Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 8 Jan 1904, p. 5

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. ‘L-‘s R.- ' . cures weak heart and restores this organ to Lamedicine in the world is Ferrozone, which ' beats any substitute; Widely used by doc- ' R.'A.Robiuson 'sk 9 v. T. Graham sk 10 ‘ “My liver-got». sluggish and torpid and Catarrhbsone, an antiseptic that penetrates the remotest air Cells of the lungs. Cat’s ‘ arrhozone reaches the entire‘ mucous sur- face'of the throat arid-breathing apparatus. It carries health, Wherever it goes, brings instant relief and is absolutely certain to cure. Don’t delay, get Catarrhoaone‘ to~ duy.‘ 'It means health, eer‘tain‘ cure. Two months" treatment, $1, trial siz‘e 25c. Cat- arrhoaone is guaranteed. Sold by W. H: Robson. . ' MASONIC. â€"- The Masons of Spry Lodge met for divine service, and at- tended. in a body at the Methodist church last Sunday ‘murniug. Although the- woather was extremely cold, the attend- ance was very creditable to the order in A Feuelon Falls, but there was only one visiting-brother, the thormOmeter havâ€" ing marked 32 below Zero early that morning. The pastor, Rev. J. Garbutt, clad in the regalia of a Past- Master Mason, was in his pulpit, and preached a most excellent discourse from Hebrews _ chapter 1, verscs 1 and 2. Seamus Accrnnxr..â€"e Miss Lydia Hall met witha very serious accident 3' while returning from'attcnding service in St. James’s church on New Year’s "-,Eve.» Alt t'he‘corner-‘of Francis and Mzarléet streets, a few rods fro'm'her home, one of her feet slipped from and then caught against the edge of the side walk, and she was thrown down, the back of her head striking the sidewalk with such violence ' that she remained totally unconscious for fully tsvelve hours, and did not regainfull possession ef'lier senses .nntil the following even-. iug. Dr.,Gr‘raham' was called in, and, I under his care, she gradually recovered from the effects of the accident. Many Sudden Deaths Are traced to a heart that. was neglected. If. your heart isrweak" or beats too rapidly lyou: need’ Ferrozone to strengthen the heart’s muscles, regulate its action._ and stop smothering spasms. Ferrozone always? .a. strong, healthy state. The best heart toes and sold at 500. per box by all drug- gists. CURLING.â€"- This is, great weather for the Curlers, and they are using- it as iziard as they know how.- The-regular rink games are going on every evening and some good playing is being done. On New Year's Day six games were" played between the president, Mr. Rob- inson, and the vice-president, Mr. Sad-l i‘er,.eneh with three rinks, and resulted as follows : ERESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT; J. H. Brandon, sk 149v: W.H Robson sk 8 F.A.McDiarmid‘sk 10 v; '1‘. Graham sk 12 R A. Robinson sk 4- v. T. Sadier ‘ sk 14 FAMcDiarmi-d-sle 4 v. W.H.Robson sk 19 .15 H. Brandon. sk 14 v. .’I‘. S'adler sk 8 Total V ' 55 71 Majority for vice-president, ‘16 shots. CORRESPONDENCE . __________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"- L To the Editor of the Fenelon Falls Gazette : DEARSIR, I desire through your paper to drawer the'uttention of the village council to the scarcity of the water supply, 'and the need of giving it immediate a‘tention. The sup- ply tenths village is at best inadequate, but on account of the small rain-fall of last year, the matter is becoming serious. _ Could" not the council at once take steps to ascer- tain where water could be obtained in suf- ficient quantity to supply the village ; and if need be have the water-tested and filtered. for use? The supply should be kept within: ' easy reach ofthe central part of the village. Ifésuch steps are taken, those who have a. moderate supply in wells or springs on their premises.- will. likely- be able to get along, but if'the' present small supply is over-taxed, and should this weather. con» tinue for several weeks, we may-.pay.for our neglect in a ‘Way which will not be best for us. Yours, JOHN GEARBU’I‘J‘. ______________.___â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" HIS LIVER. DIDN’T WORK... AND DREADFUL HEADACHES -AND 'DE- PRESSION FOLLOWEDâ€"GUBED BY-‘-‘ 1 FE'RI‘R O'Z’O‘N E . Mr. Lionel S. Lascell of Strathcona, had a,» trying time with liver complaint, but wisely used Ferrozone in time.. He saysw made me feel about half dead. When I-zgot up in the morning I was as - tired as it L 'hadn’tsleptntall. My head'ached, and specks swam-hetero my» eyes-. incessantly. It‘l bent over or did auy‘~stooping work Izwould be in :a perfect whirl in two min- utes. I'felt- depressed and out of sorts, and only got relief'irom Ferrozone. It went right to work, and . before long cured me.~ Ifee-l- everso much improved in health since using Ferrozoue, which I strongly recommend for the kidneys and liver.“ Mr. Ed. E. Moncriei, of Springfield, says : “For years i was subject to frequent at.- tacks of liver complaint, and no remedy ever cured like Ferrozene. When my head ached fit to split, and I felt. drowsy and sick, Ferrozone relieved quickly. I used Ferrozone two months after being cured, V V and haven’t been bothered since.” _ ills you can‘t beat Ferromae. specialaction on these organs, and at once. puts them in a strong, healthy condition. Ferrozone isn’t the kind that just relieves - â€"it cures, and cures thoroughly. Ferro- sone prevents $2.50. All druggists, or by mail from-.v'l‘he Fen-ozone 00., Kingston, Out”. Get a an; '- ply: radar. Bran, per 100 lbs -- . Shorts, “ “ .... .... . 90 1-00 a return of further-trouble,. and costs only 506. a box, or six hoses for, v I I ll BIRTI-IS. _ Mucous â€"-At Fenelon Falls, on Sunday, January 3rd, the wife of Mr. James Minore of a daughter. , 1311-30.; 1 . , DoWsorI.â€"In the township of‘Glarke, on Tuesday, November '4th, 1903, Ralph Dowâ€" eon, aged 89 years, 6 months and 12 days. [Deceased, who came fromDurham, Eng- land, 68 years ago, was the father of Mr. Wm; S. Dowson, ‘of-Somerville, and Mr. John Dowsou, oi Fenelon.] " . J CUNNINGirsM-s-At'Fenelon Falls, on th 4th inst, Mrs. J. H. Cunningham, wife of the late George‘Ounningham, Esq , of Pe- terborough. r v Remâ€"Jr: the township of Fenelon, on Tuesday, January '5th, George Reid, aged, 63 years, 10 months and 2'days. _________________.._.__â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"- ,___,_._.__..._._â€".-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-'--â€"~ FENELON FA LLS MARKETS. Fenelon. Falls, Friday, Jan. 8th, 1904. Repofle'd 01/ me ivorm mar Roller Mill (Jo. \Vheat.Scotch or Fit‘e .... 75 to 80 .Wheat', fall, per bushel.... p 73 75 Wheat, spring .,... .... 73 75 Barley, per bushel.... . ... $5 38 Buckwheat“ . . .... . . 37 '40 Oats, -.f‘ .... .... 26 27. Pease, “ .... 57 65 Rye, -. “ , __45 47 Potatoes, “ 2-5 ' so Butter,per 1b....... 16. ~18 Eggs, per dozen.......... 16 18 Hay,per ten............. 7.00 8.00 Hides . 4.50 5.50 Hogs (live) ...... .. 4.75 5 00 Hogs (Dressed) .. .. .. . ... _5 50 V 6-00 Beef . . . . . . . . . . ... ....,.. .. 450 5.50 Sheepskins.......,.,..... 50, _ .75 Wool, ....... . ..... 8 i4 Flour, Silver Leaf .. 1.10 2.30 Flour, Victoria .........._ ,2.00 2.20 Flour Famil' Cli er.... 1-85 2-0.5 3 . Y; PP 80 90 Mixed Chop “ .......... 1.l54 1.25 WANTED. 1,000,000 Feat Elm, Birch, Maple, Ash, Beech and Bass- wood, in logs or lumber. Highest prices will be paid. ‘ For terms apply to Sandiord Furniture and Whodenware Limited, or their agent, RICHARD BYRNELL, ' ' ‘ Fenelon Falls 46-2111. A Christmas Box To the Farmers. We have decided, as the village of Fenc- lon Falls and the County have a live inter- est in the big stone mill now operated by me, having guaranteed the bonds for the purchase of same, to show my appreciation. of the fact by giving the farmers a Christ- mas Box that on and after this 10th day of December, 1903, I will do your chopping, and do it well, for the popular price of Five Cents a Bag. As we were not members of. the combine that raised the price 'to-:7~’e:, we are under no obligations to- anyone except the farm- - ers, whose friendship and trade we wish to cultivate; and you will find us willing at all times to do everything in our power to make our business relations both pleasant and profitable to both. We will also ex- change your wheat for flour. So kindly. , remember, “Chopping at five cents at’ Meldrum’s mill.” Wishing-you one and all a Merry Christmas and a. Prosperous New Year, IF’am, sincerely yours, . w. H. MELDRUM. WE SELL McWATTERS’ BREAD; IT ‘ IS ' GOOD BREADâ€"- TRY IT; D. STINSON. van were nor no ToiMontreal or New York for choice. patterns or low» prices in- "ALL PAPER. for your. selection. ‘ _ ’ ' 600 DWIH'S;, LINDSAY,, NEXT 'ro. - srnson. HOIISE. - Begins-Tuesday,.8ept.Ist. ~.We have them- here. now . Men’s Women’s and Children’s 3L" Pris, ‘ t i all colors WINTER G one s . . "I have a Stock“ of Axesand SaWs. of all? kinds, calculated to meet all the require-e 'ments of the -man Who is getting out i ' wood. If you are doing anythingin this lineyou cannot spend a few minutes to? better advantage than in looking over“ 'what I3 carry in theselincs. ’ ' and shapes. , races. fight: ; J. 'J'. Nansen. ch. H. MccEE._f \lw.w..hallou.~ " r . l l customers and friends a. happy ' i has F. van come .. To ULD ‘ " I am prepared to supply all necessary material‘ for House or Barn building at reasonable prices, and it will pay you to consult me before buyino‘.j. Planing done «on short notice by first class workmen. and - prosperous New Year. WM. . CAMPBELL. hammWWai Miss . ,Washburn, Millinery. Penelon Falls... I Dress Hats, Ewerythiag ' Feathers ,, l The Fall Term VelvetHats, in Millinery Chenille: _._OF THE_ Felt Hats, for xma‘s at Novelties v S.1k H, t - -_ Reduced ' . ’ 1 a s, Prices_ Ribbons, ' Models for can. and Veilings, '"Silks, Etc. ‘ BHSENESS GOLLEGâ€"E 'StreetWearfi . Inspect. ,- Specialties for Xmas presents in Silk Drapes, Cushion Tops,t- Silk Handkerchiefs, Collars, Belts, etc, at very reasonable- prlces. ‘ If you want to succeed, attend this school; Its superior work, excellent results, and splendid location place it in the front rank of Business Col- leges. Fees are lower thaninmost schools. Write for particulars. VIM. PBINGLE, ' Principal. llNBSAl MARBLE WORKS. Baht. Chambers Is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- say and surrounding country with MONU- MEN’I‘S and HEADSTONES, both-Marble “and granite. , -50 YEARS“ EXPERIENCE' TRADE MARKS - DESIGNS v I COPYRIGHTS ac. Anyone sending a slret oh and desert tion may quickly ascertain our opinion free w other an invention is probably patentable. Communica- tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents- sent free. Oldest fluency for securing patents. Patents taken through Mann 8:. Co. receive ~ special notice, without charge, in the shaman fineness. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir. culntion of any scientific ,ournal. Terms. $1; Err-v year: four months, 81. So (1 by all newsdenlers. & catisiBI-oadway, Branch Union. 625 F Stu Washington. D. I ‘Estimates promptly given on all kinds or don’t buy until you have cemetery work; . Marble Table Tops,'Wash Tops, Mantle Pieces, etc,, a specialty. visited my factory on Fran- cis Street east. 1 am selling without. regardato cost, and i can give you better value than you can get elsewhere. r. t. CHAMBERS. beings practical workman, all should see his designs and compare prices before. purchasing elsewhere. WORKSâ€"In the rear-of" the Market on Cambridge-st, opposite the packing house R. CHAMBERS. _. . All kinds'oi . Rough Lumber, : Dressed. Lumber, Leth,‘ I v Shin‘g1es, Millw'ood... MW llllllllll Hill lilllll: is printed every Friday at. the office, corner May- and Franci-sStreets. A- POUND 0F HONEY' Will go as far as a’ pound of butter, and if both artlcles be: of the best the honey will cost the less of 'the two --â€"at present only Izalf as mm]; as butter. _ Butter is at its best only. when fresh, while honey properly. kept remains-indefinitly good. - The honey I sell is the w bestsyOu can buy... Every- one who has ' used at says so... ' nu. Rani)... , SUBSCRIPTION : $1.00 ApYEAR, IN ADVANCE or one cent per-week will belladded, asvlong. as‘it remains unpaid... â€"â€" Advertising" Rates. Professional orrbusiness cards, 50 cents per line per annum. Casual advertisem'ents,= 8 cents per line for the first insertion, and 2 cents per.line ferevery subsequent inser-- tion. Contracts by the year, half‘year or~ ,less,.upon reasonable terms. TELEPHONE IN OFFICE."- WW 'at'Mr.“W'. Northey’s.. , ,, iililiiiIIBillittiiiiilt. " [JOB PRINTING executedneatly, cor- rectly and at moderate. prices-a. '- ' E..D.~ HAN-Dy. . , Enlighten. .1 R 5F. SA'NDFORDm: Orders for. wood may be left? ,e‘

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