Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 29 May 1903, p. 5

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u , ,. _. Berv ley, Wm. Bishop, Fred Cul- I _ y , Ion, J. Courtney, Findlay Robson, Fred WANTED manners Improve“ d ' nd - , Hamilton and Fred Warren. ‘ They had .,.};2‘12g,'3§?,Ҥ3.§iԤ.°Elpffilfiifnfiiéi a ergtlmng in Mlujn .F s \ ‘ . a right royal time, dining in or around larger range of work, principally Stove Ev _ 9137 I L . . I the Syndicate's big house'on the island, PIMO- Apply to which they left. in time to be home by 1 TE“ GUN“ FWNDRY 00" LEEEIEElO _ m , ' _ . . . 9 o’clock. While there they organized 1'6 we invite youl All hues of Dress Goods to be sold durmg th1s Clearmg Sale at: (I‘ve‘al'lztoldj):,i\vha$ is ,betknim'lll j :3 our Spring one-quarter off the price. All hues of Sllks and tic‘ Ill" l" war u .’o'w1icia ‘ ' ' , ‘ W. ' . . present were constituted members etc ' ogég‘iggy b‘Ltlns at oneâ€"qualtel Off the puce' ‘ ' “i i I but the officers have not, we believe yet . - . - - x l - b no that a. Court for , _ been elected. , tlgigfisi; $0,113,; ’i‘QSLessmen, 1-011 of the W Latlics’ Regular 250 Black Cashmere Men’s Shirts and Underwearat cut prices. I ' A . _ Iloseat.........‘ . . . . . . ....... 200- l i _ . __,, ,___A#W__.-,,, _ .___._~ _ _ , . of Fen81011 we exmnd 3' cordlal I'll'fltflhon t0 lildiOS 350. Cashmere llose at . , . . . , . . .. 280. men swig” HMS at ‘one qumtcr Off the A cyclone did ,1 lot of damafie in h , of Feuelon Falls and Vicinity to visit our one. Cashmere Hose at . . . . . . 3‘20. 1 ' v I Mom,“ Lon Pelm‘couuty 1" will be held in Twonney 3 ball Eitlflbltlélhlment, ‘Ehere oxptelricfnce and illâ€" . 500. Cashmere Hose at . . . . . . . . . . 400. All lines of Carpets cut right down to- }f , ‘ . _ llll y lave ma cit )033i 0 r 'nte d" . ' . . . ' I s . ~ The :te'imer Bully ‘ia ~ ‘ 'ved at Hal- on Fr'dal': the 29th day Of may, 1903: purchasers to obtain :ltn assortiinciit Mlllq- V A“ 1.1"” .Of 00mm Hose at b'g reuucuon WhOlcmk coat if. 5960 . rm; ‘1“ t, in) {ms o’clock p_ m_ All parties interested linery Goods which is complete in every m lmc‘“ Dress Musujls and White Lawns at deep fix.“ 1;: ’ Passenne“: “1.05 y ' will please take notice and govern them- (lelall for the coming season. Onrimport- A big stock of Black and Colored Kid cut. Prices; “150 Flanncuetms mm mmmms 01 Canada' selves accordingly. The roll is now open gm)“ 13f Fllojvers, lélbbons, Laces, BraidS, Gloves,“ 0,,e-qu,u-Lel- (fifth price_ Wrapperettes. IE; is re opted that, the Governnlent for inspection at: lny Office. 1 is, ove l‘lesz rel- y-to-ch}‘ and untylyn" Onc_ Bartel. off the nice of lucnls and Alarge and most complete Stock of Table intends mpadvance a loan of $3,000,000 W. T. JUNKIN' med Hats, W111 impress you With our ability goys, Snug. 1 Lmens’ Bleached and Unbleached), Village Clerk. ‘to Serve your every Want’ at clearing prices. to provide further facilities at Montreal Men’s $1.50 Pants MU” $1.25. hirbor. Fenelon Faus’ May 12m’ 1903' 14-2. ___ Man $1.25 Pants at . . . . . . . . . . 1 00. 20 (T\vcnty)_ Ladies’_ Cloth Readyâ€"to- ,, gagmggg; $31330; , “w” 2%,,“ » in:hissifhlfirrl‘?it? 23:: instants in his canoe on Monday afternoon, and 3rd: is probably drowned. The canoe was 4th, 193-3. . Be sure and attend this Big Clearing. Sale now going on at. found upside down in the water. m WILL RUN I I . R. B. 8‘ c Humaseekers’ 1%), Excursions llilSSlll. Washblll'll , . o TYPHOID SCOURGING THE VJHOLE COUNTRY. - . - To the Canadian Nortl est t Return ‘ .5 ED TO THE LiMlT. DOCTORS AND Fares 1W 8' " ' ' mosses BUSY. wnY Tms FEVER is W. . . inmpeg .. Regina . . . . . . so PREVALENT AND THE BEST MEANS Vlaskada .. MooseJaw }$30 0F PR EVENTION. Typhoid fever is holding the attention of health officers in every part of Canada just now. It is epidemic. Many causes are at- Estevan Yorkton Elgin . . . . . . Arcol’a . . . . . . Prince Albert Moosomin .. Macleod ’3‘"? VJawancsa Calgary . . . . . . ‘90” Miniota . . . . ‘ .. , . > - Binscarth .. Red De h u ‘ 3 er.... triguted tothetpiesrlclnt o ttble’tk, b (1 milk Grand View Strut,” an impure wa er. ie mos . common symp- swan River com, toms of this dreaded malady are headache, dizziness, specks before the eyes, weakness of the back, gone feeling in the limbs and nauseous sensations in the stomach. A startling fact is that a person who is quite healthy to. outward appearance may un- consciously have the disease working in ward'ly for along time. The surest pre- ventative is to increase your vitality. En- Going JUNE 1th, returning until AUG. 4th (all rail or S. S Athabasca). Going JUNE 18th, returning until AUG. 18th (all rail or S. S Athabasca). Geing JULY 4th, returning until SEPT. 8th (all rail or S. S. i P A P E R I m Manitoba). Tickets are not good on “ Im- perial Limited.” For tickets and pamphlet ~ . '- ' in doing your spring. est Canadian Pacific agent or to deavor to get strong. Keopthe blood pure f q . . . and untainted. Try and build up a reserve I A. H. ROIMAN, Look 1t over 3 also your 7» of energy that Wlll enable you to repel the Assxsiant General Passenger Agent, _ , . . . onslaught of the typhoid germ. In the 71 Yonge St, Toronto. Buggy. If they. need any ‘ " ‘ ‘ 18 not the very best opinion of many noted specialists, the best remedy in such a crisis is Ferrozone, which has a specific action on all impurities in the blood, and can be relied upon as a protec- tion to those in health. A course of Fer- rozone puts the system in perfect condition, and insures you against the many diseases one is liable to contract when vitality is low, Nothing so quickly builds up weak constitutions, making muscle and fibre ‘wbere formerly there was flabbiness and weakness. Ferrozone is a blood-maker, a strengthener, a rebuilding tonic that gives unbounded satisfaction, and can be dependâ€" ed upon to bring happiness and heath to those who need it. Very few are so per- fectly healthy that they don’t need a brac- ing tonic occasionally. There is none bet- ‘ ter, and dot one half so good, as Ferrozqne. It is sold by all reliable druggists at 500.. per box, or six boxes for $2.50. Sent to any address by mail by the Ferrozone Co, Kingston, Ont. Ferrozone assures health. repalrlng or fix1ng up, now I w p I is the time to havéi, done, you can get for, your money. And how .KAWARI'HA LAKES do you know you are getting the best and my shop the place to TRENT VALLEY-NAVIGATION “WW! have it done right. possible Value unless you have seen our mm” stock? Let us show you What we have, - New work done on short “ ‘ " notice. ' to Show you" 3 b l ' ' . f - ‘3.liltfsfgiisn$3122.53??? 0.50. H. McGEE. Bobcaygeon Lv. 6 15a m. and 3 10 pm. 7 F. G. i, Sturgeon Pt. “ 7 1-5 ” “ 4 10 “ Lindsay Arr. 8 40 “ “ 5 30 “ “ Lv. 11 00 “ “ 5 45 “ Sturgeon Pt. “ 12 10 p.m. “ 6 55 “ Bobcaygeon Arr. l 15 “ “ 810 “ During June, July, Aug. and Sept., Sat- . nrday’s boat will await arrival of evening A R E Y a U N train from Toronto. . - '. June 15 to Sept. lst, leave Lindsay at g: ' a . G 30 p. m. instead of 5 45. Meals served d 3‘ a \ B U L B . . » I. ____________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"'“. _____________â€"â€"â€":‘â€"‘~â€" PENELON FALLS MARKETS. . on board. F'enelon Falls, Friday, May 29th,,1903, For tickets and general information apply is printed every Friday at the office, . Bran-.per 100 lbs 90 1-00 q Sherls, .“ “ ... .. 1-00' 1'30 l 25 Reporled 01/6/16 A’orm czar Roller Mil/T 00. to D' Goum’ agent’ Telephone.E'XCImu'ge' comer may and Francis Streets' I (“n 1) ep led to supply c . t . 1 â€". . r- r- F 1‘ ‘1" . I »- ‘1 n0 eSS‘Ll‘ ma el‘l'l., Wheat,bcotcll 01 life ...- (0 lo (5 SUBSCRIPTION; ( ‘ _ . _ " ‘ y ‘ ‘ Wheat, fall} Pei-bushel.... 67 $1 00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE for House or Barn bu1ld1ng at reasonable prices, 7 v ‘ o o n... ' I I ' I ' E333; “fisher-- 37 A“ kanng of, l and 11; Will pay you. to consult me before buying. ‘ ) n It. 0 IO. ' . ' , . u u” 37 40 or one cent per week Will be added ' " .. : ' . -‘ _ M _ 13:21:“ berm“ 27 28 R h L as leug as it remains unpaid. ’ i- P13111113 done on Show! 11mlch by. filot class so oug . umber, __ , workmen. . Rye, 1,1756 :3) Advertising Rates. . _ Efitggp‘esgr 1b .........,. 16 18 Professional or business cards, 50 cents F: Eva‘s ’Er doze'x‘l""" ""“" ' 10 1.2 ‘ . .' ' m per line per annum. Casual advertisements, 1?” ’Er ton 7 00 3 00 ‘ I > , 8 cents per line for the first insertion, and ‘Hltg’ p " "" "' ' 4’00 5 00 ’ ' 2 cents per line for every subsequent inser-- H100: ‘ ' " "‘ 5'35 5'60 tion. Contracts- by the- year,- half year or . mm 95“ ( we} ""“ "' ' [1'00 - a less, upon reasonable terms. _ . ’ €353 (Dresse‘i?".'."" 2.23 3150 . _ ' a . seconn mvsaon coumr Sl]ee.p.s.k.i.n.é . p 50 I 75 ' JOB PRINTING executed neatly, cor- ’ â€"or THEâ€"â€" X001 8'1 1 9% 2 iii ’ ectly and at moderate prices. , County of Victoria. ‘ ' ' ' I I” II . ' . ‘ ‘ ‘ F133;; Vielgi'ia calf....i.h...... 1.80 2-09 M! . E" D" HAg-ghietor. be next sittings. of the above Court wil Flour, Family, Clipper. ... 1.65 1-80 1 W . be held in Twomey’s hall, Fenelon Falls ON. MONDAY, JULY l3th, 1903,. Fcommencing at 1' o’clock in'tlie afternoon. 4 q , . Thursday, July 2nd, will be the last day TELLPHONE. 1N OFFICE. _ of service on defendants residing in this Mixed Chop- “ ....,..... 1,.l5‘ flâ€"rz‘w WANTED. First-class work, reason». able prices, at the “Gaza county. Defendants living in other coun- , ” A man: *0 tflke Charge 0f the Smger g, ties must be servedon or before Satur- ette OfilCGr Sewing Machine business in theuvlijllage of t . awry-[me 27th. . v v _ Fenelon Falls. Good terms wi e given; ‘ E_ G. EDWARDS E“. D.HA\ID V m the right man. Apploy £13: HORD , Orders for wood may be left Bailiff. balk- 12-4" Singer Oil‘ice, llindsay at Ml“. Northey’s. ‘ Fenclon Falls,.A.pril 15th, 1903'. : . _ , p p _ ' _.,..__...â€"â€" , M. We. have Just re- nualaltnalt ty slung :- r llNllSll .lllliBlE WORKS ,. \ ~ ' and Summer stock' 1.0RP0RAT10N OF THE COUNTY OF You can place full reliance in Dunlop x VICTORIA' - Detachable Pneumatic Tiresâ€"they will Bobt_ Chambers- 3 . ' l never betray your trust, hardest to punc- NOtlce is hereby given that the - ture, easiest to repair. Years of excellent) IS prepared to furnish the people of Lind_ I coal-[nail TohMontreal or New York service have made them of almost! uni‘ say and shrrounding country with MONU- I'E‘ for of Boots andShoes; in all the newest - , , versaladoption- Every wheel witherepu- ‘ MEN'l‘S and HEADSTONES both Marble 0110103 Pattelns 01 10W . tation is fitted with them. Every rider of i and granite. ’ ofthe Corporation of the Copnl-Y 0f Vic' . - ts th t d ' 51:] et in he 311088 111. experience insis on em. _ , , .. - - 'r mm“ m inc 1 Dunlop Tires make bicycle enthusiasts. EStlmMeS Prom]le QIVG’J-‘On'au‘kmds 0‘ an up 0 council Chamber, Court House, w P They increase thepleasureot wheeling and cemetery work. , W Lindsay, I l minimize theitroumg' lBicycung’m an MarbleTablc Tens, Wash Tops, Mantle and see - , ‘ h . . ‘ 4 .l ' ' ' _ l _...ouâ€"â€"- . We have them here now assured success Wm un Ops ‘ Pieces, etc., a specialty. ' j - v I c‘ I . Few? TUESDAY: JUNE 9th: 1903: for your 88180131011» The Dunlop Tlr-e co- Beings. practical workman, all should Prices. 1" v t y 1’ k - me afternoon ’ tanned see his designs and compare prices before ' 5 1g ' - at woococ.1n - _ .- ' l. . 1 . i 5, Toronto. Ont. , pnrchasmg elscw ierc J3, R, MGNEILLLE, L|flDSAY’ - WORKSâ€"Inthe- rear. oil the Market on D°W““°“‘m"s“ “M'wm‘m'v‘umm‘ Cambridge-Sta, opposite the packing house R. CHAMBERS I NEVISUN’S HARNESS. SHflE: County Clerk;. NEXT To ' l k’s Office ,‘ “figsffim 26,h,11903. . ,smrsos HOUSE.

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