Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 7 Aug 1903, p. 3

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There are very few cleans, lng operations in which Sunlight Soap cannot be used to advanti age- It makes the home bright schools there is always, besides the and clean. 13 whimâ€"â€" LEFT IN PEACE AND PIECES. ‘-‘ lease, sir," said the new ofiic boy, “I took this letter where you old ' ‘ ; me to’ but the lady wasn t 111' her, and asked her how she was and so I’ve brought it back." “Brought it back, have you?” fum- ed the irate merchant. “\V'hat d’yer mean 'by doing that? hardâ€"boiled egg. Take it again, and if she isn’t in leave it in the letter- box, or push it under the door; leave it somewhereâ€"g0; go, before I bite ’ you!” a physician, loves her father and takes TOO MUCH or A GOOD "camel A \vorlderfsul heard is worn by Jean Conlo'n, of Monltlucom, Frame, It is 10 feet 10k inches in length, and nearly five feet of it, when he stands erect, rests on the floor. rIlhe ends of his inclustache hang below his waist. .___â€" DUTCH ARE UP-TO-DATE‘. For thirteen years the Dutch have held compulsory registration of in- iect-io'us diseases... At their best teacher, an attendant who sees .to the personal condition of each c’lnld upon entering the school each day. -â€"â€"+â€"â€"+â€"â€"- Miss Kitty, daughter of Dr. Jones, an interest in his profession. The other day a lady friend called to see 'how they wore getting on. “Oh, pretty well,” answered Miss Kitty, “pretty well; plenty of colds, some. You don’t . . . . Ream to have any more sense than a Eiuotnclntis, and a little typhus lever, as papa said yesterday, to make things lively, what We need is a nice little epedemic.” Old Doctorâ€"“So you think my daughter's happiness is safe in your Presently the youth returned, and [hm1ds_el19,, Young ])Octm,___..1 know p. satisfied expression was in his eye. “You left it this time, oh, Solo- mon jun?” queried the merchant. “Yessir,” said the sparkling lad, "I couldn’t reach the letterâ€"box, and it wouldn’t go under the door, so I in pieces and bungcd it through the keyhole, sir. Was that to re 1 t right, sir?” EXPORTS AND IMPORTS. British Columbia has the Indian ocean. The production of petroleum in grown from 56,000 310,000 tons in 1902. Three companies p1“ ctically the entire industry. Ker- mne and gasoline go principally to Norway, and France, while the greater part of' the exports of onufde oil is taken by Aiusbro-Ehmgarian Roumania has tons in 1893 to control G ernuany, Great Brit ain , B'u lgairia refiners. EXPECTED, DI.le “Bobby, your momma tells me you are a very sharp boy, and she you to be a great man,” said Mr. Blossom, as he sat waiting expects [or Bobby’s sister. “Illa never does talkin’ about. She more‘n a year ago." G LA S Sâ€"WALLCED ROOMS . LA. novel system of ad'ormnent f0 rooniis bias been perfected by a Lon- The walls are lin- ed with panels of transparent glass which are faced with negatives of wellâ€"known pictures, through which filters subdued electric light. The ell‘lect is somewhat the same as 'Uhe ligih of a stained glass window, aural [10:11 electrician. .ls quite artistic. SHE CRUSHED H’IllI, ‘ ‘ Cassandra, "’ of my soul. haunting the dread, the pain that fills meâ€"â€"-’ our heroine, eating green ap- “Percivnl,” titters "have you been pies?” EVEN WITH IIIM. Mr. Flirty (tauntingly)â€"â€"“I saw Mrs. Berryman on the street toâ€"day. She looked charming in her mourning gowri.” Mrs. Flirty (sarcastically)â€"“Inâ€" deed! It’s a pity we can’t all be widows.” I TOLD IN FIGURES. Uncle Sam's annual $558,887, 148. Russia has fiftyâ€"seven warships at . Port Arthur. Florida's orange and pineapple crop is estimated at $2,500,000. Nearly oneâ€"half of the mortality in the United States. is from diseases of Dear the lungs, and 75 per cent. of it preâ€" ARD’S LINIM‘ENT vent able. _.._‘ VALUE OF A BRIGHT EYE. ‘A man has built up a'big bwsinessl produced. $189,728,5b8 worth of gold “and $58,989,572 worth of coal and coke. The French colonial party wislh the port of Diegoâ€"Suariez, a fine naâ€" tural harbor at the extreme north of ll'l‘ad‘agasoar, made a Gibraltar them which France could dominate ’spect nothin’ right. She doesn't know what she’s told pa she 'spectcd you and my sister would be married ’fore summer, and that was sighs our hero, "there is something within me that thrills me to the innermost recesses I must tell you of the heaviness, of the doubt, : income is she loves me, and I do not see how I could live without her.” Old Doc- torâ€"“Well, you are a young man of good character, and I will give my consent on one condition." Young Doctorâ€"“Name it!" Old Doctorâ€"“It is that when she is ill you won't try to doctor her yourâ€" self." Mrs. De Fashionâ€"“My dear, have picked out a husband for you.” I want to say now, mother, that when it comes to buying the wed- materials myself, so there.” “May I kiss you, Miss Jane?" “‘1 am sorry to see, Mr. Briggs, that ing cause of “And that is?” dence." Then he kissed her. Loverâ€"‘ ‘You every day.” “Oh, indefinitely."~ married.’ ' Deafness Cannot Be Cured reach the diseased portion of the car. There is only one way to cure deafness, vices. any case 0 that cannot be cure Cure. Send for Circulars, free. Sold by Drugwists. 750. Jlnfl'l F‘amllybl’llls are the best. NEW CODE OF HONOR. Minnow rardes . dation. sprains. sore and swollen throat, coughs, at Save $50 by use or one bottf‘. known. Wealth is, and how when I was poor." , C. RICHARDS «Si 00. Sinâ€"I have Miss De Fashionâ€"“Very well; but ding dress, I am going to select the you, too, al‘OQail'ected by the prevail- busincss depression.” “Lack of confi- are getting prettier Sweet Girlâ€"“Just now I am living on brown bread and water to improve my complexion.” “How long can you keep that up?" “Then let’s get by local applications as they cannot) and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con- dition of the mucous lining of the Eus- tachian-Tube. When this tube is inflam- ed you have arumbling sound or im- perfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is- the result, and un- lesslthe inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for- ever. Nine cases out of ten are caused by Uatarrh, which is nothing but an lni‘lamed condition of the mucous scr- We will lve One Hundred Dollars for gheainess (caused by catarrh) d by Hell's Untarrb r. J. CHENEY & 00., Toledo, 0. ‘Devned Ham i l I .A somewhat remarkable textbook for fihe use of young Germain sol-d- iers has just been published. It de- liberately instructs Soldiers to in- form their superiors of all kinds of committed by their com- Servicos of this character are stated in the textbook to be a high duty, and worthy'of commen- â€"-â€"-(â€" --â€"-â€"â€"--‘ art.” EiltlLlSli Si’i’l‘iii‘l Llilll‘d'ltli'l Removes all hard, soft or calloueod lump: and blemishes from horses, blood spavln curbs. splints. ring bone, swoeney, stiflea O Warranzel the most wonderful blemish Cure eve: ______â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-_ lose he can ali'ord to ignore” public Friendâ€"~“Now that you have made opinion. millions, what will you do?" Old Bullionâ€""I shall retire, and amuse myself telling people what a burden happy I was WWW used MIN- in the livery ' stable for over a. year and consider it the very best for horse flesh I can Igel: and strongly recommend it. GEO. HOUGH. at Puget Sound, near Vancorwer, asl Livery Stables, Quebec. the result of a Holiday excursion. Instead 0':- loal‘ing aimlessly, he used his eyes, and, noticing a little fish, which he took to be a sardine, had ~ 759 some tinned, with the ultimate re-' W"-..â€" sult that his establishment has this BIGGEST HAYSTACK_ gear sent out 175,000 cases. A visiting justice to a certain gaol in his possession. The magistrate saw a prisoner who had a rat salid:â€"- “Ah, you have a. pet, see." Convictâ€"“Yes, sir; I feeds I thinks more of lhnt ’ere rat than any other living in )very man there's something of the \im every day. :reature. " Magistrateâ€"«"Ah, In Australia. the haystacks are enormous size. The great stacks a built with picturesque peaked ro I is a. common sight however, to see a haystack sever times the size of quently contain some thousands tons of hay. One mammoth stac of re of lines and smooth well-raked sides. It in Australi 8” al the barn which of 14, \ngel left, if one can only find it. when complete, jwas lo the rat?" Convictâ€"“'Cos he bit lhe warder!" . feet. How came you to take such a fancy while its width was 9393381th 10,3; . 10 height of the stock was nearly 100 . .0. 1.,“ -.... . Casting Blue Ribbon Ten to fiol-ismleo ‘X/hen Blue Ribbon Tea is hermetically sealed in lead it is _ carted from the upland districts of the interior of Ceylonâ€"where only the best tea. grows â€"â€" to Colombo, there to 5 be shipped to Canada. A queer cavalcade it makesâ€"elect it carries the richest, creamiest, most delicious tasting tea in the universe. Blacifi Flixed Ceylon Green . Cum-1 2 >._ \ '= f. sawing! 4,1,,” l. newt-mm ‘l‘I-h ‘ his? “3‘”, L. 1’.. 5w ‘: .4 l .5 I. n“ ' ,‘., ‘ sing Edward Erfserimam 13900 wath other and inferior brands, I] eagle 1 as 2no: “ Victoria " v. ‘-‘ Little comet ” Libby Luncheons made ready in a few moments. Potted Turkey 0x Tongue, 6:5. Quickly made ready to serve. __.__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"'v_â€".- .â€" Are U. 5. Government Inspected. Veal Loaf Should be the motto in purchasing household articlesâ€"- more especially in woodenware. r ______,_____._â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" l ‘ o ( Keep in the house for emergenCIcsâ€"for sup- ; pcrsâ€"for snndwmhesâ€"l’or any tune when you I l want something good and want it qurck. ! l Handsome illustrated booklet. “Good Things to i Eat" sent free. ‘ Send five 2:: stamps for large Atlas l or the World, in colors. 1 a Libby, McNeiil & Libby, Chicago, “Li ‘} tâ€"l’ ~..I-..________._.......__â€".â€"-â€"â€"â€"- Sheâ€"“Yes, that is Mr. Gamboge, the artist. He is Wedded to his Ilaâ€"“Judging from his ap- pearance I should say that he didn’t marry for money." a I are the goods it pays the housewife to purchase. “Just as good” means taking chances. Insmt on yonr dealer supplying you with those bearmg the name “Cane, 'Newmark et”,â€"popularly priced. “‘53 . ' mumurkfiwymmmmw "‘ " ‘ SMITH 8c SAMERON solicitors of Patents : Canada. Life Build'g, Toronto. . Minald's Llnlmanillures Dandruff. If a. man has It takes an experienced undertakerl to look solemn and cOnceal his satis- l ‘ Write for tree advice faction at a funeral. no reputation to Lover‘s Yâ€"Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- â€"â€"~-~â€"~â€"â€"-â€"~â€"â€" 7â€"â€" ant Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens the water and disin- or mad: also Ladieflv‘m of an kin“ fects. and House Hangiu 5 of every description. GOLD BIEDALIS ‘ DYERS. ' ERITIBH AMERICAN DYEING CO‘Y. Mutual. Toronto, Ottawa 8: Quebec. For Over Slxty Years Mas. WINSLOW'S Soo'rmro SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. [tsoothes the child. softens the gums. alloys 1min. cluel wind colic, regulates the Stomach and bowels, and is the best remedy for Dinrrhnm. Twenty-five cents a betel-1 Bold by druggiats throughout. the world. Be sure and ask for“l\13s.Wer.oW‘s Soormso Sriwr." 3 4 Just because two Imen have an understanding betwoen them they are not necessarily haliâ€"wited. â€"_._.â€" llinald’s linlme liar sale Blfillllllele ._.â€"(â€"â€"â€"- |. make a Ill-'11] moral 3 fl.“â€" With the exception of lovemaking there are many new ways of doing old things. = Law cannot but it can make him decidedly unâ€" comfortable if ‘he is immoral. illnard's llnimtlillilleles lieuralgla _ It seems queer, but nevertheless it's a fact that illness is often the result of drinking well water. soap ~--~--7-w- w “A H“ r 7. ... .. . . .. “ a in ALL l Bestfor y Bestfor ‘ ' saw-mag, | lg Big Folks glittle Folks 392cm». l waggqée’é“ ATTENTION JOHN TAYLOR 66 CO. To PATENT Perfumers and Soap Makers LITIGATION. Sand for Handbook TORONTO. ONTO on Patent). 8:0, - ' m ' "fiv..,.f‘f‘ CEEAPE ST NEW YORK EXCURSION. Ever planned goes anna. August 11. All trains. To '21ng 33"â€" . Jr‘x advertise. its scenery, service and I 1 1 l h f mi .. . ..T_ ,. , 5“, equipment, the Lackawanna Railroad If scientific 111‘ I10 DLl 8 001m 01‘ any: nl - ti at nti fluted alr :ul truss should be 1 . i\ I “7111' on Aug' 11' put on sale tiCkets Iligcgaa? 1t elds the Sorts in such positio: ‘ a ‘ Ia at Buffalo at $9.00 the round trip, thntwith fair play they muat heal. ltlsllulil , ' We have Mexxcans, VIE ‘ and comfortable to wear find your confidencl 13500211201. liggggys lgfifi'rnmg' This is restored the moment 'it is ad; usted. let. , California Navels’ HAVE ever given- can procure it only from tlxeyBelt and Trus: - E Choice of five trains leaving Buffalo Mfg. 09m Hernia Specnlllsls- 433 blmdm’ ggififigas' and ' THBEST. It 2.4-5 and s a.m., 5.30, 8.4.5 and Arm-'1‘an- : ' via Lackawâ€" Write now. , 22~47 aWanna Limited, the finest train in service. For our Canadian friends special diagrams will be sent to town Mafia Syrupmd other rod“ . . . cc to advan- - B 1‘ 3 ‘ . - L we and IhlstSteumahlps. Superior aceommodntwn , ' _ p G80 azza d- 8 Yonge btreet’ T0 [or alfclnsaes otgmscngeis. Saloons end Stateroom: l ldge for you. (onto Where bookings can be made- eem'dshi a. eciolittteutionhrs been rlveu to til: i _ u o. ., ' _ Whatever you do mave reservations IEll-econdl Saigon 113d 'fhird-anns etlconimmlation. Furl WE EA'lhou cemfilbslm‘u‘ so" Limitfldu, , rates o'fpaesnge and all particulars, apply to any agent { .35.? <wcst Markup?!” Togoflrai now. For particulars of this and ofthecompgnylor 9-eel l Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Montreal to Liverpool. Boston 'to leer- 1 pool. Portland to Liverpool. Vie Quetns- ‘ I Do Styleâ€"~"A woman's face is her . . II I ‘ -11 1' An] I I ' I V 4 ‘ 1' . ‘ I C .. bitune. txunbusta I suppos’? minuids gthf’r KXCUésiggfowgteyfred P. Fox, nichafilitllgyéggiganhoDglgmgfifimomrmml"rigsgi‘ V9) 31mg; - . Q I, I . ' "‘0 b ' :1 L ’ o -â€"- : hat's why they sea ’money talks. t. EAN&W&.@. , (- houses the rest of the crops of the. 11.80 p.m. If you Want a ten hour farm. These enormous haystacks fie- mp 11-, W111 cost $9.50 on the Lack- --“>â€"-â€"-â€"’â€"“"â€""â€""“""‘:"" I Carload every Week. All the above at, florflinion Line gteagfishgpa l market prices. We can also handle your} r‘vmmmmsy

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