“we; a‘. MM“WWWV%WWLÂ¥MG~ t "It" .3, ' ‘The Cause of- Deafuess. ' Deafness and impaired, hearing are due VICTORIA. almost entirely to catarrhal inflammation of the eustacliian tubes. Permanent cure is guaranteed to all who inhale Catarrho- zone as directed. This vegetable antiseptic is inhaled at the mouth, and after travers- ' > OE‘ ( ‘1Q ) N T ( 3' I 1 ( ) N A‘ ing all the air passages of the respiratory I RETURN ' J _‘ I I b giigiilglihdslye:ijgtllig'tttclgrgdlgtlil‘i'lti‘i':0r::itri‘;11iii“: made to me by the Justices 0f the Peace for the said County, and ï¬led in my office, for the quarter ending Tuesday, the 10th day of March, 1903, in pursuance. of‘ the . t L ‘ ’- u . ‘I - _ r) of the system, clears the ears, nose and . Reiised Statutes of Ontario, Chap.93, Sec. 1, and CIiiminal Code 90... throat’ and 2111:in inflammation, 00-1: estion MW’ . and soreness. For Deafness Earache \Tt me of \Iame 0,. Date of nine-p nioun o iine w_ien to‘ Time when o w 10m‘ pai no pai , w iy no ., Ringing in the Ears, Head Noises, Catarrh’, tlielPiwisecutor tlielDefend'ant. Nature of the Charge. Conviction Conwcting penalty, ï¬ne be paid Ito paid over by said Jus- and general observa- Asthma and Bronchitis, medical science can ’ ' ' Justice. or damage. said Justice. ' ticc and when. I tions, if any. devise nothing as beneï¬cial as Cfltfl,l'1‘l10- The Izing Albert Dufty Assault Dec. 1 1902 Wm. Steers $13 70 Town Treasurer. zoIne. CompleteIoutlitfoi- two months use, u Daniel Markham‘ Abusive language _ . . u 1 H .. . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . .. ., _, 15 days in jail. g SW36 s}; mal S'Zf, 3J°~ thgngt-f 01' N~ H John Henderson Vagrancy “ 22 Jas. Deacon .,,___ .... 4 months in jail. ‘.YPolson 8s Co, Itingston, Ont. bold by _ u Wm Lapag-e Drunk and disorderly .... a 22 ii 5 7Q ...., ...... Town Treasurer. \. H. Robson. ' H \Vm. Pugpe Igl-mft ...... N 22 Wm_ Steel-5 ...... "H" ....“ .... .... 001111.11“,th f0]? triall 1 ~ g , _____\ -_ -i _l on, f ‘F Geo. Robinson .. isorderly conduct ,___, “ 23 Jas Deacon 5 70 ...... ...." Town Treasurer. ' , ‘PEaRsOMUS ii Ficd lilies’ ‘ 0 a . Wakely 3,, Ford Breach By-law 262 (l 26 Wm. Steers 1 95 , , ,, , __ u ,Ii Lindsay, was at the Falls liom inc». u Fred Harmon Assault . . u 30 . a 13 20 “ day until chrIicsdny......\ll‘S-' JOSCPIh i‘ Luke O’Connor Drunk and disorderly‘ .. “ 30 “ 2 20 .... ...... ...... “ i‘ Robson and M 1<S Watson, of Burk s I‘ ' Peter McMillan _, H u 31 u 3 25 “ "-3 Fall's, leit For home on Wednesday, at'- ' “ .Cliarles Eonald I‘ Jam 2 1903 H 4 7o ...... Not yet paid s tor a three Wei'kg' visit to relatives and I‘, EdwardI linrke " AssIault "H ...... ii g ii g ((1): ...... \l'ntud ‘d i“ I ., ' .__ . . < ......10 ye pm _. t,- f'linds U7 ‘mm-m" ‘h 9 Annie‘, “Iâ€??? i‘ John Wardrobe.. Breach Liquor License Act “ 10 “ l11 80 L1°"lse1llshe°t’l'- f’ left '00 Vi 911008le i." spend 41 h“ ‘his H JoIlin_ Germain ‘ Abusive language_ , “ 20 l‘ 8 70 ...... NOt yet paid 7r with lier- relatives in Lindsay.......\i r. “ William Bella... “, Feb. 3 H . .... Sentence susrnndedl. A. Labutc returned home yesterday, u John Pearce 'N°"'5“111)°l‘t°f family “ 4 “ - - - - -- . . . . . . . . . . .. - - - . “ I it atfer spending the wimp, at Windsor. ‘I: gseltqrtglaaieron .. Assault ...... “ 10 ‘: g 28 ...... ...... Town Treasurer gI - . . i . a u t .i 01"...."Ml' Fred Metcalfe has received u John Greyamey H II :2 ‘I G 35 ...... ‘I Iii . a le'tcr from his brother-in law, Mi‘. U Rflhef't Smith “I “2y u 17 . u 13 58 H Not yet paid if; Jacob Udell, of Cari-0d, Manitoba. say- u. \\ illian Brooks.. Abusive language ' “ 17 “ l3 03 .... ...... NOi' yet paid ‘1?. inf); that that he and Mrs. Udell had 1‘ Josenh Castor Drunk and disorderly “ 20 “ ...... ...... ---- .... l5 days in .lhil- K get home Sate, and that the weather in .. 2: iiitlsgllfgtllélgn‘. . .. TAlleL 1t 2: g: :: 4-76-- To i‘... Committed for trialLI 5 . itl . I, a .h . f'hire l: ,? gan r ssau ,__,,_ ‘. ...... ,___,_ \vn reasurer. _ I 12 D n ,3’ “a. 1,3,1“??? leley ‘c ,itmh ‘1 Daniel IMarkham Vagrancy "H," “ 24 Jas. Deacon ... ... ... ----~- .... .... 2 mouths 1n Jhilr- i oi, iut i; ie lmiIi '. e o c‘ intir'v, It bl l“ a . Wm Richmon Disorderly conduct in a 3 46 ' ‘i tiree niontisIviSit to ie atiics in t.e u Bethel iticlimon public place at Victoi-iaDec. 15 1902. u 8 46 - Forthwith ,,,,_, County Treasur er and prosecution.. t counties of Victoria and Pcterborough. ' “ John Ricliinon Road 8 46 - i H - Themas Flynn .. Assault at ODS “ 16 “ 8 73 Forthwith ...... u u. _ . . . _. . . . . u Wm. Thompson DIistui-binga religious ser- ' "él“ i i A ' ViceatNorland “ l7 “ 11 9 .... ...... “ï¬n ' ' “' SPLITTING' HEADACHES . H Arch. Petebough Disorderly conduct at Vic- - - - - -- ‘ CAN BE STOPPED AND TI-IE CONDITIONS L‘ I A d G t griafRIeed “ 26 “ 3 4° “ “- \ HIGH onusn THEM 01mm) BY ‘cense "Specter h Yew us y r-O wense Comm’ners . V ' FERROZONE P t W’ by-law re Window blinds “ 29 “ l: 5g .... , ..., ...... - License fund and prosecutibn; ' H‘ eer 'arren.... “ . “ 29 “ l‘ 9 ..., ...... ...... “ “ - Poisons accumulate in- the blood and u Hector Campbell u e 29 14 50 .... ----.. n u 3 spread with it every moment to all parts of H “ - Sell’g liq’rdur’gprohib.hrs Jan- 10 1903 “ 27 30 _ _ _ , _ _ _ ... _ _ , _ _ _ “ u 31c body. ThIe tbrdain bdeipmes clingesttliledt, The King [Tq J. A-llglred Assault at Veriilam . . . . .. “ 15 11 55 . . . . . ...-. ...... County Treasur er and PPOSBCHiiOm 1e nerves irrita e , an ie resu is a H enry iverson .. Indecent exposure of per- ' ...... . awful headache so well known to the fe- . . 50D M Little Britain H 16 H 29 45 .... U, ...... “ “ male seIx. Most of these poisons are ab- License Inspector Hector Campbell Supplying liquor to minors ...... - . - . sorbed into the blood from theIwa-stc matter . at Kirkï¬eld __ . _ __ H 21 it 19 09 _ . .. , . . . .. . no License fund and prosecution. u ing. r m in ig st ; ‘ ' toria 0a 29 1 should be promptly passed from the system u Alex. Winchester Threats it 29 u . .. ... ...... . .. Com’ted for wantpfsureties of the peace through natural Ichannels. Ferrozonc i‘ . Duncan Ewart . . Obsti-iicting public oliieer “ 6 .. 0c , ..." ,. . ..... Elected to go to a jury. ‘ cleanses the entire intestinal tract, and the I‘ Malcolm Muir . Theft ofhorse,harn’s Sr cut’r Mar. 6 . . . . u ...... . . . . .. “ l “ liver and kidneys as well. It cures con- . l‘ Win. Carmichael Disord’ly e’nd’tatWoodv’le “ 4 7 71 ...... County Treasurer and prosecution. stipation and llS many attendant owls. It License Inspectoi Duncan Mathieson Supplyingliquor to a minor “ 9 16 75 . . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. License fund and prosecution. i makes the hhdi' strong hhd the hl°°d pure, Mrs. F. Watson Samuel Watson ,Abusive- language .. . . .. Dee. 2 1902 Wm. Fielding. 2 00 . , .. -'l‘en days . Dec. 16 County Ti'ens \ , induce; gatulital slctchp, andt enabihs oneflto £01111 Welch G00 P- Hart Breach of game law Jan. 24 1903 “ 10 00 Fortliuntli Jan. 24 1903 Game Warden. , ‘ ea-t an rinitany ing a any inie \vi 1- i Sehroidei- A. Harrison ' ' i, out riIsk of headache, iIiei-voiisne-s or skin I J. Graham } Injury to cutter __ _ _ .. Feb. 5 Ll 5 00 _, , ,1, , , Feb. 5 Complainant. '- eruptions. Ferrozone is nature’s own rem- F Dewell ..... Herbert Hermon Assault and battery Mar. 4 Jas Dickson l 00 . ,Forthwitli Trcas. Fciiclon. edyI for headaches. It is a lasting potent IAi-thur Tipling John Hughes .. .. “ .. “ 9 “ 2 00 . . .. iForthwith .. . Tieas. Vernlani. .. tonilclalnd the gi'cateslt'.t healttli niluikfel‘ tlle' gm. gparli-s , _ ,_ Matthew Biglow Drunk and disorderly Dec. 17 1902 J. B. Slirigley 1 00 . . ..l . .. . .. Jan. 1?. Twp. Treasurer. » i wor t ias ever seen. mus 'ers a ema e m. t parks _. John Gouldic. . .. “ _ , ,, “ 17 “ l 00 .. l . .. “ 12 “ derangements, and restores weak,I sickly Miss Luly Barker Jmms John . H Jam 30 1903 ‘t 5 00 .. ..' 'Ji'tll 30 “ l .» women to a healthy, vigorous condition of Win. Sparks _ _ __ John King. 1‘ _ _ _ _ Dec. 26 1002 “ 5 00 .l . .. lDec 20 “ . mind 7 nl body. [No otliir remedy so cifeci- 'â€" ~ ~ i ually meets the requirements of a health-I I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct schedule of the returns of convictions for the County of‘ Victoria, made to me by the Justices of tEic Peace for the‘ ~ giving tonic and regulator as Fcrrozonc. quarter ending Tuesday, March 10th, 1903. Every woman and growinn' girl can derive > . marvellous beneï¬t from itsiarcgular use, and‘ - _ __ . J if you suffer from Olilorosis, Ante-inn, Indi- . Qtiice 0f the Clerk of the Peace, County of Victoria, March 12th, 1903. Clerk of tlic Peace, County of Victoria. gestitn, Dyspepsia, Poor Appetite, Nervous- _ , _, ______ ness or female disorders of any kind, you ' can make no mistake in selecting Ferrozone for a cure; Every reliable druggist recom- mends and sells Ferrozone for 50 cents a box Be sure you get the genuine article, and refuse a substitute. Remember the name and insist on. only Ferrozone. Sent to your address -if price is forwarded to N. C. Poison 8r. Co., Kingston, Ont. s WS a _ s'rove ' you want, whether acoolt stove, box stove or any ' other kind of stove, a visitto our store will repay ' _ ' . you. You may thin k that " Mn ,_ _ II am prepared to supply all necessary material . BIRTPISI- . for House or Barn building at reasonable prices w sâ€; . - . a ' Waiorir.â€"At Fenelon Falls on Monday, I 1 -t 11 , _ _ 7 “FHQMRK 3 Lgflgï¬‚ï¬ @F TiME Feb,.,,,,,.,. 23rd, thew“, of,“ P. J. ‘nigh, anc- i W.l pay you to. consult me before buying. h“ ’ ofason. . ' \ . . ‘ t. .m . . . . . P10111112, £10118 011 $110M? ROUGE by ï¬lbli Gin-vb yet before winter, but SJlllellllneSll}1'6C11111‘GS quite vlhu Yorkâ€"At Fenelon Fall's, on Sunday, workmen -, , a ' , > . ‘ l - . n a I 13$? 1°“ the ,er °f Mr‘ Henry You‘ 0* . . a While for a person to decide Just what stove imam-'4“ the township of Fcnclon, on F SANQEQQB will suit liini best; and the more time you take Sunday, March Sili, the wife of Mr. Joseph ' . I 1 -_ l . u 1-] )1 1 t 1 I '. Miller on, daughten ~ . to t ecide, tie lilOlt, i ti. y you aie o )e satisï¬ed. CUNDAY-In the township of Fenelon, on with the‘ TGSLlll. Of your decision_ Sunday, March 81h, the wife of Mr. John -“-=--W Cunday of a son. 1405“: 01- gt1.aycd_ Gurus-In the township of Fenelon,on â€"- l . GUNS and ï¬hdMï¬ilelQfl Of the best makes ill Thurulav March 12th the 'wife of Mr. W A. One black and tan Hound dog' second ' ~ - . . - t ' I Gilli; ofd daughter. ’ toe on (-acli hind footIivhite; willanswcr StOCk' \Ve 021,11 ï¬t you LIP £01 the ‘VOOdS 111 ï¬rst Petunia-1n the townshi of' Fen-el'on on .to the nIame of H Damn“ :1 Anyone linow- FRQF" ‘l- ï¬- magghgihï¬a ‘l’ "‘ l ‘ p ’ 1110‘ of his whereabouts w'll b s ' b’ ' * ’ U tlbb S “LPG. l Thursday, March 12th, the wife of Mr. Jo- “,5,de u l f , . “O, ‘ 0 “mm 13 re- . OPTICIAN Fn'u t‘ , V ‘i serh Perri", Jr» 0M 5°“- l pon m 01mm‘: \I II \IrCALLUlI 7 a‘ IBIHANY‘ ms We Tl N II l ‘5t . . . . mi 5 , ‘ 1 ~ _ - " 1e GVV' “ ill'( WVZLI‘0 b 1'0 Fenelon Falls, Mar. 19th, 1903. SBPP OKALI&T- Gkgu Eliï¬ï¬ï¬gfl O opt) Gite ‘the Post-(biliary. Elrkï¬iill'irull). EYES TESTED FREE OF CHARGE. , L ~ I Ronsox-ILinLrn'.-At the Methodist par- A ,I He has alwiiys a fullnssortinent of S iec- -, ~ '- - , . . .... 7n . gonna-e, Cobocnnk, by Rev. y[,._ McDonald, AP?UBA-H0 i! ii] PARHAMENT tacles and Eyeglasses for every descripltion W A L 3 a Q J 333-1133 it)!‘ Didi-{Y $U?PL!ESI on Wednesday, March lltli, Mr. William T. ' i ‘ ‘ 0f defective sight, and guarantees entire Robson t0 Miss Lucretia Hadley, both of satisfaction to everyone. Fenelon Falls. NOTICE IS HEREBY iven that an ai- _ - _ plicatinn will be made tog the Legislatui'e congl'lltdtlon F1 00. 59M . _ .. w _ ...,__".‘:?EZ'L » --~~~~-~f3' 0f lllC Pl-Qvincp, Qf Ontario at its next Ses- IIC Will DO at‘ FGllelOl'l FttllS from Monday 3pm, by the Corporation of the Village of afternoon, March 30th, until Wednesday cwmecoewweweweweweew i w a PENN JON FA LBS MARKETS» Fenelon Falls, for an Act "Hi-PHONE April ISt, at the Mansion House % g _ rap,†,, , . s, \. .- . . - , _. . ., 1. Authorizingihe Villaae to iurcliase First P11" ors; M Kinmount 011 Thursdn ' Airil a‘ ‘I " E "A ' Fwd‘)? I ML",FWL11‘â€MJL20th’. 190., Preference Stock. in tliecauioruiit of Fifteen 2nd,:until Fl‘ld'".'fi Alli‘i1 3rd, at SCOlié lldtel TOILET S JPPLEBIS' " ' v 2g; all ‘ ’ ' RHINO/‘(131.’(tiff/L6‘ A'm'fh bim- Roller Mill- Co. Thousand Dollars in the Saudford Furniture parlors; at Bobcaygeon on Friday, April ,, . . . Q . ' g ' \\‘lie~it.m'cotcli or Fife .... 7O to 75 and Woodeiiware Company, Limited, and l0th, until Satiirdoy, April llth, at the Our stock Of 10118‘ Necessities , ‘ Wheat, fall, per bushel. . .. 65 68 to issue Debentures to raise said sum, and Rooklhhd House 11011013‘- was never more complete than now. Wheat, spring‘ .. .. .. .. 65 68 also to ï¬x the assessment of the said Saud- , a , . 1 g I ' ' 1;;r1-ley,pcr bushel . . .. . . .. 42 45 ford Furniture and Woodcnware Company, “ c have Brushes £0‘ the hair, . 1 Buckwheat“ . . .. .. . . 45 4" {iimitcth at the sum of Five Thousand Dol- ., bilgihiith’ the complexion and the SE? ' all 1 :iiS. u .... .... 29 30 :ii'S i'Ol‘ it period Oi Twelit ' years u i011 . . t gouge, 1‘ , ... _,,. 65 66 such terms and conditions as lyilfly be iig'iieed SEGQND DEVESEQEE QGURT' f 1,7. d -. 1 Rye, “ . ... .... 45 47 1111)011,1tllid pi ratify a By-piw of the said Vil- “0F '1‘HEâ€" ‘ Combs o "'1 tinds a“ suics. i‘ , hiiitoes H __,, 70 80 age ‘or tie purposes a oresaid. Count. r of - _~ . _ 4 gutter, 117° 1- lb , _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ , _ 16 18 2. Authorizing tlieIVillagc to purchase and 3 __cht01 1a. Tooth Pastes, Soaps and Washes. Look if, over - also 370111‘ , Regs, per dozen . .... 14 15 "Qqhh'°_ the “'“ler lYJWW privileges and he next- sittings of the above Court will w l . tl ' 'rr' S C t . . 7 ‘ 9°“. per ton __ , 7p!) s on mills oi Messrs McDougall, Brandon and he held in 'l‘woiney’s liall Fcnelon Fall~ 0' iave .a neu 1.11%“). 11°"ch I uttei . If they 1168(1 any f1." 1" '_ 5,00 5.50 Austin or any other person and the lant ’ a --made entiiely 0f lubbm' 1 . ‘ 1' i . - -' . PM“ " ’ . h . .i lepttlllllg 01 timn0 up now . .. How-5 flive‘, ___,_, ,,,__, _, 5 75 6.00 0nd property oftlic Fenelon lialls Electric 0N MQFNDAY, APRlL l3ih, 1903 I f- ' l ’ l t rtl ' ~ ‘ 'L . o - ’ g Hod; EDresscd) .. .... 6 00 7.00 Light Company, Limited, upon such terms . U , _. ’ . n 11m’- “c iawc a mos any iing ,6 1S the tillllt') liO have 1i, (10116, ' Puff .. . . .. .. . . .. . . 5 0'.) 6.00 as may he agreed upon, and to develop and i conimcncin,’ at l n 0100]‘ m the afternoon. m these lines ‘WM fancy may_sug- and my SllO‘) i8‘ the 31%(30 1.0 S'heeiidtiié . . . . .. 5,, 7;, improve the same, and to 5611 and (lisirib- ’l‘liiirsan.y, April 2nd, will be the last day gest. g . - . i _' l. ‘ Wool 7 ,2 ute light, heat “my power, and to raise of service on defendants residing in this ,. _ 1 . , , , lltliV'd It’ ClUllb‘ ï¬ght‘ Flour Silver Leaf .. 2.00 2.20 money by the issueI of debentures for such cPlle- Defendants living in Ollie!‘ 0000- - . 0315 piIiccst f“? no,“ e1 ,ttm'n at?“ T Flour, Victoria 1.90 2,10 purposes. payable in forty years, with the ties must be served on or before Satur- “and '62‘ch m 1†qua l 3 o 1e DEW WOPli done 011 short Flour’, Family, Clipper.... 1.75 1,95 intlgrestlorlily pIiIiyiLble for,‘ tilic ï¬rst ten years. (lay, March 28th. ,; goo 3' notice _ _ ' __ 90 1m) atet tiis ‘ig teenti (a of Februar r, , _ . o ‘ ' 2L2:,81’191“100 {be . 1.00 1.“) A- D. 1903. III . ‘I y I)’: l L C EDWAngtailiï¬' E. D. HAiiile 13013501135 Drug $1301. . . " 125 '.A.. cDIARMID, ' ~ U moo-econ 1‘l5 ' - f' g . . .. , '_. “med Gho'p ' Solicitor for Applicants. Feud“ Fans’ Jan‘ 1m" 1903- Wmmwmmwowx F, G‘ CHAMBERS -' -=~ I I ‘ , 3.; .,... ..._A____.r