Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 5 Nov 1897, p. 5

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n.-. -- . . . -.,... ’5 4/ ed. Another improvement. is the erec- tion of a parapet or rampart behind and along part at the sides of the building, to prevent earth from washing up a- gainsl the outsides ot the sills; which not. only has a tendency to rot them, but obstructs the entrance of cold air and thus delays the freezing process when the rink is flooded. A Sanderlund lady writes Dr. Neelands and elsewhereâ€"43M Another outbreak of hog cholera in Essex is reported. A crusade against departmental stores has commenced in Chicago. A suit at law over 67c. was recently determined against the plaintiff in a Wichita, Kan. court, and he had to pay about 3100 costs. The Duke of Devonshire, speaking at Darlington, said if adequate provis- ion were not made for better technical instruction, the prospects of our manu- facturing and commercial industries could not last, or our people continue to prosper or even exist. A record in British deep sea diving has been created on the Clyde, when Diver Walker. in a diving dress, des- Cended 186 feet, and brought up a block. which was lowered to that depth. He was under water for forty minutes, without experiencing inconvenience. A peculiar case was found in the vot- ers’ list for the polling district of What- crolt, in the Norwich Parliamentary Division. A voter’s residence is situ- ated in both the Norwich and Knutsford Divi~ions, and he is fully qualified for each by reason of the fact that he sleeps with his head in the. Knutsford division and his feet in the Norwich. The Boston Record says: Jay, Me., claims one of the biggest trees in Maine. It stands on the banks of the Andros- cogtzin, on the lawn of the late Dudley Bean. The circumference four feet from the ground is 23 feet, diameter 7 feet. About six feet from the ground there are seven branches radiating from its trunk which are from ':8 inches to 24 inches in diatnctcr. The branches spread over a space of ground 270 feet in circumference, 01-90 feet in diameter. An explorer recently found in Egypt a bronze bowl and a series of iron tools of forms quite unlike any known in that country, and they are thought to belong to an Assyrian armourer about 670 B. C. These tools, comprising: three saws made for pulling, not pushing, one rasP, one file. several chiscls and ferules, a scoop-edged drill, two centre-bits. and others are of the greatest interest in the history of tools, as showingr several forms of an earlier date than was thought pos- siblc. Horse racing: in Japan apparently takes place under perfectly ideal con- ditions. That is, so far as the wealthy are concerned. The prices of admission to the courses are So high as to come only within the reach of the upper class- es, anti no bettingr is allowed on any of the courses. The Emperor, though an opponent of gambling, is a great patron of the sport. He has about 3000 hors- es, and intends to do all in his power to improve the native breed. An Irishman named Patrick Galvin. who has just arrived at Juneau from Dawson City, seems to have abundantly enriched himself by his labors in the gold fields. He says that he went to the Yukon three years ago in a penni- lt-ss condition, without any great exp‘c- lotions. and he is now returning to Cork, his native city. a rich man. Before leaving Dawson City he disposed of one oi his claims for $100,000. Ho dis- plays a nugget the size of an oyster as One of the trophies of his industry. The biggest game fish. probably. ever taken in Pennsylvania water was cap- tured at Livcrmore. October 22nd, by James Weddell, a ninetecnsyear-old youth. The fish was a pike that meas- ured live feet six inches in length. The . “9,1,1'0mnw, out, monster pike had been seen disporting in the waters of tho Conomaueh river for several seasons. ()win'.' to the rec- cnt st-tguaucy of the low water the fish is supposed to have become weakened and llllll'IY‘Vâ€"l‘at‘l“ which led to its cap- ture. Wed-loll fished over five miles i of the river before he got 'l rise. Weak l as it was. the (Hi S'rll‘IL'lt‘tl over an hour in th. low water before it was cmquer- l l l ed :ml lauded. That w-uuvn can keep a tract has been prorel in a case in cmrt :tr Lath- Ii top. .‘lo. Sonc years ago a bmly of? wuntv-n destroyed a s tloon. and a charge 3 ot' Illill:Ci:‘533 tllSll'llk‘lll‘t'l til‘pt‘opol‘ty was l ll=l£."l azainst them. An exchange ‘ now. that a: 'll'l'lV as tlirty were or rmtcii; overwlnly present at the time of the ilaungo w l" ~ll'ltltl7'lt‘ti to court 'l'iao pin'm-‘cu‘i't: attorney of the county strive for two years i~\ procure a con-z \‘ioiimt of ~ in: body: rep-ntvn in mtnr bet bru‘ig-‘ul everybody concerned. but' no.1 ova-3 .c‘ the women wenkenol or be- [ii-:91 the secret. Twelve know who wa; :ui‘tv nt lwri-xkitzz tlw first wimer ul' titr- >t7 but they L‘ithauti-l with: . lamp the known-who a; , secret and they have kept to their word. 6 5th Co, Limited, Tureulo, Ont. Oti.‘ :t'l \! t " ‘ that he had made her a successful tit after having eight sets of teeth made in Toronto . kept in stock as usual. and also a good WANTED. Men to sell for the Fonthlll Nurseries. Over 700 acres of Canadian grown stock. We import no stock from the States. Farmers, farmers’ sons, implement agents, students, teachers, retired ministers, ener- getic clerks who wish to make advance- mentâ€"find the work of selling our hardy, home-grown nursery stock pleasant as well as profitable. We want more such men this season, as the demand for our goods is increasing, owing to the fact that we guarantee all our stock tree- from San Jose scale.- We make contracts with whole or part time men. Employment the year round. We pay both salary and com- mission. Write us for ourteruts. Outfit free. Stone ti: Wellington, - Toronto, Ont. An old man died in West Virginia. recently. who was wealthy, and had made his money in an extraordinary way. He smelled out oil wells. When operators Were about to begin work on an oil track, this man would walk over the ground, sometimes crawling on his hands and knees, suifiiug like a dog. According to the stories told about him, he had made dozens of locations for wells, and was invariably successful. It may gave been only a lucky guess, but it is queer that it never failed. The Marquis of Lorne has for some time been introducing a large quantity of game from Canada into the Aruyll- shire estate of the Compbells. Turkeys and wild geese are said to have done particularly well, having increased be- yond all expectation. and in future will enter largely into the “bags” made on the Argyllshire shootings. The Cane- dian geese, too, have done remarkably well, and are to be found in large flocks on Loch Awe, from the waters of which the native goose is fast disappearing. Cross-cut Saws. Six makesâ€"all good ones. Axes. A large assortment to choose from. Gloves And Mitts. A fine line just received. St ores and Stove-boards. We have the only one-piece Stove-board on the market, and our Stoves are the best. manufac- tured, With all the latest improvements. OO‘U’OCNOI l FREE! Is the condition of your eyes quite satisfactory to you ? Maybe you should see better than you do or with less eye strain. It. COSTS you NOTHING to find out. We other you our services as competent Opticians of twenty years’ experience FREE! You are quite welcome to our attention if you care to haye it. mica pals OPTICIANS, Lindsay’s Leading Jewellers. tanner IN VICTORIA COUNTY FOR Harm Paper and Picture Frames â€"18 ATâ€" W. A. GOODWIN’S, Baker Block,Kent-st.,Lindsay. Prices on all goods the very lowest. Geo. McGee. The New Hardware Store, Opposite the Post-Office. *â€" ___. FENELON FA LLS MARKETS. Reported by the North Star Roller Mill Co. Fenelon Falls, Friday, Nov. 5th, 1897. Wheat.Scotch or Fife . . .. 75 to 80 Wheat, fall, per bushel. . .. 70 75 Wheat, spring “ . 70 80 Barley, per bushel. .... 20 25 Buckwheat“ ........ 23 25 Oats, “ .... 18 20 Pease, “ 38 42 Rye, “ 38 40 Potatoes, “ .... 25 30 Butter,perlb............ 13 15 Eggs,per dozen.......... 13 13 Hay,per ton...... ...... - 8.00 10.00 Hides..... 6.50 7.00 Hogs (live) . .. .. 3.00 4.00 Hogs (Dressed) . . . . . .. . 5-00 5.50 Beef . . . . . ................ 4.50 5.00 Sheepskins.............. 30 50 Wool l7 1 Flour, family, Silver Lcaf.. 2.55 2.7 Flour, best bakers’ .... 2.75 2-9 Flour straightrolled. ..... 2-45 2 6 Bran, per ton...... . 10.00 12.00 Shorts, “ 12.00 14.00 cool.- on...- Mixed chop,per ton . 16.00 18.00 A RUNA i/VAY Or an upset may damage your buggy or waggon, perhaps only slightly, perhaps so badly that. you will want a new one. In either case the best thing to do is to go to S. S. Gaincr’s, where repairing and repainting are done in the best style, and Where the best kind of vehicles can be had at prices to suit the times. Shop on Francis Street East, next door to Knox’s black- smith shop. @GQ‘E‘OOO‘O-fluflufl' COUNTY OF VICTORIA. REMEMBER That Clark do Son’s heavy Frieze Overcome are WATERPROOF Notice is hereby given that the Municipal Council of the County of Victoria will meet in the Council Chamber IN THE COURT HOUSE, LINDSAY, .â€".ox.â€" Tuesday, the 16th Day ofNovcmbchSQ'l, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, for the trans- action of general business. T. MATCHET'I‘, County Clerk. Artists’ Goods aSpecialty Machine Needles, Alabastine and Dve Works Agency. 36" Please calland see my 5c.Paper those that are not water- proof. PRIBES R hllillT. g0“ “WWW __________.____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Agents Sell “Klondike Gold Fields" Like a. whirlwind. Experienced canvasseru reaping the richest harvest of their livus; new beginners doing wonders. Nearly everybody subscribes. One young follow on a farm at SIC! a month is making 875. A lady typewriter at $3 a week is clearing $1 l. A mechanic who had earned $1.50 a day is clearing $3 a day. We want more agents. Canvassing outfit 25c, worth $1. The BllADLEY-GARRETSON 00., Lim- Go to J.McFar1and’s for Groceries, Boots, g Shoes, Ready-made Clothing. Crockery and z 4 X Glassware. . . . . . . iMWWWWWWNM-i Try KOLONA Ceylon Tea. County Clerk's Office, Lindsay, Nov. Int, 1897. â€"38.2. NOTICE. 7’ __ ' Y - .Nofice is hereby even that the rim-merâ€" ..12‘H§l::‘.€.filg .333.is‘?£l‘sl‘.%%§l.hfllea ship heretofore existing under the name of industrious representatives can my a gurtgolyiuemieftor beagle dfi?lgfdd 11y hustler about $12 a week to start with. l u , c , ' pm” 3 l e e 0 ADVERTISER, Medical Building Toronto the said nrm of Burgoyne 8; Co. are rc- ’ quired to settle their accounts at once, or they will be placed in other bands for collection, as it is imperatiye that the busi- ness should be wound up without delay. . . All accounts due Burgoyne & 00. must be tilt; gigneilftzgcaafiz l’":'d M “‘6 5m"? of “.m' Burgoyne’WhO orders for high-grade Canadian-grown wrll settle all claims owmg by the firm. Nursery Stock and Seeds Largest End “:lIg‘LIAM BURGOYNE- most complete assortment in the trade. \V . S. SCOTT. Fast selling specialties; superb specimens .Fenelon Falls, Nov. lst, 1897.â€"â€"38.4. furnlShEd “'39; Correspondence in any lim- guage. These positions are moneymnkcrs, and territory should be secured at once for the season by all hustlers looking for a good thing. Our salary or commission offers will interest anyone not earning $1,000 per year. Get in communication with our nearest oflice. An opportunity to represent a well-established house. Ability more important than experience. LUKE BROS. COMPANY, ’ International Nurseries, Cnxeaoo, Illinois. MONTREAL, Quebec. Rocussren, N. Y. 31.16 EUlT and OHNAMENTAL TREES. 700 ACRES. Shrubs, Roses, Vines and Seed Potatoes HARNESS If you want first-class single or double light or heavy llnruess or anything in that line call at WE have the largest assortment and employ the very latest and most ’ improved methods for propagating. N E V I S O N 3 All stock carefully pacltt-d under our per- sonal supervision, and all new varieties tested at our trial farm: before being cataâ€" logued. These are the only lI'Sling orch- ards connected “‘llll any Nursery in the Dominion. Agents Wanted to Represent Us. assortment of liv tit-ls and lutggvduster; Sl'ei‘l‘l1 “Wmllml Sl‘fl'n to Park. Cem- “' l”“’ NW: EST)“ Trv a bottle of llarriz‘; “it‘ll? “3M li'l’ilt‘mri! L'I‘Hl'l‘F. lastimates celebrated harness polish. it is a new ll“'“,‘~l”-" l‘" =‘ll‘l‘ll‘111l3‘l-«Ir0 ortl.a.d=. lhimr and. You will ll" euro 10 like it. “by Ml." 0' “3701.30 “Ouccrns or of. -“ ‘ tnuletlcrm-n when you can purchase as Agent for Pianos and Organs. chm-.3;- from us and g4 Letter “out 7 . -7 . Our El)" is (':‘~.i:..£i.n_ r2. - l'onclon Falls, May ‘1 -th. hamâ€"ll-lv ,. “L l n “m.” “m1 "c ' - Cttnmted. Catalogue (English or French) tree on '- The Best Popular :‘l'iliimmuu' Lift- »..=t' ll": Maj ~13 i ll-ive H"; seem": w “I T t - Slim“! 3 mill“. 00“ 0! Uni ' I-‘ON’l'llIlJ. Nt‘RSERlES. The Leading Canadian Tree Men. CHEAP !. CHEAP ! ! CHEAP l ! ! WOVEN WIRE FEiilllllll .. THESE .. rear [IS WELL AS hilltlllllill'l EHllllIi Sliil lililli ililillllil, For trellis, poultry yards, lawn fencings, etc, are sold very much lower this year than ever before. They are the best. .5321»: your Hardware Merchant for them. new harness shop. between J. )lcl’nrland‘s grocery and Wm. Campbell's dry goods store. TRUEKS AND VALISES Flier: Bi: v stitnTssion. ("unit free Metrivnz iâ€"s. r2..- l..:.\Dl.EYâ€"GARRET- #M’- And are just as cheap as. .. ._-.fimwmmw¢ ""753

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