.1» gm of truth. SENTENCE VS ERMONS. A liar needs no label. lite is the laboratory of religion. (“Mr phrases are but the garments A day without a good deed leaves you in debt, , Happiness is never picked up on the bargain counter. The best men are for the best in men. He became the Man of Sorrows for the sorrows of men. You cannot carry a crooked rule along the straight road. always looking linen are made delightfully clean and fresh With Sun- The road of prejudice never leads , to the realm of truth. ï¬ght Soap' GB It is only toâ€"morrow’s burdens ’ tâ€"f that break the back of to-day. It is cheap makeshift to mock at what you cannot make. Keep your complaints out 0? your heart and they will die of neglect. . . ._ . . , The more of a man the saint is the 2. .Water and bread maintain life, more of a saint the mm, “.111 be. pure air and sunshine are indispenâ€" A brotherly boost is often worth sable to health- “ whole lot of sisterly amnpathv. 3. Frugality and sobriety form the I ~ L best elixir of longevzty. l-IEALTH' s 7' 1m EALOG U13. 1. Rise early, retire early and ï¬ll your day with work. 7' ‘ iou cannot get up an orchestra . , , , 1. compose‘d of people “no blow their 4. Cleanliness prevents rust. the own horns best cared for machines last the it is no use a man's trying to be longest. ‘ . ' holy unless he has made up his 5. Enough sleep repairs waste and mind to be honest, strengthes; too much sleep softens and enfeebles. _ I . +â€" 6. To be sensibly dressed is to give freedom to one's movements and enough warmth to be protected from i - TV" ‘ Tl sudden changes of temperature. 7. A clean and cheerful house makes a happy home. - 8. The mind is refreshed and in- YHAT DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS vigorated by distractions and amuse- CURE WHEN OTHER MEANS ment; but abuse of them leads to FAIL. dissipation and dissipation to vice. â€"â€" 9. Cheerfulness makes love of life, Mr. J'. J‘. Perkins Disabled by Kidâ€" and love of life is'half of health. On 1193; Pains, Finds New Health in the contrary, sadness and GlSCOUl‘- . . a'rement hasten old age. the Great canadlan Kldney b10. Do you gain your living by Remedy“ your intellect? Then do not allow r . 'our arms and legs to grow stiff. ryndan’ man" NOV' 2'_(Spccml)' :l30 you earn your bread by ~All over Manitoba and the Terriâ€" pickax? Do not forget to cultivate lories people are. telling of benefits your mind and to. enlarge your lFOlll the use of Dodd’s Kidney Pills, Iiiâ€"llloun‘llt. ind this place furnishes a striking ' D :xample of how they will cure when ill other means have failed in the person of Mr. J. J. Perkins. “For two years I was troubled with my Kidneys,†Mr. Perkins says. IIA DY DO CTORS . According to the census for Engâ€" land and .Wales for 1891, there were then over a hundred lady floc‘tors, . . but in the census for 1901 tie mimâ€" ’1 am" so bad that uw.d°ct0r m“â€" ber 'was 212. Whereas in 1891 there lendingnie declared me lllClll‘iLblC‘.’ were ï¬ftv women physicians under .At times, I had such severe pains the age “of thirtyï¬vc years, in 1901 In my back that I thought I would there were 130, have to give up hopes and die. I ' Was unable to work and was becomâ€" ing destitute. . “One day a friend asked me, ‘1- ave you ever tried Dodd's Kidney Pills?’ vuâ€" LONG VOYAGE. A schooner has just arrived at Yarinouth, England, whigh took al- - most a month in gomrr rom Liver- .‘lf-""1‘.d‘N ’ r ;~ my » a ._. Lgliyirg th 10’ and he leisu‘du pool, a voyage usually completed In I ‘ †‘cn' about ï¬ve days. The vessel was de- uri" mt - l ’ â€" . - ' - lne first box made me feel like . layed by contrary wmds and 3.51105. new man; live boxes cured me comâ€" ' pletcly. my life." Dodd‘s Kidney Pills cure the Kid- neys. Sound Kidneys take all imâ€" purities out of the blood. Thus Dodd's Kidney Pills cure Rheumaâ€" tism. Sciatica, and other diseases caused by uric acid in the blood. â€"â€"â€"-â€"+ BIGGEST DOG ON EARTH. A dog, supposed to have been the biggest in the world, has just died at Rutland, Vermont, at the ago of ten years. He was a cross of Eng- lish and German mastifl‘, and weighâ€" :d 2841b. At the shoulder he was Bit. high, as tall as a full-grown lion but he had not the lion’s massive iegs and shoulders nor his impressive being only 6ft. “from 'tip lo tip.†But he was a terror to lvil-cloers on dark nights. His chest neasured 55in. and his mighty neck required a 35in. collar. DOddS kidney Plus so“de Flowery language is just as likely to indicate a seedy character as a saintly one. Sheâ€"“If every at0m.of the human you married". I-Ieâ€"“I’ve been susâ€" pecting that for some time." A modern weapon in the battle for healthâ€"If disease has taken your citadel of health, the stomach, and is torturing you with indigestion, dyspepsia and nervous prostration. South American Nervine is the weapon to drive the enemy from his stronghold "at the p int of the bayonet," trench by trench, but swift and sure, it always winsâ€"4 RAFTI NC IMPRO VES WOOD. German experts say that wood which has been floated in rafts, or otherwise, gives a more trustworthy material for length, joinery and building â€"â€" purposes than does that which has I l ' ' , ' ., been carted, or otherwise carried dry, “Mlle: to the sawmill and workshop. The reason is that while the wood is lying in the water its sap and al- buminous and salty materials are dissolved out. If these substances remain in the wood they readily ab- sorb moisture from the atmosphere, after coming out of the drying rooms and the wood swells. Artificial pro- cesses of washing out the hygrosco- pic substances from wood which has not been G ermany, It makes all the difference whether :loubt is your terminus or but a station on your track. r. Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans with Lover’s Dry Soap a powder. 11: will remove the grease with the wreatc-st ease. This life is full of sorrow, floated are practised in Which increases day by day; [t‘s jolly hard to borrow, And it's harder still to pay. WORKMANSHIP IN G LA SS . One of the greatest artistic marvels of the world is to be seen in the museum at Harvard University. This curiosity consists of hundreds of specimens of flowers and plants form- ed of glass, but with such exquisite fidelity to nature that they appear to be real, every tint and marking, every tiniest detail, being faithfully For Over Sixty Years this. Wmstow's Soornme Svnur has been and by nilllons of mothers for their children while teething. lrvsumlzes the child, softens the gums. alluyepnin. cureJ rind colic. regulator the Eionincli and bowels, and is the best. remedy for Diarrhma. Twenty-lire cents n bottle Eula hyclruggists throughout the world. Be sure and ink for “ Mus. \Vmsx.ow's Eoo'rumo SYRUP." 23ml “John,†whispered the good we- man in the dead " 0f the “ï¬ght; reproduced. The very hairs Which there are burglars (lO\VllSl'-€t1l‘Sl appear on the Stems on certain "You go down, dear." deepily; “they itrike a woman.’ Mm replied John, plants are reproduced on the wouldn't dare to . . .. glass imitations, y lilinard’s Linimenl Lumhliman's Friend You cannot pray to your Father while you are ï¬guring on preying on C. C. RICHARDS & Co. . your brother. I was very sick with Quinzy and thought. I would strangle. I used MINARD'S LINIMENT and it. cured me at once. now. lskfni Mind’s and lake llfl lllllBl. Patientâ€""Are you sure you can put my teeth into satisfactory con- dition?" Dentistâ€""Yes, sir; at any I Will spare no pains to do I am never without it Yours gratefully. MRS. C. D. PRINCE. .Q'auwigewauk, Oct. ï¬lst. rate, SO. 7'59 Faulty Kldneys.â€"-Havo you back- ache? Do you feel drowsy? Do your limbs feel heavy? Have an frequent headaches? Have you {aging vision? Have you dizzy feeling? Are you do. pressed? Is your skin dry? Have you a tired feeling? Any of these signs rove kidney disease. Experience has prove that South American Kidney Cure never failsâ€"«6 m.~.~.- CLEVER BIRDS, It is said that parrots are the cleverest of all birds. They have web a wellâ€"organized police system that no other species of bird ever 'Ireiiti res to attack them, and they lnvliiia‘oly die of old age, Shirt waists and dainty get away."- body is renewed every seven years! I cannot be .the same woman that! ._.._.._.__-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"___.___~__.__â€"_ Clerkâ€"“I am. to be married shortâ€" ly. Couldn’t you manage to inâ€" crease my salary a little?†Employer -â€""Couldn't, really. But I’ll tell you what I’ll do for you, my boy. I'll shorten your hours during ithe ï¬rst three months, so that you can spend your evenings at. home, and after that I’ll lengthen them again, so that you will have an excuse to ~-â€"‘~/‘ "If," said the chemist, “you will give this new tonic a trial, I’m sure you will never use any other." “Excuse me," rejoined the customer, "but I prefer something a little less fatal." -â€"â€"â€"â€"‘ Lou : “I decalre; why, since I came back I'm quite another woman." Biddy: “Oh! won't your husband be pleased ?†’ “A man must have a head to do business with me." "What is your business ?" “I'm a plirenologist.†$169 Reward, 33100 There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to beincurable. For a great. many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies. and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science hasproven catarrh to beaconstitutional disease and there- fore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by l". J. Cheney &. Co.,Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the mar- ket. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops toatcaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous sur- faces of the system. They ollcr one hun- drcd (‘ollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimoni- als. Address, 17‘. J. CHENEY &. 00., Toledo. 0. Sold by Druggists, 750. Hall's Family Pills are the best. A man has no business with reli- voup gion who has no religion with his 'business. PI“ Sensorâ€"It stands to reason that Dr. Agnew’s Little Liver Pills will crowd out of the market many of the nauseous old-timers. A better medicine at less than half the price is all the argument needed tr: Izieep the demand v: lat it has beenâ€"phe- nomenalâ€"4o doses i0 cents. They cure Sick Headache, Biliousness, and allay all atomach irritationsâ€"5 Mammaâ€""Johnny, I'm disappoint- ed in you.†Johnnyâ€"“Oh, well, you ain’t just the mother I thought, you'd be. But it’s too late now to lcry about it." SET'J,‘LERS LOW RATES WGST. Via the Chicago and North Western l-ly., on sale every day up to Novemâ€" her 30th, settlers one way second- class tickets at very low rates from Chicago to points in Utah, Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, California, also to Victoria, Van- ‘couve‘r, New Westminster, Rossland 'and other points in the Kootenay District. Cori‘espondingly. low rates from all points in Canada. Full particulars from nearest ticket. agent or B. II. Bonnet, General Agent, 2 East King St., Toronto, Ont. I‘m .._ DEATH DUTIES . During the past British ï¬nancial year the capital value of estates passâ€" ing on death amounted to £302,779,â€" 927, and the amount paid in death duties was $318,153,379. jdï¬vféï¬Ã©fé'v} ‘51: :‘éi‘é‘c‘iiér‘éféi‘i'vféiéféféff .‘Z I“ 2‘ s» ’ '«w as as. :‘i 3“ It ‘3 -~ ~‘ 'n ' g :‘E u at " I m ‘i g o ' :05 Pl: ze- . Pk: € 4:. i :11!" W ' , a ï¬g ’8‘ '1 a 3: By soothing and whining" 31' at; the. pain. that's the way 5k" :7: N at» 9% .«e " . ' f al a... 3a :1: 8’: 12’ 2% ’ ) ‘ 4 leech. ( l . 22 6% at Q). W Q’s. £33 a 91 .~ 2;. K) a In: -, 25;. and 50¢. 21 “3 cl 51551559355225.1935; . sealers; t-t c '-_. We will give ABSOLUYELV 3‘ c . IA lllllll SRAEE Guaranteed for E C H one year If you will do a few hours work for us any day after school. Boys must. enclose refer (mean from parents or guardian". Write tq-da)’. W. P.11UESTIS. Room '510, No. 156 Fifth Ave., New York. U._S.A. Pdlil’i‘RTEmS, ounce, seen. We buy t.o.b. or sell on commission. ‘N’o so- licit your consignment: and correspondence. RUTHERFORD,MARSHALL do CO TORONTO. 42â€"45 -~_.._... ...__.....-..__ . ..__..._.-_.... GHENILLE eon-mails and all kinds of house Hangings. also LACE CURTAIN S “53.2%: ï¬g???†Write to us about. yours. 33111:.“ AMERICAN DYEIHQ 30., Box I58, Montreal I 4 >:._. Hivntw ’11:": .. . ; ..»1:IlllllilllliiillllllllllIll l Ill tea plant. Bl 34:25. Mixed Ceylon Green it it is 5. ~. .. l .l ‘3 l. l» with it. is just handful. store for $3.00. were not busy. lill he’ll; I ‘ P z... ré/ : : ’T “Jim†H'ï¬v-‘i l0" 1 ’«~ I The Englishman’s idea of breakfast is a healthy one. Toast, jam and teaâ€"a chop mebbeâ€"just enough food for the stomach to assimilate properlyâ€"the warmth of the tea to draw the blood to the stomach and assist digestion. Blue Ribbon Tea is the daintiest and crispiest leaves of the It is pure teaâ€"free of tanninâ€"appetizing and nutritious. Try the Red Label Brand for your breakfast. Ask for the Red Label (1-! Ladies and Girls, You Gan Earn This laser is tall In a. Few {Minutes :0 SEND your name and address, and we will mail you post paid 8 large beautifully-colored Pic-u “ii-es 16X 20 inches, named “ The Angel's Whisper," “The Family Record,†and “Si Cling," to sell at 250. certiï¬cate free to each purchaser. handsomely ï¬nished in 112 colors, and could not bani. bought in any store: for less than see. each. “Every v one you (Her them to will buy one or more. “’11: sold send us the money, and we will send you. this " ELENDSOME FUR SCAR? Over 40 inches long, 5 inches wide, made from selected full-furred skins \\’.lh six {me full black tails, the very latest style. \Vc know you will be more than plenseJ Miss J. Bockcrs, Rossenbcrg, Cam, said: “ I write to thank ou for the handsome fur scarf. It could not buy one like it in our The regular pi‘ic m )ly to Thy Cross 1 each. “)c also give a 50c. These pictures are l c :n all fur stores $3.09, and they fully equal in appearance any $ro.oo Fur Scarf. We could not think oi giving them for so little, were i‘. not that we had a great number made specially for us during the summer when the furriers Ladies and girls, take advantage of this chance and write for the pictures to-day. guarantee to treat you right, and will allow you to keep out money to pay your postage, so that your Fur Scarf will not cont you one cow‘- COLONIAL and C' ., Bop. 20 Toronto. A rldreox TIE E We - :~b’.‘2'a‘,‘.‘?. willy/Y. li-nlya..r- i-f‘â€, . : iii. emu»??de - i-Hv vanilla I1 l5 > W X “Household hen you buy a. Favorite." “Waverly.†' ES 9516 1C3 2‘? “' 1‘02:- mee' a - She: “Why does woman take a man's name when she marries him ‘2" He: “Why does she take everything else he's got ?" llllnard's Linlment is used by Physician When you liearâ€"d‘man speak of a he's a bachelor. Mlhiilg '“ A L L' reclaims! m B 555‘? ngi‘llét’é ‘ r canon, l m ' E E Bend for Handbook ! £03 any 8t..TOP.0NTO on Patents, 8.0. Faye. ï¬aamfl. I WINTOM AUTOMOBILE TOURING} Car, new springs all round, machinâ€"i my not worn in the slightest, tiresi BPEGIAL l new this spring, spring cushions, duplicate parts. For sale at great sacriï¬ce. Cost $2,500. Box 7, Truth Ofllce. Toronto. Beminion Line Steamships Montreal to Liverpool . Boston to Liverpool 0 and Fast Steamliins. Superior nocpmmodntlon offllgclusses 0! mean «we. Saloon: and staterooCHI ire smidahlps. pccin. attention has bem 5W9!) to u" loot d Saloon and Third-Class acconimo etion. Fol utugofpnssuge and all particulars, apply to any ogen “the Company. or be puncngcr agent. DOMINION LINE OFFICES: 1 Mo BL. Boston. 11 St. Sacrament St... Mourns] billiard lable he Beet at the Lowest Price Wr to for Torn-.0 Rain sacs" M’f’g new 735 Kingï¬t. ‘A'. IPI-‘Hla H [O elitists W ï¬nï¬vï¬ï¬ gear.†INSIST ON GETTING ONE OF THE ABOVE \VELL-KUOWN BRANDS The Best That Can be Had. use snows sans a. Toss. use snows sameness. SHIT}! 8: DAMERGH hOlIGlLOl‘S 0! Patents- Cnuudu L to Build 3' To onto. W rite 1.1;;de advice . .‘.... “- 77 King St, East, Toronto, 5’11:- Malamfact111~ox‘13. baby as “it†you can safely bet that JACliE'l'S,OAPERINES. sronns, norms, M: c'ose prices Semi for catalog. naw‘cuns Aim CEHSINO wanted. Sen fleeing: setter, Eggs. honey, denies, THE price list. HINTS d to: 38 -â€" 61 All. “MES (35 And Farm Pro- duce generally, consign it to us anl we will get you good prices. Dawson ï¬emmissimi $0., 9-15 TORCDN‘I‘O. LIMIT“ FOR SALE, CHER? FER CASH. Buffalo 9 in. outlet. [0 1 iron pulleyâ€"22x6. 2 Iron pulleysâ€"18x6. Also an pulleys. Globe Wolvesâ€"4 in. flanged. Globe valveâ€"6 in. flanged. Earl steam blowerâ€"10 in- inlet. Ten branch cast iron headers to! 1 in. pipe. Iron pulleysâ€"30x12. Iron pulleysâ€"32x12.- assortment of iron S. FRANK WILSON, West Adelaide St., 73 45â€"03 Tore pressure blowar, No. 4"- con! 11.2% -4‘ f“.>w4~'h‘ _ _ Amxgvcgn .. - Ammo...“