Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 28 Aug 1903, p. 4

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J ofiers special inducements this week 1n Flannellettes, Cottons, Wrapperettes, Grey Flannels, Flannellette. Blankets, Etc. W e have just opened up 3. cases (25pieces each) of Flannellettes, shipped to us direct from the mills, bought before the advance in price. These we will offer to our customers this week at the old price. . Extra quality dark Flannellette, suitable for quilt linings, 32 in. wide, per yard .... 56. Similar patterns above, but wider, per yd. 3c. Full 36 inch Flannellette- in fancy stripes, also plain pink, white and cream, per yard 1.0.9. Heavy soft finish Flannellettes, suitable for fine shirts for men and boys, per yd. 10 & 133. Grey Cottons, best values ever offered, 50., 60., '10., 80., 9.0. and 100 a yard. Grey Flannels, 130., 150., 1370., 200., 250., 300. and 350. per yard. Wrapperettes. â€"A case patterns, worth 120., 130. and 140. the whole lot at 100. a yard. _ Flannellette Blankets ~~either White or-grey. of these goods, in all new- We will sell 10-4. . . 750. per pair. 11-4 . .. . . $1.00 “ 12-4. . . ' $1.25 “ These are all new. goods, and. the closest prices in town. I ’inave Princesses- w. unknowns Fumes-rune; 'usiwess. S. J. Pill'il, “ The Jeweller,” has the largest stock in the County in GEM and VJEDDING RING-S, WEDDING PRESENTS... GOLD, SILVER, and GOLD FILLED VIATOHES. ‘Send us your Repairing and: Engraving. s. J. Petty. The Jeweller. and will. carry a large and up-to-date stock of furniture. Am also prepared to-do. all kinds of Repairing. and Repainting, and to make DOORS AND SASH. Planing, (lane on short notice. 8. S. Gainer. Mndsay. Furniture and; Undertaking. Just received this week an- other lot of nice Baby Car- that are Special. , riages Value. 1 Also Extension Tables, Side- boards and Bedroom Suites. I carry in stock a full line of Parlour Suites Lounges, Chairs, Etc. Picture framing a Specialty. idly Poison : ‘ ?a4ds, @ure Insect Powder. If you are in. need of a Sew.- ing Machine be sure- and see my styles before buyinm. I... DEYMAN. Robson’s Drug Store. ' carriage Making, money l lilialls Gazette. august 28th, 1903?. [Lord Salisbury: iio‘xvrr 'i‘ “but Ga~~coyne~CcciL third- ' , ‘ ouny and cx-l’l‘einier . "infill. died peacefully at his resi- Hatfield House. Herts, at 9.05 . ‘R; idol Saint-d]: niuht, surrounded by all his lnmily except one of’his sons, Lard Edward Cecil. He was born at l-l-irfiold on February 3rd, 1830, and in 1857 married Georgina. daughter of the hm- Hon. Sir Edward Hall Alder- ~on. a Baron oft-he Exchequer, by whom 3hr had'fi've sons and five daughters, all but one of whom (a daughter) survive him. One of the Associated Press-des- patchcs says :; ‘ “ Much human interest attaches to the earlier years of Lord Salisbury. When a youth he visited Australia, and local tradition at Bendisro is to the ef- ,fect that he tried‘ placer mining there. His marriage, contrary to the wishes ol his father, forced him to depend on his own resources, and he and his wife were constant contributors to‘thc Satur- day Review. Ho entered Parliament fifty years ago as Lord Robert Cecil, and his early career there “and his speeches were marked by the sharp cp- .igrammatic style of the reviewer, which was somewhat modified on his first ap- pointment to office as Secretary for India in 1866, but has always been more or less a characteristic. lie rcâ€" signed in the following year, but was again appointed' to that oflice in 1374, under Disraeli. It was in 1876-7, as special Ambassador to a conference on the eastern questiém at Constantinople. ‘that he first took a prominent post in reference to foreign affairs.” Lord Salisbury was first called. to form a ministry in 1885,and:sincc then ,his-name has been. “as familiar in our months as household words.” The Globe says : - “Death-has rcmovcd'in the person of Lord Salisbury the last‘ of the ‘Queen’s Ministers.’ The news of his demise suggests theta regime has pass-- .0d'=away. ljord Salisbury nevcrfillcd in the public mind so distinct a place as Palmerston, or Pccl,. or Disraeli, or Gladttone. There was an element of aloofncss about him that prevented him ,cvel' becoming a popular here. Although ifi'ncly epifzrammatic and' weighty, his speaking did not possess the qualities ,lhat make for popularity. [â€"10 had, fmoreover, been-sollcng in the House oi , zLords that the authority of the leader- ship always scemcd divided, and as the ‘public attention will‘ always be chit-fly bestowed on the Commons, the leader "10f that body attractoda large share of the interest that would otherwise doubt- less have been bestowed on L'ord Salis- flbury. When, therefore, he retired from office a year ago, he: seemed to disap pear at once and completely from public ,obscrvation.” The. Village Debentures. It appears probable that, after all, g ;the village debentures willi b0 guaran- teed by the county, which will reduce the-interest to be paid on the borrowed and cost the county not a cent. On Monday Messrs: McFarland, Bian- don and Sclicitor McDiarmid waited on the Verulatn towuship council at Bob- .cayeeon, and on Wednesday Messrs. ’McFarland and G‘ould‘ intervie\v0ditlie Fenelon tOWnship council at- Cambray, and succeeded in having the resolutions Moved by J. P. Palmer. seconded by E. Mark, and Resolved, That this coun- ‘lcii, having heard the deputation from the Feoelcn Falls Board of Water Light-nude Power: Gommissibnrs, here- by expresses its approval of the guaran ,teeing of' the debentures of the said village by the county oi Victoria. ; Moved? by J; Brooks, seconded by W. TDevitt, That the resolution passed at the last session-of council, viewing. with displeasurethc county guaranteeing the bonds of Fenelon Falls in the purchase of the water.» power from Messrs. Mc- Dbugall: Branden-and Austin, be and is {hereby rescinded, and that, instead, this council look upon- the scheme with a deal of satisfaction, tend-ing- as it'does towards municipal ownership, and that our county representatives be instructed to support themeasure as heretofore.â€" Carried; rasi.‘t.m'...;m On Monday morning the villagolwas on Saturday and Sunday nights ;: but, as far as we can learn, nothing was done that can reasonably be attributed to pro- fessional thieves. On Saturday night a couple of men (or boys), peeped' through thc‘window of Mr. Burgoyne’s office at the- rear end. of thcstore, and, later, they. or some-others were seen loitering behind- the Bank,.which is in the same block. 0n the- strength o£ these inoir l below passed without a dissenting vote. ‘ 'country, and asked him to wait ( d'ents, Cbnstable Brook and his deputy, Mr. Tom Scott, armed with rifles, pa- trolled the main street during the great- er part of4 the night; and were aided and abetted by two members of the Bank staff, one of whom, a new comer, “held up” Dr. Graham, who was re- turning from visiting a patient in the which he did) until the others came up and identified him. However, too much zeal on the part of officials is- better than too little; and we think that the constables ly the moment they thought there was any necessity for‘it. About 2 a. m. on Monday somebody tried to force open the front door of Mrs. J. Twomey’s res- idence on Louisa street, which so alarm- ed the venerable lady that she went over to Mr. Richard Mitchell's; and during the same night Mr. Joseph Mc~ Farluud’s stable was twice entered, but nothing was stolen. The first idea that there had been burglars in the village was soon exploded, and the opiui0n now is that a tramp waswprowling around; but, ifso, he hasnct since been seen. In this connection we may remark that persons who have money in their houses will be wise to deposit it in the Bank. which will be responsible for its safe keeping; and any burglar who attempts tovrob that institution will meet with so warm a reception that-he'll sincerely wish he hadn’t. Bank itselfrandtuot upon the persons whohad'money deposited therein. Personals. Miss chnie Campbell was home from Lindsay on Sunday. Miss Maud Littlcton is home from Midland for her holidays. . Miss Flossic Smitheram.visited friend 'at Lindsay lromSa-turday until Tuesday. Mr... and‘ Mrs. M. H. Ucchrane were 'at the Falls from Friday until Monday. Col. Sam ling-hes was at his summer residence at the Falls from Friday until Mcnday, Miss Susie Belch, of Goldwater, is at ‘the Falls-visiting her cousin, Mrs..Sam- uel Brokenshire. relatives at the Falls, Miss Maud Church came home on Tuesday fro”) avisit of ovcrtwo mouths to friends at Pctci‘borough. Mrs. S. Nevisou and her son, of Lind- .say, were visiting last week at Mr. W. H. Stevenson‘s in ‘fl‘erulam. Dr. Wilson returned home on Satur- day from a few days' visit to his daugh- ter, Mrs. E. 0. Here, at Ottawa. next week. Mr; Titford'; of Cohourg, is visiting his daughtergwho has been at the li‘ulls some weeks for thenood'of her health. Miss Margaret Ellis, of Bobcayceon, has been on a. visit to her relatives at and in the vicinity of the Falls since , Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F F. Hawkins and ;Mr. N. Lawson Lewis, of Cleveland, Ohio. and Mr. Peter Dcyman, have been at the Falls since Tuesday. M’r. Duncan McDougall and family, of Lindsay, have been visiting-3' friends .at the Falls since Monday. and will remain until the 0nd of the week. He was accompanied as far as Midland by his father, Mr. W. L. Robson. The Misses L.in soda-Minnie Docherty, 'of G‘uclph, have becnrat the Falls, visit- ing Mrs. Edward Chambers, since Mon- Miss Bessie Nie returned home on Monday from. a two month’s visit to friends at Hamilton, Toronto and Niag- ara Falls. Her father, Mr. Geo. J. Nic, accompanied herrfrorn Flemiltcn. Paroles-1 corner. ____â€" (C’Orrcspondcncc of the Gazette.) Miss E". F. Carnpbcll, oi Hartley, ‘spent a few daysin-this locality visiting her many old friends. Miss W. Cummings, of Randolph, spent a. week here visiting at Mr. Thcs. Daniel’s. Mr. Wm. Hill,.of' Penetang, spent a few days visiting at the old homestead. The rain last Monday night. put a ‘ stop to-lmrvcsting,. but the amount the root crop will be bencfitted would be hard to estimate. Mr. W. Day, 13‘; A., who has argood situation at the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph, was home for afew .days. Those who left here for the North- full of rumors of. attempted; burglaries 1W0“ 0“ the 17‘" lnSt‘ral'erEd'safelY- ~M'r. B'. Parrish, of Sutclifi'n &:Sons‘ staff, came down last Tuesday on the noon train and was present during his grandmother’s last hours. about 4. o'clock. The remains were. taken to Oshawa: for interment. on Thursday. I ' - Mr. George Graham, of thc~towaship of Ops, passed through here last Wedâ€"- nesday. morning with a. handfof. large arc to be commended foracting prompt- ‘ :‘want to feel strona Besides, in theralmost 1 impossible event of the Bank being ‘ robbed, the loss would fall upon. the Mrs..Sidncy Morrison,accompanied ; .by her baby daughter, is. visiting her-~ Mastcr Neil Robson leit'last- weele to 1 .‘visit his brother Jbscph at B‘urk’s Falls. Death came , .steers to be fitted up form-.4" oreign market. . . The school here reopened on the 17th, after a good long rest for teachers and. pupils. CHANGE or Tineâ€"After Septem- ber lst the Trent Valley Navigation Company’s steamer Es‘turion will leave Lindsay town wharf at 5.45 p. m. in» stead of 6.30 p. m. as at present. Note change in time-table in our advertising columns. ' N ervously Exhausted . Sleepless, poor digestion, easily- tired, blue as indigo, that’s how you feel. Do you ~ a, make plenty of blood,. enjoy buoyancy, strength and vim. You can do so by using Ferrozone. How it sharpens the appetite and imparts a feelinm- of~buoyaucy, strength and vim 1 Improve; the appetite, digestion, assimilation, sleep. HOW-surely Ferrozonc does this, you can ascertain by using it. Fen-ozone is a. blood; lbuildcnynervc strengthener and brain iur vigoratoy: Sold by W. H. Robson. VOCAL..â€"-Mcdame Doon Cochrane,. of Detroit, rendered two vocal solos in 'St. Andrew's church last Sunday even- ing, and surprised the congregation by» the strength and beauty of her voice. Mrs. Cochrane possesses a very power-'- qul and hitzhly trained soprano; and, as her enunciation is first class and she- Sings With great feeling, she cannot fail:- to please even a critical audience. A Goon APPOINTMENT â€"â€"We are- pleased to learn that Mr. D. C. Trew, of Lindsay, has been appointed one of? the Government expert judges of poulJ :try, and we hope to see him here on the' second day of our fall show. He is one of the most experienced “ hen men " in: the l’r0vincc. and will, we feel quitc~ confident, give his decisions uninfluenc- ed by anything but the merits of the- birds he is called upon to judge. CORRECTION.â€"In the school board»: proceedings published our last issue there was an error. It was statedthat= Mr. P. J. Knox had been engaged'as teacher of. the» south ward school at a- :salary of $325; but it, should have read $350. He received the last-nanmd suini for teaching the school in Verul-am, ‘where he would no doubt have been re- :cngaged ;:but he of course greatly pre- fers to live at the Falls, which is his ._home; Why Herviline Cures Rheumatism The remarkable strength" andcmarvellous soothingpropcrty of Nerv- ilineâ€"ncrvc pain cureâ€"renders it almost infalliable in Rheumatism: Five times: stronger. than- any other, ils penetrating powcrenables it to reach the source of, pain and drive out the' disease. Nerviline 1, is more penetrating, stronger, and more highly pain-subduing in its action than any" medicine heretofore devised for-the relief: of man’s infirmitics. Druggists sell it every» ~ where. Sold by W. H. Robson. A.GOOD=SWI)IMER.â€"A few days ago: .;one-of Mr. Nathan Day’s shccpvswamv .across the lake. from his farm to Stur- geon Point. at distance» of' about two! umilcs. It was chased into the water by dogs; which worried some of the other“ fsheep, and were shot~at, but escaped»; unhurL. We knew that sheep;like allz four-legucd animals, could swim, but' 'hadno idea that one of them could cross~ Sturgeon-lake, until Mr. Day's perform~ $ed'the feat, and,.we-faney, “beat: the.- record."~ FELL. INTO-A. KILN.-â€"-Oc Friday 'morning Mr. Joseph Pogue, who is: tenant of the-old Naylor: form, close to- ='thc Falls, found one of his team,- a bay mare, dead, with her neck broken, in an old- lime kiln that has been on the; ffarmfor many years. Mi..Poguc a-ir‘» ways intendeditc fill it- up, some-day or- day. and Will remain until the end 0f another; and now, no doubt wishes he: \had done so. The more was thirteen. iyears old. and blindof an eye;. but, ats the“ present price of: horseflcsh,.she was; ,worthngood bit‘of money. I ANOTHER' BIKE Acornnnrnâ€"Om ;Thursday of last week. a young man! named Ei‘ank'Carr, from Port. Huron,. was some Fells-and left in the evening: on his bicycle, from which he was.- ‘thrown, neaerofi'at’s hill, with such: 3violence that one of his shoulders was: ‘badly hurt, ifnot dislocated.“ ‘ Constable! Brock, wliowvas on his way home from. ithc country, saw him just after the ac- ‘cident and offered to assist him, but he said he thought he could get as far as. ,Bcbcaygeon. without help, and. Mn. IBrockrleft him-at the roadside.. THAT STAGE [run â€"The Minderr Echo-says :. “ We notice a paragraph in: the columns of an esteemed cntcinporary,. The Fenelqn Falls Gazette, in which-it; is stated that a. new stage has been start- edvbetwecn Mindcn and Kinmount,.but name here has seen anything of it yet." We obtained the information given-in the: ,. paragraphrcfcrrcdto fromvresidents of.” Miudcn, and saw the new stage waggon,. . which was made here- by Mr. Gainer, wholsaid that it. was for Mr. Moon, and; was to run between Mindcn and Kin- mount. Pessiny there has been some: cause of delay or er..M00n may have- ohanged-his mind; but we certainly! 3?: good. reasons for sayingth we: 9-5’~AVKA='JH¢; ,.. - _.. -.. w, s. “7.. ...-. ’ 7“":953". «‘1 .4 q... 5,: _. .- .,_’4_‘..~_ ' .. iv ‘5‘-v - wvv-

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