Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 1 Apr 1904, p. 8

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- . m’i m. \Ah NF. -_Jm‘rl 5‘ ‘ (N, ‘,_l ,., VW‘VAJ‘NV - ‘- .',\ ., e-st V s _, v..\{\_fi‘/~._AJWVWV’VV\AV‘V\J' V \- \- who.” \ .\A_â€"\,..\,. ._. "-14 V‘dn’w we -o1£' a i ' ~ «\4\â€"\,~, «. v...» m as ._4 ‘V' V .. Eli'l-u Ian-I. Mn u «1 _.»\_,‘ A A,»\,.â€"._/ ._, . Pnhv. ‘ I -. .-<"u \‘s-v' W- lndici the llantlsl'nikei‘.w.i _‘ ‘ ‘ "A N’oVEL HOUSE.‘ [Professor Vincent suggests that Gabi ficlbh lax-tolling zoos-I With LII“;- txress would do an excellent thing it it “1 1°“ “‘l°'_s"“ all" enacted a law regulating handshaking.] = of Sorvico. SOME People grab at you: ‘ The house which is here illustrated some people Jab at ym" ' may be erected without regard for Nab at you' Stab at you' dab at you ,' a southern exposureâ€"«in fact, it will _ I . Someygiéple shabbuy, do well in the middle of a poultry Limply and flabbily lot, and the lot may rbe diVided into Flutter yonr fingers and cause you dil- four sections by wire fences, thus :11- tress. _ . lowing two sorts to be sowed to Some people dash at you; some green food, while the other two Some people smash at you, sci-ash at you, dash at you, splash at you: then, Spite of resisting it, You feel them twisting it, .3 Almost unwristing it time and again. Some people fall at you. - Pull, tug and haul at you, Manglo and maul at you, causing you pain; - Crushing your knuckles in Till each one buckles in; ':‘They throw your chuckles in it you com- plain. THE DOUBAJ‘J HOUSE. 80mM peoplejtonny' divisions are being used as runs by Solcmnly. bonily, ' the fowls. . - Give you a. ivithering sort oi! a clasp; The house should be built about Othe" “(11°13an ten or twelve inches above the level Rathcrsaltfishily, ' of the ground, which should grad. Gl“ Y°u 3 mt and dried' shadowy "an , away from the house. The floor of Somo.peopie tear at you, the houSe must be filled in with Comi- llkea bear at YOU: ‘ fresh, dry sand every tall and the -Better they'd “we” at you than to ‘1’ covered deep with litter for the hens ‘ that; to work and scratch among for food. 11 our hand, . . fizfiptzgg gtihcggir ’{mnm This style ol 2. house prpvldcs Plenty _After their rush your hand feebly (all: of floor space and a comfortable ‘ flat. room to roost in at night. 1 - During the winter months for ayâ€" Sure, you have heard of them' . . . These are,“ a third of them;’ mg only eath house will do for a ' There's quite a herd or them roaming the hundred hens, fifty on each Side, and earth. they will do well, says The Feather. Some Of them 50"“"3'0‘12‘133‘1: You should have doors to go into some or them freeze your an ; : scratching room, roosting room and Wher‘ivéhtegr7release your hand, what is i. 1 hallway at each end. You can. mu,“ » the floor space of the house to meet Get upalaw for them: the amount of cash you Wish to . le “methmg “W m" them; spend or to fit the land space on .. Fill it with awe for them, stop them soml which You would place it. The way. Stop all this shaking hands, hause can be, made large or small, as Breaking hands, quaking handsâ€" you select. . ~Salve for our aching hands! Mix it today! This is not a cheap house to build . ‘Cmcafl T”“’““" 3 nor need it be an expensive one Fun at Hand. ll Will HINT!" FLOOR PLAN. "Cut your coat according to your cloth" may here be applied, but to have this style of a house so as to gain returns equal to the cost it ' must be reasonably well built and. of “Hi, you fellows, come and have a , fairly good size, we should not ad- game! Here's a horse that can’t flick visc any one to go to the expense of his tail.” - such a house unless he feels fully able ' ‘ to stand the expense of same. Successful Reminder. A small church was sadly in need of Valuing Cowl by Capacity. 1 repairs, and a meeting was held with In a recent exchange Proi. A. ‘H. 11 VIEW to 11118ng funds for the purpose. a Wheaton furnishes the following tqole, The minister having said that $500 for determining the value of a dairy would'be needed, a very wealthy and COW: stingy member arose and said he would CowsI the: make 900 lbs. or butter or less, 0' - bee vu ue: “3m 31' Just as he sat down a “I?” Cows that make 325 lbs. or butter...s 30 piece of plaster fell from the ceiling Cows that make 3501bs. oi guitcr... 2: ‘ “ ' t - Cows that make 375 lbs, 0 u ter... and struck bun on the head, whered Cows that make 400 m8. of butter.” 50 “Don he jumped up hastily and 5‘“ C'ows that make 425 lbs. or butter... 65 illiit he had made a mistake, that he Cows that mute {.33. 0% Bugger... 1% - ' y t' ‘ Cows that ma e ‘75 s. o u er... . ‘f (mm gne $00 Ems was too mucu Cows that make 500 lbs. of butter... 130 V 101' an enthusiastic deacon present, . 0 Who, forgetful of everything. called gens tlmt mque (:03 llibs. off guttgcr... . .., . .u . y ows tint maxed?) )S.0 u er_.. '7.) “at fel“'uuy' O Lmd' mt mm again' Cows that make 700 lbs of butter... 500 Index. Cows that make 800 lbs. of butter..:. 325 ‘ .. Cows that make 850 lbs. of butter... 1,400 Cows that make 900 lbs. or batten. . 2,000 Cows that make 550 lbs of butter.. 200 Hit him again!”â€"Mouut Morris (111-) Cows that make 750 lbs: of butter.. (-350 ' o i M“ . . A Narrow Esc‘me- . i ' ’ standard for the cow that possesses ‘Irvmgton Romeo Boot. letteâ€"Thepeo- no vame aside from her beef qualiâ€" ~gploof this town don’t appreciate the . ficutions. A few years ago some or legitimate drama. I’ll be hanged it our foremost Jersey breeders thought .crer I act here again! ' ' they‘ were setting themselves a very Managerâ€"Bot oher life you will. It l high mark when they aspired t0 was all I could do to keep the audience bring the average of their herds up from lynching you tonightâ€"New York to that Pomt- We lea-1‘ a Very 18180 cflmps. percentage of the Jerseys of the country would fail to come up to that standard, and their beef value . would be small rccom ense for milk- .‘ano you overdone anything about mg them two or thrge years at a 1llmr anonymous letter you received? loss, while determining Wm»t they "No." answered the patient man. “It were going to do. we are afraid 4‘10 man had signed his name, I would Prof. Wheaten has overlooked one j‘:'\'(‘ been obliged to quarrel with him, very impertant point in determining ;:l'.‘.il l‘m much obliged to him for spar- the value of cow for strictly dairy :luy; meatlmt nece‘SSiry.”â€"Washington purposes. Gross returns are one NM. _ thing, but net returns is sometimes ‘ quite a different proposition, and the latter is what determines finally the value of the animal. For example, in the recent report of the producâ€" tion and cost of feed for the Wisâ€". cousin dairy herd we find one cow standing fourteenth as regards value of total preducts, but thirtieth as regards not returns or returns above cost of feed consumed. Another cow of the same breed with $15.71 less total product to her credit returned a larger net profit by $7.39. The firstâ€"mentioned cow stood second in cost of food consumed, the feed bill being $9.87 more than for the larg- est butter producer in the herd and $6 more than for the cow yielding ! the greatest Value of total products. l In figuring above total products the i call is not considered. A Murch of Meekness. Jokes Under the \Vater. nuâ€"u Start :1 Roof CZub. I Siurt a beef club. Kill a beef and g divide up with the neighbors; they . (To tho. same. Save money and gel; l‘ cl you l- now Something about. ’1' ivliqtl Fishâ€"I may be a sucker. but I‘ll not \ on lllllt bookâ€"Leslie's Weekly. .' H ~-Z:S.__7. l l BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS, STATEMENTS, CIRCULARS, ENVELOPES, Prof. Wheaton sets a fairly high- Francis Street West. 'm m eusmuns. I Wish to inform my customers that, in future, all accounts will be rendered every four months. Twelve mouths’ credit is out of date and a thing of the past. ‘ 10$. liEARD. e@@@@@mis@@@ ll ill b ll ll ll ll ll ll FOR TWO WEEKS. Clearing Sale of Men’s, Youths’ and Boys’ Suits.~â€" We will offer at cost fbrgcash lor 2 weeks to make room for new spring goods. \Ve want to emphasize this fact. all we can. It’s a case of compulsion now more than ever We can save you more uoney on suits and overcoats in the short time left than we ever could save you be- fore“. It’s worth your while to think this matter over quickly. Boots and Shoesâ€"We have a good range of lines made by the largest and best manufactur- ers in Canada, which are going at rock bottom prices. Do not miss this opportunity. Groceries and Crockeryâ€"Our stock is complete, of the best quality of goods obtainable, and the price asked is very low. Our 250. black and green Tea. cannot be excelled 1n qual- ' us. McFlRLllND. ‘ PRINTING. POSTERS. DODGERS, PROGRAMMES, BLANK NOTES, _'_, WEDDING INVITATIONS, MEMORIAL CARDS, LADIES’ VISITING CARDS. We have lately added a stock of type and stationery for printing Wedding Invitations, Calling Cards, etc, and can turn out first class work at reasonable prices. Come and see samples. “ Gazette” Office. @Qflfi‘mfiafiufiufiflawflb THERE’S STYLE In Glasses as well as in dress, The deep-rooted objection to the use of Glasses on the ground of unsight- liuess is entirely removed by the nrlislic effect produced by modern methods. Improperly fitted frames are both a disliguri-muutnnd a menace to health, the cll'ect ot' a perfectly fitted lens being annulled by them. We guarnulec a perfect {it in both frames and lenses. WWW“ en es ’e? l signiztygs. s..- :3; bilge): Foot of Kent Street, Lindsay 9" “WWW?” “W! \â€"â€" nâ€"fl / s._..',- V-fr- .CT‘ .‘CN ,/ Q2214" E27 @ SHIPPING TAGS, RECEIPTS, ETC., Jim-cm Verna-.wsa- A‘MVV." .v..'.-.‘.W Dinncrofilit. SOCJIETIES. 1 NIGHTS OF ’I‘EN'I‘ED MACCABEES Diamond 'l‘ent No. 208. Meets in the True Blue hall in McArllmr‘s Block on the first and third Tuesday in each month. ‘ Cu.\s. WISE, Com. C W. Buuoovun, R. K. (:lANADIAN ORDER OF ODDFELIDWS Tl'l'lll Valley Lodge No. 71. Meet in the Orange hull on Frnuois street Weston the first and third Mondays in each month Jqu LEE, N. G J. ’l‘. ’l‘uoursos JIL. Sec. I O. L. No. 906., MEET IN THE ORANGE J. hull on Frunciert West on the second Tuesday in every month. J. 'J‘. Tumrrsox Ju , W. M. SD liAim, Rec -Scc. NDEPENDENT ORDER of FORESTERS Court Phoenix No. 182. Meet on the. last Monday of each month, in the True Blue hall in McArthur’s Block. D. Germ. Chief Ranger. ’l‘uos. Ausrm, R. S. N M -ANADlAN ORDER OF FORECTERS ./ Fenelnn Falls Lodge No 626. Media, in the Orange Hall on Francis stl'eotwesl on the lust Thursday oi’onch month. L F'sulrlmnnal, Chief Ranger, W. D. STACY, Sec. â€"~_.‘_-_‘_. _â€"~.._, CANADIAN HOME CIRCLES. FENE LON Falls Circle No. .127, meets in the True Blue llflll in Bit-Arthur’- B] . first Wednesday in every month. Mk [hp P. C. Bononss, Louder R. B. Serssrsn, Secretary. L -M‘Lm F. AND A. M., G. R. C. THE SPllY . Lodge No. 406. Meets on the first Wednesday ol‘each montli,on or before the full of the moon in the lo ' . dvrc - Cunningham’s Block. O wmn m It. A. MCDMRMID, W. M. In. 1' i'rZGEilALD, St‘t'i‘t‘lill‘i‘. IBIS. errors 63? 'A ‘ h.“ APTIST CHURCHâ€"LQUFFV QT IT ' . 4 u L l L‘ . B . J. H. llannuli, Minister ECI‘VICCS every Sunday at 1030 a.m and I; m. Bible Class und Sunday School at .230 p. m. Prmse and prover service on Thursday 1118 p In. 0 _\,_\d BaET‘HODlST CHURCH â€" COLBORNE Streetâ€"Rev. John Gnrbult, Pastor ‘ Sunday service at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p m Sabbath School at 2.30 p. m. Epwortli League of Christian Endeavor, Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock. Prayer meeting‘on lliursdaly eveningnl 7.30. E_ T. ANDREW’S CHURCHâ€"COLBORNE Streetâ€"Rev. R. C. H. Sinclair, Pusâ€" tor. Pbervmes every Sunday at 10.30 a. m and r p in. Sunday School every Sunday at 2.30 p. m. Christinn Endeavor met-thug every Tuesday at 8 p m Pru 'er n . . lee every Thursday at 7.30 p. m. 3 m g “X lALVATION ARMYâ€" BARRACKS ON Bond‘St. Westâ€"Captain and Mrs. Banks Servme every Wednesday, Thurs- day and Saturday evenings at 8 f». m. nnt' on Sundaysut l l a. m.,3 p. m. cm” 303)."! ‘l T.‘ALOYSIUS R. C. CHURCHâ€"LOUISA Streetâ€"Rev. Futhcr O’Leurv, Pastor. Services every alternate Sunday at 10.30 a. in. Sunday School everySuuduyatZ p. m '1‘. JAMES’ CHURCH, BOND ST. EAST Rev A. S. Dickinson, Rector. Sunday 3 ' servrce: Mutins 11,-.30 a m., eve-nsong 7 p. in Celebration of Holy Communion first Sunday ol'every month at 10.30 a. m and ilurd Sunday of every monlh at 8 sum. Sunday School 2 50 p. in Thursday every week as follows : Culcchising of children at. 7 p m evens ' ' h , ong at. 7.50 . m chou‘ practice at 8.15 p. m. D J \N . Seats free in all churches. Everybody mmtedlo attend. Shvuu/ers cordz'allg/welcofizetl . _. p v- . DIISCIDLLANEOUS. N- UBLICTJBRARYâ€"lllllS.MECALDER I‘ Librarian Reading Room 0le daily Sum’luyexcepied, from In o’clocku m till 10 oclock p. In. Books exchanged on Tues- days, Thursdays and Saturdays from 2 p m to 4 p n) ,uud in the evening from 7 to 9: i,- DST-OFFICEâ€"F. J KERR, Posrimsâ€" 3’ . \ . l mtc’l.3( Open dzuly, Sundays cicepied 1'0 1 la. in. to 7 p. m~ Mull "ill closes all 7.3.) a m. y lg south Mull go'ng north . closes at 11.1..) a m Letters for registration must be posted lmll‘un hour previous to the tune for closing the mails. WWW . 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