Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 28 Aug 1903, p. 5

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lmfi‘ntn‘mmw way Caters}! "i-s‘goisons and Their Remedy. The 13mm secretions from Caterrh. are dangerous because they affect the stomach and bowels, giving rise to an un- healthy condition ot‘tbese organs Catarrh is the source of much ill health, and was considered practically incurable until it. was demonstrated to the satisfaction of the medical profession that by the use of Cat- arrhozone any case of nasal or throat trouble can be permanently and quickly cured. Catarrhozone, by its unusual merit, has enlisted the support' and endorsement of’tbe most prominent medical authorities, who freely state that any one giving it 9. trial is sure. to receive permanent benefit. Sold for 31 Small size 23c. AtDruggists or Polson and Co,Kingston, Ont. Sold by W. H. Robson. .mâ€" ACCIDENT.â€"On Saturday afternoon Mr. George H. Littlctou‘s youngest son, Ernest, about 16 years old. met with a very serious and painful accident while cutting up some stuff at a circular saw in Mr. Sandford’s factory. So much sawdust had- accumulated below the saw that its removal became necessary; and, as some lumber had been pilcd'too near the saw to allow a shovel to be used, the unfortunate young fellow, instead of scraping the sawdust out with a stick, put in his right hand, and put it in a little too far. In “ the twinkling of an eye,” the first and second fingers were taken off'close to the knuckles. and the other two so badly cut that it was at first. feared that one of them (the third finger) would have to be amputated, as the bone was out almost entirely through. But Dr. Graham, who stitched up the tendons, put the finger in place, and se- eurcly bandaged it, has but little doubt that the parts will unite; though it is possible that the finger may be bent downward towards the palm of the llaud, a result which he will do his best to prevent' The flesh of the little fin- ger was badly laccrated and the bone somewhat out, but there is very little doubt that it will soon heal and be as useful as ever. STRICKEN WITH PNEUMON‘IA. ALMOST READY TO DIEâ€"ALONZO \V. DOUGLAS. 01‘“ \VOODBRIDGE, \VAS SAVED BY FERROZOVNE‘. “For the benefit of others,” writes Mr. Douglas, “I desire to state the results I derived from Ferrozone. Two years ago I: was stricken with Pneumonia. So~scvere was the attack and so reduced was my strength that my life was despair-ed of. I had the very best medical attention, but made no progress toward recovery. When reduced to practically a skeleton, akind friend told me of the remarkable powers of Fcrrozoue. An improvement began vil- most at once. I gained steadily in weight and strength until Ferrozone made me a new man. I will gladly answer inquiries from other sufferers if they care to have further particulars. about my recovery. Ferrozonc deserves its greatest measure of success.” This is but one of the many oases that are being cured every day by Ferrozone. No treatment was 5701‘ known to supply a weak system so quickly with strength and energy. Nofionic does its work so thoroughly. It is a specific for' tiredness, loss of‘appetite, Iangour, weak- ness after fevers, and all debilitating dis- eases Ferrozone makes you strong. and. keeps you strongâ€"in a word, it' assures- health and costsbut 500. a box, or six boxes for $2 50, at any drug store. By mail from the Ferrozone Company, Kingston, Out. Get a supply to-day without fail. BISETIâ€"IS'. 'I‘Honraâ€"At Fenclon Falls, on Thursday, Aug. 20th, the wife of Mr. Williamfllhorp of a. daughter. RUTHERFORDâ€"1’11 the township of Fenclon, on Saturday, Aug. 22nd, the wife of Mr. John Rutherford-of-a son. ‘ LEE -â€"-In the township ofthencltJn, Tues- day,-Aug. 25th, the wife of.‘ Mr. John Lee of a son. , W FEN‘ELON FALLS MARKETS. Fenclon Falls, Friday, Aug; 28th,.1903.. Reportedoytne Norm czar Roller Mill 00. Wheat,.Scotch or Fife .... 70 to 75. Wheat, fall, perbushel'.... 68 70 Wheat, spring .... .... 68‘ 70 Barley, per bushel.... .... 37 40 Buckwheat “ .... .. 37- 40 ; Oats, “ .... .... 2-7: 28 -Pease,. “' .... .... 55' 57 Rye, “- .... 44: 45 Potatoes, “ 40 50 - Butter,per1b............ 16~ 18- Eggs, per dozen...... 10 12 Hay,per ton...... ........ 6.00 700 Hides . . . . . 4.00 5.00 Hogs (live) ...... ...... .. 6.00 62.5- Hogs (Dressed) .. .... .... 6:00 7.00 . Beef . . . . . . . .. 4.50 5.50 ~- Sheepskins . 50 W001. ..... . 8-‘ 14 Floor, Silver Leaf . . . . . . . . 2.00 2.20 Flour,Victoria- .......... 1.90 2.10 Flour, Family,Clipper.... 1.75 1.95- Bran, per 100 lbs .. .. 90 1.00 Shorts, “ ‘K- 1.00 1.10- MixedChop- “~ 1.15- 1-‘35 W GIRL WANTED to go the country» and" take charge of two children. Apply at the Gazette oliice. __________________________. GIRLV WANTED; Wanted? by 15th September, Girl to do. general housework. Apply to. Miss Kenâ€" nedy, comer: Glenelg. andl M111 streets, Bindsay.. llilUSll innit. Willi ~¢. raw-or: . its 53 .’.W.J2“z gm 7: . BRICIE it"eOEE. F375 AhLE. For sale, a limited quantity of Brick, suitable for building chimneys GEo. 11.11ch321. Bio-$1510 for sale. Gent’s Bicycle, .: cuntl hand, in firstsclass running order. A. snip it taken at once. Apply at Gazette office. The troll Term mun 'runm PETERWRWQA‘A USINESS ddLLEGE Begins Tuesday, Sept. Est. If you want to succeed, attend this school Its superior work, excellent results and splendid location place it in the front rank of Business 001- leges. Fees are lower than inmost schools. Write for particulars. WM. PBINGLE, Principal THE '~-HONEY WITH A - REPUTATION. Honey costs 10 cents a. pound; butter costs 18 cents. Why not eat honey instead of so much butter? I sell the best honey it is possible to produce. Put up in 5, 10 and 25 lb. cans. E. G. HAND. to. aggn? Look it over; also your Buggy. If they need any repairing'or fixing up, now is the time to have it done, and my: shop is the place to have it done right. New work done on short notice. G. GeiiAl‘ABERS. Sheriff Hall’s and Baptics Island. m Baht- chambers Is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- say aud surrounding country with MONU- AI-EN'I‘S and HEADSTONES, both Marble and granite. Estimates promptly givcnon all kinds or cemetery. work. Marble Table Tons, Wash Tops,.l\Iantlo Piccos, etc.-, a specialty. Beinga practical workman, all should see-his designs and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere.- WORKSâ€"Ih the rear ofz'tiie Market on Cambridge-st, opposite the packing house R. CHAMBERS. isvprinted- every Friday at the office, corner. May and FrancisAStrcetsh SUBSGRIP‘I‘ION :2 $1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE or~one cent per week will be added, as leng- as it remains unpaid. Advertising Rates.. Professional or business cards, 50 cents tion. Co~ntracts by the year, half year or» less, upon reasonable terms. JOB PRINTING executed neatly,.c'ors ectly and at moderate prices.. E. D. HAND;. Broprietor. lltltltlll nut: :51sz per line pcrannum. Casual advertisements,. , 8 cents per line for the first insertion, and- 2 cents per-line for. every subsequent insero- Has to' keep two men to tie broken sheaves. VEXATI 0N. This farmer uses other makes of twine and has nothing but trouble, annoyance and vexation. Thos. B. KAWARTHA LAKES. TRENT VALLEY NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED. “ Es'runiou.”â€"Juue 15th to Septcnihor lst. Bobcaygmn Lv. 6 15 a ill. and 3 10 p.m. Sturgeon Pt. “~ 7 l5 “ “ 4 10 “ Lindsay Arr. 8 40 “ 1‘ 5 30 “ “ LV. ll 00 “ “ 5 45 “ Sturgeon Pt. “. 12 10 p.m. “ 6 55 “ Bobcaygeon Arr. 1 15 “ “ 8 10 “ During June, July, Aug. and Sept.., Sat urday’s boat will await arrival of evening train from Toronto. Meals served on board. After Sept. 1st will leave Lindsay at 5.45 p. 111. instead of6.30 p. m. Coboconk, Fenclon Falls, Lindsay. “ MANITA.”â€"Jllnc 15 to Sept. 5 or till notice. Coboconk- 1v 6 00 a m. Arr 710 p m. Rosrdalclock 1v 7 00 “ Lv 6 10 “ Fenclon Falls arr 7 40 “ “ 6 00 “ “ lv 8 30 “ Arr 4 45 “ Sturgeon Pt. “ 9 00 “ “ 4 15 “ Lindsay arr 10 15 “ Lv 3 00 “ Connection made at Fenclon Falls with. l I 5 l 'eugan ' , some .t'un not]; nonsmsnus .Ienaq snntfi 'uogmoo pylos sou put: opunu Jenaq s1 ‘saA-noqs emm pugq [pat ‘sanesq JOABU 11 pm; copay, qmomA‘IJ sasn Jammy sit”, Price as low as it can be bought anywhere. in doing, your spring, wall paperng that is not the very best you can get for your money" And how do you. know you are getting the best possible value unless you have seen our- stock? Let us show you What we have to show you. morning train for Toronto and at'flindsay l for Port Hope. Time at Fenclon Falls for breakfast and tea. ' Bobcaygeon, Chemong, .Burleigh. ‘OGEMAH.”â€"June 15 to Sept. 5 or till notice CEO. H. McGEE.. Bobcaygeon 1v 7 00 a m. A‘rr 7 45 n.m. Chemoug Park “ 9 30 “ ar4351v5-il5‘4' - Buckhoru “ ll 30 “ Lv 2 45 ‘i I Burleigh Falls arr 12 30 ” “ l 30 “ Connection at Bnrlcigh with “ Empress” for Lakeficld and intermediate points. Meals served on board. Leary’s line of busses will give Pcterboro ‘ I '- connection with morning and" eveningboat- . . 2' i ‘. at Chemong. Burleigh, Young’s Pt- Lakefield. “ Eiirnass.”â€"Commenciug June 15th. Burleigh lv -6 00 am. Lv l 30 p.m Mt Julian “ G 25 “ “ l 55 “ Brecze’s “ 6 50 “ " 2 20 “ Juniper I‘d. “ 7 10 “ “ 2 40 “ McCrackcn’s “ 7 20 “ “ 2 50 “' Young’s Pt. “ 840 “‘ “'- 3'40 “ *’ Lakeficld arr. 8 50 “ ”‘ arr 4 15 “ § “ lv 9 15 “ §lv 6 30 “ Young’s Pt.“ 10 00 “ ‘ 7 15 “ McCrackcn’s “ 10 50 “ “ 8-05 “ Junipcrl’d. “ 11 00 “‘ “~ 815‘! “ Brceze’s “ ll 25 “ “ 8 40 “ Mt. Julian ” 12 00 “ “ 9 05 “ Burleigh arr 12 30 “ arr 9 30 “ age Calling'on signal at Brownscomb’s, *. connects with (morningand afternoon) train to Peterboro. §i or after arrival (morning and evening) train from Peter-bore. For tickets and general information apply to D. Gould, agent, Telephone Exchange. SECOND INVESIQN COURT â€"OF THE-â€" County of Victoria. be held in Twomey’s hall, Fenelon Falls ON MONDAY, OCTOBER lZih,.1903, commencing at 1 o’clock in the afternoon. Thursday, Oct’r 1st, will be the last day county. Defendants living in‘oth’er coun- ties must be served on or before Satur- day, September 26th. THOS. GRAHAM Bailiff. Fenclon Falls, July. 15th, 1903. n. n. HAND, We have justre:â€"- ceivedour Spring and: Summer stock: of Boots andShoes. inall the newest. andzupotosclate style... can and see them. Prices, right- i "an Hunts sat. he next sittings ot' the above Court wit. of? service on defendants- residing in this 1 Clerk. ; has, You conic. I- am prepared to supply all necessary; material? foi"I:IOLtse: or: Barn. building'at“reasonable prices, and 1t W111 pay you to- consult me before buying. Planing. done on. short. notice, by first class work-men- ‘ F SANDFORDm ‘ ' an nines or. Rough. Lumber, 2;-‘Dressed Lumber, WEAR‘ DUNLOP ,RUBBER La, h THE THE 5,. TWO '_ TWO , HANDS ' HANDS DUNLOP RUBBER HEELS” WEAR Shingles, Millwood. WWI TELEPHONE IN. OFFICE; T ' . I. W A NT ED .. A‘ man torrepresent “ CANADA'SiGREATEST‘ “Menage”, Nunsnmns” in the town of Fenclon Fol-ls- , andsurruunding country,and.take orders . . . for Orders for‘wood'may be left 0- I - - ur.- Hard. S eelaltleS' at.Mr-.; W. Northey’s.. . , y p 9’ I, in~Fruit Trees; Small Fruits, ‘ , _ . , . - , . . - Ornamentals, Shmbgnoses, H Vines,.Sced Potatoes, Etc. 1, , A . . . .7 . . -I2. Stock true to name audétrce from Son 2 ‘ ' Jose Scale. A": permanent position for the right manomeithensalary. or‘commission. STONE 8:. WELLINGTON, Fonthill Nurseries, . oven-800 scans.- 'TORON'1‘0,. - ONTARIOo. Wé extend‘n cordial invitation to ladies: . 1 I of Fenclon Falls and vicinity to visit our' , TD Montleal or New York? establishment, where experience. and._1n- for chome. Patterns. 01- low-â€" genuity have made it-possrble for-intending - .- purchasers to obtain an assolx‘tment 0f.Mll- pages In . . linery Goods which is comp ete‘ tmevery , . detail for. the comingvseason. Ou-r‘import- ,- ations ot‘Flowers,.Ribbous, Laces} Btflfdsi . ' Silks, N‘oveliiels, re idy-to-weartgnd ungrlup- We-have them. here now? med Hats wil impress you W1 our-a H y _ 3 -- to serve your every want. for yOuT selection. - j, cannula-’5'. ., y. ,. . . . 7 LINDSAY, Miss M. Washburr I . smnson. noose- aromas :".;.*-‘_J;":. 1;“. grin/alged‘r‘o 5 ,, -. ,g-<,,..,«...~t.,w--u-=..r.s vx -¢\-.-~r_vvn. _.â€" _ . ~ -N-_,.‘n‘ yd". . w» “38". .comxw’» “fig 1. ‘¢~7.' we.

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