:2?“ path instead of the roadway. and the cutter was, of course. smashed all to pieces. Mrs. llnrry Webster was on the footpath, drawing her baby in its little sleighï¬and managed to reach the end of the bridge a second or two before the horse overtook and passed her. MONEY WANrno.â€"-A great many of our subscribers are in arrears for the Gazette, and, though the individual amounts owing are not large, they would make a nice little “ pile †if they were all paid at. once. This is the time of year that farmers are just wallowing in Wealth, and we hope that those of them who are dUill.unUt subscribers will drip in and lenx 1. oï¬ being delin- quents as soon a~ pi --<ible. Some peo- ple :-€eul to think that. printers don’t need money, but the: do; at least we do, and we guess ir's he same with the other members of the fraternity. Erasmusâ€"Mr and Mrs. Geo. H. Rutherford, of Row-an, have been at the Falls since Friday last, and may re- g Q at 250. $3) $5 Q § Ladies’ Fancy ,A choice line of ladies’ fancy collars in all colors, worth 350., 40c. and 500. All new. Your choice 253. ' for .. .. Ladies’ Fancy Collars at 500. 1 5 doz. ladies’ fancy col- lars in all colors and styles, in all the most popular shades, at 500., 75c , 85s., $1.00, $1.50 and $1.75. Paris Bags in black and brown at 500., ,750. 85c. and $1.00. linen tapestry and velvet, Leather Goods. Ladies’ Chatelaine Baas D Ladies’ Peggy from Cushion Tops. 3 doz. Cushion Tops in will be along pre 'eutiy. So will the To}: Bill . Save enough mono"r to pay your tax: bili by buying your neiir Coal or Wood I} g. th ange or Heater fromniy selection of ,e‘ ï¬nest makes in Canada. main all winter ...... \lr. and Mrs. Wm. ' ‘ (r w' - tl F ll “ 2’ ‘ fr.l‘.:::.i;:.f..t?rr’s:; an: on: for .. .. soc. :1}, 001017,. at 0;, gg- _ GEO. i-I. Moose... ' ' 0ppos1te Post-ofï¬ce. on Monday from a visit to friends at TOFOUU‘......MI'. 'l‘hos. Austin returned on Tuesday from visiting his brother Henry at the Toronto General Hospital. Mr. John Austin went to the eityeue lllunday, and we have not. seen him since......Mrs. Dr. Brien, of Essex, Mrs. Harry Hanna, of Bethany. and Mr. $3 g) $3 1 the very latest which are being shown. Your choice g Ladies’ 750. and $1.0 Belts at 590. 2 doz. only ladies’ Belts in navy blue, cardinal, Pillow Sharns. Pillow Shams in linen or lace, with Battenburg centre, at 500., 750. 1.2,. House Decorating. Idesire to inform the public that I have FOR SALE. . Nile orreen mi Mrs. w. H. _Edwards, of ini- , DR ’ Flack aï¬ld and - . . $1.00. returned to Fenelon Fallsmndam prepared rv “ma, were at the Davis anerflwd 01 earn. egulai price 700. to do all kinds of house decorating, such as I -i wedding at. the Falls on Wednesday. and $1. Your chowe 533. ï¬fg“,ï¬?ï¬3§},‘1§ giglrgmgs, misery};- ' u ) 5 ~, a - ' . -r BIRTIIS_ Handkerchlefsi l'lstimaiegCi givin free. Orders left at the _ ‘ I t . _ . r'azetle o (:0 will receive prompt attention. Wearâ€"At Fenelon Falls, on Saturday, Ladlesi Crushed Velvet Ladies’ fancy Haudker- Residence south of rivor. LATE December 3rd. the wife of Mr. Thomas West of a. daughter. Belts at 750. chiefs in silk at 100. ALFRED MILLER. M i t . - 0 ' ‘ } DIARRIED‘ . Tiadies’ crushed velvet 6 m2 ï¬xï¬ggï¬aï¬ï¬‚fnbyaz:1"?eé‘dï¬â€˜cgiï¬f " Belts in brown, green and Ladies’ fancy linen ‘ , , . . _ clair,B.A,on Wednesday, Decomber 14th, burnt orange, the very Handkerchiefs at 50. Fenelon Falls. .\lr. Warren 13 Davis, of the editorial staff to . ‘ of the Boston American, Boston, Mass , to ‘i‘fthildn Claribel, (Popsy,) youngest daugh- Now selling at 75c. (is?) latest. Regular price $31. â€" - ter of Mr. Robert Rutherford, of Feuolon , V, I . Faus- ‘ i ill tire latest novelties in Blouse Sets llnt Pins Bel s " i The bride wore a travelling dress of (3‘9 1 p Can and rihspect’our Swag. t , Finches, Etc. brown broadcloth, with hat. to match, and Q carried a bouquet of English violets. She was unattended, except by the matron of x1 .“ “MWLW'WWWBUWW “W'WW"% 'W"‘W'W‘W “W , 1.. TERRILL BROS. CHEAPEST GENERAL sums ' Fenelon Falls @’ / - IN THE COUNTY. mufl honor, Mrs. F. N. Rutherford. The happy couple left on the 5 p. in. train for Toronto, Niagara Falls and Buï¬â€˜al o. If it requires any repairing,’. bring it to my shop on Francis : street east, and the work Will v D be done the way it should be done. And while you’re here have V- a look at the Cutters I’m sell« ~ They are worth looking at if you want a Cutter. ' M. cations- ' __.__¢ lust Stop and Think: before you buy your Christmas present. You may have been dealing with us for some time, or perhaps you have not. We think we show the ï¬nest, largest and best assorted stock in the County. . Wedding Rings, Diamond Rings, Gem Rings of all kinds: Gentleman's-Rings. Our special blow is about our large After Holidays 3;) what about making a step forward by spending a term in our schoolâ€"the BY CHPilSTiiillS PRDXIMITY. Three weeks of unprecedented values in ilillinery and Trimmings. as every Ready- toâ€"wear and Untrimmed Hat is priced for inm rapid clearance. . D St) lish Ready-to-wenr Hats that were $1.50 to $3.00 to sell at To cents Untrimmcd Mohair and Felt Shapes regular values at $1.25 to_$2.50 at 75 cents while they last. All this year’s goods, which have been ‘Wï¬li kept. Also we have at reasonable prices a nice line of Drapes, Pillow Tops and Handkerchiefs for Xmas gifts. Pos- itively no credit given for these goods. MISS M. WASHBURN. Fenelon Falls. __________________________.___.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"a l iiiilii Ellillliéiii iour eighteen teachers, ï¬ne equipment and thorough work. We have helped hundreds to mount up the grade. May we not help you? Let us send you our handsome catalogue at any rate. :8" WINTER TERM rRon JAN. 3. WRITE W. H. SHAW, PRINCIPAL. M | THE WINTER BEGTNS TUDAY, JAN. 3, 1965. or TORONTO. ‘-‘ We offer superior advantages with _..â€"â€"._.___._ ' :What betten Xmas present than a few months’ tuition at this excellent instltutlon? Our attendance has so increased that we have again been compelled to provide more rooms. An aIWESTERN CANADA WHEAT LANDS. j‘; The poor man’s fortune, the rich man’s “opportunity. I can save you money. You can select your lands from large areas. Best districts. Write for partic- , infllfll‘S. ’ . 4M, A“iséghlgilfï¬ioponm early application is desirable. _ For particulars address 3,00,, 0, WATCHES, See 0,“. Sum ._ ldzid unmetnl W t-le f 'b '7 '~ W _ . . go 11g acis or 033 _________._.._._.â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"" . V 6m. WM, PrlnC'lpal. up}; and girls. Solid gold, gold ï¬lled and Notlce to CI’GdltOI'S. & nickle cased Watches. We carry in 9-. _: - stock over $2,000 worth of Watches alone. Guards, Long Chains, Brooches. Stick Pins, and an endless variety of suitable Christmas gifts. Come and see for yourself. ' , FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Fenelon Falls, Friday, Dec 16(1), 1904- Reported/1y ma North Star Roller Milt (Io, Eveline is hereby given that. all persons having claims against the estate of Thomas Flenry Knox, late of the township of Fene- ion in the County of Victoria, Farmer, de- Still to the front and have just sorted up in Clocks, ceased, who died on or about the 18th day ii"heat;Scotch or Fife so to 95 . . , . ) of-October, A. D. 1904,are hereby required Wheitt,f'itll, perbushel.... 90 95 Watches,Lad1es Chains,Braeeâ€" n to deli‘ ‘pr the same, to Mr. F. A. MeDiar- lifhent, spring .... 85 9o lets and Gents Alberts, and D J mid, at ‘Feiielon .Falls, Ontario, Solicitor Barley, per bushel.... 4O 45 C. thW You the best Gods . . 1 . n.5, for William .A. Ellis and “Andrew Gillis, Buckwheat“ .... .. . . 50 55 Jill k g , I both ofâ€" the township of Verulnm in the oats, “ 30 31 that, can be bouoht for cash 0 ’ LINDSAY County of Victoria, Executor-s of the last Peace, 1 “ 60 65 _ u‘fl-t beino, rivht r1’nd the . . _Will and Testament of the said Thomas Rye, “ ........ 65_ 70 W111 $0011 q ‘ 1 y D b ’ ‘ MILNEyS BLonK 99 Henry Knox, on or before the. ï¬rst day of potatoes, u u†n†30 35 k be here largest Stock of Mouth Organs u . ,i January A-Dv1905- Butter per 1b...... 18 20 , i ._ , , And firrtherpotico-is hereby given that Eggs, {mp dozen~,..... .... 16 17 3; and now the bCSt “Mike ever blought after the said mite the said -;Exocutors Will may, per tom...†. 730 .3 (ml in â€" . . t h Into the Falls. proceed to administer the estate of the said Hides ‘ u U . . __ . H 4,75 5,00 1 e . . 11 Thomas Henry Knox,-having regard Only Hogsaiva; ,, . , ,, 4 35 460 - tune to A full line of Autohaip, Mantle ‘n, to those claims of whichvthe h 11 t. 1 ' ‘ ' †- . Guitar Benin and Violin Strings' aiso ‘ ~~ "5'5 *1 a “at Hogs (Dressed) 500 6X)†r S . _ ’ - ., n, f . tl " 1 time have had noticei-. Beef; , _ I . _ , ,,,,., _,,,,, . _ 4 so 5.50 -4 -. e C u 1' B a full line of Trimmings 01 10 var - 1922.106. this 30th day of~November, A. D. Sheepskins . ‘ H . . H 5,, d -. g, «5†your hOL ous instruments. ~ ‘- . Wool 10 ' ~r. : . FvA-ai‘l‘cm‘AR-“mi Flour, Five Thistle ....... 2.75 2.95 i a’y. g‘j‘dds' , DPT†leave J SLATER Fenelon Fans 43-4- Solis-tor for'EF-ewtors Flour, Silver Leaf .. 2.65 2.85 it till the .ass moment - ’ ' wâ€"ï¬ ll‘lour Victoria .... 2.55 2.75 . «L . . WTHE ~QUEEN riour’, Family, Clipper.... 2.4:, 2.65 and “hen be,d13appo‘-nt' Next door to the post-ofï¬ce. . th 1 t. _ b d Bran, per 100 lbs 95 1 23 ed. v1 YOU “if-.7111 ï¬nd my \V‘lS 1n . e {11‘ 01‘ ea 1H, rea. Sherts “ “ .... .... . 90 . 2- ;: i . ‘ i p g’ Mixed ’Chop “ l 15 1.25 SJOCâ€" complete and up William" . XMAS PRESENTS. Toilet Articles make ideal presents. They are both useful and Ornamental. Our selection was never more complete. .. some beautiful things in BRUSH AND‘COMB SETS, EB‘ONY MIRRORS, HAIR BRUSHES, CLOTHES BRUSHES-1 to date in “Watches, Clocks and Jewellery. Special orders and re- pair work promptly at- tended “so. D. J. GOLLIS, BOOTS AND SHOES in all the latest and up-to-date styles. HARNESS. and honey.†Why wasn’t she . eating bread and butter ? ' She could have had itif she want- ed itâ€".â€"-but who ever: heard" of aqueen eating bread and but- ter? Honey used to a be ex- pensive, but it’s only about NO BETTER COMMERCIAL SCHOOL IN CANADA. TITAN THE POPULAR ‘ ' recon-r0. our. half the price of butter now ; and why shouldn’tyou. fare like the queen did? _ For ten: cents a pound I can sell you better honey than the queen in the story book had. E. G. HAND... We have recently been asked to ï¬ll psi-n sitions at. $50, $60 or $65 a. month. The demand for our graduates during the last few months has been most. remarkable. Winter Term opens Jan. 3rd. Handsome catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT, - Principal. CORNER. YONGE. AND ALEXANDER. S'l‘S. . i the new, upâ€"to-date and lead- ing.;Jeweller and Optician, FEHELON FALLS. AT NEVISON’S. Eggs taken inexchangg... TRUNKS and VALlSES HALL sn'rs, MANIGURE snrs, are. All cur’gonds'in these lines are -mnde ‘- to wear." we do not handle inferior goods HOBSOH’S 'DRUG 8103qu 11911431011... Falls-.- . A- A -AAAA‘AMA