' RJ. McLauonLis. I ‘ I'. D. Moons. FENELON FALLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY-27m, 190.5. ‘One Day inâ€"Capitalâ€"istic Heit. â€"-â€"- Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. 10 Rochester . . , y . - v -. - .- A - o - ’ street South End Boston found Marv.- K . (3': J “ ‘fl‘ 27’" ' '5“. v “ iffdï¬. \ inf..\:.‘. ’ u i‘t ing. , x ’ r} h V . I I: W. 1“. “cell, 1 William street, Bowl The Old Reliable Jew- ellery Store, next door to the postbï¬ice. JOHN A. SLATER. :53 too. with ï¬ve childrei, found almost ABOUT TIME jg" Charles Skinner. weak and exhausted to think of your Fall and Winter We have Sorted up 33:3,;3;tBoufngvvgiomylwe“ w ii, Slnce ChrIStma's, and John Fleetitii: and wife. 25 Bolton- } street Boston old and sick found in- -.< have the best qual- . ' ' . ~ , * ‘ . . _.\ their one room Without coal or food, and f lW'e have received 1311191»: month the ity goods that, can life almost extinct. 0 lowin wefl.known ma, es : ‘z-ï¬ 9 Mrs. Wallace. aged 83, San Francis- g be bought for cash- co, jailed for asking for a nickel to keep- 25 doz. pairs of the Empress shoes for v “‘0'†mmâ€? . _ . L $2 00 t“ $4 0,) John Darts, laborer..Marton. 1nd , women 7 PH“: ' _ - ' “ ' received a letter from his little ones l'J 300 pairs of the Slater shoes for men ; North Carolina to come hotne onChi-inn price $3.50 to $5.00. mas. Had no money; stole a horse to" 40 c. f , , b , . ‘ , got money to go home; jailed. tor a» - “688 0 me" St women 8’ oys 9 mlshes year. He read the letter from his lilllo and children’s Rubbers from the best ones and cried. Canadian factoriQS. i‘liSS Bertie Reister, Eust 171“ ‘ street. New York. shot herself to get - - out of this competitive hell. The length 0f tame. a Shoe. wears 18 Iowa insane asylum has increased its- the best way to test its quality. Gusâ€" _______ pawns... 273 during a... past year.- tomers often tell us they have worn _ , - Other states are as bad. Monticello the Slater or Empress Shoe for over Furmture and, (Iowa) Express says "fierce cmppgu- ‘ a year . . . no; and pluck (p opï¬ortunity does ltd, ‘ out i urpiy, oston, sentence. to three months imprisonment t'orzstealing W a basket of coal. said: " Yes. your hon~ . d 1 . k or. toy with and three children are free]:~ I Just receive I t 118 .“17399 Can‘ in: antl'stat-‘ying. I did it to keep them other lot Of nice Bil. y '{lr- lrom dying. At the same place H. U. riages that, are liuxbautn, councilman. stole $12,000 . lrom his employers and confessed, but GROCERIES. This season’s goods. Protessional Cards. T a . . :m islew belected Raisms. Value. W1“ 1e. 03 by me judue on me "00‘, an ., ' t ' t . O . . 3 ~ 6 Lardâ€: 1 en Cle med Curr ints Also EXtenS‘on Tables, Slde- behmom'. boards and Bedroom Suites. “"5 “"03": “Ml Mb" henna" ‘ old and one four years old toddttnu af- W . - ter her. walked the streets in New York I carry in stock a full ï¬ne until exhausted from hunger. and drop- , , - , ped lifeless on the sidewalk. Hanna’s sultes Lounges’ sons are to h-aild a $100,000 monument , . to the late skinner of labor. Picture framing a Spec1alty. Judge Mariners. Des Moiocs, Iowa. ... sentenced Frank Htï¬ler to one and a. ‘ yOU :Pl'e In need Of 9* Selv‘ half days in jail for stealing a single mgMachuw be sure and see my styles before buying. lutnp of coal, worth one cent. according to testimony. Flt-ï¬ler stated that he L. DEYMAN. Just Stop and Think had to have it. to keep from freezing. The railroad from which it was stolen before you buy your Christmas present. You may have been dealing with us for steals thousands annually from the gov- sometime, or perhaps you havenot. erntnent in mail contractsâ€"but then We think we show the ï¬nest, largest that is respectable. Mr. and Mrs. Shechan. 4085 Fifth and best assorted stock in the County. Wedding,t Rings, Diamond Rings. Gem Avenue, Chicago, sick. with three chil- dren, 'was lound in a shanty, without ï¬re or food. by Policeman Burke. Wm. Chase. aged 50, died of starva- tion in the barn of Grocer McLean, 382 Beacon street- Boston. Rings oi all kinds, Gentlemen's Rings; U‘ll‘nm‘? it"! fuund 0'" hem-’1‘ m BW' Our special blow is about our large; “Wide Pnrb- New Ym‘ky nelrly covu‘éd‘ stockol WATCHES, See our silver, gold and gunmetal Watches for boys and girls Solid gold, gold ï¬lled and niekle cast-d. Watches We carry in stock over $2,000 worth of Watches alone. Guards, Long Chains. Brooches, . Stick Pins, and an'endléss variety of _;__-___._.-..__»â€"-â€"-â€"--â€"‘. 20 cases Horseshoe‘Salmon. 40 cases Corn, Tomatoes and Pens. 20 half chests of Japan Tea at 25c. F. A. hiCDIAlUllD. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR,Etc., FENE- lon Falls. Otlice, Colbornc street, opposite Post-oï¬icc. Wiloney to loan on real estate at lowest current rates. If M . MCLAUGHLIN db PEEL. BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, kc. Money to loan on real estate at lowest current rates. Office, Kent street, opposite Market, Lindsay. POULTRY. I will pay the highest cash ortrade price for live Chickens, Hens, "Ducks, Geese or Turkeys delivered at my store or poultry house any Monday. ' J. L. ARNOLD. J. A. PEEL _'____,__._._ HOPKINS, SOLICITOR FOR Money to loan at. G. n, ARRISTER, am. the Ontario Bank. ‘ “‘"‘ rates on terms to suit the borrower. 6, William Street South, Lind- 5t. , . ‘- _ TEWART & O’CONNOR, i‘isrsns, NOTARIES, to. Mount! 1') . iii-can tit lowest current rates. 'lerms‘ to suit. borrowers. Other on corner of Kent and York streets, Lindsay. 1'. S‘rnwanr. L. V. O’Cosxoa, B. A MOORE & JACKSON, Bianis'rsns, SOLIUI'l‘ORS, &c. or- ï¬cc,'William street,Lindsay. A. Jackson with snow. . Ooroner found that site had. starved to death. . . Jeannette. illcon. East. 102nd street. Newaork. aged nine, died of hunger and overwork trying to keep a sick fatho er and three little sisters from starving. ' DON’T BLOW on ,- ~v the grocer if you, ï¬nd you. :. are without a. tsumcient store of edibles in the MM...â€" »o’fl'vâ€"M . u o - - 'AUC‘I‘IONEER- house. The Wise way is , Suitable Christmas gifts. Come and Mrs. Schneider. evicted trout house flip“ to come her a d 5". fl“ J'Wl‘sflf- ., _ and sick. died of hunger and exposure STEPHEN OLIVER, .9 an or 9.1' I ' ' ' on 45th street. New York. . _ I g . ,supply _ = .' . And at Mrs Astor’s ball there were: 1 UNDSAY ' ONT‘ ‘ S. J I J -7’wenfy Million Dollars" worth of gems: a . t r _’ displayed on (he more or less nude Lire I Stock and general “Auctioneer. Write for dates before advertising. ff/# ' MEDICAL- _________.__...._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" DR. H. H. G RA H A M. «â€"-n.n.,c. 1a., it a. c, 3. Eng, 24. c. r. a 3., 0813, r. r. it. a.“ H SICIAN SURGEON 8; AGGOUCH- (Err. Ofï¬bc. Francis Street, Feuclon Falls. ~ _________________________..â€"â€" ________._....._ DR.A.W1LSON, W p , y , . p | -â€"x. 3., )I. c. r. a 5., Ontarto,â€"â€" lIYSIClAN, SURGEON a ACCOUCH- V I i .- .eur.. Ofï¬ce, Colborne Street, Fenelon bodies of the females! When you consider that these items MlLNE’s Bu)ch 99 KENT ST_ are just one day's record, printed he just two papers, and that in the same papers there were more than a hundred crimes recorded. you cattliavc some idea ejust a faint ideaâ€"~oi' one day's lior- r« rs in this competitive lit-ll. _ A pap'r ï¬fty times as large as the Appeal could not print a brief description of the cases of starvation, murder. boodling,_tlic‘t and other crimes that are committed each day under this beautiful capitalis- tic rystem. There is an average of 85.- 000 criminals in the prisons of this. country; there are 75.000 paupers in the poor- houses of the country; there to show you the ï¬nest lines. You 11 know in groceries. the minute their quality you see them. w. L. ROBSON.i IHAVE PURCHASED w. mcKeowars g FURNITURE BUSINESS, Folâ€, . .. . 4% and Will carry a. large . _ ,â€"-â€".- . ..-â€" .‘ I ‘ .3 are estimated to be 5.000.000 paupeis V 1 t. 1 1 1 _ llp'tofdate StOCk 0f outside the poor-houses who receive ¢Mi . 0“ a8 { an at 101] 3,1‘ _ t urniture. aims to keep them a part; of the lime' y y p y W61 dressed there are 9.000 murders committed Am also prepared to do all kinds of ' Carriage Making, Repairing and Repainting, and. to make noose AND‘SASH. each year; there are more than 1,000 suicides each year; there are tnorc than a million crimes of a minor character. This is the system and its effects that capitalism ask you to support with your votes. Under Socialism we shall have no want, no poverty. on hunger, no theft. on murder for property, no em- bezzlctnent, no forgery, ‘no robbery. at) evictions, no sweat-shops, no injustico. ’ o g . ""113ï¬'1'33’mns,-* ’ . man in Fenelon Falls or surrounding district, routs) University and itWhO-rl-Vimakes . yourâ€, clothes ‘2'?) invariably he Royal College of Dental Surgeon: . ALL BRANCHES CF DEN LISTRY W111 you ' ' t J ' . ' vc Perfarmed acorn-drug to the latest urpio (is at moderate prices. tht ‘ l t: TOWNLE Y 7 _ ..‘. borne street Graduate iof T0 “pa/#â€" (i 01 Be one Of the number and call and See _ i Crime will disappear, because there will DRS' hmï¬LM‘DD’ k , _ ~ I i 1 J J Planing done 03‘! I he no proï¬t. possible to any one-‘br-c'iuut Lists“: What he is domg for the Ball and Winter Sim“ “mace' i†m or “mg mom"; . - ‘ ~.~ ppm. to Benson. BENTISTS eâ€- 1. mt teeth 1 ‘ ~ . . ~ “PIMP- .,,.i. ., ï¬repltity biilt‘tidld 0‘5 m bndg‘" “L A .0 i le;-S extraction. Gas INT,“ch toolzz. ,{1’aiu “20/0 pursuits t\-itltiSt§7ie 0“" niltttiniuered to ova-r . 'grcat Slltf.t‘:’i. - ; ._._-,___.. . Q.._.-_ _...._. \rost‘rved. {Grown and A ’l‘owel bargain. Large‘ size, fringed , i-n-l-: ~.\'t:lt l'iHl lmt’ll -r. norm 1-}: teata. Sale nt'm- 17 cents at Burgoyne’s. His )riccs are ri "ht, consistent with ï¬â€œ â€" , t ‘ - l g ist class, fl, *7- WTâ€. -__ -..-_ xx, «A... ..- V, oaâ€"aq"... 4“â€"-=\ “ ’ an». -“ ‘-f ‘t {ï¬r _‘ any,“ naval) :.,,.=~ ,2? h. 183‘ i; 1 " .5, pa ,. - xâ€"-.~‘L\-, :Jï¬ix; .’\.- - .. , .- - . . I W“ “A “AAAAAAnkKAh-AAAM‘.-L