" - -.' Mr '2.“ V.’=f.1".?n'é'.h. .:. MA. .g:m_.:~< .m KYLE-1mm“..â€" . ._._... . va-â€". V. L I as t. l :. *Waragrwrfl _,-«.r...._~......__..__....__._._.._u_. . a-.. V warp: L'. i ’J h. 5; l { washer-arse? hr“...â€" ~..- WTâ€... .hi:<,.x’,,‘, .f 733‘s» in,‘ . -. . . I.“ ‘ .‘; i . â€": ' - I V’ 1,. ‘ “ -“‘ ", \. g. . 5,. r._ . p . . ,’/,/ . , t t fl E “ The Cheapest Place to buy Groceries is V Burgoyne’s." ,m; “.7 This is a remark made by a lady a few days ago, and, judging from the many new customers we. are con- stantly serving, it must be true. At. any rate, we defy competition in this department. ' Atrial order will prove that we do exactly what we advertise. " Inspect our Saturday bargains, compare prices, and see if. you don’t. ’ .- get just a little" more for your ready cash at this store than elsewhere. 0. WWW w. BURGOYNE. FENELON' FALLS’ MOST MODERN STO‘REL: FOR. SPRING e have: the best assortment of ladies’ dress and trainl’ess Skirts ever- cit-bred; fer your inspect-ion. ' These skirts are made from the ï¬nest quality tweeds, -.é'St shades of brown and blue. Six' only black Lustre, special price $2.25». "lustres, mohairs and Sicilians, in black and all the new- Mohair‘ Skirts: in black and blue at $3.75. .FanCyDonegal Tweeds from $4.00 to $6.00; in“; Cheap 81051:..le Furniture and; V " Undertaking. Just. received this week an- other lot of nice Baby Car- ,niages that are Special ‘lit'aue. » Also Extension Tables, Side-- boards and Bedroom Suites. . I carry in stock a full line ; of» Parlour Suites Lonnges._- Chairs, - , ‘ Picture framing a Specialty. my styles before buying. It. DEYMAN. iMi‘LNE’S BLECK. CAMPBELL. ' lust Stop? and Think , before you. buy your Christmas present. You may have been dealing. with union some time, or perhaps. you have not. We think we Show the ï¬nest, largest 'and best assorted stock in the County. Wedding Rings, Diamond Rings, Grem Rings 01. all. kinds, Gentlemen-’3 Rings. Our specialblow is about our large stockot WATCHES. See our silver, gold. and gunmctal Watches for boys and girls , Solid gold, gold ï¬lled and nickle cased. Watches. We carry in. stock Over $2,000 worth of Watches alone. GuardS, Loug- G'hains, Brooches, Stick Pins, and an endless variety of suitable Christmas gifts. Come and see for: yourseLfZ. £S.J. Petty, the Jeweler. If you are in need of a Sew- ; in’g Machine be sure and. see; LINDSAY. ,, 3.5. - ..~,,r.,-,. . .,.,. ..... r.,__ . .v. I z . .. ~_ . , . .. . z. , _ l‘ ,v, .‘._ . ~v.,.\‘.‘. :_ .-\_ .\‘ ,._ L 3. .~ ,y,. , . , . . . .._ _ . -r ~ ' . 'mï¬vaï¬vz ' striking Laurin. AND SUMMER. i 99% KENT ST. . .. ¢ n«~e~â€".-‘-..i.~n.hy-. .. Farmers in want of' a good . €CREAM SEPARATDB Separator. It is the only ball bearing machine on the market univer- proï¬table investment found on the farm. - .rHcs. ROBSON‘ ,rEttEtcn FALLS. AGENT. .__J._.. The Fenelon Frills GaZette. Friday, Emil. '7th, 1905. , What Was His Offence ?‘ 2 On Wednesday of last week-{at Corn- 'wall, Allan Tunney was tried fer the manslaughter of Alcidc Laurie, whom be instantly killed by striking him on ,tho head. with a, hockey stick at Max- well u few weeks ago 7. and' the jury, after deliberating for four hours, brought in a verdict of “ notguilty.“ Now, what :Was L-oney’s offence? No one would ‘ I dream. of calling it murder; the presid- ing jgudge, whose summing up seemed to favor a conviction, said it was not “just- iï¬able homicide;†and Laurin’s death gwas certainly not the result of an acci- idcnt. The only offence for which Loney could-possibly be tried was man- islaughter, and, as the jury declared he ‘was not guilty of that, it appears that ho was not guilty of anything. The fact that the jurymen took so, long in decids ging- upon a verdict showed that they 'weighcd the evidence carefully, and that some of them, at least, did not at ï¬rst favor Loney’s acquittal. But ï¬bres-witnesses swore that deceased had struck Loney on the face with his hockey stick; and honey, who was put into the box and gain: evidence on his own be- half, declared that he was struck, though Ehc- did' not know whether with a ï¬st or _ a stick, and‘that he was so dazed by the blow that he had no, recollection of His indictment and :trial, though he was acquitted, will, it 'is to be hoped, have a tendency to humanize the game of hockey; and it is ‘r also to be hoped that: the following com- ments upon it by the Grand Jury at Cornwall will not be without effect: ‘ “ We cannot too strongly, condemn .thc growing tendency of introducing brutal methods and rough-house tactics into the games of lacrosse and hockey, which frequently result in painful and permanent injuries to the participants, fund sometimes death, as in one of the tosses before us. We are of the opin- ion t-hat the press, in giving so much space and. prominence to these contests, . these results. the lesszlcvelihoadcd spectators, by voice and manner, encourage and incite the heated players to deeds of violence to- wards an opponent. It has come to are lionized by. these hero-worshippers :for their misdeeds, instead of being treated with the contempt their conduct so richly deserves. We believe that unless those growing tendencies can be effectively and‘ permanently eliminated from. tbs-s» games, they should be pro- hibited by legislation. and put on apar with bull-ï¬ghts and: cooking mains. The some remarks apply equally to football." . Bulletin on Spring Crops. , The“ following notes on spring crops, issued by Prof. Zavitz; of the Ontario Agricultural College, will be of interest to our country readers : . Forty-three varieties of spring wheat and four varieties of spring rye were sewn on the experimental plots at the college- oa March 29th. In 1902’ the spring wheels were sown on March the 27th. These are the only two seasons within the past twenty yv‘ars in which the spring Seeding at the college could be started in- the month of March; It is generally useless to attempt to grow spring wheat in Ontario unless it can ’ be sown as early in spring as the land is suitable. even'if tho seeding is follow- ed: by cold weather and snow storms. For ï¬ve years in succession an exper iment has boon tried by sowing spring .whest, barley, oats. and peas, on differ- ent dates in the spring of the year. The ï¬rst seeding took place as soon as the ground was. sufficiently warm and dry to work, to good advantage. Ono week was allowed. between: each two seedlings. The results indicate the importance of sowing spring wheat, barley, cats in the order here given, starting with spring wheat and. ï¬nishing with. the peas. All. sally recognized as the most such a pass that rough, brutal players let" the ï¬rst week was. put, ~thcro was an average. decrease in yield for every day's delay in seeding of about one and one-half bushels of cats. one bushel: of barley, one-half bushel of spring wheat, would do well to. call. and exâ€" rand “whim bush“ 0f Po“ Per "0“- amine the low down. Qxfordi ï¬ooord‘ing to the results of experi- ,ments conducted at the college for seve- ‘rul‘ years, there are advantages in grow- ing grain in mixtures for the production of green fodder, dry fodder or thrashed itgra-in. For fodder purposes, a mixture of Siberian or Banner oats and Prussian ‘Blue or Golden Vine peas. in the pro- iportion of two bushel: of cats to one bushel of peas per acre, has given good satisfaction. For the purposes of grain production, however, an early out such as the Daubeney or Alaska, when mixed with the Maudschcurl barley in the pro portion of one bushel (34 lbs.) of cats . and one bushel (48 lbs.) of barleyiper ' Minn ~ ~â€" .1' ’ A!“ M â€"â€"m “ 4."...L- . ~~~ â€"'-~ here being a wreath of. black velvet marguerites with _ green and yellow centres. The immense high back was trimmed with chain bows of black'taf- fora ribbon. tho bandequ massed with black roses. A but much admired Was a twentieth century poke of chiffon in the burnt onion shades, the edge ï¬nish- ed with quillings of straw. The mother- gonse crew: was knotted and faced with ribbons in the same tones. The side crown was trimmed with a rosette of June roses, while a wreath of pink for- get-mc-nots followed the outline of but on underbrim. This was'very stun- ning. A new and very attractive but was a Charlotte Corday of point de sprit lace. The crown of pyroxoline braid had a band of cream button roses and aigrotte of the some. the undérfacing being ofvrcpc mechlin. A study in was 9. Napoleon of irregular lacro, has given better results tlmnteitherlwbrim, made of serpentine mohair braid a liuhter or a heavier seeding. It is probable that there is an annual . loss of fully three million bushels of cats in Ontario through the injury to the crop caused by smut. This would {be-largely prevented if the seed oats ' were-immersed for twenty minutes in a Solution made by mixing one pint of for- maldelyde (formalin) in from forty to forty- ï¬ve gallons of Water. This solu- tion has the power of Killing the spores of- smut and leaving the cats uninj urod If the treatment is made Several days before sending takes place, the cats should be spread on a floor and tho- roughly dried'; butif is made immedi- ately before seeding,it is only necessary to partially dry the seed. Great care should be taken to prevent smut spores from bags. bins, grain seeders, ctc., be- coming.r mixed with the cuts alter the formalin, has been used. This treat- ment is easily performed. comparatively cheap and very effectual, and, if the- roughly performed, need not be repeated from year to year. Spring Millinery. Spring in the world of nature is an- nounced by the singing of birds and the budding of trees, thorush and'flow of many watersbreaking from their win- ter bondage, the brown face of mother earth revealed through her mantle of snow, and by the small boy playing marbles. Spring in the world of fash- ion is announced by the appearance of gaily decorated tnillinery windows, con- taining marvellous creations of season- able headgear. hell’s the window decorations gave cvi- dance of the good taste and good judg- ment which was displayed more‘fully upstairs. , hung with flowers, lace and fashionable trimmings. The tables were ï¬lled with and children’s hats. Miss Trcunor is ery was well shown in many beautiful samples. A ï¬ne but was in shades of fgreen. Separate blossoms of oowslip outlined the- brim. The top- of the crown was composed ofa flat mass of green leaves and blossoms. A cream- nm. largely responsible, mommy, {0,- colored folded band of satin ribbon was quucstionably some of caught from. a. cream and. green rosette ‘at the under front to the upper brim. The under brim, faced with cream lace, had an outline application of green leaves and cowslip blossoms. Two sprays lof the same flowers added grace to the back. A fifth avenue hat of black se- quin had an upper brim of tucked chif- fon, rosettes of black satin fastened by :gilt buckles at the left side and back, :with a gold-tipped aigret'te on the left brim. A hand-some hat was developed in shades of brown, cream and green. A cream. lace applique outlined the brim ‘and crown, a cluster cf brown and green {flowersexcollcntly blooded; was placed runder the brim at thcbuck, and a band ribbon was about the crown. Several beautiful white hats were shown. One especially worthy of mention was a girl's poke with a deep full of lace held by a i.rvreath of lily-of-tlm-valley blossoms, §a facing andties of chiffon, and a double spray of lilies-of-the-vallcy placed against the band in front. Another pretty white braid but had wreaths and- éclustcrs cf forget-me-nots, with innings -of baby ribbon in. forget-mc-not blue. Miss Wushbut'n- and: her. assistants gmade their usual attractive display on ’l‘hursd'ay and Friday of last week. The window decorations were exquisite- lv spring-like in design and coloring. Sprays of early blos:oms, with hangings .of delicate green and. white- ribbons, mad’c an appropriate setting fur the dainty samples of spring and summer headwcar. Indoors, the display was a ;com.bination of usc and beauty. Miss ’ Washburn’s stool: of ready-toewoar huts is ï¬rst-class, and children’s. hatsa‘re in great variety. Marvellous. skill and unorring taste are united in the depart- , ment of the trimmed samples. A. black éhut which was much admired hadan undcrbsim of lace shirred on wire. The upper brim and small bee-hive crown a were covered: with a fluted pleasure of black satin. straw,, the only trimming .At Mr. Wm. Camp-' The large show room' was . an up-to-dats collection of ready-to-wear. again in charge, and her skill in tnillin-.. of burnt orange velvet and white satin ~ and tucked and Shirred chiffon. At the back was a quilling of brown ribbons. On the indentationut the left side res!- ed a bunch of pond lilies which har- monized with the small flowers in the cherry shades that encircled the brim. Personals. Miss Ella Austin was home frOm Kin- mount part of this Week. ' Mr. Bert Townlcy took a business trip into the north country this week. . Miss Emily Hand left on Tuesday to spend three or four days with friends in Toronto. - '_= I .llrs.'.\lelcnlfe, of h’laI‘iposa, is rich- ing her son, M r.‘ Frederick A. Mctcalfc, at the Falls. ' _ - Miss Luella Jobbett, of Lindsay, was at the Falls from Saturday until Mon- day, visiting at M r. S. Brokenshiro'sz Miss Lena Clark, of Cannington, who has been visitingr relatives at b‘enelon Falls and Kinmount, returned homo on Saturday last. , - Messrs. G, H. G.';\loVity and John D. Smith, executors of the R. C. smith estates were here on Saturday, .and a- gain on Thursday. . Mr. John ’1‘. Robinson, of Bobcay~ goon, License Inspector for East Victo- ria, was at the Falls and Kinmount On Tuesday, and went home on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Rutherford. of Rosseau, came to the Falls on Friday, to take a. last farewell of their nephew, John F. Varcoe, who died on Wednes- day afternoon. - ' V A some-or: PAPER.â€"-Watch for ' it. It’s coming soon. If you miss it you’ll miss it, so don’t miss it; ' VERULAM,COUNOIL.â€"-The Verulam» council ,will meet for general business on Monday, April 10th.- ' _ Fort THE CHILDREN..â€"-â€"Ccrne.and bring the children to see Puck and the Ogro,.also the Fairy king and queen and the little gnomes,'who will keep- tbem laughing. They will learn the value of the magic scoptre and Isa-m, 'what happens in the fairy court whom it is lost. Dickson’s hull, April 18th, 1905. ‘ ' BANQUET.-â€"~Tlle management of’tbe .10qu hockey team will tender a- banquet to the victorious seven in Northey’s. restaurant next Monday evening, April? 20th. A good programme of music and speeches has been arranged, and; the affair promises to. be the best of its: nature ever: held in Fenelon Falls. Ticket‘s 50 cents A SMALL Franâ€"About 10. o'clock. on Tuesday morning the interior of a- closet and a considerable quantity of- clothing in a bedroom. in Mar. William. Dcyman, Sr’s, house. south of the river, were destroyed by ï¬re, which was caus- ed. in some way by a stove-pips in the- room. M rs. Deyman discovered the ï¬re, which was extinguished by the members of the family. and three or four neigh- bors, and no alarm was given. THâ€"E Barnaosx.tus.~â€"-On Tuesday .cv-ening a few of the-frogs that live in a swampy lot, near our place, came out and tuned up their musical instruments. but probably. discovered that they were- “ a little too prerious,â€and buried'themr- selves in the mud again ;:as, during that night, there was a. sharp frost... Never. mind;. they'll soon be. out again, andl their melodious strains will be listened: to with pleasure by everybody. Goon Enron: CONCERT.-â€"M‘ils. Mysâ€" sie Newton, Canada's lmmorous-enter-~ tainer, assisted by Miss Gtrtrude Bates, vocalist, and the Misses Ecru-l White- a-nd Nora Bollfry, accumpanists, whit give an entertainment in T‘womey’s hall on Good Friday evening, April 218:. Referring to Mis: Newton, Toronto Sut- u-rday Night says: “ At St. George's- hall the reader of the evening was Miss. M'yssie Newton, who- greatly pleased; her audience with her versatile renders. ings. Miss Newton isa very clever im- personator, with an excellent voice and! magniï¬cent stage appearance- A‘s read-- or and impersonator we haves thorough- ly experienced artisre.†Tickets 15, 25: and 350. Plan of hall at Dr. Gould’s; ‘ drug, store, a, W‘s-rat , «m, :>..._ -.. - 0 2 :r'WhW’ I“ :1 hi i l 5. i3. t -M“ “0446? ' ‘ .g ‘\-. ‘wéâ€"wka I.