Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 23 Sep 1898, p. 5

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Haw")? cram: .‘ ' ,y‘.' .31 T.»A:fl,.,_y..._..\. w. q..- '. James’s Ch’d'rch here on Sunday next, country like the above named gentle- mornine and evening. Mr. Goodheart will also lecture on Tuesday, Sept. 27th, in St. James’s Church, at 8 p. m. on “ My Early Days in the Land of the Czar,”-‘ The Persecution of Jews under Russian Government," “ Will the Jews return to Palestine ?" “ Why I became a Christian." Hebrew songs will be given. We feel sure that all who heard Mr. Goodheart in May will wish to hear him again. The lecture is free, but a collection will be taken up to help de- fray Mr. Goodhcart's college expenses; for, though born of wealthy Jewish par- ents, he has suffered the loss of all things for Christ’s sake. We trust the collec- tion, like the last, will be a liberal one. Somerville Council. Burnt River, Sept. 10th, 1898. Council mét pursuant to adjourn- ment, all the members present, the reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Moved by Mr. Burtchall, seconded by Mr. Stewart, That the following ac- counts be paid : W. T. Craig, expenses taking J. Pelow to the Toronto General Hospital. 86 65; Alex. Morrison, re- pairs to Crcéo’s creek bridge, 813 50 ; Municipal World, books for clerk,51 72; Sam Hughes, printing and advertising, 812 25; James Wakclin, repairs to two bridges on the Monk road. 878 40; George Hughes, on account of road con- tract. 810; John Wilson, for work on road, refund of statute labor commis- sion, ‘36; David Johnston, road contract. 825; 11. A. Gallan, work on road, 32; Robert English, gravel for road, 32; Clerk. for postage, SZ.-'â€"â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Stewart. seconded by Mr. Griffin, That J. Brisbin’s tender for planking bridge be acceptedâ€"C'd. Moved by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mr. Bnrtchall, That lay-law No. , a by-law to levy certain rates. be read a second and third time and passed.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Griffin. That 810 be granted to be. expended on the ninth concession oppo- site lot 3; Wm. Stewart to be commis- sioner to expend the Fomfl‘.â€"-Cfll'l‘lcd. Moved by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mr. lallan, That 35 be granted to be expended on the Coboconk roa l; Alex. Battle to be commissioner to expend the sameâ€"Garried. Moved by Mr. Burtchall. seconded Mr. Stewart. That the council adjourn _ to meet at Kinmount on Saturday, the fifteenthylay of Oetobcr.â€"-Carried. Personals. Miss May Roberts, of Fairview, Fell’s Station, left on Saturday for a month's visit to friends and relatives at Port Hope. Mr. Phillips, head master of Tilson- burg high school, has been appointed school inspector of the county of Hall- burton, in place of Mr. Freer, deceased. Mr. 11.0. Calhoun of Deseronto, who left the Falls fifteen years ago, after a residencc hero of eleven years, was in the village this week, and received a warm greeting from his many old friends. Mr. Wm. Dcyman Sr. is home, and will remain for a couple of weeks. It is :1 pity we hadn’t him in the council this year, to help Mr. Martin thwart the giveaway policy of the reeve and others. Miss Angie Tugman returned home to Toronto on Saturday last, after a week‘s visit with her sister, Mrs. Thos. Shane. Miss Golden left on Saturday to visit relatives at Janetvillc. Mr. J. L. Haskcl and son Bliss, of Findlay, Ohio, were at the Falls from Thursday until Monday, visiting the former‘s uncle, )lr. Chas. Haskell. Mrs. Ellsworth Stoddard was in Peter- borc from Saturday of last week until Wednesday. .‘liss Fisher of Janetvillc returned home on Saturday after a visit of three weeks with relatives at the Falls. M rs. G. W. Davey left on \Vcdntk'day with two of her children to spend a few days in Lindsay. Mr. John 11. McKay left on Tuesday to take a three months" course in the' military sclmol at Kingston. Pcwles' Corner. ((Wu-rap»)ernet: of .‘lzc U rzt‘tft‘.) A goal temperance man said not long ‘ azn that he had seven good reasons for l volin; for prohibition, and when askel 1 what they were he said : “ Four sons . and three daughters." , The prohibition meeting held here last Wednesday was well attended; the y l l | l 1 number of heads of families can few, but the young people turned out Well. The speakers were .‘lr. Thornton, Dr. Gould. and the Rev. Mr. .‘chinnon from Penelon Falls. The Rev. .‘lr.- Leiteh occupied the chair. .‘lr. )le-l Kinnnn nude 3 very able address. the! l-e~t of the evening. It is a great pity that there are not more men in this \ two months ago. two red and white steers, man. The choir did their duty, with Miss E. Jefi'ery as organist. The population is still on the increase. A little baby girl has recently made its aypearance at the home of Mr. James Mitchell. The fall wheat and the turnip crop need more rain. . - ACETYLENE Gasâ€"This illuminant appears to be growing in popularity, as it gives great satisfaction and is cheap. Mr. Burgoyne is introducing it into his store and Mr. Wm. )IcArthur into his house, and Mr. Hopkins of Kinmcunt has ordered a machine of sufficient power to light his various places of business. A handsome set of brass and glass fittings, to be used in his dwelling, may now be seen in Mr. McGee’s shop window. FALL 13 COMIN3_ STILL AT THE FRONT- with a well selected stock of WHAT ABOUT THAT NEW STOVE on FURNACE? We can supply you with the best in the market, and guarantee satisfaction. Millpmry, Wall Paper, Window Blinds, Fancy Goods, Stamped Goods, MGGEE. Materials for Fancy Work, P. S.â€"OUR TINWORK AND EAVETROUGHING WILL BEAR Chinaovare. INSPECTION. as BEFORE. Toys and Dolls A Sunderland lady writes Dr. Neelauds that he had made her a successful fit after having eight sets of teeth made in Toronto and elsewhere.â€"-~13tf GEO. The New Hardware Store, Opposite the Post-Office. S. A. a'r Bonnâ€"There will be a hullelujah lassics’ At Home at the S. A. Barracks on Tuesday night, Sept. 27th. They will be assisted in the entertain- ment part by the Rev. R. H. Leifch and Drs. Wilson and Gould and other out- side friends. Rev. Mr. Leitch and Rev. Mr. McKinnou are expected to address the meeting. The ladies of the Corps will undertake to satisfy the most fastidious in the line of eatables. Ad- mission : single ticket 150., double, 250., children 10c. Proceeds in aid of local funds. All who attend will have a pleasant time. _- Eggs taken in exclmngcdI MRS. KEELEY. PREEES R RISHT. ACCUSED or Teamâ€"About a fort- Go to J. McFarland’s for Groceries, Boots, § BANE” DOORS' WIRE DOORS night ago two brothers, William and ' ‘ Francis Tethern of Lindsay, were ar- Shoes, Ready-made Clothing. Crockery and J. J1 ” rested while cutting wood on “ drowned laud " forming part of lot 32 con. 9. li‘cuelon, the property of Mr. John Daniel, reeve of the township. They were released on bail, and on Tuesday lass appeared before Col. Deacon at Fenclcn Falls. where, after some of the evidence had been heard, the case was adjourned until Saturday, when it will be disposed of at Lindsay. The men said that before going to cut the wood they had spoken to Mr. Thos. Walters. who expressed the opinion that, as it was dead and of little value. they would not he interfered with; and that they did not know they were doing wron‘: until Constable Nevison appeared with a warrant for their arrest. 0*- Jobbing attcnded to. Wall Brackets and Easy Chairs made to order. Workshop on Lindsay Street, Near the G. T.1t. Station, Fcnclon Falls. Glassware. . . . . . . Try KOLONA Ceylon Tea. a t t 2 One Door North of The Public Library TWO WAYS. Of getting glasses. One to go \ Bread, Cakes, etc. to a first-class Optician, have your eyes properly tested and get What STOCK FRESH AND WELL SE- you needâ€"the other to go to a mer- , , chant who keeps spectacles, make a LECTED° 3* OUR PATRONAGE RE‘ “ grab in the bag,” as it were, get a SPECTFULLY SOLICITED. pair that don’t fit you (although it . I H. E. Austin. may seem so for the moment), and Fenelon FaIls, April 25th, 1898. run the risk of ruining your eyesight PhoTBGMPHS. entirely. “ 0 ! wad some power the giftic gic ns Beerbohm estimates the European wheat crop at 240,000,000 bushels more than last year. Best brands of Cigars, A full line of Confectionery, Frult, Lunches, BIRTHS. Ftsnsu.-â€"At Fenelcn Falls on Thursday, September 1st, 1898, the wife of Mr. Duncan Fisher of a daughter. Fiannaâ€"la the township of Verulam on Saturday, September 3rd, 1898, the wife of Mr. Josiah Flett of a son. MITCHELLâ€"In the township of Fenclon on Friday, September 9th, 1898, the wife of Mr. James Mitchell of a. daughter. Panamaâ€"In the township of Fenelou on Saturday, September lOth, 1898, the wife of Mr. William Parker of a son. Annorr.-â€"lu the township of Vcrulam on Wednesday, September 14th, 1898, the wife of Mr. William Abbott of a daughter. Dinaâ€"In the townsip of Fenclon on Thursday, September 15th, 1898, the wife of Mr. John Day of a daughter. \VALTONr-Al. Fenclon Falls on Tuesday, September 20111, 1898, the wife of Mr. YOU WANT THEM. WE HAVE THEMâ€"- GOODâ€" CHEAPJ CALL AND SEE. our examinations, and advise you the safe and most comfortable course to pursue. Examinations free. Barnes W155 GESRSE MARTBN. THE WEST SIDE STORE. .â€".â€" We are careful and accurate in To see oorscls as ithers see us.” The above wish is easily realized by 50 YEARS' having your photos taken at @sfiiDWfibfifififlnfiufiufinfinfi Charles Walton of a son. OPTICIANS: The Leading Jewellers ’ ‘ DIAI‘IRIED. LINDSAY. , S Will guarantee all work equal to the best city work, and prices to suit the times. Family groups a specialty. Give me a call. Life size work in the best style of the art at moderate prices. J. H. STANTON. Photographer. Penelon Falls, July tst, 1897.-â€"21.52 Sraoxo.â€"-Jonxsros.â€"At the residence of - the bride’s parents, by the Rev. R. H. Leitcli, on Wednesday, September 2|st, 1898, Mr. Hugh Strong, of Verulam, to Rebecca, eld- cst daughter of Mr. Thomas Johnston of Fenclon Falls. _â€"_â€"â€"_â€"â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- FENELON FA LLS MARKETS. Reported by the North Star Roller Jim 00. Fenelon Falls, Friday, Sept. 23rd,1808. \\'heat.Scotch or Fife .... 6,5 to 03 TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may ' quickly ascertain our nptnlon {rec w lather an invention is probably pittcntnblc. ('mnmnnlca- trons ntrtctlycotlfldenzlal. Handbook on l'ntentu scat free. oldest agency for securing part-nu. Patents taken tnrouuh Munn ta Co. rccelvr spat/it notice, V-‘lthuut change. in the Scientific illiterate. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Lowest ctr. culatlon (if any stirmtillc journal. 'l‘rrim. 5-3, a year: {our months. 3:1. Sold by 1.11 newsrhuden. Auction Sa_._1_e_ of Farm. The East half of Lot 22, in the Second Concession of Verulam Township, will be offered for sale by Public Auction At the Mansion House, Fenelon Falls. On Saturday, October lst, at 2 o’clock p. m. The property will be offered for sale subject ton. reserve bid. N D ‘l 1 Possession given immediately. For terms 6 e. who“: m”: p0,. bushep . H C, J3 and other particulars see posters or apply a semrcadway' Wheat, Spring . . . . . . . . 63 of) ‘0‘ ‘ _ . _ _ , Branch (mice. 1.72.) 1‘ 5t.. Wushlnuton. D. U. Barley, per bushel. . . .. 30 38 .IlfsbllS. lllLOt‘h, lllLLfll, lll Lllt‘h & THOMSON, _._.-__._ filiCk‘Vllcm‘i" ' "' ' ' - ' E?” Solicitors for the Vendor, '_ I NEWSPAPER LAW. 0315: - t." - ' " “I “r Dominion Bank Chambers, _. I) . . l 4'! 4r , .. v ‘ . ‘ ‘ ' A t: t -'v .. no; mastr r is w ': t. r7 to "rt: . relic, “ .... .... ms: ’31) Lerner lung and \on'rc ’S‘ts _ l 1, t ' l 1 in l to go . ..J. :31, . (v .... .... 5): rod lorotlto. , by li‘tlt‘l‘ (rt-turning the paper does lm' l‘otatoez. ‘ nu ---- ~g 0’) Dated at Toronto, 5011!. 12112,1593.â€"33.3. I ‘ answer the law), when n ;I:il,=c:il,r_«r .391. ; {Elliot-drop . . . . . . . . . . c 1-1 m), pd”? his pup”. (m, of H11: “Km: “'1’, [‘,gg:,',\el do..tn...... â€" 9 OUR SPEG}ALTIES : 311119132" reasons for its 1H,! 1mm: '. “WV-1‘07 '“m- - v ~'- - " - "00 0'00 l J‘tl.\'ll'.'1’i"Cli’)'l’) so molar 4 1"“ l. ':h; ~.» ~r, - _ _ . . _ . little- .....I. . .... v. ...... “til-j) é Auohsun S Ileudachc \Vuf‘crg rcspOZESIl‘lQ in ll.(- :villlllElH-l‘ lul' ," “035 (live, . . . . . . ....-- cu -'-|.~’ 3 fl 1 n ' 2. “my y wry,” (Jl'tll-r__' ill,- IM“, p A», I . lie-gs (Dressed) 3-30 3-” L Q ‘ a . The Surest, Safest and Specdicst (‘nrc I liner-.1 he tartâ€"‘1 all nrrt..r;r~--'. 'l ‘ beet“... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . any: a for Headache. A positive relief for Nell-l {unblh'zlu-r may continui- to 3'..- ‘ ' .' hstecl‘skins . . .- if“ 1.0” ral’gia and Toothache. Hum :11 i: ism/lo. and collect -.‘ \‘oo .. . 3 17 . . . . I.. . ...1 .-1 .'. . u. .w, - . - - - - ° ' ' ° A - x r p Q A 0 3 I 'v . fl _ .llz.()t.!l.. ~- ..4 ..1’:l l; 1: If ..(‘.'1 .v.. Flour,faintly.:1lverl.eaf.. 2.1m 2.2" I ‘1 T m C 1 T1 10R DC-‘fllllu TODTll“ flSll. . 1.? not. 'l‘Emrc ("Ill be lit-'- 1' I 1‘: ( Flounhestbztkcrs'. 15'" 310i I \t elem ' " > l " "ii " ' H '- . , - p . r N. at and ('lT‘JCthC tooth cleaner ' “‘0 “4‘” l” ‘ -l “ “'1’”- ilonr strai-‘htrnllc-l . . . . . . 1.70 191' ' H : ~ ' d P t F “d , ° - ‘ l r. , ... .. t. . , " ' . rc-servative. .1. A.._\ v . ..) t. , I _,,,_. :1 .H‘ Bran, per ton . . . . . . . . . . . . . limit! 13."?! a . K , the lutFi-(lfllt'f'. . 11.1.:H 'lllf’ifl'il .' ‘ sums, -= ..... . ..... . may! 1:30 _,, ,,_ Lightnmg Toothache Drops. l mm or 1.. other. or I’u'lflrl‘ml‘ 1....- “lxed Chop'1‘“ 10“ - - ‘ - - - ~ “Kl-“0 3""'O a T, b i , scribed or not, is res; outihll- for 12.: 31.1 -. w. A. 1e 03' cm“ or toomacuc' 4. lf‘a. subscriber orders his pap-t 1:)- P.-~ ' _. , ‘ stopper. at a certain time and thw int. ESTRAX mTEERs_ Inge“ POWdW- , ’ '” Baker Block.Kent.st..Lindsay. list-er confinin to send. the Sulnjtriipir .s bound to pay for i: it' he takes it out at 1?»: bus, dosed flowc,3_ post-office. This proceeds upon the grounl that a man must pay for what he uses. 5. The courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers and periodicals from the poshm’ficc, or rl.‘t:m'.'i.'lg and leaving W. H. 8888611 . , them uncalled fonts prim/1 Ircil. evidence Chemist 35 Drug-gist. Of intentional fraud. V _ _ Guaranteed genuine and made from the 3 Lame on to the premises of the subscrth- _ , . I er, lot 10. concession t} Semen-Elle, about ‘Arttsts 50063 a Specmlty one your old. The owner can have them upon proving property and paying charges. DAVID STEEL. Somcrville, Sept. 101b, 1598â€"31â€"1" Machine Needles,Alabastine and Dve Works Agency. Call and see my 5 cent Paper. Anna-No.4»-.. - A A- --,-

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