5'“? wmmmzrsn. rm... l}: \.dmkl@@ Mellie. VOL. XXVI. ‘. ‘1: - I» v --. J’s. Mann snaps JUST To HAND : CLOVER, TIMOTHY, ALSIKE. ALSO GARDEN SEEDS in full supply, by the packet or ounce. The tendon Falls Drug Slat. II. J. LYTLE. March 9th, 1898. GOOD FOBI‘IITURE Is always cheap furniture in the long run. Looks better. \Vears better. Gives better satisfaction. I have the best and largest stock of furniture of all kinds, from the best manufacturers in the province, consisting of â€"1)I.vi.ve noon FURNITURE, â€"nnnnoo.\i SETS, _n.\sv CHAIRS, _.nooi(nns, _i.nU.\'Gns, _sionno.tnns, â€"SI’RI.\'GS AND MATTRASSES, â€"I{I'I‘CIIEN FURNITURE (all kinds), and prices are away down. Repairing and all ordered work promptly attended to. 5%“ Undertaking in all its branches. L. DEYMAN. SECOND DIVISION COURT â€"01-‘ THEâ€" County of Victoria. The next sittings of the above Court will beheld in Dickson’s hall, Fcnelon Falls, ON THURSDAY, APRIL 28th, 1898, cxnmcncingat 10 o’clock in the forcnoon Saturday, April 16th, will be the last day of service on defendants residing in this county. Defendants living in other coun- ties must be served on or before Apr. 12th. S. Nevisox, E. D.IIA.\'D, Bailiff. Clerk Fenelou Falls, Feb. 3rd, 1898. EN SURANGEE. Llr. Wm. E. Ellis having transferred his Insurance Business to toe, I am prepared to take risks on all classes of property Art Very Lowest 1%utes None but First-class British and Canadian Companies Represented. 38" B‘AlllI l’liOl’EllTX’ at very low rates. James 'Arnold. ’_____________________._.._.__...â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" The “ Fenclon Falls Gazette†is printed every Friday at the otlicc, on the corner of May and Francis streets. SUBSCRIPTION St A YEAR IN ADVANCE, or one cent per week will be added as long as itremains unpaid. Advertising 1hr tes. Professional or business cards, 50 cents per line per unuum. Casual advertisements, 8 cents per line for the first insertion, and '2 Cents per line for every subsequent inser- lion. Contracts by the year. halt year or less, upon reasonable terms. J‘OB PRINTING at all ordiaary kinds executed neatly, cor- rectly and at moderate prices. 5. D. IIAXD. 1 ‘Wprictor. l Professional Cards. OBYn'IH A. MORSE, Organist Cambridge Street Methodist Church, Lindsay, Music Teacher. At Brooks' Hotel, Fenelon Falls, every Tues- day. Terms moderate. 32. McLAUG H LIN & MCDIARMID, I ARRIS'I‘ERS, Solicitors, Etc, Lindsay and Feuelon Falls. Lindsay Ofï¬ce: Kent-St, opposite Market. Fcnelon Falls Ollice: Over Burgoyne dz Co’s store. The Fcnelon Falls office will be open every Monday afternoon from arrival of train from Lindsay. 132:?†Money to loan on real estate at lowest current rates. R. J. MCLAL'GIILIN. F. A. MCDIARMID. A. I’. DEVLIN, BARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Kent Street,Lindsay. G. H. HOPKINS, BARRISTER, &c. SOLICITOR FOR the Ontario Batik. Money to loan at lowest rates on terms to suit the borrower. Ollices: No. 6, William Street South, Lind- say, Ont. MOORE & JACKSON, ARRIS’I‘ERS, SOLICITORS, &c. Of. lice, \Villiam street,Lindsay. F. D. Moons. A. JACKSON DR. A. WILSON, â€".u. 3., M. c. e. .t 3., Ontario,â€" PHYSICIAN, SURGEON & ACCOUCH- enr. Ofï¬ce. Colbornc Street, Fenelon Falls. Du. H. H. GRAHAM, ‘tRADUATE of the University oi Trinity College, Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the Royal College or Surgeons of England,Membcr of the Col- lege of Physicians & SurgeOns of Ontario; Oï¬ice and residence on Francis-St. \l'est‘ Fenelou Falls, opposite the Gazette ofl‘ice. R. DI. I‘ll-XS ON, ’ ETERINARY SURGEON; Honor Grad- uate Ontario Veterinary College, To- ronto, 1884 g R. M. O. V. M. A. Residenceâ€"Francis Street East, Fcnelon Falls. IE. P. S DIITIâ€"I, E’l‘ERINARY SURGEON and Dentist. Graduate ofOntario Veterinary College. Live Stock Inspector for North Victoria by appointment of Dominion Government. Oï¬ice and address â€"- CAMBRAY, ONT. SURVEYORS . JAMES DICKSON, L. Surveyor, Commissioner in the Q. B., . Conveyanccr,&c Residence,and ad- dress, Fenelon Falls. DENTAL. w Dr. NEELAIIDS, DENTIST, LINDSAY, Extracts teeth without pain by gas (vital- ized air) administered by him for 27 years. He studied the gas under Dr. Oolton, of New York, the originator of gas for extract- ing teeth. Dr. Golton writes Dr. Neelands that he has given the gas to 186,417 per- sons withont an accident from the gas. Other pain obtnndcrs used. A good set of teeth inserted for 310. W Dr. Neclands visits Feuelon Falls (McArthur House) the third Tuesday of every month. Call early and secure an appointment '1. H. GROSS, DENTIST. The beautiful Crown and Bridge work practised with success. Gas and all other anaesthetics for extracting teeth without pain. :1 set of .‘lrIIZIft‘t'al Teeth, better than the average, for $8 00. Rooms directly opposite Wood’s stove depot, Lindsay. H. HART, L. n. s. SET OF GOOD TEE'I‘II FOR $10. Gas and local anaesthetics for painless ex- tracting. Satisfaction guaranteed in all branches of dentistry. Office over Fairweather .l: Co’s store l nearly Opposite the post-ofï¬ce, Lindsay l INSURANCE. ,â€" _ ____.__ .._.- -.______._. l Clio the I)lll)1i0. 0 $2 000,000 and the same good policy. I W Also agent for the. Queen of Eng land and Caledonian of Edinburgh. Cupid tal combined,$45,000,000. t I, ,, --_..-s_-._ w. . n o ‘ 3 and tact to spend her tmir- :n a good cause. I r. n. Lixseo rr, Toronto, Ont. | JOBS AUSTIN"4§"’I lawful morning at 6 o’clock and arrives at t l 2 each way. l I can pay ten dollars, ‘ weekly to a lady of mature age. reï¬nement ' TI-IE VICTORIA LOAN and SAVINGS GO. Incorporated under statutes ofthe Province of Ontario. Head Ofï¬ce. - Lindsay, Ont. Smythc‘s Block, opposite the Market. LOANS. Money to Loan on Mort- gages at lowest current rates with no delay and small expense. DEPOSITS. The Company re- ceives money on deposit in their Savings department, and allows interest there- on at Four Per Cent. A mortgage company is the safest place to deposit money. No speculative business is done. JOHN newoon, Or to Manager, Lindsay, McLaughlin & McDiarmid (Mondays) II. J. Lytle lb‘enelon Falls Apply to â€"41 If. SSOIS, SHOES, YOU WANT THEM. WE HAVE THEMâ€"- GOOD- CHEAP.l CALL AND SEE. GEORSE MARTIN. THE WEST SIDE ~STORE. PHOTOGRAPHS. “ 0 ! wad some power the giftie gie us To see oorsels as ithers see us.†The above wish is easily realized by having your photos taken at STANTON’S STUDIO. Will guarantee all work equal to the best city work, and prices to suit. the times. Family groups a specialty. Give me. a call. Life size work in the best style of the art at moderate prices. J. H. STANTON, Photographer. Fenelon Falls, July lst,1897.â€"21.52 HARNESS If you want first-class single or double light or heavy Harness or anything in that line call at NEVSON’S new harness shop, between J. McFarland’s grocery and Wm. Campbell’s dry goods store. TRUNKS AND VALISES kept in stock as usual, and also a good assortment of fly nets and buggy dusters at low prices. 523‘ Try a bottle of linrris’s celebrated harness polish. It is a new thing and you will be sure to like it. Agent for Pianos and Organs. Fenclon Falls, May 20th, 1896.â€"14-ly THE ROYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE ; BOBCAYGEON AND FENELON FALLS . ‘ Co. has amalgamated with the Alliance 5 I England, giving insurers the security or: 5. The above stage leaves Bohcsygeon every FeneIon Falls in time to connect with the train going to Lindsay. Returning, leaves Fenelon Falls immediately after the arrival of the train from Lindsay. Fare, 50 cents Freight carried at reasonable rates. JOIIN SchIAIOYL, Proprietor. Bobcaygeon, Dec. lst, ia97.â€"â€"42-tt‘. MY KNOWLEDGE 0F WATGHES ‘“ Is comprehensive and complete. ‘, I have studied them, repaired them, ..,. tnade and replaced every part of them, i bought them and sold them for a lite- I, time, and I believe I am thoroughly :' competent to judge of them. ~. A large trade and large purchases ‘3 for cash enable me to sell at as low a ‘_3 price as is usually asked for inferior gradesâ€"sometimes less. " Gill. ll. Bllll, The Jeweller, Lindsay.“ The Farmer and His Gun. CHAPTER I.- “ Great, Scott, Maria, I do wish you would quit your talking to me about prohibition. If men want drink they are going to have it, and all your pro- hibition laws in the world ain't agoing to stop them from getting it.†“ But. see here, Joshua, don’t you knowâ€"-?†“Yes, I do know considerable more about it than you women do. Why, only yesterday, that lightning rod man told me that he could get. all the liquor he wanted to in prohibition States. I am in favor of repealing all prohibitory laws so long as they are violated in that manner. Maria, the only way to deal with this question is to persuade the drinkers to quitâ€"sign the pledge. Mor- al suasion will do more good in one day than prohibition which does not prohibit will do in a year. Then make the rum- scllers pay a high license. That’s what I call practical temperance.†CHAPTER II. “ Maria, this ’erc stealing from my orchard has got to stop, or by ginger there will be a few dead thcives around here pretty soon. I won’t stand it any longer l" “Joshua, isn’t there a pretty strongr prohibitory law against stealing in this state ?†“ Yes, sir, there is, and by George, I am going to see it enforced. I will get a ï¬rst-class gun and hire some man to watch the thieves and shoot them on the spot!†“Say, Joshua, what's the use of try- ing to enforce that law ? It is violated every day, and wouldn’t it. be better to repeal all laws against stealing until pub- lic sentiment was ready to enforce them?" “ Public sentiment be hanged! That shows how much you women know about practical matters." " But, Joshua, you can't make men honest. by law, you know, and the only way you can settle this thieving ques- tion is to persuade the thieves not to stealâ€"get them to sign the pledge, you know, andâ€"†“ Maria, are you going crazy ?" “ No, Joshua, I'm getting to be a lit- tle ‘practical,’ don’t you see. As I was saying, get the thieves to sign the pledge never to steal again. and make those who refuse pay a high license for steal- ing. That's what I call practical work." “ Great Scott. Maria. what a dandy legislator you would make! Under the magniï¬cent schemes of your fertile brain all great. problems would be solved in two weeks. Now, I propose to show you that the law against stealing can be » enforced.†CHAPTER III. “ Well, Maria, I have been to town, bought a gun, have hired Bill Sykes to the thieves, and bang away at the list one that shows his head over the fame." “ Well. Joshua, you know that proâ€" v hibition doesn’t prohibit. and here you a have gone and spent $20 or 330 for a l gun that will do no good. ltho Senate who is not legally (“hillin l l l ' l l s i l I handle it and keep a sharp lookout for! 2 l l l l i No. 6.. CHAPTER IV. “ Well, Joshua, six weeks have gone by and the thieving goes on just the same. Now, what are you going to do about it?†“ You just wait and see.†’ .33â€That's just exactly what I have been doing. Prohibition doesn’t proâ€" hibit, does it?" “ Not yet, but just you wait.†“ Is the gun all right ?" “ Yes, the gun is ï¬rst-class." “ Gun loaded 7" “ Yes, the gun has been properly loadâ€" ed all the time.†“And the stealing has been going right along ?" I “ Maria, you are enough to drive any man crazy, and if you let up for a few minutes I will tell you why the thieving has not stopped. I have just discover- ed that Bill Sykes is one of the thieves." “ Oh, that’s it, is it I Well, now,. since you are one of these non-partisan ' temperance mcn, your next move will' be to get up a petition addressed to Bill? Sykes, begging him to do the work llO’ was hired to do. Or, perhaps, you will organize a law and order league to force Bill Sykes to enforce the law?†“ Maria, I am not a natural-born fool, and I want you to undcrsand it once for all. I have discharged Bill Sykes and hired a man in his place who has no sympathy with thieves or thieving, Now. I expect that prohibition will pro- hibit.†“Joshua, if you had the sense of a fresh water clam you would learn a les- son from this. You complain that pro- hibition of the liquor trafï¬c does not prohibit and that the liquor men violate every law passed for the protection of society. Yet you and the rest of your party vote men into office like Bill Sykes, who are a. part of a gang of law breakers. Instead of voting to discharge these men and put prohibitionists into office, you rc-clcct the some old crowd and then whine that ‘ prohibition does. not prohibit,’ and ‘you can not make» men good by law,’ and such cowardly nonsensu. Joshua, vote to discharge forever all the Bill Sykeses and place the- prohibition guns in the hands of pro- hibitionists, who have no sympathy with- rum-sclling or rum-sellers.†“ Oh Lord. these women! these we- men lâ€-â€" Tullt'e Morgan, Scranton, I’u. ~-qâ€"._.-.___ Senatorial Qualifications. It is curious how these damaging rumors respecting the property qualiti- catious of some unnamed and indeï¬nite Senators, always chance to revive when there is a prospect that the Senate will administer “cold justice †to a doubt- ful Government measure. It may be that there is no connection between these two circumstances, but it, must be con- Iesscd that. they look like “ blood rela- tions." The Senate cannot, of course, be coerced by any such means; but this kind of thing must be irritatingr to the. gentlemen who form that chamber, Inr no longer ago than at the openingr of the present. Parliament, they all made legal declaration that they were proper- ly qualiï¬ed to sit. If the Governmth or anyone else doubts the veracity of any particular Senator in this matter, the truth can he arrived at without very much trouble. Certainly, if the Government is possessed of any inform. ation casting doubt upon the legal qual- iï¬cation of any Senator. its plain duty is to make very certain of the exact. facts of the case at once, without refer- ence to Yukon “deals†or anything else. It is decidedly against the pub- lic interest that any man should sit in to do so; and it is the duty of the Gov- ernment to guard public interest in the. matter. But these vague and Cowardly rumors should cause. The very fact that the Govei'nnmnt has taken no action in the case of any Senator, isâ€"or at least ought to be-positive proof that. the \linisters have no information put- ting the qauliï¬crtion of any Senator in doubt. If anyone has such inlhrmution, the Government is the place to which it. should be taken. But it is offensive and c-Mardly in the extreme to endeav- or to cast a shadow upon the personal veracity ol :1 large number of gentlemen, who pay the penalty of convpicnmxsness for the services they render them-intry. by settingafloatdamaging rumore hich If men tvnot. are given neither a birthplace nor a bil- ,; to steal they are going: to, and all your let.â€".llonlrwl Star. I prohibition laws in the world won'tstop l ..._. .......-..__.__..-_.. them." canfoundcd nonsense. fl---- ~-.. be Squelehed or not." i , . Russian A dcspatch from Baku, “ For heaven's sake. Harlan stop Em" ‘ Transaucisia, says the :l‘cfll. El mm.- Wall I?!†*1 ICW ,chefl' petroleum basins-:4. van: I .u £1 - Weeks and we'll sce if the thieves can ,SUOJIUO, has been 93,653,); g, m, l v - ' luughsn man.