Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 14 Jan 1898, p. 1

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~ I?“ l l t l l l i l, ‘l Organist Cambridge Street Methodist Church, Lindsay, Music Teacher. At lllrooks' Hotel, I’enelon ll‘alls, evely Tues- l day. Terms moderate. 32. ‘ Q l _-_________ Tree l hlcllAUGHLIN & MCDIARMID, \Vitll every ; BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Etc, Lindsay and Fellelon Falls. Lindsay Office: 0 Kent-St., opposite Market. Fenelon Falls 01 Office: Over Burgoyne 8: Co’s store. The .Mondily afternoon from arrival of train ' from Lindsay. 3-4.5” Money to loan on real estate at lowest current rules. ' r. I . Drug Stele. Felielon Falls office will be open every R. J. McLauonle. F. A. MCDIARMID. A. P. DEVLIN, ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor ill Chancery, Kent Street,Lindsay. ll. e. n. HOPKINS, ) . . o 1”“ “Cm” 1897' )ARRISTER, 5:0. SOLICITOR FOR ! ) the Ontario Bank. lloncy to loan at ‘ lowest rates on terms to suit the borrower. ,_ l Offices: No. 6, William Street South, Lind- ] say, Ollt. wflwflflâ€"W MOORE a JACKSON, ARRIS'I‘ERS, SOLICITORS, 850. Of- fice, William street,Lindsay. F. D. Moons. A. JAcxsou. GOOD F’TSRE‘IITURE Is always cheap furniture in the long run. Looks better. m N ‘ Y T‘ .. b tt , G'Ves better II‘thLlIAN, SURGI‘lOI‘l d3 ACCOUCH- “‘ “us 8 CL 1 our. Oflice, Colborne Street, Fenelon satisfaction. I have the best Falls. apd lllllrgest stock of furniture D'R' H. H. GRAHAM, o' a knlds’ 11.01“ the beSt "(RADUATE of the Universityof Trinity manufacturers in the province, College, Fellow of Trinity Medical . n. f School, Member of the Royal College or cunt” “10 O lSnrgeons of Ellglalld,i\lemller of the Col- lege of Physicians & Surgeons of Ontario, Ofliee and residence ell Francis-St. West' Fellelon Falls, opposite the Gazette office. i DR. A. WILSON, -â€"ll. 3., M. c. r. it 3., Ontario,â€" .________,_________._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"# â€"-DINING ROOM I’Iil'tt'l'l‘URE, â€"-l$il‘.l)l-lO(l.\I SETS, v -â€"l-1ASY GlIAlItS, __.___._._ â€"â€"l'.OGl{l$f:S, Ills). BI. BIASO "s7, ~LUUNGES, ‘ mama'qu SURGEON; Honor Grad- ~SlDEIlOAIlDS, V uate Ontario Veterinary College, To- ....SPRI.\"GS AND MA'I‘TRASSES, mm, 1834; t- M-Q-V-M. A- . ‘tFl â€"Kl'rclil«:N FURNITURE (all kinds), M‘ffgl‘lt‘lw FNWW‘MW“ v “1° °“ ' g Y _________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"" and prices are away do“ ll. E. P. SMITII, Relmll'mg “11d all Ol‘tlel‘ed VETERlNARr SURGEON and Dentist. work prompth attended to. Gl‘mlmltc ofOntarioVeterinaryCollege- Live Stock Inspector for North Victoria by W Undertaking iii all its branches. , appointment of Dominion Government. Office and address â€" CAMBRAY, UNT. L. DEYMAN. -- gimme. JAMES DICKSON, $ESQHD DIVESiQN GOURT P I..Surveyor,CommissionerintlleQ.l}., __o,. T,,E_ Conveyancer, the Residence, and ad- dress, Fcnelou Falls. ._.~.._.._._ .__._...._._._..__._._. County 01' V'ictoria. MM“ The next sittings of the above Court will he held in Dickson’s hall, Fellelon Falls, ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 28th, 1893, Dr. NEELANDS’ DENTISTi LINDSAY, cmnmeneingat lo o’clock ill the torenoon Extracts teeth without pain by gas (vim, Monday, January 17th, will be the last day . ized air) administered by him t'or‘zl’l' years. of service on defendants residing ill this; He studied the gas under Dr. ‘t,olton, of conlltv. Defendants living ill other coun-l New York, the originator of gas for extractâ€" lies must be served on or before Jan. 12th. 9 ing teeth. Dr. Uolton writes l)r.‘Ncc_lands S. Nievnioll, E. D. HAND, that lie pas given the lgasttp lefili perâ€" ' ‘ ' ‘. . soils wil :out all acen cll ronl le gas. Baum. blah Other pain oblullders used. A good set of Feudou FM”) N0“ Dull 1597‘ l teeth inserted for $10. 559“ hr. Neelallds lvlsits relielon rolls (.\lc.-\rthllr liouse) lllt‘ l third Tuesday ot‘evcry month. Call early h" 0“ WE inVAI‘E ' ' ‘ a l 4 l‘ - a d‘CCllletlllt1l\\)l"‘lt‘lflnf E; i; i W .l “ ° _“ __,_,___ ____.____â€"â€" l ._ A- ...-_.,_.-._. W. H. GROSS, DENTIST. The beautiful Crown and Bridge work practised with success. Gas and all other allieslhetics for extracting teeth without Is-t ‘vorfi' 140‘Ve’it lzutcs l paill. :1 set QI- ;ll‘(l:1l't‘l'.-ll Teri/l, better than ,the average, for S6 00. Rooms directly ’ Opposite Wood‘s stove depot, Lindsay. CL!“ __ _.......___-..____â€"â€"â€"â€".. ..__'.. ._._._.__.. L‘r Wm. B. lillis having transferred his Insurance Business to me, I am prepared to take risks on all classes of property Nonebulfirst-class British and Canadian Companies represented :3.â€" Hanr, L. n. s. OF GOOD TliI-i'l‘ll ll‘llil $10. (1:19 L\ and local ana-stlletics for painless e);- gtracting. Satisfaction guaranteed ill all James Arnold. 'l branches of dentistry. » Oflice over l‘airweather 3: Co's store nearly opposite the post-oilicc, Lindsay Edi“ FAIIBI P110131312'1‘3' fit very low rates. The. “ Penelon Falls Gazette“ is piloted every Friday at the office, on the corner of May and l~‘r.ll:Cls streets. SI'BSCRH’TION 81A YEAR. IN ADVANCE, or one out per week will be added as long as itrcmuins unpaid. ._._â€"â€"v~â€"_â€"â€".__â€"â€"â€"____-â€"a '1‘0 the I’ublic. ' ‘lIE ROYAL CANADIAN [NSURANCE 1 Co. has amalgamated with the Alliance of England, giving insurers the security or $25,0lll),00U and the some gond policy. JOHN .-\USTI.\',.~iy(rl! .idvertising‘ l'{ut as. Prol‘nsional or business cards. 50 cent; per line perounum. Casual lltlt’tll‘liii’lllctlls. r‘. cents per line for the first insertion. and :3 nuts per line for every subsequent inser- tion. Contracts by the year. hail year or; less, upon reasonable terms. JOE PRINTING Lil combined, $43,000,1MU. pay ten dollar: in diuarv kills enacted nautir ‘0:â€" or ‘1 r K r " weekly 50 a lull-3' .-f 1:; 111,-; .1 _I..‘ 1.5..“ WP”), v' and "mi i!“ "ll ll ‘. 1. 'x 1 v in”. u. B.D nun. .J ,, “up,” l.‘ l 0., l l - i surly and at Ito-luau prices. , I J 'rotartupr. ’umw l l i l l l l l l l l ‘ l reaping the riclmst harvest of their lives; 363’ Also agent for the Queen of lung l Lind and Caledonisn ufli-illlburgh. Capl- '. ll Head Office. : A lady typswrlti‘r a! .1 Week 35 Cl"til‘illi;l : 21 1 .\ l'.iv:cl.:-.llic will had carat-d .‘:'i,.’n a l YOU WANT THEM. WE HAVE THEM- GOODâ€" CHEAP.‘ CALL AND SEE. GEdeE MARTlil. THE WEST SIDE STORE. T II E VIGTQREA LOAN and SAVINGS CO. Incorporated under statutes of the Province of Ontario. - Lindsay. Ont. Smythe’s Block, opposite the Market. LOALNS. Money to Lean on Mort- gages at lowest current rates with no delay and small expense. DEPOSITS. The Company re- ceives motley on deposit ill their Savings department, and allows interest there- on at Four Per Cent. A mortgage company is the safest place to deposit money. No speculative business is done. JQHN MAGWOOD, Or to Manager, Lindsay, McLaughlin (I: McDiarmid (Mondays) II. J. Lytlc }Fenelon Falls Apply to â€"â€"41tf. WANTED. the continent to take orders for high-grade Canadian-grown Nursery Stock and Seeds. Largest and most complete assortment ill the trade. Fast selling specialties; superb specimens furnished free ; correspondence ill ally lun- guage. 'l‘liese positionsare money makers, and territory should be secured at once for. the season by all hustlers looking for a good thing. Our salary or commission otlcrs will interest anyone not earning SLOW) per year. Get ill communication with our nearest office. All opportunity to represtnl a well-established house. Ability more important than experience. LUKE BROS. COMPANY, International Nurseries, CHICAGO, Illinois. .‘llosml-iAL, Quebec. Ilocuns‘rnn, N. Y. 31.16 In every district on d Solicitors for “Canada, 3 I an Encyclopediaoftlle , fortuneâ€"over a Country,” ill five Royal Quarto Yolnnles.l No delivering. Commission paid \veekly.l A callvasser reports his first week making over seventy dollars profit. Till-I LlNSCOTT COMPANY, Toronto. BOBCAYGEON AND FENELON FALLS . y l The above stage leaves ilobcaygeou every lawful morning at 6 o’clock and arrives at Fellelon l-‘alls ill time to connect with tilt- train going to Lindsay. Returning. leaves Fenclon Falls immediately after the arrival of the train from Lindsay. Fare, 5‘) cents 3 each way. Freight carried at reasonable l rates. JOHN SlellillOYL. Proprietor. Bo‘licaygeon. Den. lst. RSIâ€"1241". Agents Sell 7- ltlondike Gold Fields" Lil-re a whirlwind. Experienced canvassers i new beginners doing wonders. Nl-arlv ct'cryli.,..’.y sullscrdms. One young fellow; ozl a farm at $i'.’ a mouth is making S” i .i.i v -I I it}: is chaining :3 :l lltlj.‘ We “all! inure, ' iv a! -- '5' “"c.. \r-ll'il. l _ -.- . .- ‘Y-‘illliil‘lt‘iUN CH . Llan- Xmas Presents. AN ENGAGEMENT RIXG is always acceptable? Try it. $6 to $12 and upwards will buy you a good ring at my store, while you will be surprised how pretty a one I can give you for even 83 to $5. WEDDlNG RlNGS. No more acceptable present can be given than a wedding ring. Or if your wife has worn out her old ring buy her a new oneâ€"she deserves it. Rings stamped G. W. B. are the very best. Try mail orderingâ€"your money ,3; back if‘ you want it. ' Geo. W. Bea“, ‘i'Ir:l:-Ti':lIt?"'l'i'v‘.‘;‘t"fl’3;'l‘5’ 333?.” "Tine 3-.‘l '2; " ‘ -‘ r " Watellmaker, Established Kent Street, 35 Years. LINDSAY. Racehorse vs. Millionaire. The greatest animal money winner ill the world is an Irish race horse nam- ed Galtee More. In a bare fraction over 18 minutes and 9 seconds he has earned the enor- mous sum of $113,185. This is at the rate of $104 per sec- ond. Now, calculating two jumps for every second of time, Galtee More has earned 853 for every jump he has taken on the English turf this year. This, of course, does not include the Callibl-idgcshire Stakes, where the great English thoroughbred came in a loser. WIIA'I‘ JOHN ROCKEFELLER MAKES. Income, per year. ......$18,000,000.00 Income, per day.... 49,3‘le.00 Income, per hour. . . . .. . . 2,055.00 Income, per minute.. .... 34.24) Income, per second...... 0.57 Our greatest money magnate is said to be John D. Rockefeller, the Standard Oil King. The popular estimate of Mr. Rockefeller’5 wealth is $200,000,000 to- day, but it is probable that he cannot estimate within many millions of the property he actually owns. On any basis, Mr. Rockefeller must be making these days about $18,000.- 000 per year. Of this stupendous sum Mr. Rockefeller receives about $50,000 a day. The fact that some of Mr. Rockefel- ler’s employees receive only SI per day has nothing to do with this story or with the earnings of Galtee More. Gait-cc More stands pro-eminently at the head of the world’s money winners. Mr. Rockefeller individually stands second, and some of Mr. ltockefellcr's elllplovees stand very nearly last. But what a pignly )Ir. Rockefeller would be in the financial line if' Galtce More could run steadily for a year at eight hours a day, and earn money ac- cordlngly. The very first jlilnp down the long course would mean 352, and thereafter the money would roll ill so rapidly that it Would employ many men to keep count of it. In a minute the Irish flyer would haw: earned over $6,000. in an hour he would have earned an independent quarter of a million dollars. In a week his owner would be a mul- timillionaire to an extent that it tires the mind to tllillk of. Ill the same length of time $345,240 would have fallen into John D. Rocke- fellcr’s coffers. In two days flaltec More would :11- most equal l’tockefell-:l".~i income for a year. In a month the swift thoroughâ€" bred would for surpass the principal of .‘l r. llockefe 1e ’3 to tune. In a year, when the Irish champion should pass weary and panting unlit-r the wire, he Would have owned $1,09ng 248.000. Think of it. But what would lialtcc More care for this wealth of a king him? .\'.-it so 'llllClI as he would cure for a halfâ€"gallon ': measure of oats, and far less than he would care for a romp over green pas. turns with his fellows. lint Galtec More will finally die and :0 to the heaven of good horses. while ' the wealth of John D Illicit-fuller will 5 roll on, night and day. year by rlvir, 1 until the time may clinic when tlil: lini- tl'il States cannot go to war wilhout the -.il lilillirin'iire's consent. (.laltcc .‘Iorc works to: his money, and by all the laws of oipi‘lable compclili. n he is entitled to it. Rockefeller d-lvs no: work nearly so hard per minulu for ll:\ income", and therein he has ii.“ In- it'l‘ of it. -â€"â€"â€" .<. . .â€" Sausage in the Park. Mr. St. John is doing his level cht not only to raise the Humber hoggery to the dignity of a political issue, at. is providing highly diverting reading matter for the great and intelligent pub- lic, and demonstrating the wisdom of the Hebrew prejudice against pork. if the entertainment continue much long-or it will become as amusing as tho Luz-z» gel-t trial, and the name of the big rcp- rcsentatlve of West York will speedily become as much a household word as that of the burly sausage maker at Chl- cago. Mr. St. John, however, is miss- ing a great and glorious opportunity to acquire undying fame, not Only as a man with a line nose for scandal, hilt as a masterly manipulator of men and evi- dence. He might lug into the Assem- bly rooms the carcasc of a choleraie hog, and by ocular illustration demonstralle to the utter satisfaction of his fellow- legislators the gravity of his charges. A huge porkcr with one side and part of the neck decayed to a rich green tint would make a most effective exhibit, and, to render it still more so, Mr. 3:. John might even carve off the tainted portion, produce a sausage machine, and manufacture a few pounds for tho delectation of his colleagues. What all eifcctivc argument it stomachlul of dis- eased sausage manufactured before their own eyes would be, especially if the stalwart legal sausage grinder were to put in the femur as exhibit B and pre- sent the tail, snout and feet. as proof that the carcase was neither that oftho coughing calf nor the lodge-room goat. Moreover, if Mr. St. John wishes to do his friends at Ottawa a good turn and give the Federal Government the kliil‘o where the butcher gave it to the pig, he. could prove that the llunlber hogs were cornâ€"fed, and, therefore, bound to be of a poorer quality than' the pea fed ani- mals that Mr. St; John would raise if he were the agricultural autocrat of the Ontario Ministry. On the whole, he is missing the opportunity of his life-~â€" Toronto Star. _ ,- - ._.-__. * ._-..__._..___ Beet-Root Sugar. The promoters of the proposed beet- root sugar factory at Owen Sound say : “ We now import all the sugar “‘0. use, 400,000,000 lbs. (three-quarters: of this is beet srgar) costing about 000,000 per year. The greater part comes from Germany's four hundrvd factories. and we pay for it all ill hard cash. We send our chemo, butler, beef and mutton to England and send llll‘, money we get for them to Gel'lllaliy for situnl‘ that we can grow and llltlkc as well at home, and keep our money here. Our heels are fully as rich ill sugar as the (,lel'nlall’s, and we maintain that we Canadians are as intelligent as the people of any other country. Then why should we aillw the (lei-mans to grow and ball twelve miliirlrl dull:ll'.~' worth of l)f‘.CI$ into rllildl' for us ? 1' in view of these conditions. it is to he hoped that. the bcl-l root sugar falt- tory at Owen Sound will soon be cslah 'llslled, and lint hxlol'e long; Canada will not need to import aliv :â€"'u.::lr. lll'. Wiley, chit-f chemist of Ill" liniunl States Department of Agl'lclll'ul'u, in an address before the Bro-lulu, N Y., county farmers at BlilLleitllll'lil lad week, stated that he was certain ll." time has Cnlllt: when the United States will arrange to prildncc its 0'.’-'ll '-3l_."ll'. [In said that one lilllliml acres of l)l'"l:‘i properly cultivated will produce r-nn'lgli 1sugar to supply the (:lllltitl‘t'. Slit-l. iii ; illllustl'jyil'l Canada would be of " till!!â€" 3 bl'i-llQiUl’Jd " advantage to Cana-llau f':ll'lller.â€":.â€"â€"0Hrlu'vl China. 1 -. l What pl'mnlues to be lll‘.‘ lu'genl lull-lit ‘ ofecttlcrs that has cvur taken piu'.“ t-l ; this country from the Stall-s, will arrivi- l III the spring, at whit-h time lit-f: livm ii. A. Burris, of li-’)ti'lllfll'~'lil", (l' t . l will bring ill over 100 families pith their effects. I'llilk': Ill-'3 llllj-lllt}‘ 1:5' l immigrants, the pmpic coming : ll 5 well-to-llo. and will hrllu, l'l H’l'llii"! . to about SZHUUUU cash, j-«Pt’i'l’dl 4:.il'l'.'l l- of stock and personal a ll hunt Ll effects. In v‘ll‘(l:l' t’) incrlll‘l'“ ill" 3.. t"- . in: :ll'this lame holy of ~ 1-13.: ,l‘i- iCl'own lia'llls l)’[l'll‘llli"'l[ i n CEJI‘L'fl I to set apart a town-hill lrl' :.: .::.- :n l lrllny liltnr. lJ'ttfili of f: It", wt.» e-- 9‘w int-we ‘lll "'4 C'lll Ub'JlL til- -l-T lltld lul home-steals l l l l | l l l l ~Q.» .â€" - A A ,- A -AW“4‘.} )W'v' «nus/m ‘sA-i‘ _,. _t,(«4w,-_ , . 4.. w..- -_ m...

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