Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 9 Jan 1903, p. 5

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rd, 'Barr .5};"Bio. L Dt-yman; See. Bro, J. FTV’arcoe; Fin. Scc., Bro. H. Strmxu-;"l'rcas . Bro. R. M. Mason; D. of C.. Bro. '1‘. Austin; Lee. Bro. N. McGillivray ; S. C. M.. Bro. E. Wilkin- son ; J. C. M . Bros. B. Swuntou, W. Bell and C. Kelly. A LINDSAY NAN KILLED â€"Two firemen were killed and two engineers were seriously injured by a head-on collision between a Chicago {lver and a light engine near Merritton on Saturday. One of the firemen was Abraham Des. Milt, whose parents live in Littdsav, where he formerly resided, and Where he was buried on Tuesday. He was 22. years old and leaves a wife. but no children. The passcugt-rs on the train got a bad shaking up, but were not injured. Irritating Pimnles and Disfigar'mg Blotches. They place many young girls at. a great disadvantage in life. The only cure is a blood purifier like Ferrozonc. It cleanses the crimson flood of poisons and impurities, renews and strengthens it, and makes lots of red corpuScles that manifest their pres- ence by a ruddy, healthy glow in the cheeks and lips. Ferroznue quickly masters all -skin eruptions, builds up broken-down con- stitutions, and gives to weak, sickly women an abundance of spirits, vitality, energy and beauty. Try Fetrozone, it’s all right. Price 50c. per i) ~x, or 6 boxes for $2 50, at druggists, or N C. Poison & 00, Kingston, Ont. Sold by W. H. Robson. A VICTORY FOR Lanceâ€"In Lind- say, on Monday, Mr. J. H. Sootherun was elected mayor by a very large ma- jority over Mr. logic. and Messrs. 'Mc- Watters, Cinoatnon,0‘ltielly, Maunder, Robinéon. Storer and )IcCrca were elected alderman for this year. The Post says tltat the working men of the town elected a full labor ticket and scored a great triumph. Working men are in the majority everywhere, and can elect any candidates they please if they will only stick together. Rnwmmnn AT Laserâ€"The Lindsay Past of I Monday says : “'Mr. James Shine, of Lindsay, who served as Corp- oral of Company “F” Seventh Pennsyl- vaniaRegimcnt of Cavalry during the American war, has received the cheer- ful intelligence that he is entitled to a pension of $8 per month for the balance of his life and a land grant of 160 acres in the State of Kansas. The pension is a very welcome addition to M r. Shine's income, and will make him quite com- fortable for the balance of his days." BROKE Tnuonou â€"On Monday fore- noon, while Mr. William Perdue, of Echelon, was driving across Cameron lako to the Ed's, one of his horses broke through the ice near Dhiul's Point; but, fortunately, the ice under the other one did not give way, and it dragged its companion out. The sleigh, which contained a few bags of grain, was nearly filled» with water, and Mr. Perdue got a wettinz.. He says he was driving on the main track, which ought. to be shifted further from the Point, near which, owing to a. current, the ice is always thinner than elsewhere, and several accidentsâ€"though, as far as we remember. no fatal onesâ€"have happenâ€" ed in its vicinity. . Catarrhozone. An instant relief and perfect cure for Colds, Coughs, Catarrh, Deafness, Asthma, Bronchitis,'Lnng Trouble and Consumption. Inhale Catarrhozone five minutes any time and it cures a cough or cold in the head. Inhale Caturrhozone five minutes four times daily and it permanently cures Chronic Catorrh, Deafness, Asthrra and Hay Fever. lmhale Catarrhozone ten minutes every .hour and it cures Pneumonia, Consumption, Lung Trouble, and prevents all contagious diseases. Complete outfit $1 ; trial size 25c: Druggists, or N C. Polson Sr. 00., Kingston, Ont. Sold by W. H. Robson. We Horn IT’s 'l‘aUn.~â€"One of our villa.'ers informs us that. while he Wit:- on his way to Kinmount by train, a few days agor he heard a passenger tell an- other that the lumbering firm of Me cormiek & McLeod, of -, were. making preparations to build a sawmill at Feat-ion Falls, as they had extensivr timber limits away out north, and the. Falls was the most advantageous point to turn their logs into lumber. Who the passengers were, our informant did not know; but he heard what we have stated, and we can only hope that it may prove true. The village is lan guishing for want of industries, and an- other Sawmill and the big furniture fete tory .\i r. Sandford contemplates build ing would be very acceptable in our pres: at state of semi-stagnation. Aoomsar.â€"â€"D.Vlr. Henry Smith, ot the Falls, met with a serious accident, early on Tuesday morning, at the ‘ dump ” near the. Chemical Company’s. -a-wmill in the township of S uncrville. ltl- was showing a tcamstet where to pu' a» load, and, when the man started his team, his sleigh struck one end of a low. and pushed it forward, and Mr. Smith's right leg was. caught hammer: on; other end of the log. and askid. wi'thtlzhe result that one of the bones ‘ was brnk a: about four inches above the ankle- jpinlz. soon as possible and attended to byDr. l Graham, who set the bone and placed it. in splints, and we are glad to hear from E him that his patient is doing well. Much sympathy will be lelt for .‘I r. ‘ Smith. as he has. at different times, met with two orthrce accidents. though i n0ne so serious as the one from which he is now suffering, and from the effects of which we hope he will soon recover. Dm N‘r FIND \Voonvrms -â€"Somo- thing over a week =|L10 a cantata was given at Woodville, 22 miles front here. and a young man, accompanied by his own best girl and somebody clsc’s, drove off in a cutter to hear it; but. instead of reaching: Woodvillc. they found them- ..a. “ A little rain lays much dust.” A little finish covers much shoddy, in shoes. “As good inside the finish as it looks out- side,” is pledged by the Makers’ price on the sole ofâ€" ‘ F IT’S A STOVE. - you want, whether acook stove, box stove or any other kind of stove, a visit to our store will repay y on. You may think that THERE’S LOTS OF TME yet before Winter, but sometimes it requires quite a while for a person to decide just what stove: .; w1ll suit him best; and the more time you take He was brought home as 1 selves at Cambray. ever so many hours after leaving home. It could n't have been the fault. of the horse. because he'.‘ had n’t been told where they wanted to go; nor 0! the road, which was where it. had always been; nor of Wonzlville. which had n"t changed its location ; therefore We infer that the young man was krpt so busy talking to two girls at once that he took a wrong turning. and so missed the cantata. But very likely he did n’t at all regret it. For our part. we Wouldâ€"that is to say, we and to would, agns aunâ€"â€"l‘=liltt”i‘ talk to a real nice did. like either of the above un- named ones. than listen to ever so good NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an a cantata and the great majority of application will be made by “,0 Canada young fellows are built that way too. Central Railway Company to the Parlia- So. the one who could n’t find \Vond- meat of Canada at the next session thereof ville needs no sympathyâ€"nor does cith- for a" “‘5‘ giVing the said company WW“ , . er of hts fair compantonsm the tuttle t9 consume“ .and operatic m? “1‘0ng . . lines from or m connectton thh the main expedttton. line of the said Railway :â€" W 1. From some point at 01‘ near Sudbury, DIAI%R_IED. in the Province ofOntario, to a point. at or , near Scotia Junction; thence southerly to b SAFEâ€"WILSONB’”? “1‘: rei‘fiencéo‘g a]: some point at or near Balsam or Sturgeon “ e 3 parenist Y he 0“ ‘ 0 m 1‘. “K7 Lakes in the townships of Bexiey, Verulam on Thursday, January 8th, Mr Francis C. Hare, of the Department of Agriculture, or Fenelon, continuittg southerly to the Ottawa, to Violet Maud, eldest daughter of City Of Tommo' Dr. A. Wilson, of Fenelon Falls. ‘2. From some point on the main line in the district of Keewatin orin the district of __.__._____.._.._....___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-' Saskatchewan to Port Churchill on Hudson DIED. Bay- WHSON._In the township of Somenme, 3. A continuation of its"main line from on Wedr “any, December 3]“, Isaac Wab Tete Juan Cache by way of the Thompson son’ aged 78 years and 4 days_ and Frazer River valleys to Vancouver or New Westminster. MW 4. From some point on the Thompson River or some of its tributaries to Wad- dington Harbor or Bute inlet. 5. From a point near the old site of Fort Assiniboia to some point on the Peace River and westerly to the Portland Canal “Thefsetersme” ' .4' Goodyear Waited. to decide, the more likely you are tobe satisfied with the result of your decision. ~J'L-m0‘m’ 8°": W“ AW" nuns and AMMUNITION of the best makes in stock. We can fit you up for the woods in first class shape. GED. MGGE' , N HEADQUARTERS for DAIRY SUPPLIES. The Mutual Lille, of Canada, paid the largest pro fits of any Company in Canada last. year. Evory safe and de- sirable style of policy issued. THOS. MARK, Agent, Feast-an Falls. NOTICE. AREYOU come TOBUILD .n _â€" workmen. FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Fenelon Falls, Friday, Jan. 9th, 1903. Reported by the,North Star Roller Mill Co. Wheat,Scotcb or Fife 68 to 70 on the. Pacific. Wheat, fall, per bushel. . .. 65 67 (6.) From some point on the main line of Wheat, spring ‘ . ... 65 67 said Railway at or near the Montreal River Barley, per bushel . . .. . . . . 40 42 in the Province of Ontario easterly to some Buckwheat“ .... .. . . 45 4'7 point on the Gatineau River in the Province Oats, “ .... .... 29- 30 of Quebec. And to exercise with regard to such lines Peuse, “ . ... .... 65 63 all the powers and privileges given to the Rye, “ .... .... 45 47 Polatoas, “ .... 65 70 said Company by its Act of Incorporation. Butter, per lb .. 15 I7 Dated at Toronto this 9th day of Decem- Eggs, per‘ dozen...... .... 16 17 ber, 1902. Hay,per ton...... ...... . 7.00 8 00 JOHNSTON 8: FALCONBRIDGE, Hides . .. ... ... 6.00 Solicitors lor the Applicant. Hogs (live) ...... ...... .. 5.55 5.80 Hogs (Dressed) ....,.. .... 650 7.50 Beef....... .. 5.00 6.00 XMAS PERFUMES, Sheepskins.............. 50 75 - Wool 7 12 WW Perfumes are made direct from the flower or from volatile oils distilled from flowers. These have certain antiseptic and disinlectant properties which make . perfumes a necessity not only from an esthetic standpoint, but as a prevent- ative from disease and contagion. Their use as such is becoming more and more recognizad by authorities who say they should be used by every- bodyâ€"not in sickening quantities or rank odors, but only enough fora mere suggestion. Our perfumes are carefully selected â€"-the best odors of the best makers. Get a bottle for a present. to your friend and one for yourself. My own pure Lavender Colog u at 10 cents an onttcc. I Robson’s Drug store. llllllSl‘l iflliill than Flour,'Silver Leaf . . . . .. .. 2.00 2.20 Flour, Victoria ...‘:.. 1.90 2.10 Flour, Family, Clipper.... 1.75 1.95 Bran, per 100 lbs ...... 90 100 Shorts, H N 1.00 1.10 MixedChop “ ......... 1.10 1.20 NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that an application will be made by the Canada. Central Rail- way Company to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, at the next ses- sion thereof, for an not giving the said Com- pany power to construct and operate branch lines from or in connection with the main line of the said Railway, (1.) From some point at or near Sudbury in the Province of Ontario to a point. at or near Scoliu Junction; thence, southerly to some point at or near Balsam or Sturgeon Lakes in the lowuships of Bexley, Verulam or Fenclou, continuing southerly to the City of 'l‘orouto. (2 ) Prom some point on the main line of said railway at or near the Montreal Rivor in the Province of Ontario, easterly Rah-g- @hambgrs to some point on the Gatiueau River in the Prevince of Quebec. Is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- And to exercise with regard to such lines -say and surrounding country with 310.371]- 2111 the powers and privileges given to the MEN’I‘S and tlEADS’t‘UNES, both Marble said Company by its A ct of Incorporation. and granite. ' Dated at Toronto this 29th day of Decent- ber, 1902. JOHNSTON (k. FALCONBRIDGE, Solicitors for the applicant. TREES l‘ TREES! That’s our business. We want men to sell TREES 0! all varieties,‘fruit and orna- Wo are looking for a few hustlers» mental. Ai'c you one ? If so,.gct ourt‘crms... CHASE BROTHERS COMPANY" Nurserymon. ' V I â€" ..yu-n Estimates promptly given on all kinds ot cemetery work. Marble Table Tops, Wash Tops, Mantle Pieces, etc., a specialty. 47-6. ..W iiiillilil illli illilli is printed every Friday at the ofiice, corner May and Francis Streets. SUBSCRIPTION : $1 00 A YEAR, IN ADV ANJE or one cent per week will be added, as long as it remains unpaid. Being a practical workman, all should see his dcsrgns and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. WORKSâ€"in the rear of the Market on Cambridge-st , opposite the packing house R. CHAMBERS 9904-0 “(é-C \30 ,SEECND UHWfiiON COURT â€"or THEâ€" _ County of Victoria. 00k it over; also your Cutter. If they need any repairing or fixing ‘up, now is the time to have it done, and my shop is the place to “coercive-w; Advertising Rates. Professional or business cards, :30 cents per line perannum. Casual advertisements, 8 cents per line for the first insertion, and, he next sittings of the above Court will be held in ’l‘wotncy’s hall, Fenelon Falls ON MONDAY, JANUARY 12th, 1903, of Parlour Suites, Chairs, Etc. 't l ’2 cents per line for every subsequent tnser- commencing at 1 o’clocl-int1,e aftel..,0,,.., have it done i‘i‘Tht ‘ I ‘ ' i ‘ ~ ' . ,, t '\ s- - 0’ .~\"rt.‘-.‘. tton. Contracts by the year, half year or Thursday, January lst, will be the last dar j Pietuic hmxnug ‘1 bpm'ld’lty“ less, upon reasonable terms. - of service on defendants residing in this New WO'L'k (10118 on short, ' , , - . ,- -. v _ county. Defendants living in other coun- nob-ice ' t . - don aile 111' need Oi it hpw" JUB PRIEITING executed neat‘l'y,.cor¢ “63 must be served on or before Satur- " tug 31110111119 be sure and, See 1 day, December 27th. . . E. C; EDWARDS, E. D . HAND, I Fenclon Falls, Oct.15th,_1902. l ectIy and at moderate prices. E. D. HAND, Proprietor. The Nevv-Iâ€"Iardwvare Store. Oppositeitlle Post-011100- I am prepared tovsuppl'y. allinec'essary'materiall - for House or Barn building at' reasonable prices,. and it Will pay you to consult me before buying... ' Planing done on short notice by first class-t F. SANDFGRD". a, i the) . - v-I m'blt‘illnlli‘d and 'I “ " Quench: " i; Unease..le qty Styles before buyine‘. L. DEYMAIT. m, ~ ~ . , ' _. m nM-lrn-u-u mkw-m...m.~mAgzmm«wntmmmw.w..-...~a.-n» A ~¢~ u‘ H3; ;. {-33 Just received. this week an!» t. l . . - g fit l, other lot of‘mce Bab-y ( riages that are. ' i1 Wailing. l l l Also Extension Tables, Sidem boards and lied room titu' tea, I carry ll; stool-1 a fall line (Hinges, m.- n : and- 4 ....

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