Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 5 Nov 1897, p. 7

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I]. ‘ 3.- hi’storic Jewels. The South ansingmn Museum in Lordon contains what is probably tie most remarkable collection of historic rings in the mmd In thil- most ex- quisite and in-rfefliy arranged of all treasure- houses. the troth of kings t! e turbines and tragedy of famous Lth‘S give~ a keen personal interns: Lu tin-i cases fillwl with gems that are lotn royal in lhenzfielvee and have ii-‘u made royal by the touch of royalty. Amid the clasped hands and true lovers' knots we find one lined with the Scottish arms. having on the seal the letters SIBâ€"Mary and Henryâ€"- the \x'edding ring of Mary. Queen of Scots. and Henry llarnley. The name of Mary Stuart always thrills. but her lovelimss we cannot gather from any of her authentic portraits in the na- tional galleries. “'0 must concludei that some griucc of expression that‘1 could not be caught on canvas was her i charm. ln black and white enamels on gold. with hexagonal bezel. we find the; mournful token givon by Charles I. on the day of his execution to Bishop Juxâ€" on. A hideous monkeyâ€"like skull grins in the centre, surrounded by the in- scription. " Behold the Ende;" and around the outside. “ Rather Deth Than Fals Fayth." The silver wedding ring of Rienzi brings to mind a strange and glorious conjunction I once saw to a loan ex- hibition for some charity in Rome, when Vatican and Quirinal and many a noble house had for the moment yielded their treasures. Around asmall since in the centre where the King and Queen received their guests. were grouped the coronation robes of Na.- poloon, the torn blanket of Garibaldi and the wonderful dalmatic of Charlo- magno which proud Itienzi. wore when 'he entered Rome. But to_re1..urn to our geanszâ€"One ring says, “ Never to be forgotten 2nd of January. 1777." Does any one still remember? ‘Witll us the hair ring period of mourning has given way to the still more dangerous jetted Mercury winged widow, and we have no use for the rings hollowed out like little bottes to contain the tears which were a coquetry of ancient times. Certainly filling those was not as difficult a task as that prescribed in the savage coun- try Mr. Grant Allen tells us of. where the bereaved are obliged to weep until they fill a bottle of a certain size, and if they cannot are beaten until they do. The insoription “God Help Maria!" makes us wonder who the donor could have been. (Among the wedding rings is a type that shoulld become. fashionable in Am- erica. lior it binds a heart and acorâ€" onet. ‘ Simpler folks on . " As God 'reod, So we agreed." or. " God bathe wrought this choice in the», So frame thyself to comfourth me." Chasm and simple is this " A Faith- ful Wife Preserveth Life ;” more ab- rupt and brutal was the admonition. " Observe \Ved’lock." . A Jewish wedding ring with great bezels lifts from the hand in full re- li'ef the model of, the holy tabernaclel of the ark of the covenant. " Bonnie Prince Charlie" smiles from ' a beautiful miniature. and near by is‘ the ideal of a lover’s ring. an enamelled figure of Cupid W'th spread wings carâ€" rying off a ruby heart. and the legend, “Stop Thief 1" i The great Merovingian and Saxon rings are among the rarest in the world. Seven hundred dollars was paid by the museum for the bent and brok- en one of Arhstan. Bishop of Sher- burne. " konogmphic." rings bold figures or portraits of saints in the Russian style. 1 Others are. ro’liquaries for bits of the true crth or fragments of saintly toe- bonm. while one represents Mary Mag- daleuc bong carried to heavon by four angels. One. formed to fifteen small crowes was found on the fingers of a skeleton; it had no power to stay the hand of death. 0f great antiquity are. the Roman key rings. used to keep the key of preâ€" cious chests or caskets ever at band. and which in middle ages secured the cumbrous iron " virtue lock " that hus- bands fastened on their wives before going to battle. Of mystic rings there are manyâ€"the medieval circlut of "incantation" the charmed “wadstone.” and the South German silvpr set with wolf‘s teeth. A long coffin shaped ring with thch cluneoes. the centre one reiu'esenting Clsnpatm b0 ding the asp to her heart. :5 almost. i ont'ical with one always worn by Choiro of pdlmist fame. An ancient Venetian. of three chains holding a revolving turquois. brown with age. is engraved on one side, with a Venus Anadyomene and on the oth- or with a tituxatic cyphcr. Amid more cmtly gems the turquoise holds its own with gnutt wrsbztence. One Emu turquom- cameo of the Rape of ‘ruéorpinc in this collection is almost large enough to cover the back of the l'wt.‘ ind them are some very beau- tiful examples of those inlaid with Per- s..ui ittwriptious. lr. thumb rings the most splendid are time giwn by the l’npvm to Cardinals -â€"tlv.m:~._v'~. they did not always accom- pany the stark". hat. and \\'olsay's grnJ :mxicty lost a ring should not be will with his precious hmd cover- ing Man-Ls rumrdmi. Of heroic size. they stand up Sl'ln'nbi inches from the fund. and of run he would be good in offwr un'.\‘ “hm: worn with massive vmtunn. i'sunily they are set in brass or l-rwnze. will: great cal whens, or un- c“{ 52011qu ("1" “Nil {'1‘ iinn 0! M .r‘m in alto is mesh-.1 with greenish chalcedony: titnw must prized hold a e‘tn-l‘lkid or catiocben ruby. nun: ring~ of .l more painful sort an ‘ .hund 21v " or thumbnails. tin-«i mum‘s. to hoid the tbumis (-f prisoners while i 'heirclothes were icing cut from them. ; l'ne example at South liensingtL-n was ’l-uno‘ lehind the zane;i;ng or an old «.thomth century house. The " puzzle " rings Lord Lyttcn usâ€" ni to chamrzrrize as " ingenzons stu- pidi.y." 'l‘be (aruque- pears of the Vir- gin do; l’ilar and the grotesqueness of little. jewelle-i men and animals are un- ingenious stupidity. 'l‘he t-oilcctlwn is rich in sot-orb cameo Heads of those whom art has immor- udize'iâ€"in Greek and Roman intaglii. that in the finest lines pictures the ones and the woes of the gods; but heft-re the wealth of precious stones the yen fails helpless. as we have no .. {equate words for these dazzling har- monies. A BOY’S SUFFERINGS. ATTACKED WITH INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM AT AN EARLY AGE. | Each Succcsxlve Year Brought Fresh Al- tnchs “‘lth sun-easing Severity l'ntJ "1- Wm a I‘hyelcnl Wreck. Fro ‘. the Sun, Bei'leville. Mr. and Mrs. \V. R. Kelly are people who are deeply grateful forakind in- tervention of Providence whereby the life. health and happiness of their twelve year old son. Master Harry. has been restored and presrrved. Mr. I body drone of the best. known con-' doctors on the Midland division of the GT. and is now residing in this city. A sum reporter having heard of! the cure of the little fellow and the joy 1 of his parents, called at, their home and wasmet by Mrs. Kelly. who on being informed of the object of his visit. at Once toldthestory of the cure and how the results were attained. We were living in Mado‘c when our boy was about five years of age and in the Spring Iwent to call him one morning. He. replied to‘ my call by saying he could not rise. I at once. went to him and found that he was unable towalk. Mediral aid being summoned we dis- covered that inflammatory rheuma- tism had our little boy in. its grasp. A131 that attention and. doctors could downs done and the attack passed off. but the. following spring while in Peterboro (he was again seized with the dread disease and again we were in terrible dread of los- ing this child. \Vhen the warmi weather came again he rallied. but was very weak and only a shadow of his I 11'6 jvas again attacked in the next Spring. Youcan imagine tlhefear and: dread with which we, watched these recurring attacks, each one more severe than the last, and each one tearing our boy in aworso condition than those that went before. His lust attack confined him to bed for three months. and his heart was dangerously alfectcd. llis sufferings were terrible. ! l former self. Despite all we could do l l and it was pitiful to see him trying to carry food to his mouth. His nervous systeiu “as so shattered that a form ofSt. Vitus" dance had affected him, and his band and arm trembled so that he could not; feed or aid himself. Some friends advised me to try Dr. Williams' l’ink Pills and recommended them so highly that my husband and myself decided to try them. “'8 gave 1 them to Harry for severalmnnths and I when the spring came watched anxi- l ously. fearing areturn of the trouble. but were thankful and delighted to see no symptoms of it, nor has he been troubled for the past three years. “\Vhat is the condition of his health at presunt?” asked the reporter. "lie is as sturdy and as healthy a boy as i parents could wish for. I attribute l his rec.)very and present health toi l l l nothing but l’ink Pills. and I cheerâ€" . fully recmnmcnd them to all." Rheumatism. sciatica, neuralgia, ' as scrofula. disappear humors in the blood. such chronic erysipelars. etc. all partial paralysis. locomotor ataxia, . nervous headache. nervous prnstra- ; tion. and diseases depending upon. I l before a fair treatment with llr. “'il- 1 liams' Pink l‘ills. They give.a healthy 1' glow to pale and sallow complexions. l Sold by all dealers and post pa‘d at 5'30. a box. or six boxes for $25.51). by ad- dressing the Dr. \Villiams Medicine C0,. llrockvills, Ont. Do not be per- suaded to take some sulstitute. BRY TBIE. Why has milk gone up? she askcdas 2 she took in the day's supply at the 1 door. i We have had so little rain, modem. that the pastures are all dried up. Yes. and so are the wells. “'hat a day may bring a day may take away. ._â€"-â€"â€" Uniform indulgence is not a. favorâ€" able school. What belotgs to the public belongs in nobody. “'hat one knows it is useful some- times habitatâ€"Pumice Syrus. In the snow country" it is better to go in the wrong road than to stop going altogether. The motives which take is than I... the ; hare-- .1 God be between hunseif and ‘ ha .\l 33:11:. lstate from four to eight weeks. ‘ lion, Kidney fwbere others fail. it fl0\\' TO URO\V TULIPS. If a Canadian were to pay Germany a visit and pass through the streets .-f some of her enterprising tmvns he. would be surprised to notice the great nterest citizens take in fioriculture. ".n the summer they have their lawns .zdorned with a perfect display of plant life. During the winter when it .s not practical to grow flowers in the (pen air a great deal of attention is levoted to indoor plants. Their fa\- -vrites are Tulips. Narcissus and Lily of the Valley. The ladies take great pride in their success with tulips which is evident by the beautiful decorations in the. windows and private conservat cries. It might be of interest to a good many to know how to success- fully grow tulips with very little work and at the same time. afford great pleas- ure. In the first place you procure good healthy bulbs from the Florist. use ordinary flowerpots from four to five inches in diameter. fill them with in an inch from the top with black garden loam. now place three or four bulbs on the surface at equal distances from each other and not too close to the side of container. it is then neces- sary to cover the bulbs with some of the earth. two or three upright jars will suffice. to make the ground settle more. firmly. water sparingly unless the marl is very dry, place pots in cellar or other dark room free from frost. cover well with sand and allow to stand from four to eight weeks. Aft- er this period you may examine to see if germination has taken place, which can be notiwd at the stem of the bulb. They are now taken to suitable places for. blooming. In three or four weeks the plants will be in flower. and if not kept. too warm, say about 50 to 55 de- grees Fahrenheit. may be kept in th}1t n order to have Tulips during the whole winter I would propose to every person so: interested to remove only a certain number from the cellar repeat in three or four weeks, and so on until the close of the cold season. The Narcissus could be treated in a. similar manner with some success. One of the peculiar- ities of these plants is that they re- quire very little light. and a moder- ately' low temperature and so suitable for our climate. I might mention that the Lily of the Valley requires a little different attention at certain stages‘ of which I may have an occasion to write later. â€"-0. A. Grobba. Be not deserved. A Cough. Hearse. enss or Croup, are not to be trifler with. 'A dose in time of Shiloh's Cur: will save you much trouble. Sold by all druggists. NE\V SKIRT ATTACHMENT. A bright young woman has obtained a patent on an attadhiment for skirts by which they may be ldfted on crossâ€" ing muddy places on the street. a serâ€" otf cords being attached to the skirt at the back and sides, with the opposite ends running through an open- ing 1n the back of tlhe waistband and around to the front to‘ draw the skirts by pulling up the cords. How's This ? We offer One Hundred Dolllrs Reward for any case of Catsrrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHEVEY 8t (30.. Toledo, 0. We. the undersigned. have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years. and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transact‘o ‘s and financia‘ly able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. W ss’rsc'l‘RUAx; Wholesale Druggista.'l‘olcdo.0. VVALDING. 1(INNAN 3:. h'lAl-tYIN. Wholesale Druggist-x. Toledo, 0. . Hall’s C.ttarrb Cure is taken internally. act- ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur- faces of tie system. Testimonials rent free. Price 750. pzr bottle. Sol 1 by all Dt'uggists. Hall's Family Pills arc the best. Om 1 the cough with Shilob's Cure. The bet" Cough Cure. “elieves Croup promptly. One million bottlessoldlast year. ‘40 doses‘ for 25 cents. Sold by all drugglsts. LITERARY NOTE. \Vhat wonderful guides selors books are. ~ Yes; especially bank books. DREADFU'LLY NERVOUS. Gents:-â€"I was dreadfully nervous, and I0r relief took your Karl’s Clover Root Tea- It quieted my nerves and Strengthened my whole Nervous Sys- tem. I was troubled with Constipa- and Bowel trouble. Your Tea. soon cleansed my system so thor- and coun- : (“18th that I rapidly regained health and strength. Mrs. S. A. Sweet. Hart‘ ford. Conn. Sold by all druggists. MEETINGâ€"BOTH ENDS. Smith walked up Market street the other t vcning with a box of candy un'l- er one arm and a big package of meal under the other. I .llello Smith. said Brown. gone. to housekeeping? I didn’t know you were married. I’m not yet. \Vhat are you doing with that candy ' and meat then? Going to see my" girl. x Do you have. to furnish the family with meat. already? ()h. no; the. candy is for the irl and! the meat is for the dog. I ave to square myself with both. MORE \VISDOM. What is your idea of fame? l-‘ame? \Vell. in its finest phase. I think it is the incredulous surprise which a man's home folks exhibit. when he does anything noteworthy. DR. ALLISON'S Kidney "Buds" Day by day is winning the good will of :1 kidney sufferers. Have you a pain in the Back . Bladder. or Kidney troub e. just try them once ) cu wil love them. They're Kl 0.1. ‘3. full boxed! 06L pa d to any address for too. in stamps be) are a highly prized En l~b Remedy. en domed by thouennds. AL sou MED. new. man. Ont. SPORTING NEWS. Momma. what in football? Well. it’s a kind of lumzmll in which the players patch with their legs. Lion Cure is the leading Cough Cure. and no home should tar without it. Pleasant to take and goes right to the spot. Shiloh's Consump cures PC891_ “fimfigw is}; .l~ it}: \‘t N. } . plumes l. u- IR is: t h. lv‘.‘ W Mâ€" EOO‘I’OR': RECOMMEND â€"â€"-~ SAMBA" Oevlon Tea. tithilfh'ifl 315' (I IONS 0F ORAFACTER " best book on hrsn l l Shy Dr. Mason. 131 Maitiirtl-st . Toronto. girdle?! .. 1. Mt). g\l‘Il-.\I't‘l w G. DUTHIE 8:. SON Blots. Sheet-Metal Tue &Gl’fi".l Roof”! Sheet Metal Ceilings. Tot-rs Com 'l‘lls. R Black and Green Rooting Slate. Met. l niece. Felt. Tar. Routine Fitch. has. utter; Downpipes. &c.. supplied the trade. Telephone 198 Adelaide C “71de 8t... TORONTO. ‘70 have six or a! lad bun AGENTSI hold ":1qu m. a: Mission 8031130] a PARSONS. H 101.308ch M Auun: “smut-New importation; anon DR. GOODE‘S PAINLBSS PENNYMYAL PILLS A Specific for Female Complaint. They later: Health, Halntun “numb. and Ensure Beauty. Those remarkable pills are designed to pro mote comfort and ease. and to cure tho mini, lnfulnnd clan omnsdbordors to which thn emote constilu on is liable. They are am luter essential to those who buffer from a: cursive pain at the commencement of and orlodioslothislon. as they at once diminish he pain and torture natural and boiling En lish shot-n and American hn ' Relish e gz-od- at right prrces. Park? £33531] A 00., Limb... m . r onrself ifyou got ‘ nmrxilcdl b 0 fo r o 1 pure m ng n. oop of "L’gbton Dark Corners.“ a com. lete sexual science by 11 J. chl'crles. M. 1).. EH. D If you are married you surely need a copy. Agentx wanted at once in every county: $4 to 810 a. day guaranteed. Send for circulars. Mention this paper and Address 3. I... NICHOLS a: 00.. 33Rlchmond St. ‘77., Tortmm' om. 03mm“. action of the ovarian we ob. 'l‘boy re ul- thc bowels. import strength and visa “y weakean uterine cream. on a. 51an action of the heart. purlfy the boot . “swig w’ PROCURED in (‘nno (la and Forei n (‘nulr AT tries by c. n ICllEB. Patent Attorney. Canada Life Bldg... Toronto Write for free book on patents. etc. pale complexion to a hcaithful hue. give v to the brain and nerve centres. fortify -- --'- -â€" - --~ youthful female for the tax upon her cam-g Mills, Mills 8:. H nos. md in every period of life throughout ma Barristers. e'c..removcd mty and the trying change which follows to Wesley llldgs., ltich- wasstlon. thefi act as a remedial boon mtho mom) 8!. \V.. Toronto. tomparo. As your. drugxret for them and to does not keep them in stool; he can nroovuz lhem for you. Price $1.60 per bottle or for $5.00. Wholesale Agents, The Toronto Pharmacal 09.. Umltod. Toronto. ____________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- EVERAL GOOD IMPROVED 50 AND ICU-acre mortgaged farms in the counties 0 Middlesex, Essex Kent and Lambton for sale very cheap; small amount down. balance at a low rate of interest. For list, aggltirig we F- W“ Manufacturers Ileana: ebentnre Co...London. Coming to Toronto will find flats ‘of any size, with power, heat, elevator, anti all conveniences. “Ha.” fisgnxs, William Street. Toronto. BUYS COPPER, BRASS, LEAD. REFERENCE :â€"IMPERIAL BANK. CANADA PERMANENT LOAN & SAWS GOMPANY; Truth uilding, 73 luulu s'r. WEST. Subscribed Gapltal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,090,000 Paid-up Oapltal ..... . ........... 2,660,600 A358” . . . . . . . . . . . - u . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,000,090 I HEAD OFFICEâ€"TORONTO S'l‘.. TORONTO. Branch Offices-Wmmrno. Mart" AND Vaxcovvsn. B. C. â€"â€"--l The ample resources of this Company enable its Directors to make advances on Real Es- tote, without delay. at low rates of interest, and on the most favorable terms of repayment Loans granted on In- rovel Farms and on Productive Town and ity Properzici. Mort- . gages and Municipal Debentures Pnr- » :1 chased. Applications will be receive] at. the ofllcas of the Company. - J. HERBERT MASON. Managing Dlrcctor Toronto , sun 3 m HECGDK BEST Fat LARGEST S‘LE m CANADA By virtue of the unprecedented porch in saln lo order, of one hundred thou-an (100.800)_coi‘)lca of mg ucknowlcdg mnnorwor of t o Cantu ry‘ we are now enabled to offer it to the public It {trilou than the pnblhhors’ price-i Thousands of persons. who heretofore have not felt able to nrchm it. will eagerly welcome t opportunity to secure at reduced price “ Tho Greats-t Ach ovementpt Modern Tinsel. THE FUNK 8c WAGNALLS lclianary OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, It is lncompanbly the greatest. as it is positively:‘ the lalona most complete. and most authoritative. new cdonuy existenca. It is everywhere the standard. ‘ . _ . Itls notarc tin rehash or N! Emma} NEW : : vision of an; odi‘nr work. butll “10M COVER T0 COVER. the result of the stand labor fol five years of over twelve score of the most em sent and authoritative scholars and specialists in the world. Nearly 100 of the leading universities colle ca, and sclcutltlc lnstltutlm of the world were represented on t 0 editorial Ibu‘f' 20 Uni States Government experts were also on the editorial staff; Over $960,000 were actually expanded in its production befor. a single complete on y was ready or the market. Never Wu an dlctionnrywelcomc wlth such rest enthuuumthe world are 1 As the St. James‘s Budget, Lon on. declares : “It is the udmlrtv tan of Llwmry En laud. . . . It should be the rldo of Liter America." Thohlg est praise has come from I thegraatAmu lean Ind British new: npera, revxevrl. unlvonltlea, and colleges, as well u all classes 0 Intelligent man and woman cvorywheto. The re hr subscription rlcaof the Standard chtlonu ii:qu leather 1er 8. We willnow supply the cog: our Great Offer Of 2i bound He kin rill 11.n1 tlbodl_ ll 3:35p. mili°uirlai§€gi3Â¥1liganfiiiii“in(gin: The Complete work surprisingly low prlcoo Aunt Thumb Index. 75 cents extra. Order tram your bookseller, or from WARD 8: GOW (fih’i‘éhLis'qlile‘éD???) NEW YO RK. W A REAL LUXURY! Looking out over the many homes of this country. we no thous- ands of women wearing sway their lives in household drudgery that might be materially lessened by the use of a few cakes of SAPOLIO. If an hour is saved each time a cake is used, if one less wrinkle gathc ers upon the face because the toil is lightened, she must be afoolish woman who would hesitate to make the experiment, and he a churla ish husband who would grudge the few cents which it costs. If your grocer sends you anything in place of SAPOLIO, sendlt back and insist upon having just what you ordered. SAPOLIO alr ways gives satisfaction. On floors, tables, and painted work it acts like a charm. For scouring pots, pans, and metals it has no equal. Everything shines after it, and even the children delight in using it in their attempts to help around the house. ' It Grocer: 9M sub-mutt cheaper good- for BAPOLIO to Ink. a better profit Budbscknchorflduudluhtuhsvtum churn! M “as 5...... ' ” ' .14.. fQBBmc KN TT NG I,__._,MIDlC}HINES. OLD AND RE LIABLE minim 1813 mumvwâ€" . Clothe you family from hood to foot with our MONEY MAKER Price: only us, 820, 830. CREELlllll BROS, Georgetown, Ont. "W'mm‘ .00

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