Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 15 Dec 1905, p. 7

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Vi * den and floral ' -| IN THE GERIvIAN ARMY. Sentence Imposed on Two Soldiers. A draconic sentence has been pass- :d by a courtâ€"martial sitting at (Job- lenZ, Germany, on two riflemen, who. dressed in civilian clothes, the better to avoid recognition, had slipped out of their quarters and, under cover of darkness, gone to a village restaurâ€" ant, where they knew would find a ltaconic certai n non-com mission ed 0 flicer, ‘ 1" 'r;s \' 10 l r o - ' r '1 :3. ‘ . acai t \l m t l0) b I‘( a ‘01 uh,- Fa) q , , Seeing him sitting; inside, they threw and a piece of window at him, WILLBL Phil) BY LEVER BROYHERS LIMIIED. YOHOHTODKT ram" Damon mmmu PMVIMT I'Hl: SOAPCONVAINSJ‘NV roar-1 Of ‘ ADUL'IKATION WUATBOEVER OR COH‘IAINflAlIV INJURIOUSCIIIHXCALQ a stoneware pitcher wood through the though without doing any injury. i The courtâ€"martial found the accusâ€"I ed guilty of participation in a mili- tary revolt, and sentenced one to six years’ iml'n‘isomnent. and degradation and the other to five years' haul labor, expulsion from the army an'l‘ live ycars' loss of all civil rights. No ‘ l allowanCe was made for the cleVen months the men had been in custody awaiting trial. The sentence has created great as.- ionishmcnt, and is compared with. the clemency so frequently shown by courts-martial to nonâ€"commissioned officers proved guilty of treating pri- vates with gross brutaility. +._._,.._ You cannot be happy while you have torus. Then do not delay in getting a. bottle of Holloway's Corn Cure. It! removes all kinds of corns without, pain. Failure with it is unknown. ‘ l I Your honey Reinnded by the dealer from w h o 111 you buy Sun- light Soup if you find any on u a a to r complaint. When the cooking-school graduates WAR-9.7mm PERF FREE FROM ADULTERATIOH ALLDEMERSAM AUTHORIZED TORETURI‘I V’URCHAE‘AE MONEAl TO ANYONE FINDING CAUSE FOR COHPtdeT. finalight way. Sunlight goo-p is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the $5,000 reward will be paid to any person w h o grov e a that unlighbSonp contains any in j u r l o u s chemicals or any form of “alteration. Equally good with. hard or soft water. casts her bread upon the waters she .Leva} Brothers l-Lvimitod. Toronto :53 hopes it. will return to her in the, w“...- wâ€"« shape of a wedding cake. MA'K[NG Uli? FOR LOST TIME. b iunngmt 8°}? i“ b‘atlir3?2u‘:§;;f‘$§; Mrs. Tuugayâ€"You can't imagine ‘11 in e? w an “a 1 " . .. ' ' how convenient I find it to have a Buy aunt’s“ soap and “now duecmfl' itelephone in the house. I don't see how we. ever managed to get along Without it. ’l‘llE HISTORT (.ZOUll’l‘EOUR. A barrislcr named Bus-he was trying Her lilebandâ€"ch, I can imagine, a case. in Limerick before. Chief Baron without any trouble, how conveniâ€" O’Grady, when, in the course of lheent yOll find it. I.t1‘lc(l nine times to lawyer’s speech, an ass began to bray can you up today, and every time loudly outside the court-room, the win- you wwc busy talking to somebody now of which opened on a pasture. 013.. _ “Wait a minute,” said the Chief Bank on. “One at a hole, Mr. lushe, if you. iii‘élmfi 0N “‘33 Rm lS A HARD lll‘lii chance to retort. W4..â€" charging the jury the ass again linear) to bray, this lime et- a greater distai’icc from the court-room window. “I beg your Lordship’s pardon." saidl Basile. “May I ask you to reprint your ‘ c, P, R, ENGINEERS EXPER- last words? There is such an cc 10 101‘0 s , i did not quite catch your last scn- IENCE WITH DODD S KID' tenor." * NEY PILLS. "IT-1E S IIAKE S PEA]:llfl G ARDEN. The estate of the Countess of War- . . . When h C uld Neither Rest nor Wick, in Essex, possesses a most 6 o ' unique feature. In one part of the, Sleep. grounds is what is known as the ,_ _ I , ' _ ,uShakCSpoam Border.” This include Winnipeg, Mam, llec. d;.â€"-(Special;. Vegetabw Den Rafferty, the wellâ€"knoWn C.1’.lt. engineer, whose home is at 175 Maple Street, is one. Winnipeg ‘man who swears by Dodd's Kidney Pills. “Long hours on the engine an i flu: mental strain broke down my run- “. mentionod_ stitution,” Mr. Rafferty “My quite. unique reproduction of the gain Midi gave '01‘t.0nt11‘01y- 'l‘»:r'~|l.ln, historv of tho Si» sharp, cutting pains followed one teenth century. This” extensive colâ€" “Imam”, till 1 felt I “"15 hemg 51mm lection does ’not include either the “Wu?y piecemcal- I would ‘50an i” [ol‘g‘ctâ€"me-not. the holly-hock, tl'ie'timf] to death from '4 1““1- MY Edi" mpglove’ 0,. the 1i1y-0f_{hc_.vancy; (lesn'e would be to get rest nod for students of Shakespeare will look 5.1001” and they “‘9”? the Very Mums in vain for mention of these favorite. 1 Could “Qt get" Fmany l hail t") [lowers in the whole of his workS. lay, 0” ‘lmk' . “Then I started to take .DtllnlS SOUGHOILNI my, doclm.’ why a”. you Kidney‘lg’iills, and the first night; after “ways running us mwypps dnwn-gn lusmg tar-m .l slept soundly. ln thwe every flower, shrub, and mentioned in the works of Shakes- peare. The. collection comprises 0\'er two hundred species, and every speciâ€" men is labelled, not only with ifs botanic name, but also with the quotation from the play in which it ' Altogether it is a Doctor (drylylâ€"â€"“\\'cll. your profession days throw away 1'13“ W.” I bi?“ doesn't make angels of men. does it?” 1W0?“ 101’ .VBUl'S- Dodd 5 RHIW‘M 1’11'5 Solicitor (with a wink)~---“\\'l1y aculcm'c‘l me": [Oil certainly have. the advantage of. -‘i' as there, doctor.” ADEPTS AT FRAUD. ____.+___._ â€"‘ Man Marries Two Rich Women THE “COFFEE HEADT'” and Spends Fortune. it Is as Dangerous as the Tobacco By the arrest of a man named Viard, who opened a marriage agency at Paris, France, and his niece, Mlle. “COUCB heart,” is conunon to Inauv DOL‘DS (10 LanCet, con“. “501.5 and is liable to send the matrimonial swindle has owner to his or her long home if the brought to “ill”- fiwg is persisted in. you can run Ille. succeeded in marryingr a WOIIlun 30 or {L0 yams and find nut 11- ymu. with $25,000, but in a few months heart is troubled. 'A 13“ 3; who '“.,,S he had spent her money and deserted once a vicum of the “CUE-{Cc heavy; her. The women did not prosecute writes from Oregon; him, but contented herself with o!)â€" “I have been a habitual user of millll'g 11 dh'm'cfi‘v cofl'eo all my life and have Suffered Viard then succeeded in finding a very much in-rccent years from all. second wife in a young woman with ments which I became satisfied were $15,000. When he had obtained the directly due to Um poison in Um bm._ 1 money he. deserted his wife, who, like cl‘ilge. such as torpid liver and indi_lthe first, did "not prosecute him, but gestion, which in turn made mv com- Ol-llilil'llld :1 divorce. plpxjon blotchy and mud-d“ ' Viard promptly began asearch for “T1101! my heart becau'ie affected. 3 mm"! "imim- him lll‘mn‘vhile it 1.5 would beat most, ram,in just 3,; young: man, the wellâ€"to-do Viscount (or if drank my comma, and go huh)“.- lCmaniu-l do Villefoutaine, applied to normal as the coffee. ell‘i-ct wore off. his ‘(3{-l"»‘m’y 1‘01‘ 21 WHO. Vim'd il'lllllfi‘l-l- Sometimes my pulse would go as lately introduced his niece as a very high as 137 beats to um minutu MVâ€" wealthy young lady, and the Vis- l'umily were gpgutly warmed at m“, count became enamored of her. A condition and at last lliollier pop". - l'uul'ringe was arranged, and Vial-d sinuled me to begiu the use or VHS induced the Viscount to hand him tum Food Coffee. |$I.G,UUO and jewelry to the Value of $1,000. “I gave up the old coffee oath-oh,- mm absolutely, and mm“. 'l-uusunu Before the wedding could take place my sole table beverage. This was 6 how‘“‘”‘ Certain information Con“ “mums ago, and all my i113, um g”. coming the girl came to the cars of digestion, inactive liver and rickety “‘0 \715‘30‘l1112. and 110 bl'UliO oil the heart action, have passed away. and . match and asked for the return of or Whisky Heart . been my complexion has become clear and his INOIWY- Failing 10 Obtain Uli‘s‘. natural. The improvement. set in he applied to the police, and \iard very soon after I made the change, 3"“ his niece were ill'l'esmd 0“ just as soon as the coffee poison had (’hi’ll'f-‘C‘IS “I “"1"” and Conspiracy {0 time to work out of my system. ‘dt‘l‘l'il‘l‘l- "My husband has also been great'v *‘â€"‘â€"+â€"‘â€"‘â€" enefitted by the use of I'ostunl. and . , ., we find that a simple breakfast with AN A ['THORITX' l‘ostllm. is as satisfying; and more Doctor (to Pat's wife, after exam- strengthening than the old heavier inng Pet, who had been run down meal we. used to have with the other by an ante)â€"-â€"“Madam, I fear your kind of coffee.” Name giiren by hiishand is dead." yostmn ($0., llattle Creek. Mich. Pat (locumâ€""No, I aint’t dead 'l‘liere's a reason. Read the little vaL,” bank, "The Road to Wellville." in ‘ Pat’s Wifeâ€""flush, Pat, the gentle- ukpgs. man knows better than you.,’-'- " Angel Childâ€"“Aunt Daisy, M'Afnm UP. what is meant by ‘a fictitious character'?” 'Aunt Daisyâ€"“That means one that is made up, dear.” Angel Childâ€"“Oh, yes! Then you're a fictitious character, nun-tie?”- If a dog bites you don't be scared. aren' t you, lathe the wound with cold water and cover it with a. cloth on which Weaver's Comte has been freely auroral. The Cor-ate relieves the pain caused by the sting of insects. Teach erâ€"W il lie , __.__â€"- WILLIE’S GUESS. web footed? Willie-41310 spider. Lillie Slnn's nauseous doses but what animal is .-._.â€"- Searching. ~ Dr. Von Pineapple Tablets are not big,, lhal contain injurious drugs or narcotics â€"-lhcy are the pure vegcluble pepsin â€"â€" the medicinal e}:- trnct from [his luscious fruit, and the tablets They Brought Back His Strength IdichliOll. Competition is from the only. are prepared form as the fruit itself. in as palatable They cure in- 60 in a box, 35 centsâ€"~56 Viewpoint of the life. of trade the buyer Many inherit Weak lungs, and as dis- ease usually persons these to attacks of“ l ' "‘0 “Decay “59 0f memes these pores were united end to en'l turbances I . Anti-(lonsumptive Syrup Will be 11‘. preventive and in. protection, strength- assailsthe weakest point. are continually exposed cold and pulmonary (lis- found ‘ening‘ the organs so that they are not so liable to derangement from exposure or abrupt atmospheric changes. llickle's ISyi-up is cheap and good. NOT Y ET. Cashier (colighing)â€"-l’ardon me. i didn’t catch your last name. it yet, myself. A man often makes allowances for his wife, but not always in the form of a weekly stipend. \ Ethel (blushing)â€"â€"1 haven’t can A Quick Recovery from Fever and all sick- ness is always the case when.“ li‘errovnn " the l best tonic in used. It builds, it strengthens, it. gives new life. _\Villieâ€"â€""l~‘ather, li‘a ther-â€"-‘ ‘.‘spends a great deal of money thrift?" ishly." Wi ll Try it. what's a spend- man who fool- ieâ€"“Then is a man who lends money foolishly a lendthril‘t?" l 7 an extraordinary The-1r complete home cure. Post free to readers of this paper. For limited period only. i A handsome l Paralysis, _ I l plete home cure. describing the successful treatment in the world, illustrated treatise, giv- =fng full descrmtion (:5 Rheumatism and with instructions for a. com- > I most was there a gleam of unyllung but dc re- ,.-. . a '. ... commended by the Ministry and widely span for the. \iclnn of [his duad loin) ed by medical men. This highly in- structive book was Written by W. H. \‘eno, a. gentleman who has made.» a. istudy of these diseases. The preface is i by a graduate of l Wurtzburg. I you will King St , "Mr. Send the University of postal to-dny and receive the book free by re. turdâ€"Address. The Veno Drug 00., 24: PAY Deeplyfl West, Toronto OLD COR ES. 1 said the hostess, “won't you oblige us with one more song?” eminent Vocalist, “the. hour is I’m afraid my singing will the neighbors} : They ’Ve ‘ ‘ 0 h got , really!" replied the late. disturb “Never mind that. a dog whose howling r disturbs me at night." E Without eve T0 drink ? at Tea. 118, and never tarnish. Sell the 28 articles at 6 cents 0 GOLD 8: 00 No. 2. The Watch jccts an we will BATH-l ALUMNI”! beautiful, selnbl KEEP $38.00. articles as Size, Givxllé, Placque same. In France, out of every 1,000 in- habitants, 123 are old people of more than sixty years, as against seventyâ€"three in England and seventy nine in Germany. Help your children to grow strong and robust by counteracting anything that.causes ill-health. One great cause of disease in children is worms. Re- move thcm with Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. It never-fails. The value of all kinds of fish land- ed in England and Wales in one year is chl‘ $35,000,000, and the number of men and boys employed over 40 - 000. impossible to Find. A plaster equal to “The I) d: L" Menthol. For side ache nothing equals it. sl'yard rodents 7 plasters. Mailed on receipt; of pl‘lCO. Dam dzLawronco 00., Montreal. All men have an inherent ability to .make mistakes. Baby ilumors. â€"â€" Dr. Agnew‘s Oinl- ment soothes. quiels, and effects quick and effeclive euros in all skin eruptions Common to baby during leclhing time. it is harmless in the hair in ens...» of Scald lined, and cures Eczema, Salt Rheum and all skin Diseases of older. people. 35 cents. -- 55 In the palm of the hand there arr- 2,500 pores to the square inch. If they would measure about five miles. I The Luxury of a sound throat and robust lung-:5 is most keenly enjoyed by people who, having suffered from a "little cold, you know,” have been rescued from misery and danger by Allen‘s i Lung Balsam. Vixen you write to a man read EM your letter over carefully, then mail a . 1t, when you write to a woman read it over three times. then burn it. A Cure for Rheumatism.â€"'l‘he i: tru- sion of uric acid into the blood mussels is u. fruitful cause of rheumatic pains This irregularity is owing to a derang- ed und unhealthy condition of the liver. Anyone Sill)_l(:Ct to this painful affection will find a remedy in I’armclcc's Vege< table Pills. Their action upon the kidneys is pronounced and most benefi- cial and by restoring healthy action. they correct impurities in the blood. A bee that Works only by night. is to be found in the jungles of India. It is an unusually large insect, the combs being; often (3ft. long by rift summaries [inn rnnnrvsis. “we, Bright‘s Disease â€" insidious! decep- lirel relentless! has foiled hundreds of trials by medical science to stem lhclide of its ravages â€"â€" and not until South American Kidney Cure proved beyond doubt its power to turn back the tide. of kidney disease-5l Seals-kin shoes for dogs are ma’lc in l..abrador. The (logs attached to sludges travel at great speed ovoi- the rough ice, and some. protection for the feel. is necessary. Impurities in the l:loml.-â€"â€"thn the action of the kidneys becomes impaired. impurities in the blood are almost sure to follow. and general derangement of the system ensues. l-‘armelee‘s Verge- table Pills will regulate the kidneys, so that they will maintain healthy action and prevent the complications which certainly come when there is derange- ment of these delicate organs. As a restorative these Bills are in the first rank. N0 MACHINERY. “I llllllCl‘SLOOCl you to say," com- plained the. homeâ€"seeker, “that the house was a brownstone front." "Oh, no,” estate man, "I merely said it was ‘a brown front.’ ." “lluh! it’s nothing but plaster painted." "True, hutâ€"erâ€"it's all hand painted." STREJUOUS Il\".l‘l€‘..[t\".[l:1\\’. With a look of intense sadness on his face the young man limped into the parlor. . “Well,” queried the anxious maid, "what. did papa say?” “Words cannot express it," answer- ed the youth, as he hurriedly crawlâ€" ed into his overcoat, “but his argu- ment gave me a pain.” DIE Tea is to die \Vilhout knowing the full joy of" L VING. I ‘ SATISFACTION ofsipping a hot cup of this FRAGRANT, REFRESIâ€"llNh we will acuil you at once, in: a reward. a Magnificent Lever years, or other Presents of High-class Jewellery. which you can salt-ch from our list. DARE. all of: one or assorted; names, ctmdetterod as directed. Make ‘ quickly sell at fie each. HO HOKKY “MEIR!!! IX ADVAHCI, but 318.00 accepted cash with order. Satisfaction guaranteed. One sample and booklets “How to Ralw Honey” (210 to 8100) free. Additional 58.111pr 160 etch. Above advertising souvenirs for merchnncn. ete.. some prlro. ONSIN MFG. CO“ vs}- â€"‘r.v~l"3‘1~.“...Â¥".7‘ “mph?” - nix-a,- A , ' the sale of our remedies. We treat success~ iiiâ€"nigszsm replied the slick realâ€"- "a emirates can“ mess-ewes: r drinking “'hv miss the. Blue Ribbo T0' was)? Send us your name and address, and you will receive Fun on Armour», a parcel con- taining 19 Ring: and 12 Thimble; (Our 1909 gutternsl made of Real Aluminium. They are beautifully enamolled in colours, on “ Miziiah." " Good Luck," etc. They are lighter and tougher than real Silucrnrticla sold. an embossed with the inscrh-lious WE TRUST YGEJâ€"NO MONEY REQUIRED. sch, mnkinc 81.34 altogether. which forward tom. Ind. Watch. guaranteed for 1 ngss, Delamoro crescent. London. Vb. England. are noisier Easily and Quickly for Your Church grill fifi‘flhfi‘i’lflt' Elle asst Send us nhotosrnplla (any 8139) of: church and pastor, or other aub- rcprqduce togetherJn bonutltul halt-tone, on WY) runs, WALL I'h'AL'QI‘ES, Ill-25K 81.01 TEES or CALEN- e souvenirs. Yourself and fellow workers can l SEllil US $20.83 “tillmr‘ii'fift‘ll‘ $3333: m :- lu'vy'g) «many. EM. "115 or“ 1 . - .MANITOWOC, “IRS. nameâ€"v :w were: Practical Every day Lessons on FARM ACCOU NTS For 750. post mid. FARM PUB. HOUSE. Box 425. Chuthalu,0 I. t EH. snsrsno a co. “Fun MANUFACTURERS 7'7 King mas-e, Tehran-so LADIE. ' and MEN'S FUR and FUR-LINED COATS. Everything in Furs. Send forestalog. W FUR-s 22;: eLEMnNo ,, may... l _ I Ourma SUITS Can be done perfectly by our Brunch Process. Try It semen AMERIGAH DYilNG 80. MONTBEMg TORONTO. OTTAWA & QUEBEO $+fi+£i+fi+§§+ifi+fi+fi+fi+fi+fif nae _ We are appointing one druggisl; or agent é in every town or Village all over Canada. for “ll % fl +33i+332+33€ ’ fully Horses. Cattle, Sheep, Hogs and Poultry, Young Colts with naval and j« » disease. Our Free Advice and Coupon Syst i5 :J E:- immmmrfim » r CT! will interest you. Write for list of rome- dies and nearest oneney. No stock-breeder can know too much about: the diseases his annuals are subject to. The VETERINARY SPECIALTY 00., Limited 556 DUNDAS S'l‘., TORONTO, ON'l'. WWWMWWsimmers firmness; can? l ‘ ERIE - ' --“»‘ Q3933 '- GlFT .» fl ; . erfn1.Rcliable, At- - ‘3", tmctive,La.oting,Upto Date ; a and Autherits ive. No other gift. ‘- will so often be 9. reminder of the giver. . , 2380 pages. 50-30 illustrations. Recently . ._ enlarged with 25,000 new words. a new , . " Gazetteer, and. new Biographical Diction- " ' cry. edited by W. '1‘. Harris. Phil, LL.D.. i " U. 2. Commissioner of Education. Grand ' " Prizc.World’a Fair, St. Louis. Gâ€"etthe Best. ' ‘.‘feb:;ter's CollegiateDictionary. Largest ofonrnbri-lgg- . ’ meets.mmmrdehinPnpcrediziom. lllfin'igenand _« 1500 illustration». ‘ Write forrdictfonary wrinkles ”-Froc. 6!. C. MERE ., Springfield, Man '5... "' “And yet,” said the professor, struggling with a burnt and blackenâ€" ed steak of unusual toughness, which the cook-lady had just brought in, "they say woniriu's work is never ‘ done!" i l I The World is Full of l’alns.â€"â€"â€"'l‘lte aches and pains that allich humanity are many and constant, arising: from a multitude of indis 'ncuishuble causes. but in the main owing to man’s neg- ligence in taking core of his health. .llr. l‘homas' l-Ielcutric ()il was the out- come 01 n. univm-sal cry for some speci- fic which Wouzd speedily relieve pain, and it has filled its mission to a ro‘ nmrkable degree. P.l.'\'.l".l‘l7lft (lli' SHA l’l‘l. “What hal'e you in the shape of cucumbers?" asked the wouldâ€"be cus- tomer, as he entered the grocery. “Nothing but bananas, sir," un- ru‘ered the new L'llllli. P-Ww " WWWW [Deer Mother Your little 021:; are a consent care in Fall and Vi’intcr weather. They will { catch cold. Do you know aboui Shilnh's l Comum tion Cure, the Lung '1 coin, and what it has do. 2 for so irony ? if is said to be the only reliable remedy for all discuss of the air passages in children. his absolutely harmless and pleasant to lake. I: is guaranteed to cure or your money is rammed. The pzice in BBC. par bottle, Ind all dealers} in :ncfirinc ~=ll 3.4 $E‘iii.®i‘i This remedy should he. in ever household. mmwumu. .M WW... ISSUE NO. 49 {15. -â€" - 1 bars no“ Mer r - yenmu

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