Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 30 Sep 1904, p. 5

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“. case Was to some extent incorrect. was a criminal, not a. civil, case, and the prosecution costs were paid by the Crown. Mr. Hughes was found guilty, bound over to keep the peace, and let go on suspended sentence. Our state- ment was based upon what'wc heard from two or three persons who were present at the end ofthe trial. AT SANDFonD's. -â€" Notwithstanding the immense size of the Sandford fac- tory, it was found, a few weeks ago, that more room was required, and a store rocm 102 x 24 feet and three stories high was built, and is now being “ iron-clad " like the other buildings. There are now between fifty and sixty employees in the factory, which is turn- will be along presently. _§) will the Tax Bills. Don’t let your money go until you get its value in return. Don’t shove it out even if you have plenty; you might as well save some for future use. There are $ $ $ in it. We not only give you full value for everything you buy of us, but in many instances save you from Don’t fail to read every word of .Save enough money to pay your taX‘ bill by buying your new Coal or Wood in: out large numbers of chairs, wash- 1}? to $10 per cent. ins machines. chums. wheel-barrows, t is ac vertisement. It means dollars in Your ockets _ ,n step-lgdders, doc... and window sash, to-take advantage of these Prices. 3 P Range 01‘ Heater from my selectlon of aird the manufacture of cofiins is soon to be commenced. HE ann Nor COMPLAIN.â€"â€"ln Lon- don, England. a dairyman who was en- gaged to a milliner was a little behind time in keeping an appointment with her. in consequence of meeting an old friend whom he had not seen for six months ;. and. thoth he apologised pro- fusely and did his best to appease her, the girl sulked for three mortal hours. Appallcd by the prospect before him, the dairyman wrote a little note calling of? the match ; whereupon the milliner sued him for breach of promise. and the jury awarded her $750 and costsi which in our opinion they “ had n’t ought to ' the finest makes in Canada. OVEBGOATS! OVERGDATS ! Are you going to get a fall or winter Overcoat? If you are, we know that it would be to your advan- tage to see our stock before purchasino'. We handle the famous “ Piccadilly Brand Clothing,” which by FM . years of experlence has proven to be the best fittlng . , , _ . men’s clothing 111 Canada. Piccadilly garments are '”.# . ‘ high class, well tailored and of stylish appearance. m um» We have on hand a large stock of these goods, and extend to all a special invitation to call and inspect ‘ GEO. H. MCGEEL. ' I}! Opposite Post-office. VKVflAVKWAfi Ice Cream. mar-wave? ms? Ice Cream. Ice Cream. ’vEfiWfls‘ have done." But we do n’t think the theme :1 R E S T A U R A N T mulcted‘ m'ilkman need complain of the l ‘1 u price he basic pay for his escape from l 4: ' . a lidfe oflmisery; folr, as some writer has pien’s 13mg glue gvercoats, wortll; $6.50 trier . . . . . . . . .. . .....8500 ‘ ' Have you tried 0111‘ Ice Cream, Which is made ,-,' ‘ u ‘ ' ' n e as crating 1 en’s or re vcrcoats wort 8.00 or...... 'G.00 -' ~ r :51“ Shet Elsa}? :25 1:22: 8,10,41,51 ‘31”, will Men’s Black Red’ver Ovl rcohts,worth $10.00 for . . . . . . . . . . . . if55.11.50 from the 13681; cream that can be pul chfl’se‘], and " - Men’s Dark Grey or Striped Overcoats, latest style, worth “0t fronl corn StarCl-l and separated sulk fer three hours, or even for one, is 10. ~ . . . . . . . . . H a- first class fool, nobody can deny. $ Qo’ fo‘ - $8 00 Men’s Dark Grey or Striped or Fancy Coldret‘l.O.vercoats, with belten back and cuff on sleeve; very nobby; worth $13.00, for...... .. ....,....$10.00 See our line of boys’ Overcoats, all styles, both plain and fancy, at prices to suit all classes of trade. Call and inspect our stock. 0" ... Also our Cream Sodas are the richest, and of uncountable flavors. BIRT PIS. Fr.nr'1‘.â€"-In the township of Verulam, on Saturday, September 24th, the wife of Mr. James Flett, Jr, of a son. ALBIN.â€"Ili the township of Fenelon, on Sunday, September 25th, the wife of Mr. Albert Albin ot‘a daughter. ____________~.___â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"___ DIARRIED. BLAOKLOCKâ€"-KiNSMAN.â€"â€"-At Canton, by Rev. H B. Kenny, on Thursday, August 4th, Mr. Stephen C. Blacklock, of Toronto, to Bliss Mary E. Kinsman, of Canton. Gammonâ€"Homes â€"'At the Methodist parsonage. F'enelop Falls, by Rev. H. B. Kenny, on- Wednesday, September 2lst, Mr. Richard P Cavanngh, of Somerville, to Bliss Matilda. Houghs, ‘ot' Galway. OLivenâ€"PATTERSON,â€"At the Methodist parsonage, Fenelon Falls, by Rev. H. B. Kenn-y, on Wedneseay, September 28th, Mr. Alfred J. Oliver, of Verulam, to Miss Mary J. Patterson, of the same township. Wmsouâ€"llnGnaâ€"At the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. 11. B. Kenny, on Wednesday, September 28th, Mr. Geo. H. Wilson, of Fenelon, to Miss Ada L. McGee, of Verulam. DIED. “treasonâ€"In the township of Somerville, on Tuesday, September 27th, William Jas , son of Mr. 'l‘hos. J. Mitchell, aged [7 years and 11 months. EM FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Fcnelon Falls, Friday, Sept. 23rd, 1904. Reported 01/ the Worm ozar Roller Mill Co. I... ......o We are also receiving every day fresh , Fruit, to be sold at the lowest prices. ' W‘WJ‘EWW ’WWW‘W‘WE'WWW WWW’W ii TERRILL CHEAPEST CllSH STORE IN THE COUNTY. 6,, _ .The line of Chocolates we handle is of the ‘ highest quality, and sold at prices to suit all 11. STINSON. _ THE LEADING CONFECTIONER. FENELON FALLS. Ice Cream. Ice Cream. « \AE u Ice Cream. Buggy For S ale. BOOTS AND SHOES For snle,a very nice light-running top ' buggy,1n first class condition. it is newly in all the latest and up_t0-.dfllt9-. painted, has new tiies and a. movable scat styles; Fall and Winter for children. Apply at the Gazette oiiice. itiiliinery Opening 1 SEPTI.22nd, 23rd, 24th, ’94.. TRUNKS andVA-LISES} The attendance at this excellent school is increasing every year, last year belng the best in its history. Why not attend a school where office help is in demand? In no other season have we‘ rl :,Scotcli or Fife 95 to 1.00 , - - ‘ - . ‘ fl ’ 3,1123" ml: perbushelnn 95 “,0 More applicatlons were received than could be filled last ,2, h e, finch ext ,. 3 1. J 1 . AT NEVIDON 3-. Wheat, spring 90 95 year. erte for handsome Circular. “bpf'y C b elislv.” m.” Barley, per‘bushel.... :3 :1) of high grade novelties 1n Mll-- E,,0.Sv.t,,ken i-n emhmwe ’ ' not. to e a 0 a ‘ ' _ l l ‘ 2 L 3:12;:“1‘ef‘tu 29 3,, 28-6111. WM. SPRING-LE, Prmmpaj, huery Materlals gathered from W O Reuse, U 53- (33 all sources. Our advanced 50 R 8 “ O‘II'IOD 4 I" o . i; ' ' .3 1' i . e - ' ' 93,308,, it 30 35 1 , H D j . styles 1n untnmmed and ready“ EXPERIENCE, . Butter, pe 1- 1b 18 - SHAW 3 SCHOOL, 01188 6001 atmg. toâ€"w ear effects W111 meet the - .- ...- ,- 's )erdozen.......... 16" ' . . ~ r ' Hi - l ’pler ton I . nun...“ . 7:00 3 00 THE Idesu'e to inform the public that I have applova’l 0f the most exactlng mags ‘ . . . . I . on m . H 4.75 5.00 , returned to Feuelon Falls, and am prepared buyers. ' Hogs (live) . u n. H 4 75 5 00 to do all kinds of house decorating, such as - - ' Hog: (Dressed) “u” 5 50 6:00 l’aper Hanging, Kalsomining, Whitewash- Vve W111 be Pleased to Show Beef ........... .. .. 4.50 9.50 gs: Pmuurgv 0W» m first-Class style- our goods wtlether you purpose ' '- TRADE MARKS- Sheepskins. . 50 75 .- Emmi“ 31W," free; Orders left at the b . . . ,.. DESIGNS W001: ~ « - - - - - - - -- u- m 1? (“ruling omce “’1” THEN“: prompt “mention' uylng 01 no '5' Anyone sendin aqitetcsgaydmmillis 8“; Flour, Five Trim ------- 2.”? it; ' 3”” °f “firm MILLER ‘ centennial; mi111%“..{1'33255‘3337’33 Flour Silver Leni‘ ...... .. - 5 -- _ ‘ x . u , t I u a Daren a e. ,Omipumcn.“ ' ' ' . . . . 2-4-5 - , . , _ _o_. rece vs:- . 95 l 05 Solicits the chance to send a copy of its Fenelon Falls. wecial’iflm’ “9th.?” Chnme' mm; Shorés .. .. ' 90 1.00 prospectus to everytyonng mun undlwoman , ’ p 0 O l I O C l ' - - c g I I C $‘ , ‘. . Mixed Chop “ . ... . ... .. 1.10 1-2.) Wlm ‘VO‘lld Ilka 9' llttle place "1 l1fw\ Alli'andsomely illustrated weekly. Largest sir. . cuiatibn .of any scientific journal. 'i‘erms. $3 as name and address on a postal. Dent and send it to w. H. SHAW. PRINCIPALNOW grist; ga- y. 73.1. no ,the Jeweler. , .-â€"-'â€"-= “is lilll itiiltil has tililii; have been getting inncw goods for , the fall season. and are showing a very - « ' . ' . . 1s muted over F . > fine selection of Watches for ladies 010mm. May ’15:“, gi‘fcgificc; and gentlemen. Our stock ofgem and ‘ _ ‘ ‘ '1 3- wedding Rings cannot be surpassed. Ladies? long guards, gents’ double chains, chain bracelets, and an endless variety that we have not space to men- tion. We are making a splendid dis- play during the. three days of the Fair. Beautiful Silverware and Cut Glass year: four months. $1. Sold by all newsdealersi. MUNN titamwadwa» ilewllgnrk' Branch Office. 625 F St.. Washington. . W waters Ann-Jinn 11in TIME. TORONTO. ONT. 7 ' ‘ 31' llltiil GRADE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. S'i‘lth'i‘LY FLRS’l‘â€"CL.\SS IN ALL DE- i’..\lt'l'.\ll:lN'l‘S. )IAGNIFCENT CATALOGUE FREE; “'l’tITE FOR. ONE. W. l. ELLIOTT, '- Principal.l CORNER YONGE AND ALEXANDER STS. PEOPLE ASK why comb honey cannot be sold at the same price as the extracted article. There are many reasons which it would be almost impossible to explain to anyone who knows nothing If you want a good Gold Ring, Bracelet. Chain, or a good reliable Watch, either lValthan’r or Elgin, nickel, silver or gold filled, go to J . Slater. SUBSCRIPTION : s1 00 A YEAR, In ADV or one cent per week will be added, as long as it remains unpaid. r A-u '~ restarts .DALE‘L‘ lint). ‘ ' ~. w .;._ . x . -. 'ust received, suitable for weddin - , .. - ..- . . .2. ...... fan...) I ' 0 about the lustincts of l)qu and A150 a {mge assortment JP,”enls and birthday gifts. Enema Ads; (,1 43131115: Rates-t. Trent Valley l‘lawgahon u0., the Internal economy of the of A,,t01.,,,,.p,Mandolin, Gui_ bel‘ that we are doing the largestre- Pi‘P‘CSSlonfll 0" basi‘103é‘03i1151 5” cents ‘ I. ‘ I, p X ,_ ‘ 1 ,r, _ .. , _ .m- tmde in the Comm“ Remember per 1110 perannum. ‘nsuain x-crtiscmemg Illâ€"“11W- lllVe- But (“00110 05m undU tar and \I 101111 Strlngs. {1,9 placé, MUM,blockfnemwe post_ 3 cents per line for the first insertion, Ctntl 2 cents per line for every subsequent inscr- stand this â€"it takes the bees 0,316.,“ l. SLATER, Fenelon Falls. V Next door. to the post-office... Lindsay. ectly and at. moderate prices. E. D. HAND, Proprietor Lindsay. “ESTURlON,” Oct. lst. until notice. m. Arr 5.30 p.m~. w Lv 3.00 H i" It . T 1 i - - p 1 . 1 4 v) n is“ “bout "m “M ....‘1. {f- 3%.??- 1‘; d .0119 Clay 12;:- ..§§.§‘fii;:f.Ԥ..lit.;“f.at?’ x 7 I ' fll 't vith hone 1:: 1 ‘Cdi b 11 {Lilg Clocss- ’ , I . n summon Point as it does to 1 1 x y_ i n Boboaygeo s b 9 ~ 6 JOB PRINTING executed neatly, cor»- The deweiler.. E. Gr. KANE. Bobcaygeon leave $00 21. Lindsay ' arrive 10.30

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