Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 13 Aug 1897, p. 1

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._, {up l . i TIMOTHY, RED CLOVER AND ALSIKE ....ATâ€" THE DRUG STORE, FENELON FALLS. l LOT FOR SALE. The west half of Lot No. 3, south of Bond and west of Colbornc street, Fenelon Falls, containing a quarter of an acre. For to m‘ etc. a 1‘ to r 3’ ’ pp) MRS.BELCH, Lindsay street. â€"12tf Furni ure. NOW, AS HERE- TOFORE, I HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF UPâ€"TO-DATE GOODS AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Steel Runners to fit any style or make of Baby Carriage. LI appointment of Dominion Government." SECOND DIVISION COURT â€"â€"or runâ€"- County of Victoria. The next sittings of the above Court will be held in Dickson‘s hall, Fenelon Falls, 0ft FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER l7th,189'2, eomiucncingat 10 o‘clock in the forenoon Monday, Sept‘r Gth, will be the last day of service on defendants resuling in this countv. Defendants living in other .coun- ties niust be served on or before Sept-r lst_ 3st13021, E. D.llA.\'D, llailiti'. Clerk Fenelon Falls, July15th,1897. INSURANCE. Mr. Win. E. Ellis having transferred his Insurance Business to Inc, I am prepared to take risks on all classes of property AA: Very Lowest Rates None but first-class British and Canadian Companies represented. W FAIIDI 1’1lOPERT‘Y at very low rates. James Arnold. The “ Fenelon Falls Gazette” is minted every Friday at the office, on the corner of May and Francis streets. SI‘BSCRIPTION 81A YEAR IN ADVANCE, or one cent per week will be added as long as itremains unpaid. {Advertising- lixttes. Professional or business cards, 50 cent: 1'. cents per line for every subsequent insero tioo. Contracts by the year, half year or less. upon reasonable terms. JOB PRINTING Cd and at moderate prices. 3” 'y E. D. HAND, (To, rater. 9 from Lindsay. Wlloney to loan on real estate at lowest current rates. Offices: No. 6, William Street South, Lind- say, Ont. School, Member of the Royal College or Surgeons of England,hlemher of the Col- | CEO the Public. per line perztnnum. Casual advertisements, ‘, 3 cents per line for the first insertion, and} t l ihrttl .t:t-i“' FENELON FALLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, Professional Cards. MUSIC. MISS B. MACHIVEH. Instruction given on ORGAN and PIANO at moderate rates. For terms apply at the residence of Mr. R. B. Sylvester, “ Mary- borough Lodge," Fenelon Falls. LEGAL.‘ DICLAUG IILIN & MCDIARMID, ARRIS'I‘ERS, Solicitors, Etc, Lindsay and Fenelon Falls. Lindsay Office: Kent-St.,opp05ite Market. Fenelon Falls Oilice: Over Burgoyne (v Co’s store. The Fenelon Falls otlice will be open every Monday afternoon from arrival of train R. J. .‘ICLAUGHLIN. F.’A. )chiAtuttD. A. P. DEVLIN, ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Kent Street,Lindsay. G. H. HOPKINS, ARRISTER, lire. SOLICITOR FOR the Ontario Bank. Money to loan at lowest rates on terms to suit the borrower. MOORE 8; JACKSON, ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, 850. Of- fice, William street,Lindsay. F. D. Moons. A. JACKSON. MEDIOIAL. DR. A. WILSON, â€"it. s., M. c. r. a 3., Ontario,â€" HYSICIAN, SURGEON «In ACCOUCH- cur. Office, Colborne Street, Fenelon Falls. Du. H. H. GRAHAM, RADUATE of the University of Trinity G College, Fellow of Trinity Medical !e e of Physicians & Surgeons of Ontario. IOflice and residence on Francis-St. West‘ Fenelon Falls, opposite the Gazette oilicc. ________._.___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" R. lVI. MAS ON, ETERINARY SURGEON; Honor Grad- uate Ontario Veterinary College, To- ronto, 1884 ; R. M. O. V. M. A. Residenceâ€"Francis Street East, Fenelon Falls. E. P. SDIITIâ€"I, ETERINARY SURGEON and Dentist. Graduate ofOntario Veterinary College. Live Stock Inspector for North Victoria by Office and address â€"- CAMBRAY, Our. S URVEYORS . JAMES DICKSON, L. Surveyor, Commissioner in the Q. B., . Conveyancer,&c Residence, and ad- dress, Fenelon Falls. W ____.________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" DENTAL. ________â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Dr. NEELIIIDS, DENTIST, LINDSAY, Extracts teeth without pain by gas (vital- ized air) administered by him for 27 years. He studied the gas under Dr. Colton, of New York, the originator of gas forvcxtrhct- iug teeth. Dr. Colton writes Dr. Ree-lands that he has given the gas to 186,411 per- sons without an accident from the gas. Other pain obtunders used. A good set of teeth inserted for $10. 323‘ Dr. heelnnds visits Fenelon Falls (lIcArthur House) the third Tuesday ofcvery month. Call early and secure an appointment. _____________....__....__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€" W. H. GROSS, DENTIST. The beautiful Crown and Bridge work practised with success. Gas and all other anaesthetics for extracting teeth without ' pain. A set (1".‘lrtirici'ul Teeth, better titan the average, for $8 00. Rooms directly opposite Wood's stove depot, Lindsay. W H. HART, L. o. 5. SET OF GOOD TEETH FOIISIO. Gas 1" and local anmsthetics for painless ex- tracting. Satisfaction guaranteed in all branches of dentistry. w ' Ollice over Fairweather It: Los store nearly opposite the post-oflice, Lindsay _______________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"--â€"â€" INSURANCE. or. ROYAL c'AXADIAN 1.\'SURA.\‘CE Co. has amalgamated with the Alliance , of England, giving insurers the security or. 2,325,t‘u30,000 and the same good policy. . . l of all ordinary kinds executed neatly, coro, W Also agent for the Queen of Eng- th‘tir.’ 'If .‘i'li'htfflg ‘.‘;::‘i Lil :th‘. :I‘..':..$'v‘ ‘ «' BATTEN DOORS. sight to thousands. . _ 'duces it to Canadians in glowing words. JOHN AI'STIN,.-Igrnt :booming iL ' free to canvassers. YOU WANT THEM. WE HAVE THEMâ€"- GOODâ€"f SHEAR: CALL AND SEE. GEDEGE MARIN. _ THE WEST SIDE STORE. HARNES If you want first-class single or double light or heavy Harness or anything in that line call at NEVISON’S new harness shop, between J. McFarland’s grocery and Wm. Campbell’s dry goods store. TBUHKS AND VALISES kept in stock as usual, and also a good assortment of fly nets and buggy dusters at. low prices. 3%” Try a bottle of Harris’s celebrated harness polish. It is a new thing and you will be sure to like it. Agent for Pianos and Organs. Fenelon Falls, May 20th, 189G.â€"14-ly \VIRE DOORS J. T. THOMPSON, Jr., lCARPENTER. Jobbing attended to. Wall Brackets and Easy Chairs made to order. Workshop on Lindsay Street, Near the G. T. It. station, Fenelon Falls. PRUMPTLY seamen Send a stamp forour beautiful book “llowto get. a l’ntent"," What rotltablo to iiivcntf‘and ’rlzeson Patten ts‘.A vice free. ,l‘eesnioderate MARION & MARI ON. EXPERTS Temple Building. 1035 St James St}, Montreafl Theonly firmof Graduate Ilrgiimrs mthc Domi- nion transacting patent business exclusively VVANTEDâ€"Young women and men, or older ones if still young in spirit, of undoubted character, good talkers, amâ€" bitious and industrious, can find employ- ment in a good cause, with $00 per month and upwards, according to ability. Rev. T. S. Linscott, Toronto, Ont. LINDSAY Marble WOrkS. R. CHâ€"KRIBERS is prepared to furnish the people of Lind say and surrounding country with MONUMENTS AND HEADSTONES, both Marble and Granite. Estimates promptlygiven on a1 lkinds of cemetery work. Marble Table Tops,Wash Tops, Mantel Pieces, etc., a specialty. WORKSâ€"In rear 0 the market on Cam- bridge street,opposite Matthews' puking house. Being a practical workman all should lsec his designs and compare prices before purchasingelsewhere. RDBT. CHAMBERS, North of the Town Hal __________________._____â€"â€"-â€"â€" “ QUEEN VICTORIA; Heir Lifeunndt ' "â€"Grent liistor't wor ; se 5 :1 Reign Lord anfcrin intro- Eiisv to make $2021 week, some make twice that. Many make more in spare time than during day at regular employment. This 1 vear‘s Great Sexagennry Celebrations are Books on time; prospeocus Territory going fast. The BRADLEY-GARRETSON CO., Ltd. Tuz‘t.:‘.10, 09’. AUGUST 13TH, 1897.} , NO. :20. 7 ,whteh IS opening up 80,000 acres of :' chmce timber and mineral land along ,5, g the Central Ontario Railway in llast- l l l llllillllll llli lSllitlSS Of my business largely to the reliable character of my WATCH REPAIRING. This department is under my own particular care and supervision,uud 2.: my reputation for perfect workman- ‘5 ship is appreciated by many cns- tomers who send their work hun- :1 dreds of miles. Send your watch to me when you i want it satisfactorily repaired. or. w. seen, The oldest established watch- making business in Lindsay. ' Steamer “Greyhound” SEASON - Will commence her regular trip on MON- DAY, MAY 17th, and will continue during the season. \VILL LEAVE Fenelon Falls at 7.15 a. in. and 2.30 pm. Lindsay at. . .. 10.00 a. In. and 5.30 p.111. ARRIVE Fenelon Falls at 11.45 a. in. and 7.00 p. in. Lindsay at . 9.00 a. m. and 4.15 p. to. Call at Blyth and Pleasant Point when signalled. Fares to Sturgeon Point, Pleasant Point and Blyth, single 20c., return 25c. Fenelon Falls, single 35c., return 500. Season and Family Tickets at a reduced rate. WM. SADLER, WM. FEE, Purser. Captain. The Boom of the Goldbug. By signs of entomology, that rule the pres- sent minute, There isn’t any doubt at all what sort of bug is in it; The June bug, the doodle bug, potato bug and all Have got to skip the trolley, for the gold- bug has the call. From where the Yukon rips along to swell the Behring deeps A wild auriferons rallying cry to echoing welkin leaps, And from the heart of everywhere beneath the spreading sky The goldbug and his larva rise unto the rallying cry. A g10w of hope is on his eighteen-carat appetite, He multiplies each minute of each fleeting day and night ; And, like a swelling avalanche that never sways nor swerves, He launches out to burrow in Alaska’s rich preserves. ' So let the coleoptera stand back and give him room, There is no hug of all the bugs can match the goldhug's boom; For, like a certain other bug conspicuous in fame, Although he has no wings at all he’ll ” get there just the same.” Our Mining Resources. OPINION 0F EXPERTS ON EASTERN ON- TARIO DEPOSIT. (Montreal ll’t'tness.) “We have in Hastings county thou- sands of acres of land that. carry choice minerals of every kind, such as gold. silver, lend, asbestos, nickel, garnet etc . and people need not go thousands of miles away from the old Provinces of Ontario and Quebec to engage in prof- itable mining, under conditions, too, which entail untold hardships and pri vations,” remarked Mr. C. S. Sander- son, of Ormsby, Out, to a ll’i'tncss re- porter. while in the city a day or two ago, in company with Mr. Weddell of Trenton, Ont. “ And, as we are not selling any stock, I am not. giving you any boom talk," continued Mr. Sander- son. “ Yes, and this has been one re- sult of the fires which have laid portions of the country bare, so that we can now see the rocks, and as a consequence have discovered that they are very rich in minerals,” added Mr. Weddell. Mr. Sanderson is the manager of the Anglo-American Mining Company, iugs county. and he feels certain that there are tltil'!>RUtlS of tons of mineral- bearing;r quattz veins anywhere from three to a hundred or more feet wide. They have cut across twenty lcet in places, and cannot: find any side to the veins. Mr. Sanderson also states that tiny have mountains of iron, but they place very little dependence upon it. be- cause the priccs are so extremely low that they cannot see their war clear to operate at the present time. The claims of Messrs. Sanderson and \l'cddell were also borne out; by Mr. Miller. at the recent mining conveulion in this city, when he declared that this district had not received fair treatment so far, and that some years ago. when these depos- its were Iirst opened, little was known about arsenical ores and dilliculties were naturally met with, and the own- ers appeared to have lost courage, and worked the mines more with the inten- tion of selling them than of trying to make a profit. Mr. Miller also men- tioned that he had visited the Deloro mine in Marmora township, and at a depth of 180 feet. the vein was found to be still wull defined. The Delora mine is now being worked by an English syn- dicate, who have one hundred and fifty men employed there night and day. Near by is the mine which Mr. A. \V. Carscallen, M. 1)., has sold to an Eug- lish syndicate from Newcastleon-Tyoe for $55,000, and adjoining this is the Ledyard mine, where a shaft has been sunk 'to a depth of one hundred and fifty feet. In Malone township there is the Crescent mine, owned by Montreal par- ties, where a mill has been erected at a. cost of $20,000. The Gladstone prop- crty, owned by Mr. Henry lorby, ex- M. P., and Mr. Robert Weddell, is about thirty miles from Trenton, and is one of the richest mines in North Hast~ ings. It; carries heavy lree gold,\wlticlt has run from $22 to $250 a ton. There has been $00,000 already taken out. This vein of free gold is ten feet wide, and has already been traced for more than 1,400 feet. The shaft is now down eighty feet, and several crosscuts Show the ore standing right out. The gold can be panned right out of the dust. The Eldorado, or the old Richardson mine. in Madoc township, where some years ago $300,000 were taken out of one pocket in a very short time, and which was afterwards closed, is now in working order again. Adjaining this is the St. Charles Weddell mine, which, under test, has préduccd from $50 a ton of pure gold and upward The con- centrates Show four ounces of gold to the ton on a basis of ten percent. of the ore, and the tailings which have been left through an imperfection of the mill have shown 37 a ton. There will Short- ly be a further test of one. hundred tons of ore now in store at the mill. The shaft is now sunk to a depth of thirty feet, and it is proposed to :10 down one hundred feet. A building' 42 x 26 feet is in course of construction here. The Bannockburn mine is also being operat- ed on a large scale, and a tunnel is be~ inc made. Adjoining this is the Wed- dell mine. where galoua and gold, tlto reporter was informed, are found equal in richness to anythin‘.r that has been found in liossland, B C. Zuger township is quite rich in min~ urals, and a carload of ore now lies at: Mill bridge station for a test. Shafts fifty feet deep are sunk in the Weddell and Chard mines. True II'IBIII'C veins are to be found here, and the ore runs seventy-live per cent. of lead and fifteen ounces of silver. In Limerick township. near ()rmsby, there is practically a mountain of unr- net ore, and the reporter was shown a small piece which was literally studded with the gem. There are hundreds of quartz veins in the township that carry different classes of metals that have proved veiy satisfactory on easy. The reporter was also informed that an excursion had been tendered to the British Association, which meets in Toronto next month, to visit the mines of Hastings County, and it had been accepted. Mr. William Kelly of Marmara, who has also been in town, stated that about a month ago he had met -.\I r. ltathbonc, the celebrated geological expert. who was sent out by a rich London company I of South Africa and who was tlu re , during tthaineson raid,aod Mr. Hall)- 1 bone had stated, after he had examined several properties in Marmara, that the district was equal to anything he had seen.

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