mrs. Hawkins’s fault. Mrs. Brumley had been ill for a. month, and was telling her friend all about it. “Yes, Mrs. Hawkins," she said, “I was very ill. They were afraid of my losing my mind.” “Oh, and did you, Mrs. Brumlcy?” asked Mrs. Haw- kins, with cordial interest. That was all. We make the E hatlc statement that- W'llhe D &. L”. Month.) Plaster will do more to Zreheve neuralgia, lame back, lumbago and kindred troubles than any other plaster. 25c. tins and $1 pd. rolls. All druggists. “I've got a washing machine here," began the inventor. The capilalist looked at him in the cold, calculating manner common to capitalists, and answeredzâ€"“Well, if I were you, I'd run straight home and use it." That night the anarchist band received another application for membership. [lave You ECZema?â€"â€"'-IaVe you any skin disease or eruptions? Are you subject to chafing or scalding? Dr. Ag- new‘s Ointment prevents and cures any and all of these, and cures Itching, Bleeding and Blind Piles besides. One application brings relief in ten minutes, and cases cured in three to six nights. 35 centsâ€"71 .__._aâ€"¢ George (nervously): “I'd like ever so much to marry you, Kitty, but I don’t know how to propose." Kitty (prompt- ly and practically): “That’s all right, George. You’ve finished with me; now go to papa." While more prevalent in winter. When sudden chunng in the weather try the strongest constitutions, colds and coughs and ailments of the throat may come in any season. sight of derangement use Bicklc’s Antl- Consumptivo byrup. Instant relief .will be experienced, and use of the medicine until the cold disappears will protect the lungs from attack. For anyone not be surpassed. -â€"-â€"-â€"-â€" PATHETIC LITTLE DOLLS. Some of the Indian women have a. very pathetic custom. When an In- dian girl dies her mother often sub. stitutes a doll for the lost little one. She fills the empty cradle with feathers arranged in the form of a child, and carries this about as she did her child, crooning to it and caressing it. Sometimes, instead of doing this, she ties the clothes, toys. and other articles belonging to the little one and, fastening them to the cradle board, carries it as she ori- ginally did her child. The Ojibways call these “unlucky dolls,” because they represent the dead; but the In- dian woman's idea is that. the little dead child is too small to find its way to Paradise, and that by subâ€" stituting the doll all. all assist it to get there. Galvanized or painted red on both sides. Most durable and economical coverin or Siding lor Residences, Houses. Barns. Elevators, btores, Churches. Pour Crib ' etc. Easior to la and will last longer t _ . shingles or slate. No elfporianoe necessary. A hammer and snips are the on y tools requir- . '. '-hn.rd nod '~h rude steel. Also Corrugutcd Iron, Painted or Galvaniz d ed It“ 8mm 0 hlofigadcd and Embossed Ceilings. V Crunpgd Roofing. 2006 designs of Roofing, Siding and Ceilings in all grades. Thousands of buildings through the Dominion are covered with our Sheet Metal Goods. making them Sand in our order for as man squares lelo feet) as you require to cover your new or old building. yThe very best rooflugyfor this climate. We can supply Save Trough. all uses. Corrugated or Plain Round. Conductor Pipes, Shoes’ Elbows. aplkrs, Tubes. All goods shipped day after order is MOIVad. We are the largest CODCGX‘ of the kind under the British flag Established 1861. Write for free samples and Catalogue of our Oshawa Shingle. Write to-duy. TEE PEDLAR PEOPLE, TORONTO. CRT. 59 Vonzo It » WRITE YOUR NEAREST OFFIGE. HEAD OFFICE AND WORKSâ€"OSHAWA, ONT, -‘. .1-».,~ ‘ i.-.,'~“L var-4' «‘3» At the first " with throat or chest weakness it can- CARE and CLOSELY SEALED in ound lead packets. Blue Ribbon’s lt. g for Roofing Itry Houses. ban any other covering. Chas. er than wood LIGHTNING PROOF "MIPEO, VANCOUVER, I... 10 “mm 8!. 515 PM” It. FEATHER DYEING Mus Mid Ourllu sod KM Glam ole-nod Thu] ushemtbymlewu. slush-spinel- m'flfll “ERICA” DYEIIIG 6.: gm + This is the season of the you when you need to use every recautlon With your 31 stock. By the use 0 our + 8': 013K TONIC fiend other remedies you have the best + guarantee of health to your stock. Valuable Advice Free g Use it and become your own veterinary '+ surgeon. Q The veranmnuv serum." co., lelted g 556 DUNDAS ST., TORONTO. ON 1‘. mmmmmmmmm+ decorate: Wanted. Direct current generator, 130 volts, 2 or 4 pole, mullipolar preferred, 500 lights, must be in first-class condition. S. FRANK WlLSON, 73 Adelaide St, Toronto. n+n+n+mmu+nm+n iii “Ah!” remarked Mr. De Robinson, “my wife is a great collector of curiosi- ties." “Indeedl” replied his friend. “Has she been at that long?” “Oh, bless you, yes; for years.” “Before she mar- ried you?" “Oh, yes." Rheumatism will Succumb to South American Rheumatic Cure because it goes right to the seat of the trouble and removes the cause. Many so-called cures but deaden pain temporarily only, to have it return again with dou- bled violence. Not so with this great remedy. It eradicates from the system the last vestige of the disease and its cures are permanentâ€"74 His Mother: “What are you moping about the house for, Tommy? ' Why don’t you go over and play with Charley Pinafore?" Tommy: “’Cause I played with Charley Pinafore yesterday, and I don’ “s‘pose he's well enough yet." It is a. Liver Pill.â€"Many of the s_.ll- mcnta that. man has to contend With have their origin in a disordered liver, which is a. delicate organ jpartlcularly susceptiblo to the disturbances that come from irregular habits or lack care in eating and drinking. This ac- counts for the great many liver regu- lators now pressed on the attention of sufferers. Of these there is none super- ior to Parmelco’s Vegetable Pills. ’l‘hcir operation though gentle is effective, and the most delicate can use them. TIME or A WINK. By pasting a. bit of paper upon the eyelid a, photographic record has been”, made of the duration of time required in winking the eye. It has been found that a wink requires one third of a second. ‘ .Dear Mother fl Yon: little ones are I comm are in Fall Ind Winter weather. They will catch cold. Do you know shout Shiloh'n Column ' Cure. the Lung Tonic, and whstit dander so many? it is said to be the only reliable remedy (pr all illnesses of the lit ptmgcs in children. his obsolle hernias and pleasant to hire. kicguraleedlocmeoryourmoncy is returned. The price is 25c. per bolde. and all dealers in medicine sell ‘ 3:4 SHILO This windy should be in every household. issue N0. 14s.

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