Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 13 Nov 1903, p. 5

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ems donations from members of the congre- gation, who can money in lieu of pro- visions, raised the amount to nearly or quite $100, which will wipe off the bal- ance. owing for the fence in heat of the church and impmvemenls on the Manse. CORRESPONDENCE . To the Elim- Qf the Fenelon. Falls Gazette .' Dean Sm, That the County of Victoria may know that she is not forgotten by her “ Old Boys,” I send you the folloWiug for publiâ€" cation. The organization of the “ County of Vic- toria Old Boys’ Association” was initiated some months ago, but, as the work of in- itiators is- always adiflicult one, and the “ boys " have been practically ” in com- municado” these many years, not a tithe of the many sons of old Victoria have as yetbecn brought to the knowledge of the association. At a. meeting of the pioneers ot'the society held last June, Mr. W. A. Sherwood was chosen president, Mr. W. H. Elliott vice-president, Mr. T. R. Kennedy, 12?. Wellington street west, secretary, and Mr. J. F. Juukin treasurer. Last Friday evening, Oct. 2ch, a meeting was called at the Temple building for the purpose of further organizing the society, and if pos- siblc making arrangements for' an~enter- tainment, a series of which are to be held during the coming winter months Com- mittees were formed to look after the busiâ€" ness of getting a hall, and also to provide a programme for the first entertainment, which will probably be held in less than a month’s time, the so-called “ blue room ” of the Temple building being most likely to be secured for the occasion. Only a small number of ladies were present at Friday evening’s meeting, but those present were so heartily welcomed that we may hope to see the- “ Old Boys” generally aeâ€" compunied' by an» equal number of “Old Girls” on the occasions of our monthly meetings throughout the winter. The names of many distingukhed old residents of Vic; toria County are given among those likely to contribute to the richness of our cuter- iainmeut programmes, as those of Mr. Wm. McKenzie, of railroad fame, Mr. J F. Jun- kiu, president of the Manufacturers’ Life Assurance Company, and Col. Sam. Hughes, M. P. Further details of the doings of'the “ Old Boys” will be given in future com- munications. No doubt a trip to the old County will be a seasoning in this season‘s rcvelry. Yours sincerely, Cnss, E.HAND. 4:1 Gerrard St. west, Toronto, Nov. 9th, 1903; BIRTEIS. Sacxurr â€"â€"In the township ofFenelon, on Saturday, Nov. 7th, the wife of Mr. George Suckett of a‘ daughter. GLASPELL.â€"In the township of Fenelon, on Friday, Oct. 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Glaspell a son. NlClIOLLS.â€"-In the township of Vernlam, on Thursday, Nov. 5th, the- wife of Mr. James H. Nichollsof a son. I)IE.D4. CULLON â€"â€"â€"A‘t Fenelon Falls, on Thursday, Nov. 5th, Eliza Thompson, beloved wife of Frederick Cullon, aged 26 years, 8 months and 8 days. Gownsâ€"In the township of Somerville, on Thursday, November 12th, Mitrgaret :Ziine, eldesr daughter of .\Ir. .Tbhn Golden, aged 10 years, 5 months and 19 days. FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Fenelon Falls,. Friday, Nov. 13 h, 1903 Reported by me Hort/recur Roller .llz’l.’ 00. WheaLScotch or Fife 75 to 89: Wheat, fall, per bushel: 73‘ 77 Wheat, spring. . . .. . ... 73 77 Barley, per bushel; , 4o 45 Buckwheat “ . H. . . . . 37 40‘ Cats, “ ........ 27 28 Pease, “ .... 58‘ 60 Rye, “ 45= 4:1 Potatoes,“ ........ 20” 29 Butter-,pcr 1b..... . . . . . .. It; 18 Eggs,per dozen...... Plny,per ton...... ...... . Hides . . . . . . . . . ... 5.50 600 Hogs(live) 4.80 510 Hogs (Dressed) ...... .... 600 7.00 Beef . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4:50 5.50 Sheepskins. . . . . . . . 50 75 Wool . . . . . . . . . . 8 2 It}: r‘lour, Silver , eaf ...... .. 2:20 Flour, Victoria ...... _ r Flour, Family, Clipper.... 1.80 3.03 Bran, per 100 lbs ...... .. . 30 9 Shorts, “ u . so 1.00 Mixed Chop “~ rat 1.25 ~________________._._â€"â€"â€"â€" . moustache or luxuriant beard HANDSOME grown on the smoothest face, orrhair on bald heads, in a- iew weeks by using Egyptian Hair Grower Absolutely harmless and the only guaranteed article of the kind on the market Trial‘package by mail, 25c. conk, Out. 4.0-3“ ___“__’_____________.____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" -’ORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ' VICTORIA. Notice is-hereby given that the Municipal Council of the Corporation-of the County of Victoria will meet in the Council Chamber. Chart House, Lindsay. ._on.__ Tuesday,.November 17th, A.. D. 1903,. at two o’clbck in'the afternoon. J‘. R. McNEILLIE, County Clerk County Clerk’s Office, L‘dndsay, Nov. 2nd, 1993.. . Address Wm. Kennedy, Coho-- (thev'preurises to- non'r EXPERIMENT wrru CHEAP, DAN- eeuous NOSTRUMS. GET THE UN- FAILING soar. cues, FERROZONE. Thousands are kept in perfect health and free from kidney complaints by Ferrozone. Among those who speak in the most laud- atory terms of Ferrozone is Mr Charles F. Olivo, of the Gazette, St. John, N. B‘. “ For several years I have had (kidney trouble,” says Mr. Olive, “ and until quite recently I suffered torture. A few months ago my condition assumed a very serious term. . I consulted several city doctors and used different pills, but without the slight- est benefit. I suffered from an intense pain in the groin, and the increasing seriousness of my trouble prompted me to try Ferro- zone. It gave me quick relief, and half-a- dozen boxes cured. Ferrozonel can rec- commeud as a specific for disordered kid- neys “â€"â€"Chas. F. Olive.‘ Ferrozone not only cures kidney com- plaint, but also such maladies as Rheumat- ism, Gont, Sciatica, Skin Eruptions, Dia- betes, Lassitude and Nervousness, which are caused by defective kidneys. It neut- ralizes and destroys all poisons in the sys- tem, cleanses the blood, and‘invigorates en- fieebl‘d energies. It is mild, gentle and certain. Costs 50c. per box or six boxes for $2 50. At druggists everywhere, or by mail from the Ferrozane Company, King- ston, Ont. Don’t fail to get Ferrozone at onceâ€"it will make you well. PROF. J. H. DeSILBEBG, OPTIGIAN, raou excauanv, SPECI ALIST. Eyes tested free of charge. Helms al- ways a full assortment of Spectacles and Eye-glasses for all kinds of defective sight, and guarantees entire satisfaction to all. C onsultati on Free . He will be at Fenelon Falls from Friday _ afternoon, Nov. 27th, until Miinday noon; ? Nov. 30th, and may be consulted at the Mansion l-louseparlors; at Kinmonnt from Monday afternoon,Nov. 30th, until Tues- day, Dcc. lst, at Scott’s hotel parlors; at llobcaygeon from Saturday, Dec. 5th until Monday, Dec. 7th, at the Rockland House parlors. FARM FOR SALE. For sale, on liberal terms, the west half oflot 24 in con. 4 and the north-east quar- teroi‘lot 22 in con. 4 of the township of Verulam, containing 150 acres of land, chiefly good clay loam. About 100 acres are cleared, and the other 50 are in a bush of mixed wood. There are a good 1% story frame house, a hip-roofed barn 56 x 40 feet, another frame barn 50 x 3‘3 feet, both with stone foundations, a log barn and stable for six horses, sheep pen, hog pen and poultry house. There are three good wells and a never-failing spring on the farm. Over 40 acres are seeded down and fall ploughing is now being. done. The purchaser could go to work- :tt once, and have possessiona'on's March lst. Apply on WM. HETHERINGTON SR. Verulam, Oct. 5th, 1903. 35-2m. KAWARTHA LAKES. TRENT VALLEY? llllllltileO‘ll COMPANY, LIMITED. , ‘ ._ Bobeaygeon, Sturgeon Point, Lindsay. S'rn. “ Esrumox ” on “ MANITA.” From Oct. lst to close of navigation. GET '1' HABIT. You have the habit of using a whole lot of butter on your bread. It’s not abad habit, but it’s expensive. Get the habit of using about half as much butter and some honey. It’s a better habit, and more economical. Try it and see. I can supply you with the best honey on the market. E. G. HAND. All kinds of Rough Lumber, Dressed Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Millweod. WWO TELEPHONE IN OFFICE. WWW Orders for wood maybe left at Mr. Northey’s. - llli ititlillii tilthllll. A Course in Advertising ' One Dollar. ,MPRESSIONS, a monthly ' journal of business making ideas and whiclnduring the year, gives a thorough treatment of the different phases of advertising, will be sent to any address in Canada. Bobcaygeon lv 8 00 a. m. Arr 5 30 p.m. or the United? States for One Lindsay arrlO 30 “ Lv 3100 “r 'to D. Gould, agent, Telephone Exchange. The Fall; Verm- â€"â€"~OF THEâ€"- .errsa crests treatises senses Begins Tuesday, Sept. fist. Ifyou want to succeed, attend this school. Its superior work, excellent results and splendid location place it in the front rank of Business Colâ€" leges. Fees are lower than in most schools. Write for particulars. wan. PRIHGLE, I, 5’?- in RESTAURANT I have this week opened a restaurant in the store lately vacated by the Bank, and respectfully solicit a share of your patronage. CANNED GOODS of every description in stock. All. new. 2D. Stinsorr. Calling at Sturgeon Point on signal only. Eor‘t-ickets and general information apply (Dollar. Send ten cents for a sample copy. It will be worth a dollar to you. I M P R E SSIQN ST. J‘ATHARINES, ONTARIO. G SECOND DIVISION COURT â€"-01" THE-- County_of Victoria. he nextsittin-gs of the above Court wil be held in Twomey’s hall, Fenelon Falls ON MONDAY, JANUARY llth, 1904, commencing at 1 o’clock in the afternoon. Thursday, Dec’r 31st, will be the last dav of service on defendants residing in this county. Defendants living in other coun- ties must be served on or before Satur- Principal day, December 26th. THOS. GR’AH’AM Bailifl“. Fenelon Falls, Oct’r l3th, 1903. E. D.HA.ND, Clerk. Vdil NEE MT 69 To Montreal or New York for chome patterns or low prices in . HALE. PAPER. We have them. here now. for your selection. GOODWIN’S, ' LINDSAY, NEXT T0 SIMPSON. HOUSE. . NillSllll’h HARNESS. SHllP... GONG HMNTENG ? I have a full line of Guns, Rifles,. Ammunition, Etc. In fact, I can: set you out, "‘ FIT To kart.”- 0E0. H. MCGEE; ass you come. T9 QEHLD} I. am prepared to supply all necessary material‘ for House or Barn building at reasonable prices, and it will pay you to consult me before buying- Planing done on short notice by first class- workmen. F. SANDFGRD‘... WE Alllllllllltlh a fall and Winter opening of trimmed Hats, which will be WEAR DUNLOP . . . - - RUBBER ready f01 your 1nspect1on on . HEELS Tuesday 81; Wednesday, m. ' m; , _._ THE . SEPT. 29th and 30th, “1th "mgs and following days. DUNLOP ; RUBBER HEELS We are prepared to Show WEAR the greatest line of novelties of both imported and domestic manufacture in fancy feathers, wings, birds, ostrich feathers, ornaments, chenilles, ribbons, etc, etc. Miss M. Washan WANTED. "1 " a?“ Look it OVcr; also your - Buggy. If they nectl any repairing or fixing up, now the time to have it done, and my shop is the place to- ltnve it clone right". Azman to represent“'CANAnA’S'GimA'res'r I Nuussiues” in the town of Fenelon Falls and surrounding country, and take orders , for l Our Hardy Specialties, in Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, 0rmnuentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed rotatoes, Etc. Stock true to name and free from San Jose Scale. A (permanent position for the right man on either salary or commission. STONE & WELLmaroa, Fonthill Nurseries, oven 800 scans. I TORONTO, - ONTARIC . New work done on short notice. F. G. CHAilBERS... BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, Etc. HARNESS, TRUNK S and VALISE S. unatrun worn Baht- Chambers Is prepared to furnish the people of Lind-w say and surrennding country with MONU-- MENTS and HEADSTONES, both Marble - anti granite. ‘ Estimates promptly given onhll kinds ox cemetery work. Marble Table prs, Wash. Tops, Mantle' Pieces, etc,, a specialty. . All the newest and‘ up-to-date styles. Beingu practical workman, all should“ see his designs and compare prices before" purchasing elsewhere. WORKSâ€"In the rear of the Market om Cambridge-st , opposite the packing house- 'a. "CHAMBERS;

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