l W ~’» ;':~.'-:. not be requir d‘topaintsin any given num- ber. while I maintained that they not only should, but must. My recollection is that there were one or two by~laws prepared by the company to which the council could not see their way clear to subscribe. While these negotiations were pending, the agent of the company expressed great anxiety to put in more machinery, and assured us that if we would execute the lease there would be $30,000’ worth of new machinery on the ground within three months. The lease was executed, and the agent never again appeared before the council nor discussed the matter with me during my regime. But where is the c mnection between that trans- , action, which took place in the year 1895, I » bind prison bars. and an uncertiï¬ed report of our School Board for the year 1931? “Another Rate- payer goes far niield for ammunition to tire against me when he has to resuscitate those transactions. Shortly after the execution of the lease, with the help of our friend “Another Ratepnycr“ and the others who now are so anxious that this report should be adopted without question, I was retired into private life, cansrq‘tcntly' lzsttlltlt) fur- ther vnice in the matter. A ,short time after the council of 1396 took ofï¬ce,l was requested to appear before them to give my version of the occurrences which led up to the market square lease, the Pugsley agent being present. I then related the whole circutnstaucrs, adding that the Pugsley ï¬rm had perpt-ttat-d a fraud on the corporation, and that the. council should take immediate steps to have the lease cancelled. The agent requested me to retract the word fraud. which I refused to do; and had the council of that year done their duty, the lease could have been as easily cancelled then as it was the other day, and a large amount of money saved to the corporation This auditors’ report,issucd by the School Knurd, is an entirely new departure. The Villug.‘ of Fenelon Falls became :1 Separate corporation, and began life as such, in the your 1875. Ever since that date, until 1901, the school accounts had been audited by the village aaditors, who presented their report to the council, and by that body it was passed, printed and paid for. I was recve of the municipality for ï¬ve years, and have yet to See the treasurer’s books for the first time. The whole matter was left in the hands of the auditors, who stood be- tween the corporation and the treasurer, sworn to do their duty and render a true statement without fear or fuvnr; and here permit tne, in justice to the auditors, to say that they performed the duties required in a most satisfactory manner When the ye- port was before the council, I read each item aloud, including the certiï¬cate, so that each member should understand what he was to vote upon. I held then, as I hold now, that no person has a right to interfere with the auditors in any manner, but that they only had the exclusive right to exam- ine the treasurer’s books and report the facts as they found them to the council. Last year, it appears, the School Board took the auditors in hand, wrangling with them for sore-ml mouths, ï¬nally got a re- port which they (the auditors) decline to 1. rtify to as correct, never presented it to the council. passed it themselves, had it printed and distributed only a few weeks prior to the municipal election. I hold that this action on the p-trt of the Board was tantamount to saying that when their bats were on,all the brain power in the village was safely housed. Mr. McDougall, “Justice†and the several Ratepayers can exchange their little courtesies through the press as long as they choose. With that I have nothing to do. When they tire they will probably stop I simply write this to defend myself‘and explain my own position Messrs. McArthur, Fitzgerald and myself ' placed ourselves on record when present- ing that memorial to the council over our signatures. I then said, and now repeat, that, had that report had the usual certiï¬- cate attached, even though the dates were somewhat mixed and it was late in appear log, I, for one, would never have questioned it This contemplated inquest has created quitca tempest in a teapot. One would think it a most unheard-of proceeding, whereas it is a matter of almost. weekly occurrence; as instance, last Wednesday’s Globe states that the township of Duztwich has applied for an audit of the treasurer‘s books, not that there is a suspicion of loss, but because ofa mixture of the accounts To say that We are actuated by ill-will against any person or are after anyone’s scalp is simply childish, and not worth noticing A person’s private life and do~ lugs should be held sacred But when a man holds an office of public trust, his say- ings and doings in that capacity become public property and amenable to publtc criticism. If the School Board and audit- “ . are, when quietly by themselves, with all books and papers in their-respectiveposses- . sions, could not. unravel those accounts in such a manner as to present. a proper reâ€" port, they are much less likely to be able . to do so at apnblic meeting The only way out of the diiliculty is to have the in- vestigation made by the proper authority, and if no wrong has been done none have anything to fear, but. should rather court investigation than resent it. If any susptc- ion has been arouSed, the School Baird have. t emselves to blame The law as- sumes, or. rather, demands, that a record of all transactions shall be entered in the order and on the dates when they occurred, and any departure from this is falsifying, and a falsifying of public accounts 1sa criminal offence, which, if pressed to an issue, is liker to land the perpetrators be- That report is,I pre- sume, a correct transcript of the books, and, if such is the case, it unfortunately provides presumptive evidence of wrong. doing by some person or persons. Faithfully yours, JAMES DICKSON. Fenelon Falls, Feb. 16th, 1903. l'l‘B TRAIL FOLLOW HORRIBLE DESPONDENCY, MELAN- . (moms AND GENERAL weakness The proper elements needed to promote , stock of the said Company has been “ch IN hill-l \MS. good digestion, regularity of the bowels correct. action must. be supplied when a bilious condition hr 3 ~tem is once established. Ferro- 0! t b y; It gives the can. can’t. help but do this. stomach perfect rest and allows you to partake of and enjoy the variety of food that is necessary for maintaining health. One Ferrozone tablet taken after each meal will separate thenutritious portions of the food from the waste, which is carried off, thus preventing and curing constipation and its attendant evil, piles. Being a potent blood puriï¬er, Ferrozouo cleanses the crimson flood of all b1le and impurities, and as a result the complectiou is restored to a rosy, healthy hue, and the dark circles under the eyes and the deathly pallor of the cheeks go away never to return. Taken for disorders of the stomach, commencing with biliousness and ending with derange- ments of the liver and kidneys, Fen-ozone achieves m-1rvellotts results. It is at the same. time a tonic and stimulant, and a reg- ulator of all bodily functions, and chronic sutf-rers should not fa1l to give its. fair trial It will do them good wit .ont doubt, and if the 111.1ladv is curable itwill yield to Furrozonc With the use of Fen-ozone ap- petite will he better, the blood made. rich and p;tre,3lcep will be drc tmless and sound Your nuddy complection will be cleared and heantiï¬ed,,yoor eyes will acquire a new brightness, and as your spirits rise‘and good health returns, you will bless the day you learned the secret of Ferrozone’s powâ€. Ifyou think you need Ferrozone go to the nearest drug store and secure. asnpplv. Refuse a substitute anal insist on having the genuine ll‘erroz-inri which costs 5% per hot. ‘or 3 boxes for $125 By mail from N C. Polson A: Go, Kingston, 0.1t W l-BIII’I‘ PIS . Lat: â€"At Fenel 1n Falls, on Friday, Jan . 30th, the wife of Mr. Joseph Lee ofa daugh- ter Baas â€"At Fenelon Falls, on Thursday, Jan 29th, the wife of Mr Clayton Btl‘t' of a daughter (The infant lived only 1 day.) MACN/nmtu â€"At the Rectory, Fenelon Falls, on Thursday, Feb. 12th, the wife of Rev. R MacNamara ofa daughter. Dosstnioa â€"At Fenelon F1111:,'on Sun- day, Feb 15th, the wife of Mr John Donald- son of a son. ‘ spasms FALLS MARKETS. Fenelon Falls, Friday, Feb 13th, 1903. Reported by the North Star Roller Mill Co. Wheat.Scotch or Fife .... 70 to 75 Wheat, fall, per bushel. . .. 68 70 Butter,per1b...... ...... 16 18 Eggs, per dozen...... .... 15 16 Hay, per ton...... ...... . 7.00 8 00 Hides ....... , 5.00 5.50 Hogs (live) ...... .. 5.40 5.6’1 Hogs (Dressed) ...... .... 6 00 7.0) Beef. ................... 550 6.50 stranger. 427. A BY-LA W to aut/zorize t/ze fun/lose (7)1 [/26 V z'llage of Fenelon Falls of ï¬rst preferâ€" ence sisal: lo tlze amount of $15,000 in SAZVDF'ORD WOODEZVPVARE, LIM- I TED, and to provide for t/ze issuing of deémtures of l/ze said Village to flu: am- . 02ml of $15,000 and to mire t/ze sum required l/zereof. WHEREAS Francis Snndford, Donald J. McKiunon and John McEachern purpose to form a Company under the name of Sand- ford Woodenware, Limited, (or some other suitable name) and to erect a large factory for the manufacture of furniture and wood- enware within the Village of Fenelon Falls, and have undertaken that the said Com~ pany, when incorporated, shall enter into an agreement with the said Village, con- ditional upon the passing and validation of this By-Law, to erect such factory and to employ therein at least an average number of ï¬fty men for a period of Twenty years from the ï¬rst day of October next (1903.) WHEREAS it is advisable that the Cor- poration ot the Village of Fenelon Falls should purl-hose first preference Capital Stock - f SAXDFORD WOODENWARE, LIMITED. to the amount of $l5,000. AND WHEREAS, in order so to do, it will be necessary to issue debentures of the said ;\iunicipality for the. sum of $15,000 as hereinafter pro-viii. 1:5. (which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this By-an) the proceeds of the said debt-nt- utes to he applied to the purposes aforesaid and to no other AND WHEREAS it is desirable to issue the said debentures at one time a'i‘; to make the princinaiof the said debt pa; ride by yearly sums during the period of twenty ye .rs (the can't-ency of the said-debentures) said yearly sums being for such respective amount? that the. aggravate amount pay- able in each year for principal and interest shall be as nearly as possible equal to the amount so payable in each of the nineteen years of the said period. AND WHEREAS the total amount re- quired by the Municipal Act to be raised annually by special rate for paying the said debt and interest. as hereinafter pro- vided is $l l 53.â€. AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole ramble property of the Village of Fenelon Falls according to the last revised , Asses~1110nt Roll thereof is $396,238 00. AND WHEREAS the said Village has no existing debenture debt, neither for princi- pal nor interest. the Corporation of the Village of Fenelon Falls enacts as follows: ed parties shall have obtained incorporation under the name of SANDFORD WOODEN WARE, LIMITED, (or some other suitable name) and have shown to the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Fenelon Falls that at least $33,000 of the Common ï¬nally and bond ï¬de subscribed and fully oi the kidneys and "very i paid up, and the said Company has entered into an Agreement with the said Corpora- tion to employ within the Village of Fene- lon Falls on average number of ï¬fty men - ____.__â€"_-â€" THERE“‘ORE the Municipal Council of 1. When and so soon as the said above nam- during a period of twenty years, the Muni- cipal Council of the said Village of Fenelon Falls shall expend the sum of $15,000 in the purchase of ï¬rst preference shares en- titled to dividends at the rate of ï¬ve per cent. per annum in the capital stock "of the said Company under whatever name the said parties may be incorporated, and for the purpose of raising the said sum, de- bentures of the said Village to the amount cf$15,000 as aforesaid, in sums of not less than $100 each, shall be issued on the ï¬rst day of September, A D. 1903, or on such later day, being within one year of the passing of the By-Law, as the Company shall comply with the conditions hereinbe- fore expressed; each of which debentures shall be dated on the date of the issue thereof, and shall be payable within twenty years thereafter at the Bank of British North America in the said Village of Fen- elor Falls. 2. Each of the said debentures shall be signed by the Reeve of the said Village of Fenelon Falls and by the Treasurer there- of, and the Clerk thereof shall attach thereto the Corporate seal of the Munici- polity. 3. The said Debentures shall bear inter- est at the rate of four and one half per centum per annum, payable yearly at the said Bank on the ï¬rst day of D-‘ccmber in each and every year during the currency thereof. 4. During .the currency of the said De- bentures there shall be raised annually by special rate on the ratablc property in the said village of Fenelon Falls the sum of $1153.14 for the purpose of paying the amount due in each of the said years for the principal and interest in respect to the said debt as follows: IF IT’S. A STOVE you want, whether acook stove, box stove or any other kind of stove, a visit to our store lwill repay ; you. You may think that THERE’S LOTS OF TIME yet before Winter, but sometimes it requires quite a while for a person to decide just What stove will suit him best; and the more time you take to decide, the more likely you are to be satisï¬ed with the result of your deCision. ' - ""'-‘~"\rrrw'~m. .« ‘1 Guns and AMMUNITION of the best makes in stock. We can ï¬t you up for the woods in ï¬rst class shape. New Hardware Store. GEO-1 TheOpp-osite :the Post-Olfloer W HEADQUARTERS for DAERY SUPPLIES. Year. Interest. Principal. Total Am't. 1904 $675.00 $478 14 $1153 14 ' ARE YOU come. 1906 63|.00 522.14 1153.14 1907 607 50 545.64 1153.14 1908 582.95 570.19 1153.14 9 1909, 557.29 595 35 1153 14 n = 1910 530.47 622.67 1153.14 . 1911 502 45 850 69 1153.14 ï¬g; 7 1 I am prepared to supply all necessary material- ,9†4,060 742.54 ~ “53,†for House or Barn, bulldmg at reasonable prices, 33 and 1t W111 pay you to consult' me before buying. 1917 305 78 847.36 1153.14 “i Planing done on Short notice by ï¬rst class " 1918 267 65 885.49 1153.14 workmen 1919 227.80 925 34 1153.14 ‘ 1920 186.16 966.98 1153.14 1921 142.64 1010.50 115314 ' 1922 9817 1054 97 115314 F' 1923 4965 1103.49 1153.14 5. This By-Law shall take effect on the day of the passing thereof, and on its valid- ation byan Act of the Legislature of the Province of Ontario. 6. The assessment of the real and per- sonal property of the said Company, its successors and assigns, within the Village, used in connection with its business now or hereafter acquired (not, however, including any dwelling property) shall be, and is hereby ï¬xed, for twenty years from the ï¬rst day of January. A D 1903, at an an- nual assessment of $3,000. 7. The vot-s of the Electors of the. said village of Fenelon Falls shall be token 011 this By-Law on the following times and places : That is to say, on Monday, the 9th Day of March next, (1903), commencing at the hour 0! nine. o’clock in the forenonn and c 111tiuuiug 1111- til ï¬ve o’clock in the afternoon of the same day, by the following Deputy Returning Ofï¬cers : apnoea or PLACE warns DEPUTY ns'r’G POLLING PLACE srroaruo crrrcsn. l 'l‘womey‘s Hall C W.Burgoync 2 Jordan’s Hall W T Juukin 8. On Friday, the 6th day of March, A. D 1903, the Reeve of the said Village of Fenelon alls. shall attend at the Council Chamber at 10 o’clock in the forenoon .0 appoint persons to attend at the various Polling places aforesaid, and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk on behalf ofthe persons interested in promot- ing or opposing the passing of this By-Law ' , respectively. - ., . 5 . . 9. The Clerk of the Council of the said Village of Fenelon Falls shall attend at the Council Chamber at. 10 o’clock in the torenoon on Wednesday, the eleventh day of March, A D. 1903, to sum tip the num- ber of votes for and against the By-Latv. Read a ï¬rst and second time at the Vil- lage of Fenelon Falls this ninth day of February,A D 1903 W.-T. JUNKIN, - 4 ‘ ("Clerk . s A, «41.3 "' 'Q‘i‘ï¬â€˜ 513%. - “u 1 ..'¢-.‘. ARE YOU A A AG NT? Are you earning $15 pet‘week?‘ If not write to CHASE BROTHERS COM PANY, Nurserymen. Colborne, Ont. Established 1852. JOS MoFARLAND, . Reeve. Pk . { 1.. 8.} 5.,J ‘â€" ll’l’llllllliiil lo Pl. llliillll. NOTICE IS HEREBY given that an ap- plication will be made to the Legislature l of the Province of Ontario at its next Ses- sion, by the Corporation of the Village of l Furniture and Undertaking... Fenelon Falls, for an Act 1. Authorizing the Village to purchase First Preference Stock in the amount ofl’Fifteen Thousmld Dollars in the Sandford Furniture and Woodenwure Company, Limited, and to issue Debentures to raise said sum, and also to ï¬x the assessment of the said Sand- ford Furniture and Woodenwnre Company, Limited, at the sum of Five Th0usand Dol- lars for a period of Twenty years, upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon, and to ratify a By-Iaw of the said Vil- urposcs aforesaid. 2 Authorizing the Village to purchase and acquire the water power privileges and mills of Messrs McDongaIl, Brandon and Austin or any other person, and the plant and property of the Fenelon Falls Electric Light Company, Limited, uponsuch terms as may be agreed upon, and to develop and improve the same, and to sell and distrlb- , ute light, heat and ‘power, and t0» ratse I money by the issue of debentures fur such | purposes, payable in. forty years, with the 1 interest only payable for the ï¬rst ten years. Dated this Eighteenth day of February, A' D. 1903. iii 5 73111 I111: sigh? Look it over; also your Cutter. If they need any repairing or ï¬xing iup,<-now is the time to have it done, and my shop is the place to have it done right. Just received this week an- other lot of nice Baby Car- riages- that are Specialé Value. Also Extension Tables, Sider boards and Bed-room Suites; W‘ I carry in stock a full line of Parlour Suites Lounges, Chairs, Etc. Picture framing a Specialty. lugs for the p - If you are in need of a. Séw» notice. ,ing Machine be sure and see my styles before “buying. 'F‘. 0.. CHAMBERS. L_ -DEYm_ Solicitor for Applicants. . E New work done on short a ~h< ~a g'xaw'v'sersrsfqap “.‘- <- :1 4' 13-7}.