Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 22 Sep 1905, p. 8

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BUGGY DUSTERS ers, all of as we have a large supply. bought ill) at lJIll'gtllD, they will commencing at 1 o’cloekin the afternoon. also be sold at a bargain. lars, Fly Nets etc. is complete. say and surrounding country with MONU- COUNTY OF VICTORIA. - RIC’I‘URN OF CON‘TICTIONS made to me by the Justices of the Peace for the. said County, and filed in my office, for the quarter ending Tuesday, September 12th, 1905, in pursuance of the Revrsed Statutes of Ontario, Chap. 93, Sec. 1, and Criminal Code Sec. 902. - vvâ€" . . . . . . . ........-._ .... . . ._ .... .. .. mm Name of Name of Nature of the 01 Date of Name .of A nount of Time when to Time V To whom paid IIl'not paid, why not, 1h" Prosecutor. the Defendant. large. Conviction Conwctmg penalty, fine he paid to when over by said Jus- and general observ- H __ _______fl 7 H_____ Justice. or damage. said Justice. paid. tice and when. ations, if any. The King itllris. Kellctt. . .. ,Abusive language ... June 6 1905. flex Jackson $8 9.3 For-Lhwith June 6 Town Treasurer.“ _ “ Mrs. M. Hand iBreach Truancy Act ' -13 “ .... Scutcncosuspendod. “ Mrs JnoMccshaw Breach cattle by-law .... 23 _ H H” ‘1 “ Albert A. Tegart 'Brcuch Medical Act 23 U 37 7o , , , I , , ‘1 June 23 Town Treasurer. ‘-' ‘William Coombs Assault 23 “ 4 70 “ 23 “ “ Joseph Fee . . . . . . t Breach bicycle by-law 27 H .. .... .... ..., Sentence suspended. “ James Daniels “ 27 1‘ 8 45 “ July ’5 “ ‘.‘ John Leary .. .. Abusive language 28 ‘-’ 3 95 . . . . . . “ 30 “ “ lJames Goslin Assault July 3 “ 7 11 . . . . . . “ Aug. 2 “ ~ “ Joseph McConnelll “ ...... 3 “ 1'4 04 . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .... .... Not yet paid. “ Wm. T. Pepper “ 7 “ 10 43 .. . . “ July 31 “ “ Carl Bellamy. . ,. Abusive language 7 ” 5 43 . . . . .. “ 7 “ “ Patrick Leary ' “ 11 “ 5 20 “ - 21 “ “ Angus Cameron Drunk and disorderly 12 ” .... .... ' Sentence suspended. “ William Davey Breach cattlo by-luw . . . . 14 fl 9 00 , , , , u U July 14 H “ William Ryder Drunk and disorderly 15 ' 1‘ 6 70 _ u H 31 H» “ Patrick Doris. Assault l7 “ 15 4-5 2 months in goal in default. ‘~’ Walter Baiu Disorderly conduct 18 H 6 20 '. . . . .. “ July 18 Town Treasurer. I “ Asa Palen “ ' 18 “ 595 “ ' 18 ” “ Edward Smith Abusive language 19 “ 5 ~15 . . . . _ . “ 19 “ “ Frank Caruso ..‘Drunk and disorderly .... 21 “ 6 20 21 “ “ Charles Cur-tin Disorderly conduct 31 “ 9 70 .. . . “ 31 “ “ Richard Weaver “ ...... Aug. 3 “ 5 00 . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . 15 days ingOal in default. . “ Thos. Morrison Drunk and incapable 3 1‘ 5 7O ... ... “ Aug. 31 Town Treasurer. “ Wm. Henderson.. “ .... 3 “ 6 20 “ 8 “ “ Thomas Elliott Assault . . . . . . 15 “ 58 20 . . . .. “ 15 “ “ Catherine Carr. .sDrunk and disorderly . . . . l1 “ 4 '15 . . . .. “ ll “ “ .- Herbert Hartley Disorderly conduct l4 “ 4 20 . . . .. “ 19 ” ' “ PcterMcCabe....'Druuk and incapable 15 “ 6 20 . ... ..~.. .... Not yet paid. “ Best Abcrcrombic Drunk and disorderly 21 “ 4 45 . .. . .. “ Aug. 31 “ “ James Wilson,... “ .... 22 “ 8 45 . . . . . . ..... Not yet pd. “ William Husscy “ '23 “ 5 45 . . . . . . . . . . .. “ “ Henry Sawyer . Vagrancy ...... 26 “ ._.... .... .... 2 mths in 00. goal. “ Samuel Neurick Pcddling without license. 26 Juo McSweyn 2' 50 . ... 4 “ - Aug. 31 Town Treasurer ._ . “ ‘ Lewis St. George iVngrancy' 26 Alex Jackson ' .'..... .... _' Sen'toncesusponded. “ John C. Master-son Drunk and disorderly 29 “ 7 95 . . . . .. “ Aug. 30 ” -“ James Gilchrist Assault 39 “ 8 99 ...... “ 29 ” “ “ Abusive language 29 “ 9 94 ...... “ 29 . “ “ Jeremiah Clarey Burglary . . . . . . 30 “ . . . . . . . . . . Committed to Industrial School. “ Lewis McDonald " 30 “ . . . . . . “ “ “ John Warren .. .. Assault ... June”) Jno McSweyn 15 00, costs.$8.43 June 30 June 30 County Treasurer. “ Richard Warren “ . . . . . . l9 “ 15 00 “ 8.43 “ 30 “ Era Toole . .. . .. Frank Sherron ‘Brcuch of game laws 24 “ 5 00 “ 3.95 Forthwith Forthwith i to complainant. .} to Prov Treasurer. 'Cl‘he King llcQuade . . . . lb‘urglary (juvenile) . . . ... 28 A“ “ 5 40 I .. . . ., Deferred sentence; surcties taken for good cond. “ . . . . . . iJnnies English lAssault 23 ‘,‘ 2 00 “ 4.74 , “ Forthwith ConntyTreasurer Harvey Thompson Margaret Fletcher'Vagi-ancy (juvenile) . . . ... July 3 “ . . . . . . Committed‘to Children’s Aid Soc. 82 apprenticed. J. ’1‘. Robinson John Aldous . . . . .Rreach license regulations 3 “ Dismissed. Costs of prosecution order ed out of License Fd. William Reid. . . . Loon’d McFadden Abusive language . . . . .. 7 “ 5 00 “ 4.99 Forthwith Forthwith County Treasurer. “ - I “ » Assault . . . . . . . 7 “ 10 00 “ 4.99g “ “ “ Richard Butler John ilIchffrey Keeping dangerous dog 10 u 10 00 “ 8.11 July 20 July 20 “ . Garner Hunter John Groves . . .. Abusive language 14 “ dismissed “ 6.56 paid by pros center. The King . . . . .. Robert Graham Vagrancy . L . . .. 19 “ . . . . .. . . . . Committed to Cen’l Prison 6 mths .' Harvey Thompson Agnes Fletcher. . Vagrancy (juvenile) 21 “ . . . . . . . . .. Committed to Industrial School. “The King . . . . . . jEdward Gardiner Aggravated assault ... ‘26 ‘-' 50 00 “ 9.57 Forthwith Forthwith County Treas. William Dobson le F. Scdgwick Breach of apprenticeship Aug 5 “ 1‘ 6.00 Consented to resume service. Sentence deferred. *Chas. McDonald lDaniel O’Neill Insulting & profane lan’ge 28 “ 6 00 H 5.64' “ Forthwith County Treas; ’l‘liomas Pau1.. .. James O’Connell iViolation of game laws 31 “ 5 00 “ 4,08 “ “' Q to complainant, % to Prov.Treasurer. Peter Grozelle |Mrs. M. Mansfield Non-payment of wages June 1 W. Fielding 2 52 . . . . .. 20 days . .. . . . .. . . . . costs pd to constable Rubt.CrookshankslGuy Bain . . . . . . Assault on grandson 27 “ 2 00 , . . . ., Forthwith . . .. . . .. not paid. “ Archie Bird “ . . . . 27 “ 2 00 . . . . .. “ Aug. 12 County Tress. ' . “ Floyd Henderson “ 27 “~ 2 00 “ .... not paid. “, Wilbert Barry “ . . . . 27 “ 2 00 . , . . . . “ June 27 County Treas. “Thomas Madill George I-lambley Shooting with intent ...... .... Sent for trial. Edward Reil John Mndill Sr. Assault. ...... July-22 H 5 00 1‘ July 22 County Trees. ' “ Albert Mndill.... “ 22 “ 2 00 ...”, “ 22 “ "The King ......IJamcs Kelso Fighting Apr.12 W. C.Mooro 3 00 April 15 April 13 W.J. Reid. H James Wright “ l2 “ 3 00 “..., “ 13 “ H . . . . . . . lOdcn Anderson Drunk and disorderly . May 2 “ & G. Byng 3 00 May 6 May 3 “ “ ,C. Newman . . . . Profane language 7 W. C. Moore 3 00 May 13 13 “ “ . . . . . . ‘Georgc Wright Disorderly . . . . .. June 4 “ 2 00 . . . . . July 4 July â€"- “ “' ' C Newman “ 5 “ 600 July20 $3 Jyo,$3Jy22“ “ Il.Nicholls “ Aug.l4 “ 100 Aug.14 Aug. It l “ “ .Alf Nicholls .... “ ...... l4 “ 100 ...... “ l4 “ if. Jacquc . . . . . . lGarrett Barry Assault ... Junel9 J. McFarland 1 00 ... At once June 19 Trans. of Village, W. L. Robson. “Constable Charles Kelly . . Cows roaming July 7 ‘- 1 00 . ..." “ July 7 “ “ “ ......,Thrmas Bouler “ 10 “ 1‘00 “ 10 “ “ “ ‘Geo. Donaldson “ ' 10 “ 1 00 . .-. . .. “ 10 . “ “ “ 'Thomas Minore ..iObscene language ...... 31 “ 2 00 “ 31 “ “ “ J. C. Fitzgerald abusive & insulting lan'ge Aug. 3 “ only costs . . . . .. Aug. 3 ” ‘1 “ . . . . . . :Gcorgc Hughes “ “ . 7 “ 5 00 . . . . .. “ 7 “ “ .John S. Northoy ‘Herb. Nevison ,Drunk and disorderly Aug.22 “ 5 00 ... “ 22 ' “ “ -“ . . . . . . lAlbert Boll . . . . . . “ 22 fl 5 00 “H” n 22 u u “ 'Edward Beteau “ 22 “ 5 00 ...... “ 22. ‘1 H “ fDavid Merriam ' “ 22 “ 5 00 ...... “ 22 “ H “ ‘IWalter Mt-Call “ 22 “ 5'00 ...... “ 22 “ H “ ......Fred Baylic “ 22 “ 500 ...... “ 22 I “ “ W. C. Sparks William Davis “ June24 J. B. Shrigley 1 00 ...... June 21 June 24 Twp. Treasurer. “ . . . . . . L. G. Andrews “ 24 “ 1‘00 ...... “ 24 “ “ (Constable) Peter Hanlau. . .. “ July25 F. Hoover 1 00 ...... Paid July 25 “ I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct schedule of the Returns of Convictions for the County of Victoria, made to me by the Justices of the Peace for the quarter ending Tuesday, September 121b, 1905. A. P. DEVLIN, Clerk of the Peace, County of Victoria. Office of the Clerk of the Peace, County of Victoria, September14th, 1905. AT Call and see our buggy dust.- vhich will go at cost, COST- secono mmsron couar . --OF THEâ€"- County of Victoria. f'he next sittings of the above Court wil be held in Twomey’s hall, Fenelon Fall: Most of them having been ON MONDAY- OCTOBER 9th, 1905: Thursday, Sept. 2811], will be the last day of service on defendants residing in this , county. Defendants living in other coun- Ol‘ll‘ SiOClC ()l I’IZLI‘DOSS, COl- tics must be served on or before Saturâ€" day, Sept. 23rd. 11%” Office hours from 10 a. m. to =1 p. m. ELISHA MARK, E. D . HAND, Bailifi". Clerk. Fenclon Falls, July 12th, 1905. u ilEiilSizi’fs. .iitiliiESS Still? out lit a llllllSlll l Robs. Chambers Is prepared to furnish the people of Lind just purchased 2. NATIONAL STEEL RANGE. . Nun-v nuns Wig NEED ill' 0 To Montreal or New York for choice patterns or. low prices in WALL PAPER. ' Marble Table Tops, Wash Tops, Mantle Pieces, etc,, a specialty. Vile have bl.le here now Being a practical workman, all should l'Ol‘ your selection. see his (Ir-sinus and compare prices before m onrchusingcelsewhcre.. LINDSAY, WORKSâ€"In the. rear of the Market on Cambridge-st, opposite the packing house NEXT TO . SIA’PSON HOUSE. CHAMBERS ‘ ' Call in and see one and you will certainly buy one and be happy. JOS. HEARD. Ml‘lN'l‘S and LEADSTONES, both Marble and gruuiI-a. Estimates promptly given on all kinds or Cemetery work. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE GAZETTE. of one of our lead- ing citizens who has 1.05M. AGEiilF-‘lilllNTEll At once for“ Canaan‘s Gnmrusr Nuassnms” for the town oi" FENIEfi'Jf) N 113‘ .-\ LL53 and surrounding country, which will be reserved for the right man. 3512:: rt N o xv. 'at the best selling season, and handle our NOW’ Specialities on liberal terms. Write for particulars, and send 25c. for our Handsome Aluminum Pocket Microscope (a little gem), useful to Farmers, in examining seeds andgruins. Orchardists, in examining trees for insects. Gardeners, in examining plants for, insects. Teachers and scholars in studying botany. Everybody in a hundred different ways. STQHE £1: WELLDMS‘TBE. FONTHILL NURSERIES. (own 800 amiss.) TORONTO - ONTARIO. 19â€"311). Trent Valley Navigation 00., LIMITED. Bobesygeon, Sturgeon Point. Lindsay. Steamer “ MANITA.” June lst until Sept. 30th, inclusive. Road down. Read up. a. m. p. m. p m. p. m. Lv 6.15 3.10 Bobcaygoon Ar 1 15 8.10 Lv 7.15 4.10 Sturgeon Pt. Lvl?. 10 6.55 Ar 8.40 5.30 Lindsay lv 11.00 am. 5.45 For tickets and general information apply to our agent, D. Gould, Fcnelon Falls. BAB ‘17" 53‘ 5-» ICIN hould not be irritated with impure soap or chafed wi.h coarse rags We sell every- thing for baby’s toiletâ€"the purest soaps, the most. velvety powders. TOILET REQUiSITES for grown people Toilet Waters and Powders, Balh Spongvs, Tooth Brushes and Powder Puffs, Perfumery ofall kinds. All at prices which compare startlingly with old time drug store charges. HOW CAN WE SERVE YOU? RGBSON’S DRUG STORE, Fenelon Falls. turn an arm is printed every Friday at. the office, corner May and Francis Streets. SUBSC RIPTION 2 $1.00 AYEAR, IN ADVANCE or one cent per week will be added, as long as it remains unpaid. Advertising Rates. Professional or business cards, 50 cents per line per annum. Casual advertisements, 8 cents per line for the first insertion, and 2 cents per line for every subsequent inser- tion. Contracts by the year, half year or less, upon reasonable terms. JOB PRINTING executed neatly, cor~ ectly and at moderate prices. E. D. HAND, Proprietor rears . nunouasso at. museum’s renames eussuess, and will carry a large and upâ€"to-date stock of turmture. Am also prepared to do all kinds of Carriage Making, Reparring and Repmnting, and to make noose AND SASH, Plaain done short ntioe. g on S. S tlainer.

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