Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 4 Aug 1905, p. 4

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$. ,5 THE RIGHT PLACE TO BUY GROCERIES. We are ever on the alert. take advantage of every buying Opportunity that helps us to bet- -. ‘ (or serve the interests of our cus . 'f tomcrs. This Week we have made a», .ome special purchases of 1' PARASDLS, HDSIERY, LACE Black Satcens, regular 200. H M Black Cotton Hosiery, reg. 15 H H “ 29 pairs only M 50 18 pairs only u 75 - 12>pairs only“ 1.2 ‘ BELOW , COST _. - is the price we ask for and children’s- }; Vests, Dress ' Muslins, Prints, etc. These will .be on sale .. at 8 o’clock on Saturday 30 (is 350. “ CURTAINS, UNDERWEAR AND NIUSLINS. All new goods, strictly up-to- f? date and exceptional value. We will hold a sale of these as well as ‘ many other seasonablc lines on > Saturday. Saturday price 14c. yard. 220. “ c. “ 11c. pair. 0. “ 14c. “ 13 pairs only .“ 250. 19c. “ c. I . “ C. 7 '. “‘ 5. w. URGOVNE.) FENELON FALLS’ Amos several styles of trimming. attractions is the price, which is absurdly lovv- fer such 3 ' WM. ‘ goods. We invite your inspection. i g The Cheap Stare. " T mortar srosr. ALL MLLLmEsr n GREATLY" REDUCED: PRICES Tins WEEK. We» have still a good assortment of ready-to-- wear and: trimmed Hats. We have them in all the prevailing colors and with Not the least of . their CAMPBELL. g WWWWWWE Furniture and- Just Stop and Think Undertaking. Just received this Week on. _ other lot of nice Baby. Car- riages that are Special. Value. Also Extension Tables, Side-. boards and Bedroom. Suites. WW I carry in stock a. full line of Parlour Suites Lounges, Chairs, Etc. Picture framing a Specialty .. S. J; J If you are in need of a Sew- ing Machine be sure and see- suy styles before buying. L. DEYMAN. before youlbuy your-Christmas present. You may have been dealing with us for sometime, or. perhaps you have not._ We think we show the finest, largest and best assorted stock in the County. ‘ WeddingrRings, Diamond Rings, Gem; Rings of all kinds, Gentleman’s Rings. Our special blow is about our-large stock of WATCHES. See our silver, gold and gunmetal Watches for-boys. and girls Solid gold, gold filled and nickle cased‘ Watches. We carry in stock over $2,000 worth of Watches alone. Guards,Long Chains, Brooches, .. Stick Pins, and an endless variety of suitable Christmas. gifits. Come and see for yourself. LINDSAY. MILNE’S. BLOCK. 99 KENT rST. ' Log;RollingContest The next time you want Binder Twine be sure and go to Robson. It is just, right as to quality, make, length, strength: and prices. A The Fenelcn Falls Gazette... Friday. August 4th, 1905. Civil C lilOLl DALP'RHGHANEM'E. AT 9- A. M. GRAND. OALLITKUMPIAN PROCESSION.‘ ' an 1.0 A. In. on. THE CANAL. . . rmsr- sncoum M'en’s Double Canoe .Race.. $3.00 $2.00 (Special Prize-by J. E. Jackson, Coboconk.)- Men‘s Single Canoe Race .. 2.00 , 1.00 Boys’Double CnnocRace' 2.00'-' 1.50 _ Upset Canoe Race 2.00 1".00‘ Water Tournament . . -.. . . . .. 3.00 23.00 1.00 yard Sivimming Race . . 2.00 1. 00 ‘F “ boys under-~12} 1.25- .75, 'Tthacc , .......... . 1.50 1.00 Walking Greasy Pole . . . . . . 2:00r 1‘.00 Catching Goose in Water. . . The Goose. .111} 1.30 m M. AT" run AGRICULTURAL ' caonuns Standing Long Jump. . . . . . 2 .00 1.00 Running Long-Jump ...... 2.00 1.00 Standing High Jump. ...... 2.00 1.00 Running High Jéump ...._.. ' 2.00: ' 1-00 . Standing Hop, Step tic-Jiump 2200- 1.00 Running ‘1 “‘ 2.00 V 1.00 Putting Shot.._.._...,.....,.. 2.00 1.00 Sack Race................. 2.00 1-00 Fat Man’s Race ...... 2.00 1.00 Quarter Mile Race _. . .. .. ... 3.00 2.00 p 100de Race (men) . . . . ... 2.00; 1:..00: r100 yanrRa‘ce (boys erto 16), 1.50 * not) 100 yard Race (boys under 12). 1.25 50 yd Race (girls 12 to 16) Silver Bis- cuitJar by J. Heard 1.00 50 yd Race (girls under 12) 1.25 .75 Boot Race (boys under-15).. . 1.50 1.00 three. First, Cup, value $30; second, Bicycle Lamp, value $3.50 ;.third, Umbrella. V 'Basebnll Match, Coboccnk vs‘. Fen. Falls. 10 per cent. entry- fee to be paid in all petitor. etc enter, 3 to start, or no GOD: test. Decision of the judges shall be final. Single fare to Fenelon Falls on all T. V'. N. Co. steamers. The Manita will replace the Kawartha on. the Coboccnk ,route for. that day. J ‘ m Givlng- Away Public Lands; The Toronto World has an article condemning the transfer; by. the late public-lands to the Grand Trunk Pacif- ic Co., and says that Premier Whit~ ney, who when in opposition strongly 'condemncd the transaction, would have been justified in blocking the winding up of- thc session until full details of the not were forthcoming. The article con- cludes as follows :. , “ Mr. Whitney now describes the act ?as unjustifiable, and? as a- free gift to the railways. It is within his power to re- scin’d the act, and the common people who own the area tied up by the bar- ,tract will be rc-opcned at the earliest lwholcsa-le robbery of the public lands :for the benefit of the favored class, fiend the general public are in- no mood to , permit these performances of an almost defunct government to sta-nd'as free will ,ofl‘lorings to- powerful moneyed! interests funds for the favors passed out.” The greatest blunderâ€"or, more prop- erly, crimeâ€"of which any government which are the property of the whole pco 1 pic, and should never be n110wod to pass, upon any- terms, into the possessibn of matter rest. The private ownership. of ,thc earth is the main cause of the em- tremes of wealth and poverty that enist to-day;.hut the numbcr of'great land- owners is continually being added to, and no doubt will be until the people that the alienation of their birthright shall cease, but. that an entirely new- order of things shall be inaugurated; What is true of the earth itself is true of all that is in it or on it" except the- 'prcducts of men’s hands. It may be legally right, but it is morally wrong, that all the oil and coal and metal and minerals in the bowels of the earth, and all the timber on its surface should beâ€"â€" ow... _ 1.00: Bicycle Race, half mile heats, best two in. contests (except bicycle race) by each. com» ,gain have. a. right to expect that the con-- Fopportuuity and discussed' on its merits. '5 “ There are increasing indications of V Iwhich contribute liberally to: party: Scan be guilty is. the giving away or scll- , ing of large blocks of'the- public lands, 2 corporations, companies or individuals, ; - a . , and we hope the World: will not let the 3re'engaged for tho "mum" year at $700 year at 8325'. per-annum..â€"-Carried; 'arisci their ' 'i . ' . . u might and Mt only my rotary be instructed? to advertise for a fimale-teachcr- fOB' south ward school, momâ€"Chrricd; members present. Thompson’s application be accepted at u as they are fast becomingâ€"the private salary of $3005f0r south ward junior.- properiy of a. few wealthy men, and tho roomâ€"Carried. Qtime is coming when what is recognized as being morally wrong will be declared .illegal too. A iewyears ago the Roth- $schilds or one of'them. acquired _“enou:h icoal lands in China to supply the people zof the earth for a thousand years”; a short time ago a company in Newfound land obtained :1 grant of two thousand square miles‘of’pnl‘p-wood‘ lun-ls, but wc ; were glad to see it stated that an attempt ' was to be made to dispute their posses- sion of it. If this-sort of thing go-onit ,will not belong before “the earth and 7the fulness thereof" will be owned by a few who by force or fraud or bribery or corruption have got hold. cf‘ir, and} the rest of mankindl will be practically. their {slaves. Of course our feeble protest will do nothing: towards. abolishing the evil. but it does us good to protest, and it does us far more goodto know. that there ‘nre other protesters who- are making themselves heard throughout civilized nations, and to feel assured that in the course of time the monstrous wrongs of the present day will come to an end. For the: cf“ People. Und'en- the ab-ive heading, the Col- lingwood Enterprise (0011.) says: "-W'. F. Holman, Conservative M. P. ‘for- Soth York, is sometimes dubbed the I-shmuclitc of parliament; but we cannot help but think if thorn were more Billy MTcLeuns in parliament it would be better not only for the Conservative 'party. but Canada. Our‘ personal nc quaintnncc with the gentleman is of the most casual character; but from what we, as an outsider, have noticed of his. public career, it has'been singularly con~ 'si'stent in this age of grab and plunder; and} the position he occupies on public questions more nearly represents the views of. thc'mujorixy of the Conserva- tivc party then that of many of tho so- called leaders. my bills was, to say the least, disap- pointing, and the rush to participate in the indemnity grab was humiliating 1n the extreme; As far as we can learn, the member for South York. isthc only member on either side of 'the- house 5 who. refused to join in the exploitation of the public treasury, and he is practi- cally the only member with courage to stick up for the rights. of the people against the corporations. A public man is judged by his record, and while oth- ers may sneer and impure sinister mo- tives, the record still remains, andiW. F. McLean. is the ‘ It’ with the mass of» '1 tho-people of Ontario.” W School: Board. F‘cnclon F‘alls, July 18th, 1905. :mombers present ; minutes of previous :meeting read and approved". Wilsonâ€"Mammâ€"Tlluh thcrcport of the principal'bc receizvedv and filed for future rofcrenue..â€"-C'arricd. A-rnoldsâ€" hfcfntosh,â€"-Thnt the-chair- Ohtcric Government. of a vast area of- im“ “ii” orders for we fouowmg ac" counts: R. Rutherford, work on fence at south ward, 86150; J. Twomoy, lum- ber for some, $14.80; R". Moore, tendon for wood, $1.-â€"-Ccrricd. Miss Macnivcn tendered: her resigna- tion as teacher. Masonâ€"Nevison,â€"-â€"That the score- ;tary be instructed to cor-respond with the rest of the studies to rc-ongagement, g enquiring. salary expected; ncd‘that re- .engagemcnt be made if possible at the earliest possible time. Meeting to be called by the secretary as soon as re- plies ars rccetvcd'1â€"Carried. . H July 24th. Board met pursuant to adjournment, all members present. Minutes of- pre- vious meeting road and approved. Wilsonâ€"â€"Moln tosh ,â€"-Thnt Miss Nev- ficon-’s application be accepted at usel- ary of 8300} per annum,. and that the Board ofihr Miss B’ollingham $300“; for the-ensuing yuanâ€"Carried. Masonâ€"Arnold,â€"That Mr. Case be ' offered a salary of $700. per your and Mr. Miann‘a- salary of $550 per year.â€" Carriedi » I - 'me 2m. Board met at call. of chairman,,_all- ' members present. Masonâ€"Novison,â€"Thet M-r..C'ase be and Mr. Mann at 8575. Both parties and Board: to, sign. satisfactory agree- mantaâ€"Carried}. A-rnoldâ€"M'cIntcsh,â€"That Mliss B’cl- lingham be re-enguged- forrthe ensuing Wilsonâ€"McEntosh,â€"-Thut- the sec- unless otherwise advised by. the choir- July 31%. Board met at call of chairman, all Wilsonâ€"Arnold,â€"That Miss Mabel Tho lukcwarmgoppoai5 . tion of the Conservatives in the-autono- , : Board met' at regular meeting, all ' .ing a-good' time in‘ spend a couple of days at M«r..J»‘-'..Walsh’s- her. sister, Miss Smitheram, of T Masonâ€"McIntosh,â€"That the chair- mun sign ' orders for tho following ac- counts :: W. H:. Robson, account, $5"; Secretary, telegrams, etc., $1.47.â€"-C'd‘. Pcwles’ Corner- (Correspondence oft/1'9 Gizzelte.) The social given in the school grounds on the evening,' of the 28th inst. was a; financial success. Thore'was a goodi attendance. and a very good. deputation. from the Falls was present. Mr. Chas. , Doyman and Mr. Thos. Lane gave their' lassistancc in entertaining the- crowd’, and M=iés Bates, of Lindsay. who hap- 3pened L0 be in the locality. helped along: Zwi'th thc- programmen The‘su-m of$27f was cleared”. Several families in- thisloculity. have! ibeen on tlie'hunl for .huckleberrics,‘ and! they have all been very successfuli The patrons in this locality of the: Fenclon Falls creamery are very well pleasedwith the results, which spool: -well for-the managers; and the patrons. .havc'a foretaste of rural mail delivery, as the P'. M-. delivers mail ulcna: witln 'the empty cream-cans; They think. in. like Comfort Soapâ€"all right. There are many in this locality who' ’regret to lc~n'n:0f the sudden death of: the Rev. T. J‘. Eilmison. at Bi'iglitou.. Mr. E: left this circuit in 1388. Mr. W'm. Ferric, of’N‘éwoastlo, spent: a few days here visiting his cousin, Mr: Joseph Benin." ' . 'Mérs. M. Critall, of Tel-oum,.'is~enjoy.. log a visit toM-icssrs; WilliamandiSimon. _C-'iopel'.- " - " ~ ,- Mr. and‘ M‘i's; Herb [Ceowinrof Pixies- :tino, Eldon, culled' on .llri and: Mrs» Hort-on last‘Sunday- _. ‘ Fall who-ah: barley and rye have al- ready been. cut. anzl< the prospects arm ,.-~bright for-the farmer and also for. the‘ :tlmcshcr. " ' " .Rersonals.. Mr. William Deymnn, Sin, is home: from Severn Bridge. MissDorothy Mblfiay, ofl Whodvillcg. lie in town, visiting at Mr. Joe: Austin's. . Mrs. J3 H. Smith and her daughter are visiting relatives in Toronto this. week. ' Mrs. P... Ji. Moore and hen-children, ihavelbcen-camping out at R‘osedulo since» 2 Wednesday of last week. ’ Miss Greta S‘mith roturncdtbome on. Q Monday, after aweek’s visit tovfrien'ds: in Petcrborough; and’ Lindimy. Mrs. Strolling, of Lindsay, was at tho- EFalls from. Friday until Tuesday, visit-- ging her brother, Mr; Eli Whrsley. ' M‘iss Einin J‘anc Junkie, of Verus ' law, came home on Saturday from a. five w-eeks"visit to friends at Brighton.. Mrs. Thomas H'uifman,_'of Victoria. 2 Harbor, is at the Falls visiting her pa- gronts, Mr..- und’ Mrs. Wm. Fountain andl .othenrclatives. , Miss Greta Naylor, of’Lindsay, is or the Falls, spending a few days-with her:- gfriends, Miss Greta.- Smith and Miss- 'Birdie Archer. ~ Mr. W; A. Bishop-left a few days ago- .to=tnkc-churge of the Bobcaygemi branch. 50f the Bank of B; N. A. while‘t'he mauv- ager, Mr. Watt, is away on his vacation.. Q Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lockhurt, of' Souris, Man., who left the Falls 23: years ago, have been here since Tucs- jduy, and will remain until: some time- ;‘next week"... Mfrs. Anderson. and heir twoxdcught-a- iers, of Peterborough, came down. from: their summer residence at Rosedale on- Tuesday, and. spent the day. with the» 5Misses Hand- : Mrs. Lewis W-akcly, accompani edlby; her two children, left on Tuesday for her home-at Vancouver, B: C:, after a: visit-of more rthanva year. to-hon-rclatives: fat the Falls." Messrs. F. J'. Kerr, Win. Dcymun ji‘- and Charles Heard went last-week. on. Father T'womey’s excursion- to Ste Anne ‘dc Beuupre, and-got home on Saturday.. They had a; splendid: time, and: were: ‘delizhted‘with the trip. Mirs. Sidney Morrison and: her little: daughter, of Lindsay, have been. at the Falls since Saturday morning, visiting: relatives.‘ Messrs. Sidney and William- 'M’orrison drove down on. Saturday after- noon, and returned. on Sunday. evening... Mr. and Mrs. 'l‘..- A. Slighte, 'of Pet-- erborough, who have- been 'spcnding an =fcw weeks vacation at Mr; DuvejBrokcn» shirc’s home, are'returning after spend- general. They Willi home, Fidlcr's Hill. The Misses‘Aneie, M‘aud‘and‘ Minni'el Ellis, Bird Clark and. Hilda Nevison, accompanied. by Mesars. George nndl Stanley Ellis, Alvin Gould. andf'Axrthur- Nevison, left on. Monday morning, per- steamer Dawn, to camp out for three; or four days at Bell Lake. Mrs. William Keys, of- Lindsay, and; aroma, hnvo boon=visiting at their old home in Fanclon, and were at the Falls this week. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wood,‘ of this; village, celebrated their golden wedding on Saturday last, July 29th.. They are;

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