'v WHEN MAKiiiic. vouR ‘ SATURDAY .iPURCHAsEs. ,CIv,_e“‘us A CALL. _ Next Saturday, Jan. .30th, we have the following bargains: - Embroidery :"100 yards ï¬ne muslin Embroidery, all widths, worth from 8 to 250. _ A tableful to be cleared out at 5, 8, and 10c. 'per yard. - . I Whitwear: We bought a range of‘ .Whitewear before the advance in cottons, and we ï¬nd we will require the room' for other goods, so on Saturday we will offer them at'lesslthan they cost to-day. Flannellaflessfour new. stock of Flannellettes V‘- ' for spring is now complete, and values were never ; s'o 0Pood. ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘- ’ ~ 20 pioeces extra wide Flannellette, bought to retail at . 7 and 8c. will be on sale Saturday at 5c. a" yard. , ' Flannellettes that were soldat 100. aiyard last ,sea- son, buta ï¬ner range of patterns in this new lot, itt' 80... a‘yard. . 7 ,, ' _ I j . ’ Full 36 inch Flannellettes, " extra heavy andchome ' patterns, 10c. a yard. . . . _ , , . ‘ .. Best English Flannellettes,ï¬ne soft ï¬nish,very neat - - patterns, worth from 15 to 17C.,'Whlle they last _ only 14 cents a yard. - I . . , TDWBI Bargains : We secured a setofhtraveller’s :' samples of Towels, both ï¬ne linen and Turkish, at a big discount. These'will be offered on Saturday at about half their regular price. - -- ' ' ' ' o m ' ' " ooono Saturday Bargain. Day-in every} Dept. . w. BURGOYNE. VICTORIA COUNTY’SLEADlllG JEWELER. We are making the greatest effort in our history to make the holiday 'season of 1903. surpass anything we have ever attempted. We are showing the best. and most varied assortment of Gem and Wedding Rings, Gentleman's Sig- net Rings, Gold, Gold-ï¬lled. Silver and Gun-metal Watches, _ Bracelets in sev- eral designs, the richest in Gold‘and Pearl Brooches, some elegant goods in cases suitable for geselnts. {EiliXONY Havre it on Hand -‘ . Combs rus ms 1. irrors -. mt, Elgigfysgoods for the ladiesi’n moroccd for use When your cough commences cases. Sterling Novelties, Sterling and ‘ “"3 3'0}: Wm Prevem: many a cold Plated Silverware, etcl' Remember we an , Pei laps WOI‘SG- -, ~ doithe ï¬nest Repairing in watches and DR. BEDRTON’S COUGH SYRUP jewelry, and in Engraving We have no is carefully made from the prescripj§ competitors. Come early 'and give us two of a famous physician, and we a chance by'buying ’your goods and have yet to learn’ of a case that it. having them engraved before the rush. {ultedio beneï¬t, lear in mind we are. headquarters for PRICE (25 CENTS. I Watches, Gem and Diamond Rings, re- pairing in watches and ï¬ne engraving. .S. .gPe-tty, I .i The Jeweller. PURCHASED.- , V ‘W.McKEOWN’$ _, Furniture. and. FURNITURE Undertaking. ifBUSINE‘SS, and will carry a large and. up-to-date stock of furniture: Am also prepared to do all kinds of Carriage Making, Repairing and Repainting, FcneIOn Fame 4 7 WWW aLindsaya Just received this week an- .- other lot of nice Baby Car- ' riages that are Special value. ' Also Extension Tables, Side- boards and Bedroom Suites. ' M i carry- i-u stockia full line I of Parlour Suites Lounges, Chairs, Etc. - Picture framing. a Specialty. and. to make DOORS AND SASH. If you are in need of a.Sew._ sh‘ï¬ï¬‚ggf‘g' done .on ting Machine be sure and see my styles before buying. L nag-MAE I Robson’s Drug Store. . - i --tory will be fully equipped and in ope- ~ thereof are already ‘upon the ground. l l . l Ti-ios. Rossom. -ihat it is “ simply immense.’ 'with electric light. -â€"â€"â€"â€".. .,â€"..,. --..~.._~. w‘ .ï¬-...___~â€"....¢__......_ â€".- . . "i that it is certainly to be built; and if they are or are not in goods‘lizhting he built twenty houses instead of two, condition. In the force pump ready for itis not likely that any one of them work at a moment’s notice, and is the would long be empty; Other buildings hose in perfect. order ? Is the big en- will no doubt be put. up during: the gineâ€"the “ man-killerâ€â€"all right, and coming summer; but the three above where are‘tlie two “ squirts," which, in .mentioned, which will almost certainly spite of the small esteem in which they be the largest and 'most costly. arc-the are held, -- have proved very useful in ' ' only ones we have heard of so far. I the past, and may do soï¬agnin ? All ‘ . _ the abcvc mentioned articles should be A Hard winter. ' ' ’ inspected,'.lor we don't believe anybody H _ I . I . knows to a certainty what condition 'The winter of 1903-»! will no doubt they “1‘6 m' and the .dofecti‘ if any’ bespnkehflof in “m “1mm.†“mo-w is; remedied at once. for therein no fore- ae one oi (lichardest within, the mem, “3ng i": What moment? ï¬fe may break my ofthe oldest inhabitant... _ We have out known the temperature to be a little- lnwer. for a few hours. than it has ever- been this winter; ' but, for steady, per- SNOW BLOOKADE.--â€"l‘he train from Haliburion passed through the Falls on Tuesday morning. but. no other train sisteut. intense 001d. dt‘y aim" d‘W- “"d reached here until 5.45 on Wednesday "'43!!- Plemlng “’lfldsy We “"0 “Wilma. ‘evoing. It did not appear to us that .to think that .the present winter has enough snow had fallen to cause a had no equal for very many years ;-in- deed; we have got into considering it comparatively “3"†When Fhe mercury able; and the northbound train freon in our thermometer 13 "P to zero; A Lindsay could not get through. It was few days ago one of our villagem said“ saidâ€"but whether correctly or not we- 0? is reported to halve sold-7“ I've $0.9" don't knowâ€" that a snow-plow could‘ hundredS'Ol'.Jilbnal‘ies. but-I new? 33“ have cleared the track: easily enouwh. one‘wiihout a thaw .â€; but there has 15m that [here “was, not one to be bid: been no thaw this month, and i5 l9 00“ 'as they were all being used" somewhere within three (18.“ 0f “9 end- sinner {out west ;: and, if so, the residents alonm there was some rein 115‘ Friday all": fthis line (which is'a's proï¬tablevn on; noon, but-there wnsno the-W; Md" 8-†as any; the G'. 'l‘..B‘n._Co. owns) may the rain did was to soften the snow. in- ._»comider themselves badly used; How, to which, Wit-9m it “'38 Of an} WUS‘dL‘Y‘ ever, a train got heromon" Wednesday abie depth; PedeStl'i“,-'Â¥Si,53“ii.“P.‘Pihc‘l'.'oveningwitli twodays' mail, and thc- knc‘es at almOSD GWFY Step: N'Bxfl’flar'†“holiday at ihe-post-oï¬icc came to {mend -“ auditors?- repent." will show a-bis. 6": - ' ‘ ‘ penditure for‘snow plowing;:but neither wenor, we believe, anybody else, wrll Of ‘ Cutters. track at or nenir Cameron was impass- illhe' Fenelon Falls Gazette. North Oxford All Right. ' At the bye election in North .Oxford on Tuesday, Col. Munro, theLibcral candidate, received 2,691 votes and Mr. ' Butler, the Conservative, 1,773; be; it is believed that. when all the returns arcin, Col. Munro's majority will be -of. the village who expected to hear his. begrudge theinoney, for the plow and , Wham“ CO"_"â€" 0e TWSdaY evening the comfort derived, from. its use are ,were disappointed; as a telegram was better worth Wimpthey cost than “Py- ’receiyï¬ed I: the lfprenoon statingdthlm his . w p . - . o a or†was i an con 4 not come - an inn â€", to given in the riding. In ltmbro, where :ih its page", severity, much longer; but Mr. Gamay spoke, 106 Liberal votes 1-,“, Shoum u bust up," suddenly, as he had; not been unwell,’ he-couldinot' were cast and 17 Conservative. V winters occasionally do, won't. there be ’lhave'gOt .t0- the Falls. unless he had' ‘ floods 7'. 4 come part of the way from LindSay in v n sleigh or cutter, as, owing-to the fall " i ' of snow on Tuesday morning, the track was so eï¬'eotually blockaded athameron .5319 by auction of periodicals in the 7that the train" from the south could not. reading roomof; the Public Library t0- get any further, and had-to. go» back. night. A meeting of members will It is much to be regretted that Mr. :ï¬rst be how, bl“ it Wm Pmbably b0 Conklin could not come, as nearly all over by'9 o’clock, if not earlier, and the ' sale will then commence. The tiandford Factory.. . . . T0-NiGIIT.-â€"D0n’t forget the annual Last Saturday evening the stock- holders iu the “ Sandiord Woodenware, Limited "â€"or, at any rate, a large ma- jority of themâ€"met in the factory ;.not for business or festivities, but to see how the building looked all liglited'up and with most of the machinesin mo- . tion. We have. given the-dimensions of the factory in our columns, and with regard to its size,all that we now say is _ " It is now, . almost completed, nearly ï¬fty machines are in their places, and would have been in full operation before this, but fer the non-arrival of tw'o'50 h. p. motors from Hamilton and an immense gen!- erator from Sweden, where they are sold so much cheaper than in Canada that a large amount of money was saved byordcringz it‘from that country. Snme ol the innchincsarc queer looking nii'airs. and one of them, which squeezes six- teen chair»hacks into shape and turns them out dry intweniy. minutes, is the second one of its kind in Canada. An- other, wliich‘einbosscs the chair-backs, cost, we were told, the startling sum of $1.600, though what there was about it to make it worth half, or even a good . deal less than half, that amount we could not see, but suppose it was “ pat- ents." The factory contaiusneurly two hunred electric- lights, which on Sutur- day night were blazingr away “for all they were worth,†and some of the ma- hall would no doubt have been crowded, but the entertainment will be given as soon as possible, and the date will be announced when decided upon. Lnter.-â€"'â€"-Just before. going to press we learn that. the entertainment is to be held on Thursday evening next, EBbz runry 4th. ‘ ' POSTPONED.â€"-â€"~The meeting of Fenc- lon Falls Liberals, advertised for last Monday evening, was not held, as the convention in Lindsay, for the purpose of choosing acacdidate, has been post- poned from the 2nd of February to the 16th. , A meeting will be held here some days-before that date to appoint dele- . AN EQUINE mommaâ€"3h. Joseph gates to attend the convention.- Pogue, of Feuelon. lives on the Naylor COUNTY COUNCIL.â€"e-Tlie Lindsey farmv 01053 “Wile Falls-1 and at present: Evenin Post of Tuesday says: “Mr. J. Ausiqin, Kinniount; Mr. Chas. F-air-‘ ‘l-wned by MCDO‘IKML Brandon & Airs- bnirn, Bobcaygeon; Mr. Win. Channon, Oakwood; Mr. F. Shaver. Little Brit- _ _ niu; and Mr. Alex. McGee, Cameron, team to the watering Plaoev and they members oi the county council, are in were lbllowedv 35’ “Willa: by “Halitosâ€" ,.=tow.nv. in attendance at the January ses- ,[hrf3e yeal"°ld onltsv “filial! mph It into ision, which Opened. at. the court house their heads to take a little trip before this afternoon." gomg home; so, making their way to the village, they ran'down Louisa street HARD TO SWALLow.â€"-A few days and got upon the r,,,1w,,y,,.,,ck just as .1120 MAF- James- Jacksqni 0f F009l00, the noon train for the north crossed the brought to the Falls 21 piece of dry pine, railway bridge, The engineer, - seeing over three Inches long and more than them ahead of him blew * his whistle . 1 - V an inch Wide at one end, that he found it like mad †and Slackened speed; but Stuck through the gizzard 0f 3- fOWl the colts‘would not leave the track, and he had killed. It must‘ have been a (rallopcd a distance of be“, three . .- . . a y dlflicult thing to swallow, but the bird chines were being run by a 50-h.-p. en- got it down SDI-Dehow. anti didn’t appear gins which, so far, has done all the t0 be IDGODVWWWGJ by it: either- wprk’ but WIHCh' an“ the minors and PERSONALSiâ€"Mrs. Sidney Morrison, . . . bisr generator shall have arrived and . - - l. - , I from their homes to l u the cause of "‘ - of Lindsay, Visited her re aiivcs at he , I . H been set up Wlll only have to propel -, W ,, the Loud and persistentwhistling. llie ’ Falls on Saturday......Miss asiburn . , . two saws, the dust collector and the and Miss H Austin left ,his‘week for colts, neither of which had received so small generator that supplies the factory ".1 _ , ' .1 ‘ 1 . I b. much as ascratch, were, taken home by T, I. l t V; icionto, to- speed 3 meat) in he ig Mr Ponue who had f H, d . d r t, 1,3 guano“ “,a‘ millinery,establishments, preparing for ' *3 ' ° “’0 "la cu" were move mm m 0 mmâ€, to he the spring openings.....-.Mr. Jas. Dick- new one have been kept at work upon 80“, D. L“ S" 10,-, on Monday for a busi_ sclneen .dpors, W3?llln§ maphines pod Bess tripato‘rl‘oroutouuuSI“ Pete,.Dey_ c mms ’~ "in m a ew “ya he now “ic' man is visiting-his relatives in town. from which they were released by some neighboring farmerswxwho hadaï¬come rods from the cattle guard when the fugitives fell into it. He desires us to thank, in his name, the friends who lent their. assistance upon. the occasion. ration, and Mr. Sandfiird expects that METHODIST'SOOIAL;;A social under ,' in six or eight weeks from now nearly the auspices of the W. M.) S.“ of. the - ' ' ~ ' » or quite a hundred bands will be em- Methodist Church will betheld on the HIS NERVES_PLAYED QHT ployed. ' evening of Friday next, 5th, at AND HEALTH BROKE DOWN..A LIFE Mrs. F. A. McDinrmid’s. A good pro- SAVED By THE TIMELY USE OF, gramme will be. given by local talent, FE RR 020 NE assisted. by others from Lindsay and I Desorento. Refreshments will also. be “ Ilgpvfagldgbyegsogertgf [fougesgyy writes: . - ‘ ' ‘ , - '. . _ m l “(8 0 gerrozono selved. Everyone .Wlll receigel'acmdial whlch saved my Me after a severe siege 0% welcome. Admisswn 15., an cents. nervous pmstmuom About a year ago my , health gave out conipletel I ‘ ‘ _ . _ y. was 1!] such GOING. TO. CHINA. At the meeting iiwcak, irritable condition tliatI couldn’t of the h‘oreinglsslonal‘V Committee of work, and found that, the doctors did no_ the Presbyterian Church, held in 'l‘o- thing for me but take my money. My drug_ ronto last week, Miss Agnes Dickson, 2"“ recommended F'errozone as the best B; A., of Fcnelon Falls. was appointed prep’watm" for nervous troubles, 80 I com- _ _ I . . . menced at once to take one tablet at l to the posrtion of_ misswnary in M scan, Every box of Fermzone “00k seem‘gaafé China. MISS. Dickson wrll leave in ‘ _ do me more good than the previous one, August, and her passage to China and and it wasn’t very longbefore I was strong her maintenance while there will be enough to move around again.~ In three borne by the Women’s Missionary Soci- months I was completely cured: and know of. the Presbyterian Church-s of that I wouldn’t be alive io-day if I hadn’t It is needless to say that New Buildings. How many buildings will be erected in the Falls this year we do not know, but there will be at least three, of brick, and probably some wooden ones. The largest and most imposing will be a store, 44 x 8'0'fcet. and about 24 feet high, which Mr. Joseph McFarland intends to put up on the north-east cor- ner of Colborne and Francis streets. and the stones for- the foundation walls Next comes the new, spacious two-story parsonage which the Methodist-s will build on the Intel}; purchased 'lialf- acre “‘5' lot on the corner of Colborne and Queen Nontreal- streets, but regarding which we have no particulars,'as the plans and speciï¬cn- p tions have not yet" been drawn up. ' How, ABOUT FIRE ?_The vinago Aims†the "ver' Mt‘dfliT-VdBrï¬?“ possesses ï¬re-ï¬ghting appliances, such m" 9‘" up a no“ ‘ on e we "'3 as they are, and we thinkit our duty to house, probably a story and a half high, - _ - mu, “high.†know. homing “coat. ask occasionally, as we ask now, whether used Ferro‘zone. It braced up my nerves, fornervous people.†of a. very large circle of friends. ‘ The reason Ferrozone is so succesaful in“ tb every elements that are needed to restore blockade, but by-noon on Tuesday the . DiSAPPOiNr-ED.â€"'l‘lic many residents I printed and circulated: ‘But, even if? the reserved seats were sold and the" Waters his stock at a spring on the farm . tin, just across the read On-chncsâ€" ‘ " day of last week he led his working miles, when they fell into a cattic guard, of'the train hands and three or four ' ter with his son, and Virus ‘not thirty . - I . gave me a strong, healthy constitution, and- she. Will take With her the best Wishes is certainly a marvellous tonic and reStorer- curing nervous diseases is that it contains. the wasted nerve cells. It is a nourishing,‘ strength-gifting tonic that costs 500. per: box, containing, three weeks" tnatmnh. ,v...“ , ,.,.. n- -...._. ._ ,. I - ,.-<:¢-ve-_-.v