Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 20 May 1898, p. 5

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0' \‘n"‘«"" " w .. --- _ ...._.. -_- -.â€"--â€"._.._‘.. __ ..-- _ ‘... - - -.. rie. have each purchased a windmill of H ll the same make, but smaller than the The Court of Revision for hearing appeals , one at the Falls, and .‘Ir. Robson expects two more in a few days. They will Vi“ commef‘ce Waning belween Peach” against the Assessment Roll of the Town- ..Jm, i,» seen ups.) mm, mm, a, they , Falllls ungolelnds-sr ontMSopday, I!ng 2‘nd. ship of Somerville for the year 1393 will ' U " - ‘ ' .‘ cu no t war." u. or con out on ~ , .i- ~ are eneup and durable, and Will run I ° '5 g be held at the Clerk dome" . . . _ following time: various kinds of machines at a nominal A t 1311111113 Rivâ€"61. aspen-=0. Leaves Fenelon Falls at 7.15 a. m., . . . _ ActfinENT.â€"Oo Wednesday of last Sturgeon PM?“ 7-45- m the Stud Townsmp’ l week Mr. Wm. McKee, one of the em- 1 Arrives“ Lindsay“ 9'00 MONDAY: MAY 30th: 1898, TAKE ALL YOLVR LXTTENTION._ ployces in the lumber yard at the red Leaves Lindsay at 10 a, m, at ten o’clock a. m., of which all parties mill. met Wltll an accidencthat will lay Arrives at Suflgeou Point at 1L0 him up for some time, which, as he 15 Arm-95 at Fenelou Fans at 11.45 a poor man, will be a great hardship. While handling a board he by some LeaVeS Penelon Falls at 2-45- means tripped and fell, and his right arm Arrives at Sturgeon Point at 3.15 Slllkillg one ofthe rails of the track, the Arrives at Lindsay mmaul-3° larger of the two. bones between the Leaves Lindsay at 530' elbow and the wrist was broken. Dr. A ._ Hts a P . t ,6 30 Wilson set the fracture and put it “a, {sigma F3335 2,7315 into splints, and Mr. McKee is now Form“ Mucuhrs en um of I going around with his arm in a sling, p i q ' looking as depressed as a man who W'SMLmopllrscr' “FF-EEical’L needs money and is earningnonc natur- ally looks, though, after the first few days, he suffered but little pain. .-‘r Sunderland lady writes. Dr. Neelands that he had made hero successful fit after having eight sets of teeth made in Toronto and clscwherc.â€"â€"~13tf r, . interested will please. take notice. The Assessment Roll for the said year is now on file at my otlice, where it may be examined by any person interested. SAM. SUDDABY, ‘ Township Clerk. Burnt River, May 10th, 1898.â€"13.2. Having secured the services of a practical tinner, I am now in a. position to do any kind of manufhcturing or repair- ing in either tin or galvanized ware. Eavctroughing and roofing a. specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed. It pays to keeps things paintedâ€" especinlly with a good paint, as the “ Ark Brand ” has proved itself to be. A full supply at the New Hardware Store, opposite the Post. Office. ' "GEO. MGGEE. GOOD. ' FURNITURE Is always cheap furniture in the long run. Looks better. \Vears better. Gives better satisfaction. I: have the best ‘ and largest, stock of furniture of all kinds, from the best; manufacturers in the province, consisting of ‘ “O 2-: wad some power the giftie gie us To see oorsels as ithcrs see us.” The above wish is easily realized by Mvsrcmous DIs.\rPE.\nAncn.â€"-.\lr. havmg 5'01" ph°t°s “I‘m at J. ll. BlcNally. who returned a few d iys ago from Dcsbarats. Algomu. Ont., I . .i .2 h h. s r-l ust a sawmill, w.. . . . . w or Q Q pu 0,1 . . Z” best elty work, and prices to suit the times. ‘0 have [on the Falls Wm" ["5 lamlly Familv groups a specialty. Give me a call. this ('l‘hursduy) morning. bl”: “'33 PFC" Life size work in the best style ofthe art at- vcntcd from gonna by the mysterious moderate prices. disappearance of an article of wearing J H STANTON a I l apparel without which no man is will; Photmmpher a . lent: to travel, especially when accom- ‘ _ r panicd by his wife or any other lndy. . Fenclpn Fall” Jul-Y I’ll-189"*21'°2~ Will guarantee all work equal to the â€"DlNING noon FURNITURE. â€"â€"BE-DROO:\I. snrs. . â€"-EASY‘ CHAIRS, . . -â€"R crnns M». )IcNhlly brought no clothing wnh PENELON LSUGGFS’. A boy’s shoe Built to protect growing feet ' . v n t. (y ‘l q A J y c . . . . ‘ . ‘ him except the suit he was “0““0‘” â€"â€".SIDEBOARDS, againstdistortion. Mostfootnllsareacquzred and on Wednesday evening, while mov- in: his goods to the station, he took off h his coat, in order to work more com- Notice is hereby given that the Municipal l'criab'y. Whether he hung it on the Council of the Township of Fenelou will fence or laid it on the ground at his meet“ the residence on Francis street, where he V|LLAGE 0F ELENARM dug: up some flowers, or took it oil" at ' ' the railway station, he is not sure, but when he wanted it he couldn’t. find it, ' TUESDAY, MAY 24th, I898, though ho t‘lOk Dearly “wills Cllflttels as a Court of Revision of the Assessment out of the box car in winch they had Roll for the current year. All persons been packed, and has not seen it since. interested Wm Please “Ike due notice and ' Therefore he was compelled to remain govern themselves accordingly. at the Falls another day and get a coat H. J. LYTLE, Clerk. mode at M r. 'l‘ownlcy's. When he took r Fenelon,_May.4th, 1898. oil' the one he has lost, he fortunately removed a roll of bills amounting to $250 Fonelon Falls â€"SPRINGS AND MATTRASSES, â€"«KITCHEN. FURNITURE (all kinds), by wearing ill-shaped shoes in youth. Laced - and Oxfords; in shapes “Foot-form” and “Dandy” 3 widths, D 8: E. Boys’ sizes, 3 to 5%; Youths’, 13 to r . ~ - 2%; Little Men’s, 8 to 12%; Goodyear welted; Stamped on the soles $2.00 and $2.50 per pair. CATALOGUE ‘flThe : x" V . and prices are away down. Rep-curing, and. all ordered work promptly attended to. . fig,” Undertakingjaall its branches. L. DEYMAN. _.0N_ -__,__â€"â€". #flfl-Q'fiifimflt .4 AL... «Lama. __A._ lromthc breast pocket. It is possible , . V. If that some dishonest person knew or sus- ‘ p .llccmd'” was tllom’ film} side “1'05an The Municipal Council‘ot‘ the Village of m the expecmuon 0 Setting “I‘m 0 Fenelon Fallswill meet as a. Court of _ ~ - r' money. Revision of the Assessment Roll of i ’ f A, Coco LECTURE. â€"â€".St.. James’s “101ngYlllggfi‘feftheflfem» ‘ I}. church was filled to its utmost capacity , _ 7 “1 “Was-m : é : on Tuesday evening by an audience , FENELON FALLS, «2 assembled to hear Mr. Maurice J. Good- _0N_ I heart’s lecture on “ The Jew's Lti in 7 ~ ' Russia,” which was fully up totheir MONDAYL JUNE 6th, 1898, _ expectations and exceedineg interest- at i o’clock;p..nt. All parties interested ; Of'gefimg glߤ593~ 011010 $0 - \ 1 . P will‘ take notice and rrovern them‘elves ' t0 9' firSt'Clflss 01mm“: “me Your mg. .Ir. (JGOdllle’. was a tussian _ c, _ s F 1 ' - ~ accordingly. eyes prope-.ly tested and get w lat Jew, but has been converted to Christi- ; W. T. JUNKIN’ You necd__,he other to go to a map unity. and 15 00W lccml'luh' ‘0 False Feneion Fans Village Clerk, chant who keeps Spectacles, make a ‘ money to keep him. while pursuimr his , a , “grab in the bag,” as it were, get a ‘ c l’w t \V vcl‘fl‘e Colletro 'rofinm Nitaâ€"The R0” '5 at my Office and ‘3' pair that don’t fit vou (although it , J'ull I“; a: l I)" . f bees! lino. 1 misl open for inspeCtion‘ may scemso t‘orlthc moment), and . wr l in In en ion 0 n. D . - ‘ , ‘ v - r, x _. _ f_. . Avouremsinm , sionary amongst the Jews in far off Fellow" ransim‘l “‘1111393- $1‘irtc‘13'.llsl\0 “mungl 3 z: ‘ lfl'ldr‘. He speaks Eu‘s'llb‘h fluently and , ' We are careful and accurate in . . . . , ‘ ‘ grummaticnly, though with a foreign . our examinations, and adtiise you You \Vlll save from], to p01 cent. : anion: and his le0ture was enlivened " ' ‘ . g the safe and most comfortab c course . , y , ‘ ' ‘ Q Q 1 'I r 1 wi 11 numerous touches of humor that -- ‘- _____._.__ tofigiffl‘llii'mionsme getting your Clothes InadO {Li} Clad k, A; SOD S. 1 moved his audience to hearty laughter. . ‘ “ - ' ' 1 Canadians who think they have hard one D?“ Notlh of. . q 1 times will be forced to admit that T118 Public lerary 1 thcy are grumbling without cause when é ' ~ _ 1 I ' , they hear the conditions of life in the ' ‘ . ‘ I »‘-' , p I d . dominions of the Czar. Mr. Goodheart Be“; blanfls Of 013333)» . OPTICMNS S 11 1 and‘ some companions escaped from , A. full 11110 oPConfectlonery, The Leading Jewc’uem Cures Piles,Constipation,Sour Stomaci. 1 Russia by swimming, at night, the Fruit, Lunches, LINDS XY, ’ aim] ISic(k I’lcadacl‘ics.,, “C I c t t 1 ~- ' v'. a ‘ . . » ‘ ' . r. t. i. \ennm. ', in: ( rant on rue or. cam” tlm't dlu‘hs' at one pomt, tint Bread} Cakes? etc' -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" No.304 Perth Alch Toronto, says: 1 cnmnry “om (wrmany' fluent-1m]ng V It is the best medicine I ever used. 1 the“ S°”"""S‘,§°S‘Fd “5,,51‘03. alsmnlces . STOCK FRESH' AND" Wl‘ELL 813' l was troubled with piles for many years, I n "H “'l the "Ssmu Fl 0' c are -" a L’ECTED. YO 'R P 1 - Ja- ' and always in misery. I suffered so mucl: “$11.33,. that thch is a probabilit; of SPBCTFULLY SELIC‘IXEElgNAGE RF season 18:)8' during this time that [often wished 'l('1tl‘,. : " a ' " l ‘ l V ° in m sll‘v'n 3.lS'el:t first?“ rm ‘° v . THE sremsn 3223:3223 tr 1 manual, a s. l H E A t. l“ ” medicines but received no benefit until i "" “ “' ' " ‘“ ‘ ' ' I ln' tried Sloaii’s Indian Tonic. It relieve-l me i BIR‘TI‘IS' Fenclou Falls, April 25th, 1898. will run for the balance of the season almostIinstplntly an? oil‘ctptedt itilpermtitnont 1 â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" -' - ' ever )0 w 1011 ie mm mm.- ELi.is.â€"In Verulmu, on Monday, Mar 2nd, 118 fullous . cure. in n I a 1 , i - ' ' ' .' ‘ ' ‘ ' as lon as I can procure it. It is a mode. . 3598} tui‘e mm or ML “‘ A. mm or a BA PTM‘ DOQR'S'." fiâ€"“l [RE DOORS Leaves COboconk at a" m' blood guritier and will stimulate the whol»: 1 mg" 0 ' Arrives at Fenelon u 13 at 8.30 a. in. y , ., - _ , . .1 ,- , the we,“ may,“ , , mme .I, h 1 body. lou are at llel‘L) to use my name in thL mng t. , i i, i v. . â€" ~ - fl >â€"- “w” wâ€" J- T'- J1 '9 Leaves Penelon Falls at a” m” Sloan’s Indian Tonic, and all who purchase one bottle wdl soon perceive its good cut-H â€" CA.RPENCDER.. ’ PENELON. FALLS MARKETS. â€"---n. Jobbing attended to. Walldlrackets and 1:.,.:.~:.xzz.yzi.~¢ North so" Roller 11.71 00. Easy Chairs made to order- I-‘enclon Falls,_Fridny, May 2 w, 1393, Workshop on Lindsay Street, Near the (i. 1‘. ll. Station; Fenclon Falls. Calling at Sturgeon Point, if necessary, Arrives at Lindsay at 10.30 a. m. Leaves Lindsay at 3 p. m. Arrives at Fcnelon Falls at 4.30, and Coboconk at 7. p. in. $1 per Bottle ; 6 for $5. For Sale by W. H. Robson, Penelon Falls. The Sloan Medicine 00., of Hamilton, Limited. WhenLScolch or Fife l.l0 lo 1.05 Wheat. mil. per bushel. ... 93 Lou â€"‘ 'â€" FALRICS 3 Single. Return. ~ whml‘ Swing . "" 1:30 1‘02 _ . 50 YEARS’ Cobocnnk to Lindsay .. . . . . . . The. Sly-t: . Barley, i‘cf‘llllsllel- --' - 33 3‘ . ‘ 4 EXPERIENCE Cobocmik to Font-Ion Falls. . . 330. (Or. ‘ 5 Buckwheat ‘ nu -- o - 2; 4“ '1 , . . r » . Rosednlc to lN-nclon l~‘alls.... 150. 30c “ Unis. f‘ ' ° " ~ "' :5: 33 l’cnelon lv‘nlls toSturgt-on Point 15c. 25¢ ' PMS“, "’° 1’: l l-‘cnclcn Falls to Lindsay 35c. 50c pw, u o I . , illitntoes, “ .. .. . . .. 30 35 Steamer Will cull :lf “{‘5' “"1"”; Von” c" wwwmwmewmwmWeâ€"noocoemmwmeowo By,“ n“. 1b . H . u 14 15 route if signalled. l' relght or parcels car- Cl - '1 ' a - :t‘s. For further information . N “02°” -------- o- . ~ f" Tam: mans "“},‘}‘,(‘,°“-“ ‘ . § Go to J. McFarland’s for Groceries, Boots, 3 llny, per ton............. .. t- 0 g-03 DESIGNS “H .l P . ‘ z llidcs . 0.00 on) » COPYRIGHTS &c. J-D'v 4" mpne'of’ 0 Sh R d d 01 th' 0 k t I . r :...- ‘3 “ ~ k l! d l . . .’ ‘. ' . . " ' nag: i - *3 ° 3'33 moonshine;32$...tr‘..:re;:.nra ma “WW I 0 oes. ea y m e 0 mg. roc ery and E llogs (Dressed) . 9‘ '0 J-N :pgon‘uppy353532;,rpggglggzwgggpgmg -â€"â€".â€"' “' ‘ ” “ o . ‘ r. ‘ no. ' . a. ' ‘t' 801‘! . i - - - - - - ' ° ' " ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ‘ 4“: l sen: free? tildes: fluency for securing pntc'x'll. Glassware. c o a u o o 3 Sheepskins . . . . ... . . .. . .. at) to Patents taken through Mann a C0. receive won ..... . l5 :7 W""1°““"1""3“‘°“”‘“« We , ,f r , V 3 ,h , . t, .' . ' - t ' - t .. 3.00 3.20 g " H The west in o _.ot . o. , sou 0 WMWOWWMWWW hbetflliih'geligfr Le” 3 'iO 2 "M Bond and west of Colonrne street, Fczzclox: 0' - = ‘ """" I. ‘ . .dso. l. .ted x1. 1.: <t l- . h' - .u, .r . rt...” straight rolled...... 2.20 «.10 $31... 31313331“ 7.5%..1 “55.1%. {32 “"3; W“ “mg,” 9 ‘m M“ “m P“ KOLONA 3,.” mm.- um . ' u . _ . t . . . 12-00 “Ira year: tour months. :1. 50 d on!) newsdcnlem terms, etc, apply to \ pELCH Try a have: n ..... . um tom &c0.3618romay.flew 1 JRS-a. _ . Ceylon Tea. .._ , , ., - . . . , _.t_tt LIDdSJY street. I} tuxedchopdier 103...... . «L40 .l-OU BxaacnutncethE snttubmcucmmt. .

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