-trnflwozsrdxegrmm'we. .. it , . ix.“ . . .. . ... .,. -- .. , r.. h. __ 4 m._ B-_ â€"â€"â€"- s the best and safest way is to get a money order. These cost from three cents upwards, and can be obtained at the 27‘ r Bhliii 8F Edit SH ~ 13L resin it than. f .n E: Ernst Fins search. gs OPEN ON SATURDAY EVENING-S. If you. want to avoid every possible chance of getting 3. Shoe that does not ï¬t. the foot or wear ,well, buy the Slater. We have all the new- est shapes in tan and black. I Price $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00. , ‘ ‘ _. - n. more. by own a Summing» EARL ORE? I Canada’s New Governor-General Earl Grey, the brother of Lady Minto, does not come to Canada as n: stranger, for he has been aireque‘no visitor at Ottawa during Lord Minto’s regime. He was born in 1851 of an old Northumberland family living at Howick since the sixteenth century. His grandfather, the second Earl Grey, was the Whig Prime Minister who carried through the Reform Bill in 1831. Alfred Henry George Grey, the new Governor-General, does not need to fall back upon a. family tree for a. record, as he has made his own name secure. He was educated at Harrow, Trinity College and Cambridge, taking high degrees in history and law, and at an early age entered politics, being for six years a member of Parliament. In 1894, while he was making an ex- tensive tour of South Africa, word came to him of the death of his uncle, to whose title and estates he succeeded. I Earl Grey was a 'close friend of Cecil Rhodes, and’ was the one man who knew how to manage him; and on more than one occasion when the Colossus of South Africa threatened to cut loose from the mother country andmake Rhodesia an independent republic, the gentle ï¬rmness and influence of Earl 'Grey made the threat fade into thin air. He is one of the executors of Rhodes' will, and has an influential voice in the Rhodes scholarships. After the Jameson raid in 1896, he succeeded to the administration of Rhodesia, and here his strength of mind and purpose, his knowledge of men and methods, his tact, diplomacy and-personal magnetism enabled him to ride bravely over many obstacles. He has the courage to take the initiative whenever it seems right to branch out into new lines of effort, and is a strong lover of humanity. On his large estates he has successfully carried out his LEGAL. .m. - ' F. A. MCDIARMID. ARRISTER, SOLlGl'l‘OR, Etc., _ FENE- lon Falls. Ofï¬ce, Colbornc street, opposite Postâ€"ofï¬ce. 5g“ Money to loan on real estate at lowest current rates. #______________.__._._.â€"â€".-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- MCIIAUGI'IIJTN & PEEL. ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &c.' Money to loan on real estate at lowust current rates. 'Oiï¬cc, Kent street, opposite Market, Lindsay. I' ~ - - 3.3. MoLAuouLIm. J. A. PEEL ‘7... W 1" G. H.‘ HOPKINS, ARRISTER, &o. SOLICITOR FOR B the Ontario Bank. Money to loan at owost rates on terms to suit the borrower. emcee: No. 6, William Street South, Lind- Iay, Ont. . ' - STEWART & O’CONNOR, ARRISTERS, NOTARIES, 8w. MONEY to loan at lowest current rates. Terms toenit borrowers. Ofï¬ce on corner ‘of Kent ideas of cooperative partnership; he is the organizer of the Public House Trust Company, which takes over and manages the saloons of England in, the public interest. At a labor meeting in Scotland a few years ago he stated; his belief that the gigantic trusts of the United States could be checked only by a cooperative plan, limiting the interest to ï¬ve per cent. and prohibiting the sale of shares in the open market. Earl Grey has clear-cut features, dark eyes, a slight patch of hair, male ing an oasis in the desert of his baldness, a military bearing and a quick, ener- getic, decisive manner. His family consists of his wife, his son, Viscount) Howick, and his three daughters, Lady .Victoria. Grenfell, Lady Sybil Grey, and Lady Evelyn Alice Grey. and York streets, Lindsay. T, SuawAn'r. L . V. O’CONNOR, B. A \ Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada. in the year 1904. by W. 0. Mock. at the Depanment or Agriculture, m eww.‘m ....» .. . ... .u Different Laws for Rich and Poor. MOORE & JACKSON, come to his assistance and provide b.lii ARRISTERS, SOLIoirons, &c. 0r.- i'or him, that he may not be deprived of ALL OUR SUMMER SHOES We would ï¬09;Willi9~m Streellmndsay' J are on this sale. ' The DJ?“ Qï¬eam ginâ€? infaul'ecfmt his liberty oven for a briol'pcriod li' F.D.Moonn. A. ACKSON , . . ‘35110: e_â€Â°â€œa 3' “3â€- e t 9 †O‘VWnge be an important criminal, h“ finls ‘ -â€"â€"â€"~â€" rathel lose money on them than obsorv’ltmn‘“; F9" years 33°: and here an orgalizniion of criminals :2 id AUGTIOHEER. carry them over another year. uvel'l'WL‘tk Emce- the Appeal ha“ WM wealthy crooks that will take car... ..l' 30‘} “"5 Same tilll‘g- NOW (“‘5 0i ‘3Ԡhim and see that he comes (0 no harm. “Mdg conservauve Paper" “f "‘0 Ems Though his crime be so vlctesmbh- as to menu" south has 59°“ “ great l‘ghl- shock the sensibilities of' every decent Rfmd “"3 “tulle {0 you" dem‘wrl‘t‘c man in the community. he is sure of" the Wendy and 33k 11"" for “0 answer gonth-st lreatmeut. [1:2 may deal in the to 1“ moat infamous‘trnï¬ic with impunity, At the foundation of‘ our system of and may debnuch dci'uncolcss women government lies the principle that all with no fear of the consequences of his men are equal before the law. Unfortu- crime He may. indeed, enter an organ- nately this principle does not rise above iza‘ti'on whose purpose it is to violate the l'oundnlion. at least so For its this the law and commit the most infamous. city is concerned at present. The l'riond crimes without Fear that the stern jus- less. destitute man, who commits the ticc which is dealt out to destitute and most insigniï¬cant crime, promplly and l'riendlcss will be visited upon him He remmseleSSIy receives the cold steel'ol' soon acquires the knowledge that he is the law, while the hardened criminal, above and beyond the low. and may with some means at his command, is laugh (-qually at justice and the semi- trcated with the utmost tenderness by mrnts of- the better element of the com- the power whose function it is to dis- munity. His sheet anchor is the fact pcnsc justice. The man who has lived a that forces that make for crime are or- VUU "NEED ANOTHER 'Plllli before-the end of the Season, and nowis the‘tim'e to buy them at a bargain. . There are no reServationsâ€"fâ€" our entire stock is reduced. ' Call in and see them. ‘ w. L. Reason. STE P H EN OLIVER, LINDSAY - ONT- lee Stock and general IAucticneer. Write for dates beforcadvcrtismg. W“! MEDICAL. ' DR. H. H. GRAHAM. â€"-u.p.,o.n., n12. c 3. Eng, M.C.P. a 5., ONT.’ F. r. n. s.â€" HYSIOIAN, SURGEON 8r ACCOUCH- P cor. "Ofï¬ce. Francis Street, Fcnelon Falls. I W on. A. WlLSON, â€"-x. 3., n. 0. PI. a 3., Ontario,“ . ’1 1 R . W110 s Your. Taller 9 HYSICIAN, Sgolhjbrne Street: Fenemn V I I our. Ofï¬ce. perl'ectly lawful life, until driven by ganized. and that that section of the Falls- _ desperation to steal an inï¬nitesmal ob- community which should be the relent- icct or a nominal sum to provrde sustcâ€" less enemy of his class is disorganized DENTAL. , M [In S. J. Sli‘fl3, DEWTSST, Fenelon Falls. canoe for his l'amishing brood, is at once and divided, if' not antagonistic. arrested and jailed, to be later dealt with by the storncst justice that the law provides. it matters not that his mo- tive for stealing was Lhe'starving brood whom nature ordained that he should support, and (but the crime would not have been committed were only his own pangs to be considered : the iron is driv- en into his soul with relentless force. How is it with the criminal who has adopted crime as a means of livelihood, and who violates the law, not. from no- It has come to this. that money ac- quired in the most disreputable manner is potent to defeat the ends ol’justice in this community. 'l‘llc very thing: that should be held to tho discredit. of the criminal is placed to his credit. Money dishoncstly acquired is more potent than character, than long years of honest living. What. equality before the law has the unfortunate but honest man lll'“, - rested on the streets for no other cause- thun that. ho is destitute, with the hard- It you ask any particularly wellâ€"dressed man in Fenelon Falls or surrounding district, mn uiverit “- Id -. ' . aï¬i‘ldc‘liligfif“dialihihonsi y “ “Who makes youi clothes?†1nvar1ably he W111 tell you ALL'BRANCKES 0F DENTISTRY ‘ TOWNLEY_= . . I d (1 according to the latest improve pert-Mtudiethods at moderate prices. OFFICEzâ€"Over Burgoyne’s store, Col- bme} street M/ . , cl‘Ssity, but to provide himself with the I. . I I I I I 933. llEELllllDS lilRlllllE, Be one of the number, and call and see summertime 3:31:35 551331“,;;}3,fb,g“i,;;;;fjjgr7‘, 33; . LINDSAY. ‘ ' . the vices for which his immoral nature ‘1‘, II ‘ "‘ Inâ€, ' mists what he is domg for the Fall and Winter. yearns? n h. be arrested at no... “,"t‘;.“k““,rl°!m‘Y‘pbmlmï¬m; and natural teeth preserved. Crown and arresting oï¬icial is apologetic, and cow no I o 0 nm. mlglt have lira. rep. ulnblo lives and died with tho-ir :5 row:- was. workaspecmhr- Splendid W in His prices are right, consistent with ï¬rst-class . - . as : ’ . I ,I , v I willle teeth. Painless extraction G (hat Ihe situation is not a serious one in- chlldlcn and thou children s child- Mattias? over 9,000 per?“ WM! Style and WorkmanShip- He makes no other. 0 ICC he is incarcerated, other criminals m" gathered ab’ut their bcdsg solos his prisoner with the statement . l -< -... wave-av.» .. W /