Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 22 May 1903, p. 5

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. .__.-.. . .f. ...,.. -N..~__...-...-..-.. ...v._...mâ€".-.._a.._._.__..__.â€"â€"â€". ’“OULDERS Ace med to general work, and who Wan; . learn stove plate. Apply, giving experience, references, etc., to WAN TEDâ€"Monlders’ Improve“. Young men who have had experience and want to attain greater experience over a larger range of work, principally stove 13'- llllP illlllilti ll THIS-tllllllllli Sill. Tn}: Gunner Fousnar Co, LIMITED, plate, Apply to five TOI‘Ont‘l Tim Grassy Fouunano., LIMITED, norsm LIKE Ianâ€"Mr. Fred Met- 11-6 T°r°ut°- . - . . . . .. I ' - Q i ‘ j“ cam. dams, 1,1“, ,he look of the pm, of ______â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" we mute you All lines of DleSS Goods to be sold dullpg th1s‘Cleallng Sale at 0,,_,'ba,.,.els’ ,iu pans, sstovepipes, and WANTED. to our Spring one-quarter off the price. All lines of Sllks and E Other Worn-out al‘tiClES which have late- A man to 'take charge of the Singer Millinery Satins at one-quarter ofi‘ the Price. } lv been dumped into the hollow almost Se‘Vlflg MflChinc buSiHCSS in the villaee 0f Opening. ' ' Good terms will be given Fenelon Falls. to the right man. 'App directly in front of his house. The ly to Ladies’ Regultr 25c. Black Cashmere Men’s Shirts and Underwear at out prices. A heap. though not, perhaps, a danger‘to JOHN HORE, , Hose ,1, . 200 I - .---no n o c a n u n n Clo-1". ’ ' 1 l >‘ lleallll. CONN-'31? 11113 a very .unsl‘llltly 12-4" Singer'Office, Lindsay. We extend acordial invitation to ladies . 35c Cashmere Hose at . . . . . . .. .. 28c. Men 8 Felt HMS at one'qmmel Off 11'” appearance; and, as a new Sldewalk is of Fcnelon Falls and vicinity to visit our ' 400. Cashmere Hose at 32c. . p“°e‘ establlsllment, where experience and in- 50c. Cashmere Hose at . . . . . . 400. All lines of Carpets cut right down to - to be built directly. over it, the mass of rubbish ought to be first covered with Garth or stones. PAssno TlIE FINALâ€"“78 see by the Toronto papers that "Mr. Herbert Puley, son of Mr. Henry Puley, of thls COURT OF‘REVISION. Notice is hereby given that,“ Court for the revision of the assessment roll of the TOWNSHIP OF FENELON will be held in'the genuity have made it possible for intending purchasers to obtain an assortment of Mil- llnery Goods which is complete in every detail for the coming season.\0ur import- atlo'lé of Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, Braids, ‘Sllks, Noveliies, re ldy-to-wcar and untrim- med Hat-s, will impress you with our ability All lines of Cotton Hose at big reduction wholesale cos“ in price. A big stock of Black and Colored Kid Gloves at one-quarter ofi‘ the price. One-quarter off the price of Men’s and Boys’ Suits. Dress Muslins and White Lawns at deep 4 cut prices; also Flannellettes and_ Wrapperetles. A large and most complete stock oanble Linens, Bleached and Unbleached, village. passed his final examinatéop. v . t0 SBI'Ve your every Wmlt- at clearillrr prices with flying colors at the Ontario 0 - v ' v Men’s $1.50 Pants 5%.... $1.25- a ' ‘ ' love of Pharmaojii last week, and we â€"â€"â€"â€"- 113°“? EL? Pants 1-00- 20 (Twenty) Ladies’ Cloth Ready-t0- ~" _ ‘1 . . _ 'ens '1 ants and vent s at 85c. wear Suits ranging from $6.50 to- heartlly‘ennnla'tulate lrlnl uponwlllzsliuc ‘ â€"-onâ€"â€" April Mews 75c, Overalls 60c_ $12 ,, s,,,,;’one_thi,.d off the price. cess. Herb Is a me? you“: 8 0‘7, Wednesday, the 27th day of May, 1903, 2nd ' and we hope that be Will have a bust; - at H, o’clock a. m ‘ 3rd ’ ness of his own (and be snapped up y -_ . A ,. ,1 ' .' I ’ n I . . . ’ A“ P0150115havingbusmesb at the 00‘“ 4th, 393m Be sure and attend this Big Clearing Sale now going on at A! some equally nice young girl) in the course of a very few years. are hereby notified to be present. The as- sessment roll is at the clerk’s office, and may be examined by persons interested. J. B. POWLES, Township Cleric. Powles’s Corner, May 12th, 1903. 14-2. Tendency of Catarrh is to Spread. " Just a slight matter at lirst, and, because slight, neglected; but the seed sown brings forth a dangerousharvest, Consumption, which is the harvest of death. Better spend a few moments each .day inhaliugnCatarr- hozone, anaromatic antiseptic that relieves. at Once, clearesthenasal passages, and re- stores lost senseof taste and smell.‘ The“ immediate effect of Catarrhozone is magi- : cal, so prompt and elficient.. Cure is cerâ€" tain and permanent if you use'l Catarrho-. zone. Price Small size‘ 230. Drug- - gists or Polson & Co , Kingston,.0nt.. ‘ ' FAT CATTLE --Oli F ridaylast forty fat cattle, purchased. by”_.l\.ljr'.~ Thomas Bowcs. of Oakwood, for shipmentto the Old Country, were driven to the Falls. Among them'lvero nine steers. ' three years old, from Mr. William Isaac’s farm in Fenelon, and five oi them averaged 1,500 lbs. each. Mr. George Isaac, who was with them, said that his father had two or three five- year-0111s, that he thought would soon weigh a' ton each. The price paid for the heaviest of the cattle was five cents per pound live. weight, or $375 for the best five of Mr. Isaac’s nine. 'What the other four weighed and how much he got for them we did not learn. coca-r OF. REVISION. the revision of assessment roll of the Village of Fenelon Falls will be held in Twomcy’s hall 1at o’clock p. In. All parties interested will please take notice andlgovern them- .selves accordingly. The roll is now Open for,inspect-ion at my office. ‘ W.'T. JUNKIN, - Village Clerk. Fenelon Falls, May 12th, 1903. 14-2. WILL RUN Humeseekers’ 3,9, Excursions To the Canadian Northwest at Return r Fares. ' Regina .’ . . . . . ‘ Moose Jaw ‘ Yorkton .... Prince Albert Macleod. Calgary ...... 2 Grand View Red Deer... . Swan River - Strath- Going JUNE tth, returning until AUG. ’ osme WEIGHT _ INDICATES a ,nIsnasnn SYSTEM. Wmmpeg '- ‘Naskada . . . ' Estevan Perhaps you don’t understand why you Elgin ______ should continually grow thinner and weak- Arcola ...... Moosomin . . Wawanes’a 'Miniota .'.'..~ Binscarth .. er. Your appetite may be all right, but strength doesn’t seem tolcoine from what is eaten. The reason" is easily explained. You don’t assimilate your food, and besides your blood is'so thin that it doesn’t-nourish the body. A rebuilding should be started - : at once, otherwise there will be a gradual falling ofi‘ ill weight .until your health is wrecked.‘ You'must take- an invigorating tonic and blood-maker like Pei-rezone, wli-h will quickly recomtruct and ener- gise all the enieebled organs in this way. First, all impurities-will be searched out of the blood; food will be converted into nourishment and will assist in forming hard, firm dish, a stream of rich, red blood will be circulated into every nook and cor- ner of the body, supplying the nerves and muscles with new life and vitality. Day by day you will gain strength until your physical condition is up to the proper standard. If you wish to have the glow of robust- health on year cheeks, and feel buoyant and always ready for work, use Ferrozone. It has a record in restoring weak, pale people, and will bring you the. sort of health you need. Price 50 cents per box, or six boxes for~$?..50, at drug- gists, or by mail from The Fem-ozone Com- pany, ' Kingston, Ont. Ferrozone assures health. -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€". cona JUNE 18th, returning until AUG. 18th (all rail 61‘ S. S Athabasca). Going JULY 4113, returning until SEPT. 8il1.(ltll rail or S S Manitoba). Tickets are not good on “ Inl- perial Limited.” For tickets and pamphlet giving full particulars, apply to your near- est- Cauadiau Pacific'agcnt or to. ‘ ' . ,' A. H. NGI‘MAN, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 71 Yonge St, Toronto. Erin‘s-veneers. ' LAKES. nun VALLEY NAVIGATION COMPANY, LIMITED. Boheaygeon, Sturgeon Point, Lindsay. Es'rURIQN or MANI'I‘A. May to 31 & Oct. 1 to close of‘navigation. Bobcaygeon IV 800 am. Arr 5.30 p.111 Lindsay arr 1030 “ 'Lv 3.00 “ Calling at Sturgeon Point on signal. BIRTH-IS. ELLERY.â€"In_ the township of Fenclon, on Friday, May 15th, the wife of Mr. John El- lery of ason. KlNSilAN.â€"At lt‘enelonllt‘alls,.on Tuesday, May 19th,.the wife of‘M‘r'.‘ Thomas Kinsman of a son.“ For tickets and general information apply . to D. Gould, agent, Telephone Exchange. DIEDL», . Ali Bands f Notice-is’hereby given that a Court for ‘ on Friday, the ‘29th day of May, 1903.1 ' 4th (all _rail or SIS. Athabasca). .. Going T [Miss M. Washbuln Look it over; also your Buggy. If they need any repairing or fixing up, now is the time to have it done, and my shop is the place to have it done right. _ New work done on short notice. f F. tortillas. an lllh'allhl V l 1‘ is printed every Friday at the office, corner May and Francis Streets. SUBSCRIPTION 2 $1.00 A YEAR, In ADVANCE or one cent per week will be added, as long as it remains unpaid. Advertising Rates. Professional or business cards, 50 cents per line pcranuum. Casual advertisements, 8 cents per line for the first insertion, and 2 cents per line for every sub‘sequent inser- tion. Contracts by the year, half year or less, upon reasonable terms. ‘JOB PRINTING executed neatly, cor- e'ctly and at moderate prices. E. D. HAND, Proprietor.‘ SECOND BEVESEGN" GOURT. R. B.'ALLAN & [cogs in doing your spring; wall. papering that is not the. very. best. you canth for yourl'lnoney. And how do you know you are getting the best possible value unless. you have seen our stock? Let us Show you what we have to show you. ' ' oeo. l-l. incest-2., Anevou come ‘ p. ; _ I am prepared to supply all necessary material for House or Barn building at reasonable: prices. and 1t W111 pay you to consult! me before buying: Planing done on. short. notice-by first class workmen. ‘ r. senseless... ‘ â€"or runâ€"â€" County of Victoria. he next sittings of the above Court wil be held in Twomey’s hall, Fcnelon Falls on more“, JULY 13m, 1903,- commencing atrl o’clockin the afternoon. Thursday, July 2nd, will be the last day of service on defendants residing in this First-Class work, reason» able prices, at the“ Ganâ€"~- , county. Defendants living in other couné i ties must be served on or before Satur- 3 day, Jllne 27th. 1 n. c. EDWARDS, .- Bailiff. , Fenelon Falls,- April 15th, 1903.- Nucnsr.-â€"At Echelon-Falls, on Tuesday, ' ' I I a! , g, ette 9: Office- -_ . Bough. Latin oer, -‘ May 19th, Lottie Pearl, daughter of Mrs: Dressed Lumber, ' E. D.HA.ND, Joseph Nugent, agédlhyears and 26 days. ' Clerk. ____‘_,__“___..,â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" .(._....'_.,.__-. ravenos'FALL-siii-Alt’lrnrs. we hare just re- Fenelon Falls, Friday, ‘May l5th,'19.')?. . Jr’s/lorle by the rVorL/L Star Roller Mill C'o. h l ’. ‘ e ' ‘ _ . , o o . _. - - Who-anticotch or Fife 79 to 75 , O b 1 t '_ a; “7119;”, fall, per bushel. . .. 65 67 l}? e » g l U ' wheat1 spring .... 65 GT m . " A g 1 - , I _ .. v whu‘hel........ 37 do ' 9 d. U. V a -- -- 37 4” l _ You can place full reliance ix;1 Dunlapl R 53 an S StOCk ; “ . . . . . . . . 27 28 " ~ ‘ Detachable Pneumatic Tiresâ€"t ey W1 I am gags ‘ on.” u , , u 58 . no never betray your trust.1mrdcst t0 punc- , a 0fBOOtS.-and‘ Shoes. iii-ism l‘ . . . . . . . . 45 47 l ' ‘ . ture, easiest to repair- Years Of 8316011th ‘f ‘ Is prepared to furnish the people of Lind-r - ‘ f it . . 70 go - , l service have made them of almost um- say and surrounding country with MONUâ€" " a Rotatoesgr 1b - -. 0 16 18 ' ' versaladoption, Every Wheel Withad‘epll‘ ; MENTS and HEADSTONES, both Marble 1n doze}? ' i . . n ' . u ' lo 12 tation is fitted \Vith them. EVGI‘Y rider Of' "r and granite. . f1 a i ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . , experience insists on them. . _ ‘ _ _ - « ._. ., H333 pel‘ to“ - o -~-- - H - g TELEPHONE IN OFFICE' . Dunmp Tires make bicycle enthusiasts. , Estimates promptly given on all kinds or and up to Eldesdi‘v'e'.‘ ' ' ' ' " " ' ‘ ' ' 5'35 :3) G , They increase the pleasure of wheeling and cemetery work. I ogs I - - - - - - -" " ‘ " ' ' minimize the troubles. Bicycling is an .. o . r Hogs (Dressed) . . . . .. . . .. 6 90 3.90 assured success with Dunlops. g , _M.trble Table Tools, Vi ash Tops, ’Mantlc and see them Beef ‘ t . _ . . . .. 490 .).o_ O 1 f - . Pieces, etc,, aspetla ty. V » -‘ ~ " . . . . 50 7:) ‘ . ‘ r’ v - . - . ‘ Syllee‘palxllls - - - - - H - . u 8 ,4 1C er? 01 ll 00 1n“) be left The Dunlop Tute.Co. Being a practical workman, all should r' F1831. Silvep'fién}: ” .1_90 2_1o {Ll} MI‘. Northey’s, , . ' Lgmuedv , see his designs and compare prices before . - I04 lg . I u o o n u I n c u ll " p‘ll-chRSIng else‘vherel 1.65 1.85 l I" WORKSâ€"In the rear of the Market on Flour, Family, Clipper-.~... Bran,- per-lOO lbs Short-s, ‘t- “ bfixed .Cllop, ‘t- . u... t... .. Depot: at Montreal, St. John, Winnipeg. Vancouver. ‘ 111% you found: Dunlap Cains?“ 1 Cambridge-st ,_opposite the packing. house» B. CHAMBERS." NillSllllli. HARNESS 8H0}. ill lllllllhllllll.

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