Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 20 Mar 1903, p. 5

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“we; a‘. MM“WWWV%WWLÂ¥MG~ t "It" .3, ' ‘The Cause of- Deafuess. ' Deafness and impaired, hearing are due VICTORIA. almost entirely to catarrhal inflammation of the eustacliian tubes. Permanent cure is guaranteed to all who inhale Catarrho- zone as directed. This vegetable antiseptic is inhaled at the mouth, and after travers- ' > OE‘ ( ‘1Q ) N T ( 3' I 1 ( ) N A‘ ing all the air passages of the respiratory I RETURN ' J _‘ I I b giigiilglihdslye:ijgtllig'tttclgrgdlgtlil‘i'lti‘i':0r::itri‘;11iii“: made to me by the Justices 0f the Peace for the said County, and filed in my office, for the quarter ending Tuesday, the 10th day of March, 1903, in pursuance. of‘ the . t L ‘ ’- u . ‘I - _ r) of the system, clears the ears, nose and . Reiised Statutes of Ontario, Chap.93, Sec. 1, and CIiiminal Code 90... throat’ and 2111:in inflammation, 00-1: estion MW’ . and soreness. For Deafness Earache \Tt me of \Iame 0,. Date of nine-p nioun o iine w_ien to‘ Time when o w 10m‘ pai no pai , w iy no ., Ringing in the Ears, Head Noises, Catarrh’, tlielPiwisecutor tlielDefend'ant. Nature of the Charge. Conviction Conwcting penalty, fine be paid Ito paid over by said Jus- and general observa- Asthma and Bronchitis, medical science can ’ ' ' Justice. or damage. said Justice. ' ticc and when. I tions, if any. devise nothing as beneficial as Cfltfl,l'1‘l10- The Izing Albert Dufty Assault Dec. 1 1902 Wm. Steers $13 70 Town Treasurer. zoIne. CompleteIoutlitfoi- two months use, u Daniel Markham‘ Abusive language _ . . u 1 H .. . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . .. ., _, 15 days in jail. g SW36 s}; mal S'Zf, 3J°~ thgngt-f 01' N~ H John Henderson Vagrancy “ 22 Jas. Deacon .,,___ .... 4 months in jail. ‘.YPolson 8s Co, Itingston, Ont. bold by _ u Wm Lapag-e Drunk and disorderly .... a 22 ii 5 7Q ...., ...... Town Treasurer. \. H. Robson. ' H \Vm. Pugpe Igl-mft ...... N 22 Wm_ Steel-5 ...... "H" ....“ .... .... 001111.11“,th f0]? triall 1 ~ g , _____\ -_ -i _l on, f ‘F Geo. Robinson .. isorderly conduct ,___, “ 23 Jas Deacon 5 70 ...... ...." Town Treasurer. ' , ‘PEaRsOMUS ii Ficd lilies’ ‘ 0 a . Wakely 3,, Ford Breach By-law 262 (l 26 Wm. Steers 1 95 , , ,, , __ u ,Ii Lindsay, was at the Falls liom inc». u Fred Harmon Assault . . u 30 . a 13 20 “ day until chrIicsdny......\ll‘S-' JOSCPIh i‘ Luke O’Connor Drunk and disorderly‘ .. “ 30 “ 2 20 .... ...... ...... “ i‘ Robson and M 1<S Watson, of Burk s I‘ ' Peter McMillan _, H u 31 u 3 25 “ "-3 Fall's, leit For home on Wednesday, at'- ' “ .Cliarles Eonald I‘ Jam 2 1903 H 4 7o ...... Not yet paid s tor a three Wei'kg' visit to relatives and I‘, EdwardI linrke " AssIault "H ...... ii g ii g ((1): ...... \l'ntud ‘d i“ I ., ' .__ . . < ......10 ye pm _. t,- f'linds U7 ‘mm-m" ‘h 9 Annie‘, “I”??? i‘ John Wardrobe.. Breach Liquor License Act “ 10 “ l11 80 L1°"lse1llshe°t’l'- f’ left '00 Vi 911008le i." spend 41 h“ ‘his H JoIlin_ Germain ‘ Abusive language_ , “ 20 l‘ 8 70 ...... NOt yet paid 7r with lier- relatives in Lindsay.......\i r. “ William Bella... “, Feb. 3 H . .... Sentence susrnndedl. A. Labutc returned home yesterday, u John Pearce 'N°"'5“111)°l‘t°f family “ 4 “ - - - - -- . . . . . . . . . . .. - - - . “ I it atfer spending the wimp, at Windsor. ‘I: gseltqrtglaaieron .. Assault ...... “ 10 ‘: g 28 ...... ...... Town Treasurer gI - . . i . a u t .i 01"...."Ml' Fred Metcalfe has received u John Greyamey H II :2 ‘I G 35 ...... ‘I Iii . a le'tcr from his brother-in law, Mi‘. U Rflhef't Smith “I “2y u 17 . u 13 58 H Not yet paid if; Jacob Udell, of Cari-0d, Manitoba. say- u. \\ illian Brooks.. Abusive language ' “ 17 “ l3 03 .... ...... NOi' yet paid ‘1?. inf); that that he and Mrs. Udell had 1‘ Josenh Castor Drunk and disorderly “ 20 “ ...... ...... ---- .... l5 days in .lhil- K get home Sate, and that the weather in .. 2: iiitlsgllfgtllélgn‘. . .. TAlleL 1t 2: g: :: 4-76-- To i‘... Committed for trialLI 5 . itl . I, a .h . f'hire l: ,? gan r ssau ,__,,_ ‘. ...... ,___,_ \vn reasurer. _ I 12 D n ,3’ “a. 1,3,1“??? leley ‘c ,itmh ‘1 Daniel IMarkham Vagrancy "H," “ 24 Jas. Deacon ... ... ... ----~- .... .... 2 mouths 1n Jhilr- i oi, iut i; ie lmiIi '. e o c‘ intir'v, It bl l“ a . Wm Richmon Disorderly conduct in a 3 46 ' ‘i tiree niontisIviSit to ie atiics in t.e u Bethel iticlimon public place at Victoi-iaDec. 15 1902. u 8 46 - Forthwith ,,,,_, County Treasur er and prosecution.. t counties of Victoria and Pcterborough. ' “ John Ricliinon Road 8 46 - i H - Themas Flynn .. Assault at ODS “ 16 “ 8 73 Forthwith ...... u u. _ . . . _. . . . . u Wm. Thompson DIistui-binga religious ser- ' "él“ i i A ' ViceatNorland “ l7 “ 11 9 .... ...... “fin ' ' “' SPLITTING' HEADACHES . H Arch. Petebough Disorderly conduct at Vic- - - - - -- ‘ CAN BE STOPPED AND TI-IE CONDITIONS L‘ I A d G t griafRIeed “ 26 “ 3 4° “ “- \ HIGH onusn THEM 01mm) BY ‘cense "Specter h Yew us y r-O wense Comm’ners . V ' FERROZONE P t W’ by-law re Window blinds “ 29 “ l: 5g .... , ..., ...... - License fund and prosecutibn; ' H‘ eer 'arren.... “ . “ 29 “ l‘ 9 ..., ...... ...... “ “ - Poisons accumulate in- the blood and u Hector Campbell u e 29 14 50 .... ----.. n u 3 spread with it every moment to all parts of H “ - Sell’g liq’rdur’gprohib.hrs Jan- 10 1903 “ 27 30 _ _ _ , _ _ _ ... _ _ , _ _ _ “ u 31c body. ThIe tbrdain bdeipmes clingesttliledt, The King [Tq J. A-llglred Assault at Veriilam . . . . .. “ 15 11 55 . . . . . ...-. ...... County Treasur er and PPOSBCHiiOm 1e nerves irrita e , an ie resu is a H enry iverson .. Indecent exposure of per- ' ...... . awful headache so well known to the fe- . . 50D M Little Britain H 16 H 29 45 .... U, ...... “ “ male seIx. Most of these poisons are ab- License Inspector Hector Campbell Supplying liquor to minors ...... - . - . sorbed into the blood from theIwa-stc matter . at Kirkfield __ . _ __ H 21 it 19 09 _ . .. , . . . .. . no License fund and prosecution. u ing. r m in ig st ; ‘ ' toria 0a 29 1 should be promptly passed from the system u Alex. Winchester Threats it 29 u . .. ... ...... . .. Com’ted for wantpfsureties of the peace through natural Ichannels. Ferrozonc i‘ . Duncan Ewart . . Obsti-iicting public oliieer “ 6 .. 0c , ..." ,. . ..... Elected to go to a jury. ‘ cleanses the entire intestinal tract, and the I‘ Malcolm Muir . Theft ofhorse,harn’s Sr cut’r Mar. 6 . . . . u ...... . . . . .. “ l “ liver and kidneys as well. It cures con- . l‘ Win. Carmichael Disord’ly e’nd’tatWoodv’le “ 4 7 71 ...... County Treasurer and prosecution. stipation and llS many attendant owls. It License Inspectoi Duncan Mathieson Supplyingliquor to a minor “ 9 16 75 . . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. License fund and prosecution. i makes the hhdi' strong hhd the hl°°d pure, Mrs. F. Watson Samuel Watson ,Abusive- language .. . . .. Dee. 2 1902 Wm. Fielding. 2 00 . , .. -'l‘en days . Dec. 16 County Ti'ens \ , induce; gatulital slctchp, andt enabihs oneflto £01111 Welch G00 P- Hart Breach of game law Jan. 24 1903 “ 10 00 Fortliuntli Jan. 24 1903 Game Warden. , ‘ ea-t an rinitany ing a any inie \vi 1- i Sehroidei- A. Harrison ' ' i, out riIsk of headache, iIiei-voiisne-s or skin I J. Graham } Injury to cutter __ _ _ .. Feb. 5 Ll 5 00 _, , ,1, , , Feb. 5 Complainant. '- eruptions. Ferrozone is nature’s own rem- F Dewell ..... Herbert Hermon Assault and battery Mar. 4 Jas Dickson l 00 . ,Forthwitli Trcas. Fciiclon. edyI for headaches. It is a lasting potent IAi-thur Tipling John Hughes .. .. “ .. “ 9 “ 2 00 . . .. iForthwith .. . Tieas. Vernlani. .. tonilclalnd the gi'cateslt'.t healttli niluikfel‘ tlle' gm. gparli-s , _ ,_ Matthew Biglow Drunk and disorderly Dec. 17 1902 J. B. Slirigley 1 00 . . ..l . .. . .. Jan. 1?. Twp. Treasurer. » i wor t ias ever seen. mus 'ers a ema e m. t parks _. John Gouldic. . .. “ _ , ,, “ 17 “ l 00 .. l . .. “ 12 “ derangements, and restores weak,I sickly Miss Luly Barker Jmms John . H Jam 30 1903 ‘t 5 00 .. ..' 'Ji'tll 30 “ l .» women to a healthy, vigorous condition of Win. Sparks _ _ __ John King. 1‘ _ _ _ _ Dec. 26 1002 “ 5 00 .l . .. lDec 20 “ . mind 7 nl body. [No otliir remedy so cifeci- 'â€" ~ ~ i ually meets the requirements of a health-I I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct schedule of the returns of convictions for the County of‘ Victoria, made to me by the Justices of tEic Peace for the‘ ~ giving tonic and regulator as Fcrrozonc. quarter ending Tuesday, March 10th, 1903. Every woman and growinn' girl can derive > . marvellous benefit from itsiarcgular use, and‘ - _ __ . J if you suffer from Olilorosis, Ante-inn, Indi- . Qtiice 0f the Clerk of the Peace, County of Victoria, March 12th, 1903. Clerk of tlic Peace, County of Victoria. gestitn, Dyspepsia, Poor Appetite, Nervous- _ , _, ______ ness or female disorders of any kind, you ' can make no mistake in selecting Ferrozone for a cure; Every reliable druggist recom- mends and sells Ferrozone for 50 cents a box Be sure you get the genuine article, and refuse a substitute. Remember the name and insist on. only Ferrozone. Sent to your address -if price is forwarded to N. C. Poison 8r. Co., Kingston, Ont. s WS a _ s'rove ' you want, whether acoolt stove, box stove or any ' other kind of stove, a visitto our store will repay ' _ ' . you. You may thin k that " Mn ,_ _ II am prepared to supply all necessary material . BIRTPISI- . for House or Barn building at reasonable prices w s”; . - . a ' Waiorir.â€"At Fenelon Falls on Monday, I 1 -t 11 , _ _ 7 “FHQMRK 3 Lgflgflfi @F TiME Feb,.,,,,,.,. 23rd, thew“, of,“ P. J. ‘nigh, anc- i W.l pay you to. consult me before buying. h“ ’ ofason. . ' \ . . ‘ t. .m . . . . . P10111112, £10118 011 $110M? ROUGE by filbli Gin-vb yet before winter, but SJlllellllneSll}1'6C11111‘GS quite vlhu Yorkâ€"At Fenelon Fall's, on Sunday, workmen -, , a ' , > . ‘ l - . n a I 13$? 1°“ the ,er °f Mr‘ Henry You‘ 0* . . a While for a person to decide Just what stove imam-'4“ the township of Fcnclon, on F SANQEQQB will suit liini best; and the more time you take Sunday, March Sili, the wife of Mr. Joseph ' . I 1 -_ l . u 1-] )1 1 t 1 I '. Miller on, daughten ~ . to t ecide, tie lilOlt, i ti. y you aie o )e satisfied. CUNDAY-In the township of Fenelon, on with the‘ TGSLlll. Of your decision_ Sunday, March 81h, the wife of Mr. John -“-=--W Cunday of a son. 1405“: 01- gt1.aycd_ Gurus-In the township of Fenelon,on â€"- l . GUNS and fihdMfiilelQfl Of the best makes ill Thurulav March 12th the 'wife of Mr. W A. One black and tan Hound dog' second ' ~ - . . - t ' I Gilli; ofd daughter. ’ toe on (-acli hind footIivhite; willanswcr StOCk' \Ve 021,11 fit you LIP £01 the ‘VOOdS 111 first Petunia-1n the townshi of' Fen-el'on on .to the nIame of H Damn“ :1 Anyone linow- FRQF" ‘l- fi- magghgihfia ‘l’ "‘ l ‘ p ’ 1110‘ of his whereabouts w'll b s ' b’ ' * ’ U tlbb S “LPG. l Thursday, March 12th, the wife of Mr. Jo- “,5,de u l f , . “O, ‘ 0 “mm 13 re- . OPTICIAN Fn'u t‘ , V ‘i serh Perri", Jr» 0M 5°“- l pon m 01mm‘: \I II \IrCALLUlI 7 a‘ IBIHANY‘ ms We Tl N II l ‘5t . . . . mi 5 , ‘ 1 ~ _ - " 1e GVV' “ ill'( WVZLI‘0 b 1'0 Fenelon Falls, Mar. 19th, 1903. SBPP OKALI&T- Gkgu Elifififigfl O opt) Gite ‘the Post-(biliary. Elrkfiiill'irull). EYES TESTED FREE OF CHARGE. , L ~ I Ronsox-ILinLrn'.-At the Methodist par- A ,I He has alwiiys a fullnssortinent of S iec- -, ~ '- - , . . .... 7n . gonna-e, Cobocnnk, by Rev. y[,._ McDonald, AP?UBA-H0 i! ii] PARHAMENT tacles and Eyeglasses for every descripltion W A L 3 a Q J 333-1133 it)!‘ Didi-{Y $U?PL!ESI on Wednesday, March lltli, Mr. William T. ' i ‘ ‘ 0f defective sight, and guarantees entire Robson t0 Miss Lucretia Hadley, both of satisfaction to everyone. Fenelon Falls. NOTICE IS HEREBY iven that an ai- _ - _ plicatinn will be made tog the Legislatui'e congl'lltdtlon F1 00. 59M . _ .. w _ ...,__".‘:?EZ'L » --~~~~-~f3' 0f lllC Pl-Qvincp, Qf Ontario at its next Ses- IIC Will DO at‘ FGllelOl'l FttllS from Monday 3pm, by the Corporation of the Village of afternoon, March 30th, until Wednesday cwmecoewweweweweweew i w a PENN JON FA LBS MARKETS» Fenelon Falls, for an Act "Hi-PHONE April ISt, at the Mansion House % g _ rap,” ,, , . s, \. .- . . - , _. . ., 1. Authorizingihe Villaae to iurcliase First P11" ors; M Kinmount 011 Thursdn ' Airil a‘ ‘I " E "A ' Fwd‘)? I ML",FWL11‘”MJL20th’. 190., Preference Stock. in tliecauioruiit of Fifteen 2nd,:until Fl‘ld'".'fi Alli‘i1 3rd, at SCOlié lldtel TOILET S JPPLEBIS' " ' v 2g; all ‘ ’ ' RHINO/‘(131.’(tiff/L6‘ A'm'fh bim- Roller Mill- Co. Thousand Dollars in the Saudford Furniture parlors; at Bobcaygeon on Friday, April ,, . . . Q . ' g ' \\‘lie~it.m'cotcli or Fife .... 7O to 75 and Woodeiiware Company, Limited, and l0th, until Satiirdoy, April llth, at the Our stock Of 10118‘ Necessities , ‘ Wheat, fall, per bushel. . .. 65 68 to issue Debentures to raise said sum, and Rooklhhd House 11011013‘- was never more complete than now. Wheat, spring‘ .. .. .. .. 65 68 also to fix the assessment of the said Saud- , a , . 1 g I ' ' 1;;r1-ley,pcr bushel . . .. . . .. 42 45 ford Furniture and Woodcnware Company, “ c have Brushes £0‘ the hair, . 1 Buckwheat“ . . .. .. . . 45 4" {iimitcth at the sum of Five Thousand Dol- ., bilgihiith’ the complexion and the SE? ' all 1 :iiS. u .... .... 29 30 :ii'S i'Ol‘ it period Oi Twelit ' years u i011 . . t gouge, 1‘ , ... _,,. 65 66 such terms and conditions as lyilfly be iig'iieed SEGQND DEVESEQEE QGURT' f 1,7. d -. 1 Rye, “ . ... .... 45 47 1111)011,1tllid pi ratify a By-piw of the said Vil- “0F '1‘HEâ€" ‘ Combs o "'1 tinds a“ suics. i‘ , hiiitoes H __,, 70 80 age ‘or tie purposes a oresaid. Count. r of - _~ . _ 4 gutter, 117° 1- lb , _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ , _ 16 18 2. Authorizing tlieIVillagc to purchase and 3 __cht01 1a. Tooth Pastes, Soaps and Washes. Look if, over - also 370111‘ , Regs, per dozen . .... 14 15 "Qqhh'°_ the “'“ler lYJWW privileges and he next- sittings of the above Court will w l . tl ' 'rr' S C t . . 7 ‘ 9°“. per ton __ , 7p!) s on mills oi Messrs McDougall, Brandon and he held in 'l‘woiney’s liall Fcnelon Fall~ 0' iave .a neu 1.11%“). 11°"ch I uttei . If they 1168(1 any f1." 1" '_ 5,00 5.50 Austin or any other person and the lant ’ a --made entiiely 0f lubbm' 1 . ‘ 1' i . - -' . PM“ " ’ . h . .i lepttlllllg 01 timn0 up now . .. How-5 flive‘, ___,_, ,,,__, _, 5 75 6.00 0nd property oftlic Fenelon lialls Electric 0N MQFNDAY, APRlL l3ih, 1903 I f- ' l ’ l t rtl ' ~ ‘ 'L . o - ’ g Hod; EDresscd) .. .... 6 00 7.00 Light Company, Limited, upon such terms . U , _. ’ . n 11m’- “c iawc a mos any iing ,6 1S the tillllt') liO have 1i, (10116, ' Puff .. . . .. .. . . .. . . 5 0'.) 6.00 as may he agreed upon, and to develop and i conimcncin,’ at l n 0100]‘ m the afternoon. m these lines ‘WM fancy may_sug- and my SllO‘) i8‘ the 31%(30 1.0 S'heeiidtiié . . . . .. 5,, 7;, improve the same, and to 5611 and (lisirib- ’l‘liiirsan.y, April 2nd, will be the last day gest. g . - . i _' l. ‘ Wool 7 ,2 ute light, heat “my power, and to raise of service on defendants residing in this ,. _ 1 . , , , lltliV'd It’ ClUllb‘ fight‘ Flour Silver Leaf .. 2.00 2.20 money by the issueI of debentures for such cPlle- Defendants living in Ollie!‘ 0000- - . 0315 piIiccst f“? no,“ e1 ,ttm'n at?“ T Flour, Victoria 1.90 2,10 purposes. payable in forty years, with the ties must be served on or before Satur- “and '62‘ch m 1” qua l 3 o 1e DEW WOPli done 011 short Flour’, Family, Clipper.... 1.75 1,95 intlgrestlorlily pIiIiyiLble for,‘ tilic first ten years. (lay, March 28th. ,; goo 3' notice _ _ ' __ 90 1m) atet tiis ‘ig teenti (a of Februar r, , _ . o ‘ ' 2L2:,81’191“100 {be . 1.00 1.“) A- D. 1903. III . ‘I y I)’: l L C EDWAngtailifi' E. D. HAiiile 13013501135 Drug $1301. . . " 125 '.A.. cDIARMID, ' ~ U moo-econ 1‘l5 ' - f' g . . .. , '_. “med Gho'p ' Solicitor for Applicants. Feud“ Fans’ Jan‘ 1m" 1903- Wmmwmmwowx F, G‘ CHAMBERS -' -=~ I I ‘ , 3.; .,... ..._A____.r

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