‘.~,_ 7' Mrs. Arthur Jard is serious y ill inst now, but we hope for rapid recovery. The picnic held in connection with the Methodist Sabbath School at Four Mile Lake wasagreat success. The faces of concrete walls, was not put on a portion of the wall. Where there was no mortar ï¬nish the water oozed Friday, Sept. 15th, 1905. through the Wall and formed, when â€"«-â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-“ collected together, quite a large volume. A Reception and Send-off. The work of repair consisted inputting amusements were runes, games and sail- - a mortar coat of cement on that portion ing, after which supper was served. When Judge O‘Leary paid his ï¬rst of the wall on which no mortar ï¬nish -<- visit, a short time ago, to his new home, had been put. The whole trouble was ANOTHER BIG ’UN.â€"Mr. Charles Port Arthur, the members of the Bar caused by the contractors being given Tobico, our most successful local ï¬sher- and others gave him a reception that permission by the inspector and local man, beat his own record by catching a must have “ warmed the 000le3 Of his engineer to have this wall built without 24% pound 'lunge in Webster’s Bay, heart.†They chartered a his: steamer, the mortar ï¬nish, as called for in the Cameron Lake, on Monday last. and, accompanied by abï¬ut foï¬ty ladies Speciï¬catiODS-" PUBLIC LlBltARY.-â€"-Subscribers who -SOID6 0f WllOllt DO dOUbt Wished he know of books suitable for placiuu on was twenty or thirty yearsyounger and the shelves of the library are invited to it a bachelorâ€"and about eighty gentle- hand in a list to the librarian as soon ‘ 1 men, the new dudae was taken 0n a do as possible, as another purchase of books ltghtlul aquatic excursion of over sixty is about to be made. ‘ miles. On the evening of the 7th inst., w. ‘ g . a v at the Benson House, Lindsay, he was .1‘ 0‘? 6x SLHOILSRSITE“,O‘I 3": {‘pl’l,“ I resented with a Persian hmb overcoat cations y teaciels for scemarships in End a Old.m0unted (Imus and entertain_ the McDonald .Technical Institute, at d g f‘ 1 f l' 1 Guelph, the Ontario Government allot. e at .8 bariqui’" z}, “1 gciougtlo 3:3“ ted fourteen, one of which was won by» v’f'v r , a. “735 31W“ 1†“'3 05‘ 0 “e l" u be Miss Anna E. Ellis, of Fenclon Falls. '-:' O’Leary left for Port Arthur on Tues- LINDSAY BUSINESS COLLEGEâ€"The day, and histamily will soon follow. A . . judge’s responsibility is great and his ,Llndsay Federal Busmcss College has _ _,___._.__.._... P“. ....._. Village Council. r "V'v‘v'" w v v v v r â€" WV --w-._â€" Fenelon Falls, Sept. 13th, 1905. Council met at regular meeting, all the members present. Minutes-of last meet ng read and approved. McGeeâ€"Sims,â€"â€"-'l‘hat the reeve sign orders for the following accounts: E Brock, salary $35, ï¬ling saw 20c; '1‘. .Parker, work on streets, 63-; W. 'Keast, do., $1.50.; W. McCall, water cart, $1.95; T. Scott, work-1m streets, 82 25'; Job Palmer, work on pulley, What to buy and where to buy are two very important questions when looking for a. new fall Dress, Suit or Skirt. flit several styles of trimming. goods. 3 . We invite your inspection- "WM. The Cheap Storm. Furniture and Undertaking. WWW Just received this week an- other lot of nice Baby Car- riages that are Spacing Elaine. Also Extension Tables, Side- boards and Bedroom Suites. I carry in stock a all line of Parlour Suites Lounges, Chairs, Etc. Eicture framing a Specialty. If you are in need of a Sew- ing Machine be sureand see my styles before buying. in. . +5 Visit our Dress Goods section and let us help you make your selection. Ladies’ Dress Skirts 980..to $10 each. See our display of these on Saturday. 30 pieces new Wrapperette, nice patterns, suit- able for shirt waists ;, regular 12: and 1.4.cent goods. Some big snaps in the Grocery Depart:- ment on. Saturday... w. suacovws. FENELDN' FALLS.’ most MODERN Stone. MILNE’S BLOCK. ALL MILLINERY. Ill GBEATLY‘ nEuucrnp:p PRICES. THlS. were... ‘ We have still a. good g assortment of ready-to- wear- and? trimmed Hats. ' We have them in all the- provailin g colors and with. Not the least of their attractions is the price, which is absurdly low for such l. l 3 lost Step and} Think: before youbny your Christmas present. You may have been dealing-with us for some time, or perhaps. you. have not. We think we show the. ï¬nest, largest and best assorted stockin the County. "Nedding Rings, Diamond Rings, Gem; Rings of all kinds, Quentlemen’s Rings. Our special blow is about ourlarge- stock 0t WATCHES. See our silver, gold and guumetal Watches for boys and girls Solid gold, gold ï¬lled and nicltle eased Watches. We carry in stock over $3,000 worth of. Watches alone. Guards, Iionnghains, Brooches. Stick Pins, and an, endless variety of suitable ('Jhristmas gifts. Come and see for yourself. S. J. Petty, the Jeweler. LINDSAY. 99 KENT Sill work trying, but the wages are good. Anetta o‘iétdiéiy'itrï¬ctaalt The Peterborough Review-says :. " Bituminous coal has been discover- ed on the farm of Mr. William Crough, I of Ennismore township. It waslocated a low days ago by Mr. T. H. Crowley. of Sault Ste._ Manic, a. former. resident a hill on Mr. Crough’s place. The ,coal is said to be of good bituminous ; variety. It is said. to burn freely, and, it is believed, exists in large quantities on Mr. Crough’s farm. Further in- vestigations will be made, and the re- sult of these will be awaited with con- .siderable‘ interest. Mr.- O'row-ley, the discoverer, and another local gentleman, :have ï¬led a mineral claim with the Egovcrnment,,and. have also. sent several samples to the Lands and: Mines De partment at Toronto.†we call it an “ alleged †discovery in deference to the. scientists, who have the excitement that was caused, many years ago,.by a, practical joker who one night dropped-l a few pieces of. coal into a Well. that was beingdug in or near: the Qtoum. cf‘ Bowmanvill'e. But we will 'jcheerfully take back the word- “alleged,†-ifit can be proved that the scientists are wrong about coal; as they occasion- ally are about other things; in proof. of which we we lately read. The great Professor Agassiz, having been told that a certain been caught, said that it was impossible, because it had long been known to sci- outlets that ï¬sh of that kind never grew afterwards a, still heavien. ï¬sh. of. the same kind“ was caught and" shown to Agassiz, who, after looking at it for a while, said :_ “ Thus is the science of a lifetime knocked out by a.fact." Poe sibly the scientists. who asserted that no coal exists in old Ontario may be knocked out by its discovery in Ennis- morc; and, if. so, it will money. into the pockets of those who succeed in grabbing the newsupply of fuel, andwill do some. good to consum- , are within a. certain distance from E0- nismore, as the coal from the new mines could be sold, at a big proï¬t, consnler- ably cheaper than that importedfrom ; the States, even if the freight rates on the latter were greatly reduced, as they undoubtedly would be if competition made the reduction necessary, The Lilli Leck.Leak.. About ten days ago, when the water was let into the upper approach of the lift look under construction at Kirkï¬eld, it was found toldisappear as fast as it could be let in. The leakage was esti- mated at the enormous quantity of a million gallons of water an hour, which would, of course, unless repaired, render the lock useless. The Dominion Bridge 00., of Montreal, who have the contract for the steel superstructure, had install- ed aturbine and machinery cooperate drills, hoist-s etc, but the leak was so great that, with all the guardzgates open, ed to ï¬nd the cause and fix the respons- ibility [or the leak, and Er. R. B. Rogers, Superintending Engineer of thci’l‘. V. C., has is.~ucd the followingr report ofthe result 2‘ V “ The leakage in the approach walls to the hydraulic look at Kirkï¬clddlas been stopped, and the Dominion Bridge 00, who are. the contractors, are pro- ceeding with the erection of the steel work. The work cost abouta couple of hundred do|lars to do and was doae in three or four days. The cause of the lt-nl: was that the mortar ï¬nish, which is always put on all exposed cur.- . . . iVlsitin of Peterborough, and the. dopesxt IS in = g ~thrceweeksf'visit to relatives in Toronto. “wasin tow-n fur a few hours on Wed- ,nesday. was at the Falls, visiting relatives, on .. . . :in Toronto. persistently asserted tnat there is. no ' gcoal (except that which is imported), ’ lwithin the limits of what used to be the have. in†T0100“); , {Province of Ontario ;.,and weir-cmember , ' (Wowâ€"though Perhaps “0“ .ago to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. in exactly the right wordsman anecdote kind-of ï¬sh of a. certain weight... had. fgonie' 750; W. Stevens, painting house in cemetery (cemetery fund), $5; W. L. .86, P. Com., current, $21.09.â€"â€"Carried. W. Personals... was: Mr. J'. L. Byer, of Markham, was ‘ 'in town on Tuesday. Miss Addie Swanton, of Toronto, is relatives at the Falls. Mtiss R‘nby Austin returned to Haver- gal College, Toronto, on Wednesday. Mains Martha Quibell is home from. a Miss Irene M'cDougall returned on Wednesday to the Whitby Ladics’ Col- lege. ' Mr. Norman OlLeary, of Toronto, Mr. Charles Junkin, of Cameron, Tuesday. . Miss Alecn Kerr returned on 'Tues- day froma fortnight’s visit to relatives Miss Pearl Qnibell came home on Tuesday from.a.fortnigbt’s visit to rel- Mr. Grover. Kerr and Mr. Georg 'Wilson returned to Albert -College,~ Belleville, this week. Mr. F. J. Kerr end his youngest édaughter, Vivian, spent four days last Weekin the Queen City. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rolley, of Toronto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shane at the Falls. Mrs. Thomas Austin left a. few days Robert Stevens, in Stanhopo. Mrs. B. H. Wills, of Montreal, is visiting her. m.other,,Mrs. C. W. Moore, landtoth‘er relatives at the Falls. Mrs. Edward Wilkinson and Miss Hand left on Saturday for a. few days’ _ _ ’visit to Mrs. H. Thurston at Dunsfcrd. to the weight mentioned. Not long _ _‘ Mrs. Joseph English and her two ‘children left on the 8th inst. for a month's visit to Mr. English at Pals- grave. , Mr. Bert Townley was at Coboconk jand Norland on Tuesday, and took be- tween thirty and forty orders for winter clothing. 5' Mrs. Peter Deyman and her children put a lot or Lleft on Thursday of last week for Guelph, ,of which city Mr. Deyman is now a frosid‘ent. Mr. A. W'.‘ Moore, of Carnervon, was at the Falls for a few hours on Tuesday, on his way home from Toronto, and favored us with a call. " A Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Umphrey, of ~Somerville, returned on Monday from a week’s visit to Mr. Umphrey's brother eWilliam at Otterville, Ont. Mr. S. Clegg, of Peter'oorough, Over- seer of Public Works Department for ‘ Trent and Newcastle, was at the Falls ‘on Tuesday, making arrangements for some needed repairs to the slide: Miss Washburn returned home on the 7th inst. from the millinery open- ings at Toronto, accompanied by her cousin, Miss Ferris, of Picton, who is ‘nlsoa milliner, and will stay with her all winter. Miss M. A. Gillie, of St. Louis, who has been visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gillie, of Fenelon, fora some Weeks. leaves on Monday for Bal- and Wolseley, Saskatchewan, where she will visit relatives before re- . ’ turningtoSt. Louis. .it was found impossible to raise the water high enough to client the wheel- 5 An investigation was at once eommenc- ‘. («Correspondence of the Gttzette.) Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson have returned home from a two Weeks’ visit at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. William Chalmers, of Trout Creek, were visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hadron and \Ir. and Mrs. David Chalmers, here for a tow days. Mrs. David Alcott, of Lindsay, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Umphrey. ' The Rev. Mr. Cook, of Cobocmk, occupied the pulpit here last Sabbath. : steamer Esttu'ion re-openod with good attendance. but - A i students may still register. It pays to enter a school at good reputation. In- divid ual instruction. Call or write for particulars. , Bonesronort Faraâ€" On Bobcaygcon Fair day, Friday, the 29th inch, the will leave Fenelon Falls at 10.45 a. m, arrivingr at Bob- caygeon at 12 30 noon. Returning, boat will leave Bebeaygeon at 53p. to. Sylvester band will be in attendance. Return fare 35 cents. FALL MILLINERY..â€"As will.be seen. by her advertisement in. another eels. umn, Miss Washburn’s fall millinoryB ' opening will be held on Friday and? Saturday, the 22nd and 23rd inst., on which dates we venture to predict that the bare-headbd summer girl. will go; suddenly out of fashion. LINDSAY CENTRAL Fare. â€"â€" The: Directors of the Lindsay Central extend: to all an invitation to attend their great Fair on Sept. let. 22nd and 23rd, and: promise one of the best dayseve'r. The» entriesin every department are- away.- ahead of any previous year, two bands. are expected to be present, and very.- gpecial attractions will be provided; "Single fares on all railways andzboats. New GAME Laws IN Kansasâ€"The- Bellovillc (Kata) Telescope says z,“ Book. agents may be killed from Oct. 1 to. Sept. 1 ; spring poets from March 1 to. June 1 ; scandal mongers from April 1; to "Feb. 1; umbrella borrowers from. August 1 to May 1;. every man who-â€" accepts a paper for two years and on being presented with the bill says, ‘ I’ never ordered it,’ may be killed on the. spot, without reserve or relief." 'l‘o-Nronr's SOOIAL.-â€"Don’t forget: the “ Green Corn Social "â€"â€"â€"a new kind â€"â€"in the basement of the Presbyterian church to-night, commencing at 8-. o'clock. Adminsion: adults 15 cents, children 10 cents. The ladies of the congregation in charge of this unique social will be assisted by the young peo« ple, who will furnish an excellent pro- gramme of music, etc. All will be wel- come, as plenty of corn has been pro. vided. GETTING Beamsâ€"It doesn’t feel or:- look much like winter yet, but already. the local curlers are getting busy, and- little bunches of them may occasionally: be seen going to and from the rink, where the work of levelling up the floor is in pregress, under the direction of; Mr. J. T. Robinson, of’ Bobcaygcon., In past years great difï¬culty has been. experienced in maintaining a level sheet» of ice, but with a perfectly level bottom; thit trouble will be removed. A meetâ€". ing of the curlers is called for this; (Thursday) cvoninn'. ACCIDENT.-â€"Ceoil Martin, son of Mr; Robert Martin, of Verulam, had his; left hand rather badly out while split~ ting wood at home on Monday. Seme- how, in steadying a stick 'which he had‘ raised on one and and which was about. to fall, his hand came in-eentaot with. the sharp edge of the axe, which cut a: deep gash about two inches lung in the. fleshy part below tho-thumb. E's went; to Dr. Wilson, who put. twostitches in.- ithocdges of the woundand-then dress. ‘ed-slt and bound up the hand; which willno doubt soon be ï¬t for use again. THE,S1DEWALK8.~â€"~HOW many of" the village sidewalks are in need of re-. pairs We don’t know. but in two or.» three of the planks on Francis street there are holes nearly large enough to, admit a person’s foot. and those planks should be taken up and replaced by new ones-â€"-or, at Isaac, the holes should he- coveredâ€"â€"-without delay. There is no. doubt whatever about a corporation be- ing responsible for accidents. caused by defects in sidewalks al'tcr attention has. been drawn to the existence of these de- fects, and, therefore, if any person get. hurt through the instrumentality of; one of the holes above mentioned, he or she can sue for damages with an almost. absolute certainty that they will be awarded. sidealks would be the placing, of a. An improvement to our local. :54 A 9W .5 ,. "Jiâ€" :4 J'\' .. -». a x H .t. ., l