Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 2 Oct 1903, p. 5

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and Re ' we Ferrozone; it makes blood, and good» blood feeds the nerves. Strong and vigorous nerves arejust another name for good health. If you seek health, and a. relief from the tired morning feeling, use Fer-rezone. Sold by W. H. Robson. ANOTHER ACCIDENT TO MR. BUR- GESSâ€"Mr. Philip Burgess came home last Friday in consequence of an acci- dent that beI'ell him while ” feeding a he}.' " in the Chemical Company’s works at Longford Mills. The “ hog ” is not. a live one. buta machine (something like a root .pulper) that. chews up refuse from the sawmill and converts it into a kind of pulp, which is carted to the boiler room and used for fuel. ' While Mr. Burgess was giving it a meal of slabs, a knot flew from one of them and struck his right eye, ‘which was badly injured and will have to be treated care- fully for a long while; though the doc- tors think that he will not lose the sight of it. but that it will become nearly, or perhaps quite, as useful as ever in the course of time. This is the second serious accident he has met with ‘at Loneford ; forâ€"as those of our readers who are acquainted with him will re‘ memberâ€"he was so badly burned, in July of last year, by an explosion of chemicals. that he was laid up for sevâ€" eral months. From the effects of that accident he has entirely recovered, ex- cept that he cannot yet quite touch the palm of 'one hand with the fingers; and we sincerely hope that the second acci- dent may not cause him to lose the sight of his eye. Alexander Grant, the Canadian ama- teur champion long distance runner, established a new two mile record on Saturday last. at New York. by cover- ing the distanca in 9.27; The old rec- bid was 1-5, and had stood for thirteen years. IF A TONIC IS REQUIRED, REMEMBER. THERE IS NO MEDICINE SO STRENGTHENING AND HEALTI‘HAGIV- ING AS FERROZONE. Ferrozone is noted among physicians for the prompt- tnanner in which it brings "strength and vigor. It increases the appe- tite, keeps digestion in perfect order, and assists assimilation, so that every particle of. food eaten is sure to nourish and invig- orate the body. You won’t sleep poorly, feel tired and nervous if you use Ferro- zone, because it strikes at the root of any disease that may be working in the system. Mr. Aubrey E. Temple-man, of Mechias, writes: “I have found the greatest satis- faction in using Fen-ozone, and consider it the best. tonic made. I was all run down a few months ago, and in a very miserable state of health. B took a. few. boxes of Ferrozone and was surprised at the result. Ferrozone drove away that dull, heavy feeIing, and put my system in splendid or- der. I am never nervous or sleepless and ' have a. hearty appetite. .This is all due to Ferrozoue, which I recommend in the strongest way possible.” If you feel the need of a good stimulating tonic, just try Ferrozone. Price 500 per box or six boxes fbr $2.50. Sold by all drnggists, or by mail from the Ferrozone Company, King- ston, Ont. Be sure and get Ferrozoue toâ€" dayâ€"it assures health. BIIETI‘IS. Donamsou â€"-At Fenelon Falls, on Sun- day, Sept. 6th, the wife of" Mr. Thos. Don-- aldson of a son. REIDâ€"In the township of- Fenelon on Thursday, Sept. 17th, the wife of Mr. Cor- nelius Reid of a. daughter. JACKE'rr.â€"â€"At Fenelon Falls, on Sunday, Sept. 27th, the wife of Mr. George Jackett. ESTRA’S? CALVES. ' Game on to the premises of the subscriber, lot 17 in the lst concession of Vernlam, about the lst of September, tour Spring Calves. Two of them are red heifers; one ts a red and white heifer, with white legs; and one is a red steer, with a white line along his back and some white On his tail and belly. The owner can have them upon proving property and paying expenses. - JOHN J. JUNKIN. Verulam, Oct. lst, 1903. 34-4’“ ,__,__.__.__.._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- Stoves for Sale. Two Coal Stoves, the property of Rev. Mr. Farncomb, for sale cheap. Apply to THOS. CASHORE. W TAKE NOTICE, That the Municipal Council of the village of Fenelon Falls will, at a meeting to be held in Twomey’s hall, in the said village OnWednesday, October 14th,1903, at the hour of 8 o’clock p. m, take into consideration a. petition to close Forrest Street, from Lindsay Street to Murray Street, in the said village, and to sell the same. to Sandford Furniture and Woodenware, Lim- ited, and may Pass a By-Lavv for such purpose. And further take notice that anyone whose land might be prejudicially affected thereby, may appear either personally or by solicitor, and will be heard. Dated at Fenelon Falls this 9th day of September, A. D. 19.3. ' W. T. JUNKIN, 31â€"4. Clerk. Fell Term â€"-OF THE-â€" The Begins Tuesday, Sept. 15%. Ifyou want to succeed, attend this school. Its superior work, excellent results and splendid location place it in the front rank of Business Col- leges. Fees are lower than in most schools. Write for particulars. WM. FRIES-LE, Principal WANTED. A man to represent “ CANADA’S GREATEST Nuusntuus” in the town of Fenelon Falls and surrounding country, and take orders for Our Eardy Specialties, In Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Ornamenials, Shrubs, Roses, Ymcs, Seed Potatoes, Etc. Stock true to name and tree from San Jose Scale. A permanent position for the right man on either salary or commission. Stone at WELLINGTON, Fonthill Nurseries, own 800 nouns. TORONTO, - ONTARIO. ‘r ........:...uâ€"n.~...- KAWARTHA LAKES. TRENT VALLEY NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED . Bobcaygeon, Sturgeon Point, Lindsay. S'rn. “ Esrmuex ” on “ MANITA.” From Oct. lst to close of navigation. Bobcaygeon 1v 8 on a. m. Arr 5 30 p. m. Lindsay arr 10 30 “ Lv 3 0t) “ Calling at Sturgeon Point on signal only. For tickets and general information apply to D. Gould, agent, Telephone Exchange. mg All kinds of Rough Lumber, Dressed Lmnber, Leth, Shingles, Mllwoed. WW TELEPHONE IN OFFICE. 1‘ We» Orders for wood may be left at Mr. W. Northey’s. BOOTS, serous, RUBBERS, Etc. HARNESS, TRUNKS and VALISES. All the newest and up-tO-date styles. llillSllll’S HARNESS SHOP. WE AllllllllllllE TC llll llilllillil lllltlfllll. mechanical equipment. you can get for your money in doing your spring; wall papering that is not the very best And how do you know you are getting the best p0ss1ble value unless you have seen our stock ? to ShOW you Let us SllOW you what we have. GEG. H. WICGEE; tutu ARE YCU GCENG I am prepared to supply all necessary material. for I-IIouse or Barn building at reasonable prices, and 1t Wlll pay you to consult me before buying; Planing done on short notice by first class: workmen. F. SANCFGRD... THE WEEKLY GLOBE Canada’s Great Illustrated Weekly. A leading feature of The WEEKLY GLOBE to be added this fall will he an Eight-Page Illustrated Supplement: 0 N SUPERCALEN D ERED PAPER. J For the production of this great paper an immense new electrotyping, .kmablv the most desirable home Dane: in Canada. lllliill‘l li’lEBll WlllillS. Rubi. Chambers Is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- say and surrounding country with MONU- photo-engraving and printing plant has been added to The Globe’s. This will make The WEEKLY GLOBE untrues- "‘"V t“)- F'Wr-V" ammo-1 WEAR DUNLOP RUBBER HEELS ofa-son. . - - - v . I; . r ,-‘_ m- , , . ~ A MEV'I‘S d- HEADSI‘ONDS . . Gumsâ€"In the township of' Fenel'on, on g a a’ fall and Wlntel 91333ng or analgmnzma; ‘ ’ bom Marble MARK MARK Tuesday, Sept. 29th, the wife of Mr. Simeon a na- 4. 5-3 trnnrned Hats, winch Wlll be ‘ THE THE 1 aims of a SOIL _ , . , - ' Estimates promptly given on all kinds or Two TWO I To Mont-real or New York leady for yom Inspecmon 0n cemetery work. ° ‘ HANDS HANDS ____________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- DIED. Summonâ€"In the~township of Verulam, on Sunday, Sept. 27th, Elizabeth Sutton, aged 61 years. ABBOTT.â€"In the township of Vernlam, on Sunday, Sept. 17th,. Mrs. Henry Abbott, aged 70 years. Msuzms -â€"At Fenel‘on Falls, on Wednes- for choice patterns or low prices in I WSLL PAPER. for. your selection. life have them here now SEPT. 29th and 30th, and following days. Tuesday 86 Wednesday, Marble Table TOps, Wash Tops, Mantle Pieces, etc,, a specialty. Beings practian workman, all should see his designs and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. WORKSâ€"In the rear of the Market on we we PEIâ€"lama to Cambridge-st,opposite the packing house the greatest line of novelties ' DUNLOP RUBBER HEELS WEAR ‘- wnw-rws Memmwuw:m W t ‘ w 4 at 1-4 s.;.‘.r'-s~:~«.â€"-.«,.;f . -4, Wan-Hr w» W .- ~ :9 “\‘t . ,‘ ,-.. ‘9 a.» w were": 1 day, September 30th, Robert Menzies, aged 70 years.. ' MoFARLAND.â€"At Fenelon Falls. on Thurs- day, October lst, Robert. McFarland, aged 66 years. Guest-Winn; a. CHAMBERS. , I Lawnsav, NEXT TO SIMPSON. HOUSE. of’bot-h imported and domestic manufacture in fancy feathers, wings, birds, ostrich feathers, ornaments, chenilles, ribbon-s, etc, etc- lliss ill. WtSlllllllll fl...- wan-W FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Fenelon Falls, Friday, Oct. 2nd,,1903. Reported 03/ me ivoan Star Roller Mill 00. Wheat.Scotcli or Fife 75 to 80 Wheat, fall, per bushel.... '10 75 Wheat, spring .... .... 70 75 lllliltll lllli tilillii is~printed' every Friday at the office, corner May and Francis Streets. 1 FOR. A COUPLE OF DAYS SUBSCRIPTION 2 Barley, per busheL... 40 45 ‘ k heat“ .......... 37 40 _, 16:33:" “ 27. 28' last Week you‘ coumnit‘ get swans“) nautsmfi {Emu/A YEAR’ IN ADVANCE l ' L 5 0 - . . . .. 5 . . '~ -. .. k ., guise, ‘“ In: 4*; :7 any. butter at the grocery- _OF THEâ€"â€" COURT (mono Gentilpefiwyeek, Fm, be added, I L008. it over , also your Pgtdtoes, “ 2-5 30 What glédzigou (1% ? Maybe County 01.. Victory} as lonefls It remains unrmd- Buggy. If they need any Butter,per 16 18 on 3m con 8 or more - t . U . 0‘ i , 0‘ _ y 1 Advertising Rates. lepanlnD 01 fixmD up, now 10 r 12 6:00 71:00 5.50 6:00 5.25 5 50 .he next sittings of the above Court wil be held in ’I‘womey's hall, Fenelou Falls on MONDAY, 0.8i'aBER12tli,1903, is the .time to have it done, and my shop is the place to.- Eggs,per dozen...... .... Flay,per ton...... ...... .. Hides . . . . . for creamery buttery. It would have Paid. you-battle1M Prolossxonal or busmess cards, 50 cents per line per-annum. Casual advertisements, 8 cents per. line for. the first insertion, and Hogs (We) " to-have bou rht some hone Hogs (Dressed) - -- - -- nu __~but Jerhi )S on 9; commencing at 1 o’clock in the afternoon. 2 Gents Per line for every Subsequent inser- have It (10116 right. Beef...._... --«;0 '75 . I ‘1 .Y ~ (1 n Thursday, Oct’r‘ lst, will be the last, day tion. Contracts by the year, half year or. Sheepskins - 09‘ ,4 thlnk, of that, | of. service on defendants residing in this 1635: upon reasonable tel'msv- . . Wool- . county. Defendants living in other coun- â€"â€"-â€" New Workdone on short JOB PRINTING executed neatly, we notice. . The honey I sell. as ties. must beservcd on or before Satur: . IV . .1‘0 230 F’loul, Sihm Leaf ....... . 22.00 2.20 Flbnr Victoria- .... _ - ‘ - _ dn Se tembe 26tl . Flour), Family, Clipper.... 1g; good as 1t 1s possible to get. Tgbsfin A112,, 1 ‘ E D HAND ectl‘y and at moderate prices. SttÂ¥l."°”2f°° 1335332231: 1.00 1.10 E G HAND ‘ Wm“- ‘ 0‘61“- E' D' “m ‘ F (l CHAMBE q i 1.25 .‘ ' ' Fenelon.F‘.el.ls, July 15th.,.,19.03.. ‘ Pmpnemr' '- -"- L 0" “ t OJ...» 0 I I a. Lei-5;

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