Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 23 Sep 1904, p. 4

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During the even; afternoon and commenced Mr. J. B. Powles' corn, and on Tuesday morning the work of cutting and. elevating it in- to the silo commenced. Mr. Geo. H. Dunn, of Cameron, furnished the power with his traction engine. 5-... vv‘..- 1. ‘4- - .... wâ€" r- . ' The Fenelon Falls Gazette supplied brth‘é'ohoir- iug Miss Di ion was made the recip- ient of a 'p "s? and the following ad- dress, which w‘ps read by Miss Fanny Brandon, and to which Miss Dickson replied~ foelinuly. the presentation being Friday, Sept. 23rd, 1904. . ~'.1~2‘-(:~i-":fi“.‘.'3¢= As usual, we have bought most of our better lines of Dress Goods in lengths of one dress in each piece. , This gives our customers the chance of buying one pattern or shade exclusively, which is a-great advan- tage. Our prices range from 250. to $1.50 per yard. - I; All the newest makes and colorings. ’ I New fancy striped Flannels in blouse lengths at 5C0. per yard. Silk Belts in any color at 250. to $1.50 each. These are all new, just bought this week. Our new Suitings and. Dress Goods, rapperettes and Flannellettes just opened. &\;:;7\'\::z/“ gigâ€"5»- $177 .2, ‘We welcome you to see our new goods whether you buy or not. ‘ emit . Regina-f2 «mums \awm ‘\;._é:; ' \~E\... 2'1 \_- I. ‘7' -\,/_v Farmers and Soldiering. .â€"_â€"â€" Whenever the Hamilton Spectator refers to military matters it speaks de- risively of “ Doc” Borden and “ Far- mer” Fisher; and as it is particularly anxious to learn what Farmer Fisher knows about military matters, the To- ronto Star thus enlightens it: “Hon. Sidney Fisher is a farmer. He is also a graduate of Oxford, and therefore has an educated man’s know- ledge of affairs generally. But Ontario is Crowded with farmers, not graduates of Oxford either, who know quite a bit about military matters as they affect this country. They know, for instance, that if this country spends twelve mil~ lion'dollars in one year in making a military splurge, the money must come out of the people’s pockets, and that the farmers are the majority of the people. They know that if those among that in some parts of the Dominion there is a surplusagc of bachelors, but. a great many are foreigners who, it they sent over the ocean for wives, would prefer those of their own nationality. The papers that inserted the adver- tisement no doubt did so because they cxprctcd to be paid for it, without spec- ulating as to whether it would have any matrimonial results or not. made by Mrs. Chambers: Dear Miss Dickson: We, the congregation and Young People's Society of St. Andrew’s church, 'feel that we cannot allow you to leave Fenelon Fails without cudeavoring to ex- press the deep lovc and esteem which we bear towards you. Your departure causes us both pain and pleasure; pain because your bright presence and willing assistance in our church work will be missing, and pleasure because you have been chosen and have been deemed worthy to serve the Master in the Foreign Mission field. A great honor has fallen upon Fenelon Falls, but more particularly upon St. Andrew’s church, in being able to supply one willing to take up this most noble work, and the feeling of gratitude and pleasure in the course you have taken is universal through- out the village. Your path will not be easy; many trials must beset it, but the Sim lg right arm of Him in whose service you are enlisting will never fail you: Your career will be watched by us with anxious, loving eyes, and we feel sure of not being Mr. P. Barker, who has bceen laying the bricks for Mr. Fall’s new house, has made good progress. He is doing the work well, and will finish this week. some... (Correspondence of the Gazette.) Harvest is about over in our vicinity, and the “toot, toot ” of the old thresh- ing machine engine is already heard in almost every direction. Mr. and Mrs. B. Moise, of Port Hope, are the guests of Mrs. Wm. Mitchell, lt‘airview. Miss Annie Hughes returned to Torâ€" onto last week, after enjoying her sum~ mcr vacation at her home (Green Moun- tain Home.) . Mr. Will White, of Detroit, Mich., lS atpresent visiting Mr. G. Hughes, and is calling on old friends and neigh- ’a concert hero on the evening of Mon- We are told that the Government day, October 10th gives the owners of automobiles the privilege ol running them on the public highways, and no mattcr how much damage is caused by them, or how many people are killed, the owners are not responsible. But should a poor man pasture his cow on the road and the an- imal be the cause of an accident, the owucr is responsible for every cent of damage that is done. This is a great SETTLED.â€"Af’tcr two hearings at. the Falls befirc Col. Deacon, the Mofi'att- Hughes assault case was settled in Lind- say on Friday last, when each party was ordered to pay his own costs, and Mr. l-l-ughcs was let' go on suspended sen- tence, after being bound over to keep, the peace. A BEAR SEEN.â€"â€" \s .llessrs. William V]. . m, ... :â€" us 1who dream nightly of battle-fields disappointed in the great things which we bor,z "- I 5 Papers huge Pins for ......50. am glory had their way the' country expect Of You. . . , , , V 2 papers best Needles for...... . . . . . 50- wasting its Youthful Stllehrlth in seol{in;r _ we 315k you In. iml'hng to accept thls ML \Vc‘fley Piuqhes “Dd. RI!" J01”) . 4 h I 5 webs Factory Cotton,regular7c.for So. to m mduce h , thv ‘ b1. 1" little giftas a slight token of our deep Bulmer took a trip to Haliburton this sept- 2 t on ,Y- 6 pieces fancy Print, regular 100. for Se. p 1 me ,,e ml 1 my esta ls 1' esteem, and t0 fem-emberwhen in that fit-1‘ wcek, having secured a situation in one i A merits pl' Europe. lhey know, t00, that distant land. that you are being followed of My. Geo. Martin's mm 3 Ever ‘ . (here 13 a reasonable course, and that by the earnest prayers of the congregation success b0 ,5 l p ' ‘v _. the present Government has followed it OFSt- Andrews: “"9th Falls' Mr D HlMoise of T t ' ' . GROGBRIES. earning those who wished to Sesame“: 19” . . a... “m. at... b\l- w°“°" Ki-‘shv‘i‘ t . â€" ' . instantly prepare for an imaginary war, MISS Demo" and MISS Lime were Fa-r‘ - d‘. 1 IS! . m' “c e ; “l I If you areknot already a customer in out" Grocery and 3130 not heeding those equally mis- designated as missionaries at Erskine fiqlig‘giuw. an IS alloying a few days department 1t W111 pay you to give us a trial. Our guided persons who say that the neces- .chm'oh. Montreal, last Friday night. . s-Mrg'Griflin Sr of Bum R. . o . o o o , . _ .r -_ - . - -_ ' 3 i . . ' " ":7 trade 1n tlns department is growmg every day, wlnch say to defend ourselves IS forever out ' 1‘ he" QOSUUWO“ 1% the WM“ 9? ,he was, of M, m’ d M G ‘é‘fifi‘s «. i F _ . ‘. . . ‘ 1-» 1- 1 “"V. of the question 'l‘he [Jaurier Govnrn. VL‘Ii‘cil'o. 1n S-‘iulll China, and 1 r . ‘ 1 . rs‘ eon u, 1s 1n itself pomtive proof that Otll piices are 11d it. ' ‘ v - . . he“ s Stntlon. r V D ment would not let Lord Dundonald 33” ho‘h thc‘mvcr by the Steam” Wedding“ by ' " have his wild way with the public funds E‘hlh'c” Of Chin“ 0" 06ml)“ 315th ' . .5: law you (ll-me numerous ' I , . . ,H ‘ i I _ . f. a In our locality for some tuno past and ; a . but yet, the countrys resources being my .95" a” “f3 heP'GFGhi‘dhves 0 le . 1 . ' . . '. ‘ 7 Barn E011 SB Soap ""25c_ . . ,‘ . n ,n more are expected In the near future. '. . P urea,th t1, . .b . .. d 1 Women s Mission Society of the I lt-S Saiurda S BClal 4 Packao'es Corn Starch . . . . . . . . . ...2t'\c. ‘ a)? any pmvmus peno ' he - 1v . y P The. games... Government m seven yearsspentdoubio were“ 0*.th of 3100"le "9h “ " Sept. 24th, salesman... ....... 5c. the money on mama and defence that he": “WWW-q from "‘6 Frets" Pe's‘ma's- Best Mixed Cakes, per pound .....'.lOc'. was spent during the last seven years of hill-“Oh Board Of the P‘h-‘hylhhh‘h . ' ' Conservative rule. The militia estab- Church lh Chlhd‘h MISS Mnbclsmddm'd’ 0f Lindsay’was -_. Be sure and ask for the cash Cou ons. lishment has been amt] incmsod in ,__,, r 0__,____“___‘_ at the Falls-on Sum-day. .4 . st th d fli ." y S. w.” .1 Miss Susre Elli! lift on Saturday to f‘: I 1'9“? h“ e GlencY- "' '1 “C VillaeCouncil.“ .- - 1' k - - ۤ+ownwvn «Wowwwwwwwwwwg Laurier Will be attacked from opposite { g ‘15,? mguued :Slstcr at VYlnnlpeg' directions in this matter; The mililin ‘ Fenelon Falls, Sept. 14th, 1904 wfightiumfpic‘ifi)? ilrnived home 0”. wrll be asked to condemn him for not Council hold regular meeting; Prcs- 5. gntnfheliiyuuiiiizr um an“. Wham She dorng enough, and the farmers will be ent, J, McFarland, room, and T. AUS‘ ‘er \Villhu 1 \1 H - I N E I urged to condemn him for having spent tin, L, Deyman and '1‘, Robson T U ‘ “FY a!" 1 Y- airy more on militia and defence than the \1' t ' ' ‘7 o d d mmnce’ 0 d hmm’were at the Falls; s . . G d d M L inutcso prevtous lllCLtlnn rea an from Sundw mm, Tuesday prevrous overnment use to spen . - a rovcd. . .1 .. . -' ' Departmental Store’ ready the Laurier Administration has I p85. by-law to authorize the sale of cor- 11,31,115} and, hIlSZ-Hhurlgn grower, Of been attacked from these opposite direc- t-ain property to M. H. McCallnm was F_ I“ éy‘. ld‘hltlhéa’_lllfill S at the ', tions and the cam aim has scarccl‘ " - l -d u-d l- ' d - ad a '- [Din ‘1 m 4y unll onday" a . P -. y lllthI uOt. ,lca [1100 times an paSSc . MISS Ann A], K .. d l - _ begun. It is robablcthereforc that a ; Ab .1-. l -' l 'l f - - wn 0“ an wt 3mm , O p , , I y aw to ant muze he so e 0 cm me have mu“. Gd 1 ,f, fl, .very Wise and maderate middle course 'tuin property to J. H. Stanton was in- ‘, I: i ,; -t t full (pmme m ‘0 has been followed, satisfactory to noith- troduced, read three times and passed. “xiii, Psi 0 “e” b a“ 01‘ H090 er extreme, but deserving the approVal Robson_DeymM ___That the clerk an" 0‘0"“). - of. ‘1 l b,. ,, , d i, ‘ 4_ Mr. Bert Townley left on Monday to genera pu 10. be instructed to ask lor tenders for the for the n m d ., . d w ' - .. . ._ assignment of lease of the balance of 43 d y W,” o 1’11“: llbzmge 5m fedniesfi ‘ i . In. w - I a iaivioc o c or are ora' Plot Against Colonial Bachelors. {3:01; {2:235}: hit; {1233 iiizofi and winter clothing. 't .G‘ « L ' ‘ ‘_ Rev. A. S. Dickinson is attcnclinrr a- Egg A despatch from London, England, 03 Chlbm's”? “gills; While“ to beécc‘efig' iural Decanal meeting at Oxncmec this C ' , dated Sept 14th, says: e up t9 “‘5' “t‘ at ,FP‘ m'T 3” ' week, and Mrs. Dickinson is visiting: I "London Truth, in an article res: 5. Austinâ€"’- .“‘yma”‘â€"‘ "I": “0 reel"? hel‘ home at Hastings. h ' _ t. ' pecting an advertisomcnt addressed to gig” Olga” mh‘? h)lh_lv)‘;lhgoilc$u'ltf' Mrs. R?)th Rutherford and Mr. F. J. . bachelors which appeared in certain co 4' D' ' andVWIMI'DL" $" ’ El “ ho?" Kerr returned on Wednesday from at. l ' lonial papers, says‘ The advertisers call- “.938 0" voters hStS’ ‘10:)" D‘mme' tending the funeral of their niece, Mrs. . ed themselves Lloyd & Duncan, Anglo-. his" gfrk 0; Streells’5h53 75’ _l“b$g‘g’0k: W. J. Conlter, at Pontypool.. I , American Agents, 91 St. Mary’s Road, ,31, 89);“ . gf‘gvey'l. f; -$§’l§d_ E Gr Mr. 1t. J. h‘chaughlin, of Lindsay, _ p _ I lieyton. On enquiry at that aderSS, B' :0 it‘lm Odhdgfid' - L p] Q' P' was at the Falls on Saturday,>and went- gg ‘ Truth’s reprfiscnlative found that the nggldizgxgl:tgxrr;nt $0971 aged" on an aquatic excursion with )‘lr.Thos. - house had can empty some wreaks, _ 'i i t "i 't ‘ Robson on his'little steamer Dituntlcss: h r . w The advertisers proposed to supply men Pkpm’ wkork on hodusesé $30 ‘90 ’: ghSibs‘. Mr. Tllos. Jfohnston returned on Sat- / ‘ , ' in the colonies with suitable partners Bjeyévglord Ohdpouglgaum $1) I ” urday from. attending a Grand Lodge g " from thousands of good intelligent‘girls do‘ d: “050.06 Keafit ’worice slzhgegj mepting of True Blues at Bictou, at; A ' around Lcyton. Any colonial With a M' Brit, ’ ‘1: $97.! St 'E“. ’ whichhe was re-elected District Deputy. 3 W fancy for one of those damsels was ask- = ' m ey’ 3,012" "“ ” “m 13’ re' Grand MaStGl'. " l ‘ _ - - , bate, $1.â€"â€"Larr1~ed~. ~ 3,. . ed to remit five dollars. Truth fears »- ~I-â€"--~- -- H ‘ that the only result of the enterprise ST: JAMES’ CHURCi-Fâ€"Rev A S ‘1 : 25 more ready-to-Wear Skirts both (9 b ' r 1 - ' ' ’ D' k“ ‘ ' " '~ , _ V p , s was a num e1 e do lais transmitted , Powrles Corner. 10 1050” W1“ GXOhRUL'G pulplts Wlth h; walking and dress Skirts prices from the other s1de of the Atlantic to ~' --- Re“ Mh- home": 0‘ HaSth’gSi 0'1 Sun“ ’ v t . b ~ 1 ’ . ' thls Side. The number of bachelors 0n , Correspondence of the Gazette.) I day DeXb- ‘ l; O a 13 est val ues ever Shown one Side and SPthtel‘S 0“ the Other l'e‘ ' Once more death has come, and has REDUCED NAVIGATION â€"-The T V I . _ , I , .. . . ‘ here. ‘ ' ‘ mums uhihfel'ed- Truth “Wilde” that taken from our midst Mr. Charles 00.5 steamer Empress has discon- @ thepossblhtrof thisresuhdld notpc- Strond, in 1.15mi; year. Mr. Stroud tmued. her trips between: Lakefield, p / our to any Of the 001011.11“ papers winch ‘ \V‘BS l'espectod everyone Wltll‘ Stony Lake points and Budllfii‘gh Falls. ,1 I 1 a , ' , PhhhSlle_d the advel'l‘S‘f’hhht- Trhth ‘in his acquaintance and left no enemies THE BANKâ€"Commencing: Octob 5 ed and leady for mspectwn. We have hasrocewcd severalcnqumesfi'om 02m- b l' d l' H- k‘ a d a" . ~ . - -“ "‘ ' E I , _ " cnn mm. c was In an a 00 let. the Bank Will be open every day . t, y a a ada about the haverusemenh' tionate {0 his family, Who have the SYm- until o’clock except on Sflu‘rda S l . ' b . y f ' , I a The advertisement referred t0 “’33 pathy of the whole community. The when it will be open in “ml, 0 yo: ’ ; Varieoyo styles, and cheaper than we l sent to the Gazette. but we threw it d,,,,,..ed: W named in Eden acme- um“ 1:; Mock W, in the a;; ' . . . . o - u v '4 ‘ I C . ’ .1. ever offered anything near the quality “She: “1‘0"”? 1.‘ ‘0 be a ” lake," and my on Sunday last. and was followed from 4 to 6. n ’ {L l b p , B , khowmg that 1t ‘3 “0t yet necessary [0 by a very large concoursc of sorrowing CONCERT w , l ,. steie. e sue you see our. coats, a ‘ import “good intelligent girls " from mend... no ‘ , "‘“H 0 “‘9 "hiatcsted‘wfln- . “t. before buying. ' England or any other country. as there Mrs. Thos. Daniel is steadily im- 0.5”“ ““t. jam“. .Ja‘fj‘S' OWE“ ‘ . I ‘ ‘ . p _ _ _ _ rchliCSt tenor, and Miss lrelcn. W ' l' ' :35 are thou>ands of them in Canada as - u. n 1 d V1,, 1, b ye] . , . yum, , E; l . Plovme 5' 0° “9 heel eht ‘ c e clocutionist have bc' n d» ' ’4». good as any in the world. it may be 1,9,. on the 11,1, of this month. ‘ r ‘ 0'1 Cllpflgv to give '5: g}: i l ‘ a a _ q a , mac of m. “We. cyniau, Jr, and l‘homas Minoro were Fa'eWJl survmiffld Pleaentatmn. p Mrs. N.] E. Johnston is enjoyingr a hf'lhh‘g t0 the Falls between five and six .1 râ€" F 1 ' I m On Wednesday evening a farewell few weeks, "lSlt “t BUShhhg- O‘clock m: Wednesday OVGhl-ILI, a bear l hi} i -: i381 J EB El service wastcndeiied Miss Agnes I. Dick- Ml” R‘ B- Sh'Ohhi or the th‘VhShlP CTOSSO? \me “lad -thmugh the Swami} i ' £4" ‘ n “h” ' r I . 1. son, 13. A... who leaves shorth for China, or Tiny: was hm!” hh‘ 1‘ few days! em 0. domm s hm' Ml“ Del-“him Says by the cuiiwi'erration and YUHIILI'PCOplclb‘ Ml" JOhh ths has deemed to sell that It “lag got more than fifty yard” 3W . ‘3 Society “(Eha Andrew‘s chmlch, The .his farm stock and implements some hhehd hi the” “th0”, and was quite ‘ 1224;} l i service was very interestinrrand impress- “me about! the middle 0f Novehh’e'" 'sman' but bigger than a this year’s c'l'm kl ivc, and was largely “tindey Rev. It will“ be about as profitable 'to sell, THE NEW STOREâ€"Durng the past I , ‘ M.-_ camel-0n, of Toronto‘ gave a very stock in November as to Winter it over, three weeks a good deal has been done. 7’, @EB able address, and Miss Isabella Little, W19 SEOUId have fiDOthel‘ Winter like 91:11]??? lilclhafii'lanld’:l mammoth store. -, I ' . 0. 1e as. 00 was ms 1 - “o M D' or Slmme county, Who Does to Mr. H. Perrin, of Cameron, came both floors lb a fmtmaht ago" niéweé€@@@@@@@@@e its? KVJ": \w China in company with Miss Dickson, spoke briefly. Excellent music was down with his corn binder last Monday (the lower one of ma 16 have been laid, and the door and sizing!

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