«A tilt the night of April 6th. We would like to know why parents allow their children to run all otter the country at all hours of the night and to become a public nuisance, and ne‘vet‘ say from one year‘s end to the other, “ you must stop it.†It is really too had. We pity the post-master at Powles’ Corner, with a small pittance of a. salary, say 8 cents a day, to have to put up with the persecutions of impudent boys. It is enough to make a person’s blood run cold to see the parents drag themselves into the court room and uphold their boys in every possible way. Is it not time that a stop was put to_it? Has not the postmaster at Powles’ Corner a perfect right to live in peace ? No doubt Mr. Dickson will double the dose if these b'ld boys ever come before him again Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for your time and space. Jusrtcs. Fenslon Falls, April 11th, 1904. To the Editor of the Fenelon Falls Gazette : SIR,â€" The. Victoria County Old Boys’ Assoc- iation would like to know why they can’t get abetter representation from Fenelon Falls and its vicinity. Ata recent meet- ing at which nearly two hundred members were present, nearly the whole represent- ation was from Lindsay and Ofuemee. Why this is thus we do not know. butif the Fen- elon Falls people, in writing to theirfriends down here, would remind them of our next meeting, which will be held on Friday evening, May 6th, in the l. 0. O. F hall, corner of Yonge and College streets, it might help us a little. Refreshments and lots of amusements are to be expected, and the crowd of Fenclonites ought to be a lusty one indeed. ‘hc date of our excur- sion is not yet settled, but surely will be at our next meeting. Yours truly, - Cnas. E. HAND. Toronto, April 9th, 1904. BIliTI-IS. Galliumâ€"At Kinmount, on Saturday, April 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Graham, a daughter. M: DIED. FOLLEr.-â€"In the township of Fenclon, on Tuesday, April 12th, Elizabeth Wilmott, beloved wife of Christopher Folley, aged 00 years; ,__________________.._..â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"â€"â€" FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Fenelon Falls, Friday, April 15th, 1904 Reported 01/ me warm DEaT Roller Mill C'o. Wheat.Scotch or Fife 35 to 90 Wheat, fall, per-bushel. 83 85 Wheat, spring .... 80 83 Barley, per bushel. . 38 40 Buckwheat“ .. .. 37 4o Oats, “ ........ 28 30 Pcuse, “ 53 60 Rye, “- ....._... 45' 47 Potatoes, “ _ 30 35 Butter,p01'1b . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 l6 Eggs,per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . 14 15 Hay,pert0n...... ....... 9.00 1200 Hides . . . . . ...... 4.50 550 Hogs (live) 425 4.50 Hogs (Dressed) ......,... 550 6.00 Beef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 4.50 5.50 Sheepskins . . . . . . . . . 50 Wool ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 ‘4 Flour, Silver Lcaf‘ ....... .. 2.45 2.6? Flour,Victoria 2.35 2.52.) Flour, Family, Clipper.... 2.10 2.50 Bran, per 100 lbs ... ... ..'. 95 10.) Shorts, “ “ 110 1.20 1.l5 1.25 Mixed Chop “ vao Iâ€"Iouses to Rent. One on Fidler’s hill and the other one mile south of the village. They are both good-sized, one and a halfstories high, and" ea ch has an excellent garden. Apply to MRS. ELLERY, Bond St. East. Feuelon Falls, April 14th, 1904. lO-tf. f__________._.__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- Eeacher VVanted. ‘ Teacher wanted for School Section No. 2,Stanhope. Applications, stating salary, received until May lst, 1904. M. L. DEMILL, Sec-Treas. Std’ 'Maple Lake P. O. ,.___.._.__. House Decorating. I desire to inform the public that I have returned to Fcnelon Falls, and anilprepared to do all kinds of house decorating, such as Paper Hanging, Kalsomining, Whitewash- ing, Painting, etc , in ï¬rst-class style. Estimates given free. Orders left at'the Gaza/l»: ollice will receive prompt attention. tlésitlcncc south of river. ALFRED MILLER. March 17th, 1904. 6. __,'__â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€""'â€""_"_-â€" We are receiving newystock all the time, and our goods are always fresh and sold at the lowest prices. Oh! Don’t forget about our Jumbo i’panuls, for they are the best, and. always freshly roasted. Our Bon-Bons and Chocolatcslare alwayr fresh, and-sold at the lowest prices, ever known. We haven good stock of Oranges and‘ Lemons at the lowest prices. The hestline of Union hand-made Cigars that are upon . the market to-day are for sale here. Just try them and you Will be couvin cod. 1). Stinson- Don‘t forget the placeâ€"one door.uorth’. of B .B,..Allan,&.Co.. reassesssxsssesssossso #____________________â€"â€"â€"â€"..... . geesesasscssoo to Art. Musiins, Ari. Sat- eens and Grctcnnes. A nice range of the above lines at 6, 8. 10, 12%, 15, 18 and 200. per y'd. Curtain Muslins. White Curtain Muslins, With frill, extra special at 12,15 to 150. per yd. still continues. The bargains which we are offering in the cloth- ing line are well worth looking after. Men’s Suits from$4.50 to $11.50. linen Chambry Suit- ings in white, linen, light blue and reseda at 250. per yard. ' Colored Muslims and Chambrys at 10, 1251â€", and 150. per yard. ~ i9 69 § 653) $9 (is? (593 so so so i6.) ’ :0 then can. Store. FOUND. Found on road between Cameron and Fcnelon Falls, about two weeks ago,an- Over-coat. Owner can have same by prov- ing property and paying expenses. ELIAS HUOEY, Mar. 22,1904". Lot 13, con. 6,.Fcnelon. SEED GRAIN. We have secured almost the entire option over 60 bushels per acre under ordinary conditions and weigh about 40 pounds to. the bushel. We desire to have them grown especially for the oatmeal trade. TERRELEL BRQS. “a: WWW'J‘T" 13539? :mrngnz'xmrnpyr p . Great Clothing Sale lLadies’ Bell:- A large stock of Roots and Shoes for men’s, women’s, boys’and girls? wear, at prices to suit all purchasers. wwnmrngp; nnmlrnnpyrnpprnpyw Hamilli‘ï¬l'glt'z'lW‘ï¬â€˜ng"Jflmflfjllh’mfméglmflWmerjmpqfl wmnrguuagrlmwrgumr s : ’J'WW Lacs Curtains. life may say of our show- , ing of Laos Curtains that g the variety greater, the patterns are liner and the Values are larger than ever before heard of. Prices range from 250. to $5.00 per yard. u @®@@ @@@®@@@‘ t Buckles. Ladies’ gun metal belt buckles at 250. each. Ladies’ cut steel belt buckles at 250. each. Ladies’ gilt belt buck- les at 50c. per set. Ladies’ crushed leather belts at 50;). each: Ladies’ blouse sets at 100., 25c. and 500. per set. Farrier Falls. i “will For theï¬pring of; $04“... Reliableâ€" goods. at reliable prices. Tailored Hats, Street Hats on a new- variety of seed Oats, which yield and Read3r_t0,~,xyear ill the lat- est. ideas. In Trimmed Hats we pro- We are letting out large quantities of duce the lnost practical med- the “ Velvet Ghaff†and?“ Blue Stem.†var- ieties of Spring Wheat, and all the varieties of Seed Peas now available, AT THE FnNELON FALLS ELEVATOR. W. P. EYRES, Fcuelon Falls. J. G. ETRES, Lindsay. Archie Trudel, TAiLon, Fenslon Falls. ' CLOTHING CLEANED, REPAIRED AND PRESSED on snow NOT- SATISFACTION GUARAN- TE LDâ€"rnicss RIGHT. SHOP: FBANClS STREET WEST. AGENT FOR STOCKWELL, HENDER- SON & 00., DYERS, TORONTO. lllllJSill MARBLE WORKS. , Bobs. Chambers ls131‘cpared to furnish the people of Lind- say and surrounding country with MONU- MENTS and HEADSTONES, both Marble and granite. Estimates promptly givenon all kinds or cemetery work. Marble Table Tops, Wash Tops, Mantle Pieces, etc., a specialty. Beinga practical workman, all should see his designs and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. WORKSâ€"In the rearrof the Market on Cambridge-st, opposite the packing house ‘ . EL. QHAMBERSJ iumand low priced patterns, conmstent With style, shown . anywhere. See the New York veil. .A full line of ladies’ and misses’ Corsets on hand. MISS M. WASHBURN. We are showing a ï¬ne range of Carpets, Lace Curtains, Oilcloths and Linoleums, Frilled and Fancy Curtaining. @4 gSPRINfl is acne- ~ What about buying one of those. easy-'~ run ning; eastern CREAM“ SEPARATORS Also cream cans and dairy. pails... Opposite Post-oiï¬ce. rm. m T@ STEELE I am prepared to supply all necessary material ' for House or Barn building at reasonable prices, and 1t Wlll pay you to consult me before buying. Planing done on short notice by ï¬rst ’class. workmen. Men’s Women’s and Children’s in all colors. and." shapes. Prices right. J ." J. NEVIS ON. don’t buy until you have visited my factory on Frau- cis street east. 1 am selling without regard to cOst, and-- can give you better value than you can get elsewhere. F. C. CHAMBERS. iiiiliil lilll illilli is printed every Friday at the» ofï¬ce, corner May and Francis Streets. SUBSCRIPTION : Cur $1.00 Lace Curtains are $1 00 A" YEAR, IN ADVANCE worï¬ii $51.50. Just arrived this week, our Summer Parasols: and Umbrellas,â€" Ladies’ Waterproofs,_ Also New Suitings and Muslins... Wm... Campbell. or one cent per week will be added, as long as it remains unpaid. Advertising Rates. Professional or- business cards, 50 cents per line per annum. Casual advertisements,' ‘ 8 cents per line for the ï¬rst insertion, and 2 cents per line for every subsequent inscr- Contracts by the year, half year or tion. less, upon reasonable terms. JOB PRINTINï¬ccuted neatly, corâ€" ectly and at. moderate prices. E. D. HAND,'=, Proprietor. for prices in . l NEXT To ~ SIMPSON . HOUSE. I Faiths assess senses: Begins Tuesday, Sept. ï¬st. A few snaps left in-lastfall’s:WalliPapers... 650.. H... MCGEE... sss you no no 1.. F... SANï¬FGRï¬g. 50 YEARS†; EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS - - = COPYRlGHTS ac. Anyone sending a sketch and descri tion may quickly ascertain our opinion free wlicthcr an invention 15 probably patentable. Communica- tions strictly conï¬dential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest a yency for securing patents. Patents _takcn t troule Mann 8.: Co. receive sperm! notice, without charge, in the scientist fineness. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir. culatlon. of any scientiï¬c journal. 'l‘crms. $3 a 2 year: four months, $1. Sold byall neivsdculers. . MUNN 8. Easmwadwa» New lfllii" Branch omce. 625 F St.. Washington. D. C. Will iiEE' iiT dd To Montrealor New Y rk" choice patterns or low." wast. Pastas. ‘Ne have them! here nor: for your selection. cousin’s, LEEDSEY, The. Fall. Terra. -â€"-OF' THEâ€" dildiidii If you want to succeed, attend this school lts superior work, excellent results and splendid location place itin‘ the front rank of Business 001- - lcges. Fees are lower than in most schools. . Write for particulars. WWI. PRINGLE, Principal.-. SEGDND DIVISEGN COURT " -â€"or Tue-â€" County of ~Victoria. he next sittings of the above Cottrt'wilt be held in Twomey’s hall,-Fenelon Falls ON MONDAY, APRlL ll’th, 1904, commencing at 1 o’clock in the afternoon Thursday, March 31st, will be the last day i of service on defendants residing in this county. ties must be served on or before Satur--~ day, March 26th. ELISHA MARK, Defendants living in other coun- -~ E. D . HA ND, ' Bailifl‘fl Clerkâ€. Fenclon FallsyFebLll 013,219'34J. \a‘, I' .. 25 ~. . ’ i i