Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 23 Sep 1904, p. 8

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h. a. as“; 1:». I; A...“ L Aj‘éfipfi . a... mu... i 'i z, .. ....-».....~.. "g... -- I Assembly yesterday. C.P.R. After Another Line. Tillsonburg, Sept. 21.-â€"-C. C. L. Wilson of Ingersoll, vice-president; J. H. Teall, general manager, and W. A. Dowler, solicitor, of the Tillson- burg, Lake Erie and Pacific RailWay Company, and A. L. I-Iirtzburg, enâ€" gineer of the western division,_ and A. L. McMurchy of Toronto, sohc1tol‘ of the C.P.R., met here yesterday and discussed the matter of. the lens- ing 0f the '1‘., L. E. &, I’. Line by tho cinn. Co. The officials declined to give information, for publication. Another meeting will be held at an early date to settle the matter. ____....__â€"â€"â€"â€" Lady Teacher's Suicide. Ottawa, Sept. 21.â€"Miss Harmon, principal of the Harmon School for Ladies, committed Suicide Monday night by jumping ofi the Alexandria Bridge. She was evidently mentally deranged, as a note in her pocket read; “Dr. McCarthy has killed me with his theories about keeping boarders. Take my body to Rogers’ morgue, Rideau street, and from there to Montreal to Kate.” She jumped off the bridge into the otâ€" tawa River about 10 o’clock, and her body was recovered yesterday morning. â€"â€"___â€"â€"â€"â€"Jâ€"-â€"â€"â€"- Union of Municipalities. London, Sept. 21.â€"â€"The fourth an- nual meeting of the Union of Cana- ‘dian Municipalities was opened here :yesterday. An address of welcome was read by Mayor Beck and was replied to ‘by the president, ex- . Mayor Cook, of Ottawa. In the evening, foregoing the regu- lar program, the delegates attended the performance of‘ “Love’s Lot- tel.y", A feature of toâ€"day’s session will be an address on municipal owner- ship of telephones by Ald. Andrews of Brantford . . __________________ Netherlands Falling Behind. The Hague, Sept. 21.â€"â€"Queen Wilâ€" helmina reopened the States General In the speech from the throne the Queen said the home industries of the Netherlands were not competing satisfactorily with foreign enterprises, and that the finances of the Dutch Indies and the Netherlands needed strengthen- ing. Her Majesty announced also the forthcoming introduction of bills providing for old age pensions and higherneducationh .. ______..____.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- House for One Hundred Fowls. Who can accommodate 100 fowls better within a house 14x16 feet and 6 feet high than the one here shown? The floor is 2 feet from the ground and the roost platform 2} “CHEAP AND BUBSTANTIAL POULTRY HOUSE. feet from the floor, 4; feet wide and the whole length of the house. The wiloor is divided into three parts by In 12-inch board set cdg‘cways. Under the roost is kept chaff. In the mid- dle aisle is kept ear corn and water vessels. The door goes in from the north side, the nest drawers are on both sides of the door, which makes it handy to gather the eggs. The frent or south side has a big window in the middle above the floor. There are two small windows extending out 2 feet from the house and 14 inches high from the outside. A small opening in the middle of the east side is for the fowls to pass in and out. This is a nice house to build in the orchard where the foWls have plenty of green pasture in the springâ€"Orange Judd Farmer. _____..__â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"- Cost of Pure Bred Eggs. A' writer in The Canadian Poultry News says that few farmers realize that the cost of a setting of pureâ€" bred eggs is very often no more than the selling price of three or rfour scrub chickens, and the surplus males of a single setting of pureâ€" bred stock, even if sold to the .poultry buyer, will usually bring 80."- nral times the original cost of eggs. Still better returns can be gained by letting your neighbors have ex- ‘ira males at a small advance on market prices. Get Rid of the 01d Hens. The old hen is unprofitable. Do mot keep laying stock much over the second year. This item will be dis- puted by people who believe they know something about the business, :whereus :they only think they know. â€"â€"~-_ V.-._.â€".._....__... .... ‘-g~~ _ Lhnerican-llorses in England. 'l)urlng.t~hs.lasuwcur no less than 10 - - '000 American horses have been sold ih .Loodon alone. A large number are mad for the omnihuses and street ears. The ~oubmuster and smaller dealer :prrrfess not to touch them, the former bellezii-n‘g, nod possibly rightly, that the majnei‘ty of foreign horses are somewhat soft, while, as a rule, he declares that at his price he can get plenty of well-bred English horses, and that they do his work very WP“. The fact is, however. that there are almost as many American horses drow- jug cubs as American subjects riding in 13mm. After American and Canadian .horses have {changed hands under the hammer they are resold without any- ~thing being said about their nationality. They get. into the country and add to the oilllcultios and parplexltias of the breed- enâ€"London Field. . . Green, Guaranteed Pure. In 1-pound bottles, 25 Cents. The lmndiest, most econ- omical way to buy it. ROESON’S DRUG STERE, Fcnclon Falls. W A N T E D . A locul salesman for FENELON FILLLS and surrounding territory to represent CANADA’S GREATEST NURSERIES. Newest varieties and specialties in Hardy Fruit-s, Smull Fruils. Shrubs, Ornmrcuiuls and Roses. A permanent situation, and Icrriiory reserved for the right man. Pay weekly. Handsome outfit free. Write for purticulurs, and send 25 cents for our pocket microscope, ju:.t the thing to use in exam- iniugztrecs and plants for insects. Stone 4% Wellington, FONTI‘IILL NURSERIES. (OVER 800 ACRES.) - - 25-3111. TORONTO ONTARIO. don’t buy until you‘have visited my factory on From cis street east. I am selling without regard to cost, and can give you better value than you can get elsewhere. F. ii. CHAMBERS. Furniture and. WW . Just received this week an- other lot of nice Baby Car- ore Special riages that Value. Also Extension Tables, Side- boards and Bedroom Suites. W I carry Chairs, Etc. my styles before buying. UNDSAY MARBLE WORKS. Robt. Chambers ls prepared to furnish the people of Lind say and surrounding and granite. Estimates promptly given on all kinds or cemetery work. Marble Table Tops, Wash Tops, Mantle Pieces, etc,, a specialty. .Beinga practical workman, all should see his designs and compare prices before 5 purchasiu g elsewhere. WORKSâ€"In the rear of the Market on Cambridgeâ€"st, opposite the packing house a. CHAMBERS : gfiéiflufl'filflufiuflufi'fi % t 0 Undertaking. @ 0 6 Lindsay Coat of Arms, and range in price from 500. to $5. 0 0 "M. F f. S ,1 IHAVE Icture remmg.“ pecm ty' If you are in need of a Sew- ing Machine be sure and see in stock a full line of Parlour Suites Lounges, W. MCKEOWN’S ‘ FURNITURE . L. DEYMAN. BUS|NESS, country with MONU- MENTS and HEADSTONES, both Murble hort notice. SOOIETIIES': “ 1 NIGHTS, OF TENTED MACCA BEES Diamond Tent No. 208. .Mects in the True Blue hall in McArthur’s Block on the first and third Tucsduy in each momh. CHAS. WISE, Com. 0 W. Buuoorxu, R. K. CANADIAN ORDER OF ODDFELLOWS Trent Valley Lodge No. 71. Meet in the Orange hall on Francis street West on the first and third Mondays in each month Jens Lss, N. G. Wall Paper- _We have a large stock of Colin McArâ€" thur’s wall paper, the only paper made by, double process. Don’t be persuaded to buy IJ.O.L.N0.996.MEETINTHEDKfi hall on Francisâ€"St. West on the second any old thing. Just as T““d“"““’""}' 21°15” _ . . IIoMrsox JR , W. M. well get the best. S. D. Bum, Rec-Sec. ,lllRlliE: LOYAL ’l‘RUE- BLUE LODGE .\o I l08, mrets first Friday of each moth m Orange hull Visilimr brethren always welcome. Tues. Jouugrox, W M. Gnu. Kxcx, Rec. Sec. Everything that is kept by an up-to-date hardware in stock. NDEPENDENT ORDER of FORESTERS. Court Phoenix No. 182. Meet on the lust Monday of each month, in the True h Blue hall in McArthur’s Block. it ' D. GorLD, Chief Ranger. 1 _ I . V Tues. AUSTIN, R. S. ANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTERS _ Fenclou Falls Lodge No 6'26. Meets m the Orange Hall on Francis street west on the last. Thursday ofcuch mouth. F . SMITIIERAM, lion 0‘0 l' a y . STACY, Sec. ‘iANADIAN HOME CIRCLES FE‘H“ LON Falls Circle No. 127, meets inlthle True Blue 119.11 in McArtlIur’s Block the first Wednesday in every month. so CENTS’ YifORTH OF P. C. BURGESS, Lender. R. B. Svnvcsrsn, Secretary. Will make 1% tons of Skim Milk equal to WHIP-1.351;]: £53869“ liege ffquPHT} I . I . c has n. of'eu h m u h,on or e ' It: New Milk for Calves or Pigs» y 0 0t U full of the moon in the 10d 6 ' Cunningham’s Block. E mom m P. A. McDiAmun, W. M. E. FITZGERALD, Secretary. It makes Whey valuable as a food for ‘ ____*_.________ . , CI‘IURCIIES. Calves and prevents all SCOUI‘IHO‘. APTIST CHURCHâ€"QUEEN SLREV, _J. H. Hannah, Minister. Preaching serv1ces every Sunday at 10.30 u. m. and 7 p. in. Bible Class and Sunday School at 2.30 p. m. Praise and prayer service O'l Thursday at 8 p. m. METHODIST CHURCH HCOLBORNE Streetâ€"Rev. John Garbutt, Pastor. Sunday service at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath School at 2. 30 p. m. Epworth League of Christian Endeavor on Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock. Pro er meetin on Thursday at 7.30. - 'y g It requires no scalding; gives better re- sultsthan Flax Seed or Oil Cake Meal, and costs much less. ‘* “so-l For sale by .508. MCFARLAND. T. ANDREW’S CHURCHâ€"COLBORNE ‘ Streetâ€"Rev. R. C. H. Sinclair, Pastor. Servxces every Sunday at 10 30 a. m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School every Sunday at 2. 30 p. m. Christian Endeavor meeting every Tuesday at 8 p. in. Prayer meeting every Thursday at 7 30 p. m. ALVATION ARMYâ€"BARRAGKS ON ' Bond St. Westâ€"Captain Stephens and Lieutenant Brass. Service every Wednes- day, Thursday and Saturday evenings at 8 o’clock, and on Sunday at 11 9.. m. p. m. and 7.30 p. m. ’ gsssqgn SOUVENIR CHINA. DAINTY IVORY WHITE T. ALOYSIUS R. C. CHURCHâ€"LOUISA Streetâ€"Rev. Father O’Leary, l‘astor. Services every alternate Sunday at 10.30 a. m. Sunday School every Sunday after- ?Elicx TIESPER {wane-wow FOLEY ENGLISH PORCELAIN amo’cmck. Sugar and Creams, Sugar and Creams, l'l‘gAMES’ CHURCH. BOND ST- EAST. Tea Pots, CuPS and Saucers; gema?'Iiiti’risDiglgiTlhfieggi'soignffi I I) s I, Fern Pots, Rose Bowls, p. in. Celebration of Holy Communion first Sunday of every month at 10.30 a. m. and third Sunday of every month (It 8 a. m. Sunday School 2.30 p. 111. Thursday every week as follows: Catechising of children at 7 p. m., evensong at. 7.30 p. m., choir practice at 8 15 p. m. Fern Pots, Mugs, etc. Ash Bowls, Pin Trays, etc. These goods are beautifully enameled with Town of" . Seats free in all churches. Everybody muted to attend. Strangers cordially welcomed. BRITTON' BROS. Foot of Kent St.,'Lindsay. MISCELLANEOUS. UBLIC LIBRARY--M RS. M. E. CALDER Librarian. Reading Room open daily Sunday excepted, from 10 o’clock a. m. till 10 o’clock p. In. Books exchanged on Tues- days, Thursdays and Saturdays from 2 p. m. to 4 p., and in the evening from 7 to 9. DIVISION COURT â€"-OF THEâ€"i County of Victoria. SECOND OST-UFFICEâ€"F. J. KERR, POSTMAS- ter. Open daily, Sundays excepted, from 7.30 a. m. to 7 p. In. Mail going south closes at 7 p. m. Letters for registrotion must be posted half an hour previous to the time for closing the mails. be next sittings of the above Court wil be held in Twomey’s hall, Fenelon Falls ON MONDAY, OCT. 10th, 1904, commencing at 1 o’clock in the afternoon. Thursday, Sept. 29th, will be the last day of service on defendants residing in this county. Defendants living in other coun- ties must be served on or before Satur- day, Sept. 24th. ELISHA MARK, Bailiff. Fenclon Falls, Aug. 17th, 190-}. YOU NEED' NET GO To Montreal or New York for choice patterns or low prices in WALL PAPER. We have them here now for your selection. cooowm’s, NEWSPAPER LAW. 1. Apost-master is re uired to ’ ticc by letter (returning 3110 paper 53:: :3; answer the law), when a. subscriber does not take his paper out of' the office and shite the reasons for its not being Iiiken Any neglect to do so makes the postmaster responsible to the publisher for payment 2. If any person orders his paper discbn- tinned he must pay all arrenrges 'or ill publisher may continue to send ,it “all payment 15 made, and collect the whole amount whether the paper is taken fro the office or not. There can be no le discontinuance until the payment is mull: 3. Any person who takes it paper fro"; the post-office, whether directeu to hi‘ name or another, or whether he has subh scribed or not, is responsible for the a. - 4. If a subscriber orders his paperpwyi, stopped at a certain time and the publisl 8 continues to send it, the subscriber is bound: to pay for if he takes it. from the post~oflin This proceeds upon the ground that ‘ ce- must pay for what he uses. 4 mm 5. The courts have decided that refusing and will carry a. large and up-to-date stock of furniture. _ Am also prepared to do all kinds of Carriage Making, Repairing and Repaintmg, and to make DOORS AND SASH. W Planing done on E. D. HAND, Clerk. o ‘ LINDSAY, to lake newspapers and periodicals f0 61 NEXT To the post-ofhce, or removing and leuvr' 2: . y . ‘ them uncalled for, is prima facie e . "’8 0 SIMPSON HOUSE. of'intentional fraud. ' " wide“? a .

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