Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 16 Oct 1903, p. 5

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URNED T0 WATER, AND SHE BECAME A PREY TO PERNIC- IOUS ANAEMlAâ€"CURED BY THE GREAT BLOOD MAKER FERROZONE. N About a year ago,” writes Mrs. S. G. Stanhope of Rothesay, “ My daughler com- plained of feeling tired. She was very pale and listless, and kept losing strength till too weak to attend school. The doc- tors prescribed different bottles of medicine, butElaine kept g:tting worse instead of better. She had anaemia, and we were afraid for a while that she might never rally. We read of a similar case, that of Miss Descent, of Stirling, Ont, being cured by Ferrozone, and this induced us to get it for Elaine. It took three boxes of Ferro- zonc to make any decided improvement, but when six boxes were used my daughter was beginning to be her old self again. It didn’t take much longer to make a complete cure, and I am convinced that there is no better blood-maker than Ferrozonc. It has made a new girl of Elaine. She. has gained ten pounds in weight and looks the picture of perfect health. She is stronger and en- joys the best of spirits. The Credit Of 1101' of Fenelon Falls will, .at a meeting to be ESTRAY CALVES. Cams on to the premises of the subscriber, lot 17 in the lst concession of Vernlnm,‘ about the lst of September, tour Spring! Calves. Two of them are red heifers; one I is a red and white heifer, with white legs; and one is a red steer, with a white line [ along his back and some white on his tail and belly. The owner can have them upon proving property and paying expenses. JOHN J. JUNKIN. 344* NElN RESTAURANT I have this week opened a restaurant in the store lately ’acatcd by the Bank, and respectfully solicit a share of your patronage. GATTNED GOODS of every description in stock. All new. 33.. densest. Verulam, Oct. lst, 1903. Fail Term â€"â€"OF THE-â€" ddtTEdE agitate» Tuesday, Sept. fist. The in doing your spring Wall papering that is not the very best you Can get for your money And how do you know you are getting the best possible value unless you have seen our TAKE Norton, That the Municipal Council of the village Ifyou want to succeed, attend.this school. Its superior work, excellent results and splendid location place it in the front rank of Business Col- , - - , , . 71 . V . -, - I L :. I “Chg;5.5333,?”539$3,,Fc;;3:‘g‘:gom helmewmer’shallo“ the smdvmaée leges. F... 1...... a... inmost stock ? Let us show you What we have can make herselaf strong and healthy with On Wednesday, OCtObBI' 14-.th SChOOIS' “m.” for pfllvncumrs' You I . lecrrozone. it makes blood, nerve and tis- at the 1mm, of 8 O,clock p. m, take into wm- PEEEQ‘EE‘EF ' sueâ€"mfllos “ fast and makes ” to Sm)" consideration a petition to close Forrest principal complexum 50ml becomes 10.33“ nerves get Street, from Lindsay Street to Murray Street, ‘ . MCGEEm new Stlongth’ “redness vaShesâ€"pm'fect in the said village, and to sell the same to - Imam} ls the reward for llsmg Foymzone’ Sandford Furniture and Woodenwarc, Lim- ' which is sold by all druggéts Price 50c. “ed, and may _ . per box or six boxes for . 2 50. By mail 311â€"; a, from the Ferrozone Company, Kingston, fl: By-Law K~A . Get a supply of Ferrozone to-day. __________d______â€" Ont. BEARKR‘JIED. Parsonage, Fenelon Falls,by the Rev. John Garbutt, on Wednesday, Oct. l-lth, Alex- ander Anderson to Reubcua Black, both of Eldon Township. BltANDONâ€"COOPER.â€"At the. residence of the bridegroom, by Rev. John Garbutt, on Wednesday, October 14th, Mr. John Bran- d‘on, of the township of Fenelon, to Mrs. Eliza Cooper, of Bobcaygeon. DIED- Pntzsoo'rr.â€"â€"In the township of Fenelon, long; for candy. This longing on Friday, October 9th, Robert Prescott, aged 57 years and 6 months. Powhss.â€"â€"AtPowles’ Corner, on Tuesday, Oct 12th, George Chamberlain, infant son of W. H. Powlcs, aged 4 months and 4 days.’ ' [lira and Mrs. thanks to all. for the sympathy extended to them in their time of sorrow and trouble.] ,__ FENELON FALLS MARKETS. 1 r~'1.r 01. 1:. . “"010” “I ’ ‘1“ ‘5’ c 9”" 19” for grown-up people, too. Riflmrlcd by the ivorut czar Roller Mm 0'0. \Vhea-LScotch or Fife .... 75 to 80 wheat, fall, per bushel . . .. 7O 75 Wheat, spring . . . . . . . . 70 75 Barley, per bushel. . 40 45 Buckwheat “ . ... . . . 37 40 Oats, “ . . . . . . .. 27- 28- Pease, “ 58 6‘1 'iye, “ . . . . . . .. 45 47 Potatoes, “ . . . . . . . . 25 30- Jmiter-,per lb . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 18 Eggs,pet‘ dozen . . . . . . . . .. 10' 12 Hay,per ton . . . . . . . 6.0’) 700 Hides . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 5'50 6- 00 li‘ogs (live) . 5.25 550 Hogs (Dressed) 600 7.0? Roch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 {)0 5.51) Sheepskins . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5‘1 73 ‘d'ool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 J4 Flour, Silver Leaf . . . . .. . . 2.10 2.30 Flour, Victoria 2.0.0 2.20 Flour, Family, Clipper. .. . 1.85 2.05 Bran, per 100 lbs .. . . . . . . . . 90 1 00 Shorts, “ “ .... . . . . . 1.00 l.l0 Mixed Chop “ . 1.15 1.25 Satoves for gale. _ Two Coal Stoves, the property of Rev Mr. Farncomb, for sale cheap. Apply to THOS. CASHORE. VOTERS LIST COURT. Notice is hereby given that a Court will he held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters’ Lists Act, by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Victoria, in Twomey’s hull, Fenelon Falls, on Tuesday, October 27th, 1903, at 1 o’clock p m, to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and emis- sions in the Voters’ List of the Municipality of Fenelon Falls for 1903. All persons having business at the Court are requested to attend at the said time and place. Dated this 15th day of October, l903. W. T JUNKIN, Clerk of Fenelon Falls. ’_____________._.____.._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"- FAREI FOR SALE. For sale, on liberal terms, the west half of lot ‘24 in con. 4 and the north-east quar- ter of lot ‘32 in con. it of the township of Verulam, containing 150 acres of land, chiefly good clay loam. About 100 acres are cleared, and the other 50 are in a bush of mixed wood. There are a good 1.} story frame house, a hip-roofed barn 56x100 feet, another frame barn 5‘) x 32 feet, both with stone foundations, a log barn and stable for. six horses, sheep pen, hog pen and poultry house. There are three good Wells and a neverâ€"failing spring on the farm. Over 40 acres are seeded down and fell ploughing is now being done. The purchaser could go to work at once, and have posseSSion on March lst. (0 WM. HE'I‘I-IERINGTON SR. ‘Kcrulam, Oct. 5th,,1903. Apply on the premises 35-2m. POWIGS dame ‘0 mm“ for them and will largely do for such purpose. And further whose land might be prejudicially adiercted TRENT llllLLEY NAVIGATION COMPANY, LlMlTED . take notice that anyone ‘~â€"â€"';-.. . (far-Lac, gig : 3.9.. ' thereby, may appear either personally or I A ‘37 g fl _, %~ ANDERSONâ€"BLACKâ€" At the Methodist by S'lllcum‘: and W1“ be hem‘d- Q, final“, m ‘ ‘ ' . , . pg a; Dated at Fenelon Falls this 9th day of September, A. D. 1903.W' T. JUNKIN, Bobcaygeen, Sturgeon Point, Lindsay. '?Q a an? 3 31-4. Clerk. STR. “ ES'l‘UlllON ” on “ MANITA ” . From Oct. lst to close of navigation. ' Bobcaygeon 1v 8 00 a. . A H 5 30 .. . Lindsay arr 10 30 ‘ln Litl 300 13“!“ WANT CANDY. Culling at Sturgeon Point on signal only. We all know how children I am prepared to supply all necessary material for Ions-3 or Barn buildingth reasonable prices, and 1t W111 pay you to consult me before buying. Planing done on short notice by first class: workmen. For tirkets and general inf-1rmation apply to D. 'G ould, agent, Telephone Exchange. Veices a need, and is an evi- dence of the necessity of sugar I in our diet. Give the children honey at each meal. It’s better ' p F. $.fiéi‘idEFORD. All kinds. of Rough Lumber, Dressed Lumber, away with the inordinate longâ€" 1ng for candy and other sweets. THE WEEKLY GLOBE. Honey is better 11an sugar 93 “id ,3 G PM, 33%;}? Canada’s (Treat: .4 . . - j. 3). c, _ 1‘ singles, iilus‘trated Weekly. W . V A leading feature (31 gl;:1;x;1?fiIELY“GLOBE to be added A man to represent “ Canon’s Cannes? : éww e an Nuusutuus” in the town of Fenelon Falls and surrounding country, and take orders for ' = . . "a1 - - ..: Our Hardy repentance, in Fruit ’i‘rccs,Small Fruits, Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, ‘_ Vines. Seed Potatoes, Etc. , 0mm“ for WOOd may be left Stock true to name and tree from San at Northey’s. Jose Scale. A permanent position for the right man on either salary or commission. g g a ,3, s, M iii Nihilist " trill a-‘Ndadi M‘s ' ” Si" E“inn liliB ‘1 l‘tt ii' $T€BE€E $5 "fiELLEfiQ‘iTBfi, â€";. . .. ._ . . . t .' .. serene near. Chambers rec not as Nil Fonthill fiat-series, even 800 nouns. TORONTO, - Is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- I . . say and surrounding country with MUTU- To Mont-real or New York a fall and Winter opening of MEN'l‘Sand umosronns, both Muible for choice patterns or low 'I trlmmed Hats, which will be “(1 gr‘m‘m' prices in ready for your inspection on WARM. ENTER. We have them here now for your selection. accused’s, Liansav, NEXT 'l‘O SIMPSON HOUSE. Eight=Page illustrated Supplement: TELEPHONE IN OFFICE, ON SUPERCALENDERED PAPER. For the production of this great paper an immense new electrotyping; photo-engraving and printing plant has been added to The Globe’s; mechanical equipment. This will make The WEEKLY GLOBE unques- samablv the most desirable home paper in Canada. " r ‘ ‘“' , “new”? 9...“ .. .. ONTARIO . 11- MARK THE TWO HANDS DUNLOP RUBBER HEELS WEAR Estimates promptly given on all kinds or cemetery work. 1 1 m 1 '7‘ r I Tuesday 8.5 V‘J'ednesda Marble Table Tops, Wa‘sh Tms Mantle ! I 2 SEPT. 29th and 30th, and following days. We are prepared to show the greatest line of novelties of both imported and domestic ' manufacture in fancy feathers, wings, birds, ostrich feathers, ornaments, chenilles, ribbons, iiiiitii an tiliili is printed every Friday at the office, I corner May and Francis Streets. ' 'Picces, etc., a specialty. Beluga practical workman, all should see his demgns and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. WORKSâ€"In the rear of the Market on Cambridge-st , opposite the packing house a. CHAMBERS _.__ BOOTS, SHOES, ' RUBBEhS, Etc. HARNESS, TBUNKS and VALTSES. SUBSCRIPTION 2 s1 00 A YEAR, IN ADV ANGE or one cent per week will be added, as long as it remains unpaid. SEBBND DEVHSIGH COURT 'â€"OF THEâ€" Coun ty' of Victoria. Look it over; also your- Buggy. If they need any repairing or fixing up, now. is the time to have it done,. and my shop is the place to have it done right. Advertising; Rates. Professional or business cards, no cents he nextsittings of the above Court wil beheld in '1‘wo1ney’sl1all,Fenelon Fall-3 per line perannum. Casual advertisements, , 8 cents per line for the first insertion, and - ON MONDAY’ GBFOBER 12th, 1903’ 2 cents per line for every subsequent inser-i c'm‘mencmg “L 1 0’010011' in the afternoon “on, Commas by the year, half yeflr‘ol. 'l‘hursday, Oct’r lst, will be the last (lav less, upon reasonable terms. | of service on defendants residing in this 1 county. Defendants living in other coun- ties must be served on or before Satur- day, September 26111. THOS. GRAHAM Bailiff. Fenelon Falls, July. 15th, 1993. All the newest and up-to-date styles. NillSllil’S HARNESS SHOP. New work done on short" notice. r. c. CHAMBERS. JOB PRINTING executed neatly, cor- ectly and at moderate prices. E. D. HAND, Broprietor. E. D.HA..\'D, Clerk.

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