Hamilton’s Slueighs and Cutters. W The work throughout is standard in materials, work- manship, ï¬nish and design, and embodies every quality to recommend it as the very best that practical experi- ence can conceive. Every article guaranteed to equal in quality that produced by any individual or ï¬rm in Canada. Come and see them and get prices from THOS. ROBSON. We wish you 9.11 a. Merry Christmas and. a. Happy and Prosperous New Year. i’l‘he Feiielon Falls Gazette. Friday, Jan. 9th, 1903. The Bye-Elections. The three constituencies in which there were bye-elections on Wednesday, the 7th inst., all went Liberal. In North Grey Mr. McKay had a majority of 269; in North Perth Mr. Brown's ma- jority was 221; and in North Norfolk Mr. Little had a majority of 55. Pre- uticr Ross now has a safe majority of ï¬ve, and there is no longer any doubt that the present Government will con- tinue to rule Ontario. I have removed my Dressmakng business to the rooms over M188 Washburn’s millinery estabhshmeut. Why He Did It. A few days ago the Liberals of On- tario were surprisedâ€"not to say dis- mayed 4â€"to learn that Mr. S. H. Blake had deserted the party and transferred his allegiance to Mr. Whitney. Nzttu~ rally, everybody wanted to know- the real reason why he had “ flopped,†be- cause his allegation that he had become disgusted with Reform corruption, and enamoured ol' the comparative purity of the Conservatives, was about equiv- alent to saying that he intended to emi- grate to the north pole in order to es- cape the intense cold of Canada. When everybody wants to ï¬nd anything out. it is generally soon discovered ; anti al- ready it is believed thattllr. Blake was “ milled " because a lawsuit in which he was counsel for one of the litigaut~ did n’t pan out to please him. A man who appeared to know what had caused Mr. Blake’s stampede gave the follow- ing explanation to the Toronto Star: " The trouble was ever the reversal of a departmental decision in which some clients of Mr. Blake were concern- ed by thc Cetnmisioucr of Crown Lands There were some mining lands to which Mr. Blake’s clients laid claim. They had complied with the regulations, and were by the strict rules of the Depart- ment entitled to the claim. The land in dispute was a part of what is now the Helen mine, owned and being oper- ated by Ulergue, in New Ontario. Mr. Clergue thought his claim covered this land of Mr. Blake's clients. but the fact turned out otherwise, owing to some short-coming, so the Star’s informant seemed to think, on the part of Mr. Ulurgue’s lawyer. But, it seems, it Was on the strength in part of this claim that Mr. Clerguc was constructing the blast furnaces which, with their allied industries, were promising so much for New Ontario. The iron ore to be taken from this disputed ground was necessary to the success of his plans, and Mr. Clergue threatened to stop the work. The Americans who were Mr. Blake’s clients proposed, on the other hand, to export the ore. \The question for the Commissioner of Crown Lands to deter- mine, thereforeâ€"~the appeal by the dis- putants under the law being to himâ€" was as between public policy and equity on the one side and strictly technical ~â€" or, perhaps, strictly legalâ€"rights on the Street Entrance-«door between i i the twc'red stores. 3 'APPRENTIcEs WANTED, ‘ % MRS. M. E. CALDER. l WWWW WWW-0W erry ' Christmas and a appy New Year [AND MANY or THEM] to all: our Patrons and Frends. 103. lidilllll. Will ilEEEI set 00 1| HAVE ' To Montreal or New York for choice patterns or low W. IMCKEQWN’S prices in _ WELL PAPER... We have them here no’vv for your selection. d .11 I an W1 carry a. arge 9 s’ and up-to-date stock of N ,U, “If†- ’ furniture. E." “ Hilli’r‘llt‘l HOUSE. Am also prepared to do ‘ I _ I. t " ..-.~-â€"----â€"â€"----â€"â€"---»â€"â€"--‘ 3'11 klnas Uf other, The Commissioner decided ac- .,- . , cordingr to ublic olicy. The result Oa’lllg’ge Iaa'klng: was that till): ore i}; being smelled in Repal-Tlng and - Canada. But Mr. Blake, making the Repairttino, cause of his clients his own, turned ' against the Government." The same paper, in a later issue, says editorially : “What man will now believe that Mr. S. H. Blake was actuated by pub- "? " i ' t ' his break with the "‘- ~' I on P an; be motives alone in ' Eagles“ u, G e; ’ 3 V I “g dag“: on Ross Government 3 He had, In truth, . s' , iiii‘Wl-‘vfiangeable Brasiiq nadï¬e‘ , a 'quarrel ovpr the claim of some citents. Box’“93 8% every pa ’ l He is a high handed man. and went' 33“ Bvearings' o about obtaining' from the Government ‘ I ' 'hat he wanted in a characteristic way. (1 sec tha we tell the truth. 8 S n u _ game “m h o . _ (, . But he found to Mr. Ross 3 man not to be frightened by tho vengeance of a test... PETER venous. Title; SAHABEAM ‘Q‘E‘SS‘QEEQL $EP£EATER 'l. 45-0 L: M INlil“.-\(i'l‘ll311‘ii) AT GUltLl’lI. ONT. Qiuimnd to he as good as any. on the market. its points are :; Gloss: Skismming, Easy Running, and to make noose AND SASH. . __M‘ ny ‘.‘..'_;.'_*_._M.Mn.m:nmu-.. u w» . ..- .. . . . «gum-g...,.»...:;..e..;........m~--.e--.Mn_g..aWt-n milâ€"uw ‘ M r. Clergue thought we were granting him thisland (in dispute). We thought we were granting it to him. and if it now turns out that there has been Sour» error on the part of a surveyor, we will do what we thought we were doingr be. fore, and the public interest will bl' served by our course.’ How manv men in the Province will say Mr. Rosa's ‘Bake Mr. Ross told him. in effect?! , words do not do him credit ? To have surrendered their own judgment and the interests of the Province to appease the anger of Mr. S. H. Blake would have been unworthy of the Premier and his Government. Fortunater Mr. Blake was not able to influence the Govern- ment of the Province for the beneï¬t of his clients. Fortunately the Province had in Mr. [toss a man whose courage is deserving of the admiration of every man who is not afraid to walk erect and look angry men in the face.†A Good Time. The children of St. James' Sunday School had a good time on Tuesday af- ternoon and evening. About 2.30 three large farm sleighs. civned respectively. by Mr. John H. Cassidy, Mr. Edward English and Mr. Joseph Piguc. lel't Twomey’s hall with absut 65 youngsters, who 'were taken for a drive of a few miles in the country. the root taken be- ing out by Mr. Cassidy’s and home by the boundary. With such loads. the ride was not a very fast one, but that made it last all the longer, and it was thoroughly enjoyed, as the weather was i simply delightful. Upo-t their return. the children played in and around the - hall, while leng tables were covered by the ladies ol'the congregation with sand- wiches, cakes, pies, tarts, etc.. which, with tea and coffee, constituted the re- freshments provided for the occasion. After the children had “ eaten and wore ï¬lled,†the adults took their places. and when they had ï¬nished the tables were cleared and removed and the game of “Jacob and Rachel,†a sort of limited “blind man’s buff,†was played for a time and caused a lot of merrimeut. At its conclusion the church organ was car- ried to the hall, and a programme of vocal and instrumental music was gone through. Nearly all the recitatious were by children. mare than a dozen of whom had learned short pieces in rhyme. which they delivered with more or less vim and rapidity. Mr. Thomas Unsh- ore, who has a very good voice, sang a couple of songs which fairly “ brought down the house,†and will cause him to be in request at future entertainments. The annual sleigh ride of the St. James" church Sunday school children was in- stituted some years ago; but'we feel quite sure that it and the " subsequent proceedings †were never more thorough- ly enjoyed than they were On Tuesday last. Trent Valley-Leanne Schedule. At a meeting of the Executive of the Trent Valley Hockey League held in Peterboro last week, the following dis- tricts were arranged: No. 1. Slit'ling, Campbellfcrd, Norwood and Keene. No. Zâ€"T. A. S. of Peterboro. Bobcay- geon and Lakeï¬eld. No. 3â€"Peterboro, thkctield and Fenelon Falls. I The schedule was arranged as follows : Dis: trict No. lâ€"Jan._9, Keene vs. Camp- belll'ord, Norwood vs. Stirling; Jan. 12, Stirling VS. Keene; Jan. 13, Campbell- ford vs. Norwood; Jan. 14, Norwood vs. Keene; Jan. 16. Stirling vs- Camp- belll‘ord ;- Jan. ‘20, Norwood vs. Camp- belll'ord, Keene vs. Stirling; J‘an. 2‘3, Campbellford vs. Keene, Stirling vs Norwocd ; Jan. 27,- Keene Vs. Norwood, Campbelll'ord vs. Stirling. District No. 2‘â€"Jnn. 1‘0, '1‘. A. S'. vs. Boheaygeou; Jan. 14, Bobcaygeon vs. Lakeï¬eldpJan- 10, Lakeï¬eld vs. T. A. 8'; Jan. 20-, Lakcï¬eld vs. Babcnygeon; Jan. 27, Bobcaygeon vs. T. A. 8.; Jan. 30. T. A. S. vs. Lakeï¬eld. District No. 3-â€" Jau. 10, Lindsay VS. i’eterltan'o: Jot"... 13, Fenclon vs. Lindsay ; Jtrm. it, i et- 5 ..,. N '1"? . v t . erbute Va. :3 enelou, Jan. 3t, Fenian 0-“; VS. Pottwboro; Jan. :4), Lindsay VS Echelon; Jan. 27. Pctorbmc vs. Lind say. The games are to be played on . the ice of’tltc last mentioned clubs. Personals. Miss Kate Hughes, of Somerville. is home from Toronto. .Mr. J. [1. Carnegie, M. P. P.. pa sad through the Falls on Saturday. Mr. William Keys, of Lindsay. vi.~it- ed friends in Fenelon on New Yetr’s Day. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Morrison, of Lindsay. wore at the Falls on Nm Year’s Day. Mr. J. J Townlsy went to Toronto on New Year's Day on business, and got home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John J. English, of Fenelon, returned last Tuesday lrom - their wedding trip. Mr. and Mrs. John Berry, cf Lind- say, drove to the Falls on Sunday, and spent the afternoon at Mrs. Hands Mr. John Richards and Mr. Robert .'“'E t ‘3" \. . ‘ggugh - . N > l‘id‘t's. nl lllll'il‘fl)’. Wort: at (lib. “‘5‘ " for a short time on Monday evening} “ " "' Miss Mary M. Roberm, of Fell's Stit- tion, S-ivnorrille. left on Friday last tor a month's visit to relativesin Toronto. M rs. Goot'rc Cart-w. of Lindsay, has been at the Falls since Tuesday, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew ‘l'orrnttcc. - Miss Annie \Vorslcy, of Toronto, and ‘lr. G Sanford, are visiting at Mr." lllli Worslcv's. Miss Worsley will re- tnniu in this vicinity for some time. Mrs L. 'l‘ltmnpsou, Toronto, daught- l'l' of Mr. Eli Worsley, returned to the , city on Monday, after spendingthe hol- iday seamn at. her old home in Fcuclcn. Mes-4's. J. R. Hand. 0. E. Hand, H. E. Austin and l‘lerbort Puley, all of whom spent (J‘hriï¬nms and New Year’s at home, left on Monday morning, the lit-st named for St. Joseph Island and the other three lcr Toronto. Powles’ Corner. (Correspondence of the Gazelle ) Otto morning last week Mr. James Wagnr, ongoing to his stable, found that two 2year-old heifers had got choked to death by their chains during the night. At the least calculation they were worth 340. The annual school meeting came off without any contention, but it is hard to tell whats year may bring forth. Mr. John Moore was the retiring, trustee. nn-l Mr. W. ll. Uullis was elected for 1903. Notice were posted up asking for tenders for the caretuking of the school house, and the services of the Gillis lnuiily were retained, as their tender was the lowest. We have commenced upon a new year, which, like its predecessors, will be one of thrilling interest. According to statistics, 30,000,000 people will die. These will not all be old people, but will range frotu helpless infancy to help- less age. Lean upon your God, and re- member His promise that as your day is so shall your strength he. , ‘ On the Blst of D‘cember Mr. John Braden’s horses got the start of him and ran to Bail Point. and then turned north along the lake shore as far as Mr. Robert McGee’s, where they were stop? ped by one of the boys. The horses were attached to a set of sleighs, and were pretty well warmed up when caught. 0-! the evening ofthe 24th Mr. D. Worsley was going home from the church with quite a number of passen- gers in his sleigh. The roads were icy and the sleigh slewed around and upset,- and by some means the lines beetme den tached from Dave's hands, and the horses left the sleigh box and passen- gers behind. and made good time going home, That ï¬nishes the runaways for 1902. I V I ' Among the many publications that the postmanor is soliciting- subscriptions for are the Toronto Daily Star and the Fttrtnet's’ Advocate of Lcnlon, Ont. Every farmer should have the AdVocate, as it is the best farmers’ paper in the provrnce. Mr. W. H. Day, of the Toront) Uui- , versity, spent Christmas .holidays at home. ' Professor James Marshall is making a lengthy visit in the Queen City. Miss Annie \l'crsley, of Toronto, is enjoying a visit at. home. , We are glad to see our old friend, Mr. Arthur Willock. among us again. M.-\.so.vtc~ Seamanâ€"Rev. Mr. Gm- hutt preached a Masonic sermon in the Methodist church on Sunday last and two sleigh loads of Masonsâ€"one from Lindsay and the other from Ki'mnount â€"-dr0vc to the Falls to hear it, in re- sponse to an invitation from the breth- ren here. PUBLIC LIBRARY MEETING «The general nmzual meeting of the members [in the Til‘enelou Falls public library will. he held in the reading room on Monday, tt'atc l-‘Ziit lost, at 8 o’clock p. m., for“ the purpose or" electing a Board of Man- agement for the ensuing year. A full attendance is requested. I A Great Sus’i'erer Cured. Ml‘. I3ettjumin Dillon, of Leeds, Out , was cured of muscular rheumatism by I’olson's Nerviline, and says: “I feel my duty is to, proclaim Polson’s Nerviline as an infallible. cure for rheumatism ; it cured me after 30 year-5’ suffering, and nothingl know ol‘canâ€" equal its penetrating power. Nerviline simply has no equal in quickly relieving and curing rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica. and lnmhago. Atrial will convince cup. one. Price 250. Sold by W. ll. Robson. Brennanâ€"The Good Reads by law and the Carnegie Library layâ€"larv- wcre both dcfvatcd in Lindsay on Mom day, the former by a vote of 417 to 304, and the latter by a vote of 390 to 331. We rejoice at the defeat of the Library by-law, as no community ought. in our opinion, to accept adollar of Carnegie’s. ill-gotten wealth. New ORANGE Orrrcsns.~« The follow. log are the ofï¬cers of L. O. L. No. 996'. for the ensuing year :: W. M . Bro. J. '1‘. Thompson Jr.;, 1).. M., Bro..8..D~.. « < . cur-v .i-t . ~ . . I . .. ,,_.,.,.,._.,,,,,,N_ ,,,,,.,‘W;.yrg‘mmxti.i. n... _._,,~,..J, ,,5'.‘,':7,C"-€ ,. _....;..'.\::‘~‘“"‘"¢~~ »- wits-mmamâ€...{snowman-,1 ..._ a 53.. ï¬e... . W“ ,5’. 1. ~ "MW