Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 24 Dec 1897, p. 5

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to have a trustee a little nearer the school. Mr. J. J. Herron of Owen Sound is To the Farmers of Canada. The annual distribution of samples spending a week here among“ his of some of the best varieties of seed relatives. grain to farmers, for test in different Mr. Chas. Daniels arrived At home , parts of the Dominion, has, during the last Monday from Ttny With a sorenmst ten years, done much to direct hand. the trouble. 32W Cuatsrnas SERMONS.â€"â€"â€"Rev. J. F. McLaughlin, M. A.. B. D., Professor of Old Testament Exegesis, Victoria University, Toronto, will preach anni- versatry sermons in the Methodist church next Sunday, Dec. 26th. at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. to. Thank offer- ings at each service for the Trust Fund. All are invited to these services. THE RINKâ€"Work has been going on as fast as the weather would permit, and the ice is now in just such a con- dition that it is impossible to say whether the rink can be opened for skating on Christmas eve and Christmas day. A little colder weather, imme~ diately. would make the attainment of this oijct much more probable. APPOINTMENTS â€"â€"Mr. D. J. Meltyre _ of Lindsay has been appointed Deputy Judge of the County of Ontario, in con- sequence of the serious illness ofJudge Dartnell ; and Mr John A. Barron has been appointed County Judge of Perth in place of'Judge Wood, who retired. We congratulate our two old friends on their appointment to positions which there is no doubt they will well and worthin fill. Tue Vimseora â€"-Edison’s wonder- ful invention, the vitasc-ipc. was on ex- hibition two evening“ last Week in Dick- son’s hall, and a cotsiderable number of our vii'ag -rs went to see it. In addition to the movng pictures, which are astonishingly life-like. there were twenty-two beautiful calci ctrbide il- lumin'ttcl views of the Queen's Jubilee prrca sion nod a few hum )rous pictures that delighted the young folks. Music. vocal and instrumental. was furnished by a graphophone (also Edison's inven- tion) and the entertainment was fairly well worth the price of admission. THE UllltISTMAS Gwenâ€"We for- got last week to notice the Christmas number of the Toronto Globe, which is a credit to even the great printing es- tablishment from which it issued. It luv 44 pages elegantly bound. and con- tains many gems of art. in addition to a large ameunt of miscellaneous reading. Most of the letter-press is in blue ink, and the advertisements are in black and rod, which, in our opinion, is the pret- tiest possible combination of colors. It is in every way highly creditable to the Globe, and, as the price is only 25 cents, many thousands will no doubt be sold. Maccansss ELECT OFFICERS.â€"â€"At the lust review of the Knights of the Maccabees of Diamond Tent No. 208 the following officers were elected :â€" Commander, Thomas Johnston; Past Commander. I]. Austin; Lieut.-Com- mander, P. Sova ; Record and Finance Keeper. O. Burgoyne; Chaplain. Wm. Sanderson ; Physician, Dr. A. Wilson; Sergeant, J Shane; Master-at-Artns, 0. Wise; First Master of the Guards. Alex. Wilson; Second Master of tne luards, A Smith; Sentinel, W. Quinn; Picket, J. Patterson. Reviews are held evcry first and third Tuesday in the month in the True Blue Hall at 8 p. m. Visiting Sir Knights always welcome. A Goon Esrsaramussr.â€"The St. Andrew’s church Sabbath School onter~ tainnn-ntaud Christmas tree in Dick- son's hall last Monday evening was Well attended. and was in every way a suc- cess. The brilliantly illuminated tree was loaded with presents. which were distributed to the recipients by Rev ' Mr. McKinnoa. pastor of the congreza- tion. The second part nfthu programme consisted of the presentation, in two acts, of the grand and interesting drama, “ The Last Loaf," the characters in which, eight in number, were taken by members of the Sabbath school, all of whom. for amateurs, acquitted them- selves admirably. ELECTION or Orrtt‘ses. â€"â€"- At the last regular meeting of L. O. L No. 996. ln-ld in their lodge room on Tues- duy. lloc Hill. the following ofiicers tvere elected for the ensuing year :â€" \\' )l. llrn. John Aldous, ro-nlucted; I). .‘l . Bro Nelson llill; Chap, Rm Lewis Ill-11112111. re~cli‘cted; Rec Sec. Bro. Thomas Austin, rc-electcd ; Fin Sec. lira. .l. 1‘. Thompson Jr ; 'l‘rt-as.. Bro. li. .‘l .‘lasun. reelected; lwc.. Bro. Neil .‘dt‘liillivray; D. of (‘.. Bro Samuel Corbett; Com. Bros. William Seniorsun, llngh Strong, \l'tu Joncx S 1:. Swanton and Wm. ll. Perdne.‘ At the concludon of businc-s the mem- bi‘rs‘of tile ‘3st \veri' treated to an (NH-‘1‘ supper by mine host Aldous. at the \l;‘.;\l'll1'.1r House. siou oi the supper. to which evt-rtoot- present did full justice. toasts and We learn blood poisoning was l mention to the importance of sowing the best sorts of seed, and in many sections of the country this introduc- tion of new sorts has resulted in a decided improvement in the yield and quality of the grain produced. Nearly all the varieties sent. out are grown on the Experimental Farms and are select- ed from among.r those which, after being submitted to careful and repeated tests. have produced the largest average crops of grain of good quality. Having re- ceived instructions from the Honorable Minister of Agriculture to continue this useful work and make another dis- tribution during the coining season, I shall be pleased to receive applications lrom all who desire samples. As here- tofore, one sample of one variety only can be sent to each applicant, and the distribution will be confined to samples of wheat. oats, barley, field pease, ludian corn and potatoes. Among the varieties of grain to be distributed during the coming season will be some of the more promising of the new cross-bred sorts which have been produced at the Experimental Farms. All the grain sent out will be carefully cleaned and true to name. To prevent the disappointment which occurs when parties receive samples of varieties they already have, it would be well for each person applying to name two or three sorts which he would prefer, arranging them in the order of preference; when, in case the Stock of the first named variety is exhausted, the second or third could be substi- tuted. As it. is proposed to only send these samples on personal, single appli- cation, it is important that every farmer who desires a sample should apply for himself. Lists of names will not be considered. All letters addressed to the Central Farm at Ottawa may be sent free of postage, and the samples weighing three pounds each will be sent; free to the applicants, through the mail. The distribution will begin early in December, and ‘ts the stock is limit- ed and the applications will be filled in the order in which they are received, those sent in early will have the advan- tage. Applications may, however, be sent in at any time before the lat of March; but after that date the list will be closed, so as to ensure the sendine out of all the samples in time for early sowing. WM SAUNDERS, Director, Experimental Farms. m CORRESPONDENCE. To the Editor of the Fcnelon Falls Gazette. Stu,â€" After a word of truth spoken in love through your columns last March, Mr. County Councillor Ellis was reported to have paid over that $25 Howry grub. In looking over a document jnst issued, which purports to be an abstract statement of the corporation finances, but which, by the. way. has no signatureâ€"though, ifI am not mistaken, in order to make it legal, should he signed by both the rceve and treasurer â€"I find Mr. Ellis credited with having paid over the $2.L_uo dntc given. 011 page 3 of the statement rive parties in all are paid per J. A. Ellis a sum aggregating $9.50, which is said to have been a part of the Howry grant. If such is the case the amount of cash paid the treasurer would be only $13.50, and not $25. Am I correct? If lam, why was not the proper amount named and the truth told? What right has one individual to pay out public moni.-s to some particular pets, without having their right thereto duly enquired into and passed upon by the council and an order given in the usual Why? Why Cannot our wiseaeres in the council do business in a business way, or step aside and make way for men who can ? Again. at the bottom of page 5, under the date Dec. 15, only the other day, we find this item: J. A. Ellis, rebate error assessment, taxes "JG, 36 What does that mean '.’ If there was an error in the assessment in 1806 it should have been disposed ofnt the court of revision for that year, when Mr. Ellis was himself reeve, and for the preSent council to pay him 56 on that account at this distant date is simply illegal. Sir.l might use plainer language in deal- ing with the above,and point out several items which are susceptible of explanation. lint both you and i got such a dence of a scare over that libel suit Inst spring that one has got to be careful. liy the way. in what stage is tint vase now. anyway 2’ I think you will hzve to push it to no issue and find out exu'tlr what [will have to pay or n-k the c Hit“. to strike it otf. ' You may fed 1! lite may meet it, as you b .vc In; guarantee ngrtiust any loss on your p.1r'.nu=i you may iwiit-ve me or not n hen I tell you it has cost me many it slwpless‘ night l Would be sincerel) glad now to} have tln- matter ended either one way or thz- other (luv more item and l have done. l'vvo ‘ yuan ago last autumn judgtnru: was rcu-‘ Bill"‘ClI9§ were given by scvoral present. ' and. after siuzing “ Auld Ian.- gym," the company disperselmach one feeling 1 that it was good to be there. ' dared .‘1 firm 0! the village in the eh elric At the CD'It‘lIL ‘ light suit. and the C.2I11,31111_‘.' ordered to par costs. I have looked 5:1 vain over amiiturs' reports rind financial ~f:1‘.t'ttlt‘lll~ cvtr Sill-3v f-r at: v trace of “par costs rYL‘f lmvi .g been t‘.".i-.‘clml. Yew 72 l‘ll'i." Feeclon Falls. Lit-e. ‘.".-::. 1‘37 BIR»THS. Gruntâ€"In the township of Fenelou, on November 7th, 1897, the wife of Mr. Fred Green ofa daughter. ISOMI.â€"At Fenelon Falls, on December 6th, 1897, the wife of Mr. John Ingram of a daughter. Hanwts.â€"In the township of Pension, on December 20th, 1897, the wife of Mr. Rich- ard Hadwiu of a daughter. Palmsâ€"At Fenelon Falls, on December 2lst, 1897, the wife of Mr. John Parks ofa daughter. HILLâ€"In the township of Pension, on De- cember 19th, 1897, the wife of Mr. William Hill of a daughter. W FENELON FALLS MARKETS. READY FOR WINTER AXES, CROSS-CUT SAWS, WITH A FINE LINE OF Reported by the North Star Roller Hill 00. SLEIGH BELLS, SKATES AND HOCKEY STICKS. Fenelou Falls, Friday, Dec. 24th, 1897. Wheat.Scotch or Fife .... 75 to 80 ‘ Wheat, fall, per bushel.... 70 75 gags; 3:315, she,” g8 See our new Bag-Truck. Strong and durable, and narrow Buckwhiiat“ 24 26 enough to run on a plank or to go through-any door-way. Oats, “ ........ 20 22 Pease, “ 38 42 7, Rye, “ 38 40 A Merry Xmas and a Happy New hear to all. Potatoes, “ 25 30 Butter,per 13 15 Eggs per dozen.......... 12 13 G M G Hamper ’8.00 10.00 e0. c ee. Hides ..... .... .. ...... 6.50 7.00 , . Hogs (live) .. 4.00 4.50 The New Haldware Stow; Hogs (Dressed). .. .. .. . 5.00 5.50 Opposrte the Post-Office. Beef . . . . . 4.50 5.00 Sheepskins.............. 50 70 Wool 17 19 Flour, family, Silver Leaf. . 2.45 2.65 Flour, best bakers’.... 2.65 2.85 Flour straightrolled...... 2.35 2.55 Bran, per ton...... . 10.00 12.00 Shorts, “ . 12.00 14.00 Mixed chon, per ton . .. 15.00 17.00 C fit - I ' ? ’r. i A RUNAWAY Or an upset may damage your buggy or waggon, perhaps only slightly, perhaps so badly that you will want anew one. In either case the best thing to do is to go to S. S. Gainer’s, where repairing andrepainting are done in the best style, and where the best kind of vehicles can be had at prices to suit the times. Shop 011 XMAS GIFTS. Francis Street East, next door to Knox’s black- smith shop. Fancy Dry Goods, Games, I have an exceptionally well Stamped Goods, Chinaware, Dolls, Books, Toys. selected stock in these lines for the holiday tradeâ€" hun- IS ALL WE WANT FOR A FEW LlNES OF dreds of very tasty and very suitable articles for gifts --and at is an additional attraction. the low prices they are marked A call solicited. 0 a WE ARE CLEARING OUTâ€"TIES, GLOVES, BRACES, ETC. mas. A. CLARK & SCN. PINES ~R RIEHT. gown... Go to J.McFar1and’s for Groceries, Boots, Gift Time W IS HERE HAVE YOU MADE YOUR SELECTIONS ? Britton Bros. WILL HELP YOU. g It is impossible here to enumerate all that our store contains. Here Try ~ Ceylon Tea. Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, Crockery and Glassware. . . . . . We: IT’S IMMENSE. llmtdy lor the rush nt Nevisbn's linznnr wrtha fine stock of articles suitable for Xmas Gitts ESTIiAY IJJXMI'SS. are a few reminders : In small Silverware â€" Bon-bon nieres, stamp boxes. match boxes, flasks, thimhles, paper-knives, stick- pins, button-hooks, souvenir spoons etc. In China â€"â€" Jewel cases, photo holders, button boxes, smelling bot- tles, vases, candlesticks. etc. In Out Glass â€" Venetian orna- ments, flower holders, tumblers, de. canters and glasses, glass cups, urns etc. In Goldâ€"Brooches. pins. brace- lets and a host of novelties. Hat qua as [N VICTORIA COUNTY FOR Game on to the. premises of the under- s:gned.llut 13 Concession 5, Somerville. ment in the more exprnsive goods. such as dainty china sets. silver sets, cntlcrv. mantel clocks. West- minster chime Pluck“. down to the tiny bondoir time-piece. Ladies‘ and gr-nilcmcn's watches in gold and silver Japanese curios and oddities in grrnt variety. All mail orders promptly attended to and money refunded if good! are not satisfactory. â€"IS ATâ€" W. A. GOODWIN’S, Baker Bloek,Kent-st..Lindsay. Artists’ Goods a Specialty] feigned, west half Lot 19. (Jon. 7, Ft'llt‘lnn, Machine Needles,Alabastine and Dve Works Agency. 300m Papa and Picture hangs,agitlrzrssras;21:3;“sterilize; property and paying expenses. ROBERT Ulli’llltl-Z‘i', Burnt River l'.(r. Dec. 2nd, 1801â€"42. ..._____â€"â€"â€"â€"_.._-. 1613'}: I? AX’ HI I IC 161’. Came on to the prcutist-sof the undor- about one month ago. two Ewes and three Lambs. The owner can have them upon l proving property and paying expenses. @ v v 9 a? a _ , . é “e also cm, ,, .-, 101cc assort. 0 a? 9 e e v IS" l’lense Cfllltllltl see my 5c.Pnpt-r l’E'l‘i-ilt Ml'JI’FA'I‘T‘. ‘ H ‘ Fertelon, Dee. ch, tautâ€"143' “Ynutcd.â€"Uld Mtnblishad Whr le-l ‘_w*w.~ _N “I "w" ’ ARRESTED. industrious representatives, Can be! :1: Th" “He'll‘li’” "{ "Yer." l’U‘U' “'ll" 5. 1 "'3' *utler about $12 a Week to start with. 35:90}! '41 ‘VhrlE-U-“v? G'JU‘“ I szvfll nun, Medical Building. Toronto 1 sale Ilonse wants one or two honest and (ll'TlL‘lANS. Lindsay's Lia-ting Jewellers. “any”; - gas-an . 4_,- . ._. 5 ,, .

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