Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 11 Nov 1904, p. 8

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'4~/.--.». .. .._4,. Whit It's Coming To. “Ma! Ma!” “What is it, darling?” - . . ‘ SOCIETIES. " ' HE WON ON TAILS. . ‘ 7 ’ I V “Charley s got my golf championship e e e - i .w" Fun In Quick and. but Be Too]. cup and won’t let me have’ it to drink t . S 11““ ' a N h . 1 NIGHTS. 0F TENI‘ED MACCABEES the Chance. my milk out of. Boo-hoo-hool”â€"â€"Chi- . Diamond Tent No. 208. Meets in the There were five or six of us under cago Record-Herald. True Blue 5.1“ ‘ - v_ . . l . ll McArlllur’s Block .the pllotage of a cowboy, looking for a first, and third Tuesday in each along: ‘1" .crossiug of the Republican rive]: when we have a: large gum. WISE, Gom- W. Buncomn, R. K. Up on the Other Slde. fiwe caught‘ sight of a man fast "in a It “"9193” t". Chuck the-tsppnge‘ “3m” . " . , o l . (gulCKSand. ngrgoi‘agg yggggigxfigl;guga§ovmw stock of 001m MoAl- “Hello, you I" shouted the cowboy as something comes to make you glad. h ,7 . l I AISADIAN ORDER 0‘" ODDFELLOWS wee halted our horses, \ I! in the daily struggle midst the throng t 111 S W& papel t 18 Front Valley Lodge No. 71. Me . “Hem? Yourself", was the reply Y 0: busy men ' . " , the Orange hall on Francis street l\‘e::<)l: ‘ ' ' - ' ’ ‘ - 2 g “What you doin’ thar?" é‘dcfiigeto “312%?!” %HKRW/fl-WQHMSP‘ ’ only paper made the firm and um” MOWWS 1" me“ month ' ‘5 . . “Sorter waitin’.” ‘ : V the climb " “earring '3 d . D 7t Jouf‘: L53“ N G- 3 ~ “You are one of the tellers we hus- bOttOml Youfglrfélgg Expm“. W" Cu 6 p1 OCGSS. 011 J l. ’lllonrsos Ja.. See. - ' Itled off’n Bi Four t’other da ‘2" """" " " ' . . * M 3' “And whafof it?” y m’lâ€"M" be 13618113;de buy L NILET‘IN THE ORANGE ‘ t, , - ‘lnc .‘,_', “Numi?” only you won’t homer “5 “I can’t llndel-stan%‘“vhy that Maude any old thlng. Just as Tuesday in every Illionttlljx L“ on the second 3110 more. You ll be out of sight in an de Raggly puts so much paint and J. 'l‘. ’l‘nomrsox Ja , W. M. 3. ‘1‘01‘1- , " powder on her face." we“. get the beSt. 8' D BAR“: Rat-Sec. : “Dont you bank on that, growled “N0? Perha ; | u , . . ps you have never seen “FIRE L 3 . :the stlanger. Ive bln in wuss fixes her faceJIâ€"Baltimore News ‘ , OYAL TRUE BLUE LODGE ‘3 .1101. this and come out all right.” ' Ttkl-I’1 t o ‘ m 1:10 . 198, meets first Friday of each #You’ll never come out 0’ that, and ' Day, of Grace. , 3 1 ' g 3’ 1S alifaylslgeiéfrgge halal Wining brethren it,“ 5‘1"" you 39“ right!" landlordâ€"I will ust lve on three I _ ' “08' OHNSTON’ W'”' 3 The man thrust a hand into his vest (193,5 to pay your “gut. g y S l an up date _’_______.GE°' KNOX’ Rec- Se“ i :POCKet and brought up a 00m: and: 110“ Artistâ€"A11 right. suppose you make at ware in stoc NDEPENDFNT on?“ L _ . ‘ R of FOREST . tile? flittween thumb and finger' he it Thanksgiving, Christmas and the . I atClaurtd Plloefnix No. 182. Meet onEIEbSo i z y r otJul “date. a on ay 0 each montl ' . ; “I’m willin’ to take chances. If 1 ml th y Blue hall in McArlllur’s Bloclllfn the TH" Win, you help me out; if I lose you kin D. Goon), Chief Ranger. .9 :rlde on and be hanged to you!” P R n ' I THos. Ausrm, R. S, It was an appeal the cowboy couldn’t ill. H ‘ AN E :-refuse, and after a minute he replied: ‘ " ' I r C F JADIIAN ORDER OF FORESTERs, “You rustlers don’t deserve no show. in lheuifrff mills“ Loage No: 626‘ News l (but let ’er go. If you lose, though, I'll Baht. chamber-S on the lagt'gl‘ehugd on Franc” Street We“ * , .‘leave you to go to the bottom! Toss ’er . , _ F Say Of‘e‘m‘ Winth- ~ ' up and can out!” Is prepared to furnish the people of Lmd - MlTllbllAM, ChlefRallger, “ n, say and Surrounding country with MONU- W‘ D' STACY: sec- » I say “1113' “Claimed the m“ “’3 MENTS and HEADSTONES both M-lrble :ihe flirted the half dollar to the bank. and granite, ' ’ ‘ “NADIAN HOME CIRCLES FFNF . “Tails she is," replied the cowboy LON Falls Circle No.12? meets in th‘ :as he bent in his saddle. “Nowi-r then, Estimates promptly given on all kinds or T"“e'BI“e ha” in McArthui’s Block in: K -.ketcll the end of this lariat and come “emBl-erl' works fir“ Wedueway in every month. ' Eashore and jest let me tell you that if .- . ‘ ‘ I p ~ 'P- 0. BURGEsS Leader ' 'you don’t make yourself skeerce the Eights“?:pg‘gfiéywbh Tops’ M'mue. ‘ ' R’B'SYLVESTénisecrelm‘Y. 3 boys will either hang or shoot you!" ' ’ " ’ - 11 1 1 *1 ., . , ' ’ firmâ€"“M- " “Skeerce she am!” said the man as. Being a practical workman, all 'should Lod M'l G- R- C. THE SPRY he got his breath and cale 013‘? the lar- - see llllS designs and compare prices before. ,' . ' We'dnesdngeorg'lififih “Elects on the first .. -- -- - 'rr ’1». ' r . ' 1 Olllon~ mt. andiuthout ivmtmg to.scra_pe,ofl SUV . New Mllk for Calves 01 Plgs. , run .of‘tlle in .11.” lodmfefm “r r-the mud he started off up the nver WORKSâ€"In the rear of the Market on _ . Cunningham’s Block. E “0’” "‘ ..:and was soon lost to sight. Cambridgeâ€"st , opposite the packing house - l" A l i v M QUAD I E. I. .loDulmm, ll. 31, ‘ ' _. . i‘l'rznnnllbn gem-m / _\ i ‘ r ‘- 111‘. R. CHAMBERS _ ’0 makes hey valuable as a, food f0} ~-_____ ~ “Your trougleuiirfbliltlzly arose from I l GalveS Wild )l‘eVOUtS all. ' CI-IUIRCI‘IES. - . . c . ‘ - ' v ' 0‘ A C‘ . . . :some forgotten contusion whereby'an 1 ' scounn ' gTIETIfigng§FQUEEN SF" RM” irritation was caused which communl- services Mel. .C It ‘ “"Stcr' Pm‘wm'lfl \ _,cated itself to then__ _ . . 7 p m Bible) Salli“: atslodim :1. m. and . I. ‘ C ‘ I ‘ . . a S V . l “0h. cut an that outhnlempteo It lequlres no scalding , gives bettel leâ€" 2-30 l’- m. and Deli? ¥§$§"°' '1‘ .(lleBother impatiently. 1 ’ S 1 Thursday M 8 p m ce 0] “ ut I wasfgoing to exp aln,’ said - i 4 i 1 ' M the surgeon, "‘what caused the cancer- Eu S » an ax; eel 01 Cake FfiE'IglODIST CHURCH--â€"-COLBORNE 1 «Gus growthu_ ’ L. lrefitfRev. H. B. Kenne fast - :1 “Cut out. too, doctor!” excluim. Sesrwce at 10-30 m. subtly 7 [12:]: a sea the‘ patientâ€"Chicago Tribune. ‘ ' let M“ 01109] f“ 2' 30 p' m‘ El’wmh i -. . ' a °“ "'"W 'E , ' ‘ , . v . , ' a 00 our. Pru er .- f I Mien o! Principle. y meeting on Q . r . ‘ ' 1 v. 1 - M~~~ " don’t buy untll you have . » lq's‘mEtREIfif[SIEUEECET‘WLBORW ’l . . ‘. ‘. â€" A ‘ i - 'lnc air Pastor. 'VlSlted my factory on Fl‘a‘l- l g L _:‘ sauces every Sunday at ,0 30 a" m mm 2 . - ‘ a - a 2 in. Sunday ficllool every Sunday at i; _ (BIS street exist, I am selling elf-3v 'Fne?-i C‘F’ém“ Endeavor “we!” . .5- _ ‘ ‘ ‘ “"3” P-m Prayer me=tinr w1thout regard to cost, and every “lumdfll at 7 l’ m. L g 3 can give you better : value . S’Ul‘glgfd'ré?iԤvAIRMgâ€"BARéiACKS UN [is ’F l. ' ‘ i . r , _ v . ‘ . eS, â€" apt-dill tephcns and , IE Lll‘dll you can get elsewhere. __ ' gggf‘gfiglgvdfirfsgfid8mg; fl'el‘l'llfedues- . z . v , ' _ u ‘ ‘ l eve ; § 4- F a: “f 1 I n ' ‘ ' 8‘ O’Clocg, and on Sunday a); ll limits, 13" ~" ‘. . . = ' '. p.m.nn 7.30 m " I ends I w e ~ _ ' i ii i - IF - VQQR ATE“ . ST E ' . . s ' ~ â€"LOUISA f - ’ ~ - Streetâ€"Rev. Father O’Lel ' g 15 a good one it is worth some care. . Services every alternate Sund:ll1vyilt“,lsot%ro . _ , - - R. m. Sunda . School 8 ~ S ' " v r Vhen did on h'lve 1t cl 9» ' y my “day after- .Daisy Chanceâ€"Yes, I used to get my F mg l. n l y - c . can-ed . . noon at 2 o’clock. ~-.~3ldilng costumes from bun. but they 113$,31t13dée 293.15. _ Are the dellcate plvots grlnding away on dry ‘lT. JAMES’ CHURCH BOND sr EAST I r , I . I u _ .‘ \ ~ . ’ . 1‘ u t {it’ §° I itoppe‘l' , “ mm . v _u Jewelsâ€"to thelr destruction? Rev. A. b Dickinson, Rector. Sunda' Duzme Ixnowlttâ€"Oh, I see; you didn t . A . . . , SerVice‘ “Wins 10 3U.€L m.; cvenson all giant to get into bad habitsl~0hicago ‘ r " It Will cost you nothing to have 1t, examlned. Ind Celebration of Holy Communiofi first v ‘ews. V _ WW0W»W ‘ ‘ . . . “n fly 0" ever month at 10:4 . . - 1 - . . It Wlll cost you nothing to have 1t regulated, third Sunday every mum (in? {Sadr - “7“” 1“ Pr‘mfice- JUSt recelved thls week an- It t $1 h . . . Sunday School 2.30 P.1n. Thursday every. V A Lady (to little boy)_Whut are you other lot of nice Baby Cap . w1 cos you . to ave 1t cleanedwlf 1t week as follows: Calecllising of children ni'l‘yiug for; my little man? . ri‘ (yes that i . I re uires m at 7. n1,., evensong at 7.30 p. nl., choir . Little Boyâ€"My lid-father has bin v“ ‘ ale Emma ‘1 ' . WW“ “3 1'0 1* m- r‘beameating me! ‘ ane. ' ' ‘ ' "â€" - “r? > ‘ W Scutsjrec in all cl n] . . Ladyâ€"Well, don’t cryl All fathers . , . - i “‘7‘ ‘6?" EWWI’O‘III f ' :have to beat their little boys at times. b A1310 Ethelrimln Tablses’ Slde- mde to attend Shawl" cordially welcome“- Little Boy (yelling still more vocif- oar :5 ant. CC 100111 5 uites. ‘Qmusly)T_But my ruthenian like oth__ OFFICIAL INSPECTORS G. T. 3. TIME SERVICE. DIISCLLLANIGO'Us. . MW - ver fa~fathers. He’s-in a brass ba-band - .. Feat of Kent St L- . . . . . . and . , i r . ‘ .mnd bea-beats..the bl-g drum..â€"Evenlug. I carry 11) stock a, full llne % ' ’ Say 13- CALDER . y" ' ' Oi. ~ . '- ~- ‘- '. ',- . - ‘ _ ‘ 1 ‘1 “ 0011] ale (1 ‘ . z i Wisconsm . of Pmdlour SUIteS Lounges, (ixfiteplediJh-(ful lU meme]: “‘1 maltliyl, ’.) t " ' ~ , ",1 . ' ~ ‘ - ' ' 'c 00‘ l’ m 100 (s C'xclltn rl’l " i _ " 3 "What Iiizrrglgziyilxtgfifgat - (.Jnd'ub’ Etc' r SEGGHD DIVESIGN snug-Ir days,»Tllursd:tys and Sutul‘liufiisl?” 1;“ ‘ ‘ ' prehls‘ t f ' i o g ' , - _ _ ~ ~ * m.-to4 p and in the n ‘- . “"3 p‘ 5 ‘ fioric man who was dug up in Kansas 10 ‘ure “Emlng 3’ * Pecmlty- E ~ t C L â€"0F1Tli;l:7-f-’ . , . “L _ e‘('n'â€"llâ€"fo:_l‘l::llâ€"1 ; to 9. ‘ l ' about two months ago?" asked the in. . _ . 7 Olln‘ ‘y o _" ictoria. = . JOS'l‘-Ul"l'IGE'â€"F J. I’le'p, , , I ‘ {lividual who reads the papers. . If you We 1n need Of 3* Sew“ . . _ - _ . lcl- Upon daily, “gulldES: ~ .v “no is being worked up into pl‘ehis- mg Machine be sure and see . . . . . film"fg‘fggifngflg‘gifibg” film”; “I “f”? .7 3” ‘i '” ‘° 7 |’- “"- MN“ will; sloulh’ iorle novels.” explains the man who my Styles before buyin”. W , 5 l 9'” °“ “11“ grill“ “ P~ mi Letters for region-0m“ keeps. pace with literary progress-â€" ° , ' ON MONDAY, OCT mm 1904 um: to???“ “51”” 91°“ W the Baltimore American. - ‘ ' ' l ) 'uslns le-nlul s. - . .. __ I... DEYMAR FURNITURE 1 "‘ " ‘ ' sss » Stills; 331%“.5 Slit.‘i..::’;;‘ l:.:l‘.:é“fl Sig . an. ‘ , J [Gayboy‘TheEmeersayym.KfnÂ¥11d{y 5 county. Defendants living in other coun- 1- A IlUSl-llmcfilrl' ls I'L‘qllll'l‘tl l '- ‘- . lihfit fl man takes ‘tO 5111311111115 [use a S" a. > d ‘ 1 1 r e ties must be served on or before Satur- lice b)" ‘L‘lll‘l‘ U‘u‘m-uulg‘ (in: in luu‘ mm no- _ duck to water. ’lhey have a better . . an W1 (tally a. a g day, septum. V. _ Maw“. the 1”]; “W” “ fill-blc‘l'iflut‘zs not phrase. 7 . . in L i and upâ€"to-date StOCk 0f ELISHA MARK, E. DJHAND’ - not take his 1.; I.-. “M “I I“; :lnljlciA does ‘ Rounderâ€"“bat 1S it? furniture Builifl‘. . Clerk Slittl- lllc lei-Ml.» llzl' ll :llll “.1 ‘l’llmld v __ 'v ‘ ' . . . ' ‘ I ' -r i- ll)... . V, ( “3 “Cell. ; pgggfgy Like a colonel to corn Juice. IS prlnte‘ll every Friday at the oilice, Fenelon Falls, Aug. l7th, 190-1. :Zfllliflflflili Lilian“) ,““' l" :‘lllastel. ; a ~ cornel May and Francis Streets. Am also prepared t0 d0 2 If “m I“ U " “X_‘If""“ 'i l «glllcnt. { I ,Mnelilfssimh d SUBSCRIPTION ; all. kinds 0f IE It’lll‘lll’lltfit‘ihlllt' xml; .: ...l .‘H'ufllhl‘luncl (lifting ' Caraâ€" s is. 4‘ itter a goo couverâ€" - ,' . .3 1. g l _ ‘ ° “'JW ~"'“’“"=}9 m a m. H, i satknmllst? $100 A YEAR! IN ADVANCE Carnage Maklng, " lili‘l'ffii'lr“;3"“t ‘ \lililotll}: I)Di‘~l.‘tlly 'â€" Yes. indeed. She makes or one cent er week ‘ b , ’ It) , ' . “(in VI. ‘2'". ‘lf'liwl‘ is will H from i you think of lots of good things to say. as long ii; it remailils Ullgulltgded’ gep 7 t5?) To Montreal or N ew York illig'oliiliilll.if...TV. r...‘ “I” " '1" legal but talks so much that you don’t get a ' 9133111 111g)! for cllOlce patterns or low 5, A“, N is made. chanceato say .thenl.~Detroit Free ‘ . v a- - “N Hut ‘mtl'l‘ “ft y" y- 1- from Press. a p P turn-1g Bites. and to make 1)] mos 111 tumult; slaw," IV ‘ .0 his to esslona or usmess car 3 50 cents . . sct'illcd or um, . y. ___.,., ‘ .m'“ ‘, _""°‘ SN - Assnnled Ownership. per line perennum. Casual adveriisemenm, 4. ll‘ ll zillil-:l:ll,ln_’;l' 5.1- 1,1!» " 1"“ pity. ‘ “I didn’t know Kidder owned any 3 cents perlllneffor the lirslginsertlon, and ' We have them here now stooped ill ll t’l;l".‘lll 111;.“ 31,31 ‘5""r'1‘i'130tby Street railroad Stopli'" , . cents per me or every 5“ sequent inser" ' (" ‘ C(lllllllurs ll,- _~"_‘ll4l it. ill; iiil): :‘lj-l PM) 8 mp “Pshaw! He doesn’t}, lion. Contracts byltbe .year, half year or W Planmg done on for your selection. [to gm)- tm. 31' M: “LN :1 1m” Kl!““UlUl:-.i‘l)(;;l{ld (tfi'ell‘ we just stood out on the cor- CBS, upon reflsollflb e telms. G N S I llllS pl'UCU‘l‘Il.~ ll‘ll'lll‘ Liln; ngmuyhi, "nu! t’nllzt‘l. ‘ net. and he said. ‘Thero goes my car.’ ” i u 3 E ’ . . “l‘fil'fjfly "it film in; use; .. wwl’hilndelplliu Bulletin. . JOB PRINTING exam“ “$13300?- ' ,- . » LaunsAY ’ ‘ tomtg".ffi’fii‘if‘fl‘? f“"'““‘ “' 3"“ I'Ufusinu .. ‘ ' ___.___.â€"â€".â€"-â€"â€" , . ectly and at moderate prices. 8 NEXT To 1 ’ the [lost-Uj1~iL:'L}‘5;:_Iaw.llll‘.:vperiod on; from I E' D‘ HAND) .0 , 9 e . 1 them UllC‘nllll‘ll’fL-l' in 4.'.ll.:l‘;‘,,:"m'r “I‘aVinz . Proprietor SIMPSONV HOUSE. Qt intentional lrauii In” L mow eludes”

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