Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 3 Mar 1905, p. 7

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Wam‘ammmunwa. ' ' siti‘ i . . ....,.......â€". ‘4W . that -was stopped. least there were within'the two days had arranged with the Port people to buy the coal before they took it. been arranged, for the business could WHEN ALI. ELSE HAD FAILED DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS CUBED HIS BLADDER TROUBLES. Tames Atwell Proves that Lum- bago and Bladder Troubles are Caused by Diseased Kidneys. Campbellford, Ont., Feb. 27.â€" {(SPCCiaIJâ€"That Lumbago and Blad- der Trouble are both caused by disâ€" sased Kidneys has been shown in the case of Mr. James Atwell of this place. Mr. Atwoll says: "I had Lumbago and Bladder Trou- Ol‘e. In passing my urine would hurt me so as to almost cause tears to come to my eyes. I used medicines and a bandage prescribed by my docâ€" tor but got no relief. Then I tried Dodd’s Kidney Pills and they cured me for good and all. I will never be without Dodd's Kidney Pills in {the house.” Cure your Kidneys with Dodd’s Kidney Pills and they will strain the Causes of Lumbago,._ Rheumatism, Dropsy or Bladder Troubles out of .the blood. -â€"â€"â€"+â€"â€"- N0 COAL AT GlBRAiTAR BRITISH FLEET WAS PRACTI- CALLY HELPLESS. Sequel to the Baltic Crisisâ€"C ommandeered a Supply. It is hard to believe that when everyone thought that Great Britain Was on the brink of war with ltussm after the North Sea outrage the British fleet was practically help- less at Gibraltar owing to want of Fleet coal, says the London Daily Chronicle. Yet this is the sensational state- ment made in the Indian Daily News by Captain Berrymnn, of the steam- er London Bridge, on his arrival at Calcutta. The London Bridge left England with a cargo of coal for Port Said lust before the North Sea occurrence. Captain Berryman arrived off the Straits of Gibraltar about four o’clock in the morning. “We were going'through quietly,” .ie told a representative of the Inâ€" ilian Daily News “when out of the harbor came torpedo boats and launches. " 'W'ho are you?’ asked the lead- ing boat, and when I replied I was )old I must come into Gibraltar. TOO-K V ESSEL’S COAL. “I was greatly astonished at this, and thought they were stopping all traffic through the Straits. But when I reached the harbor I found they wanted my coal. They told me to start unloading at once, and the London Bridge went from ship to ship until she was empty. We were five days over the job. "‘There Were fourteen war vessels in the bay, and they had been gathe ared hurriedly from all parts of the \lfediterranean. So they were fairly well empty by the time they reached Gibraltar. “What stock of coal was there at Gibraltar? Well, I do not know for certain. Ashore there was, I believe only 1,000 tons of patent fuel in hulks. But I had no opportunity to see how much there was on shore. OTHER BOATS STOPPED. "The stock must haVe. been low, however, for I Was not the only boat Ten others at onlyâ€"all English. of course.” Asked for further details, Captain Berryrnan continued: “I don’t know if the Government Said Probably this may have this were done, the revenue not suffer, for these grades are not extensively Were" free a stronger and more satisâ€" factory without enhancing the cost. to terms over your dispute?” asked a city merchant doorkeeper; uncompliment’ry sor " sufTercd as no one ever (lid with rheu- matism; for could not so much as feed myself. A friend Rheumatic Cure. could sit up. Toâ€"day I am as strong as ever 1 was.”-â€"Mrs. John Cook, 287 Clinton street, Toronto.â€"2 have so much company. more callers in a day than 1 have in a week.” perhaps if you’d try to be a more agreeable you’d have as many friends as I have." Minard's Linimenl Cures Burns. elc. remarkable asked a romantic youth. all,” “It’s when people have been looking at each other for four or five years that it becomes remarkable!” sociation with more civilized coun- tries. After this it cannot be doubtâ€" ed that the French soldier’s bed is the best of all, with its wooden or iron bedstead, a straw bed, a wool SO ap you have the fact. â€"_ mattress, sheets, a brown woollen coverlet, and an extra quilt for cold weather. Thus the bed of the French soldier is the softest of all soldier's beds, as that of the French peasant is acknowledged also to be the best of all European countries. â€"-~â€"-â€"+â€"â€",.- JA CK’S HEROISM. "Of course I love you, Jack; but if I thought you’d done something very brave I would love you a lot more?” “Well, 'I’ve promised to marry you on my present salary.” “Forgive me, dearest, that’s simpâ€" ly heroic.” .____..4.__...__. LEAVE WELL ENOUGH ALONE. According to a wellâ€"founded rumor, the Dominion Government will durâ€" ing the present session be urged to impose a customs duty on grades of fence wire which are now on the free list. That- such a tax would prove an unjust burden to the farmers of Canada there is no doubt. In the older parts of the Dominion the old wooden fences are being year by year replaced by wire structures, and in the Great West, which is rapidly being settled, practically all the fencing is being done with wire in one or other of its many forms of construction. Were the kinds of wire most in use for fence construc- tion manufactured in Canada, there might be some excuse for imposing an import tax, but since there are practically no factories for making it in operation in the Dominion, whom could such a tax benefit? That the price of fencing material Would be raised to practically the extent of the duty there can be no doubt. This would mean that a duty of 25 or 30 per cent. would impose an extra tax of $150 to $175 on the fencing required for an average farm. Nor would the rural community suffer only to the extent of an increased expense to those who llaVe to fence, but a great deal of farm iiraprovement would be delayed for many years, which would oper- ate strongly in keeping down the value of land. Rather than impose a tariff on Nos. 9, 12 and 13, smooth galvanile wire, as has been proposed, it would be a mulch saner policy to remove the present duty of 20 per cent. on Nos. 7 and 11. If would imported, but if they fence could be obtained +.__ "Did you and Dennis Dooley come of his Hibernian “Yis, 501'; and very terms they wor, Two Years Absu â€""For eight years I two years I lay in bed; recommended South After three American doses I w Mistressâ€"“I don‘t want you to You have Dom estioâ€"â€"‘ ‘Well, nnum , little â€".â€"__â€" “Do you think there Is anything in love at first sight?” "Not at friend. replied his cynical t ximtkteu’:'i§v\.'3"¢:tfirsit‘4“’!fl7‘ is!“ V how do you like my new hat?” Fergusonâ€""Do opinion of it Laura?" sonâ€""No, I don’t, you mean thing!” " Pure soap I” the words. No other workingman’s shirt is made so big or comfortable or $6 strongly as the H.B.K. Bigr Shirt. Not a skimped, factory-made, cheap shirt but a shirt made of honest material and lots of it. 9......â€" As big and easy fitting as the ones your mother used to make with three yards and a half of goods. Every H.B.K. Bigr Shirt has three and a half to three and three quarter yards of material. Ample room under the arm- pits, broad and spacious on the shoulders, full and long bodied, big sleeves, an easy wearing shirt and a long wearing shirt. Every shirt is branded with this brand and guaranteed by the makers. ‘4 HUDSON BAY KNITTING (10., Montreal Dawson Winnipeg .__._.__.__._.*.__.._ Mrs. Ferguson-J ’G eorge, you Lever’s Yâ€"Z (Wise l-lead) Disinggcâ€" ant Soap Powder You’ve heard in Sunlight dear, Mr. want my real Mrs. Ferguâ€" dusted in the be settled quickly by cablcgram. But it was the British Government, you see, that commandeered it, and the London Bridge is a British ship, so that did not trouble me at all.” The London Bridge reached Gibralâ€" C. C. RICHARDS & CO. Dear Sirs,â€"We wish to inform you ‘ that we consider your MINARD’S ta“ at the “me When Admiral R0“. LINIMENT a very superior article, lcgtvensky “’35 fit V1.9“) With his and we use it as a sure relief for Squadron' sore throat and chest. When I tell you I would not be without it if the price was one dollar a bottle, I mean it. Yours truly, . CHAS. F. TILTON. vâ€"â€"â€"+â€"â€"â€" - BEDS OF SOLDIERS. In Germany and Austria the sol- dier has a simple straw bed with one or two covers, neither sheet nor mattress. In Russia until recently he slept with his clothes on, on camp bed, but now ordinary begin to be usedâ€"the result of asâ€" Via the Chicago and North Western Ry. every day from March 1st to May 15th, 1905, settlers one-way ;scconvd-class tickets at very low lra'tes from Chicago to points in iUtah, Montana, NeVada, Idaho, Orc- fgou, Washington, California, also to fl’ictoria, Vancouver, New Westmin- ster, Rossland and other points in the Kootenay District. Correspond- giugly low rates from all points in .’Canada. Write for full particulars ‘and folders to B. H. Bennett, lener- 5111 Agent, 2 King St. East, Toronto, Ont. “You must not expect me to give up my girlliood’s ways all at once,” said the happy bride. “Oh, I won't," he replied. “I hope you'll keep on taking an allowance from your father just as if nothing had 1 happcner .” W____u _._ bath, softens the water and disin- ” ” “‘“ “"‘“"‘ "““‘“"" fects. Fairvme Sept 30 1902 "Do you believe,’{ she asked, "that a genius can possibly be a good husband?” “Well,” he modâ€" estly replied, “I would prefer not to answer that question. 'But my wife ought to be able to tell you.” Catarrh for twenty years and Cured In a. few days. â€"-Hon. George James, of Scranton, Pa., says:â€""I have been a. martyr to Catarrh for twenty years, constant hawking. dropping in the throat and pain in the head, very of- fensive breath. I tried Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhal Powder. The first applica- tion gave instant. relief. After using a few bottles I was cured. 50 centsâ€"1 “Until I met you, Matilda,” he murmured, in a voice husky with emotion, “I believed that all women Were deceitful, but when I look into your clear, beautiful eyes I behold there the very soul of candor and loyalty.” “George,” she exclaimed, with enthusiasm, “this is the hap- piest moment I have known since papa took me to the oculist!” “Oculist! ” “Yes, ‘ dear; you never would have known that my left eye is a glass one.” Then the moon went under a cloud, and George sat. down and buried his face in the sofa cushion. "She says that she never has been in love, does .she! I know positive- ly of several affairs of the heart she has had.” “0h, she was only en- gaged to those men." especially attractive Ocean View. The rooms are handsomely .4; is weeping bitterly).â€"“W'hy, are you crying about, little girl?” Little Girlâ€"“Oh, I don’t know. Cause I’m a woman, I s’pose.” Minard’s Linimanl in sale everp‘deie Ilrownâ€"â€"”Slznith is down with brain fever.” Greenâ€""You don’t say so!” llrownâ€"â€"“Yes. The doctor says if he recovers his mind will be a blank.” Greeneâ€"“Well, I’m sorry to hear that. He owes me five dollars.” Mrs. James McKim, of Dunnville, Ont., says of her almost miraculous cure from heart disease by Dr. Agnew’s Cure for. the Heart: “Until I began taking this remedy I despaired of my life. I had heart failure and extreme prostration. One dose gave me quick relief and one bottle cured me. The sufferings of years were dispelled like magic.”-â€"â€"3 The Lick Observatory (California) has discovered a crack, or rill, in the moon’s face, eighty miles long. It is only visible when the sun is shining at a certain angle. _ ,vv -~-~'~ v‘vv' inrmmdnzwurme I! v, To prove_ to you that Dr. :3 Chase’s Ointment is a certain and absolute euro 10' each * and every form of itching, bleedingand protruding piles, the manufacturershave guaranteed it. See tes- timonials in the daily press and ask your neigh- bors what they think out, You can use it and get your money back if not cured. 600 a box, at: all dealers or EDMANSON,BATES 85 00., Toronto, Dr. Chase’s Ointment A boat with finâ€"shaped propellers on its sides, to make it submerge and rise at will, has been invented by an Englishman, and successfully experimented with. Minard‘s Liniment Cures Dandruff. Papaâ€""Your mother tells me you haven’t been a very good boy toâ€"day Johnny.” J olmnyH”BUtW'een us, pa, I think she’s a little prejudiced against me. It was only the other day she told Aunt Kate I was just like you." You can’t cure a cou h or cold from the outside. on must cure it throughvthe blood. Shiloh’s Consumption The Lung Tonic is the only remedy that will do this. It gets right to the root of the trouble. It is guaranteed to cure. Prices: S. C. WELLS & Co. 312 Z 250. 50c. $1. LeRoy, N.Y., Toronto, Can. ‘ ISSUE N0. 8â€"05. HE mild and bracing climate makes Atlantic City 0. 3. WHITE, _ gSfiWMWSSQWGWGSESW seaweewa 3% Ol'd Gentleman (to little girl who what “Thought it meant death sure." \l as a. winter resort. The Traymore is beautifully located on the most desirable section of the Boardwalk, and commands a magnificent I The House is thoroughly equipped with every modern improvement that will add to the comfort and pleasure of the guests, and no expense has been spared in perfecting the details of the appointments. furnished, and the commun- icating baths are supplied with both fresh and salt water. The Atlantic City Golf Links are acknowledged to be the finest in the United States. Traymore Book- lets will be mailed on request, and correspondence relaâ€" tive to rates and acconnnodationsis respectfully solicited TRAVMORE HOTEL COMPANY President and Man ager IMPROVED FARM ANITOBA I NI lands for sale, all located in the famous Wawanesn. district. The Souris Valley is the garden of Manitoba and the Wawanesa District is the Garden of the Souris Valley. These farms are for sale at reasonable prices and on good terms, all located near markets, schools and churches. Write for lists and fur- ther particulars to the Souris Valley Land Company, Wawanesa, Manitoba. CLEANING mar" l I I fig OUTING SUITS On be done perfectly by our French Process. Try it. IRITIBH AMERIGAN DVIIND 00. W MONTREH. TORONTO. OTTAWA t QUEBEC : rSets re FOR CASH TRADE. BENEFITS THE MERCHANTS BENEFITS THE CUSTOMER A Merchant in your neighborhood is showing his appreciation of cash trade by absolutely free, these DIETNER If you do not know this Merchant, write us and we will not only tell you who he is. but forward you a handsome souvenir Flt EE The Brltlsh Canadlan Crockery 00., Ltd. TORONTO CANA A. "I wonder what it is about bala- / loaning that attracts these acron-n auts so," said 'Dumley. “The earth, usually, ’ ' replied Wisem-an. ' "The attraction of gravitation, you know.’ ' A modern weapon In the battlc for healthâ€"If disease has taken your ,citadel of health, the stomach, and i1 torturing you with indigestion, dyspep~ sin. and nervous prostration, South American Nervine is the weapon to drive the enemy from his stronghold “at the point of the bayonet," .trench by trench, but swift and sure, it alâ€" ways winsâ€"Ii. A peculiar method of charging cloth with electricity, in order to furnish heat to the wearer, has been invented by a French engineer. Minard's Linimenl Relieves Neuralgia W “So you’re engaged to the man I rejected three times?" “Yes, he mentioned it; he said the luck of odd numbers was really wonderful." FOR OVER. SIXTY YEARS. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays pain, cures windcolic, regulates the stomach and bowels, and is the beat remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a. bottle. Sold by druggists throughout the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup." 22â€"04:

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