[101kb, ; the sale of his farm stock and implements on the 4th of April. The stock and implements are of a good quality. A good many of the spring birds have arrived and chipmunks and ground-hugs are out, which is an indication that it is time for a change. Mr. R. Knox. eldest son of Mr. John Knox, and who has been living in Cleve- land, Ohio, was home a short time ago on a visit to his parents. Mrs. C. H. Walker of Winnipeg, Mam, dropped in for a few minutes on her way from Lindsay. to see her sister, Mrs. W. H. l’owles. 31 rs. Walker and her brother William, of British Colum- bia, came home to see their father. who is lying dangerously ill at Fenclou Falls. lfinmount. (Correspondence of the Gazette.) Rev. Joseph Mont will preach his farewell sermon in the Baptist church on Sunday evening, March 21th. We are patiently waiting to hear the familiar buzz from Messrs. Craig & Austin's saw-mill. The prospects for maple syrup mak- ing are not so good as they were a year ago, but quite, a number in this neigh- borhood are doing their best to sweeten this world with the help of the maple trees. The public library of our town is going to have an entertainment and basket social on Wednesday evening, March 301b, for the purpose of raising money to buy books. An auction sale of magazines and papers is advertised for the following night. J. I". Morgan, High Vice-Chief Ran- ger of the Independent Order of For- esters, visited the Kinmount Court on Thursday night. Mr. A. Clark, of Fenelon Falls, took his monthly trip on the Halibut-ton and Lindsay railway this month, and spent Tuesday in Kinmount. AN IMPROVEMENT. -~ McDougall, Brandon &. Austin have built a wide verandah on the north and west sides of the stone mill, as a shelter for farm- ers and their teams and vehicles in wet weather. Hitherto loading or unload- ing has often had to be done in a heavy rain, and the protection afforded by the verandah will be greatly appreciated. THE MILLs.â€"-Thc shingle depart ment of Mr. Burgoync’s mill has been in operation for about a fortnight, and the season’s work in the llowry mill will commence on April 4th.. The stave of April, Friday next. Some of Mr. John A. Ellis’s men left on Tuesday for Pine Lake, to bring down 5,000 logs he has there, but when they will reach his mill depends, of course, on when the ic: breaks up. WAGGON for sale. Ileavy three-spring waggon, would make first-class milk wag. gen, for sale cheap. Apply to Jena Jonas. Ammrsmrnsnâ€"Mr. H. J. Lytlc of Fcnelon Falls has been appointed man- ager of the Lindsay branch of the Ontario Bank, and will consequently remove with his family to the county towa. lie and they, during their resi- dence of about four years in the village. have made many friends, by whom their departure will be much regretted. We congratulate Mr. Lytlc upon his appointment to a responsible and lucra-. tive position, which we feel sure he will well and worthily ï¬ll. Sara So Fartâ€"When the snow all goes as early as it did this year, there is great danger of the fall wheat and clo- ver being killed by frost, but we are glad to hear that; they are safe so far, and hope they will pull through all right, though the danger of a fatal de- gree of cold is not yet over. Day by day the weather is becoming more springlike, robins and several other kinds of birds are here in considerable numbers. and some of the village cows are roaming around going through the motions of grazing, though they won‘t be able togct a bite of grass in much less than a week. A Sunder-land lady writes Dr. Neelands that he had made her a successful fit after having eight sets of teeth made in Toronto and elsewhereâ€"~13“ GOT meâ€" Last Friday Messrs. Arthur NleL‘lennan and Robert Farrell , lenders were. Seeing one by a little went across Cameron Lake to put the I taller than the others talking a great % eyes bruperly tested and get. what ice-boat into summer quarters and bring the sail back with them to the Falls; and when near llhiel's Point, on the return trip, the ice broke under .‘l r. Farrell's feet and let him into the water, which was too deep for him to “ bottom " it. Mr. )lcClonnan went to his eompanion's assistance, and, while trving to rescue. him, fell in twice him» self, in consequence of the ice breaking; but the second time he got out where it was strong enough to bear, and then managed to pull .‘lr. Farrell out alsm 1“lll'illllilll'l)‘ both young men could swim. and escaped with nothing worse than an immersion rather longer tllanl was pleasant with the water at so low a and a man whose wan gem. is 1003,, temperature. t t x i . up the wound, and next day the patient v Sixty persons were killed. factory will be ready to start by the 1st ' courts have a large discretion as to ï¬nes for noise making. Strangest of all, piano-playing is regulated in Berlin. Before a certain hour in the day and afteracertaiu hour in the night the piano must be silent in that musical city. Even during playing hours a ï¬ne is imposed for more banging on the piano. If a dog barks unnecessarily his owner is notiï¬ed to muzzle him or kill him. The only man in Germany allowed to make all the noise he likes is the Kaiser. Etscrtos or Onionsâ€"At a recent meeting of Trent Valley Lodge No. 71, C. C. O. F.. the following oiï¬cers ware elected and installed: John Copp. N. G.; W. T. Junkin, V. G ; R. M. Ma- son, Scc., reelected; Lewis Deyman, Treasurer, re-elccted; Wm. McKcown. 11.51.; D. Brokenshire. Warden; F. W. Train, Conductor; John Aldous, H. E. Austin and W. Deyman, Trus- tees; F. W. 'l‘rain, A. McGee and Jas. Knox.auditors; R. Moli'at. R. S N. G.; Geo. Aldous, L. S. N. G ; A. McGee, R. S.V. G.; A. E. Guidal. L S. V. G ; 1’. Purdue, R. S. S.; E. F. Bell, L. S. S.; W. Deyman, I. G.; J. Aldous, O.G. Foor BALL Nousâ€" On Monday evening a meeting of the Fenelon Falls football club was called, when the fol- lowing oflicers were elected for the ensuing year: Hon. President, John A. Ellis, Esq. ; President and Manager, W. T. Junkin, Esq.; Vice-President, Joe Robson, Esq.; Captain, C. Moore; Vice-Captain, W. Ellis; Sec-Trees, R. S. Rowland; Managing Committee, Jos. Boyce, Joe Walsh, Geo. Ingram and Ed. Beteau. BAD ACCIDENT.â€"On Sunday morn- ing Albert Wray, aged about 18 years, son of Mr. Wm. Wray, of Verulam, met with a very serious accident while on his way to feed some cattle on a farm nearly a mile from that on which the family reside. As the road for part of the distance runs through a swamp, it was the habit of the young man to take a rifle with him on working days, though he had never before taken it with him on a Sunday, and why he did so on this occasion we have not heard. After carrying it part of the way, he decided to leave it until he returned, and, while he was looking for a good place to put it, the charge, from. some reason, cx- ploded, and the ball passed through the BIRTIâ€"IS. Momentumâ€"At Fenelon Falls on Feb- ruary 24th, 1898, the wife of Mr. John C. McClellnnd of a. daughter. Gammaâ€"In the township of Somerville on March 16th, 1898, the wife of.\Ir. John’ T. Graham ofa daughter. " ' Commencing March Mllllnery 29th and following " day". All cordial] inviled to attend. y ‘ -. MRS. MeDOUGALL. x 4‘3- “-.ï¬.._~_ _._.__ .-._» FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Reported by the North Star Roller Mill Co. Fcnelon Falls, Friday, Mar. 25th, 1898. Whent,Scotch or Fife .... 85 to 90 ‘ Wheat, fall, per bushel. . .. 60 80 Wheat, spring 80 85 Barley, per bushel. 28 " 35 Buckwheat“ . . . . . . . . 30 32 Oats, “ 2‘1 2.8 Pease, “ .... .... 54 55 Rye, “ 44 45 Potatoes, “ .... 25 30 Butter,per1b............ 13 15 ' .Eggs,per doze'n.......... 9 10 Thyme-1' ton...... . 8.0.0 9.00 Hides ........ m... 6.00 6.50 Hogs (live) ...... .. 4.00 4.50 Hogs (Dressed)'....... . . 5.50 5.75 .Beef'..................... 4.50 5.00. .Shecpskms.............. 50 75 ~ palm of his left hand, which was over Wool _. . . . . . . . . . . 17 I? the muzzle of the rifle at the time. Dr. $335! agilgifég,†Leaf" 3%? 3'3; Wilton. who was sent for as soon as Flour’stmigmmnted. I . . . . . 235 255 young Wray got home, tells us that the wound was a terribly bad one, there being, literally, a hole nearly two inches in diameter through the hand, which is . not likely ever to- recover its full useful- ness. The doctor dressed and bound. Bran, per toa...... . 12.00 14.00 , Shorts, “ . 14:00 16.00 _ Mixed: chop,.per tou...... . 16:00 18.00 ‘ was doing as well as could be expected so soon after so serious an accident. STILL in THE FRONT f With- a well selected stock of The California orchards have been badly nipped by frost. Amboyua, a town. on the: island of' Amboyna, cue of the Malaccas, was com- - .- pletely destroyed by an earthquake. Ntlulnery‘, Wall Paper, . Window Blinds, Fancy- Goods, A mad dog bit a small boy at C'an- ticld and also hit a horse and a dog bcâ€" : longing to M r. John Humphriesof Cay» { uga. The horse and dog were shot. The Birmingham, England, Gazette asserts that a Russian spy, in the guise of a footman, has been discovered at Hatï¬eld, the Marquis: of Salisbury’s residence. A negro named Chalmers and his Stamped Goods, white wife were- attacked at Wyhark, I. 'l‘., on Sunday night and were shot, .N‘Ia’terla'ls for both eventually dying. Ooe of‘thewhite ; men has also been found dead. ‘ Fancy Work, A terrible explosion took place on. March 9th in the Santa lsabeli' Milne at l‘ ‘ ' I . . Bermez, Province of Cerdova, S-paiua :C’hlnal‘mrer Sixty corpses have already been rccov- ; cred, and many men. are its-yet: unac- counted for. A. bootmakcr-at Chemnitz, Saxony, . advertised in the papers that one cer- ‘ tain day he would. present all comers with a pair‘of slippers. Hisrivals were seriously alarmed at this; and' they ap- plied for an injunction. restraining him in. exchange. from carrying out his intention, on the ground of “unfair competition." The MRS. KEELEY. injunction was granted‘. Muskoka. bears are becoming disgust- ‘ ingly tamc.. I‘mcently a lumber forc- man and teamstcr followod‘ the track of one and came upon Bruin standing at the foot of a tree. Instead of attacking the men, he allowed them to put a strap around his neck and lead him to camp. The New Zealand “ SchOolmaster†tells this amusing story. Tne head teacher in a Sunday school was much worried by the noise of the scholars in the room next to him. At l:t~t, unable to bear it any longer, he mounted :1 § chair and looked over the partition dixi viding the two moms to see who the ofâ€" a .1;. Toys and. Dolls. _â€" Stamping-Done. Eggs. taken cans-aa- 6%? (if getting- glasses. One to go to a first-class Optician, have your you needâ€"the other to go to a mere chant who keeps-spectacles, makoa “ grah in the bag," as it were, get a deal. he leant over. seize] the boy by the collar, liltcd him over the partition and banged him into a chair in his room. saying: “ Now. be quiet.†lie then re.- sumcd his lesson until about a quarter of an hour later. when he saw a small head appear around the door and a met-k l little voice said: “ Please, sir, you’ve got our teacher." According to the correspondent of a London paper the Germans are pretty advanced in the suppression of unneces- sary noises. Bervin leads the van. I pair that don't ï¬t you (although it may seem so for the moment), and { run the risk ofrnining your eyesight ‘ entirely. We are careful and accurate in l our examinations, and advise you the safe and most comfortable course to pursue. g Examinations free. Railway engines are not allowed to blow their whistles within the city limits. There is no loud bawling by hukstcrs, OPTICl'l-st The Leading Jewellers, and rattling is subject to a fine. The Ll-‘iDSAY. The New Hardware Store, Opposite the Post-Ofï¬ce. The ï¬le ions are her, Spring is at hand, and we are ready for business with a ï¬ne line of Dairy Sup- plies, Sap Buckets, Spiles, etc. Call in and see our new Cream Separator. It’s a good one. If you would like to see it in actual operation before you buy, we will take it out to your farm and. let you see it do the work. GEO. MOGEE. GOL IN THE LONDIKE } LARK’S :LOTHES. You will save from 10’ to 20‘ per cent. by getting your clothes made at Clark & Son’s. Gnres Piles,.Gonstipatiou,Sour Stomach and Sick Hoadaohes.. Mr. R. G. Kennedy, builder and contractor, No. 304 Perth Ave., Toronto, says: It is the best medicine I ever used. I was troubled with piles for many years, and'always immisery. I'sufl‘ercd so much during this time that I often wished death would come and end my sufferings. I spent a great deal of. money trying all kinds of‘ medicines, but received no benefit until I tried Sloan’s Indian Tonic. It relieved me almost instantly and effected a permanent cure. I.wjl.l.never.he without the medicine as-long-as I: can procure it. It is a model, blood purifier and will stimulate the whole _ ' Sloan’s Indian Tonic body. You are at liberty to use my name in declaring the great healing qualities of . Sloan’s Indian Tonic, and all who purchase one bottle will soon perceive its good effects $1 per. Bottle ; 6 icr $5; For Sale by W'._H. Robson, Penelon Falls... The Sloan Medicine 00., of Hamilton, Limited. rants R sitar. W mummmg 3.. Go to. J.'. McFarl'and’s for Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Ready-made Clothing. Crockery and 3i Glassware. . . .. .. .. ., § 3 25 W WWWMWWow-E WC ididEiiilE. Try KOLONA Ceylon Tea. LEHDSAY fr‘lhRBLE_WOEKS. R. CHAMBERS ls prepared to furnish the people of Lind- say and surrounding country with lla qua an I.\' VICTORIA COUNTY FOR Room Papa and Picture lnmeslmuments and Headstone. hoth .‘vlfll‘lllc and Granite. â€"18 ATâ€" "â€"-‘ Estimates promptly given 0.1 all kinds W. A. GOODWIN’S, of cemetery work. _ Marble Table T013, Wash Tr Mr I tel Baker Block,Kent-st.,Lmdsay. l w L I l’ieces, etc, a specialty. lit-rug a practical workman. all should WORKS in the rear of the Market on Cambridge Q 0 _ see his designs 2 l r '- I 1.: n .- 5 AI‘IIStS’ Goods a Spectanylpurelmsing elselivller‘ritlmlnlc Km†'1 r Slrt‘ct, opposite .‘alatthcws' Machine Needles. Alabastine and Dye packing house, Lindsay. Works Agency. Call and see my cent Paper. B. GHAHEHS. ~ Thugs": l l .-~Wm‘ ~...._x_.___._._ _,_ ~- _ , . g. _ a. _.- .. _ ._ ,... _____ _ _._,,. _....-~.....