Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 18 Mar 1904, p. 1

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\ ()L. XXXII.‘ .0 A Few Personal Words. (Ry James A. Wayland) I was down in Florida. the guest of Comrade L. P.‘Lace,.ol Interlacben. a low Weeks this winter. This is the first time in three years that I have gotten away from the grind of the socialrevo. lotion, its voxations, its cares and its anxieties. What a contrast to the stren- uous Fourteen years I have been in the harness. A few months of leisure would unfit me for the work I have been do: iug. No wonder the many who have started out in the work have fallen by the wayside when the capitalists ofl'ercd v a life ofleisurc if they would abandon ‘ :the unequal light; But‘on thisyou can dependâ€"I am with you to the end, no matter whether you Speak well or ill of me. I have had enough ill spoken to drive the average than to seek the pleas- ure that can be gotten by a low at the expense of their fellows,.bnt I have har bored no ill feelings to those who said hard things of me. I read the criti- _ cisms and know that they do not under stand'me, even if they write what they think is a philosophical analysis of my character. [am only a unit, will be forgotten in a short time, but the work I have done will leave unnamed results for good to the human family. In that thought I feel that my life has not been ' ' a failure. We are born. live and dieâ€" We are preparlng for It. but are nothing more than the house Already several shipments Of our Ics if we leave no impress on society. spring and summer Footwear have Billions of humans have lived of whom Ban oi British North America. Fenelon THE GOOD 0 .D SUMMER TIME WILL COME. . we know nothing. They had no thongbt arr1ved and are opened up for your inspection. Among the lot is the “Empress.” Never before in the his- tory of the making of fine Shoes for women have styles been brought out that have reacted the ideal in wo- men’s footwear. The price remains the same-â€"~- $2.00 to $4.00. Our Grocery Department is always stocked with fresh goods of the best quality. Nothing inferior allowed on our shelves. Prices are always right. P I ssionql Cal as They were more machines of the social r0 '0 s a ' ‘- LEEAL. structure of their times. names of men who saw things difl’erent from what their fellows saw them. All we are we owe to such as these. Had money making given me more pleasure than the workI have been doing, I would not be in the work. I have neVor found it difficult to make money. but that any man could devote his life to seeing how much of the labor. of his fol lows he could accumulate about him. has seemed to me little short of insanity. What I have I made in exploitation-â€" skinning the working class by speculat- ing in real estate I never wronged a man legally of a dollar. but I have not a morally honest dollar to my name. I gave back to society no equivalent for the. thousandsI took from it. I hate the system under which such things are possible. When I saw the real char- acter of the gameI quit it I have been poorer every day since. but I have enough to last me. I think, until I shall shuflie elf. If I don’t it doesn’t matter. I was born in poverty and will have held my owuin the mad scramble. I would rather leave a good government. for my children than to leave them vast wealth. of which they may be skinned by the men who manipulate the great game of national industrialist“ The human race needs justice, but. justice cannot prevail while private ownership of industrial property is recognized by law The ownership of the Appeal plant by me is wrong in principle, but It would not alter the case to give it. to vou. The whole people should take and MW!) and operate. it for their on'n m-oper education. Iown some houses mil some government bondsâ€"this, too, -< wrong But it would not right mat.- wrs to give them to you They Would ~tili be private capital. ll those who know the right will work. will do their 'lllllllFl'. as I have tried to do. there will he. my qun‘rel over property and graft~ mg, 21.79. allnll ‘lll own the earth and {lie l'nlnr-ss tht-rwol. and none will say F. A. MCDIAK‘HD ARRISTER, SOLICITOR.,Etc., FENE- 8 Ion Falls. Office, Colhorue street, opposite Postâ€"office. 3%” Money to loan on real estate at lowest current rates. McLAUG ll LIN & PEE ll. ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, &0. Money to loan on real estate at lmvest current rates. Office, Kent street, opposite Market, Lindsay. R. J. McLauoums. J. A PILL G. H. HOPKINS. ,, 2‘ ARRISTER, 8w. SOLICITOR FOR ' J. L. ARNOLD. the Ontario Bank. Money to loan at owest rates on terms to suit the borrower. Offices: No. 6, William Street South, Lind- ay, Ont. ,. STEWART tit O’CONNOR, ARRISTERS, NOTAltIEs, 8m. MONEY to loan at lowest current rates. Terms to suit borrowers. Office on corner of Kent (fond York streets, Lindsay L. V. O’Coxxon, B. A T. STEWART. MOORE & J AUKSON, ARRISTERS, SOLIUITORS, Ste. 0f- lice, William streel,biudsay. A.JAOKSON Lent is here, and if you would like a. fish diet we have E. D. MOORE. on hand and to arrive: MEDICAL. ___,__________._._._.__â€" ' DR. H. n. anHAML. -â€"-M.D., c. M., M n. o 3. Eng, M. o. r. a 5., 0N’l‘., r. 'r. M. s.â€" HYSICIAN, SURGEON & acconcnâ€" eur. Office. Francis Street, Fettelon Falls. FRESH TROUT, ’ FRESH WHITEFISH, FRESH SEA HERRINGS, SALT HERRINGS, SMOKED HERRINGS, SMOKED FINNEN HADDIES. DE. A. WILSON. -â€"M. 13., M. c. r. a 5., Ontario,_â€"â€" - HYSICIAN, SURGEON & ACOOUCH- 'eur. Office, Colborue Street, beuelon Falls. r____________â€"-â€"_-_-:__â€"“___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- ' DENTAL. ______________,_________ Dr. S. J. SIMS, DENTIST, ’ l l‘ :Eze things he possesses that -‘ they Wh g p tru mine." but are “ ours.” 'l‘hen will 0 u . men he brothers. JFenelon trails. Graduate of Toronto University and ‘ The “award of Labm‘. Royal College of Dental Surgeons. ~ _“ *_W-‘ I ~ A'LL BRANCHES or DENTISTRY â€"- med according to the latest improved methods at moderate prices. OFFlOlfizâ€"Over Burgoyne’s store, Col- orue street Eel. 5.. ROBE-SON. LI firfglllllli mu men «lit: and hoist ten t:=.'l~‘ of coal. each being put by their It you ask any partlcularly wellâ€"dressed ,, ,,,e,e,,,,,,, ,,,, man In Fenelon Falls or surrounding district. “"’ “"1 I"”"'“"‘“"”""h would two one ton ol enalfor its full ' :‘pzivnleut, I! would be unfiir, unjust, ‘ your ? a, he Hill nor: should inl-zo thin-ethos :tnmh r an, another one. and a lull anal tlw atlxul‘s l-ws' than :1 ton. Erl’fll maker perfor “W Dr. NEELllllDS, DENTIST, LINDSAY, Enmcm teeth Win10“ pain by giis (Vital- c I , .l..i,'i‘â€"‘5 wiiml work in the illumination. is ind air) adminiswrgd by mm tori-'7 yearsi 7 ' .:'.='.il”'l m an mlual pat-z ol the yn'mluots, He studied the gas under DI‘._bolt0n_’ c; Iv - a. tL-srgln .ilom- has omit; the diflmwhm‘l New York, the originator of gas for exttnc - I I m - ' izzillt'“ (Ii lul:."l' 'll‘n'll‘tflfi' l'iiit '\‘«"l“ll Dr. Oolton writes Dr. Neelands ' v- ‘ 1 l ' iven the gas to 186,4” per- :tu accident from the gas” iug teeth. hat he‘ has g i 0115 without Be one of the number, and call and Riyal ': .1 «now tvtzl'~l=ir-i‘, twins! 2; . . .s -.d_ x good set of' Y, .'~_ ' -i ", , .. , _ a 34.... ‘_ _, . .,.i,,.,.,. ,‘ ~,-,- ( tuimgm «{mu.usiU,,;'r ‘ _ lnhat he 18 domg let the Fall and W inter. . _ , , . . . . teeth tusellul WI D ~- L .;~ 1 .4 - .» Ll: - l [um i i t I s - - ' " Q '- Noelnnds . ' i. I I. ‘\ ‘ .. '1 1-: . . . ..v t. x 12'! lu’:.'t".l A T““l“l":‘l"“3,1411,.illififcflirul lit after 1118 DUCGS 3110 llghh, COHSistcnt Wit-l1 fil’Sh-Cliirivl . . , i, , ;H. ' . 4",“ i that to Ix“ "11 t‘ ' "‘ . ; . . :t ' I‘ . . . _ , t .. sic in 'loronto. . \ - , _,,. . .., a laying: night sets 01 “will “‘4‘ l T, 7 a t 1 ,‘Y 1- f 151 n ‘ I "a r j m fl .7 a t ‘i . : i I” rind elsewhere. ! lb \l Oi 1‘ Edinbhll)‘ Blakeo Oval-3i ' 1 list so ‘ be l FENELON FALLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH-18TH, 1904. They and their systems died. Here and there along the line of history we see the pulled over the eves of the majority. who do the work, that this kindof thing is right, it will continue fur those who benefit by it are not. going to instruct. their dupes in the fraud h; which they get. cool without producin; coal. or anything else. Only by Ill: common ownership of the earth and th 1 fulness thereof, can a just division of labor products with labor be male. D) you want your share?â€" Wayland. o-‘ Prosperity With a Large " P.” _ Some time ago the citizans of Denver were elated because they were going to have a cotton mill. They got it. It was located - at Overland. a" suburb. where. the company erected a lot of shaks for their working cattle. and sent south to get ignorant people to work in the mim, whom it could pluck by rents and other capitalist devices. so that it could get the whole of their labor for just. enough coarse grub and shoddy covering to keen them. Inthe recent rise in cotton the mills closed down. A headline in the Denver News says: “ Cotton Mill Em- ployees are Again Suffering from Want of Food and Other Supplies.” Superin- tendent Gilligan said to the reporter: “I know of my own personal know- ‘ledge that there are men, women and children who are actually starving." And thus we see that capitalism starves the workers. and then depends on the public to feed them when it has no fur- ther use for them. And the workers vote to have this system continue. Ye gods! If they had. the sense of a last year’s bird’s nest, they would quit vot- ing the same old tickets that have rc-' duced them to starvation.â€"â€"Appcal to Reason. ¢-o Fraud in Foods. The best authorities estimate the price paid for dishonestly made or sold food at 3100 000.000 3. year. It is be- lieved that 90 per cent. of this great sum is spent for food which is fraudu- lent bnt not harmful. That leaves one million dollars paid every year for dis- honestly concocted food prep-nations which are either poisonous or distinctly hurtful to those who unwittingly use thetn. It is a monstrous thing that nearly $30,000 a day should be spent for hidden poisons and uoxinus substi- tutes for good food. Red lead is used for making bogm cayenne pepper. Out of forty-one samples of that condiment examined by the Massachusetts Bowl of Health, no less than forty were fraud- ulent Candy is too often colored with deadly red chromate. Of ninetyrtwo samples tested in Massachesetts, eight- een were poisoned in that manner, and marble dust is sometimes found in con- fectioners’ sugar. Compared with such frauds, the more commonly known and glaring food humbugs, such as the sale of young American herring-s as French sardines and the marketing of great quantities of oleomargerine as butter, are of little importance. They do not trifle with life and llealtlt.â€"â€"(}lcnelrnz(l Leader. - _____..... - .. Why Longer Remain Blind ? Coal Creek. Tennessee. has just given- another evidence of the character of capitalism. The coal company hired a private army. and shot and killed four miners and wounded several others. These hired thugs shot the deputy sher- ili’ when he attempted to serve papers on the murderers for their crime. The Constitution prohibits the employment of a. private armv-â€"but what is the con- stitution ? To them it. is nothing but a document to be spit upon. And the working class vote to elect men to con- gress and the legi~latnres who uphold the system that murders them. The capitalists who hired these thugs to com- mit, murder will not be molested, yet; they are really the parties responsible tor the crimes. Workers of America. are you blind to what these conditions clean? Will you still be the political «lupus of those who oppress you? So- einlistn will giVn the workers the abso- lute control of the industry in which you work Don’t you want that ? Then whv vote the old tickets, under WllOSe rule you are but degraded slavesâ€"- Socialist piper. I-.â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" No man will rob himself. There Will 'm robin-rs under Socialism. ' lt's :ll’ right to talk about the digni- tnbur; but don't liizgirt that U.) : :rn-nznt of dignity will buy shoes null '=,r-.- .l for the babies. It’s the rights u?“ :tho:‘ that yo 1 'i‘C interested in. v»... t. .m .K'JLM.I r "(mafia-r ..- M. . , A. ~1",”v“ “a AWN}; .- . t4,z-._rm_m.(..\...l(..mwvsax...” _ d._,, ‘,,.‘ ._‘ ~,<~A‘ __ J... ,, an." t «'cW«Wr:.-;.. v -..- v . l _) l

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