Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 8 Jan 1904, p. 3

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.l___iu.__.l , . f _ . ._-__.___..__ OR, A BROTH ééé {fi‘éfiéééééfidfiha CHA I’TER 1V. ."l‘liomas Smith, of Liverpool, is a big man. He contols three lines of ocean-going steamers;. he owns two cotton factories; he has refused a peerage; he manages a colliel'y; he he has founded a Seamen’s Hosyfital, and keeps it going out; of his own' pocket; he is half proprietor of a slate quarry; he has stations in all the world’s great ports where a ship may buy anything from a basket of cabbages to a water condenser; he grows ten square miles of oranges in Palmetto; and he lives 0n twelve . shillings 'a day, including cab fares. So you see, he is a big man. The first principle of his business creed is to see every caller at Orange House, Duke Street, Liverpool. You may be a railway porter or you may be a princeâ€"it is all the same. Wait your turn and you are ushered into the great man’s presence, if he is not in Belfast, arranging for new boats to be built; in. Hamburg, negotiating with other merchant princes for the. starting of a row line to China; in London, piloting a Bill through Comâ€" mittee; in. Paris, stirring up the very still waters of French marine insur- ance. If a clerk tells you that Mr. Smith is not in, you may feel assur- ed you are hearing the truth. Ifyou are asked to call again to-morrow at 11.15, you may sleep soundly in the surety that at 11.15 to-morrow you shall certainly see Thomas Smith, if you have not gone blind in the meantime. " Thomas Smith sees everybody, from A to Z, because he never knows when or where he may Want a friend, or at least a useful acquaintances He is especially cour- teous to the gentlemen of the press; that was why, when Hector Grant's card was taken 'in at ten minutes to eleven, that fair morning in ‘August, a clerk came out to llector and said : , "Are you the gentleman who in- terviewed Mr. smith last year about tie orange trade with Palmetto?” "I am. I didn’t think Mr. Smith would have remembered n1c.”. said Hetor. "As a. matter of fact,” said the clerk, with a smile, “Mr. Smith doesn’t know you are here. I have been looking up the index of visitors for you name. I have to tell Mr. Smith all about visitors before he sees them.” I And he left Hector wondering over this little bit of the system that helped Thomas Smith to be the powâ€" erfrl man he was and is. Then he wondered if in should be thrown into the street for his pains, so mad, so unboundly audacious seemed to him at that moment the proposal he had come to make to the Orange King. In effect, what was it ? Sim- ply to ask a man who had plenty of uses for his morey to back with half a million sterling an enterprise that was, on the face of itâ€"- "Will you follow me please ?" Hector followed the clerk into the great man’s presence, exactly as he had done a year before. Thomas Smith was dictating to a shorthand writer. ‘ “In conclusion, and for the last time,” he was saying, “I must de- cline to entertain the proposal of amalgamation. I can run my boats to Valparaiso (healer and quicker than you can yours, and I can make them pay. The trade can be made worth £70,000 a year, so I prefer to get the business into- my own hands. llelie‘c me, et:ete.a.” . Then he turned to Grant. “Good-morning. That was a very excellent article you did about the orange trade with Palmetto. You forgot to mention that the boxes in wnich tl'e fruit is shipped are made in Palmetto, the prepared boards only being sent out in bundles from Liverpool. They haven’t cheap enough wood inPalmetto, 1 can give you seven minutes, What can I do for you?” ’ "What would you be g'ér‘epared to pay for a ninety-nine years’ monop- oly of the orange trade of Palmet- to 1?)! “You mean to do as I liked with itâ€"grow, carry and sellâ€"and no one else to have a finger in it ?” “That’s what'I mean.” , Thomas Smith made a rough cal- culation on the corner of a blotting- pad. He pulled a long fa’ce, tugged his moustache, and laughed. "I don't see why Ishould work out simple multiplication sums for you, young ‘man, but I’d pay three hundred thousand for it now. <€§§€€éé€<€<§<<<€ééé éééfi€€€€§€€€€€é€<€€€€€€éfiéééé A WOMAN’S LGVE , chick, father, ER’S PROMISE ~9999§299> Qééééég. fl§§fl§§§§§§§§E§§§§§§§§§§§§§B§B§§§§§§§§9§§§§§§§§99§§§® it l'll make use of it, either lmblkly or privately.” This was certainly frank. “Well,” said Hector, "l'll trust to your honor, and 1 think your sense of business will maize you come in with us.” . "Go ahead. Three of your seven minutes are gone.” " "I’ll tell you in two. The Palmet- tos are going to rise against Hisâ€" paniola. They want ‘to set their :ightful Queen on the throneâ€"the last of the llibeirosâ€"and to, free themsclvcs from I-lispaniolan tyranny and extortion. Everything is cut and dried: success is to be had for the taking.” “I have heard rumours of this sort of thing before. Why' do you come to me ‘2” “For money. We have to get arms land ammunition, for we have none, ior next to none. I want a couple of ships, too-one to carry 'the arms, the other to convey the Queen to the isle of Palms.” ~ "You have the cl‘Cek of the devil!” "In return, I, acting for the Queen, guarantee to place in your hands a charter granting you the orange monopoly for ninety.nine years.” “You’re either attempting to work your first confidence game or you’re a very special specimen of the new Em- pire builder. You haven’t been in the revolution business before '2” He.tor smiled. "No." "You’ve got no rapers with you, I suppose, to show me that this is a hora-tide proposal?” "No. but I can get them. in a few days.” i "Umâ€" You're stopping here?" I "Yes, if it. seems likely that you ~willtake this thing up. I may as well be frank with you. You are Inry trump card, my only card in fact.” 4. "That’s enough. Your time's up. I ltaxe to go to Aberdeen to-night. Come with me?" “Right.” “Meet me at the Exchange Station 1at 11.25. A carriage will be re- served. We can talk. Goodâ€"morn- ling.” And before he knew it Hector ,Grant was on the pavement of Duke jStreet, full of the desire to break in- lto a Highland fling, for he felt conâ€" lvinced that Thomas Smith was go- ing to take a hand in this game. Hector felt himself a new man; emancipation from the Ixionâ€"wheel of journaiism began the change, and the thrill caused by new excitement [completed it. His step was buoyâ€" {ant, his eye was bright, and his ilieart leaped within him. The. old Ifighting spirit was roused, and he knew himself strong enough to overâ€" come a thousand obstacles. I-lis in~ terest in Palmetto, its unhappy folk, and its forlorn Queen, was certainly not waning; yet he knew, as he walk- ed towards the docks, that there was growing in him the mere desire, of liighting, that mad lust which has 'scnt so many gallant Scots to bleed and die on foreign fields, soldiers of fortune, raid pawns in the sport of kings. Well, after all, 10 was going to have his fun. He had nor wife nor mother, sister, nor brother; to if he had to pay heavi‘y for lis amusement, there would he himself only to be considered, and a ldebt; to ortesclf is already cancelled. He had few friends, and those he valued mostrâ€"there \veze but twoâ€"- would understand him. Dr. Henry Balfour, under his cloak of flippancy and slapâ€"dash cynitism, lid a heart iof rare. worth much feeling, and great lundcrstanding. And the second, honâ€" .est Alasdair Macquarrie, Hector’s liosterâ€"brotherâ€"a Highlander, blessed with all the Celtic reticen:e and cursed with all the Celtic imaginaâ€" tionâ€"would have but one regret :I that l‘e could not share Hoctor’s perâ€" |ils and adventures if this thing came ito anything. Yet why should not Alasdair have a share of the fun ? He too was lonely,» and he would follow Hector to the world’s end. He was to have been a fighter, had |not the medical authorities of the EBritish army decided that a man iblind of 01:0 eye was of no us to 'her Majesty. 'At twenty-five- minutes past ..cleven Mr. Thomas Smith joined Hector, who, with a sleepy hotel porter at his feels, was impatiently pacing up and _c’own the platform; The great man carried his owii hand-bag. ' ' "Our carriage is 349, the compartâ€" I’d iment nearest the engine,” said Mr. give double if it were possible to [Smith guanant'ec. that~ the Hispaniolan offiâ€" c:als Wouldn’t want palm oil every quarterâ€"paid in English gold, too. Double, and that's a fact.” , 4 “Well,” said Hector, “supposing I, grarantee' that Hispaniolan offi- (-ials-â€"~â€"-" _ ‘ "Look here, who‘sent you here, Hector took his portmanteau (four times the size of the Orange King’s), gave the man a' shilling, and followâ€" ed towards carriage 3-49. As soon as they were seated Mr; Smith openje otng I can’t afford to set up as to the clerk, saying, "Yes’ to the first two; ‘No’ to the other three.” opened the last as the train began to inove, read it, laughed, waved a. hand to the clerk, and said "Don’t wait, Gray,” and as the clerk call- ed "Good-night,‘ sir,” turned to re- read the message. After a time he folded it. up and placed it in his pocket-book. "Well, young man” (Mr. Smith himself was not yet fifty), "What do you think (f your chances of success in'this thing '2" "Everything seems against us, but that lool-.s a good arrguiy for suc- ccss.” "You’ve discovered one of the gold- en rr les, though rules are of no great good in business. 1 take it, you mean to run this revolution on busiâ€" ness lines.” . "As far as I am ‘comerned, yes.” “Good. - Now, 1 shall want Some evidence in writing of your bonaâ€" fides, and that of your Confederates, before 1 stir land or foot.” “Confederates is not the word to use,” said Hector, "but. let that pass. As regards documents, not a single scrap of writing shall you have untilâ€"-â€"” ','Why 7” . "One line may hang a man, two lines certainly will.” “if you won’t write how am I to be. made sure of you 7” "I’ll tell you all you can now pos- sibly want to know, and what I can’t tell you lzer Majesty and her advier, Senor Bravo, shall. You come (.fzen to London; I shall take you to their house, and my word will be guarantee for your safety.” “You would consent to put. the agreement about the monopoly in writing ?” “Certair 1y.” "Who would sign it ’9” “Queen Maddalena, of course.” “Her signature is not worth the paper it’s written on.” "it will be when what we aim at is accomplished.” "I’ve had a doren fellows like you come to me. below with wildcat schemes.” “About Palmetto 7” “No, other places. I’ve put money into two affairsâ€"ore in Guatemala, one in Morocco, and they came to Grand Moneyâ€"bagâ€"inâ€"ordinary to re- volution promoters. The game's a good game, I admit; but, after all, it's net worth the candle.” “You don't know how the Palmet- to people aro simply dying to fight for their Queen.” "Will they win for her? the point.” “I say yes. Don’t forget, too, the s:ores they have against Hispaniola â€"every one with a long bill of inter- est. All they want is arms. They are organized into regiments.” “Do you tell me the Hispaniolan officers know nothing about that?” “You’ve been in Pa‘metto and you tell me you don’t know how the Hispaniolan officers spend their time. Ti ey get up in time for breakfast at eleven, they lounge about the patim until two, they sleep until six, they dine, they go to the Alameda to hear the band, and they" play cards until four in tle morning. How can they know? They lca\e drill and regimental duty and everything they ought to do to their sergeants, and the sergeants, for a few centesimos a day, forget to trouble the men. 'And the cikil servants are too busy back- sheeshing to know anything.” "But' if it came to a fight what could peasantryâ€"even organized peasâ€" antryâ€"do against soldier-y ?” . "Organized peasantry, with your help in the way of arms and ammunâ€" ition, and with the wildest shooting rould mow tl'em down like grass. The Hispaniolans in the island haven’t enough ammunition to get ordinary target practiceâ€"their offi- cers have stolen it and sold it to pay tleir card debts. You forgot, too, how people fight for their free- dom.” “No, I don’t forget it, but I put no relianre on it. I’ve heard that before, and it was a fizzle. Can you give me proof ofryour organization?” “it isn‘t mine. 'But come with me to Palmetto, and. see for yourself. We can easily ’see. The Hispaniolans don’t suspe;t anything. The only thing they guard against is the land- ing en the island of the Queen Mad- dalena. They have a. holy horror of that. Will you come to Palmetto ‘2” "Tell you to-morrow»-â€"- You want two ships? One for arms, one for the Queen ‘2” llX’es-il "But there is only one good land- ing-placepn Palmetto, and the His~ paniolans are all about it.” "'l-‘ll find another.” "l‘here was silence for a, little. Then the Orange King placed his handâ€" bag in the rack,_,opencd out a rug and tucked himself in. “Well,' I’m going to sleep now. 'We‘fll finish your talk over breakfast in Aberdeen. Goodâ€"night.” -In less than five minutes the Orâ€" ange King Was sleeping the sleep of the just.‘ Hector was not long 'in That’s following his example, and-Strangely ‘ enough, corisider‘ifig"the exciting Cirâ€"- cumstances of the past two days and ed his hand-bag, took out a scribblâ€" nights, he, slept a. sound dreamless ing'pad, and ‘with a fountain pen. be- gan to cover the paperlat. a, great Mr. Grantâ€"Grant is your n‘ame,.‘isrr’t irate with alrnOst ’infli‘nitestimal .writ5 it ‘7'" v , “Nobody sent rue here,” said Hector. "‘I’m here. on my own‘ iniâ€" tiative. if you take my proposal in a busiren spirit ] will sell you, un- der certain conditions. . ~ , . "What-have you. got. to -.do with Palmetto '2”, . ,;. _ 2., .. -._~ . ' “‘Yowwill'J‘egard what I tell you as being absolutely private !” "I’ll do .no such thing; if I think 1*. worth my while to make use of .ing. g As the clack showed twenty:- nine minutes ~past eleven,“’a ’cléirk’ sleep: Neither of them awoke until they w‘vere roused by I a ticket-coiled tor at Ferryhill, justqoutside 'Aber- de‘hi-.,-~ ' ‘ ": '~ ‘Th‘e'y‘ breakfagttid at 'the Palace hurried: up to.-; the door; and stand'iii‘g‘f‘Hotel,” Eturfi. window overlooking. the on the step passed a handful of tel-' lower length of Union Street, When egrams alldhcablesnthrgughzihe «an» dow.» Mr. Smith tore. oa;,t_.he.-.,,‘sheet ‘ lie-had been writingapd éfli’cgjt .wto the clerk,- Saying,"“'Slée‘tb‘lhéhe ' "in" the morning.” . . ~Then he took the telegrams, opened and glanced at them, tosmd two on they: came to, the second cup.._.ofl coffee; 'Mif. Smith’ broke the", Silurirc' engendered'byi-‘a good meal‘an'd the morning pafperr " ' " ‘ " ' "I’ll finish‘the preliminaries of our business now, young man. I' have to see some shipping people this to the floor. react. firs, passed them 'moming, and one must have a. clear . chief wrought 'by‘twelve‘idiOté in “vain ' 'dlrink' "" beer ‘2” ‘â€"'~"â€"â€"â€"‘ head and;an untroubled mind to leepl HERE AND THERE- WW _._â€"â€" level with these Aberdonians. If half a dozen of them were in Liverâ€" pool ] should lave to shift: there w'ouldn’t be a livingin it.” "We Scots,” said Hector, laughing, "have a saying that an, Aberdonian would rake a certain unmentionable place for a lza’penny.” “He’d certainly form a company to supply granite pavement in place of the present unsatisfactory 'materâ€" ial. Tl‘e 'Aberdonian has only two . . . points in lis creed: the first is monâ€" “‘0 Stupld OHCS‘ ey, and the second is granite. But the sortil‘g- . . . to our own matter. You’ve hem, Among the tl‘l'lJOS of the interior of very- straight with me_ 111 be as Sumatra there is a cruel custom . or straight with you. 1'11 come to Lon- piously and ceremoniously killing don toâ€"morrow night and see the and eating aged Parents- . Queen. lf everytling seems satisfacâ€" In Lapland, the. crime which is tory, I’ll go with you to Palmetto punished most. severely, next. to mur- sometime this month. "And if things der, is the marrying of a girl are all right there, I’ll put a hunâ€" against; the express wish of her par- drcd thousand down the moment the ents. ' monopoly is signed; When I have Denmark has reason to be proud of assurances that the Powers Won't her system-of education. The number interfere, 5'03 $1311“ 1‘3“? the Icmanof people who cannot read or write All Over the World. Sandwich Islanders knock out their front. teeth mourning. _, On payment of $300 a. young man is excused from military service by Spain. ' 12‘. the public schools of (icr'rnguiy,' the bright pupils are separated from Medical men (Y ing four" hundred thousand. . . is Inssumn mm pm. cam“ l 'don t‘thrnk tle lowers W111 111' In Armenia children are not' al- fil'felrt‘n f01 ll} 1058 than t“’0_ days lowed to play with dolls. It is fear- },gfp‘uls‘o}? “m be at “"31‘ “llth'wthc ed that if this wore permitted the f"? ,La 05 ,0f ‘ on“). A‘mcnca' little ones would learn to worship She ll get beaten. How (.0 1 know ‘2 “fem Ts idolq I z ‘ , ‘ . .. . . ' “legato; 911111}:’%::fitdg:§htw:: Many old houses indlolland have writing the ultcimatum when it was a special down Whit-1.1 IS never Openâ€" sent. Hispaniom wonat give in. the ed save on tWo occasronsâ€"whcn there Powers have urged her to until they are tired : now she can take her own wayâ€"and her beating. "She will be beaten. I know that family. , In. Chill the female tram conduc- tor is being slowly abolished, owing to the danger of dresses catching .in passing objects while passing along the outside of the cars collecting fares. _ A Cuban baby is baptized when it is two weeks and a. day old at the Very latest. A (Julian baptism- al party would not think of walking to church, even though the building be next door. One of the curious social laws of Peru forbids worm-n to attend fun- erals, and they do not appear at _ weddings (except as one of the prin- ‘vat‘h' The Free States Will take cipals), unless they are very inti~ their pound of fleshâ€"and so may any mate friends- of the contracting parv more than half luer fleet is rotten.l onestxong enough to grab. 'All tlis Her showâ€"ship, the Buy Illas, hasn’t got her condensers in yet, and her belowâ€"water armour-plate was sold by the captain at Sarralona last month. for scrap, twopence .a pound. More than half the. shells in her arâ€" senals are dummies, most of her gunpowder is sawdust, and her offiâ€" carsâ€"well, brave enough individually, but no- gocd in modern naval warâ€" fare. How can she help being beaten ? "'The Powers will stand off and miglirrs we” [91‘ your SChemc'” Samoa is not one island, as is fro-- Smuggul not say our SChCmC’ M)" qucntly imagined. but a group of ' “Not yet .-, small islands 1n the Sinrtherrn Pa- ..But 3,0,; are hopeful ?,, crfic. lhero are nine Islands in all. ‘ One of the largest. is Upolu, which “I am rever hopeful until a thing . . . v.. . ." \ 1 - '1’). 11' .. ms '9’ V. is finished. But," l.e added refiecâ€" $2121?” 1mm m ‘(ht’ t 1 0 ’ to , tively, “I don’t see why this affair shouldn’t be finished. Waiterâ€"a cab. Goodâ€"morning, Mr. Grant. See you in London on Friday, Constitutional Club, half-past tenâ€"ask for _me.” Hector patted himself on the shoulâ€" der. “Good boy!” he said. “Put your faith in the Orange King, and he will 'pull you through !” He lit a cigarette and went out into the sunshine. The best cod liver oil is made. in Norway. For three months. begin- ning in January, the fish come in from the. Arctic Ocean to the Nor- way fjords, or bays, to spawn, and sometimes so many as sixty millior. {is are. caught in a single season. Russian peasantry are tempted t< settle along the new Government railroad in Siberia. Ono inducement (To be Continued. ) is the marvellous cheapness of trav- . elling. The fares range from $1.56 _â€" ' for 1,200 milcs.. to $3.75 for z: MICROSCOPE OUTDONE. 14,000 mile trip, Japan has 200,000 registered case: SCience Learns 3- I-esson. From of leprosy. There is no pity of Sunbeams' compassion for the lepers. Man of The sunbeam’s visibledust particles WORM“: 3'0)!“sz 01' 01d. .they a!“ have taught a lesson to scientists, turned adrift on the highways and the regult is an instrument far homeless Wanderers, dependent for beyond the microscope in _power. subsistence upon casual doles o! What this will mean in the study of 170051 “WOW” to film” “’Qm “far- germs of diseases and as an aid to The making or shon for (lo-gs has 'the medical world can hardly be ca} now developed into (gurte a big Illi- culatc.d_ dustry, and is especially flourishing Profs. Sjedentopf and Zsigmondy in Labrador. ’lhe dogs attached t( of Jena University are the discovep sledges travel at great speed oyei em or the new method of microscope the rough ice. and some protectroc Observation whereby ultramicroscop_ for the. feet rs necessary. The shoes ic particles are not only made visâ€" am mud? 0‘: SUM-""1"" ‘ ibl-e'but can also be studied with a. P‘a-IOStlm’ ‘5 a 1mm 0' flowersan‘Jt' view of determining their size. A all?” to“, “5 “11,113 were are 2530‘ full description is published in the different kinds. llreduastorn sur German scientific journal. .Annalen Elves the “0191's 3“ I’mghtne.ss til” .der physik seldom have 11] our hazy clinic. illu The method consists mainly in a Wild flowers are. somehow localnuul, Ipowerful artificial illuminatiOn of the so that , “rosy (“mi “laced: "mos {particles to be observed. These take their hue from a Single flower particles: because of their minute_, Each member of the Chinese cav~ ness, exert no material influence upâ€" ‘1er I'OCOWE‘S ‘lbom' 154-30” 1} mom“ on the vibratory period of the light and?“ "I “"3 he. 1“ “C‘lulmd 13‘ Waves, and hence appeal. to the 0b- furnish fodder for his horse. in com server as selpmuminating, 0,. lumim of_thc death or _-drsal.ulity of tin ous obi-reds, by virtue of their re_ animal he must supply afincw one 111 flecmd light. Since, however, the lllS owa expense. lho Llnncsdcav- reflected light is weaker than the .alrydnan is, therefore very careful 0' original illuminating beam, it is h‘5 {Wigw- ' ' necessary, in order to secure the M} In .lurkey, a Mosh-inn grave who: vantages of an intensified illuminaf once it. has been filled lll never-re. “on Of'the particles, to employ the Obcned on any account. \‘srth a View principle of dark field illumination. to remove the faintest chance of 8 The Hriuciple involved imam-S 110‘“ grave being thus (infill-(l, the Mos- nmthod is won ' mush-ath by the lems plant a.cypressi tree on eyery common phenomena of the “Visible grave, rlnrncdmtoly after the burialâ€" Sunbeam,“ in a darkened 1.00m which thus making their cemr-tm-ros resem- is penetrated by a ray of light. Dust bk? foresw- . particles in the path of the ray, hith_ Only the inost patient. hardener], erto invisible, become visible when and Impec‘mmus 01.9‘ll'gi‘fl'lt'? .um um eye' of. the observer, is at right stand _().r'aiigcâ€"gr()\\'ing m I‘lOl‘ld'd. angles to we direction of the pene_ Comrmtrtron is keen and profits small tram-“g ray ’ and all the time the newcomers arc. Helmholtz, the greatest physicist suffering from fevers and attacks of living at the time the. microscope now moscpritocs, realizing only too well. in use was pcrrected’udcclamd the that there are disappointments iii limit of microscopic perception to this land of sunshine. as well as else- be'1'-25,000 of an inch. This new “"1"""‘-" instrument will. make possible the study of bodies seven to ten times .â€" ......_._._ +.. »._. .._.... Tl'l‘l’llflll) ll'lrll“l'if‘.S ACID. smaller. I .1 I . I; -â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"+â€"-â€"-â€"-â€" ~1 w. ' ' At the last: meeting of the Arnort JUDICIOUS FLATTERY. can Health» association held ~at; Washington, 13.0., Dr. William 1. Bisscll reported the resulf‘s of an investigation which he had made to determine the antiseptic.1,i0\ver‘ of lemonade on the germs of typhoid "'Prisoner, have you 'miyth-in'g “to say on your own behalf 7" I "Only. this, my'lordigw-It“ com-forts me'to know that one wiSe man on the bench can undo much of. the mis~ .megjuryboxg' , I ‘1 . a statement which was made during the ,imepcup.0n the jwdge gave him a summer season of last year 'ljiy’some‘ lit-ht sentence. ., , - ' investigators, that the ~uddition‘ - Cojf ‘ ' '5 lemon juice to poluted’ drinking wa- lrus ; Gloééhiaii ‘l‘dneli‘ionesti’éh beâ€" *0" “'i” destiny our ‘ t-yehoid fever » a. .-_ .r v. ;' .. .-" '..- ,,-,}.‘-I . .,.* -' :. . fo,ro’1,‘gr€ve you this money-- do you 'mumbtfi .‘lefyhlhfiu trained access to _ Murnpsy Mullins: “10 “'flt'i‘l‘ supply. The doctor con- ‘fDo I drink it '?.\V‘l'l_y, lady, yup cerâ€" cludes lemonade cannot be sai‘ely‘em- tainly don't s-‘pose l squirt. it. into ll’1(l.V"‘d 1'0 purify the Water, and urgu Dora’s )0 es the medical profession to discour me arm wild at s'ringe ? age this method of sterilization. odor way but to drink it.” Facts-of Interest About Countries) as a sign 0‘. is a marriage or a. death in the. He denies the truth of the ' jogfl. “u” -' -_. .. v‘v’vwrvwv’» ~v’V‘ _‘ «1“ ’ «., ‘-(’Jv*\r ‘ -\_/\J\__.‘ .. . .r. j; ugl. â€"‘e»‘sr ~ A- ”<<‘\.« ad“... \J ,w~.,~./-/\. ‘ I o,- .wvunpu 333., at. - c. w '\./v\.3\_. v1, -. .«"fi--:Nr' ; ~-. «v Fro“. . ‘v’xx'v -'\A‘-/‘\.-'

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