Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 23 Sep 1904, p. 5

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rc‘JJEBZW‘SIs‘E-fa’cfis‘m' .. ‘1‘ " murmur m"?wml:m:L§mW£-fiéi;m ». ~.__ _.__..____. .Wwâ€"_<.w 19:4 Ku;’!£a1:- ‘ \ Fr.'kw¢m 1:42:1- s u firms-rs: ;I._L. ’ ~ Friday, September 16th, Charles Stroud, vmfmtlrjl'n.r4~ra - 2;: w a M -. . __ . . _..a.-‘.... .---.....‘._...._..-__..._ m"...â€" dow frames are in; but there is still a 200d deal to be done. and Mr. McFar- Q . land does not, expect to be,iu it much _ , . ‘ - . before Christmas. I , G W I N T E THE POWER HOUSE.â€"Mr. Kennedy, 0 ' under whose superintendcncc the new _ A a 1 power house is being built. tells us that . , he hopes to have it finished in about a 0 month. The foundation walls, which are. of c-mcrete, took a long time, as all sorts of difficulties had to be con- tended with, and when they were finish- ed Mr. Kennedy said that the worst of his work was over. The superstructure will be of cement. The steel flume ar- rived several days ago, and was at once placed in position. AN AUTO Tamâ€"On Saturday last, Mr. J. M. Loose ran out. from Toronto to Fenelon Fall< with his automobile, covering' the. distance. about 87 miles. in a few minutes over six linursâ€"prettv good time, considering the kind of roads travelled over. After passing l’owles’s Corner he met Mr. Edward Worsley. whose horse wheeled around suddenly when about six rods from the auto, throwing Mr. \Vorseley out of the bug- gy into the ditch. and running away after breakin;r lease from the bugg . Fortunately, Mr. Worsley was not scri- ously hurt. Mr. Loose, who was ac- companied by his son and daughter, was the uncle of his brother-in law. Dr. Gould, until Monday afternoon, when he returned to the city. ORANGE PIONIO.-â€"On Tuesday of will be along presently. SO Will the TaX’ Bills. one’s thoughts naturally turn towards new wearing apparel and where is the best place to buy it. But you won’t have to think twice where to buy when you see the beautiful line of Fall Goods which we are showino‘. You will immediately ‘be convinced that ours are the best, the newest and the cheapest which Save enough money to pay your taX have ever been SIIOTVII. bill by buying your new Coal or Wood Range or Heater from my selection of the finest makes in Canada. mwrxiarwwowurwamwwrwnwWWWWWWWW LADIES, HERE IS SOMETHING IOF“ INTEREST TO YOU. If you are thinking of getting a new Jacket we can save you from $1 to $2 on it. GEO. H. MCGEE‘. Opposite Post-office. CHILDREN’S Mil] MISSES’ JACKETS. Children’s Jackets. of all wool in navy blue and tweed effects with loose box back; heavy quality at $2.00 to $3.00. g 66% G? g G3 ® GE t (33 d it Misses’ Jackets of all wool, heavy' quality, loose g Q it GE (53 ® 6% it ((7% (13% § (31%) (id Ice Cream. Ice Cream. Ice Cream. ‘ iv "T last week the annual Orange picnic was box back, with or without belt, in Oxford grey, navy ' ,‘g V .i held I" " I’W‘I‘F'll '11'°V°_ah”ut I1 "1118 and tweed efi‘ect, military style, at $3.00 to $6.00. ,, o _ R E S T A R A T . west ot'GIenrirni. and at night there was (0 . o a Concert. at which Uol. Sam Hughes ’ . 1. ‘ _ _ , presided as chairman. Miss Brllcgham. . ’ . Q Have you filed oul Ice 01934111; Whmh 15 made of Pcterbormigh, sang magnificently. LADIES JACKETS. g from the, best cream that can be purchased, and '. H. ‘V. ' , F . . - a . I 1 1 c I 1 , 1. ° ,ialve m, "and Sf;,°,,,§’ms Tiadies’ Jackets in every class of goods and in navy, Ci“) HOt from com “341011 and Salbumed mllk- class style. In the afternoon there was Oxford grey, black and camel’s hair cloth, semi-fitting a) Also our Cream Sodas are thp richest and of a match at Inotball and one at. baseball, back, With or Without belt, in all Sizes from 32 to 44, o t b1 fl, J ’ which were much enjoyed by the young at $250 to $13.50. Iâ€"I uncoun e (“’0”- athletcs who participated {in them, as l . I well as by the spectators; but we do ‘ VVe are also receiVlng every day fresh not. know the names of inc clubs whose “attainments”witwwflwt‘fiarnewscasterwarrarrwrarrwmnmerawaiwtww cé Fruit, to be sold at the lowest prices. representatives took part in the games, L rd “m'WI‘o “"3 the V‘cmrs' “‘0 at?“ “'5' O The line of Chocolates we handle is of the was a pronounced success. the receipts . _ m 11.0.] wt 1.1: d 1d t 1. . amounting to nearly $100. i W R L L R G 3 A 1:, ies qua 1 y, an so a prices to suit all . . ..-____. _, . ' I El purchasers. MARRIED." g ' GRIFFINâ€"-REHDS TAt BIKINI Rixyreia by 3% {3 D ST I N N Rev. R C. H. Sinc air B. . on ‘ e nes- 1* . day, September 14th, hilt. George A. Griffin, ' a) ' I p ' ' i r St: t' t M'ss F1 1 R. d to . . (:3 gngjrvmletoni 0 1 Ounce 99 S; , ~ '2 THE LEADING CGNFECTIONER.‘ FENELON FALLS. \. T110MPSONâ€"TR'7AX.â€"At Fell ’s Station, by Rev. R. G. H. Sinclair, B. A., on Wednes- Ice Cream. Ice Cream. Ice Cream. gammy .2; .1 day, September ‘let. Mr. John T. Thomp- son, Jr.,of Fenclon Falls, to Miss Lucy Ma- tilda. Triiax, of Burnt River. ,____._ a. K c i’/ _ m DIED. Sraouo â€"â€"In the township of Fenelon, on Bugs ’33“ Scle- BOOTS AND sunris- For sale, a very nice light-running top aged 73 years, 9 months and days. painted, has new fixes and a movable scat FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Tciielon Falls, Friday, Sept. 23rd, 1004. Reported by the worm czar Roller [Hill 00. Wlieatficotch or Fife .... 95 to 1.00 for children. 'Apply at the Gazette office. styles. _ i i ' and Winter EA Wheat t'all,perbusllel.... 95 1.00 , so "I a r I Wings...” oo. 95 , , , _ asiiiimery @penmg v crbnshcl........ 40.. 41 The attendance at this excellent school is iiicreasni Barley, p I . ‘ _ g . . , gggrwma‘.‘ 3; :3 every year, last year bemg the best In Its history. SEPT. 22nd, 23rd, 24th, ’04. TRU NKS and VALISES: reoé’e, “ 5: Why not attend a school where Office help is in demand? ‘ , I T _ , gyiimes ' :1» 35 More applications were received than could be filled last 1“ no {mm}, season .m‘vei. we AT IV'EVISON S- 01 "can... " n o i l ' ' 1 LI" iuttor,p’ei-1b...... 18 20 year. Write for handsome Circular. dlSPIJ-yec 5110 1 GXtUESlVP 11195 1 Eggs, p8, dozenmm P 1(6 8 of high grade novelties in M11â€" Eggs taken in exchamm 39%;?“ ‘0" ' - - 5 m, 28-6n1. W M. PRITT GLE, Principal. lincry Materials gathered from o chants; f... .. 5.00 all sources. Our advanced HO”; (Blessed) 6 50 5- i st lcs in untrimmed rind read - i “ ......... .. 4.50 0-00 'VV’ T . . y . t y digitising . 50 SEA S SGIIOOL’ House Decoratlng- « to-wear cfi‘ects Will meet the 110 I THE v‘ ' ‘ I ‘ W001 F. ’ ' ' ' ‘ ' ‘ 2 75 2 95 Idcsire to inform the public that I have applova’l Of the InOSt exacung Fluiir,q_live‘1i;. I. . . . . . . . 2.65 2.85 returned to Fenelon Falls, and am prepared buyers, [1;]1glylf’ihinzslih. ll-l . .. . .. .- 2.55 2 75 to do all kinds of house decorating, such as . 1 F101”: Fhmil)”, Clipper-u- 2-45) Paper Hanging, Knlsomi‘ning, Whitewash- We Wlll be 1) ease to S 10)“? ing, Paintinrr etc. in first-class st le. 3 . .J '1 ~. _ t. w _ TRADE MARKS Estimates giTt’tn ne’o. Orders M, “yum oui goods whether youpurpono . _ Owens Gazette office will receive prompt ri.ttcntion btlylll” 01‘ 11012 I ' COPYRIGHTS aé' J . . i . D ‘ ' Anyone sendiii a sketch and dcscr' t' Rehldmme south of “WT. _ quickly ascertniii; our opinion free iiiiicltqihiiugd ALFRED; MILLER. invention is probably patentable. Communica- March 17th, 1904. c. MISS M. WASHBURN. . $15525‘titgétflfiféiitt'rfii‘t’é‘é‘ai’filt‘ttt’e‘iifiéit“ ‘ I Patents taken through Mann 8:, Co. receiva- Fenelon Falls. ' y ’OR'PORAiTION OF THE COUNTY OF C VICTORIA- Solicits the chance to send a. copy of its , - -. . ., . - but a S ecial meet- prospectus to cveryyoung‘mnn and woman Nance 1“ hueb“ glvcnt p who would like a little place in life. Your or TORONTO, ' special notice, without charge, in the scientist nastiest. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest; cir. culatlon of any scientific Journal. Terms. $3 a. year: four months. 551. Sold byall newsdcalers. elitist 8. Basewromwaw New Yeti; Branch Office. 625 F St.. Washington. D. C. M H‘N of the Corporation of the. County of Vic- w. H. SHAW. PRINCIPAL._ I . Lindsay, KAWARTEA LAKES. SM’ei-tl, the hidden _ I mg Of the ‘ . . name and address on- a. postal. DO it NOW q “57311311313331 ‘ gaunCll. and send it to E S it a, [mum will be held- in the Yonng and Gerrard Sis, Toronto. d Council Chamber. Court 30113“; ' g T t' . _Onâ€"_ i J ' ,,,, H 1‘ 't1 lact two or three weeks we TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th, 1904': TI ent NaVIgatIGn CO" ' I" lmvembedii gglting in new goods for J i '- :it elem-ii o‘clock in the tmvcnooli' . LIMITED. the fan Smsommm ,we Showinga “try is printed every Friday at the omce’ confi‘li‘m‘hn 0f“ Eli-Luigi: ilgtélllcirlzglléi‘ you want it gOOd GOICI fine selection of IT niches for Ladies corner May and Francis Streets. issue at Debentures, out o . . and gentlemen. Our stock ofgein and toss. Rlng‘) Bracelet- Chmn) or a’ wedding Rings cannot. be surpassed. Sl'BSCltIP'I‘ION Z J. R. )lcNElLLlE, ("00d reliable VV’LILCII either Ladies’ long,r guards {3011‘s, double I“, - . - County Clerk' B E) '1' Po'ftt b,“ ( 1 (3 -’ - * chains chain Itl'thClCld,ttll(l an endless A O caygeon urbeon 1 _ It] 1 ll 10 .]y i a 00ml“, Clerk-S Office, ’, d ’ . ‘1 Run 01 ‘ D1119 nu) ‘Ll: variety that we have notspnce to mom or one cent m, wool, .11 b . 1d ), Lindsa)‘: Sept. 13111, “304‘ l L111 say. Sliver or 301d filled: 80 to [Ion' we are nmkmg fi‘ Splendid dis" ‘tS tone 'is it l‘Clli‘l'hV‘" lll Ill U} M ‘-' ESTURICN,” June lst to Oct. lst. 81.1.1301. play during the three day‘s o5 tlicglair. ‘ n - t i is 11““ ' : » "" i“. ‘ g 1‘ . 13 b5, ~ i ]' (21” . .: id 3.10 um. i l ' Beautiful Silverware ant ut ass Sfflggfif‘ilgim .l with u 410 ‘ cc Also 1 rate masortme L just i'cchVL-d.’ suitable for wedding Advertising Isutcss. â€" Lilldgi‘y a" 8 40 “ 5 30 ‘I f L a a L °' '1 11- Presems and birthiljiy gifts' Remgvm‘ Professional or business earns 50 cents» o .. 1,. 11.00 a 5 45 n O Autolia 1‘1), l‘inLliCIOIll], brill- bar that we_ are doing the llprgcstgc- per line pernmmm. Casual udvcr'fisomcm; Sturgeon Point -" 12.10 p in. 6.55 “ _ ILELI‘ and- VlOllll Sil‘lllgS. PM“ frugal“), ll}? giggles? 3 cents per line for the first insertion, and I / ._ Bobcaygcon arr 1.15 “ 8.10 “ _ the l) ’10“; ‘ I m’ b ’ ‘ 2 cents per line for every subsequent inscru ' ‘ During June, July, Aug. and Sept, Sat- NlCliel Alill‘lll tllld one-day Office' tion. Contracts by the year, half year or I __,y. .- .,- - _, _ 5,; , lc:s. u i "a It 1* w '. A man (nuns conunuoIAL SCHOOL uiday s boat “Ill. \\ 111: urinal of evening oi eight-clay still\.ng Clocks. ‘ ' I)“ u ISO! Lb L mm” STRICTLY FIRSTâ€"CLASS IN ALL DE- will“ from Toronto. muTiiENTs. MAGNIFCENT CATALOGUE For Information. J Fenelon Falls S J JOB PRINTIRG executed neatly, cor- Tickets to any points on the lakes and ' ‘ " ' I I ’ cctly and at moderate price-S. ._ E. 1). HAND, FREE. \VRITE FOR. ONE.‘ ' ' all information can be had at the Office of T _ W. I. ELLIOTT, â€" Pl‘lllCIPaI- the Fenclou Falls agent, D. Gould. beat door to. the postâ€"office. Lindsay commit ‘IONGE. AND ALEXANDER srs. buggy, in first class condition. It is newly in'au the latest and up-t0-da,t,_e. _

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